Passion Test Report

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! Smith
This is your
Passion Test® Report
Date: 21st
21st July

Your Top Five Passions

Intellect Learning Family Health Career

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
! Congratulations!
! You’ve discovered your top
! five passions (for now)
! You’ve taken the first step in creating your passionate, tuned in,
! turned on life. Here are the top five passions you’ve identified
(together with the degree to which your life is aligned to these
passions today:

Intellect (1 out of 10)

I am surrounded by, smart, intellectual stimulation that
keeps me challenged

Learning (1 out of 10)

I am learning and growing my knowledge and skills every

Family (1 out of 10)

I am spending quality time with my loving family, in
happiness and connection

Health (2 out of 10)

I am radiating vibrant health and vitality, with a healthy
diet and lifestyle

Career (0 out of 10)

I am excelling in a successful career that inspires and
excites me

In this Passion Test Report, you will learn what this means, together
with the steps to align your life to live fully in your passion every day.
Imagine a life in which you are living all five of these each day at
closer to a 10 out of 10. How would a life like that feel to you?

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
! Your Passion List
! The  human  brain  can  only  hold  5-­‐7  things  in  mind  at  one  time.  Put  
! your  attention  on  living  your  top  5  passions  and  you’ll  discover  all  the  
! others  tend  to  come  along  as  well.  For  your  reference,  you  chose  your  
! top  5  from  the  following  short  list  of  15  passions:  
! Learning Connection

! I am learning and growing my knowledge I have a strong sense of connection to

! and skills every day everything around me

! Fun Business

! I am having fun and feeling great with

laughter, energy and excitement
I am energized and engaged in a
successful and profitable business

Health Intellect
I am radiating vibrant health and vitality, I am surrounded by, smart, intellectual
with a healthy diet and lifestyle stimulation that keeps me challenged

Career Awareness
I am excelling in a successful career that I am in a blessed state of consciousness
inspires and excites me and high awareness

Family Balance
I am spending quality time with my loving I am living a life of balance, rhythm and
family, in happiness and connection harmony in mind, body and spirit

Achievement Control
I am living a life of achievement in setting I am in control of the things around me with
and achieving my dreams everything in its place

Relaxation Freedom
I am enjoying a fabulous life of peaceful I am living with a strong sense of freedom
rest and relaxation and unbound spirit

I am being highly productive and making
the most of my time and talents

When you align your life to your passions, you begin following the
path you align youryour
to discover life todestiny:
your passions,
A life youthat
path to discover
your destiny: easy,
A life fun
that and unstoppable.
is exciting, Your
fulfilling, fifteen passions
purposeful, easy, fun and five
and unstoppable.
Your fifteen passions and five top passions are likely to change over time,the
top passions are likely to change over time, and as you begin and as you
process of aligning your life to your passions, you can go back and
begin the process of aligning your life to your passions, you can go back and take the
take the test again to change your top passions and personal passion
test again to change your top passions and personal passion statements.
Simply return to or

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
! Your Path to Your Passions
Read over this list of top five passions. Imagine a life where you are living
these passions every day. If it feels great to you, then you’re ready for the
next step - aligning your life to your passions.
If your list doesn’t light you up yet, give yourself a couple days, then take
the Passion Test again. We find that it’s not unusual for people to have to
take the Passion Test 4-5 times before their passions stop shifting around
and become stable.
For those first few times, it may seem like every time you take the Test,
you have a different set of top 5 passions. But each time you go through
the process, you’ll go deeper. You’ll discover more about what really
matters to you. As you do, your top 5 will stop shifting around. You’ll
realize, “Oh, this is what I REALLY care about.”
Then you’re ready to go through the other steps in the Passion Test
Process. They’re all laid out for you in the Passion Test mission on
GeniusU. Simply log in and follow the steps in the mission:

! your top passions
When you know what you love doing most, you can begin the steps to design
your life to be fulfilling, vibrant, full of energy and purpose

! with your passion circles
When you connect with others who share the same passions as you, you’ll find
resources, strategies and opportunities to light your own path forward

! your passion markers
By setting the right markers for each of your passions, you will have clear
milestones to focus and energize you on your journey

! your life and learning
On GeniusU, you can take missions that align to your passions, and you can
discover your genius, combining what you do best with what you love most

! the 30 day ritual challenge
Discover the power of ritual by using a simple 3 minute daily ritual to make
one significant change in the next 30 days to align your life with your passions
and purpose

You can take these five steps right now on the Passion Test Mission on
GeniusU, our online university for transformation and entrepreneurship.

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
Your Passion Wheel
Did you know that each of your passions have different energies? That’s
why it can sometimes be very exhausting being in an environment or
around someone who is pursuing a different passion - unless we are
aware of it. Here is how your Top 5 Passions are related to the seasons. In
the coming pages you will learn what this means:


40% 20%

40% 0%

Intellect Learning Family Health Career

Winter Spring Autumn Autumn Winter
Passion Passion Passion Passion Passion

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
! The Five Frequencies
We each have personal passions (what we love most) and personal talents
(what we do best). When you combine the Passion Test with the Genius
Test, you can follow your natural path, doing what you love most and do
best. As you team up with others, you need to team up with people who
share the same passions and have different talents.
The Genius Test uses the four seasons and five Chinese elements to
explain how we learn, lead, live and love most naturally. When studying a
wide cross section of people taking the Passion Test, we found that all
their passions fit into the same 30 broad categories, and these also fit into
the same five frequencies. Knowing which are your natural frequencies
allows you to create the right environment, community and activities to
live your passions most naturally.

Spirit Passions

Spirit passions include spirit, awareness, connection, balance, religion

and service. It has the energy of ‘water’ - the desire to ‘flow’. People with
strong spirit passions love activities that link them to the ‘why’ - a sense
of purpose and connection to a greater whole. They will be energized and
fulfilled in environments and around people that let them bring out their
love of giving and connecting to spirit. They will be exhausted in
environments that are overly busy or seem full of meaningless mayhem.

Spring Passions

Spring passions include learning, teaching, creativity, art, sport and

achievement. It has the energy of ‘wood’ - the desire to ‘grow’. People with
strong spring passions love activities that link them to the ‘what’ - a
uniqueness in their creativity and achievement. They will be energized
and fulfilled in environments and around people that give them freedom
to create and go their own way. They will be exhausted in environments
that tie them down to routine and anonymous existence.

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
Summer Passions

Summer passions include fun, friends, community, leadership, fame and

freedom. It has the energy of ‘fire’ - the desire to ‘glow’. People with
strong summer passions love activities that link them to the ‘who’ -
building relationships and connecting with people. They will be energized
and fulfilled in environments and around people that bring out their
sense of fun and freedom. They will be exhausted in environments that
require too much analysis, detail and monotonous measures.

Autumn Passions

Autumn passions include family, partners, health, environment, travel

and relaxation. It has the energy of ‘autumn’ - the desire to ‘slow’. People
with strong autumn passions love activities that link them to the ‘when
and where’ - in harmony with their health, their loved ones and their
surroundings. They will be energized and fulfilled in environments that
keep them grounded and connected. They will be exhausted in
environments of constant disruption and change.

Winter Passions

Winter passions include control, intellect, wealth, business, career and

productivity. It has the energy of ‘metal’ - the desire to ‘know’. People
with strong winter passions love activities that link them to the ‘how’ -
gaining an understanding of structure and systems. They will be
energized and fulfilled in environments and around people that enable
them to grow clarity and control. They will be exhausted in environments
of chaotic crowds and constant distractions.

On GeniusU you can learn more about the five frequencies, and how to
connect with others who share the same passions as you.

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
The Passion Test
Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood are the creators of the
Passion Test and the authors of the New York Times
Bestseller, “The Passion Test, The Effortless Path to
Discovering your Life Purpose.” They have partnered
with Roger James Hamilton, creator of the Genius Test and
GeniusU, to bring you this online version of the Passion Test.
We each have things we love the most (our passions) and
things we do the best (our talents). When you combine your
results from the Passion Test with your results from the
Genius Test, you are on your way to designing a life that fits
your passions and your talents.
When you learn the passions and talents of those around you,
you can serve them better and build your ideal team - where
you share the same passions but different talents.
Here’s an extract from the book, “The Passion Test”:

! Your Attention
What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life.
You are constantly creating your life. We all are. We create life out of the things to which
we give our attention. And you attract into your life more of what you put attention on.
If your attention is on all the things you don’t have, all the problems in your life, all the bad
things that are happening to you, then you are creating more of that.
If you want more problems, more challenges, more unhappiness, then give attention to
those things. If you want more passion, fulfillment and joy in your life, then give your
attention to the things that create those feelings.
Out of fear, people focus on what they don’t have. They’re afraid they won’t have enough
money or they’ll get sick or there will be a disaster. One of our favourite sayings is, “Fear is
vividly imagining exactly what you don’t want to happen, happening.”
Focusing on what you don’t want is a habit. Whenever you notice that you are focusing on
something in a negative way, just say “cancel” and replace that thought with something you
choose to create.

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
Let’s try it right now. Put down the book and close your eyes. Imagine something you fear
could happen to you. As soon as it appears, say “cancel” and shift your attention to the
opposite. Isn’t that just as likely? You can shift your life just as easily.
Your Passion Score
Would you like a simple way to discover where you’ve been putting your attention up
until now? Okay, you’ve twisted our arms, here it is.
Go through the top five passions you identified from your Passion Test and rate each one
on a scale of 0 to 10. Zero means you’re not living that passion in your life at all. Ten
means you are fully living it.
Go ahead and do that now.
Did you notice any significant differences in the score? Most people do.
The passions that have low scores are the ones you haven’t given as much attention to.
The passions with high scores have received a lot of your attention.
Could it happen that you think you’ve been giving a lot of attention to something and the
score is still low? Possible. If you think that’s the case, look carefully at where your
attention has really been.
For example, suppose one of your passions is to own a multimillion-dollar business.
You’ve been working on your business for several years, and it’s still just getting by,
barely supporting you. Doesn’t sound like a 10 does it?
So you say “I’ve been putting lots of attention on my business, and it’s still just getting
Go back and think about where you have really been putting your attention. Has your
attention been fully focused on the value you are providing your customers? Have you
been fully focused on treating each customer with honor and respect so they go away
grateful for having the chance to do business with you? Have you been putting your
attention on all the successes and profits that are flowing to you?
Or has your attention gone to all the bills you have to pay? Or how unreasonable some
customers are? Or how little you have left over at the end of each month? Or how deeply
in debt you are?
When we say, “What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life,” we don’t
mean that putting attention in some generalized, fuzzy, nonspecific way will make the
things you want appear in your life. We mean what you give attention to, every moment
of every day, day in and day out, determines what is created in your life.

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
If your attention is on all the things you can’t have and can’t do, then you won’t have
them and you won’t be able to do them. If your attention is on the benefits, blessings, and
good fortune flowing into your life, then you will find more and more of those things
showing up.
If you are really honest with yourself, you will discover that where you put your attention
is creating the results you are experiencing in your life.
The great news is that where you place your attention is primarily a habit. Given about
twenty-one days of consistently applying a new behaviour, you can change any habit. All
that is required is the will to make the change.
If you find you’re having trouble changing the habit of thinking about the problems,
difficulties, or challenges in your life, here’s another useful technique.
Get a rubber band and put it on your wrist. Wear it seven days a week, twenty-four hours
a day, for at least thirty days. Every time you have a thought that you know is not creating
what you want in your life, pull the rubber band away from your wrist and let it snap back
against your skin. Ouch!
Yes, you’ll feel it. And that tactile reminder will help train your mind that these types of
thoughts don’t deserve you.
Do this for a month and you’ll find you have taken a big step in breaking the habit of
putting your attention on the things that create unhappiness and failure in your life.
Your Clarity
The power to create the life you choose to live.
The Passion Test is all about helping you get a level of clarity about what really matters to
you that you’ve probably never had before. Because most of us grow up in a world that
puts money before passion, it’s not surprising that many people struggle to find their
The Passion Test will start to open your heart to what’s truly important, but don’t be
surprised if the first time you take the Test it doesn’t feel like you’ve gotten to the heart of
the matter.
Be patient.
The rewards are worth it as Kimber Smith-Fidler shares:
My husband and I started reading and following the steps in The Passion Test in 2006.

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
While both of us had separate goals, I just wanted to share that your wisdom in the
book works wonders...if you let it work within you.
We started out being over $500,000 in debt, our business was in a rocky spot, our
relationship was unfulfilling and our lives were just...well, beige --colorless and bland.
We are now "in the black" financially (even in these tough times), our
business has grown in ways we'd have never expected -- and our personal lives are
happy, rewarding, blessed.
The Secret That Guarantees a
Passionate Life
“Whenever you’re faced with a choice, a decision, or an opportunity,
chose in favor of your passions.”
Do this consistently and you WILL find yourself living a life that is not only filled with
activities you’re passionate about, but you’ll also discover your life feels incredibly
You see, your passions are like breadcrumbs, leading you on to fulfill your purpose for
being alive. When you choose consistently in favor of your passions, your life will feel
rich, fulfilling, and rewarding. That’s because life is set up so you feel wonderful when
you’re aligned with your life’s purpose, and you begin to suffer when you’re not. You
don’t have to consciously know “this is my purpose for being alive.” When you’re aligned
with the unique design for your life, you’ll feel like everything’s right in the world.

Do you have your copy yet?
Buy a copy of the Passion Test book at:
To get the very best companion for the next step in your journey, buy a copy of the
Passion Test book. It is full of stories and exercises to help you at each step of the
Passion Test Mission on GeniusU.
You’ll be joining the tens of thousands of people who have already bought and read
the book to discover a life of passion. Read it then share it, along with the Passion
Test and GeniusU, with everyone around you that you believe deserves to be living
a life of passion. Read the reviews, and buy the ebook on Amazon at

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
Your Hidden
Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood’s latest book, “The
Hidden Riches, Unleashing the power of ritual to
create a life of meaning and purpose.” is the next step
on from the Passion Test.
Take the Passion Test Mission on GeniusU, and you will find
out just how important the power of ritual is in keeping you on
the path of your passions - and what it means to create
enlightened wealth.

!The key to creating enlightened wealth

You CAN have everything you’ve dreamed about when you combine your passions with
your unique genius to serve the needs of others in a way they find valuable. This is how you
monetize your passions. That’s why you’ll want to complete Roger James Hamilton’s New
York Times Bestselling book “The Millionaire Master Plan” if you haven’t already.
But to create a life of ‘enlightened wealth’ requires one more element. Enlightened wealth
means every part of your life is rich and full—your finances, your relationships, your
health, your family life, and your career.
In a world of ringing phones, dinging texts, never-ending emails, and ever-growing to-do
lists, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed and life is no longer the joyful, fun adventure it was
meant to be. That’s why successful people in every area use rituals to perform at their best,
stay calm even under intense pressure, and create a balanced life.
If the word “ritual” brings up memories of unbearable, meaningless, holiday dinners with
family members who can barely talk to each other, we invite you to consider rituals in a
new light. We’re not talking about religious rituals or superstitions. Nor are we referring to
simple habits.
Rituals, as we use them here, are “conscious, intentional acts you choose to make habitual
because they improve your life.”
When World Cup Soccer player, Leighton Barnes, unties and ties his shoes every time he
goes on the playing field, he’s not just superstitious. He uses this simple ritual to separate
his everyday life from his life on the field. His ritual helps him get in the mindset to
perform at his best and to stay focused even when thousands of fans are screaming in the

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
Why does Simon Cowell climb a tree every day? The obvious reason is to stay in shape. It’s
also likely that this activity is so unlike those in the rest of his life that it gives him a break
from the pressure of a hectic schedule.
What makes rituals of the very successful different from other types is that they are
meaningful to the person doing them, even if they make no sense to anyone else.
Everyday rituals will help you manage your time, your energy, and your thinking. We’ll
spend more time on how to incorporate meaningful rituals in your daily routine later in
this mission. For now, think about what rituals would have meaning for you. Here’s some
• Take a minute before you get out of bed to set your intention for the day
• While you’re taking your morning shower, think about what you’re grateful for
• Play the Appreciation Game regularly with someone you care about (take turns saying,
“What I love and appreciate about you is… and the reason I appreciate that is because…)
• Take a few minutes at the end of the day to journal about what went well today (even if it
felt like a “bad” day, we guarantee there were some things you can find that went well
and from The Passion Test: “What you put your attention on grows stronger in your
Get your copy of “Your Hidden Riches” at:
! Join the Passion Test Community
With over 1,400 Passion Test facilitators in more than 50 countries, The Passion Test has
become the #1 tool used worldwide to discover passion and connect with purpose. Today
it’s used in businesses to identify a company’s “unique contribution” and company
passions (the things that matter most for the company to make its unique contribution), to
help managers and employees discover their work passions, and then to create alignment
between what matters to the company and what matters to the employees.
The Passion Test is used in schools to help kids from age 9 on up to discover their passions
and start choosing in favor of them from an early age so they don’t have to spend years in
work that they detest when they get older. Programs have also been designed for kids in
lockdown detention centers and for homeless shelters.
If one of your passions is to give and contribute in a meaningful way to the lives of others,
we encourage you to consider becoming a certified Passion Test facilitator and add this
simple, powerful process to whatever you are already doing.
For information on what’s involved, please go to:

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.
Your Next Steps
Take the Passion Test mission on GeniusU
The Passion Test mission on GeniusU will help you align yourself and your
life to your passions. You can supplement this step-by-step path with a
copy of the Passion Test book, which you can buy at:

Connect with our online community

Connect with others who share the same passions as you, and take the
Genius Test to share both your passions and talents with others:
Connect on GeniusU
Visit Janet & Chris’ Passion Test site at
Visit their new Hidden Riches site at

Take further learning missions

Over the coming year you will see new learning missions being launched on
GeniusU, that will be recommended to you based on your passions and
talents. GeniusU is designed to support you with a personalized path based
on who you are, where you are and where you want to go. Make the most of
it and share the journey with those around you!

The  Passion  Test  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Enlightened  Alliances,  LLC,  
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take the Passion Test Mission, and
GeniusU Learning Missions that align with your passions and your genius.

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