2017 Test Ajk PSC

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Question No.14. A web cookie is a small piece of data

sent from a website and stored in user's web browser while a user is browsing a website sent frorn user and
stored in the server while a user is browsing a website
c) sent from root server to all servers
d) noneofthementioned Question No.15. Which one of the following protocol is used to send mail
e) SMTP c) Internet message access protocol
b) post office protocol (d) all of the mentioned
Question No.16. Which of the following is correct about REStrul web services?
a) Web services based on REST Architecture am unman as RESTful web services.
b) These web services use HTTP methods to implement We concept of REST a•shitecture.
c) A RESTful web service usually defines a URI, Uniform Resource Identifier a service, provides
resource representation such as JSON and set of HTTP Methods.
All of the above.
Question No.17. How many bytes will a pointer jump when the following statements am run ptr;

a) 4
b) 2 d) 8
Question No.16. A block of memory is allocated using new operator in the free store, and the_________is
returned by new
a) Value c) Object
Address of the reserved memory block d) All of above
Question No.19. Which is called the specialized member function of a class that cannot be overloaded?
a) Constructor c) Destructor
b) Setter functions d) Friend functions
Question No.20. Which of the following is true for constructors,
a) A class can havo only one constructor method — - -
b) A constructor must be declared tor each Gass.
c) Every parameterized constructor is default constructor
d) Default argument constructor and parameterized constructor can be declared for the same class
Question No.21. Which of the following options the compiler would reject for the following the C++ declaration?
class A
public: int x;
proteded: int y;

Gass B: public At void f() (o= y; )1;

class B t void f)) ( A a; a.x = a.y;))
a) class 13: public A(); class C: public B (void ( x =
b) None of the above
c) No.22 Virtual functions allow you to
d) Create an array of type pointer-to•base cuss that can held pointers ,o derived classes.
Question Create functions that can never be accessed.
Group objects of different classes so they can be accessed by the same function code. Use
the same function call to execute member function of objects from different classes
c) No.23 Protected data member in base class using private
d) inheritance becomes
Protected in derived class c) Inaccessible in derived class
Private in derived class d) Public in derived class
a) No.24 Which of the following are good reasons to use an object
orient. language? You can define your own data types
a) An object oriented program can be taught to correct its own errors
b) It is easier to conceptualize en object oriented program
You can define your own data types and It is easier to conceptualize an object oriented
C) program


Question No.25. Printer spool is an example of application of

a) Stacks c) Linked lists
b ) Queue d) Graphs
Question No.26. The postfix form of the expression A-E3/(C . D^E) is
a ) A B C D P 1 - c) AB-CDEA1
b ) ABCDP^f- d) ABODE,/
Question No.27. Given the code fragment
int data;
NodeType" next;

NodeType . p;
NodeType . q;
p = new NodeType, p-
>data = 12;
p->next = NULL;
q = new NodeType; q-
>data = 5;
q->next = p;
Which of the following expressions has the value NULL?
a) p c) q->next
b) q d) q->next->next
Question 610.28. Ina circular queue we can disambiguate empty from full queues by
a)Using a gap in the array
b ) I nc rem enti ng queue positions by 2 instead of 1
c ) Keeping a count of the number of elements
d)a a n d c
Question No.29. Suppose we have en empty stack of integers and an empty queue of integers to begin
with, what will the following code fragment print?
for (i = 0; i< 50; i+-9 stackPush(i),
for (i = 0; i< 50; i++) queuePut(stackPop());
for (i = 0; i< 50; ice) stackPush(queueGet());
for (i = 0; i< 50; i++) cout<<stackPop();
a)1,2,3...99 c) 0,1,2..50,49,48....0
b ) 99,98,97_, d) 0,1,2,3,...,99.
Question No.30. Which option would be the best one for implementing
"Email is forwarded to your inbcx as it arrives. You want the ability to read the messages in the order, chosen
by you."
a) Queue c) Linked lists
• b) Stack d) Trees
Question No.31. One can convert a Unary tree into its mirror image by traversing it in
a) lnorder c) Postorder
5) Preorder d) Any order
Question No.32. What is the minimum possible number cf children fcr a node in a Binary Tree,
a) 2 cs,
b) 3 d) Cannot be known in advance
Queption No.33. A is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing thouting
information included in the packet
a) Bridge c) Router
b) Firewall d) All of the mentioned
Question No.34. Which one of the following is not 2 function of network layer?
a)Routing c) Congestion control
b ) Forwarding d) None of the mentioned
Question No.35. The IPv4 address consists of
a)Network address c) Both (a) and (b)
b)Nest address ti) None of the mentioned
—4 —
Question No.36. ICMP is primarily used for
a) Error and diagnostic functions c) Forwarding
b) A d d r e s s i n g d) Encryption
Question No.37. Transport layer aggregates data frorn different applications into a single stream before
passing it to
a) Network layer c) Application layer
b ) Data link layer d) Physical layer
Question No.38. When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been changed during the transmission, the
error is called
a) Random error c) Inverted error
b) Burst eiror d) None of the above
Question No.39. This is not an application layer protocol
b ) FTP d) TCP
Question No.40. The function came into being as the result of the implementation model for undo
a)Redo c) Repeat
b)Undo d) Delete
Question No.41. The CPU busy-waits reading the status register of an I/O device
a)Interrupt Driven I/0 operation c) Programmed I/O operation
b)Direct Memory Access (DMA) operation d) All of the above
Question No.42. The activity of concurrent execution ot multiple programs on multiple processors is called
a)Multiprogramming c) Multithreading
b)Multiprocessing d) Multitasking
Question No.43. One of the necessary condition for a deadlock to happens
a) Mutual Exclusion c) No Preemption
b) hlold and Wait d) All of the above
Question No... A misbehaving system component can be easily killed at runtime in a
a)Microkemel OS - _ M,nolithic OS
b)L a y e r e d O S d) All of the above
Question No.45. Larger jobs may go into starvation in the case of
a) Shortest Job First (SJF) c) Round Robin (RR)
b) First Come First Serve (FCFS) d) All of the above
Question No.46. Banker's algorithm is a
a) Deadlock detection algorithm c) Deadlock prevention algorithm
d) None of the above
b) Deadlock avoidance algorithm
Question No.47. Consider three compute bound processes with 10, 20 and 30 units of burst time. Let us
assume that these processes arrive at 0, 2 and 6 units of time respectively. For the Shortest Remaining
Time First (SRTF), how many context switches are needed? Do not consider the context switches
at the time 0 and at the end.
a) 4 c) 2
b) 3 d) 1
Question No.48. The capacity of a memory unit is defined by the number of words rnultiplied by the
nurnber of bits/word. How rnany separate address and data lines are needed for a memory of 4K x
c) 12 address. 16 data tines
a) 10 atdress. 16 data lines
b) 1 address, 8 data lines d) 12 address. 12 data fines
Question No.49. Concepts that describe the details of how data is stored on the computer storage
media aregivenConceptual data modelsby?
c) Representational data models
a )
b) Physical data models d) None of the above
Question No.50. The description of a database such as data-types, constraints etc, a known as:
a)Database Schema c) Dbase St

dc))Npoengata eofeothfaale
e .0i:en ship
b ) Database Instance
Question No.51. The number of participating entity types in a relationship (in databases) is known as?
a) Relationship Instance
d) None of the above
b) Relationship Type

Question No.52. SQL does not automatically eliminate duplicate tufts in the results of queries because
a)Duplicate elimination Is expensive
b)Users may want duplicates
c)Aggregate functions ignore the duplicate values
d)None of the above Question No.53. What is true for DISTINCT qualifier
in SELECT statements
a)DISTINCT is used to return the duplicate rows in the result set
b)It immediately follows WHERE keyword
c)DISTINCT is the default mode of the displaying result set for SQL queries
d)You can specify multiple columns after DISTINCT qualifier
Question No.54. Which operation in relational algebra selects certain columns from the table and discards
the other column.
Question No.55. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about weak entities?
a)A weak entity type always has a total participation constraint with respect to its identifying relationship
b)A weak entity always participates in a non-identifying relationship
c)A weak entity type has a partial key
d)None of the above Question No.56. The correct SQL statement to check all employees whose
name end on letter T is:
a)Select Ename From Employee Where Ename LIKE ___ T
b)Select EnameFrom Employee Where Ename LIKE %T_;
c)Select EnameFrom Employee Where Ename LIKE .%T%.,
d)Select EnameFrom Employee Where Ename LIKE '%T'; Question No.57.
Which factors can be improved in pipelined architecture?
a)Throughput c) Clock
b)Latency d) Both a & b
Question No.58. Which cache mapping technique can give fastest access time:
a)Set Associative c) Direct
b)Full Associative d) All of the above
Question No.59. If Clock = 3.3 KHz, the maximum number of single cycle instruction 8051 can execute in
1 second is
at 2750 inst. c) 1650 inst.
b) 2350 inst. d) None of the above
Question No.60. Stack access belongs to
a) Spatial locality c) Random access
b) Temporal locality d) Both a & b
Question No.61. For a 2 Kbyte cache design, miss rate = 30%, Hit cost = 4 cycles and Miss cost = 20
cycles. The average cost of memory access is;
a) 3.5 cycles c) 8.8 cycles
b ) 4.7 cycles d) 5.2 cycles
Question No.62. In a 5 stage pipetined structure, how many cycles are required to complete 5
a)25 cycles c) 9 cycles
b) 1 5 c y c l e s d) 5 cycles
Question No.63. Cache is
a) Non volatile c) Read only
b) Volatile d) Both b and c
Question No.64. In the following instructions what type of data dependency exists,
ADD R1 R2 R3
a) RAW e) Non of the mentioned
RAR d)


Question No.65. If x and y represent the binary strings

x = 1011 0110
y = 0001 1101
then the result of bitwise XOR is
a)x y = 0001 0100 xa) y = 1010 1011
b)xey= 1011 1111 d) None of the mentioned
Question No.66. A path in a graph 0, which contains every vertex of G once and only once is
a)Eulerian path c) Both a and b
b ) Hamiltonian path d) None of the mentioned
Question No.67. What algorithm technique is used in the Implementation of Kruskal solution for the
minimum spanning tree?
a)Greedy technique c) Dynamic programming technique
b ) Divide and conquer technique d) None of the mentioned
Question No.68. Two balls are randomly selected from a well-shaken box containing seven red balls and
three green balls. What is the probability that both balls are red?
a) 0.72 c) 0.71
b) 0.45 d) 0.46
Question No.69. What is the maximum number of edges that an undirected graph with 5 vertices can
a) 25 c) 32
b) 10 d) 15
Question No.70. The sum of the binomial coefficients Z1k1=o(k) is given by
a) 2" c) -1
b) 211 d) None of the mentioned
Question No.71. Two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo n if and only if the
when a is divided by n is the same as the remainder when b is divided by n. This relation on the set of
integers is:
a)Symmetric c) Reflexive
b)Transitive d) All of the mentioned
Question No.72. Consider the discrete dynamic system given by the difference equation
x[rt 2] = x[n] + x[n + lj
with initial conditions. as 401 = x[1) =1.
If p"4and 4g, then the closed form solution representing x[n] for any Instant n is given by
a)c[n] = c) x[n]

b) x[n] = d) None of the above

Question No.73. The minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52 cards to
guarantee that three cards are from some same suit is?
a) 8 c) 3
b) 9 d) 12
Question No.74. List the following function growth rates in order of increasing complexity.
1o92(n), 2", n2, logio(n), where n is the size of the Input
a) Logio(n), 1o92(0), ri2. 2"
b)Log2(n). 10910(n), n2, 2n
L.92(n), 1.9100). 2° . n2 d) None of above
Question No.75. Theta A notation expresses the
a) Lower bound of a function c) Both a and b
b) Upper bound of a function d) None of the mentioned
Question No.76. Finding the largest item stored in an array of sae n, the growth function is
a) 0(n) c) 0(n2)
b ) 0(nlog n) d) 0(log n)
Question No.77. Worst case for Insertion sort is 0(n2) when n elements are
a) Reverse sorted or der c) Random order
b) Already sorted order d) None of the mentioned


Question No.78. Match the following algorithms with their best lime complexity

(1)Bubble Sort (A) 0(n)

(2)Shell Sort (B) 0(r?)
(3)Selection Sort (C) 0(n log n)
a) 1A , 2 B , 3 C c) 1 B, 2 A, 3 — C
b) 1B , 2 C , 3 A d) 1 A, 2 C, 3 —0
Question No.79. Minimum number of moves required to solve a Tower of Hanoi puzzle with n
disks is
a) 2n-1 c) -1
b)- n d) None of the mentioned
Question No.80. Breadth First search algorithm uses this data structure to continue search in case a
dead - end is encountered
a)Queue c) Linked List
b)Stack d) None of the above
Question No.81. After each iteration in bubble sort
a)At least one element is at its sorted position
b)One less comparison is made in the next iteration
c)Botha and b
' d) None of the mentioned
Question No.82. Which of the following sorting algorithm is of divide-and-conquer type
a)Insertion Sort c) Bubble Sod
b)Q u i c k S o r t d) None of the mentioned
Question No.83. In _____, the resources need to be reserved during the setup phase; the resources
remain dedicated for the entire duration of data transfer phase until the teardown phase.
a)Datagram switching c) Packet Switching
b)Circuit switching d) Frame switching
Question No.84. In _signaling, the same circuit is used for both signaling and
a)In-band signaling c) Mixed
b)Out-band signaling d) All of the above
Question No.85. In cyclic redundancy checking, what is the CRC?
a)The divisor c) The remainder
b)The quotient d) The dividend
Question No.86. In the________method, after the station finds the line idle, it sends its frame
immediately. If the line is not idle, It continuously senses the fine until It finds It Idle.
a)Nonpersistent c) p-persistent
b) 1-persistent d) none of the above
Question No.87. In _, the chance of collision can be reduced if a station senses the medium before
trying to use d.
a)MA c) FDMA
Question No.88. In______ the available bandwidth is divided into frequency bands.
Question No.89. The sharing of a medium and its link by two or more devices is
called: A) Modulation C) Decoding
0) Encoding- 0) Multiplexing
Question No.90. The technique expands the bandwidth of a signal by replacing each data bit with
n bits.
B ) D S S S D ) . T D M
Question No.91. How many layers does the OSI model consist Tisto7

A) 2 C) 4
B) 3 D) 7
Question No.92. The two principal transport layer protocols on the TCP/IP suite are
A)TCP and IP
B)TCP and UDP C) IPv4 and IPv6
D) UDP and IP

Question No.93. Is IP a connection oriented protocol?

C)Only when used in conjunction with TCP
D)Only under rare circumstances
Question No.94. CSMA/CA is a multiple access method used in
A)IEEE 802.1 C) IEEE 802.11
B)IEEE 802.3 D) None of the above
Question No.95. What is the benefit of logical addressing?
A)It helps to identify the network of the addressed computer
B)It helps in routing the message
C)All of the above
D)None of the above.
Question No.96. An IP address is resolved to a MAC address through the
following protocol:
A)Address Resolution Protocol C) Domain Name Service
B)Domain Resolution Protocol D) Actual Resolution Protocol
Question No.97. The following provides the lowest bandwidth and lowest
data rate:
A)Unshielded twisted pair C) Coaxial cable
B)Shielded twisted pair D) Optical Fiber
Question No.98. A name to IP
address translation can be
performed through:
A)Hosts file and/or ARP service C) FAT and/or ARP service
B)FAT and/or DNS service D) DNS and/or hosts file.
Question No.99. An uninitialized pointer in C is called ___________
a)constructor c) wild Pointer
b) dangling pointer d) destructor
Question No.100.The output of the following program will be?

int main()

int k;
k = (1,2,3,4,5);
printf("%d\n", k),
return 0;

a)1,2,3,4,5 c)0
b)(1,2,3,4,5) d)5

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