Daily Time Order Updated 2022
Daily Time Order Updated 2022
Daily Time Order Updated 2022
Mondays – Thursdays: 5:30 AM - Breakfast Preps (In Silence)
5:45 AM - Rise 6:00 - Rise/ Breakfast
6:00 - Morning Praise 6:30 - Sunday Apostolate
6:30 - Mass 12:00 NN - Lunch
7:00 - Breakfast/ Dishwashing 1:00 PM - Free Time
8:00 - Studies/ Work 6:00 - Personal Prayer (Silence)
11:45 - AM Examen/ Angelus 6:30 - Vocation Rosary
12:00 NN - Lunch/ Dishwashing 7:00 - Dinner / Dishwashing
1:00 PM - Studies/ Work - Recreation Time
6:00 - Personal Prayer in the chapel 8:00 - Faith Sharing/ Examen
(Silence) - Magnum Silencium
7:00 - Dinner/ Dishwashing 11:00 - Lights Out
- Recreation Time
8:00 - Conferences/Meetings Notes:
9:00 - Examen/Subdued 1) Recreation Time: We all gather together after
Conversation dinner at the house living room. Candidates,
11:00 - Lights Out/Magnum Silencium especially those not tasked to do dishwashing
are asked to proceed immediately to the living
room for recreation. At least once a month, the
Fridays Recreation Seniors may introduce Organized
5:45 AM - Rise Rec/ Joy (community games/ programs).
6:00 - Morning Praise
6:30 - Find Your Own Mass 2) TV Time is only from 12:30 – 1pm; 7:30pm to
7:00 - Breakfast/ Dishwashing 8pm on weekdays; Fridays, 7:30 pm to 10:45pm;
8:00 - Studies/ Work and during Free time on weekends.
11:45 - AM Examen/ Angelus
12:00 NN - Lunch 3) Conferences/ Meetings (8PM):
1:00 PM - Studies/ Work Every 4th Friday of the Month – Monthly
Recollection (with prayer points at
6:00 - Personal Prayer anywhere in
6PM on Fridays/ 8PM Exposition);
the house except in your room Recollection ends at 12:00 NN of
(Silence) Saturday.
7:00 - Dinner/ Dishwashing
- Free Time/ Examen 4) Regular personal exercises may be scheduled
11:00 - Lights Out/Magnum between 4:00 – 5:45PM. Early morning
Silencium exercises are allowed so long as you do not break
the silence.
4:00 - Marketing (those assigned) 5) On Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays,
6:00 - Rise everyone is expected to do Examen on his own.
6:30 - Morning Praise During free nights, please be back in the house
7:00 - Mass by 10:30pm.
7:30 - Breakfast/ Dishwashing
8:30 - Manualia
- Free Time after Manualia
12:00 NN - Lunch
1:00 PM - Free Time
6:00 - Silence in the house
7:00 - Dinner / Free Time
11:00 - Lights Out/Magnum