Lec 06 Iteration Loop

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Programming & Data Structures

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Autumn 2020
Iterations and
Loops – contd.
Looping: for Statement
Most commonly used looping structure in C

expr1 (init) : initialize parameters

for ( expr1; expr2; expr3)
statement; expr2 (test): test condition, loop
continues if expression is non-0
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3)
expr3 (update): used to alter the
{ value of the parameters after
Block of statements; each iteration
statement (body): body of loop
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3) expr1
statement; (init)

for ( expr1; expr2; expr3)

expr2 False
{ (test)
Block of statements; True

Example: Computing Factorial

int main () {
int N, count, prod;
scanf (“%d”, &N) ;
prod = 1;
for (count = 1;count <= N; ++count)
prod = prod * count;
printf (“Factorial = %d\n”, prod) ;
return 0;
Computing ex series up to N terms
int main () {
float x, term, sum;
int n, count;
scanf (“%f”, &x);
scanf (“%d”, &n);
term = 1.0; sum = 0;
for (count = 1; count <= n; ++count) {
sum += term;
term = x/count;
printf (“%f\n”, sum);
return 0;
} eseries-1.c
Computing ex series up to 4 decimal
int main () {
float x, term, sum;
int cnt;
scanf (“%f”, &x) ;
term = 1.0; sum = 0;
for (cnt = 1; term >= 0.0001; ++cnt) {
sum += term;
term *= x/cnt;
printf (“%f\n”, sum) ;
return 0;
Equivalence of for and while
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3) (init)

expr2 False
Same as (test)
while (expr2) { (body)

expr3; (update)
Sum of first N Natural Numbers

int main () {
int N, count, sum;
scanf (“%d”, &N) ;
sum = 0;
count = 1;
while (count <= N) { int main () {
sum = sum + count; int N, count, sum;
count = count + 1; scanf (“%d”, &N) ;
} sum = 0;
printf (“%d\n”, sum) ; for (count=1; count <= N; ++count) {
return 0; sum = sum + count;
} }
printf (“%d\n”, sum) ;
return 0;
Advanced expression in for structure
Arithmetic expressions
Initialization, loop-continuation, and increment can contain
arithmetic expressions.
e.g. Let x = 2 and y = 10
for ( j = x; j <= 4 * x * y; j += y / x )

is equivalent to

for ( j = 2; j <= 80; j += 5 )

"Increment" may be negative (decrement)

If loop continuation condition initially false

Body of for structure not performed
Control proceeds with statement after for structure
Looping: do-while statement

while (expression);

do { expression
Block of statements;
} while (expression); True

Problem: Prompt user to input “month” value, keep

prompting until a correct value of month is given
as input

do {
printf (“Please input month {1-12}”);
scanf (“%d”, &month);
} while ((month < 1) || (month > 12));
Comparison between do-while and while
do { while (expression) {
Block of statements; Block of statements;
} while (expression); }


expression True

True (loop body)
Decimal to binary conversion
(prints binary in reverse order)
int main()
int dec;
scanf (“%d”, &dec);
do {
printf (“%2d”, (dec % 2));
dec = dec / 2;
} while (dec != 0);
printf (“\n”);
return 0;
Echo characters typed on screen
until end of line
int main ()
char echo ;
do {
scanf (“%c”, &echo);
printf (“%c”,echo);
} while (echo != ‘\n’) ;
return 0;
Sentinel-Controlled Loop
Receive a number of positive
integers and display the Input: A set of integers
summation and average of ending with a
these integers. negative integer or a zero
A negative or zero input
indicates the end of input
Output: Summation and
Average of these integers
Input Example: Sentinel
30 16 42 -9

Output Example:
Sum = 88
Average = 29.33
Specifying “Infinite Loop”
count=1; count=1;
while(1) { do {
printf(“Count=%d”,count); printf(“Count=%d”,count);
count++; count++;
} } while(1);

for(;;) { for(count=1;;count++) {
printf(“Count=%d”,count); printf(“Count=%d”,count);
count++; }
Specifying “Infinite Loop”

while (1) { for (; ;)


do {
} while (1);
break Statement
Break out of the loop { }
can use with
while, do while, for, switch
does not work with
if {}
else {}

Causes immediate exit from a while, for, do/while or

switch structure

Program execution continues with the first statement

after the structure

Common uses of the break statement

Escape early from a loop
Skip the remainder of a switch structure
Break from “Infinite Loop”
count=1; count=1;
while(1) { do {
printf(“Count=%d”,count); printf(“Count=%d”,count);
count++; count++;
if(count>100) if(count>100)
break; break;
} } while(1);

for(;;) { for(count=1;;count++) {
printf(“Count=%d”,count); printf(“Count=%d”,count);
count++; if(count>100)
if(count>100) break;
break; }
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