Soal Pas Genap Kelas 1

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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

MATA PELAJARAN : B. Inggris NAMA :_______________________

KELAS : 1 An-Naml/An-Nahl TANGGAL : _______________________
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c! (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar
dengan memberikan tanda silang (x) a, b, atau c!)
1. Afdal : Good morning, Radhit! 9. I have ………….
Radhit : ……………………, Afdal! a. Ten pencils
a. Good morning b. Five books
b. Good afternoon c. Seven rulers
c. Hello 10. I have ……….
2. Aisyah : How are you, Ruby? a. A bird
Ruby : ……………………. b. A cat
a. Good morning c. A duck
b. I am fine 11. I have ………
c. Good bye a. Two birds
3. What number is this? b. Two cats
a. Five c. Three rabbits
b. Two 12. “I have two ducks.” In Bahasa Indonesia is
c. Four …….
4. How many pencils are there? a. Saya mempunyai 5 ekor kucing.
a. Seven pencils b. Saya mempunyai 9 ekor ikan.
b. Six pencils c. Saya mempunyai 2 ekor bebek.
c. Four pencils 13. “Aku mempunyai 4 ekor kucing.” In English is
5. What color is it? ……..
a. Blue a. I have 4 cats.
b. Green b. I have 5 chickens.
c. Red c. I have 2 ducks.
6. Purple in Bahasa Indonesia is ……. 14. What is “she” in Bahasa Indonesia?
a. Abu-abu a. Dia (Laki-laki)
b. Merah jambu b. Dia (Perempuan)
c. Ungu c. Kamu
7. What shape is this? 15. What is “he” in Bahasa Indonesia?
a. Circle a. Kamu
b. Triangle b. Dia (Perempuan)
c. Square c. Dia (Laki-laki)
8. I have ………. 16. He is Abid. He is a …………
a. Three bags a. Boy
b. One table b. Girl
c. Four erasers c. Boys
17. She is Ara. She is a ………… 19. “Apel” in English is ……
a. Boy a. Apel
b. Girl b. Mangga
c. Boys c. Jeruk
18. “Banana” in bahasa Indonesia is ….. 20. She has …………
a. Semangka a. Five mangoes
b. Jeruk b. Eight bananas
c. Pisang c. Six oranges

II. Fill in the blanks with correct answer! (Isilah titik titik ini dengan jawaban yang

1. What is “Grandmother” in Bahasa indonesia ___________________

2. She has _________________

3. How many bags are there? There are ___________________

4. What shape and color is this? __________________________________

5. Fill the missing word of the fruit! (Lengkapi huruf dari nama buah berikut!)

____ a t e_____ m e ____ o n s

____ a ___ a ___ a s

m a ___ g ___ e s

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