Applied - Biology Level 6
Applied - Biology Level 6
Applied - Biology Level 6
P.O. BOX 15745-00100
First published 2019
Copyright © TVET CDACC
All rights reserved. No part of these occupational standards may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic
or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the TVET CDACC, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses
permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the Council Secretary/CEO, at the
address below:
Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
The provision of quality education and training is fundamental to the Government’s overall
strategy for social economic development. Quality education and training will contribute to
achievement of Kenya’s development blueprint, Vision 2030 and sustainable development goals.
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030 and
meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector had to be aligned
to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and this resulted to the formulation of the Policy Framework
for Reforming Education and Training. A key feature of this policy is the radical change in the
design and delivery of the TVET training. This policy document requires that training in TVET
be competency based, curriculum development be industry led, certification be based on
demonstration of competence and mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in TVET
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to ensure the
curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that these Occupational
Standards were developed for the purpose of developing a competency-based curriculum for
Applied Biology. These Occupational Standards will also be the bases for assessment of an
individual for competence certification.
It is my conviction that these Occupational Standards will play a great role towards development
of competent human resource for Applied Biologyk9 sector’s growth and development.
Kenya’s Vision 2030 aims to transform the country into a newly industrializing, “middle-income
country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030”. Kenya intends to create
a globally competitive and adaptive human resource base to meet the requirements of a rapidly
industrializing economy through life-long education and training. TVET has a responsibility of
facilitating the process of inculcating knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for catapulting the
nation to a globally competitive country, hence the paradigm shift to embrace Competency Based
Education and Training (CBET).
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 on Reforming
Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the need to reform curriculum development,
assessment and certification. This called for a shift to CBET in order to address the mismatch
between skills acquired through training and skills needed by industry as well as increase the global
competitiveness of Kenyan labor force.
The TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC), in
conjunction with Science Laboratory Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC) have developed
these Occupational Standards for Applied Biology. These standards will be the bases for
development of competency-based curriculum for Applied Biology.
The occupational standards are designed and organized with clear performance criteria for each
element of a unit of competency. These standards also outline the required knowledge and skills
as well as evidence guide.
I am grateful to the Council Members, Council Secretariat, Science Laboratory SSAC, expert
workers and all those who participated in the development of these Occupational Standards.
These Occupational Standards were developed through combined effort of various stakeholders
from private and public organizations. I am thankful to the management of these organizations for
allowing their staff to participate in this course. I wish to acknowledge the invaluable contribution
of industry players who provided inputs towards the development of these Standards.
I thank TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC)
for providing guidance on the development of these Standards. My gratitude goes to Science
Laboratory Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC) members for their contribution to the
development of these Standards. I thank all the individuals and organizations who participated in
the validation of these Standards.
I acknowledge all other institutions which in one way or another contributed to the development
of these Standards.
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................................... iv
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. ix
A Control Version
BC Basic Competency
CC Common Competency
CR Core Competency
CU Curriculum
Industry or sector
Occupational Standards
Occupational area
Type of competency
Competency number
Competency level
Control version
Applied Biology Certificate level 6 qualification consists of competencies that a person must
achieve to enable him/her to effectively discharge Applied Biology works and contributes towards
meeting Applied Biology requirements.
The units of competency leading to Applied Biology certificate level 6 qualification include the
following seven basic, four common and twelve core competencies:
APB/OS/AB/CR/09/6/A Carry out parasitological techniques
APB/OS/AB/CR/10/6/A Perform immunology techniques
APB/OS/AB/CR/11/6/A Apply biochemical techniques
APB/OS/AB/CR/12/6/A Perform pharmacological and toxicological
This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients and
colleagues; developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and strategies. It also
covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group discussion and representing the
organization in various forums.
4.3 Personnel are given guidance about adapting
communication strategies to suit a range of contexts
5. Conduct interview 5.1 A range of appropriate communication strategies are
employed in interview situations
5.2 Records of interviews are made and maintained in
accordance with organizational procedures
5.3 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal
communication techniques are used to ensure that
required message is communicated
6. Facilitate group discussion 6.1 Mechanisms which enhance effective group
interaction is defined and implemented
6.2 Strategies which encourage all group members to
participate are used routinely
6.3 Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions
are routinely set and followed
6.4 Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate
6.5 Evaluation of group communication strategies is
undertaken to promote participation of all parties
6.6 Specific communication needs of individuals are
identified and addressed
7. Represent the organization 7.1 When participating in internal or external forums,
presentation is relevant, appropriately researched and
presented in a manner to promote the organization
7.2 Presentation is clear and sequential and delivered
within a predetermined time
7.3 Appropriate media is utilized to enhance presentation
7.4 Differences in views are respected
7.5 Written communication is consistent with
organizational standards
7.6 Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with
organizational standard
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
Required Skills
Active listening
Giving/receiving feedback
Interpretation of information
Role boundaries setting
Establishing empathy
Openness and flexibility in communication
Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as specified by the organization
Writing communications strategy
Applying key elements of communications strategy
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Communication process
Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Flexibility in communication
Key elements of communications strategy
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Developed communication strategies to meet the
organization requirements and applied in the workplace
1.2 Established and maintained communication pathways for
effective communication in the workplace
1.3 Used communication strategies involving exchanges of
complex oral information
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Direct Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
3.2 Written Examination
4. Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or through accredited institution
5. Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
for assessment sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit describes the competencies required by a worker in order to apply a wide range of
mathematical calculations for work; apply ratios, rates and proportions to solve problems;
estimate, measure and calculate measurement for work; Use detailed maps to plan travel routes for
work; Use geometry to draw and construct 2D and 3D shapes for work; Collect, organize and
interpret statistical data; Use routine formula and algebraic expressions for work and use common
functions of a scientific calculator
2.5 Quantities are calculated using ratios, rates and proportions
2.6 Graphs, charts or tables are constructed to represent ratios,
rates and proportions
2.6 The outcomes reviewed and checked
2.7 Information is record using mathematical language and
3. Estimate, measure and 3.1 Measurement information embedded in workplace texts and
calculate measurement tasks are extracted and interpreted
for work 3.2 Appropriate workplace measuring equipment are identified
and selected
3.3 Accurate measurements are estimate and made
3.4 The area of 2D shapes including compound shapes are
3.5 The volume of 3D shapes is calculated using relevant
3.6 Sides of right angled triangles are calculated using
Pythagoras’ theorem
3.7 conversions are perform between units of measurement
3.8 Problem solving processes are used to undertake the task
3.9 The measurement outcomes are reviewed and checked
3.10 Information is recorded using mathematical language and
symbols appropriate for the task
4. Use detailed maps to 4.1 Different types of maps are identified and interpreted
plan travel routes for 4.2 Key features of maps are identified
work 4.3 Scales are identified and interpreted
4.4 Scales are applied to calculate actual distances
4.5 Positions or locations are determined using directional
4.6 Routes are planned by determining directions and calculating
distances, speeds and times
4.7 Information is gathered and identified and relevant factors
related to planning a route checked
4.8 Relevant equipment is select and checked for accuracy and
operational effectiveness
4.9 Task is planned and recorded using specialized mathematical
language and symbols appropriate for the task
5. Use geometry to draw 5.1 A range of 2D shapes and 3D shapes and their uses in work
2D shapes and contexts is identified
5.2 Features of 2D and 3D shapes are named and described
5.3 Types of angles in 2D and 3D shapes are identified
construct 3D shapes for 5.4 Angles are drawn, estimated and measured using geometric
work instruments
5.5 Angle properties of 2D shapes are named and identified
5.6 Angle properties are used to evaluate unknown angles in
5.7 Properties of perpendicular and parallel lines are applied to
5.8 Understanding and use of symmetry is demonstrated
5.9 Understanding and use of similarity is demonstrated
5.10 The workplace tasks and mathematical processes required
are identified
5.11 2D shapes is drawn for work
5.12 3D shapes is constructed for work
5.13 The outcomes are reviewed and checked
5.14 Specialized mathematical language and symbols
appropriate for the task are used
6. Collect, organize, and 6.1 Workplace issue requiring investigation are identified
interpret statistical data 6.2 Audience / population / sample unit is determined
for work 6.3 Data to be collected is identified
6.4 Data collection method is selected
6.5 Appropriate statistical data is collected and organized
6.6 Data is illustrated in appropriate formats
6.7 The effectiveness of different types of graphs are compared
6.8 The summary statistics for collected data is calculated
6.9 The results / findings are interpreted
6.10 Data is checked to ensure that it meets the expected results
and content
6.11 Information from the results including tables, graphs and
summary statistics is extracted and interpreted
6.12 Mathematical language and symbols are used to report
results of investigation
7. Use routine formula and 7.1 Understanding of informal and symbolic notation,
algebraic expressions representation and conventions of algebraic expressions is
for work demonstrated
7.2 Simple algebraic expressions and equations are developed
7.3 Operate on algebraic expressions
7.4 Algebraic expressions are simplified
7.5 Substitution into simple routine equations is done
7.6 Routine formulas used for work tasks are identified and
7.7 Routine formulas are evaluate by substitution
7.8 Routine formulas transposed
7.9 Appropriate formulas are identified and used for work
related tasks
7.10Outcomes are checked and result of calculation used
8. Use common functions 8.1 Required numerical information to perform tasks is located
of a scientific 8.2 The order of operations and function keys necessary to solve
calculator for work mathematical calculation are determined
8.3 Function keys on a scientific calculator are identified and
8.4 Estimations are referred to check reasonableness of problem
solving process
8.5 Appropriate mathematical language, symbols and
conventions are used to report results
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
©TVETCDACC 2019 10
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Applying Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)
Using calculator
Using different measuring tools
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Types of common shapes
Differentiation between two dimensional shapes / objects
Formulae for calculating area and volume
Types and purpose of measuring instruments
Units of measurement and abbreviations
Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)
Rounding techniques
Types of fractions
Different types of tables and graphs
Meaning of graphs, such as increasing, decreasing, and constant value
Preparation of basic data, tables & graphs
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 11
1. 7. Used routine formula and algebraic expressions for
1. 8. Used common functions of a scientific calculator for
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 3.1 Direct Observation/Demonstration with Oral
3.2 3.2 Written Examination
©TVETCDACC 2019 12
This unit covers the competencies required to effectively use digital devices such as smartphones,
tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. It entails identifying and using digital devices such as
smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of communication, work performance
and management at the work place.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required
outcomes which make up level of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
©TVETCDACC 2019 13
3.2 Word processing utilities are applied in accordance with
workplace procedures
3.3 Worksheet layout is prepared in accordance with work
3.4 Worksheet is built and data manipulated in the worksheet
in accordance with workplace procedures
3.5 Continuous data manipulated on worksheet is undertaken
in accordance with work requirements
3.6 Database design and manipulation is undertaken in
accordance with office procedures
3.7 Data sorting, indexing, storage, retrieval and security is
provided in accordance with workplace procedures
4. Apply internet and email 4.1 Electronic mail addresses are opened and applied in
in communication at workplace communication in accordance with office
workplace policy
4.2 Office internet functions are defined and executed in
accordance with office procedures
4.3 Network configuration is determined in accordance with
office operations procedures
4.4 Official World Wide Web is installed and managed
according to workplace procedures
5. Apply Desktop 5.1 Desktop publishing functions and tools are identified in
publishing in official accordance with manufactures specifications
assignments 5.2 Desktop publishing tools are developed in accordance
with work requirements
5.3 Desktop publishing tools are applied in accordance with
workplace requirements
5.4 Typeset work is enhanced in accordance with workplace
6. Prepare presentation 6.1 Types of presentation packages are identified in
packages accordance with office requirements
6.2 Slides are created and formulated in accordance with
workplace procedures
6.3 Slides are edited and run in accordance with work
6.4 Slides and handouts are printed according to work
©TVETCDACC 2019 14
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
Appropriate computer software A collection of instructions or computer tools that enable the
includes but not limited to: user to interact with a computer, its hardware, or perform
Required Skills
©TVETCDACC 2019 15
Computing (applying fundamental operations such as addition, subtraction, division and
Using calculator
Basic ICT skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Software concept
Functions of computer software and hardware
Data security and privacy
Computer security threats and control measures
Technology underlying cyber-attacks and networks
Cyber terrorism
Computer crimes
Detection and protection of computer crimes
Laws governing protection of ICT
Word processing;
Functions and concepts of word processing.
Documents and tables creation and manipulations
Mail merging
Word processing utilities
Spread sheets;
Meaning, formulae, function and charts, uses and layout
Data formulation, manipulation and application to cells
Database design, data manipulation, sorting, indexing, storage
retrieval and security
Desktop publishing;
Designing and developing desktop publishing tools
Manipulation of desktop publishing tools
Enhancement of typeset work and printing documents
Presentation Packages;
Types of presentation Packages
Creating, formulating, running, editing, printing and presenting
slides and handouts
©TVETCDACC 2019 16
Networking and Internet;
Computer networking and internet.
Electronic mail and world wide web
Emerging trends and issues in ICT;
Identify and integrate emerging trends and issues in ICT
Challenges posed by emerging trends and issues
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified and controlled security threats
1.2 Detected and protected computer crimes
1.3 Applied word processing in office tasks
1.4 Designed, prepared work sheet and applied data to the
cells in accordance to workplace procedures
1.5 Opened electronic mail for office communication as per
workplace procedure
1.6 Installed internet and World Wide Web for office tasks
in accordance with office procedures
1.7 Integrated emerging issues in computer ICT
1.8 Applied laws governing protection of ICT
2. Resource Implications 2.1 Tablets
2.2 Laptops and
2.3 Desktop PCs
2.4 Desktop computer
2.5 Lap top
2.6 Calculator
2.7 Internet
2.8 Smart phone
2.9 Operations Manuals
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written Test
3.2 Demonstration
3.3 Practical assignment
3.4 Interview/Oral Questioning
©TVETCDACC 2019 17
3.5 Demonstration
4. Context of Competency may be assessed in an off and on the job
Assessment setting
5. Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
for assessment sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 18
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
Strategic directions include but not 1.1 Business continuity and succession
limited to:
1.2 Resource access security
Helpful mechanisms include but not 3.1 Wage and non-wage benefits
limited to: 3.2 Employee awards and recognition systems
3.3 Employee rights and welfare policies
3.4 Full-disclosure/transparency policies
©TVETCDACC 2019 19
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Assessing a range of alternative products and strategies
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and current
market trends
Identifying changing consumer preferences and demographics
Thinking “outside the box”
Ensuring quality consistency
Reducing lead time to product/service delivery
Managing operations/ production
Using formal problem-solving procedures, e. g., root-cause analysis, six sigma
Communication skills
Applying motivational principles, e. g., positive stroking, behavior modification
Assessing range of alternatives rather than choosing the easiest option
Achieving ownership and credibility for the enterprise vision
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and current
market trends
Developing solutions and practical strategies which are “outside the box”
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Features and benefits of common operational practices, e. g., continuous improvement
(kaizen), waste elimination,
Conflict resolution
Health, safety and environment (HSE) principles and requirements
Public-relations strategies
Basic cost-benefit analysis
Basic financial management
Business strategic planning
Impact of change on individuals, groups and industries
Employee assistance
Government and regulatory processes
Local and international market trends
Product promotion strategies
©TVETCDACC 2019 20
Mechanisms in the enterprise
Market and feasibility studies
Local and global supply chains Business models and strategies
Government and regulatory processes
Local and international business environment
Concepts of change management
Relevant developments in other industries
Capital employed
Regional/ County business expansion
Innovation in business
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria,
required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 21
4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated
Assessment workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information for workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 22
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It involves conducting
self-management, demonstrating interpersonal communication, critical safe work habits, leading
a workplace team, planning and organizing work, maintaining professional growth and
development, demonstrating workplace learning, problem solving skills and managing ethical
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required level
outcomes which make up of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Conduct self- 1.1 Personal vision, mission and goals are formulated based on
management potential and in relation to organization objectives
1.2 Emotions are managed as per workplace requirements
1.3 Individual performance is evaluated and monitored
according to the agreed targets.
1.4 Assertiveness is developed and maintained based on the
requirements of the job.
1.5 Accountability and responsibility for own actions are
1.6 Self-esteem and a positive self-image are developed and
1.7 Time management, attendance and punctuality are observed
as per the organization policy.
1.8 Goals are managed as per the organization’s objective
1.9 Self-strengths and weaknesses are identified as per
personal objectives
1.10 Critics are managed as per personal objectives
2. Demonstrate 2.1 Listening and understanding is demonstrated as per
interpersonal communication policy
©TVETCDACC 2019 23
2.2 Writing to the needs of the audience is demonstrated as per
communication policy
2.3 Speaking, reading and writing is demonstrated as per
communication policy
2.4 Negotiation skills are demonstrated as per communication
2.5 Empathizing is demonstrated as per the communication
2.6 Numeracy is applied as per the communication policy
2.7 Internal and external customers’ needs are identified and
interpreted as per the communication policy
2.8 Persuasion is demonstrated as per the communication policy
2.9 Communication networks are established as per the SOPs
2.10 Information is shared as per communication structure
3. Demonstrate critical 3.1 Stress is managed in accordance with workplace procedures.
safe work habits 3.2 Punctuality and time consciousness is demonstrated in line
with workplace policy.
3.3 Personal objectives are integrated with organization goals
based on organization’s strategic plan.
3.4 Resources are utilized in accordance with workplace policy.
3.5 Work priorities are set in accordance to workplace
3.6 Leisure time is recognized in line with organization policy.
3.7 Abstinence from drug and substance abuse is observed as
per workplace policy.
3.8 Awareness of HIV and AIDS is demonstrated in line with
workplace requirements.
3.9 Safety consciousness is demonstrated in the workplace based
on organization safety policy.
3.10 Emerging issues are dealt with in accordance with
organization policy.
4. Lead a workplace 4.1 Performance expectations for the team are set
team 4.2 Duties and responsibilities are assigned in accordance with
the organization policy.
4.3 Team parameters and relationships are identified according
to set rules and regulations.
4.4 Forms of communication in a team are established
according to office policy.
©TVETCDACC 2019 24
4.5 Communication is carried out as per workplace place policy
and requirements of the job.
4.6 Team performance is supervised
4.7 Feedback on performance is collected and analyzed based on
established team learning process
4.8 Conflicts are resolved between team members in line with
organization rules and regulations.
4.9 Gender mainstreaming is undertaken in accordance with set
4.10 Human rights are adhered to in accordance with existing
4.11 Healthy relationships are developed and maintained for
harmonious co-existence in line with workplace.
5. Plan and organize 5.1 Task requirements are identified as per the workplace
work objectives
5.2 Task is interpreted in accordance with safety (OHS),
environmental requirements and quality requirements
5.3 Work activity is organized with other involved personnel as
per the SOPs
5.4 Resources are mobilized, allocated and utilized to meet
project goals and deliverables.
5.5 Work activities are monitored and evaluated in line with
organization procedures.
5.6 Job planning is documented in accordance with workplace
5.7 Planning and organizing of work activities is reviewed as per
the workplace requirements
5.8 Time is managed achieve workplace set goals and objectives.
6. Maintain 6.1 Personal training needs are identified and assessed in line
professional growth with the requirements of the job.
and development 6.2 Training and career opportunities are identified and
availed based on job requirements.
6.3 Resources for training are mobilized and allocated based
organizations skills needs.
6.4 Licensees and certifications relevant to job and career are
obtained and renewed.
6.5 Personal growth is pursued towards improving the
qualifications set for the profession.
©TVETCDACC 2019 25
6.6 Work priorities and commitments are managed based on
requirement of the job and workplace policy.
6.7 Recognitions are sought as proof of career advancement in
line with professional requirements.
7. Demonstrate 7.1 Own learning is managed as per workplace policy.
workplace learning 7.2 Learning opportunities are sought and allocated based on job
requirement and in line with organization policy.
7.3 Contribution to the learning community at the workplace is
carried out.
7.4 Range of media for learning are established as per the
training need
7.5 Application of learning is demonstrated in both technical
and non-technical aspects based on requirements of the job
7.6 Enthusiasm for ongoing learning is demonstrated
7.7 Time and effort is invested in learning new skills-based job
7.8 Willingness to learn in different context is demonstrated
based on available learning opportunities arising in the
7.9 Awareness of Occupational Health and Safety procedures are
demonstrated in use of technology in the workplace.
7.10 Initiative is taken to create more effective and efficient
processes and procedures in line with workplace policy.
7.11 New systems are developed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of the job.
7.12 Opportunities that are not obvious are identified and
exploited in line with organization objectives.
7.13 Opportunities for performance improvement are
identified proactively in area of work.
7.14 Awareness of personal role in workplace innovation is
8. Demonstrate problem 8.1 Creative, innovative and practical solutions are developed
solving skills based on the problem
8.2 Independence and initiative in identifying and solving
problems is demonstrated.
8.3 Team problems are solved as per the workplace guidelines
8.4 Problem solving strategies are applied as per the workplace
©TVETCDACC 2019 26
8.5 Problems are analyzed and assumptions tested as per the
context of data and circumstances
9. Manage workplace 9.1 Policies and guidelines are observed as per the workplace
ethics requirements
9.2 Self-worth and profession is exercised in line with personal
goals and organizational policies
9.3 Code of conduct is observed as per the workplace
9.4 Personal and professional integrity is demonstrated as per the
personal goals
9.5 Commitment to jurisdictional laws is demonstrated as per the
workplace requirements
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
Range Variable
©TVETCDACC 2019 27
Relationships includes Man/Woman
but not limited to: Trainer/trainee
Client/service provider
Sibling relationships
Forms of Written
communication include Visual
but not limited to: Verbal
Non verbal
Formal and informal
Team includes but not Small work group
limited to: Staff in a section/department
Inter-agency group
Personal growth Growth in the job
includes but not limited Career mobility
to: Gains and exposure the job gives
Net workings
Benefits that accrue to the individual as a result of
noteworthy performance
Personal objectives Long term
include but not limited Short term
to: Broad
Trainings and career Participation in training programs
opportunities includes o Technical
but not limited to o Supervisory
o Managerial
o Continuing Education
Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops
Resource include but not Human
limited to: Financial
o Hardware
o Software
©TVETCDACC 2019 28
Innovation include but New ideas
not limited to: Original ideas
Different ideas
New tools
Emerging issues include Terrorism
but not limited to: Social media
National cohesion
Open offices
Range of media for Mentoring
learning include but not peer support and networking
limited to: IT and courses
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Personal hygiene practices
Intra and Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
Knowledge management
Interpersonal skills
Critical thinking skills
Observation skills
Organizing skills
Negotiation skills
Monitoring skills
Evaluation skills
Record keeping skills
Problem solving skills
Decision Making skills
Resource utilization skills
Resource mobilization skills
©TVETCDACC 2019 29
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Work values and ethics
Company policies
Company operations, procedures and standards
Occupational Health and safety procedures
Fundamental rights at work
Personal hygiene practices
Workplace communication
Concept of time
Time management
Decision making
Types of resources
Work planning
Resources and allocating resources
Organizing work
Monitoring and evaluation
Record keeping
Workplace problems and how to deal with them
Team work
Gender mainstreaming
Drug and substance abuse
Safe work habits
Professional growth and development
Technology in the workplace
Emerging issues
o Social media
o Terrorism
o National cohesion
©TVETCDACC 2019 30
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 31
This unit specifies the competencies required to follow procedures for environmental hazard
control, follow procedures for environmental pollution control, comply with workplace sustainable
resource use, evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage, develop and adhere to
environmental protection principles/strategies/guidelines, analyze resource use, develop resource
conservation plans and implement selected plans.
©TVETCDACC 2019 32
3.2 Waste management procedures are employed
following principles of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
3.3 Methods for economizing or reducing resource
consumption are practiced.
4. Evaluate current practices in 4.1 Information on resource efficiency systems and
relation to resource usage procedures are collected and provided to the
work group where appropriate.
4.2 Current resource usage is measured and recorded
by members of the work group.
4.3 Current purchasing strategies are analyzed and
recorded according to industry procedures.
4.4 Current work processes to access information
and data is analyzed following enterprise
5. Identify Environmental 5.1 Environmental legislations/conventions and
legislations/conventions for local ordinances are identified according to the
environmental concerns different environmental aspects/impact
5.2 Industrial standard/environmental practices are
described according to the different
environmental concerns
6. Implement specific 6.1 Programs/Activities are identified according to
environmental programs organizations policies and guidelines.
6.2 Individual roles/responsibilities are determined
and performed based on the activities identified.
6.3 Problems/constraints encountered are resolved
in accordance with organizations’ policies and
6.4 Stakeholders are consulted based on company
7. Monitor activities on 7.1 Activities are periodically monitored and
Environmental Evaluated according to the objectives of the
protection/Programs environmental program
7.2 Feedback from stakeholders are gathered and
considered in Proposing enhancements to the
program based on consultations
7.3 Data gathered are analyzed based on Evaluation
©TVETCDACC 2019 33
7.4 Recommendations are submitted based on the
7.5 Management support systems are set/established
to sustain and enhance the program
7.6 Environmental incidents are monitored and
reported to concerned/proper authorities
8. Analyze resource use 8.1 All resource consuming processes are Identified
8.2 Quantity and nature of Resource consumed is
8.3 Resource flow is analyzed through different
parts of the process.
8.4 Wastes are classified for possible source of
9. Develop resource conservation 9.1 Efficiency of use/conversion of resources is
plans determined following industry protocol.
9.2 Causes of low efficiency of use of resources are
determined based on industry protocol.
9.3 Plans for increasing the efficiency of resource
use are developed based on findings.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
PPEs include but are not limited 1.1. Mask
to 1.2. Gloves
1.3. Goggles
1.4. Safety hat
1.5. Overall
1.6. Hearing protector
Environmental pollution control 2.1 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
measures include but are not ingestion of airborne particle
limited to: 2.2 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
ingestion of gases and fumes
2.3 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
ingestion of liquid wastes
©TVETCDACC 2019 34
Wastes include but are not 3.1 Unnecessary waste
limited to: 3.2 Necessary waste
©TVETCDACC 2019 35
Periodic includes but are not 11.1 hourly
limited to: 11.2 daily
11.3 weekly
11.4 monthly
11.5 quarterly
11.6 yearly
Programs/Activities include but 12.1Waste disposal (on-site and off-site)
are not limited to: 12.2Repair and maintenance of equipment
12.3Treatment and disposal operations
12.4Clean-up activities
12.5Laboratory and analytical test
12.6Monitoring and evaluation
12.7Environmental advocacy programs
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Following storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
Following disposal methods of hazardous wastes
Using PPE
Practicing OSHS
Complying environmental pollution control
Observing solid waste management
Complying methods of minimizing noise Pollution
Complying methods of minimizing wastage
Employing waste management procedures
Economizing resource consumption
Listing of resources used
Measuring current usage of resources
Identifying and reporting workplace environmental hazards
Conveying all environmental issues
Following environmental regulations
Identifying environmental regulations
Assessing procedures for assessing compliance
Collecting information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures,
and Providing information to the work group
©TVETCDACC 2019 36
Measuring and recording current resource usage
Analysing and recording current purchasing strategies.
Analysing current work processes to access information and data and Assisting identifying
areas for improvement
Analysing resource flow
Determining efficiency of use/conversion of resources
Determining causes of low efficiency of use
Developing plans for increasing the efficiency of resource use
Checking resource use plans
Complying to regulations/licensing requirements
Determining benefit/cost of plans
Ranking proposals based on benefit/cost compared to limited resources
Checking proposals meet regulatory requirements
Monitoring implementation
Making adjustments to plan and implementation
checking new resource usage
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
Usage of PPE Environmental regulations
Types of pollution
Environmental pollution control measures
Different solid wastes
Solid waste management
Different noise pollution
Methods of minimizing noise pollution
Methods of minimizing wstage
Waste management procedures
Economizing of resource consumption
Principle of 3Rs
Types of resources
Techniques in measuring current usage of resources
Calculating current usage of resources
Types of workplace environmental hazards
©TVETCDACC 2019 37
Environmental regulations
Environmental regulations applying to the enterprise.
Procedures for assessing compliance with environmental regulations.
Collection of information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and
Measurement and recording of current resource usage
Analysis and recording of current purchasing strategies.
Analysis current work processes to access information and data Analysis of data and
Identification of areas for improvement
Resource consuming processes
Determination of quantity and nature of resource consumed
Analysis of resource flow of different parts of the resource flow process
Use/conversion of resources
Causes of low efficiency of use
Increasing the efficiency of resource use
Inspection of resource use plans
Regulations/licensing requirements
Determine benefit/cost for alternative resource sources
Benefit/costs for different alternatives
Components of proposals
Criteria on ranking proposals
Regulatory requirements
Proposals for improving resource efficiency
Implementation of resource efficiency plans
Procedures in monitor implementation
Adjustments of implementation plan
Inspection of new resource usage
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 38
1.3 Demonstrated sustainable resource use
1.4 Evaluated current practices in relation to resource usage
1.5 Demonstrated knowledge of environmental legislations and local
ordinances according to the different environmental issues
1.6 Described industrial standard environmental practices according to
the different environmental issues/concerns.
1.7 Resolved problems/ constraints encountered based on
management standard procedures
1.8 Implemented and monitored environmental practices on a periodic
basis as per company guidelines
1.9 Recommended solutions for the improvement of the program
1.10 Monitored and reported to proper authorities any
environmental incidents
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Workplace with storage facilities
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment relevant to the tasks (e.g. Cleaning
tools, cleaning materials, trash bags)
2.3 PPE, manuals and references
2.4 Legislation, policies, procedures, protocols and local ordinances
relating to environmental protection
2.5 Case studies/scenarios relating to environmental Protection
3 Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration
3.2 Oral questioning
3.3 Written examination
3.4 Interview/Third Party Reports
3.5 Portfolio (citations/awards from GOs and NGOs, certificate of
training – local and abroad)
3.6 Simulations and role-play
4 Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination
Assessment of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely
simulated workplace environment.
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information for workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 39
This unit specifies the competencies required to lead the implementation of workplace’s safety and
health program, procedures and policies/guidelines.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required
outcomes which make up level of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Identify workplace hazards 1.1 Hazards in the workplace and/or its indicators of its
and risk presence, are identified
1.2 Evaluation and/or work environment measurements of
OSH hazards/risk existing in the workplace is conducted
Authorized personnel or agency
1.3 OSH issues and/or concerns raised by workers are
2. Identify and implement 2.1 Prevention and control measures, including use of
appropriate control safety gears / PPE (personal protective equipment) for
measures specific hazards
identified and implemented
2.2 Appropriate risk controls based on result of OSH hazard
evaluation is recommended.
2.3 Contingency measures, including emergency procedures
during workplace incidents and emergencies are
recognized and established in accordance with
organization procedures.
3. Implement OSH programs, 3.1 Information to work team about company OSH program,
procedures and policies/ procedures and policies/guidelines are provided
guidelines 3.2 Implementation of OSH procedures and policies/
guidelines are participated
3.3 Team members are trained and advised on OSH standards
and procedures
3.4 Procedures for maintaining OSH-related records are
©TVETCDACC 2019 40
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
Hazards include but .1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise,
are not limited to: vibration, extreme temperature, radiation
1.1 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
1.2 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gasses, vapors
1.3 Ergonomics Psychological factors – over exertion/
excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
1.4 Physiological factors – monotony, personal relationship,
work out cycle
1.5 Safety hazards (unsafe workplace condition) -confined
space, excavations, falling objects, gas leaks, electrical,
poor storage of materials and waste, spillage, waste and
1.6 Unsafe workers’ act (Smoking in off-limited areas,
Substance and alcohol abuse at work)
Indicators include but 2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
are not limited to: 2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health complaints/
2.3 Common complaints of workers related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
Evaluation and/or 3.1 Health Audit
work environment 3.2 Safety Audit
measurements include 3.3 Work Safety and Health Evaluation
but are not limited to: 3.4 Work Environment Measurements of Physical and
Chemical Hazards
OSH issues and/or 4.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of work
concerns include but hazards
are not limited to: 4.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements (prolonged
work hours, no break time, constant overtime, scheduling of
4.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of PPEs or
other OSH procedures/policies/guidelines
©TVETCDACC 2019 41
Prevention and control 5.1 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous
measures include but machine
are not limited to: 5.2 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed
room and operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
5.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e.,
replace the machine with a safer one)
5.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related topics,
issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work schedule)
5.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use
safety guards to machine)
5.6 Use personal protective equipment
5.7 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
5.8 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of
Safety gears /PPE 6.1 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
(Personal Protective 6.2 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
Equipment) include 6.3 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
but are not limited to: 6.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
6.5 Hard hat
6.6 Face protection (mask, shield)
6.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
6.8 Anti-static suits
High-visibility reflective vest
Appropriate risk Appropriate risk controls in order of impact are as follows:
controls 7.1 Eliminate the hazard altogether (i.e., get rid of the
dangerous machine)
7.2 Isolate the hazard from anyone who could be harmed (i.e.,
keep the machine in a closed room and operate it remotely;
barricade an unsafe area off)
7.3 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace
the machine with a safer one)
7.4 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e., train
workers how to use equipment safely; train workers about the
risks of harassment; issue signage)
7.5 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e., attach
guards to the machine to protect users)
7.6 Use personal protective equipment (i.e., wear
gloves and goggles when using the machine)
©TVETCDACC 2019 42
Contingency measures 8.1 Evacuation
include but are not 8.2 Isolation
limited to: 8.3 Decontamination
8.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
Emergency procedures 9.1 Fire drill
include but are not 9.2 Earthquake drill
limited to: 9.3 Basic life support/CPR
9.4 First aid
9.5 Spillage control
9.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
9.7 Disaster preparedness/management
9.8 se of fire-extinguisher
Incidents and 10.1 Chemical spills
emergencies include 10.2 Equipment/vehicle accidents
but are not limited to: 10.3 Explosion
10.4 Fire
10.5 Gas leak
10.6 Injury to personnel
10.7 Structural collapse
10.8 Toxic and/or flammable vapours emission.
OSH-related Records 11.1 Science/Health records
include but are not 11.2 Incident/accident reports
limited to: 11.3 Sickness notifications/sick leave application
11.4 OSH-related trainings obtained
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Skills on preliminary identification of workplace hazards/risks
Knowledge management
Critical thinking skills
Observation skills
Coordinating skills
Communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Troubleshooting skills
©TVETCDACC 2019 43
Presentation skills
Training skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
General OSH Principles
Occupational hazards/risks recognition
OSH organizations providing services on OSH evaluation and/or work environment
measurements (WEM)
National OSH regulations; company OSH policies and protocols
Systematic gathering of OSH issues and concerns
General OSH principles
National OSH regulations
Company OSH and recording protocols, procedures and policies/guidelines
Training and/or counselling methodologies and strategies
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 44
1.10 Implements procedures for maintaining OSH-related
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Workplace or assessment location
2.2 OSH personal records
2.3 PPE
2.4 Health records
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Portfolio Assessment
3.2 Interview
3.3 Case Study/Situation
3.4 Observation/Demonstration and oral questioning
4. Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination
Assessment of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely
simulated workplace environment.
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 45
©TVETCDACC 2019 46
This unit specifies the competencies required to perform anatomy and physiology studies. It
involves demonstrating communication in plants and animals, demonstrating nutrition in plants
and animals and demonstrating transport in plants and animals. It also involves applying support
and locomotion in animals, demonstrating reproduction in plants and animals and demonstrating
excretion in plants and animals.
©TVETCDACC 2019 47
2.5 Digestive enzymes are demonstrated as per physiological
2.6 Dissection of a laboratory animal is carried out as per
anatomical procedures
3 Demonstrate transport 3.1 Internal structure of the root and shoot is observed under
in plants and animals the microscope as per laboratory procedures
3.2 Uptake of water and mineral salts in plants is
demonstrated as per laboratory procedures
3.3 Translocation experiments are carried out as per
laboratory procedures
3.4 Blood cells are observed and identified under the
microscope as per laboratory procedures
3.5 Mammalian circulatory system is demonstrated as per
anatomical procedures
3.6 Organs and tissues of lymphatic system are demonstrated
as per anatomical procedures
3.7 Structures of gaseous exchange in plants and animals
are identified and drawn as per anatomical procedures
3.8 Dissection of a laboratory animal is carried out to
demonstrate transport and gaseous exchange as per
anatomical procedures
4 Apply support and 4.1 Types of muscles are demonstrated as per anatomical
locomotion in animals procedures
4.2 Types of skeletons are identified as per anatomical
4.3 Structure and functions of skeletons are demonstrated as
per anatomical procedures
4.4 Structure and functions of joints are demonstrated as per
anatomical procedures
©TVETCDACC 2019 48
5.4 Adaptations of seeds and fruits to dispersal is
demonstrated as per anatomical and physiological
5.5 Reproductive system in animals is demonstrated as per
laboratory procedures.
5.6 Birth control methods are identified according to
medical standards
5.7 Dissection of a laboratory animal is carried out as per
anatomical procedures
6 Demonstrate excretion 6.1 Products of excretion in plants are collected and identified
in plants and animals as per laboratory procedures
6.2 Mammalian excretory organs are identified as per
anatomical procedures
6.3 Dissection of a laboratory animal is carried out to
demonstrate excretory organs as per anatomical
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Structure include but are not Neuron
limited to: Central Nervous System (CNS)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Sensory organs include but Eye
not limited to: Ear
©TVETCDACC 2019 49
Endocrine glands include but Pituitary gland
not limited to: Hypothalamus
Pineal gland
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
Adrenal gland
Factors affecting Carbon dioxide
photosynthesis include but Light
not limited to: Chlorophyll
Digestive enzymes include Amylase
but not limited to: Renin
Blood cells include but not Red blood cells
limited to: White blood cells
Organs and tissues of Thymus
lymphatic system include but Bone marrow
not limited to: Spleen
Structures of gaseous Lungs
exchange in plants and Gills
animals include but not Stomata
limited to: Lenticels
Types of muscles include but Smooth
not limited to: Skeletal
Types of skeletons include Exoskeleton
but not limited to: Endoskeleton
Hydro skeleton
©TVETCDACC 2019 50
Joints include but not limited Ball and socket
to: Saddle
Birth control methods Natural
include but not limited to: artificial
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Problem solving
First aid
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Cell growth and division
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
Tissue processing
©TVETCDACC 2019 51
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 52
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply standard laboratory practices. It involves
Demonstrating laboratory layout and design, maintaining laboratory safety, maintaining
laboratory equipment and apparatus and preparing laboratory reagents and chemicals. It also
includes maintaining laboratory hygiene, preparing laboratory water, carrying out material
control, managing laboratory animals, applying laboratory management and applying glass
blowing techniques.
©TVETCDACC 2019 53
2.7 First aid procedures are reviewed and updated periodically
according to safety guidelines
3. Maintain science 3.1 Laboratory equipment and apparatus are identified based
laboratory equipment on laboratory analysis requirements
and apparatus 3.2 Preparation of laboratory ware is carried out based on
standard manuals requirements
3.3 Preventive maintenance of laboratory equipment is
undertaken according to standard procedures
4. Prepare laboratory 4.1 Laboratory reagents are determined according to science
reagents and laboratory tests and standard procedures
chemicals 4.2 Methods of preparation are identified and used based on
standard procedures
4.3 Personal protective equipment is selected and used as per
laboratory safety requirements
4.4 Laboratory reagents and chemicals are used and stored
according to manufacturer’s instruction and standard
4.5 Records are kept and maintained based on standard
5. Maintain laboratory 5.1 Laboratory working areas, benches and equipment are
hygiene routinely decontaminated and cleaned according to set
laboratory procedures
5.2 Laboratory wastes are segregated and disposed as per
standard procedures
5.3 Laboratory records are kept and maintained according to
standard laboratory procedures
6. Prepare laboratory 6.1 Water sources are identified as per science laboratory
water requirements
6.2 Methods of water treatment are identified as per the
standard procedures
6.3 Water treatment is carried out as per the standard procedures
7. Carry out material 7.1 Types of stores are identified and demonstrated as per
control science laboratory procedures
7.2 Purchasing methods are identified as per science laboratory
7.3 Purchasing documents are identified and demonstrated as
per science laboratory procedures
7.4 Inventories are identified and demonstrated as per science
laboratory procedures
©TVETCDACC 2019 54
7.5 Stocktaking is carried out as per science laboratory
7.6 Laboratory store documents are identified and used
appropriately according to science laboratory requirements
8. Manage laboratory 8.1 Laboratory animals housing and caging is identified and
animals demonstrated as per animal requirements
8.2 Handling of laboratory animals is carried out according to
laboratory animal type
8.3 Sexing and breeding of laboratory animals is carried out
according to laboratory animal type
8.4 Use of anaesthetics is demonstrated according
pharmacological principles
8.5 Humane killing methods are demonstrated as per laboratory
animal procedures
8.6 Animal carcass disposal methods are demonstrated
according to science laboratory procedures
9. Apply laboratory 9.1 Laboratory management principles are identified according
management management principles
9.2 Functions of laboratory management are identified and
demonstrated as per management procedures
9.3 Role of a laboratory manager is demonstrated as per science
laboratory requirements
10. Apply glass blowing 10.1 Types of laboratory glass are identified as per science
techniques laboratory requirements
10.2 Glass blowing safety measures are observed as per
science laboratory requirements
10.3 Glass blowing tools and equipment are identified and
used as per science laboratory requirements
10.4 Glass apparatus of different sizes and shapes are
produced as per science laboratory procedures
©TVETCDACC 2019 55
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Factors include but not limited to: Available capital
Number of laboratory users
Use of the laboratory
Laboratory fittings and services Fittings
include but not limited to: Benches
Lab stools
Fume chamber
Laboratory ventilation methods Artificial ventilation
include but not limited to: Natural ventilation
Sources of laboratory Operational hazards
hazards and risks Fire
include but not limited to: Electrical hazards
o Corrosiveness
o Carcinogens
o Radioactive
o Inflammable
o Fuming
o Poisons
o Explosives
Biological hazards
o Microbes
o Poisonous plants
o Poisonous animals
©TVETCDACC 2019 56
Laboratory safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)
includes but not limited to: Proper handling
Proper choice of glass
Flame polishing
Acid dilution procedures
Laboratory rules
Regular checks of regulating devices, gauges and
Proper storage of chemicals
Precautions against naked flames
Firefighting materials and equipment
Proper handling of potentially explosive chemicals
Proper storage of radioactive materials
Proper wiring
Good housekeeping
o General cleanliness
o Personal cleanliness
Laboratory equipment and Glass slides
apparatus includes but not limited Test tubes
to: Microscope
Safety devices
Preparation of laboratory ware Cleaning
includes but not limited to: o Physical
o Chemical
o Biological
©TVETCDACC 2019 57
Preventive maintenance includes Cleaning
but not limited to: o Dusting
o Wiping
Oiling and greasing
Laboratory reagents Molar solutions
include but not limited to: Normal solutions
Part per million
Percentage solutions
Methods of water treatment Sedimentation
include but not limited to: Filtration
De- ionization
Reverse osmosis
Types of stores include but not Main stores
limited to: Central stores
Departmental stores
Purchasing methods include but not Centralized
limited to: Departmental
Purchasing documents include but Quotation
not limited to: Catalogues
Letter of inquiry
Local purchase order
Delivery note
Laboratory store documents Bin cards
include but not limited to: Location cards
Use of anaesthetics include but not Local anaesthetics
limited to: General anaesthetics
©TVETCDACC 2019 58
Humane killing methods include Chemical methods
but not limited to: Carbon dioxide gas
Overdose of chloroform
Overdose of di ethyl ether
Physical methods
Cervical dislocation
Disposal methods include but not Incineration
limited to: Burying
Management principles include but Unity of command
not limited to: Scalar chain
Delegation of authority
Organization structure
Functions of laboratory Staffing
management include but not Coordinating
limited to: Planning
Types of laboratory glass includes Soda glass
but not limited to: Pyrex glass
Borosilicate glass
Glass blowing tools and equipment Diamond glass cutter
include but not limited to: Iron wire
Rimming, bordering and flaring tools
Carbon plate
Annealing oven
Glass blowing safety measures Eye shield
include but not limited to: Asbestos gloves
Laboratory coat
Glass apparatus includes but not Centre bulb tube
limited to: End bulb tube
Y shaped tube
T shaped tube
©TVETCDACC 2019 59
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
First aid
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Laboratory ware and equipment maintenance
Science laboratory safety
Laboratory safety designs
Laboratory waste disposal
Laboratory ethical standards
Good laboratory practices
Record maintenance
Laboratory hygiene
Laboratory animals
Laboratory layout and design
Material control
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 60
1.5 Handled laboratory hazards, chemicals and reagents
1.6 Identified and determined injuries and their treatment
1.7 Identified and maintained laboratory equipment and apparatus
1.8 Prepared laboratory chemicals and reagents
1.9 Applied material control procedures
1.10 Prepared laboratory water
1.11 Maintained laboratory store documents
1.12 Managed laboratory animals
1.13 Applied laboratory management principles
1.14 Applied glassblowing techniques
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Well-equipped functional laboratory facility
2.2 Standard laboratory procedures manual
2.3 Laboratory ware and equipment
2.4 Laboratory reagents and chemicals
2.5 Computer
2.6 PPEs
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral
3.2 Written
3.3 Observation
3.4 Third party
3.5 Practical
4. Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination of
Assessment these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely simulated
workplace environment.
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 61
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out microscopy. It involves applying types
of microscopy, determining parts of a microscope, carrying out micrometry and carrying out care
and maintenance of microscopes
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required level
outcomes which make up of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Apply types of 1.1 Bright field microscopy is identified and demonstrated as per
microscopy science laboratory procedure
1.2 Dark field microscopy is demonstrated as per science
laboratory procedures
1.3 Fluorescent microscopy is demonstrated as per science
laboratory procedures
1.4 Electron microscopy is demonstrated as per science laboratory
1.5 Digital microscope is identified and demonstrated as per
science laboratory procedures
2. Determine parts of a 2.1 Occular parts are identified and demonstrated as per science
microscope laboratory procedures
2.2 Mechanical parts are identified and demonstrated as per
science laboratory procedures
2.3 Handling of a microscope is carried out as per science
laboratory procedures
3. Carry out micrometry 3.1 Specimen preparation is carried out as per science laboratory
3.2 Microscopic observation of the specimen is carried out as per
science laboratory procedures
3.3 Micrometry of the prepared specimen is carried out as per
science laboratory procedures
©TVETCDACC 2019 62
4. Carry out care and 4.1 Microscopes are dusted and cleaned as per science laboratory
maintenance of requirements
microscopes 4.2 Microscopes are lubricated as per science laboratory
4.3 Microscopes are stored according to science laboratory
4.4 Microscopes are regularly calibrated based on science
laboratory standards.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variables Range
Occular parts include but not Eye piece lenses
limited to: Objective lenses
Mechanical parts include but Stage
not limited to: Mechanical adjustment knobs
Coarse adjustment knobs
Fine adjustment knobs
Micrometry include but not Use of a graticule
limited to: Use of micrometer stage
Use of a ruler
Required Skills
Organizing skills
Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
Problem solving
Critical thinking
©TVETCDACC 2019 63
Required Knowledge
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 64
This unit specifies the competencies required to conduct laboratory research. It involves
preparing for laboratory research, carrying out laboratory research and analyzing the laboratory
research findings. It also includes documenting and disseminating laboratory research findings.
©TVETCDACC 2019 65
research methodology
3. Analyze laboratory research 3.1 Standard data analytical methods are
findings identified according to standard statistical
3.2 Validity and reliability are determined in
accordance to research methods
3.3 Ethical considerations are determined based on
research methods utilized
3.4 Data analysis techniques are determined in
accordance with data collected
4. Document the laboratory 4.1 Process of research is documented in accordance
research process and with research protocols
findings 4.2 Conclusions and recommendations of the study are
provided based on the research findings
4.3 Research report is compiled in accordance with
research protocols
5. Disseminate laboratory 5.1 Stakeholders in science research are determined in
research accordance with the research purpose
5.2 Appropriate methods for dissemination are
determined as per dissemination protocols
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Conceptual framework includes but not Analytical tool
limited to: A diagram that shows causes
and effects of a problem
Diagram that shows relationship
between independent and dependent
©TVETCDACC 2019 66
Theoretical framework includes but not Structure that can hold or support
limited to: a theory of a research study.
Introduces and describes the theory
Identification of theories that relate
to a research problem
Context for explaining a problem
Scope includes but not limited Information or subject being analyzed
to: o Objectives of the research
o Time frame of the research
o Constraints of the research
Explanation of limitation of the research
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Data collection
Decision making
©TVETCDACC 2019 67
Problem identification
Problem solving
Report writing
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Introduction to research
Types of research
Purposes of research
Basic terms in research
Problem identification
Literature review
Research design
Data collection and analysis
Research materials
Research proposal
Research report
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 68
2.2 Reporting tools
2.3 Stationery
2.4 Data analysis tools
2.5 PPEs
3 Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral
3.2 Observation
3.3 Written
3.4 Third party report
3.5 Case study
4 Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
Assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken
in a closely simulated workplace environment.
5 Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
for assessment workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 69
©TVETCDACC 2019 70
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out cytological and histological
techniques. It involves applying cell biology and applying cell division and growth. It also
involves carrying out specimen collection and processing tissue samples.
4 Process tissue samples 4.1 Chemical fixation of tissues is carried out as per
laboratory procedures
4.2 Tissue processing is carried out based on laboratory
©TVETCDACC 2019 71
4.3 Tissue sectioning is carried out as per laboratory
4.4 Staining of sections is carried out as per laboratory
4.5 Mounting of sections is carried out based on laboratory
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Solutions and apparatus Solutions
include but are not limited Hypotonic solutions
to: Hypertonic solutions
Isotonic solutions
Visking tubings
Semi permeable membrane
Glass wares
Cork borers
Cell physiological processes Osmosis
include but are not limited Diffusion
to: Active transport
Animal and plant tissues Red blood cells
include but not limited to: Onion epidermal cells
Potato tubers
Fresh tissue preparations Squash
include but not limited to: Touch (impression)
Teased preparation
Chemical fixation includes Simple fixatives
but not limited to: Compound fixatives
©TVETCDACC 2019 72
Tissue processing includes Dehydration
but not limited to: Clearing
Tissue sectioning includes Rotary microtomes
but not limited to: Freezing microtomes
Floating bath
Use of adhesives
Staining of sections include Preparation of stains
but not limited to: Staining procedures
o Papanicoloau staining
o Haematoxyllin eosin
Mounting of sections Use of mountants
includes but not limited to: o Resinous mountants
o Aqueous mountants
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Problem solving
First aid
©TVETCDACC 2019 73
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Cell growth and division
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
Tissue processing
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 74
4 Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination
Assessment of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely
simulated workplace environment.
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 75
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out microbiological techniques. It involves
carrying out safety and sterilization, performing culture and bacteria identification, carrying out
specimen collection, carrying out antibiotic sensitivity testing and applying food and water
microbiology. It also involves applying industrial microbiology, performing mycological
techniques and performing virology techniques.
©TVETCDACC 2019 76
2.5 Inoculation is carried out based on microbiological
2.6 Bacterial identification is carried out as per
microbiological procedures
3 Carry out specimen collection 3.1 Types of specimen are identified as per laboratory
3.2 Specimen is collected based on laboratory
3.3 Specimen processing is carried out as per laboratory
3.4 Microscopic examination is carried out as per
laboratory procedures
4 Carry out antibiotic sensitivity 4.1 Classes of antibiotics are identified as per
testing microbiological procedures
4.2 Antibiotic sensitivity testing techniques are carried
out as per microbiological procedures
4.3 Methods of bacterial enumeration are determined as
per microbiological procedures
4.4 Bacterial enumeration is carried out based on
microbiological procedures
5 Apply food and water 5.1 Water sampling methods are identified as per
microbiology microbiological procedures
5.2 Water sampling is carried out as per microbiological
5.3 Causes of water pollution are identified as per
laboratory procedures
5.4 Water treatment is carried out as per microbiological
5.5 Sewage treatment is carried out according to
microbiological procedures
5.6 Analysis of bacteria in food and water is carried out
based on microbiological procedures
5.7 Food preservation methods are determined as per
laboratory procedures
6 Apply industrial microbiology 6.1 Industrial micro-organisms are determined as per
microbiological procedures
6.2 Food production processes are carried out as per
microbiological procedures
©TVETCDACC 2019 77
6.3 Bio-gas production is carried out as per
microbiological procedures
6.4 Biodegradation is carried out as per laboratory
7 Perform mycological techniques 7.1 Classification of fungi is determined as per
laboratory procedures
7.2 Growth requirements are determined as per
laboratory procedures
7.3 Culture and identification of fungi is carried out as
per microbiological procedures
7.4 Mycotoxins are extracted and identified as per
microbiological procedures
8 Perform virology techniques 8.1 Classification of viruses is determined as per
microbiological procedures
8.2 Structure of viruses is determined as per
microbiological procedures
8.3 Animal viral diseases are identified as per
microbiological procedures
8.4 Viral diagnostic techniques are carried out as per
microbiological procedures
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
©TVETCDACC 2019 78
Types of culture media include but Solid
are not limited to: Liquid
Inoculation methods include but are Streaking
not limited to: Stubbing
Pour plate
Deep culture
Bacterial identification includes but Staining
are not limited to: Cultural characteristics
Biochemical tests
Types of specimen includes but are Pus
not limited to: Blood
Specimen processing includes but Dilution
are not limited to: Culture
©TVETCDACC 2019 79
Structure of viruses include but not Nucleic acid
limited to: Protein coat
Viral diagnostic techniques include Tissue culture
but not limited to: Cell monolayers
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Critical thinking
Problem solving
First aid
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Culture media
Water treatment
Sewage treatment
Nucleic acids
©TVETCDACC 2019 80
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 81
This unit specifies the competencies required to perform taxonomic studies. It involves applying
principles of classification, carrying out kingdom monera survey, carrying out kingdom protista
survey and carrying out kingdom fungi survey. It also involves carrying out kingdom animalia
survey, carrying out kingdom plantae survey and carrying out construction of a dichotomous
©TVETCDACC 2019 82
3.5 Economic importance of kingdom protista is determined
as per their uses.
4 Carry out kingdom fungi 4.1 General characteristics of organisms are identified as per
survey taxonomic classification system
4.2 Sub groups of kingdom fungi are identified as per
taxonomic classification system
4.3 Specimens are collected, classified and identified
according to taxonomic classification system.
4.4 Economic importance of kingdom fungi is determined as
per their uses.
5 Carry out kingdom 5.1 General characteristics of organisms are identified as per
animalia survey taxonomic classification system.
5.2 Sub groups of kingdom animalia are identified as per
taxonomic classification system.
5.3 Specimens are collected, classified and identified
according to taxonomic classification system.
6 Carry out kingdom plantae 6.1 General characteristics of organisms are identified as per
survey taxonomic procedures
6.2 Sub groups of kingdom plantae are identified as per
taxonomic procedures
6.3 Specimens are collected, classified and identified
according to taxonomic classification system.
7 Carry out construction of a 7.1 Dichotomous keys are constructed based on observable
dichotomous key characteristics
7.2 Organisms are identified using dichotomous keys
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Classification of kingdom Classified according to
monera includes but not Morphology
limited to: Air requirements
pH requirements
Temperature requirements
Nutrients requirements
©TVETCDACC 2019 83
Economic importance Clinical
includes but not limited to: Industrial
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Problem solving
First aid
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Binomial nomenclature
Classification systems
Hierarchy of classification
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 84
1.4 Carried out kingdom fungi survey
1.5 Carried out kingdom animalia survey
1.6 Carried out kingdom plantae survey
1.7 Identified general characteristics of organisms
1.8 Determined economic importance of kingdom monera, kingdom
Protista and kingdom fungi
1.9 Constructed a dichotomous key
©TVETCDACC 2019 85
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply herbarium, museum, aquarium and
vivarium techniques. It involves carrying out herbarium techniques and carrying out museum
techniques. It also involves carrying out aquarium techniques, applying aquaculture techniques
and carrying out vivarium techniques.
©TVETCDACC 2019 86
2.6 Museum specimens are maintained as per museum
3 Carry out aquarium 3.1 Components of an aquarium are identified as per
techniques aquarium requirements
3.2 An aquarium is set up as per aquarium requirements
3.3 Aquarium organisms are introduced in the aquarium as
per aquarium requirements
3.4 Management of an aquarium is carried out as per
aquarium requirements
4 Apply aquaculture 4.1 Construction of a fish pond is carried out based on site
techniques requirements
4.2 Introduction of fish into the fish pond is carried out based
on fish family
4.3 Fish feeding is carried out as per fish family requirements
4.4 Fish breeding is carried out based on fish species
4.5 Fish are harvested as per fishing requirements
4.6 Fish diseases are managed based on fish health
5 Carry out vivarium 5.1 Construction of vivarium is carried out based on type of
techniques organism.
5.2 Introduction of organisms is carried out based on type of
5.3 Vivarium diseases are identified based on organism health
5.4 Management of vivarium is done based on type of
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Museum specimens includes but not Zoological
limited to: Botanical
©TVETCDACC 2019 87
Preservation includes but not limited to: Fluid
Treatment after preservation
Components of an aquarium include but Air pump
not limited to: Substrate
Aquatic plants
Management of an aquarium include but Feeding of fish
not limited to: Hygiene
Temperature regulation
Introduction of fish includes but not Fingerlings are introduced by use of
limited to: Nets
Fish feeding includes but not limited to: Dried stuff
Live foods
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Aquarium techniques
©TVETCDACC 2019 88
Museum techniques
Herbarium techniques
Aquaculture techniques
Vivarium techniques
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 89
3.4 Observation
3.5 Practical test
4 Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination
Assessment of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely
simulated workplace environment.
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 90
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out ecological and soil studies. It involves
applying ecological principles, applying population ecology, carrying out aquatic studies,
carrying out terrestrial studies and applying soil formation. It also involves carrying out soil
science and applying environmental conservation.
©TVETCDACC 2019 91
4.2 Terrestrial organisms are collected and identified based
on the type of ecosystem
4.3 Adaptive features of terrestrial organisms are identified
based on their observable features
5 Demonstrate 5.1 Gaseous cycles are demonstrated as per ecological
biogeochemical cycles procedures
5.2 Hydrological cycle is demonstrated as per ecological
5.3 Nutrient cycles are demonstrated as per ecological
6 Apply soil formation 6.1 Soil components are determined based on type of soil
6.2 Soil formation process is determined based on the
ecological zone
6.3 Soil profile is determined based on the ecological zone
6.4 Classification of soils is carried out based on
biophysiochemical properties.
7 Carry out soil science 7.1 Soil structure and texture are determined based on the soil
7.2 Soil water, air and temperature are determined based on
soil type
7.3 Mineral elements in soil are analyzed based on soil type
7.4 Soil pH and cation exchange capacity are determined
based on soil type
7.5 Soil organisms are isolated and identified based on
observable features
7.6 Soil organic matter is determined based on soil type
©TVETCDACC 2019 92
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Abiotic and biotic factors Wind
include but are not limited Light
to: Water
Population estimation Capture-recapture
methods include but are not Direct count
limited to: Line transects
Belt transects
Population dynamics include Predation
but are not limited to: Competition
Edaphic factors
Aquatic ecosystems include Marine
but not limited to: Brackish water
Wet land
Terrestrial ecosystems Forest
include but not limited to: Grassland
Range land
Arid and semi-arid
Soil components include but Air
not limited to: Water
Organic matter
Soil profile includes but not Top soil
limited to: Sub soil
Parent rock
©TVETCDACC 2019 93
Mineral elements include but Major elements
not limited to: Trace elements
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills
Critical thinking
Problem solving
First aid
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Biotic and abiotic factors
Food chains
Food webs
Ecological pyramids
©TVETCDACC 2019 94
Aquatic ecology
Terrestrial ecology
Biogeochemical cycles
Environmental conservation
Soil science
Soil conservation
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
©TVETCDACC 2019 95
3 Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral
3.2 Written
3.3 Observation
3.4 Third party
3.5 Practical test
4 Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination
Assessment of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely
simulated workplace environment.
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information workplace and job role is recommended.
©TVETCDACC 2019 96
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out animal husbandry. It involves carrying
out housing and hygiene of laboratory animals, carrying out handling of laboratory animals and
carrying out feeding of laboratory animals. It also involves demonstrating breeding of laboratory
animals and carrying out anaesthesia and euthanasia.
©TVETCDACC 2019 97
4.2 Oestrous cycle of laboratory animals is determined as per
animal physiology
4.3 Gestation period of laboratory animals is determined as
per animal physiology
4.4 Litter size of laboratory animals is determined based on
the laboratory animal
4.5 Population control methods are identified and carried out
as per laboratory animal requirement
5 Carry out anaesthesia and 5.1 Anaesthetic agents are applied in laboratory animals as
euthanasia per pharmacological principles
5.2 Dissection of laboratory animals is carried out as per
laboratory procedures
5.3 Humane killing methods are determined as per
laboratory procedures
5.4 Animal carcass disposal methods are demonstrated as per
laboratory procedures
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Types of animal feeds Water
include but not limited to: Concentrates
Feed presentation methods Open bowl
include but not limited to: Bottle method
Anaesthetic agents include Local
but not limited to: Procain
Sodium pentobarbital
©TVETCDACC 2019 98
Humane killing methods Chemical
include but not limited to: Carbondioxide gas
Gun shot
Disposal methods include Incineration
but not limited to: Burying
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
Animal handling techniques
Animal pathology
©TVETCDACC 2019 99
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1 Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Aspects of 1.1 Designed and constructed laboratory animal structures
Competency 1.2 Disinfected and cleaned laboratory animal structures
1.3 Identified and managed laboratory animal diseases
1.4 Handled laboratory animals properly
1.5 Sexed laboratory animals
1.6 Identified regulations governing handling of animals
1.7 Identified types of animal feeds
1.8 Demonstrated feed presentation methods
1.9 Identified laboratory animals for breeding
1.10 Determined oestrous cycle, gestation period and litter size of
laboratory animal
1.11 Identified population control methods
1.12 Applied anaesthetic agents
1.13 Carried out dissection of laboratory animals
1.14 Determined humane killing methods
1.15 Demonstrated animal carcass disposal methods
2 Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Well-equipped biology laboratory facility
2.2 Science laboratory procedures manual
2.3 Laboratory reagents and chemicals
2.4 Workshop tools
2.5 PPEs
3 Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral
3.2 Written
3.3 Observation
3.4 Third party
3.5 Practical test
4 Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination
Assessment of these. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely
simulated workplace environment.
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out plant husbandry. It involves
demonstrating plant propagation, managing a greenhouse facility, managing horticultural plants
and demonstrating plant pathology. It also involves demonstrating use of plant hormones,
applying tissue culture and demonstrating crop yield loss.
6 Apply tissue culture 6.1 Tissue culture types are identified based on part of plant
6.2 Tissue culture process are carried out based on standard
tissue culture practices
7 Demonstrate crop yield 7.1 Causes of yield loss in crops are identified as per MoALF
loss production manual
7.2 Methods of assessing yield loss in crops are determined
as per MoALF production manual
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Horticultural plants include Vegetable crops
but are not limited to: Mushrooms
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Cell growth and division
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
Plant pathology
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply entomological techniques. It involves
determining classification of insects, demonstrating anatomy and physiology of insects, and
determining insect ecology. It also involves carrying out rearing of insects, demonstrating pest
control and management and determining control of arthropod vectors
5 Demonstrate pest control 5.1 Insect pests are identified as per entomological
and management procedures
5.2 Methods of pest control are determined as per
entomological procedures
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Systems include but are not Digestive
limited to: Gaseous exchange
Life cycles include but are Complete metamorphosis
not limited to: Partial metamorphosis
Incomplete metamorphosis
Adaptations include but are Anatomical
not limited to: physiological
Methods of collecting insects Light traps
include but are not limited Sweep nets
to: Pit fall traps
Insects include but not Locust
limited to: Fruit fly
Methods of pest control Cultural
include but not limited to: Biological
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
First aid
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Histological techniques
Insect collection methods
Storage of insects
Rearing of insects
Pest control and management
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to carry out parasitological techniques. It involves
carrying out protozoology and carrying out helminthology.
Classification of protozoa Ciliate
include but are not limited Flagellates/mastigophore
to: Sarcodina
Protozoan diseases include Coccidiosis
but are not limited to: Trypanasomiasis
Toxoplasma gondii
Trichomonas vaginalis
Classification of helminthes Cestodes
include but are not limited Trematodes
to: Nematodes
Helminthes include but are Ascaris lumbricoides
not limited to: Hook worms
Wuchereria bancrofti
Taenia spp
Fasciola hepatica
Schistosoma spp
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Problem solving
First aid
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
Protozoan diseases
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to perform immunological techniques. It involves
demonstrating immunological tissues and cells and determining immunological reactions. It also
involves carrying out immunodiagnostic methods and applying immunization procedures.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
Immune cells & tissues
Antigen-antibody reactions
Immunodiagnostic techniques
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply biochemical techniques. It involves
determining classification of bio-molecules and carrying out separation and qualitative analysis
of bio-molecules. It also involves determining metabolism of bio-molecules and applying
Classification of bio- Macro biomolecules
molecules include but are not Micro biomolecules
limited to:
Types of biomolecules Carbohydrates
include but are not limited Lipids
to: Proteins
Nucleic acids
Separation of biomolecules Chromatography
include but are not limited electrophoresis
Qualitative analysis includes Reducing sugars/Benedict’s test
but is not limited to: Iodine test
Translucent test
Biurets test
Models on mechanism of Lock and key
enzyme action include but Induced fit
are not limited to:
Factors affecting enzyme Temperature
action include but are not pH
limited to: Enzyme concentration
Substrate concentration
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Critical thinking
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Cytological techniques
Histological techniques
Specimen collection methods
Storage of specimens
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to perform pharmacological and toxicological
techniques. It involves determining classification of drugs, applying pharmacodynamics and
demonstrating chemotherapeutic agents. It also involves applying phamarcokinetic, carrying out
extraction of toxins and carrying out toxicity testing.
6 Carry out toxicity testing 6.1 Toxicity tests are carried out as per laboratory procedures
6.2 Half-life of toxic substances is determined as per
laboratory procedures.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria apply.
It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Classes of drugs include but Chemical basis
are not limited to: Disease condition
Organ system
Agonist and antagonist receptor
Classes of chemotherapeutic Antibiotics
agents Anti-fungals
Anti helminthes
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skill
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Classification of drugs
Extraction techniques
Cell structure
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.