Ank 2023 J. Electrochem. Soc. 170 120536
Ank 2023 J. Electrochem. Soc. 170 120536
Ank 2023 J. Electrochem. Soc. 170 120536
Battery research depends upon up-to-date information on the cell characteristics found in current electric vehicles, which is
exacerbated by the deployment of novel formats and architectures. This necessitates open access to cell characterization data.
Therefore, this study examines the architecture and performance of first-generation Tesla 4680 cells in detail, both by electrical
characterization and thermal investigations at cell-level and by disassembling one cell down to the material level including a three-
electrode analysis. The cell teardown reveals the complex cell architecture with electrode disks of hexagonal symmetry as well as
an electrode winding consisting of a double-sided and homogeneously coated cathode and anode, two separators and no mandrel. A
solvent-free anode fabrication and coating process can be derived. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy as well as differential
voltage, incremental capacity and three-electrode analysis confirm a NMC811 cathode and a pure graphite anode without silicon.
On cell-level, energy densities of 622.4 Wh/L and 232.5 Wh/kg were determined while characteristic state-of-charge dependencies
regarding resistance and impedance behavior are revealed using hybrid pulse power characterization and electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy. A comparatively high surface temperature of ∼70 °C is observed when charging at 2C without active
cooling. All measurement data of this characterization study are provided as open source.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,
by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/
Manuscript submitted November 7, 2023; revised manuscript received December 7, 2023. Published December 29, 2023.
Since its commercialization by Sony in 1991, lithium-ion battery contrast, academic lithium-ion battery (LIB) research is typically
technology has undergone a development with significant conducted on a laboratory scale or utilizing pilot production lines
advances.1,2 Due to their high energy density, robustness and using smaller cell formats, easy-to-make cell designs, and manual or
efficiency, the global electric vehicle stock consisted in 2022 of semi-manual production processes.15 Therefore, research-grade
more than 26 million vehicles, marking an increase of 60 % LIBs inherently differ from commercially produced battery cells
compared to the previous year.3 However, a diverse set of possible and can thus only serve as a reference for few properties.15–18
approaches regarding lithium-ion battery technology, consisting of The described trend toward larger cell formats and the precarious
different battery chemistries, formats and implementation concepts, situation regarding the availability of LIB production data substantiates
exists. These range from common 18650 cylindrical cells with the scientific community’s interest in studying the characteristics of
around 3 Ah to large-format pouch or prismatic cells with capacities large-format cylindrical cells. Previously published articles highlighting
upwards of 100 Ah.4 Depending on the utilized concept, different and characterizing state-of-the-art cells further demonstrate the great
advantages and disadvantages arise with regard to cycle life, thermal appeal of such scientific manuscripts, as the data can be used, e.g. for
properties, gravimetric and volumetric energy density as well as battery modeling and further research.11,15,18–20 Since the combination
safety. of a novel cell format and a tabless architecture governs the actual cell
The 4680 cell format (46 mm diameter, 80 mm axial length) was behavior, this study provides the basis for a improved understanding of
introduced for the Model Y electric vehicle at Teslaʼs Battery Day these characteristics.
20205,6 and promises higher energy content and power capability
due to the larger format compared to frequently used 18650 or
Previous research.—Due to the short period of availability and
21700 cylindrical cells7 and a “tabless” design. Compared to a
limited procurement options from series-production vehicles, only
21700 cell, the new format increases volume by a factor of 5.5.8
comparatively few studies on the 4680 cylindrical cell format have
Large-format cylindrical cells are expected to reduce production
been published to date. Frank et al.21 used an experimentally
costs in pack assembly, as fewer individual cells need to be
validated multidimensional multiphysics model describing a high
assembled and interconnected to achieve the same battery pack
energy NMC811/Si-C cylindrical lithium-ion battery to evaluate the
characteristics. In addition to Tesla, the manufacturer BMW
effects of tabless design and cooling topologies for, among others,
announced the launch of its new electric vehicle platform called
4680 cell formats under varying charging protocols. The results
“Neue Klasse”, also utilizing cylindrical cells with a diameter of
show that a tabless design contributes to improving the charging
46 mm (with two different axial lengths).9
performance by reducing polarization and ohmic heating with an
Battery cell manufacturers usually only provide limited informa-
improved cell homogeneity and thus enables format-independent
tion about cell characteristics and do not disclose their highly
scalability of fast-charging performance with a tab-cooling topology.
complex, interdependent manufacturing processes.8,10–12 In addition,
However, these results were obtained purely by simulation and using
cell chemistry and cell design vary depending on the cell and
hypothetical layouts. Mayer et al.22 used data from Frank et al.21 to
original equipment manufacturers as well as customer requirements,
identify a processing strategy for high repetition ultrafast laser
which leads to manufacturer-specific production chains.13,14 In
ablation scenarios. Tranter et al.23 numerically explored the electro-
chemical and thermal behavior of a 4680 cylindrical cell and
revealed a mitigation of ohmic losses occurring around the jelly-
E-mail: [email protected] roll current collectors, which are considerable in the common tabbed
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
case, thus resulting in higher efficiency and capacity as well as lower discharges and galvanostatic electrochemical impedance spectro-
heat generation. As with Frank et al.,21 this study presented entirely scopy (EIS) measurements of multiple cells.
simulative results. Pegel et al.24 developed geometrical models Hybrid pulse power characterization of one cell: Investigation of
describing the properties of the cells’ structural components with the resistance behavior of one cell using a hybrid pulse power
regard to certain loadcases and explore the volumetric efficiency and characterization (HPPC) measurement employing 10 s charge and
energy density as a function of cell dimensions and housing material discharge pulses at C-rates of 0.5C to 1.5C in 10 % state-of-charge
choices. Once again, no actual cell with a diameter of 46 mm was (SOC) increments from 10 % to 90 % SOC.
investigated in the study, with the models being based on a 10 Ah Open source provision of all measurement data: All raw
cylindrical reference cell. Shen et al.25 used a distributed 3D coupled measurement data, including cell teardown images, SEM/EDX
electro-thermal equivalent circuit network model of a 4680 cell to recordings, and test procedures are provided as open source along-
study different thermal management options and demonstrate that side the article.
Figure 1. Overview of the lithium-ion cells examined, their cell ID, condition upon arrival and classification as well as tests conducted.
there does not need to be a trade-off between cell size and thermal Experimental
performance, as long as cylindrical cells are designed tabless. To the
The cells under study and the experimental procedures of cell
best of the authors’ knowledge, the first academic article with actual
teardown as well as electrical characterization and thermal investi-
4680 cells from Tesla was presented by Baazouzi et al.,8 in which
gation are described hereinafter.
the authors investigated 19 cylindrical lithium-ion battery cells from
four cell manufacturers in four formats (18650, 20700, 21700, 4680)
Overview of tested cells.—All cells under investigation in this
with respect to their design features, such as tab design and quality
study originate from a Tesla Model Y (year of manufacture 2022) and
parameters. The results show that the Tesla 4680 cell architecture is
were procured in late 2022 and early 2023, thus belonging to the first
not fully tabless since only the jelly roll design is engineered in a
generation of 4680 cells. Eight of the nine cells were obtained via an
tabless manner. Approx. 25 % of the cathode and 30 % of the anode
engineering and manufacturing consulting firm in the United States
feature no notches, thus resulting in long thermal and electrical
(Munro & Associates, USA), with an additional cell (herein titled as ID
transport paths. However, the authors focus on the comparison with
xxx/828) made available by industry which still was attached to parts of
additional cells of different formats and not on an extensive
the side cooling system. No precise exposure history is available for any
characterization of the 4680 cell or its production processes.
of the cells, but in the case of the cell from a different source in
According to communication with the authors, the investigated
particular, previous investigations are to be assumed, which is why this
cell appears to be from the identical vehicle as most test specimens
cell is excluded from any further examinations and thus only serves as a
investigated in this paper, allowing for comparative observations.
visual comparator. Upon receipt of the goods, all cells were first
This teardown study ties in methodically with the characteriza-
visually inspected revealing several dents near the top assembly on four
tion research of Günter et al.11 as well as Stock et al.,15 who
of the cells, presumably resulting from the forceful disassembly process
examined an automotive 78 Ah pouch cell from the Volkswagen
from the vehicle. All residual structural foam was removed using
ID.3 and a 161.5 Ah prismatic hardcase lithium iron phosphate
acetone. An overview of the cells under study and their condition at
(LFP) cell from a Tesla Model 3 (Standard Range), respectively.
incoming inspection is given in Fig. 1. The Figure also provides an
overview of the assignment of the cells to the experimental test
Contributions.—This characterization article extensively ana- procedures performed in each case, since the different characterizations
lyzes cylindrical 4680 lithium-ion cells from the so-called “first were performed in parallel. The cell ID nomenclature was adopted from
generation” that were extracted from a state-of-the-art Tesla Model Y the supplier and refers to the number of the cell in the Tesla Model Y
(model year 2022, manufactured in Austin, USA). The following battery pack. According to the supplier, there are 828 cells arranged in
contributions are particularly noteworthy: four modules.26,27 No official data sheet was provided upon delivery by
In-depth cell architecture and electrode material analysis: the manufacturer or supplier.
Detailed exploration of the cell architecture, analysis of the material
composition using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy- Cell teardown and material extraction.—One cell (ID 083/828)
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and investigation of electrode was selected for teardown, discharged completely to 2.5 V, and
properties over the full length of the anode and cathode sheet. brought into a glove box specially designed for teardown analysis
Three-electrode analysis: Assembly of 1/2″ T-cells with gold wire (MBraun, Germany). Filled with an argon atmosphere, the values for
as a reference electrode and subsequent investigation of anode and H2O and O2 were constantly monitored and regulated to below
cathode characteristics using pseudo open-circuit voltage (pOCV) and 0.1 parts per million (ppm). The setup has been used for previous
galvanostatic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). cell teardown studies11,28 and is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Thermal investigation during charging: Analysis of the heat To open the casing of the cell, a milling spindle (Proxxon,
generation at cap, center and bottom of one cell’s can during Germany) with a cutting disc with a diameter of 32 mm (Dremel,
charging rates of up to 2C utilizing a thermal imaging camera. USA) was used within the glove box, ensuring that the cutting disc
Electrical characterization of several cells: Extensive performance would only penetrate the casing and not the electrodes. First, a cut
characterization at the cell level using constant current (CC) charges/ was performed around the perimeter of the top of the cell, so that the
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
Structural and elemental analysis.—After opening the cell (ID Electrical characterization.—To evaluate the resistance of the
083/828), the electrode assembly was entirely removed from the full cell under test at different SOCs, a HPPC measurement was
casing and geometrically measured. The current collector discs were performed. For this purpose, the cell (ID 186/828) was subjected to
removed from both the cathode and anode sides of the jelly roll, and 10 s charge and discharge pulses at C-rates of 0.5 C, 1 C and 1.5 C
their dimensions along with the assembly structure were measured after 1 h of relaxation, each. The analysis was performed in 10 %
(cf. Fig. 3). Subsequently, the adhesive tapes of the jelly roll were SOC steps from 10 % to 90 % SOC. After each pulse, a pause of
removed, and the electrode assembly was unwound, resulting in 300 s was added, before the charge was reset using coulomb
separate cathode, anode, and the two separators. The thickness of all counting and the cell was relaxed for 1 h before the next pulse.
components was measured using a Micromar 40 EWRi (Mahr, The HPPC test protocol is presented in Table A·II.
Germany). Lengths and widths of the components were measured Capacity characterization protocols, which included a C/3 CC
using calipers and a folding rule. To determine the areal mass discharge capacitance determination and C/20 pOCV measurements
loading of the electrodes, samples were extracted using Nogami in charge and discharge direction, were applied to eight cells (ID
punches (Nogami, Japan) with a diameter of 14 mm for cathodes and 083/828, 131/828, 186/828, 444/828, 536/828, 549/828, 550/828,
15 mm for anodes. These samples were then weighed using a high- 601/828) and are presented in Table A·III.
precision scale. Starting from the core of the roll, samples were Three cells (ID 131/828, 186/828, 549/828) were subsequently
taken and measured every 50 cm up to the ends. For determining the subjected to galvanostatic EIS (10 kHz to 10 mHz, 10 ppd (loga-
current collector thickness, the coating was removed from both sides rithmic spacing), 500 mA excitation amplitude, 5 amf, drift
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
Figure 3. Display of the teardown process of one cell (ID 083/828) as well as depiction of partial measurements on the opened cell. (a)–(d) Outer cell
measurements and cell opening, with weld spot of the housing visible in (b); (e) Notched and folded anode tabs (f) Anode disk; (g) Notched and folded cathode
tabs; (h) Cathode disk; (i) Dismanteled jelly roll; (j)–(o) Inner cell architecture and component measurements. Additional cell teardown images can be found in
the supplementary material.
Figure 6. Exploded view of the parts of the 4680 cell. The components are
drawn based on the measured dimensions of the cell, current collector disks,
and the jelly roll.
tapes. For the internal connection of the cell poles a disk tab design
Figure 5. Overview of test setup for thermal investigations. (a) View in the
direction of the thermal imaging camera; (b) View from thermal imaging
with notched and folded electrode tabs is utilized.8 The cathode disk
camera. is made out of aluminum and the anode disk out of copper with both
having a thickness of 0.2 mm. The dimensions of the two disks are
depicted in Fig. 7. Both disks exhibit hexagonal symmetry, but differ
phase was followed by a 30 min rest period to observe the
in the position of the joint to the leaf-shaped connector. The
subsequent cooling behavior. The cell was then discharged to the
connector of the cathode disk is joined at the outer ring whereas
cutoff voltage of 2.5 V at a discharge rate of C/3. The test protocol is
the connector of the anode disk is joined toward the center. The outer
provided in Table A·V. Analogously to the electrical characteriza-
ring of the anode disk is connected to the cell housing, whereas for
tion, the cell was secured in a KSR-150-OS cell holder (Voltavision,
the cathode disk the center is ultrasonically welded to the positive
Germany). A thermal imaging camera (A70, FLIR Systems, USA)
terminal of the cell. Therefore, the two disks can act like compen-
was used to record the axial temperature distribution at the cell can.
sating elements or springs when attaching the jelly roll with the
This camera has a measurement range of −20 °C to 175 °C with a
housing. Each connector is joined to the notched and folded
measurement accuracy of ±2 % and a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels
electrodes via five laser-welded zig-zag seams with a width of about
at a frame rate of 30 Hz. The focus of the camera was set to 1.2 m
0.5 mm. The lengths of the seams are depicted in Fig. 7.
and the camera was placed at the same distance from the cell surface.
Furthermore, a plastic disk, measuring 0.65 mm in thickness, serves
The cell can was covered with an emissive tape (ϵ = 0.95) to avoid
as an insulating barrier between the cathode disk and the cell
measurement inaccuracies due to reflective surfaces and unknown
housing, which is at anode potential. This arrangement facilitates a
emissivity. Temperature data was recorded and analyzed using FLIR
connection solely to the positive terminal.
Research Studio version 2.1.0 software. The measurement points in
The manufacturing process of the cell can be reconstructed as
the temperature profile at the cap, center, and bottom of the cell were
follows. The jelly roll with the folded electrode tabs are produced.
evaluated in order to evaluate the temperature spread across the cell
On the anode side, the copper disk is laser-welded to the copper
can during the charging process. In addition, the temperature
foils. On the cathode side, the aluminum disk with a previously
measurement at the center was validated with a PT100 temperature
ultrasonically welded cell tab is laser-welded to the aluminum foils.
sensor at the same location to exclude deviations compared to other
The plastic disk is placed onto the cathode disk and afterwards the
temperature measurement methods. The experimental setup was
assembly is inserted with the cathode side first into the cell can. On
placed in an EBU-3EA0PT-40 temperature chamber (ESPEC,
the anode side a cap with the filling hole is placed on top and the cell
Japan), and the ambient temperature was kept constant at
can is crimped and sealed. After the filling process, the filling hole is
25 ± 0.5 °C throughout all of the tests. No active cooling of the
sealed with a copper rivet. The DataMatrix code on the bottom side
cell was conducted. The raw measurement data and the corre-
of this cell can contains the information P1551370-10-D:
sponding test protocols of the thermal investigation can be found in
STRR221370808AK. It is assumed to be a unique identification
the supplementary material. The test setup for the thermal investiga-
for this specific cell, used for tracking and tracing applications in the
tion is depicted in Fig. 5.
manufacturing process and in vehicle deployment.40 The traceability
of battery cells offers a crucial means to ensure quality, safety, and
Results and Discussion
efficiency in battery production and usage.
The results of the experiments are presented hereinafter.
Particular attention is paid to the cells’ characteristics and archi- Electrode design.—The electrode winding consists of a double-
tecture. sided coated cathode and anode, as well as two separators. The
lengths and widths of these components can be seen in Fig. 8. Since
Cell and jelly roll architecture.—Figure 6 shows an exploded the component widths are different in size, they are depicted in an
view of all relevant parts within the cell. The cylindrical part of the enlarged form.
cell has an outer diameter of 46 mm and a height of 80 mm. The The structure of the electrodes resembles that of conventional
positive terminal with a diameter of 16 mm adds another 1 mm to the round cell designs.8 The total length of the anode is 3403 mm, which
total height of 81 mm. On the negative terminal side, a copper rivet is 136 mm longer than the cathode. In the assembled state, the
which seals the filling hole is placed in the center. The thickness of cathode is completely wrapped by the anode. Furthermore, the two
the housing is measured to be 0.5 mm which leads to a cylindrical separators are longer than the electrodes, with the longer separator 2,
inner volume of 125.6 cm3 (sealings and three-dimensional form on in the assembled state, completely wrapping the electrode assembly
the anode side not considered). The wall thickness is increased of cathode, anode, and separator 1 once again and being secured with
compared to common commercial cells in 18650 or 21700 format, blue tape. The current collector flags, which enable internal cell
which may be due to the alleged structural use of the cells in the contact, are not located along the entire length of the electrode but
vehicle design, yet it reduces the energy density.38,39 After removing are symmetrically positioned relative to the center of the electrode
the cathode and anode disks, the jelly roll has a height of 71 mm and length. In Fig. 9, the measured thicknesses and the calculated areal
a diameter of 44.5 mm. There is no winding mandrel in the core of mass loadings along the electrodes are displayed. A length of 0
the roll, but rather an empty space with a diameter of 5 mm. The roll corresponds to the electrode position at the core of the inner
is secured and held together at both ends with two 10 mm wide blue winding.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
Figure 10. SEM images of the cathode from the (a) top and (b) side view, and the anode from the (c) top and (d) side view. The one-sided delamination of the
coating visible in (d) was presumably caused by the punching process. Additional SEM images can be found in the supplementary material.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
Figure 11. Measurement data of the T-cells. (a) pOCV curves of full cell,
Figure 12. Electrical properties of the measured cells. (a) Measured capacity
anode, and cathode at C/50 as well as charge and discharge curves of full cell
values at C/3 (discharge) and C/20 (charge and discharge) with cell condition
potential in the constrained voltage range of 2.9 V to 4.2 V; (b) Half cell and
specified from Fig. 1; (b) Impedance spectra at a constant 25°C ± 0.2°C at
full cell impedance spectra of a T-cell setup measured at 50 % SOC. The
80 % SOC, 50 % SOC and 20 % SOC of cells with ID 131/828, 186/828 and
frequencies were sampled identically for all measurements.
549/828. The frequencies were sampled identically for all measurements.
In addition, the charge transfer resistance RCT and the contact Capacity and impedance.—The capacities of the individually
resistance RCont. between the anode and the current collector can be measured full cells at different C-rates are shown in Fig. 12a. A
extracted according to the model from Landesfeind et al.46 In the mean value of 22.078 Ah with a standard deviation of
anode EIS measurement, two semi-circles representing these over- σ = 186.2 mAh is obtained at a C-rate of C/3 in the discharge
lapping resistances can be seen. By fitting two semi-circles to the direction among the cells considered to be OK (Fig. 1). At C/20,
anode spectrum, the according values can be defined. RCont. is mean capacities of 22.411 Ah (σ = 199.9 mAh) in the charging
exceptionally high at 109 Ω, which could be due to the existing direction and 22.311 Ah (σ = 199.7 mAh) in the discharging direction
primer in the anode or due to the fact that PTFE is not stable at this are obtained among the measured cells labeled as OK. The depicted
anode potential and therefore the anode lost mechanical and NOK cells vary more in all capacity measurements (standard deviations
electrical integrity during handling.47,48 This can also lead to higher of 236.5 mAh at C/3, 245.2 mAh at C/20 discharge and 223.1 mAh at
overpotentials, as visible in Fig. 11a. In addition, RCT is remarkably C/20 charge), but do not show pronounced abnormalities in the overall
high with a value of 32.2 Ω, which can be explained through the values.
aging of the cell prior to teardown.49 Despite the utmost care, the Based on the volumetric cell data of the cell with ID 083/828 (as
washing and delamination processes cannot be excluded from shown above), a mean cell voltage of 3.7 V, the capacity value from
influencing the T-cell measurements. Due to the high resistance the C/3 discharge test and a measured weight of 355.9 g (residual
values and the complex washing process, the transferability of the foam on the cell was removed), energy densities of 622.4 Wh/L and
results of the impedance measurements from T-cells to full cells is 232.5 Wh/kg are calculated. The comparatively low energy density
only possible to a limited extent. One approach to determine the values compared to cylindrical cells of smaller formats optimized
half-cell impedance with as little intervention as possible would be over several years (see8,38), indicate a conservative design of this
to insert a reference electrode without prior disassembly.50 first-generation 4680 cells, still awaiting optimizations in e.g.
electrode chemistry, cell architecture and package structure. A
Electrical cell-level characterization.—The results of the elec- calculated dead volume of 16.7 cm3 (approx. 13.3 %; comprising
trically characterized cells are presented below, categorized by the the cell-internal contacting) of the internal volume, the measured
measurement methodology. wall thickness and the conventional cell chemistry (as shown above)
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
Figure 14. Pulse resistances (evaluated in 10 s pulses) of one cell (ID 186/828)
at different C-rates and SOCs in charge and discharge direction.
anode side the closely spaced local maxima in the low SOC area are
distinct for graphite anodes, respectively resembling LiC24 in the
liquid-like (L) lithiation stages 4L, 3L and 2L, which are assumed to
have no in-plane order.56 Hereby, the number represents empty
graphene layers, between two full layers. The peak at around 14 Ah
depicts a graphite stage 2 peak with a phase transition from LiC12 to
LiC6 composition and in-plane order.56–60 There is no evidence for
the characteristic silicon peak in the low SOC area61 in accordance
with the findings from the anode half cell potential (see Fig. 11). For
the cathode, the local minima in the low SOC area presumably
depicts the H1-phase, the saddle point (at around 12 Ah) the
monolithic M-phase and the local maximum at around 18 Ah the
H2-phase of a NMC811 cell chemistry.60,62,63
Figure 13. pOCV, DVA and ICA investigations of one cell (ID 536/828). The ICA is defined as the inverse of the DVA and is plotted
(a) C/20 pOCV measurement in charging direction; (b) Derived DVA against the voltage. The same filtering configuration was applied to
normalized by the nominal capacity; (c) ICA. the ICA as for the DVA. Following Jung et al.,63 the phase
transitions can be interpreted as follows: Peak ① defines the
underline this assumption. However, note that the cells are used in a transition in the anode from C6 → LiCx, peak ② the transition
so-called “structural battery” and could therefore be a structural from H1 → M and peak ③ from M → H2. Strong evidence for an
component in the battery system, requiring a more robust design assumed NMC811 in the cathode can be given due to peak ④, which
compared to conventional cylindrical cells. In addition, the tabless only occurs in this cell chemistry, showing the phase-transitions
design is apparently not trimmed for energy density, but rather for from H2 → H3.63
power capability. In summary, the peaks in the DVA and ICA of the cell propose a
The impedance spectra of three cells (ID 131/828, 186/828, NMC811 chemistry at the cathode and pure graphite without any
549/828) are shown superimposed in Fig. 12b at three different SOC silicone in the anode. This is in accordance with the material
levels. The impedance trend of all three investigated cells with characterization shown above.
decreasing SOC is in good agreement with published
literature51–54—with a shift in the positive Re(Z) direction with HPPC.—The resulting resistances of one cell (ID 186/828) as
decreasing SOC and an increase of the dominant semi-circle calculated according to Ohm’s law are shown in Fig. 14. Similarly to
especially at 20 % SOC. The shift of the Nyquist plot in the positive other battery cells, a characteristic SOC dependency can be
Re(Z) direction of the cell with ID 131/828—equivalent to a higher observed, showing increases in the low SOC region, as well as an
internal resistance of the cell—might be the result of internal SOC region between 50 % and 70 %, which coincides with the
damages impeding electron and ion transportation.55 The visible graphite stage transitions as seen in Fig. 13.64,65 Only a small
dent in the upper part of the casing (therefore classified as NOK in dependency of the resistance on the C-rate can be observed, leading
Fig. 1) reinforces this hypothesis. The calculated parameters of a to decreasing values for higher currents in charge and discharge
simple equivalent circuit model (ECM) (R0, R1, C1) fitted to the three direction. This matches previous observations, except for the low
measured cells behavior are provided in the supplementary material. SOC region in discharge direction, which shows increasing resis-
tances for higher C-rates.64 While previous literature has seldom
Pseudo OCV, DVA and ICA.—The C/20 pOCV curve of one cell examined the impact of current rate on battery impedance, the
(ID 536/828) in the charging direction is presented in Fig. 13a. The relationship is most likely driven by the nonlinear behavior of the
cell could be charged with 22.65 Ah before the upper cutoff voltage charge transfer reaction.66 Previous cell teardown analyses indicate
condition of 4.2 V was met. No constant voltage (CV) phase was this effect being especially pronounced in low SOC regions.67
The calculated DVA is presented in Fig. 13b, with the corre- Thermal cell-level investigation.—The measurement points ex-
sponding ICA plotted in Fig. 13c. By investigating the half-cell data tracted from the thermal imaging data used to evaluate the
shown above, the inheritance of most of the peaks can unambigu- temperature spread at the cell can during the charging process are
ously be assigned to either the cathode or anode. This enables more depicted in Fig. 15, while Fig. 16a shows the applied charging and
conclusive insights of the underlying electrode compositions. On the discharging profiles.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 120536
electric vehicles and provides a fundamental basis for future Table A·II. (Continued).
industrial and academic research toward the optimization of
lithium-ion battery performance. # Command Parameter Skip crit. Registration
# Command Parameter Skip crit. Registration C-rates are based on individually determined C/3 disch. cap.
or alternatively ∣dU/dt∣ < 0.2 mVmin−1
Start of protocol in discharged state of the cell and U = 2 mV
1 Pause — t > 3600 s t = 10 s
2 Charge CC @ C/3 Q > 0.1C t = 30 s∪ Table A·IV. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy test protocol.
3 Pause — t > 3600 s t = 10 s
4 Set Qpulse = 0 # Command Parameter Skip crit. Registration
5 Pause — t>5s t = 20 ms
6 Charge CC @ C/2 t > 10 s t = 20 ms Start of protocol in fully charged state of the cell
7 Pause — t > 300 s t = 20 ms 1 Pause — t > 600 s t=1s
8 Discharge CC @ C/3 Q > Qpulse t = 10 s 2 Discharge CC @ C/3 Q > 0.2C t=1s
9 Pause — t > 3600 s t = 10 s 3 Pause — t > 3600 s t=1s
10 Set Qpulse = 0 4 EIS 10 kHz–10 mHz, 500 mA excitation ∪
11 Pause — t>5s t = 20 ms 5 Pause — t > 600 s t=1s
12 Discharge CC @ C/2 t > 10 s t = 20 ms 6 Charge CC @ C/3 U > 4.2 V t=1s
13 Pause — t > 300 s t = 20 ms 7 Charge CV @ 4.2 V I < C/20 t=1s
14 Charge CC @ C/3 Q > Qpulse t = 10 s 8 Pause — t > 600 s t=1s
15 Pause — t > 3600 s t = 10 s 9 Discharge CC @ C/3 Q > 0.5C t=1s
16 Set Qpulse = 0 10 Pause — t > 3600 s t=1s
17 Pause — t>5s t = 20 ms 11 EIS 10 kHz–10 mHz, 500 mA excitation ∪
18 Charge CC @ 1C t > 10 s t = 20 ms 12 Pause — t > 600 s t=1s
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