Fyp Report by Abdullah
Fyp Report by Abdullah
Fyp Report by Abdullah
Supervised by
Electrical Engineering.
quotations which have been duly acknowledged. We also declare that it has not been previously and
concurrently submitted for any other degree or award at Bahria University or other institutions.
Name : Abdullah
Reg No. 70069
We certify that this project report entitled “POWER GENERATION THROUGH WAVE
ENERGY CONVERTERS” was prepared by Syed Aliyyan Imran Ali, Abdullah and Areeb
Hashmi has met the required standard for submission in partial fulfilment of the requirements forthe
Approved by,
Signature :
Date :
The copyright of this report belongs to the author under the terms of the copyright Ordinance 1962 as
qualified by Intellectual Property Policy of Bahria University. Due acknowledgement shall always be
made of the use of any material contained in, or derivedfrom, this report.
my academic and research skills as well as our personal skills. For that, we want to thank all
We would like to thank everyone who had contributed to the successful completion of
this project. We would like to express our gratitude to my research supervisor, Dr. Muhammad
Raza for his valuable advice, guidance and his enormous patience throughout the development
of the research.
In addition, we would also like to express my gratitude to our loving parent and friends
who had helped and given me encouragement. Moreover we would like to thanks to the
administration of my university for allowing us to conduct the experiment, thanks to all the
DECLARATION................................................................................................................................... 2
APPROVAL FOR SUBMISSION ....................................................................................................... 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................... 6
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 10
1.2 BACKGROUND OF WEC ................................................................................................ 11
1.3 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1 Overview of Various Converter Categories ................................................................... 15
(i) Oscillating Body or Buoy Type .......................................................................................... 16
(ii) OWC (oscillating Water column) ...................................................................................... 18
(iii) Over topping Devices .......................................................................................................... 18
1.3.2 Classification Based On Their Size and Orientation ................................................... 19
1.3.3 Power Extraction Method ............................................................................................... 20
1.3.4 Turbine............................................................................................................................. 21
1.3.5 Selection of generator ..................................................................................................... 25
1.4 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................................ 26
1.4.1 Pressure Requirements and Pump Selection ................................................................ 26
1.4.2 Mechanical Structure Design and Implementation ..................................................... 26
1.4.3 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator ................................................................ 27
1.5 GAP ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 27
1.6 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL ..................................................................... 28
1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF PROJECT ............................................................. 29
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................................ 30
2.1 DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY....................................................................................... 30
2.1.1 Fundamental Parameter of Water Waves ..................................................................... 30
2.1.2 Wave Energy Density....................................................................................................... 31
2.1.3 Wave Power Density ....................................................................................................... 31
2.1.4 Power per Meter of Wave Front ..................................................................................... 32
2.2 PARAMETERS RELATED TO WEC ................................................................................ 32
2.2.1 Capture Width................................................................................................................. 32
2.2.2 Capture Width Ratio (CWR) ......................................................................................... 33
2.2.3 Discharge Rate of the Water ........................................................................................... 33
2.2.4 Force on Pump: ............................................................................................................... 34
2.2.5 Force of Friction .............................................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................ 35
DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................... 35
3.1 TANK VOLUME .................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 DOUBLE ACTING PUMP ................................................................................................... 36
3.3 WAVE GENERATING PARAMETERS ............................................................................. 38
3.4 GENERATOR ......................................................................................................................... 39
3.5 OVERALL SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 40
3.6 TURBINE ................................................................................................................................ 42
3.7 CONTROL CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................... 42
3.7.1 Atmega328p ...................................................................................................................... 42
3.7.2 Solenoid Valve .................................................................................................................. 43
3.7.3 Dual Channel Relay ......................................................................................................... 44
3.7.4 16x2 LCD ........................................................................................................................... 44
3.7.5 Flow Meter ....................................................................................................................... 44
3.8 PCB LAYOUT .......................................................................................................................... 46
CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................................... 47
4.1 PROJECT OUTCOMES.......................................................................................................... 47
4.2 RESULT..................................................................................................................................... 48
4.3 FUTURE WORK ................................................................................................................... 51
4.3.1 Power conversion AC to DC............................................................................................ 51
4.4 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 52
REFRENCES....................................................................................................................................... 53
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................... 56
APPENDIX A: Computer Programming .......................................................................................... 56
This project focuses on harnessing water wave energy by using the double-acting pumps
(DAPs) as wave energy converters (WEC). In this project DAP are used as a WEC device to
take out the pressurized fluid from the water, the piston used in a pump move linearly by the
action of the water waves, In this project water waves are generated in a large water tank in
which a block is hanged and moved upward and downward in a water by the support of the
pulley and a block shape is triangular with a curved front surface and block is made by a nylon
material. In this project a primary part is the water wave generation mechanism through which
a floating carpet will float in a water surface, a floating carpet is main component for this project
which transfer the amount of required force for the movement of the piston of DAP in linear
motion. The rod of the piston is rigidly connected with the carpet and move along with it.
Double acting pumps are designed in such a way that it extract water when piston compress
and retract in a full water wave cycle. These DAPs offer a more efficient approach to generating
pressurized fluid, which, in turn, powers a turbine for electricity generation. Unlike traditional
wave energy conversion methods that can be complex and costly, DAPs represent a promising
and streamlined solution. After that installing a piston in a bottom of the tank or in ocean surface
(real scenario) is termed as “Mooring”, it must be strong enough to bear the pressure of the
water in a bottom area of the tank and more rigid. The secondary part of the project is the
second tank in which the water is collected and then fall on to the turbine. Moreover in this
project we also implement the control system for the flow measurement and controlling of
This project aims to work on the WEC (Wave Energy conversion) technology by using
the method of power take-out through converters. A wave energy converter (WEC) is a device
designed to capture and convert the kinetic energy of ocean waves into usable form of energy,
typically electricity. The basic principle behind a wave energy converter is to harness the
movement of water particles caused by the rise and fall of waves in the ocean which could be
an effective way to extract the power from the ocean waves. In this project double acting pumps
will be used as wave energy converters, the double acting pumps are more suitable to get
pressurized fluid which will be used to rotate the turbine. Double Acting Pumps (DAPs) have
emerged as a promising and efficient mechanism for converting wave motion into usable
Unlike conventional methods, which often rely on complex and costly systems. The
goal of today’s wave energy converters, the first devices were meant to compress air or pump
water. Recent technological improvements have enabled engineers to use the compressed air
in an OWC device to drive a turbine and the water pumped by a point absorber to run a
generator. Table 1 breaks down the different ocean energy conversion devices into two main
categories [1].
There is a large number of concepts for wave energy conversion; over 1000 wave
energy conversion techniques have been patented in Japan, North America, and Europe [1].
Despite this wide range in design, WECs are typically divided into several types and locations.
Many innovators have been inspired by the possibility of converting wave energy into useable
energy; by 1980, more than 1000 patents had already been filed [2].
Table 1 Ocean Energy Classification
As seen from Table 1 there are two fundamental types of Wave Energy Converters
(WEC), although some authors have broken down these types into even more classifications
based on their orientation and functionality. The first type of WEC to get attention from the
research community is the turbine type while buoy-type converters are a newer idea. Both have
operational prototypes, some of which have even been commercialized [1] e.g. CETO5.
energy development. He developed a navigation buoy equipped with a wave-driven air turbine.
Such buoys are the components of the oscillating water column (OWC) [3].The 1973 oil crisis
sparked a significant shift in the scenario of renewable energies and increased interest in wave
energy generation on a full-scale. In 1974, Stephen Salter introduced wave energy to the
A new wave energy technology CETO 5 prototype with 5MW peak design capacity,
developed by Carnegie has been installed in Fremantle between Garden Island and the Five
Fathom Bank, Perth, Western Australia, which was the world’s first wave energy project that
produced energy and desalinated water together in the same time at commercial scale
(Australian Renewable Energy Agency,2018). The project work started in 2010 and was
completed by 2015 and connected with the grid to provide power for around 3,500 homes
(Power Technology, 2018).To harness energy from waves, the CETO system uses buoys and
the pressure difference of the buoy forces the piston inside the hydraulic cylinder to move and
push the water through underwater pipes that then drive a hydroelectric turbine to generate
electrical energy. In the reference, there were 53 different wave energy technologies listed [6].
They are often categorized according to the type of conversion. In references, the WEC
Among various renewable energy resources, wave energy shows great potential in
bridging the gap between the rhetoric of carbon reduction and the increasing energy demand,
being a relatively untapped resource, with the global wave resource in the range 1–10 TW.
However, the exact global estimate of extractable wave power is debatable [4]. The theoretical
Estimate of global wave power is about 32,000 TWh/year (with a mean power of 3.65 TW).
In terms of the usable wave power resource, excluding areas with wave power level < 5 kW/m,
the global estimate is around 3 TW [5], while the mean wave power experienced by global
oceanic coastlines is about 2.11 TW [6]. The assessment method and data in are used by the
Ocean Energy Systems (OES) and the International Renewable Energy Agency, with an
estimate of 29,500 TWh/year, which exceeds global electricity consumption in 2018, around
22,315 TWh with two-thirds mix from fossil fuels. Together with other renewable resources,
wave energy can play an import role in satisfying both the requirements of carbon emission
reduction, and energy supply increase. Thus, OES member countries plan to achieve over 300
GW of installed wave/tidal capacity, create 680,000 direct jobs and save 500 Mt of carbon
Compared with other renewable resources, especially solar and wind power, the
advantages of wave power are multiple: (i) Wave power is characterized by a high-energy
density, over 10 times that of wind and solar power [10]. (ii) Wave power has a high
availability, up to 90%, while the availability of wind and solar is generally in the range 20–
30% [11]. (iii) Wave energy technology has little impact on the environment [12, 13]. (iv) Wave
energy output can also be integrated with existing wind or solar power plants as a
complementary resource for smoothing power output and reducing variability [14–19]. (v)
Wave power is more predictable [20, 21], giving more flexibility for regional or national power
Despite the enormous potential of wave power, currently active wave capacity is as
small as 2.31 MW [8, 22], and these operating wave energy projects are focused on research
and demonstration. Currently, wave energy technology is at its ‘infant’ age, and there is no
fully commercial scale wave energy converter (WEC) farm in operation, even though hundreds
of WECs have been developed [23]. Crucially, there still exist several technical and non-
(0.1 Hz, i.e., low velocity) oscillating motion and large force (1 MN). This requires extremely
reliable structures and power take-off (PTO) systems and, consequently, high capital
expenditure (CapEx). (ii) WECs operate in an offshore environment, with high installation,
operation and maintenance costs. Thus, the operating expenditure (OpEx) is relatively large.
(iii) The wave power resource varies on both a wave-by-wave, hour-by-hour, and siteby-site
manner, in terms of wave frequency, height, direction, spectrum and power level, resulting in
disparate WEC concepts without any convergence, diluting the efforts of research and
development (R&D) and commercialization. (iv) Extreme sea conditions occur from time to
time, and the possibility of structural failure and device loss is relatively high. This adds extra
risk for the finance sector to invest in WEC technology. (v) Currently, WEC technology is
characterized by low maturity, high uncertainty and risk, and requires significant initial capital,
which further discourages private investors. That is, diminishing private and public investments
has been playing the most important recent role in advancing WEC technology by stimulating
R&D activities.
Many devices have been proposed to achieve the conversion of wave energy into
electricity. Various hydraulic or pneumatic power conversion systems are used, and in some
cases, the mechanical motion induced by the wave energy is converted directly to electrical
power (direct-drive) [14]. Mainly the direct drive can be implemented by using the linear
generators. These devices can be bottom-mounted or floating and vary in size, orientation, and
distance from shore. Wave power has high availability, being available up to 90% of the time,
while the availability of solar and wind power ranges from 20% to 30% [8].
In general, current WEC technologies or devices have not yet demonstrated their
capability to harness enough wave energy at a low enough cost at commercial scale. Based on
simplistic estimates of the levelised cost of energy (LCoE), some early stage WEC concepts,
for example, the M4 device [24, 25], have showed their possibility to achieve a low LCoE for
some specific installation sites. Further, geometric optimization can improve WEC’s
extreme waves. On the other hand, sophisticated control approaches can significantly improve
power capture, while marginally increasing the CapEx and, hence, dramatically reduce the
LCoE [26]. However, WEC hydrodynamics and control are inherently and non-linearly
Wave energy converter (WEC) are classified based on its working principle and size
and orientation. There are also different methods for PTO power take out in WEC. Mainly
WEC also categorized based on its location. E.g. offshore, near shore, onshore. Below figure.1
Shows the categories of wave energy converters based on the mechanism, (a) Oscillating body
or buoy type including three popular applications: heaving body, oscillating wave surge
converter (OWSC) and articulated body. (b) Oscillating water column (OWC) including
floating and fixed type. (c) Overtopping including floating and fixed type [9]. Based on
operating principle in (Fig.1), WECs can be classified as oscillating body, OWC and
overtopping devices.
(i) Oscillating Body or Buoy Type
Oscillating bodies are arrangements of physical structures that move with waves and
capture their kinetic energy [21]. An oscillating body or buoy type WEC converts wave motion
into device oscillations to generate electricity. Some oscillating WECs are developed with
multi-modes to absorb more energy. For simplification, see in Fig.1 there are three main sub-
categories are further classified in this work based on the WEC’s dominant oscillating mode:
(1) heaving body or tube type, which is driven by wave action to oscillate in vertical motion
example Double Acting Pumps; (2) oscillating wave surge converter (OWSC) that rotates
around a hinged axis parallel to the wave crests; (3) articulated body that is oriented parallel to
the wave direction and produces relative rotation between adjacent segments [10].
The buoy type wave energy converter is also known as a “point absorber” [11], because
it harvests energy from all directions at one point in the ocean. Point absorbers are bottom-
mounted or floating structures that absorb energy from all directions [8]. These devices are
placed at or near the ocean surface away from the shoreline. They may occupy a variety of
ocean depths ranging from shallow to very deep water depending on the WEC design and the
type of mooring used. There are several types of point absorbers (buoy type) with the most
common being the hollow tube type or heaving and the float type, although there are other [10]
forms, our main consideration for this project is the heaving and tube type as we can see in
Wave energy converters (WECs) called point absorbers are buoy-style devices that
collect incoming wave energy from all directions. Offshore, at or near the ocean's surface, they
are positioned. Wave energy is absorbed by a vertically submerged floater and then transformed
into electricity by a piston or linear generator as shown in Fig.2, The Sea based device [12], the
Lifesaver device [13] and the CorPower device [14] are shown as typical examples of floating
The long, cylindrical tube experiences a pressure difference between its top and bottom,
causing water to flow into and out of the open ends The Sea based device is a prominent floating
one-body Point Absorber (PA) [15]. A floating truncated cylinder captures wave energy,
driving a seabed-mounted linear generator via a rope for electricity production (fig.2a) [16]
Fig.2 The Sea based device (a), the Lifesaver device (b) and the CorPower device (c) are shown
as typical examples of floating one-body Point Absorber.
simplified model with heave motion suffices [17]. At full scale, the buoy is 3min diameter, 0.8
m in height, with a 10 kW permanent magnet linear generator [18]. Sea based arrays are
deployable, as shown in a sea trial of a small four-device array addressing power maximization
and another trialin Lysekil show casing limited negative environment an impact[19].
The hollow tube type WEC works on the concept that waves cause pressure variations
at) of the tube. When a wave crest passes above a tube, water will flow down the tube, and
when a wave trough passes above the tube, water will flow up the tube. This flow will push a
piston which may either power a drive belt, a hydraulic system, or a linear generator [1].Fig 3a
shows the FO3 point absorber type setup in the field which is submerged in the deep water. Fig
3b shows Wave Star attenuator (bottom).Wave Star by WaveStarApS [12] Captures motion
energy using movable arms and floaters, converting it to electricity via hydraulics. It's storm-
resistant and has a 600 kW 1:2scale model in Hanstholm, with potential for 6MW scaling [20].
Fig 3a The FO3 point absorber (top) Fig.3b Wave Star attenuator (bottom)
The OWC uses trapped air above a water column to drive turbines for electricity
generation. Fixed OWCs can be sited onshore or embedded into breakwaters, whereas floating
A type of wave energy converter is the overtopping device, which operates somewhat
similar to a hydroelectric dam. The "Wave Dragon" created by Wave Dragon ApS [4].
Overtopping devices cause waves to overtop into a reservoir to generate a head flow and
subsequently drive turbines for electricity generation as shown in Fig.4. Fixed devices can be
sited onshore or integrated into breakwaters. Floating overtopping devices can be installed
offshore [17].
Fig.4 Wave Dragon Overtopping Wave Energy Converter
Based on size& orientation with respect to the wave front (seeFig.4), WECs can be
classified into three types: point absorber (PA), attenuator and terminator. For a PA, its
dimension is much smaller than the incoming wave. For an attenuator, its length is comparable
to or even larger than one wavelength and the device is oriented in parallel with the wave
direction. The width of a terminator is comparable to or even larger than the incident
wavelength and the device is aligned perpendicular to the wave direction .PAs can be seen from
Fig.5, the WEC categorizations based on orientation & size can be further divided into
Fig.5 Categories of WEC technology classified based on their orientation & size and the
sub- categories with respect to working principle.
There are more than thousands of concepts for harvesting wave energy, and wave
energy converters (WECs) are diverse in operating principles as shown in Fig.6 [7], design
Moreover it is important to select the suitable and effective power take out method,
some new PTO technologies have recently been added to the WEC classification. The working
principles of the PTO system with their classification, [14] as shown in Fig.7.
Methods Established like hydraulic motors, turbine transfers, and direct drives are prominent,
while emerging techniques like turboelectric Nano generators and hybrid systems offer
innovative potential." That have been used in the last couple of years to develop the WEC PTO
system [14]. In this project Hydraulic Turbine Method is used for the power extraction, in which
the Double Acting Pump connected with the floating carpet and submerged in the water by the
linear action of the piston a pressurized water comes out from the pump and collected in a tank,
a hydraulic rotation device is a turbine used in this project, then turbine is further coupled with
1.3.4 Turbine
2. A Reaction turbine, with rotating blades curved and arranged so as to generate torque
3. A Gravity turbine is driven essentially by the heaviness of water entering the highest
from nozzles that encompass turbine. The nozzles in this turbine be organized in such a way
that water jet strikes the buckets at the splitters; this gets split into 2 streams at the center of the
bucket. These two streams flow down the inner curve of the bucket and then exits in another
way that it came in. The transform in this water momentum makes this an impulse on the blades
of these turbines, producing torque and the rotation in turbine.[3] In Pelton tube, extreme output
will be acquired whenever water stream is redirected precisely inverse to the course at which it
Turgo turbine, is a modified Pelton turbine which was developed in 1920. Turgo turbine
uses double cups on the wheel which are shallower compared to that of the single cups in the
pelton turbine. Turgo turbine can deal with higher stream rates than that of Pelton. This capacity
to manage enormous water volumes gives Turgo turbine a benefit when utilized in hydroelectric
in general be utilized in more modest sites which can yield a power in between 5-100 kW.
These are helpful for huge scope of pressure driven heads, beginning just 1.75 to 200 meters,
albeit as a rule these are also picked for the heads under 40 meters.[22] Cross flow turbine
A cross flow turbine is planned utilizing an enormous round and hollow system made
out from a central rotor encompassed by a cage of sharp blades to raise the efficiency like a
water wheel shape. Water is aimed onto the turbine with the help of a nozzle that makes water
look like a flat sheet, and afterward is aimed onto the sharp edges utilizing a guide vane. Water
will hit this turbine thrice first on the edges at an appropriate angle to maximize the efficiency
and later to within the turbine and finally once again hits the blades on the exit path of water
from the turbine [2]. Most of the power is generated due to the first hit of water streams on the
turbine with automatic adjusting blades and can be employed in low head, high flow sites.
These turbines can be employed between head range of 10-70 meters and achieve a produce a
To start with, the water is aimed onto the turbine radially, drawing closer from the side.
This is done on the grounds that the generator is normally set up some place alongside the pivot
of the revolution of turbine, so if the generator be located here it would get wet. Instead, the
vanes of the guide rapidly receive the water through a 90o turn so it hits the sharp edges
pivotally. Just as diverting the water, these vanes are adjusted to give the water a fitting measure
electric plants, which can be employed normally with a head range in between 100 to 300
meters, but might also be employed to a head of 2 meters too. These turbines can generate
power as low as few kilowatts around thousand megawatts Also, these are advantageous as
they function excellently when positioned on a level plane similar to that of when they are
arranged vertically.
1.3.5 Selection of generator
A selection of generator is important part for this project, in this project the two
generator are preferable which is Permanent magnet Synchronous generator (PMSG) and
synchronous generator.
PMSG connects to a full-bridge rectifier and DC-DC converter. The power train of a wave
AC/DC machine side converter, a DC bus potentially including energy storage and a DC/AC
grid side converter, as discussed in [23] . The generator charges the DC-link capacitor via a
voltage source converter (VSC) or rectifier and then a voltage source inverter (VSI) is used to
convert the DC-link voltage and current into grid frequency AC voltages and currents. For a
constant speed application, this arrangement works well and the various components can be
optimally selected. However, in wave energy, there are a number of additional requirements
which influence the drive topology. For example, the generator is typically accelerating from
zero to full speed and back to zero every few seconds. The converters manages torque, the
supply side converter handles voltage and input power factor, while the back-to- back converter
links the grid to the PMSG. This setup optimizes turbine efficiency and regulates variable
PMSG speed via a power converter for maximum power flow control [19].
Fig 8. A rotor and stator for PMSG, with Neodymium magnets and a copper laminated coils.
mechanical and electrical components for a specific application. This report outlines the critical
aspects of the project, addressing the selection and sizing of components, structural design,
requires a thorough analysis of fluid dynamics, flow rates, and system demands. Subsequently,
suitable double-acting pumps need selection based on capacity, efficiency, and reliability
The structure must accommodate chosen components - pumps, generator, turbine, and
others. It must withstand loads and environmental factors, with proper alignment for efficiency
and longevity. The team must troubleshoot and address issues during implementation.
1.4.3 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
Making of PMSG and connect it with the turbine for mechanical- to-electrical energy
conversion. A permanent magnet synchronous generator, is used in this project for output
voltages. In PMSG a rotor consist of permanent magnets e.g. Neodymium instead of any
winding, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) use permanent magnet excitation
to replace electric field winding, which can simplify the motor structure and also reduce the
motor weight and loss, improve the efficiency and the reliability of the motor.
have been introduced, and this field is steadily advancing with each passing day. If we take the
reference from the most recent technology i.e. CETO5, It comes under the point absorber type,
deployed in the deep water (depth>30 meters). CETO 5 technology is the first commercialized
on grid technology. There are some characterized points regarding DAPs which can elaborate
1) Mainly it takes along pipe to travel the water to the shore line and rotate the
hydroelectric turbine and requires high pressure, which requires high pressure buoys
2) The main concern related to the WEC converter is the conversion of wave energy to the
high pressurize fluid ,the double acting pumps is a suitable choice, This is because they
can be used to generate power in both directions, which makes them well-suited for
3) The system which is deployed near the shore line is less expensive than any other system
devices that are installed in deep water (>40 m); near shore devices which are
deployed in shallow water regions (water at depths less than 20m) [1]. Double acting
pumps can be deployed in the shallow water (depth<20 meter) and it doesn’t took a
long pipe to travel the water to the shore line, they cabdeployed near the shore line and
rotate the hydroelectric turbine, which leads towards a good efficiency [26].
the dependence on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. By mitigating the use
of carbon-intensive energy, WECs contribute directly to climate action, helping combat global
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9): The wave energy industry, as it
matures, can stimulate innovation and create new economic opportunities. Developing WEC
technology, manufacturing, and maintenance can lead to job creation and promote sustainable
economic growth.
Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7): WECs contribute to the goal of ensuring
access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. By tapping into the
immense energy potential of ocean waves, WECs offer a consistent and renewable energy
In summary, wave energy converters, when properly designed and managed, offer a promising
avenue for addressing multiple environmental aspects while contributing to several of the
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. By embracing this technology, we can move
natural processes (ocean waves) that are constantly replenished by nature. This reduces the
wave energy converters have low to negligible direct greenhouse gas emissions. This helps
mitigate climate change by reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.
Reduced Air Pollution: Since WECs don't burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, they
contribute to lower air pollution levels, leading to improved air quality and better human health.
Minimal Land Use: Unlike some other forms of renewable energy like solar or wind,
WECs are situated offshore and typically have minimal impact on land use. This can help
The overall system formation is based on the mechanical structure which includes
design and implementation of water tank with a capacity more than 500 liters and making of
double acting pumps and the electrical part consist of control and monitoring of water flow and
making turbine.
Understanding the basic terminologies and variables related to the waves is essential
Wave Length is a distance from crest to crest (upper part of wave) or trough to trough
(lower part of wave) as shown in 9b, we can also define wavelength as the length of one
The wave period is the time taken by the one wave to produce or passes a point. Wave
period is important because it indicates the amount of energy and the speed of the waves, the
larger the wave time period the more energy and faster the wave (The larger the wave period,
the longer the wave has to accumulate energy and travel faster).or shortly we can define the
There are some fundamental terminologies related to the waves which is also shown in
The energy density of a wave, shown in equation 1, is the mean energy flux crossing a
vertical plane parallel to a wave’s crest. Wave energy density tells us that how much energy in
The energy per wave period is the wave’s power density. Dividing the Wave Energy
Density Eq(1) by the time period of Wave .The wave power the density is an important
parameter for deciding the size of the tank because through this we can find out how much
Power density = watt/m2 (2)
2.1.4 Power per Meter of Wave Front
A wave resource is typically described in terms of power per meter of wave front (or
wave crest) [1]. This can be calculated by multiplying the energy density by the wave celerity
“C” (wave front velocity) as equation 3 demonstrates. Where the wave energy flux represents
the wave power available per meter of the wave crest width.
But mainly in deep realistic sea states, the energy flux or wave power per meter expressed as
WEC and are used to assess the scalability characteristics of a WEC in this work[17].First
parameter is the capture width (CW) and the other one is CWR (capture width ratio).
The first is the capture width (CW) in meter units, which is defined as the ratio of the
power Pwec (unit of kW) extracted by a WEC to the wave energy flux F (unit of kW/m) or
power per meter of wave front as discussed in section 5.1.3, where the wave energy flux
represents the wave power available per meter of the wave crest width (as described in Fig. 8b)
[17]. Capture width is a parameter that characterizes the performance of a wave energy
converter (WEC). It is the width of the wave-front (assuming uni- directional waves) that
contains the same amount of power as that absorbed by the WEC. As the capture width depends
Pwec, is the power which is absorbed by the WEC device which is using as a wave
energy conversion. The other way around we can find how much power in watt is absorbed by
The second parameter is the capture width ratio (CWR), which is the ratio of CW to
percentage. It is similar to the efficiency of a WEC and represents the ratio of the absorbed
power by a WEC to the available wave power in a given width of wave crest [17].
𝐶𝑊𝑅 = (6)
It should be noted that CWR can be over 100% as a result of the ‘antenna effect’ where
the CW is larger than D, representing conditions in which the WEC can absorb more energy
The characteristic dimension D of a WEC generally refers to the front width of the
device orthogonal to the wave propagation direction. For example, for a cylindrical heaving
tube type WEC, the device diameter A is the characteristic dimension D; for an OWSC, the
pump by the action of piston [28]. This displacement volume depends on the length of the
𝑉𝑑 = πr 2 × ℎ (8)
Vd = displacement volume.
L = length of the stroke the distance the piston travels back and forth.
Force on a pump the forces acting on the float may be modeled via Newton’s equation,
F=ma, the mass of water is taken to be 𝜌*H*Afloat, and gravity is the accelerating force.
𝑭 = (m1+m2) 𝒈
m1=mass of water, 𝜌 ∗ 𝐻 ∗ 𝐴𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑡
m2= mass of Floating Carpet
F=force of water.
Afloat=Area of float.
A Friction Force Present between the cylinder and the Piston, Friction force must be
negligible in order to move the piston freely. We have to make the piston to move free by
The Calculation of the tank is based on the Desired Volume and bottom water pressure,
the Depth and the length of the Tank are considered for a better wave propagation.
Area of tank
A = 1.8288 m * 0.696 m
𝐴 = 1.272 𝑚2
Volume of tank
V=A* H
V = 1.272 * 0.762
V = 0.969 𝑚3
Volume of tank in to litters 0.960 * 1000
970 litters
970 liters is the amount of water volume filled in a tank, a tank filled to the height of 2.5 feet
with breath of 2 feet, and length of 6 feet.
The dimensions of the tank decided by considering the power and energy density of water.
The material used to make a tank is stainless steel.
Hydrostatic force and pressure in the bottom of tank.
We calculate the pressure and force in the bottom of tank by using this formula
P = pressure F = force
A = area
ρ = density of sweet water (1000 Kg/𝑚3)
ρ = density of salt water (1023.6 Kg/𝑚3)
g = gravity (9.8 m/𝑠2)
d = depth
Pressure in the bottom of tank
P = 1000 * 9.8 * 0.762
P = 7643 Pascal 7643 Pascal
Force in the bottom of tank
F = 7643 * 1.272 F = 9721 N
Force on a pump the forces acting on the float may be modeled via Newton’s equation,
F=ma, the mass of water is taken to be 𝜌 *H*Afloat, and gravity is the accelerating force.
mw = mass of water
F = force of water
h = height
𝑭 = (mc+mw) * 𝒈
mw = mass of water
mw = ρ * h * A
mw = 1000 * 0.762 * 1.272
mw = 970 Kg
Force on pump
F = (3 + 970) * 9.8
F = 9535.4N (9.535 Kilo Newton)
Double Acing Pumps are Design with less friction force between piston and cylinder by the
action of piston in the reciprocating motion we can take out the water.
The volume of the pump, theoretically is 2 liters, but in real scenario we cannot fully extract 2
liters from the pump because there are constraint of continuous wave pattern.
Fig.10 Double acting pump Design, with only one head (bottom) and cylinder.
Area of cylinder
𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟2
A = 3.14 * 0.0040
A = 0.012 𝑚 ^2
Volume of cylinder
V=A* h
V = 0.012 * 0.178
V = 0.0021𝑚3
11. A DC motor mechanism can also be installed but it’s costly, any round/circular wooden
disc attach with the motor shaft and that wooden disc will be attach to the flapper which will
be used to move in forward and backward motion to create a disturbance in water and generate
waves in a tank.
Now starting with the basic and fundamental equation of the waves v=𝑓∗ʎ
f= frequency of the waves, that how much wave generated in a per unit time or in one second.
ʎ= Wavelength.
By using the block we and move it upward and downward with the help of pulley we can create
the waves.
If we increase the speed of the block it will increase the speed of the waves which in turn
increase the frequency of the wave. Increase in the frequency will decrease its wavelength and
also decrease its time period. Velocity of the waves can be calculated in m/s by using
V=2𝜋𝑟𝜔 60 𝑚/𝑠;
Fig.11 The actual Design of a block for water wave generation in this project.
Generator is made by using laminated copper wire 24 gauge wire, and by using a
neodymium magnets. They must be placed in such a way that rotating magnetic field establish,
Fig.15 Shows a placement of coils and magnets in PMSG.
Fig.17 Overall System Structure.
Overall System Structure which includes tanks, double acting pumps double acting
pumps and the flow of water, wave generation mechanism. The Primary part of the overall
structure is the mechanical part of the tanks in which first mechanism is the DC motor
connected with the flapper which is mounted in the tank 1 in which the double acting pumps
are mounted. Furthermore the discharged water will be collected in the tank_2 and then fall
with a certain height to the turbine, the turbine will further connect with the PMSG (permanent
magnet synchronous generator) The turbine will rotate the generator Dynamo/Prime mover.
The Turbine used in this project is the Reaction type turbine, Francis Design.
The turbine is connected with the rotor of the permanent magnet generator (Neodymium
magnets) which will rotate and give the output voltage. Material used in this project to make
The objective to make a control circuit in this project is to control and measure the flow
of water and continuously monitor the water level and then turn off and on the solenoid valve
3.7.1 Atmega328p
Fig.19 Arduino UNO AT Mega328p
mechanical valve that is commonly employed to control the flow of liquid or gas.
Solenoid valve consists of two basic units: an assembly of the solenoid (the
electromagnet) and plunger (the core), and a valve containing an orifice (opening) in which a
is energized, the plunger is drawn into the solenoid (electromagnet), and flow through the
orifice is allowed. The valve returns automatically to its original position when the current
ceases due to the pressure of spring and flow through the orifice is restricted.
3.7.3 Dual Channel Relay
The two-channel relay module is designed to allow your Arduino to control two high-
powered devices. It has two relays, each with a maximum current rating of 10A at 250VAC or
commonly used in various systems to show different status and parameters. LCD16x2 has 2
lines with 16 characters in each line. Each character is made up of a 5x8 (column x row) pixel
The water flow sensor consists of a plastic valve body, a water rotor and a hall-effect
sensor. When the water flows through the rotor, rotor rolls and the speed of it changes with a
different rate of flow. The hall-effect sensor outputs the corresponding pulse signal.
This type of sensor can be found on different diameters, water pressure (MPa) and flow
rate (L/m) ranges. Make sure to select one that will cover your needs. The sensor that I have it
has 20mm diameter, <1.75Mpa water pressure and ~30 L/m flow rate range.
know that a magnetic field has two important characteristics flux density, (B) and polarity
The output signal from a Hall Effect sensor is the function of magnetic field density
around the device. When the magnetic flux density around the sensor exceeds a certain pre-set
threshold, the sensor detects it and generates an output voltage called the Hall Voltage, VH.
Fig.24 ULN2803
The ULN2803 is high-voltage, high-current Darlington driver IC composed of 8 NPN
Darlington pairs. All units share the emitter in common, and each unit adopts open-collector
Fig.25. Shows a PCB Layout of the circuit, used in this project. Designed on Dip trace.
Fig.26. Schematic diagram of the Control Circuit, with Arduino and 16x2 LCD
The project outcomes of Wave Power Extraction with Back To Back Converters are as follows:
1) Efficient Energy Capture: Double-acting pumps effectively convert wave energy,
3) Environmental Benefits: Reduced emissions and fossil fuel reliance align with
sustainability goals.
Fig.27 Overall Project With Main Tank, Water Storage Tank With Turbine, Circuit.
Fig.29: Control Card
4.3.1 Power conversion AC to DC
The absorbed kinetic energy of the waves is either conveyed to turbines or the absorber
directly drives the generator. The shaft of the electric generatoris driven by the turbine. Turbines
are generally used within the systems including rotational generators. Due to the varying
amplitude and period ofthe ocean waves, both linear and rotational generators generate variable
frequency and variable amplitude AC voltage. This AC voltage can be rectified to DC voltage
to take the benefit of DC energy transmission through the salty ocean water. After the DC power
is transmitted from oceanto the land, a DC/DC converter voltage regulation. Depending on the
utilized voltage regulation system, a DC/AC inverter is used before or afterthe voltage regulator
[31]. The voltage synchronization is provided by the inverter and the output terminals of the
inverter can be connected to the grid[19]. Due to the existence of variable frequency in the
current and voltage from the stator, an AC/DC rectifier followed by a DC/AC converter is
rectifier, with a DC link to an inverter. This type of converter is simple and reliable, but the
power factor of the PMSG is low. The other problem is that, if the output voltage of the rectifier
is lower than the grid, it cannot be synchronized with the grid. Figure 6 shows the configuration
of PMSG WECS based on the Diode Rectifier Bridge and inverter [32].
and fluid dynamics adhering to safety standards. Consider simulations and prototypes for
design validation before full-scale implementation. This report outline score challenges, setting
approach capitalizes on the inherent power of ocean waves,effectively harnessing their kinetic
energy with a level of efficiency and reliabilitythat is truly remarkable. The double-acting pump
technology not only demonstrates a profound understanding of fluid dynamics and wave
behavior but also showcases a commitment to maximizing energy extraction from our vast
and environmentally conscious choice, contributing to our efforts to combat climate change
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APPENDIX A: Computer Programming
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd (0x27,20,4);
byte sensorInterrupt = 0; // 0 = digital pin 2
byte sensorPin = 2;
float calibrationFactor = 4.5;
volatile byte pulseCount;
float flowRate;
unsigned int flowMilliLitres;
unsigned long totalMilliLitres;
unsigned long oldTime;
void setup()
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(sensorPin, HIGH);
pulseCount = 0;
flowRate = 0.0;
flowMilliLitres = 0;
totalMilliLitres = 0;
oldTime = 0;
attachInterrupt(sensorInterrupt, pulseCounter, FALLING);
void loop()
if((millis() - oldTime) > 1000) // Only process counters once per second
flowRate = ((1000.0 / (millis() - oldTime)) * pulseCount) / calibrationFactor;
oldTime = millis();
flowMilliLitres = (flowRate / 60) * 1000;
// Add the millilitres passed in this second to the cumulative total
totalMilliLitres += flowMilliLitres;
unsigned int frac;
Serial.print("Flow rate: ");
Serial.print(int(flowRate)); // Print the integer part of the variable
Serial.print("Output Liquid Quantity: ");
Serial.print("Output Liquid Quantity: ");
lcd.print("f_1 rate:");
lcd.print("f_2 rate:");
pulseCount = 0;
attachInterrupt(sensorInterrupt, pulseCounter, FALLING);
void pulseCounter()
// Increment the pulse counter
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4);
void setup()
pinMode(4, INPUT);
pinMode(5, INPUT);
pinMode(6, INPUT);
pinMode(7, INPUT);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
int level_1 = digitalRead(4);
int level_2 = digitalRead(5);
int level_3 = digitalRead(6);
int level_4 = digitalRead (7);
if (level_1== 0 && level_2==1 && level_3==1 && level_4==1)
Serial.println("Water Level 25%");
lcd.print("Water Level 25%");
digitalWrite(3,HIGH);// delay in between reads for stability
if (level_1== 0 && level_2==0 && level_3==1 && level_4==1)
Serial.println("Water Level 50%");
// Serial.println(level);
lcd.print("Water Level 50%");
digitalWrite(3,LOW);// delay in between reads for stability
if (level_1== 0 && level_2==0 && level_3==0 && level_4==1)
Serial.println("Water Level 75%");
lcd.print("Water Level 75%");
delay(500); // delay in between reads for stability
if (level_1== 0 && level_2==0 && level_3==0 && level_4==0)
Serial.println("Water Level 95%");
lcd.print("Water Level 95%");
// Serial.println(level);
delay(500); // delay in between reads for stability
if(level_1==1 && level_2==1 && level_3==1 && level_4==1)