Planbar ENWeb
Planbar ENWeb
Planbar ENWeb
We work together with all leading suppliers in the precast industry. Get more
information about our partner-network:
As a globally active solution pro- Our service portfolio: Wherever interfaces and diffe- The transition to an Open BIM, with PLANBAR Features
vider for the precast parts indus- • SalesManager: Our solution for rent file formats dominate today, potentially cross-sectoral uniform • Model and drawing-oriented
try, we support you from the first model-based quantity and mass we want to accelerate the idea specifications for data maintenan- work
cost estimate, through the plan- calculation based on PLANBAR - of Open BIM through open data ce and exchange poses a medi- • Ideal synthesis of 2D and 3D
exchange with other modelling um-term challenge for the entire • Optimised reinforcement that is
ning stages, right up to producti- all without CAD knowledge.
tools. This is why we concentra- precast concrete industry. ready for production
on and assembly. • PLANBAR: Our precast design
te on interoperability and conti- As a leading member of the • Production documents at the
tool, which helps you optimise
nuously optimise our interaction IFC4precast working group push of a button
We offer automation and the highest precast parts planning at any with other systems. (Expert panel of BuildingSMART) • Reliable data for production and
efficiency with serial production and complexity. we take responsibility to move the invoicing
provide flexible, high-performance • TIM: Our technical information Extensive interfaces for the import entire process forward. • Continuous data transfer
functions for planning and producing manager, which sustainably opti- and export of drawings and data • Complex components are
demanding and complex precast mises your processes as an infor- in all conventional file formats (IFC, Choosing the best partners and simply and easily designed with
parts. mation and integration platform. DWG, 3D-PDF, CAM, PXML, 3ds, tools allows us to embark upon this structural precast parts
• mTIM: Mobile TIM provides the u3d, png, etc.) are based on the path with maximum preparedness. • Openness to other systems
ideal information platform. BIM method. through IFC import and IFC
The Sales Manager is the ideal tool for sales, taking you quickly from the offer to the The MEP-Assistant supports you in the drawing of technical facility equipment.
order, including 3D visualization of the object.
Currently, precast parts factories We stand for openness to other With the help of the MEP-
often need to submit their offers “With Sales Manager, I can clearly determine the necessary systems and are taking a leading Assistant you can quickly add and
based on rudimentary layout plans volumes across all workstations and implement any role with our BIM modules for edit fixtures and openings. Later
or very basic models from the modifications quickly and easily. The 3D model of precast importing and exporting data changes can be done directly in
building contractors. In practice, parts provides vital help in the sales process.” across the industry. PLANBAR.
this often leads to inaccuracies
when creating proposals and Dirk Spielbrink, Head of Sales, Lütkenhaus GmbH (Germany) The IFC-Assistant enables the As a result of the precast parts
uncertainties in customer import of data from architecture, design, you receive a holistic
communications. structural design and MEP precast model including all
(mechanical, electrical and building information, which
Faster than any existing tool, Sales Manager allows you to It is so intuitive to use that even plumping). in turn can be conveniently
Sales Manager automatically, quickly and securely complete sales staff without prior CAD exported as an IFC file.
quickly and simply uses the buil- impressive offers. It also skills can immediately create 3D
ding model to determine volumes, offers complete and appealing models. We believe in being open
creates lists and graphical reports visualisations, which can then be to other systems. This is why we
and then transfers the data to a sent to the customers as a 3D are focusing on how to import and
calculation programme. .pdf, for example. export data even more easily.
T H I N K C O M P L E T E . Care for detail.
PLANBAR offers an ideal and unique synthe- Production documents will always be im- The 3D model also facilitates data collection Shop Drawings at the push of a button
sis of model- and drawing-based work. The portant. This is why we continue to focus on according to volume, cost and time criteria. • Automatic creation of production
Elementplan module solves the problem of perfect, mostly automatic document prepa- This information is required during the documents
automatically creating production documents ration. work process and to integrate corporate or • Modification and amend to production
from a model with geometry and reinforce- resource planning. documents, as required
ment. At the same time, we leverage the added • Model and drawing are always consistent
value of three-dimensional models: Our Basis Allplan with the newly integrated • Changes to the model are directly
This lets you work on the Shop Drawing and • A permanent overview of the entire object Parasolid® Software from Siemens PLM transferred to the production documents
automatically adjusts the 3D model in the with constant availability of all details, Software offers you even more freedom • Layouts can be individually created,
depending on customer and element type
background, where PLANBAR automatically • continuous consideration to change and during 3D modelling, especially when creating
• Header and stamp are always up to date
ensures that the model and drawing remain • simple, visual control options volume and surface models. The new 3D core
• Multi-page Shop Drawings serve to dis-
consistent. are just a few of the advantages of designing also increases precision and performance
play your specific content
in 3D. during the modelling process.
• Significant increase in production
efficiency and quality
T H I N K C O M P L E T E . Care for detail.
The design of reinforcement is a Policies such as hook length, PLANBAR also impresses with The required production data are Reinforcement made easy
true highlight in PLANBAR and will bending roll diameters and maximum precision and flexibi- then automatically transferred to • creates drawings automatically
optimally support you during the anchorage lengths can be easily lity in reinforcement production. the system or master computer, with labels and dimensions
design and production processes adapted to country-specific In PLANBAR, you can design any where PLANBAR supports all con- • provides reinforcement printouts
of all types of precast parts. requirements. The reinforcement type of reinforcement with simple ventional data formats. • provides cutting and bending
automatically interacts with fixtures or complex bending forms. lists
In this regard, PLANBAR and production restrictions. • complies with your individual
automatically creates reinforcement specifications
reinforcement in accordance Required production data can then During the design phase, you can PLANBAR’s continuous process • easy country-specific
with your specifications. be automatically transferred to the already verify whether the reinforce- chain ensures that data only have adjustment
system or the master computer. ment can actually be produced. to be entered once. With its higher • extremely easy implementation
of modifications and
Round steel, reinforcing mesh, Thanks to practically proven data This significantly increases produc- efficiency, PLANBAR therefore sup-
mesh stirrup and cages are available interfaces, PLANBAR ensures tivity and the production speed of ports you in smooth production.
in catalogues and can be quickly smooth production from the very your manufacturing process.
tailored to specific characteristics. first day.
Precast Software Engineering GmbH
E-Mail: [email protected]