Team No - 1 Ob QSTN Answr

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One mark questions 1.What is organisational behaviour?

Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. 2. what is psychology? Psychology is defined as the study of human behavior which tries to identify the characteristics of individuals and provides an understanding why an individual behaves in a particular way. Thus psychology provides us with useful insight into areas such as human motivation, perceptual processes or personality characteristics. 3.what is social psychology? Social psychology is the study of human behavior in the context of social situations. This essentially addresses the problem of understanding the typical behavioral patterns to be expected from an individual when he takes part in a group 4.what is sociology? Sociology is the study of social behavior, relationships among social groups and societies, and the maintenance of social order. The main focus of attention is on the social system. This helps us to appreciate the functioning of individuals within the organization which is essentially a socio-technical entity.

5. what is Anthropology? Anthropology: Anthropology is the science of mankind and the study of human behavior as a whole. The main focus of attention is on the cultural system, beliefs, customs, ideas and values within a group or society and the comparison of behavior amongst different cultures in the context of todays organizational scenario. It is very important to appreciate the differences that exist among people coming from different cultural backgrounds as people are often found to work with others from the other side of the globe. 6.what is technical skill? Technical Skills - are those skills that involve in computer word processing such as financial, budgeting, operating machinery, preparing a PowerPoint presentation and so much more. First line managers should understand the movement of production and direct the employees. Managers at this state need to schedule workers to prepare for their own budget. Some manager can also used the technical skills by planning and organizing of the organization. 7 what is job satisfaction? A general attitude toward ones job, the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.

8. what is the importance of quality management? Intense focus on the customer. Concern for continuous improvement. Improvement in the quality of everything the organization does. Accurate measurement. Empowerment of employees.

3 mark questions

1.what are the managerial skills?

Technical Skill The technical skill implies an understanding of and proficiency in a specific kind of activity, particularly one involving methods, processes, procedures, or techniques; it involves specialised knowledge, analytical ability within that specialty, and facility in the use of the tools and techniques of the specific discipline. Vocational and on-thejob training programmes largely do a good job in developing this skill. Human Skill This refers to the ability to work with, understand and motivate other people; the way the individual perceives (and recognises the perceptions of) his superiors, equals, and subordinates, and the way he behaves subsequently. The person with highly developed human skills is aware of his own attitudes, assumptions, and beliefs about other individuals and groups; he is able to see the usefulness and limitations of these feelings. He is sufficiently sensitive to the needs and motivations of others in his organisation so that he can judge the possible reactions to, and outcomes of, the various courses of action he may undertake. Conceptual Skill This skill involves the ability to see the enterprise as a whole; it includes recognising how the various functions of the organisation depend on one another, and how changes in any one part affect all the others; and it extends to visualising the relationship of the individual business to the industry, the community, and the political, social and economic forces of the nation as a whole.

2.what are the challenge and opportunities of ob?

1.Improving Quality and Productivity

By using self-directed work teams, streamlining processes and implementing continuous improvement programs must be a model of manufacturing efficiency. By implementing programs such as TQM and reengineering programs that require extensive employee involvement People skills are critical to managerial effectiveness. There are specific people skills that managers can use on the job Organizations are becoming more hetoregenous in terms of gender, race,

2. Improving people skills

3.Managing Work Force Diversity

and ethnicity, encompasses anyone who varies from the norm. Managers need to recognize differences and respond them. Traditional melting pot approach is applied. If positively managed diversity can increase creativity and innovation in organization. you are increasingly likely to find yourself in a foreign assignment you are going to find yourself working with bosses, peers, and subordinates who were born and raised in different countries. The reshaping of the relationship between managers and employees. Decision making is being pushed down to the operating level. Managers give up control, employees control their work themselves, make appropriate decisions. Using of self managed teams. must foster innovation and master the art of change maintain the flexibility, improve quality to stimulate employee creativity and tolerance to change

4.Responding to Globalization

5. Empowering People

6.Stimulating Innovation and Change

3. What are the three dimensions of management and how are they important? The three dimension of management are technical, conceptual, and human. It is absolutely essential for managers to develop meaningful solutions to today's complex management problems by using innovative technological solutions that provide answers to problems people and organizations are having. Furthermore, it is critical to management's success that they be able to meaningfully understand human resource needs and be able to successfully deploy these resources.

6 mark questions 1.what are the functions of manager?

The functions which describe managerialjob, when put together, make up the management process. This process is analyzed into key functions of management viz., planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Planning, organizing and controlling which deal mostly with non-human aspects are known as mechanics of management, whereas staffing and direction which are primarily concerned with human aspects constitute dynamics of management. In the conceptual scheme, though the functions are listed out in a sequence, I practice they are interlocked as a system. As all functions are not equally important for all managers, time spent by them for each of these functions varies according to their levels in the organization. These functions has been discussed below: 1. Planning: Planning refers to anticipate the opportunity, problems and conditions and choosing from among the alternative future courses of action. The planning process generally includes the following activities.
Forecasting is looking ahead to anticipate the opportunity, problems and

conditions in a future period of time.

Establishing objectives means setting the end results to be accomplished

by directing organizational efforts.

Programming is establishing sequence and priority of actions to be followed

in the attainment of the objectives.

Scheduling is deciding on time sequence for program steps. Budgeting is allocation of resources to minimize costs. Establishing procedures means developing and applying standardized

methods of performing a specific work.

Developing policies involve establishment and interpretation of standing

decisions that apply to repetitive questions and problems of significance to be organization as a whole. 2. Organizing function: The organizing function of management is the process of defining and grouping of activities and creating authority relationship among them. It consists of
Developing the organization structure which involves identification of task

and grouping them into units or departments for performance.

Delegating authority to the managers and making him responsible for

group performance.
Establishing relations creating conditions necessary for mutually

fooperative efforts of people in the organization. 3. Staffing: Planning the organization with suitable personnel constitutes the staffing function. It involves selection, training and development, compensation, and appraisal of subordinates by the manager. Manpower planning and manpower management looks after these activities and try to ensure suitable methods of remuneration and performance appraisal of the employees. 4. Directing Function: involves managing people and the work through the means of motivation, proper leadership, effective communication and coordination. A manager must develop ability to command. He should issue orders and instructions without arousing any resentment among the subordinates. He must be able to secure willing obedience from his subordinates without destroying their initiative and creativity. Moreover, it requires a sound communication system to enable exchange of ideas and information for common understanding. 5. Controlling Function: enables management to ensure that achievement is in accordance with the established plans it involves:
Establishing performance standards for evaluating results. Performance on the basis of records and reports on the progress of work. Performance evaluation against the standards set. Corrective action to regulate operations, remove deficiencies and

improve performance

2.what are the fundamental concept of OB?

Organisational behaviour has fundamental concepts revolving round the nature of people and the nature of the organisation. Here i m going to discuss the concepts dealing with the nature of individuals : a) Individual differences : In spite of the fact that all human beings are similar, every one is different. Everyone has different nature, different quality of intelligence, different perception and different ways of behaving. The concept tells that every person is an entity in himself. When it comes to human behaviour there can not be a prescriptive solution. Every individual is to be treated differently even though two persons may have the same behavioural problems. The concept also tells the manager that he had better be aware of his own stereotypes. A stereotype is a tendency to attribute the traits of a group to an individual because he belongs to the said group. The Jew genocide can be attributed to this stereotyping. Unfortunately one is not aware as to how these sterotypes influence his behaviour. This concept, therefore, not only tells that a manager should treat every person as an entity in himself hut he should also examine his own stereotypes. b) Whole Person : In the past employees were referred to as hands implying that the organisation hires only the hands of a man. Nothing can he farther from the truth. An organisation hires not only the hands of an employee but hires a complete man with all his pluses and minuses. Since a person performs many roles at the same time, the happenings in one role are bound to affect the behaviour in others roles of the person. The concept tells the manager that when it comes to the behavioural problems, he must also take into account the other roles of the person. If the whole person is developed, then the benefit will extend beyond the organisation to the entire society in which the employee lives. c) Motivation : Every manager by his own behaviour can cause an employee to behave in a particular way. If he is respectful to his employees they are bound to be respecful to him, not otherwise. d) Human Dignity : This concept is of a different order from the other three because it is more an ethical philosophy than a scientific conclusion. It confirms that people are to be treated differently from other factors of production. Because they are of a higher order, they want to be treated with respect and dignity. Every one including the employee, the manager as well as the CEO of an organisation is engaged in the same pursuit, the pursuit of enabling their organisation to achieve the objectives for which it has come into existence. Thus they are on an equal footing. The concept tells that every person should be respected simply because he happens to be an employee just as anyone else is. 3. why study OB? It is important to understand organizational behaviour in order to understand the way people behave in organizations. People behave differently in groups to the way

they do when they are alone. We also try to predict behaviour based on study. Being able to predict how someone will act gives us comfort and makes us feel safer. Some people wish to control the behaviour of others based on their predictions, this is considered unacceptable to do in most organisations. The subject aims to explain organizations such as: Power structures, culture, leadership, group conflict, and the economy. The government is an example of a power structure that can be studied. Elected leaders behave in a way that encourages the public to idealise them. Most have a completely different persona when dealing with public. This even differs to the way they behave when dealing with other politicians. Leadership in companies and similar organizations can be observed using theories of organizational behaviour. Culture is a social organization. The way people interact with and react to culture is a part of organizational behaviour. For example, group worship is a group organizational activity that could be a case study for the subject. Another good example would be music concerts (people are gathered to view a cultural phenomenon.) Being able to predict and control group conflict is essential to maintaining a safe society. People in groups often have a mob mentality which leads to violence. Police will often try to predict and control demonstrations that spiral out of control. Countries who are at war with each other want to be able to predict what the other is going to do. This helps them strategically win a war. The economy is based on a group mentality. Members of society work together and alongside each other to produce resources.

4.what are the contributing desciplins? PsychologyThe science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals.

Contributing Disciplines to the OB

CContributing Disciplines to the OB Contributing Disciplines to the OB ing Disciplines to the OB

SociologyThe study of people in relation to their fellow human beings.

Social PsychologyAn area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and that focuses on the influence of people on one another.

AnthropologyThe study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.

Political ScienceThe study of the behavior of individuals and groups within a political environment.

What Is Quality Management?

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