Chris Payton
Femi Odukale
Noah Collier
Dan Oladapo
Nate Santos
F • JR-TR • 6-7 • 220 G • SO-1L • 6-5 • 205 F • SO-1L • 6-8 • 220 F • SR-TR • 6-7 • 220 G • FR-HS • 6-7 • 215
Bloomington, Ill. Brooklyn, N.Y. Mullica Hill, N.J. Bladensburg, Md. Geneva, Ill.
Jamarius Burton
Ithiel Horton
Aidan Fisch
Curtis Aiken, Jr.
Mouhamdou Gueye
G • SR-TR • 6-4 • 200 G • R-JR-2L • 6-5 • 200 F • SR-1L • 6-5 • 185 G • R-JR-2L • 6-1 • 200 F • GR-TR • 6-10 • 200
Charlotte, N.C. Vauxhall, N.J. Murrysville, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Staten Island, N.Y.
Nike Sibande
John Hugley
William Jeffress
Onyebuchi Ezeakudo
Max Amadasun
G • SR-1L • 6-4 • 185 F • SO-HS • 6-9 • 280 G/F • SO-1L • 6-7 • 205 G • SR-3L • 6-1 • 200 C • SO-1L • 6-10 • 250
Indianapolis, Ind. Cleveland, Ohio Erie, Pa. Fort Wayne, Ind. Dublin, Ireland
Chayce Smith Jeff Capel Tim O’Toole Milan Brown Jason Capel
G • SR-1L • 6-3 • 185 Head Coach Associate Head Coach Associate Head Coach Assistant Coach
Mount Laurel, N.J.
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020-21 SEASON REVIEW Free Throw Leaders 150
Table of Contents 1 News and Notes 56-58 Rebound Leaders 151 MEDIA GUIDE CREDITS
Media Information and Policies 2 Honors and Awards 56 Assists Leaders 152 The 2021-22 Pitt Men’s Basketball
Maps and Parking Directions 3 All-ACC Teams 57 Blocked Shots Leaders 153 Media Guide is a publication of the
Pitt Sports Radio Network 4 Results 59 Steals Leaders 154 University of Pittsburgh Athletic Media
Quick Facts 4 Statistics 60-61 Participation Leaders 155 Relations Office and was managed,
Primary Media Outlets 5 Game Highs/Lows 62 Individual Game Records 156-158 written, created, designed and edited
2021-22 Opponent SID Contacts 6 ACC Individual Stat Leaders 63 Streaks & Team Performances 159 by Matt Plizga.
2022 ACC Tournament Information 6 ACC Team Stat Leaders 64 Team Game Records 160-162
2022 NCAA Tournament Information 6 Box Scores 65-72 Opponent Game Records 163-165 EDITOR: Matt Plizga
Freshman Season Records 166
Freshman Game Records 167 ASSISTANT EDITOR:
Year-by-Year Team Statistics 168-169 Nick Macdonald
Mouhamadou Gueye 8-10 Pitt’s Championship Teams 74-80
Nike Sibande 11-13 National Honors 81 Team Season Highs 170-171
NCAA Tournament History 172 LAYOUT AND DESIGN
Jamarius Burton 14-16 All-America Players 82-84
NCAA Tournament Records 173-175 Matt Plizga and Ben Mitchell
Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 17-18 Regional Honors 85
Aidan Fisch 19 Conference Honors 86-87 NCAA Tournament Games 176-177
Pitt in the National Polls 178-180 PHOTOGRAPHY
Dan Oladapo 20-22 Academic Honors 88
Attendance Records 181 Harry Bloomberg; Alex Mowrey;
Chayce Smith 23 Team Honors 89
100-Point Games 182 Michael Drazdzinski; Justin Aller; Pete
Curtis Aiken, Jr. 24 International Panthers 90-91
Margin of Victory Records 182 Madia; Jeff Gamza; Sean Patrick Brady;
Ithiel Horton 25-27 Panthers in the NBA 92
Comeback Wins 183 Chuck LeClaire; Matt Hawley; Image
Chris Payton 28 Pitt’s Retired Jerseys 93-96
Halftime Leads/Deficits 183 Point; Joe Kapelewski; Bobby Mizzia;
Max Amadasun 29-30 Don Hennon 93
Overtime Games/Records 184 Chaz Palla; Dave Arrigo; Patricia
Noah Collier 31-32 Billy Knight 94
Miscellaneous Records 185 Nagle; Herb Ferguson; Matt Freed; Gary
John Hugley 33-34 Charles Smith 95
Petersen Events Center Records 186 Guydosh; Michael E. Haritan; Jason
William Jeffress 35-36 Brandin Knight 96
Hillman; Hail to Pitt: A Sports History
Femi Odukale 37-38 All-Time Letterwinners 97-99
of the University of Pittsburgh by Jim
Nate Santos 39 All-Time Staff 100 RESULTS
O’Brien and Marty Wolfson; Panther
Alphabetical & Numerical Rosters 40 All-Time Captains 101 Year-by-Year Records 188-189
Pride; Sam Sciullo, Jr.; Sue Wrbican;
All-Time Jersey Numbers 102-103 Program History 190
Brian Spurlock; Stephen C. Parker;
COACHING STAFF Year-by-Year Statistics 104-122 All-Time Results 191-205
Brian Tirpak; Mitchell Layton; Shawn
Head Coach Jeff Capel 42-45 Career Individual Statistics 123-128 All-Time Streaks 206
Sullivan; Pittsburgh Pirates; Pittsburgh
Associate Head Coach Tim O’Toole 46 Pitt vs. Opponents 207
Steelers; Pittsburgh Convention and
Associate Head Coach Milan Brown 47 RECORDS Pitt vs. Conferences 208
Visitors Bureau; Stephen Slade, USA
Assistant Coach Jason Capel 48 Coaching Records 130-131 Series Records 209-220
Basketball; NBA Photo Services; CBS;
Director of Operations Brian Regan 49 General Records 132-134 In-Season Tournaments 221-222
CoSIDA; Mike Humes, ESPN.
Assistant AD of Scouting Jake Presutti 49 Individual/Team Success 135
Strength & Cond. Coach Garry Christopher 50 Scoring Leaders 136-137
Chief of Staff Kyle Cieplicki 50 1,000-Point Club 138-145
Directo fo Player/Alumi Dev. Gilbert Brown 51 Individual Performance Records 146-147
Support Staff 51-52 Field Goal Leaders 148
Medical Staff 53 Three-Point Field Goal Leaders 149
Heather Lyke 54
Assistant Athletic Director be able to work from their assigned PHOTOGRAPHERS NETWORK / LIVE TV NEEDS
for Media Relations Matt Plizga seat in the press box. Still photographers and TV news The Pitt Media Relations Office
will coordinate all requests and The Petersen Events Center has cameramen will receive a regular must be notified of all television
media activities for the Pitt men’s an upgraded free public WiFi with a media pass and be assigned a network and live television needs
basketball program. He can be dedicated media network. position on the floor at the baseline. to guarantee working space.
reached via email at mplizga@ University of Pittsburgh media Photographers must remain in the For technical needs or information,
athletics.pitt.edu or by phone at relations representatives will be space designated. please contact Petersen Events
(412) 648-8242. stationed at media will call as well Floor locations can be located Center/ASM representative Anthony
as the media suite entrance. on the seating chart posted in the Smith at (412) 648-3059. He can also
CREDENTIALS media suite. be reached by e-mail at antsmith@
Credentials for Pitt home games MEDIA SEATING pitt.edu.
are issued to working media only Seating in the media suite is WIRELESS ACCESS
and should be requested as early limited and will be assigned on a Wireless internet service is POSTGAME PROCEDURE
as possible due to space limitations, priority basis. The priority basis is available to media members only Following a 10-minute “cooling
parking limitations and demand. All as follows: throughout the Petersen Events off” period, requested/selected Pitt
credential requests need to be made Center. Username and password student-athletes will be available
online at www.sportssystems.com/ 1. Representatives of Pittsburgh for wireless internet access will be for interviews in the media suite.
clients/Pitt_MBB. district papers and metropolitan posted in the media suite. Pitt head coach Jeff Capel will be
Media members are required to papers filing on deadline, other available for questions following
make credential arrangements at newspapers covering the ACC TELECONFERENCE his postgame radio show. Visiting
least 24 hours in advance of the respective teams H e a d co a c h J e f f C a p e l i s team availability format (virtual or
game in question. 2. National publications also available on the ACC Men’s in-person) will be at the discretion
A media pass allows accredited 3. Radio and TV commentators Basketball Coaches Weekly Media of the visiting team. Every effort will
media access to the media room, 4. Scouts Zoom each Monday from January be made to gain access to requested
media seating and floor access 3 through Feb. 28. Coach Capel is Pitt players.
for photographers/camera crews. All media members must confirm slated to be on from 10:50-11:00 Please check with a member of
Only websites of each participating their attendance to guarantee a.m. throughout the bulk of the the Pitt media relations staff for
institution with contractual rights working space. ACC schedule. Media wishing to updated information on postgame
and accredited news websites will participate will be given the call-in procedure.
be issued credentials. MEDIA PARKING number upon request. Links to any virtual postgame
Each visiting opponent SID Parking may only be obtained/ press conferences will be posted in
submits a list of attending media approved through the Media the media suite.
members. To get on that list, Relations Office. Parking is limited The visiting radio broadcast crew
please inform the respective media and all requests must be made at PITT MEDIA SERVICES
will be located on the scorers’ table
relations contact. least 24 hours in advance of the Media members may access the
next to the visiting bench. There are
game. three seats available for radio crew most up-to-date information on
MEDIA WILL CALL Media parking will be in Towerview and traveling SID. As per Atlantic the Pitt men’s basketball team on
All media members must pick up Garage. Media members can access Coast Conference rules, one ISDN the athletic department’s official
credentials and enter the arena at Towerview Garage off Robinson line, an ethernet line and one analog website: www.pittsburghpanthers.
Media Will Call. Pitt’s Media Will Call/ Street Extension (for directions, phone line will be provided for com.
Media Entrance will open two hours please refer to the campus map broadcast. Game notes, official statistics,
prior to tipoff. It has been relocated on page 3). Media members must A facility representative will recaps, box scores and general
to Concourse C at the Petersen contact the Athletic Media Relations be available prior to the game to releases will be updated regularly.
Events Center. Credentials will not Office to confirm a parking space as answer any questions and/or assist All of this information is available
be mailed. Visiting radio and TV a list will be at the gate. with technological needs. online.
broadcasters/producers may pick It is recommended that Assistant Athletic Director for
up their credentials at shootaround INTERVIEW POLICY each visiting radio crew attend Media Relations Matt Plizga will
or through their respective media The Athletic Media Relations shootaround to set up equipment. also send out game notes via e-mail
relations contacts. Office will assist all media personnel prior to each game. To get on the
Once you have received your with coverage of Pitt basketball. list, please email him at mplizga@
pass at Media Will Call, take a left All interviews MUST be arranged athletics.pitt.edu.
Local television trucks have been
down the concourse and use the through the Athletic Media Relations assigned parking on Sutherland
small flight of steps down to reach Office. Drive (see map on page 3, street
the Club Level (CL) where you can Generally, head coach Jeff Capel leading into the loading dock).
access the Petersen Events Center and selected players are available Please notify the Athletic Media
media suite. The media area, located for interviews two days prior to each Relations Office if there is an access
at the top of sections 106 and 107, game. Practices are closed to the problem.
features the media room and press media unless otherwise notified. If a
box-style media seating. media member wishes to complete SCOUTS
something more in-depth during the Scouts are required to make
MEDIA SUITE week, please contact Matt Plizga at credential arrangements through
The media suite, located above (412) 648-8242 to arrange a time. the Athletic Media Relations Office
sections 106 and 107 on the club Out-of-town interview requests for via email and will be given a media
level of the Petersen Events Center, Coach Capel or any player must be credential. Scouts may pick up their
serves as a multi-purpose space made at least 48 hours in advance. credential at Media Will Call. Parking
housing pregame meals, postgame is available upon request.
interviews, media seating as well as
photographer work stations. Print,
internet and television media will
PRICE LEVEL Take I-376 East/I-79 East/I-279 toward
VIP Courtside $4,385 Pittsburgh. Pass through the Fort Pitt
Courtside Club* $4,940
Platinum Club* $2,020
Tunnel in the right lane. Bear right
Champions Club* $1,770 at the first ramp over the bridge,
Club $1,570 following signs for I-376.
Loge $1,070
Lower Baseline/Corner $630
Exit I-376 at the Oakland/Forbes
Upper Sideline $480 Avenue exit (Exit 72A).
Upper Corner $405 Turn left at McKee Place.
Upper Baseline $280
Take right at Terrace Street.
*Includes Food and Parking The PEC is on your left.
A portion of your purchase goes back to the
Scholarship Fund through the Panther Club
Further discounts may apply for Pitt Faculty, FROM PENNSYLVANIA
Staff, and UPMC employees. Contact the
Panthers Ticket Office for details. TURNPIKE (EAST)
Take the Pittsburgh/Monroeville Exit
(Exit 57). Follow I-376 West toward
Take the Oakland Exit (Exit 73B). Bear
right and proceed up the hill to the
first traffic light.
Take a left at Boulevard of the Allies,
then a right at Halket.
Proceed to Forbes Ave. and take a
N .
Make the left at McKee Place. IL
NGI-79 South to I-279 South to I-579
TR South (across the Veterans Bridge).
Exit at theCLBoulevard of the AlliesMELLON
HER Y (Exit 14) toward Monroeville/Oakland.
S .
C I.
Turn UMright on Forbes Avenue.
Turn left T at McKee Place.
SA TakeF I right at Terrace Street.
S T.
E .
Extension. NE L
Q . S A IE
K O LI Enter TowerviewFOSTER
Garage E N
A V (530 NEG AR
3 E RS
Each media member’s name
LIBR will be on a list at the gate. You
may be asked to provide photo
HA RO E W L identification.
WESthe R Hupper levels of the garage.
G F .
to cross Allequippa Street to T
MER Events Center.
M I VI S .
4 O
0 500
AccessibleA froM Robinson I Street Ext.,BTowerview Garage (530 Champions HI Drive)I allows mediaDconvenient access to the E en Events Center media suite. The I
Petersen Events Center. For directions, please read the information to the right. new media area, located at the top
To enter, media members must be on the pass list at the gate. There are no exceptions. of sections 106 and 107.
Pitt Athletics along with its Longest Tenured Active Division I Men’s
School Information multimedia rights holder JMI Sports,
Basketball PXP Announcers
School: University of Pittsburgh and Entercom provide the Panthers Years Name (School) RADIO AFFILIATES
Location: Pittsburgh, Pa. with thoroughly comprehensive 54 Ray Goss (Duquesne)
Founded: 1787 radio coverage. Pitt men’s basketball 53 Bill Hillgrove (Pitt) Market Station Dial
Enrollment: 34,200 game broadcasts air over a loyal 53 Bucky Bockhorn (Dayton) Pittsburgh KDKA 93.7 FM
Nickname: Panthers network of stations, including 51 Jay Jacobs (West Virginia) Ambridge WMBA 1460 AM
School Colors: 50,000-watt flagship station 93.7 49 Don Fischer (Indiana) Beaver Falls WBVP 1230 AM
Blue & Gold (PMS 661 C/PMS 1235 C) The Fan (KDKA-FM) in Pittsburgh. 49 Kevin McKinney (Wyoming) Harrisburg WTKT 1460 AM
Basketball Arena (Capacity): Radio coverage includes: 48 Rich Chvotkin (Georgetown)
Petersen Events Center (12,508) Indiana WCCS 1160 AM
48 Gene Deckerhoff (Florida State)
Affiliation: NCAA Division I A 30-minute pregame show and 44 John Cox (Southern Miss) Indiana W266CZ 101.1 FM
Conference: Atlantic Coast Conference a 30-minute postgame show. 43 Eric Heff (Iowa State) Johnstown WCRO 1230 AM
Chancellor: Patrick Gallagher The Jeff Capel Radio Show a 10- 43 Johnny Holliday (Maryland) Johnstown W275CV 102.9 FM
Alma Mater, Yr.: Benedictine, 1985 week show airing Thursdays on 43 Mike Reis (Southern Illinois) Mercer WLLF 96.7 FM
Athletics Director: Heather Lyke 93.7 The Fan. Their will be one 43 Dave Snell (Bradley) Mercer WPIC 790 AM
Alma Mater, Yr.: Michigan, 1992 show in November and December 42 Bill Baker (Northern Illinois) Pittsburgh WJAS 1320 AM
Athletic Department Phone: with 10 shows during the bulk of 42 Mike Kennedy (Wichita State)
(412) 624-5550 Somerset/ WQZS 93.3 FM
ACC play. 42 Jim Reynolds (Chattanooga)
Ticket Office Phone: 42 Joe Sunderman (Xavier) Meyersdale
(412) 648-7488 / (800) 643-PITT In his 53rd year, Bill Hillgrove is the 42 Tim Bourret (Clemson) Uniontown WMBS 590-AM
“Voice of the Panthers.” Hillgrove’s 41 Dave Dahl (Wichita State) Uniontown W266DB 101,1 FM
Basketball History informative and enthusiastic play- 41 Pat Nunley (Baylor) Youngstown WLLF 96.7 FM
First Year of Basketball: 1905-06 by-play descriptions have been a 40 Jay Colley (William & Mary) Youngstown WPIC 790 AM
Overall All-Time Record: Panthers trademark since 1969.
Sirius Satellite Radio TBA
1,647-1,199 (113 years) A 1962 graduate of Duquesne
Yrs. in NCAA Tournament: 26 (last: 2016) University, Hillgrove has also served
Last NCAA Tournament opponent: as the play-by-play broadcaster for All broadcasts are also available on
Wisconsin (Second Round, L, 47-43) Pitt football for the past 47 years. www.pittsburghpanthers.com
Yrs. in NIT: Eight (last: 2015) His longevity as a sportscaster
has made him one of Pittsburgh’s
Team Information most recognizable and favorite
Overall 2020-21 Record: 10-12 media personalities. He was named
Home Record: 7-6 the Pittsburgh Steelers’ play-by-
Away: 3-5 play announcer in 1994. Hillgrove
Neutral: 0-1 was awarded the National Football
Conference Record/Finish: 6-10 (12th) Foundation’s 2007 Chris Schenkel
Postseason: none Award, which honors a sports
Final Ranking(s): AP-NR; USAToday-NR broadcaster who has enjoyed a long
Starters Returning/Lost: 1/4 and distinguished career.
Letterwinners Returning/Lost: 11/4 Joining Hillgrove courtside for
his 12th season is former Panther
Coaching Staff standout Curtis Aiken. A four-year
Head Coach: Jeff Capel Pitt basketball letterwinner from
Alma Mater/Year: Duke, 1997 1983-87, Aiken ranks among Pitt’s
Record at Pitt (Yrs): 40-48 (three years) all-time career scoring leaders with
Career Record (Yrs): 202-158 (12 years) 1,200 career points. A key recruit
Basketball Office Phone: (412) 648-8350 who helped pave the way for Pitt’s
Best time of day to reach: entry into the Big East, Aiken was
Mornings, contact Media Relations the senior leader on Pitt’s 1987-
Associate Head Coaches (Alma Mater/Year): 88 co-Big East regular season
Tim O’Toole (Fairfield, 1987) champion team that finished 25-8
Milan Brown (Howard, 1993) overall and 12-4 in league play. Aiken
Assistant Coach (Alma Mater/Year): was honored as Pitt’s ACC Legend at
Jason Capel (North Carolina, 2002) the 2017 ACC Tournament. JEFF CAPEL RADIO SHOW
Director of Basketball Operations:
Brian Regan (St. Vincent, 1988) Hosted by Jeff Hathhorn live from Pitt Studios at the Petersen
Chief of Staff: Events Center, The Jeff Capel Radio Show will broadcast throughout
Kyle Cieplicki (Vermont, 2008) the season from 6-7 pm on 93.7 The Fan (KDKA-FM) and other
Assistant AD of Scouting: affiliates of the Pitt Sports Radio Network.
Jake Presutti (Syracuse, 2008)
Strength & Conditioning Coach: SHOW DATES
Garry Christopher (Baylor, 2008) Thursday, Dec. 16 Thursday, Feb. 10
Director of Player/Alumni Development: Thursday, Jan. 6 Thursday, Feb. 17
Gilbert Brown (Pitt, 2011) Thursday, Jan. 13 Thursday, Feb. 24
Assistant Director of Creative Content: Thursday, Jan. 20 Thursday, March 3
Ben Murray (West Virginia, 2018) Thursday, Jan. 27
Graduate Assistant Manager: Thursday, Feb. 3
Robert Blose (Pitt, 2021)
PRINT MEDIA Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 358 WIRE SERVICES 1020 KDKA-AM, 651 Holiday Drive,
Altoona Mirror, 301 Cayuga Ave., North Shore Drive, Pittsburgh, Associated Press, 11 Stanwix Street, Building 5, Pittsburgh, PA 15220.
Altoona, PA 16602. (814) 946-7461, PA 15212. (412) 263-1621. post- Pittsburgh, PA 15222. (412) 281-3747. (412) 920-9400. kdkaradio.com
(800) 339-4482. altoonamirror.com gazette.com (Lydia Craver, assistant ap.org (Will Graves, sports writer). (Jim Graci, program director; Jeff
(Buck Frank, sports editor). managing editor/sports; Ryan Winn, Hathhorn, anchor/director/reporter,
sports editor; John McGonigal, beat TELEVISION Larry Richert, host).
Beaver County Times, 400 Fair writer; Craig Meyer, beat writer; KDKA (CBS affiliate, Channel 2,
Avenue, Beaver, PA 15009. (724) Paul Zeise, online columnist; Ray Pittsburgh), 420 Fort Duquesne ESPN Pittsburgh (WBGG 970
775-3200. timesonline.com (Noah Fittipaldo, Gene Collier, Ron Cook, Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15222. (412) AM, 106.3 FM), 200 Fleet Street,
Hiles, reports; Joshua Carney, Joe Starkey, columnists.) Meyer 575-2215. kdka.com Bob Pompeani, Fourth Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15220.
reporter). Hall Cell: (412) 260-8167. Cell: (502) 724-9074. director, anchor/reporter; Rich (412) 937-1441. espnpgh.iheart.com
Walsh, anchor/reporter; Josh (Stan Savran, Adam Crowley, talk
Butler Eagle, Box 271, 114 W. Pittsburgh Sports Report, 40 Taylor, producer/reporter). show hosts).
Diamond Street, Butler, PA 16003. Lincoln Way, Suite 301, Irwin,
(724) 282-8000. butlereagle.com PA 1 5 6 4 2 . ( 4 1 2 ) 4 69 - 9 7 70. WTAE (ABC affiliate, Channel 102.5/WDVE-FM, 200 Fleet Street,
(John Enrietto, sports editor). pittsburghsportsreport.com (Ellis 4, Pittsburgh), 400 Ardmore 4th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15220.
Cannon, publisher; Tony DeFazio, Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. (412) 937-1441. dve.com (Mike
Daily Courier, 127 West Apple editor). (412) 244-4659. wtae.com (Andrew Prisuta, anchor/reporter).
Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. Stockey, sports director/anchor;
(724) 626-3534. triblive.com/news/ Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, D.L. Guy Junker, anchor/reporter; Ryan WPTS-FM, 92.1 FM (University of
fayette (Jonathan Guth, reporter). Clark Building, 503 Martindale Recker, anchor/reporter; Brad Pittsburgh Campus Station), 416
Street, Third Floor, Pittsburgh, Soroka, producer). William Pitt Union, Pittsburgh, PA
Erie Times-News, 205 W. 12th PA 15212. (412) 321-6460. triblive. 15260. (412) 648-7990. wptsradio.
Street, Erie, PA 16534. (814) 870- com (Duke Maas, deputy managing WPXI (NBC affiliate, Channel 11, o rg (G r e g We s t o n , g e n e ra l
1679. goerie.com (Jeff Kirik, sports editor; Kevin Smith, executive Pittsburgh), 4145 Evergreen Road, manager).
editor). sports editor; Jerry DiPaola, beat Pittsburgh, PA 15214. (412) 237-1212.
writer). wpxi.com (Dean Iampietro, sports WXDX 105.9 FM, 200 Fleet Street,
Indiana Gazette, P.O. Box 10, 899 producer; Alby Oxenreiter, anchor/ Pittsburgh, PA 15220. (412) 333-
Water St., Indiana, PA 15701. (724) Tribune-Democrat, 425 Locust reporter; Jenna Harner, anchor/ WXOX. https://1059thex.iheart.com
465-5555. indianagazette.com Street, Johnstown, PA 15907. (814) reporter, Kellie Burkett, reporter). (Mark Madden, talk show host).
(Tony Coccagna, sports editor). 532-5085. tribune-democrat.com
(Shawn Curtis, sports editor; Mike AT&T S p o r ts N et , 323 Nor t h Radio PA, 4801 Lindle Road,
Latrobe Bulletin, 1211 Ligonier St., Mastovich, writer). Shore Drive, Suite 200, Harrisburg, PA 17111. (800) 735-
Latrobe, PA 15650. (724) 537-3351. Pittsburgh, PA 15212. (412) 316- 0202. radiopa.com (Rick Becker,
greaterlatrobe.net (Dan Schifo, Uniontown Herald-Standard, 818 3800. libertysportsgroup.com sports director; Shawn McCullough,
assistant sports editor). East Church Street, Uniontown, (Shawn McClintock, Senior VP/ reporter).
PA 15401. (724) 439-7500. herald- General Manager; Doug Johnson,
Mon Valley Indepedent, Eastgate standard.com (Ron Burchianti, VP/Executive Producer; Roger INTERNET SITES
19, Monessen, PA 15062. (724) sports editor). Lehnhart, coordinating producer; T h e At h l e t i c - P i t t s b u rg h ,
684-2666. monvalleyindependent. Fred Rihn, Dave Racchini, producers; theathletic.com/pittsburgh (Ed
com (Jeremy Sellew, sports editor). Valley News Dispatch, 210 Fourth Jack Becker, field producer; Stan Bouchette, Rob Biertempfel, Sean
Avenue, Tarentum, PA 15084. Savran, Rob King, Dan Potash, Gentile, Stephen Nesbitt, writers).
New Castle News, 27 N. Mercer St., (724) 224-4321. triblive.com/ anchors/reporters; Rob Incmikoski,
P.O. Box 60, New Castle, PA 16103. neighborhoods/yourallekiskivalley reporter). DK Pittsburgh Sports,
(724) 654-6651. ncnewsonline.com (Doug Gulasy, sports editor). dkpittsburghsports.com
(Kayleen Cubbal, sports editor). RADIO (Christopher Carter, beat writer,
Washington Observer-Reporter, Dejan Kovacevic, writer)
93.7 FM THE FAN, 651 Holiday
Patriot-News/PennLive, 122 S. Main Street, Washington, PA
Drive, Building 5, Pittsburgh, PA
2 0 2 0 Te c h n o l o g y P a r k wa y, 15301. (724) 222-2200. observer- Pantherlair.com (Rivals), 340
15220. (412) 920-9400. 937thefan.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050. (717) reporter.com (Eleanor Bailey, sports Tampa Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
com (Jim Graci, program director;
255-8248. pennlive.com (Bill Tull, editor), Joe Tuscano, reporter). 15228. (412) 600-8696. Pittsburgh.
P.J. Kumanchik, executive producer;
sports editor). Joe Kapp, Cale Berger, Kraig Riley, rivals.com (Pitt site contact: Chris
Matt Koll, producers; Jim Colony, Peak, editor/beat reporter).
Pitt News, 434 William Pitt Union, sports reporters/anchors; Jeff
Pittsburgh, PA 15260. (412) 648- Hathhorn, sports director/anchor; Pittsburgh Sports Now, 1018
7980. pittnews.com. Ron Cook, Dorin Dickerson, Tab Sweet Brier Drive, Alquippa,
Douglas, Colin Dunlap, Andrew Pa . , 1 5 0 0 1 . ( 724 ) 4 62- 575 6 .
Filliponi, Kevin Gorman, Chris Mack, pittsburghsportsnow.com (Mike
Chris Mueller, Bob Pompeani, Joe Vukovcan, editor/writer ; Joe
Starkey, Paul Zeise, talk show Steigerwald, site design/writer;
hosts). Alan Saunders, beat writer; Harry
Psaros, George Michalowski,
2020-21 • Posted 14 points, seven rebounds and four blocks against Albany (3/7)
• Ranked fourth in the Stony Brook record book with 129 career blocks • Scored nine points and added nine rebounds and three assists at
• Scored in double-figures 17 times with nine double-figure rebounding Albany (2/29)
games • Totaled 14 points and eight rebounds versus Maine (2/22)
• Has pulled down five or more rebounds 42 times • Finished with 16 points, 10 rebounds and two blocks in a win over
• Recorded a career-high eight blocks vs. UMBC (2/7/21) Binghamton (1/22)
• Had eight points, six rebounds and four blocks at Hartford (1/15)
2020-21 (AT STONY BROOK)
• America East Defensive Player of Year and All-Defensive Team
• Third-team All-America East selection
• Averaged 9.7 points, 7.1 blocks 3.10 blocks per game
• Recorded 10 double-digit scoring games with three double-doubles
• Had a block in 18 of his 21 games played, including 11 games with three
or more blocks
• Finished season on program’s all-time career list in rebounds per
game (6.7)
• 3.10 blocks per game set program single-season record ... ranked fifth
in the NCAA in blocks per game
• Completed season with 65 blocks, fourth most in a season
• Finished with eight points, 13 rebounds and six blocks against UMass
Lowell (2/27)
• Had nine points and nine rebounds versus Vermont (2/14)
• Went 5-of-8 from the field and finished with 13 points and eight
rebounds against Vermont (2/13)
• Recorded a double-double with 16 points and 11 rebounds versus
UMBC (2/8)
• Set career highs for points (17), three-point field goals (3) and blocks
(8) against UMBC (2/7); block total came within one of matching
Jameel Warney’s program record
• Matched a career high with 14 rebounds against Hartford (1/30) ...
added eight points, five assists and five blocked shots
• Posted nine points, 14 rebounds and two blocks at NJIT (1/24)
• Had a double-double with 10 points and 11 rebounds in first meeting
at NJIT (1/23)
• Reached 100-block total for career against New Hampshire (1/17),
becoming second-fastest in program history to that mark, at 45 games
... registered 10 points, six rebounds, four assists, five blocks and two
steals in the contest
• Had 12 points, four blocks and two steals in the first game of a two-
game series against New Hampshire (1/16)
• Capped tiebreaking 7-0 run with consecutive close-range baskets in
final minutes en route to 71-64 win versus UMass Lowell (12/28) ...
finished with nine points, five rebounds, two assists and three blocks
• Posted eight points, seven rebounds, seven assists, six blocks and four
steals in a win over Point Park (12/15)
• Had 11 points and five blocks at Bryant (12/12)
• Recorded a double-double with 12 points and 10 rebounds at Hofstra
• Went 7-of-11 from the field and finished with 15 points and six rebounds
at St. John’s (12/6)
College (3/3) teammate ... was offered a spot on the roster at the workout
• Went 7-of-9 from the field and finished with 16 points, seven rebounds
and two assists against SUNY Sullivan (2/23) PERSONAL
• Had 10 points, five rebounds and four blocks against Covenant College • Born Mouhamadou Gueye July 6, 1998 in Staten Island, N.Y.
Prep (2/21) • Son of Ababacar and Souwadou Gueye
• Recorded 10 points, seven rebounds and four blocks versus ASA • Has a brother, Abdoulaye, and a sister, Seynabou
College (2/19) • Working toward a master’s degree in communications at Pitt
• Had 11 points, seven rebounds, three blocks and three steals against • Graduated from Stony Brook with a degree in multidisciplinary studies
Harford (1/5) • Played the violin and viola growing up, earning first chair in high school
• Recorded 12 points and five rebounds versus Pensacola State (12/28) • Favorite NBA players growing up were Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson
• Posted a season-best 12 rebounds against Baltimore City (11/29) and LeBron James
• Tallied nine points, nine rebounds and two blocks versus Monroe • Cites a plain New York cheese slice as his favorite food
Community College (11/18) • Favorite sport besides basketball is F1 Racing
• Registered 13 points, eight rebounds and six blocked shots against • Enrolled in the College of General Studies
Northern Virginia (11/16)
• Had five blocks and two steals against Hostos Community College (11/8)
at UMass Lowell *18 2-5 .400 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 1-5-6 4 1 2 1 0 4 at Albany - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
UMBC *30 3-4 .750 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-8-8 3 0 1 3 0 6 vs. UMass Lowell^ *34 3-9 .333 0-2 .000 2-2 1.000 6-7-13 2 1 1 6 0 8
UMass Lowell *12 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-2-2 4 1 1 1 0 0
at New Hampshire *16 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-4-4 4 0 2 0 0 0 * Indicates Games Started
at Binghamton *19 2-5 .400 0-0 .000 406 .667 0-6-6 3 1 1 0 0 8 ^ America East Tournament
Vermont 25 2-10 .200 1-1 1.000 0-0 .000 2-3-5 2 0 1 1 1 5
Maine 23 5-9 .556 0-2 .000 4-5 .800 2-6-8 2 1 2 2 0 14
Hartford 17 3-4 .750 0-0 .000 2-3 .667 1-2-3 1 0 1 1 0 8
at Albany (NY) 31 4-8 .500 1-2 .500 0-0 .000 2-7-9 2 3 4 0 1 9
at UMBC 26 3-8 .375 1-4 .250 0-0 .000 0-7-7 3 1 1 1 0 7
Albany (NY)^ 30 5-8 .625 0-2 .000 4-5 .800 0-7-7 3 2 2 4 0 14
Hartford^ 31 4-5 .800 0-0 .000 4-5 .800 3-6-9 3 4 2 2 2 12
games • Became the 35th Redhawk to achieve 1,000 points and the first sophomore
• Posted nine career double-doubles in school history to do so
• Has 50 games with five or more rebounds and has tallied 11 rebounds in • Made 76 three-pointers, which tied for fourth most in Miami (OH) history
a single-game four times, most recently against Bowling Green (2/29/20) • Totaled nine games with four three-pointers made
• Recorded 26 double-figure scoring games and two double-doubles
2020-21 • Ended the season with 25 points and 10 rebounds against Akron (3/11) in
• Appeared in 14 games (eight starts) … averaged 6.9 points, 3.0 rebounds the MAC Tournament First Round
and 1.5 assists per game in 19.6 minutes per game • Went 7-of-12 (.583) from the field, scoring 21 points and collecting 10
• Shot a team-best 43.6 percent (17-of-39) from three-point range … made rebounds vs. Kent State (3/5)
a three-point field goal in each of final six games of the season • Scored 25 points and grabbed seven rebounds vs. Bowling Green (1/26)
• Was 34-of-82 (.415) from the field overall and 12-of-21 (.571) from the foul • Went 6-of-9 from the field (.667), 4-of-6 from three (.667) and 10-of-15
line (.667) from the free throw line at Toledo (1/15), tallying 26 points
• Missed the first five games of the season awaiting eligibility ruling from • Totaled 24 points against South Carolina State (12/20) and Purdue Fort
the NCAA … missed both matchups with Syracuse due to COVID-19 contact Wayne (12/8), making four threes in both contests
tracing • Began the season on a six game double-figure scoring streak, including a
• Scored in double figures three times with a pair of 20+ point efforts season-opening 24 points and four made threes at Butler (11/10)
• Averaged 15.0 points, 6.2 rebounds and 2.6 assists in his final five games
of the season … shot 50.7 percent from three during that stretch
• Finished with a season-high 24 points while grabbing six rebounds against
Miami in the first round of the ACC Tournament (3/9) … went 5-for-8 from
beyond the arc and 9-of-15 from the field, both season-highs
• Had seven points, four rebounds and two assists at Clemson (3/6) … went
3-of-4 from the field
• Scored 23 points and grabbed nine rebounds in a win over Wake Forest
(3/2) … went 3-of-5 from three-point range and dished out four assists
• Totaled nine points, five rebounds and three assists in 38 minutes at NC
State (2/28)
• Scored in double-digits with 12 points while adding seven rebounds and
two assists against Florida State (2/20)
• Played 26 minutes the following game vs. Louisville (12/22), scoring eight
points with three rebounds and two assists
• Made his Panther debut at Miami (12/16), totaling three points and two
rebounds in eight minutes
2017-18 (MIAMI [OHIO]) • Poured in 30 points to go along with nine rebounds in a win over Broad
• Named MAC Freshman of the Year, All-MAC Honorable Mention and All- Ripple
MAC Freshman Team • Delivered 29 points, 15 rebounds and three steals in an 89-86 win over
• Appeared and started in all 34 games ... averaged 15.1 points and 4.3 Tindley
rebounds while pocketing a career-high 39 steals • Had 26 points and 10 rebounds against Brebeuf Jesuit Prep
• Led the Redhawks with 516 points • Scored 30 points in a two-point loss to Emmerich Manual
• Made 77 three-pointers, good for third all-time in Miami (OH) history for • Posted 25 points, nine rebounds and four assists in a win over Central
a single season Christian Academy
• Registered 28 double-figure scoring games, including 10 games with 20 • Had 30 points, seven rebounds and three assists against Greenwood
or more points Christian Academy
• Scored 29 points on 7-of-10 from downtown in the CBI First Round (3/14) • Recorded 28 points and 10 rebounds against North Central
against Campbell • Finished with 25 points in a win over University
• Totaled 20 points, five rebounds and four three pointers in the MAC • Posted 24 points and 12 rebounds in a win over Indianapolis Northwest
Quarterfinal against Toledo (3/8) • Averaged 16.2 points and 12.5 rebounds per game as a junior
• Finished with 23 points and dished out four assists in the regular season • Registered 17 points and 12 rebounds in a win over Marion
finale vs. Ohio (3/2) • Had 21 points and 14 rebounds in a loss to Brebeuf Jesuit Prep
• Contributed 21 points to victory over Buffalo (2/20) • Scored 19 points and grabbed 15 rebounds against Broad Ripple
• Notched his first career double-double at Ohio (2/16) with 22 points and • Delivered 23 points and 18 rebounds in a win over Greenwood Christian
10 rebounds Academy
• Tallied 22 points on 8-of-12 shooting (.667) and 4-of-4 from downtown at • Had 22 points and 12 rebounds versus East Chicago Central
Central Michigan (1/23) • Posted 18 points and 17 rebounds against Central Christian Academy
• Collected 20 points on 8-of-13 shooting (.615) and hit three threes vs. • Recorded 19 points and 11 rebounds in a win over Indianapolis Northwest
Bowling Green (1/16) • Scored 23 points and grabbed 11 rebounds in a win over Scecina Memorial
• At DePaul (12/21), scored 17 points, totaled six rebounds and had two steals • Had 26 points, eight rebounds and four assists versus Shortridge
• Registered 16 double-figure scoring games, including four games with 20
or more points from Dec. 9 through Feb. 9 PERSONAL
• In limited minutes (18), poured in 19 points on 7-of-9 shooting (.778) and • Born June 6, 1999
totaled two blocks and two steals against Midway (11/29) • Son of Tracy Sibande and Joey Sibande
• Garnered his first 20+ point performance at Tulane (11/22), tallying 21 • Has a brother, Robert, and two sisters, Joi and Adaleena
points and making four threes (4-of-7) • Has one daughter, Oaklynn
• Recorded his first double-digit scoring game against Wright State (11/14), • Played on the summer AAU circuit with C2K Elite
scoring 17 points on 4-of-8 shooting from three point range • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
• Four-year letterwinner for Crispus Attucks High School
• Averaged 22.0 points and 7.2 rebounds as a senior, leading the Tigers to
a 25-4 record and the class 3A state championship
• Made 58 three-point field goals and shot 41 percent from beyond the arc
• Named to the 2017 IBCA Subway Senior All-State Supreme 15 as one of
the top 15 seniors in the state of Indiana
• Earned High Honorable Mention All-State honors from the Associated Press
• Posted 23 points and eight rebounds in title game win over Twin Lakes
• Had 20 points, seven rebounds and three assists in a tournament win over
Tri-West Hendricks
• Scored 24 points in a win over Herron
AKRON *30 4-12 .333 2-6 .333 2-2 1.000 0-4-4 0 0 1 0 1 12 at Eastern Michigan *22 1-8 .125 1-6 .167 0-0 .000 2-3-5 0 0 0 0 0 3
at Northern Illinois *33 6-13 .462 2-5 .400 6-7 .857 0-7-7 0 2 2 0 1 20 at Kent State *38 5-14 .357 3-7 .429 6-6 1.000 0-8-8 3 0 3 1 2 19
at Western Michigan *34 4-8 .500 1-4 .250 4-4 1.000 0-3-3 4 3 2 0 2 13 OHIO *33 4-10 .400 0-4 .000 5-6 .833 1-6-7 4 3 4 0 0 13
TOLEDO *33 3-12 .250 1-5 .200 6-7 .857 1-3-4 3 1 1 0 1 13 at Western Michigan *39 5-16 .313 3-8 .375 2-2 1.000 3-5-8 1 2 0 0 1 15
at Eastern Michigan *28 3-8 .375 1-4 .250 2-2 1.000 0-3-3 2 0 3 0 6 9 BALL STATE *33 4-10 .400 3-7 .429 6-8 .750 0-2-2 3 2 3 1 3 17
at Ohio *38 6-17 .353 3-10 .300 7-7 1.000 4-6-10 2 0 3 0 3 22 at Akron *31 1-8 .125 0-4 .000 1-2 .500 2-6-8 1 1 4 0 3 3
BUFFALO *35 7-13 .538 1-7 .143 6-8 .750 0-4-4 2 1 3 0 3 21 at Bowling Green *37 6-18 .333 4-11 .364 4-4 1.000 1-5-6 0 3 2 0 2 20
at Akron *40 0-11 .000 0-4 .000 3-4 .750 2-7-9 2 4 4 0 4 3 BUFFALO *32 6-16 .375 1-7 .143 2-5 .400 0-3-3 3 2 1 0 2 15
at Kent State *36 5-12 .417 1-5 .200 6-8 .750 1-3-4 3 2 1 0 0 17 KENT STATE *35 7-12 .583 3-7 .429 4-5 .800 3-7-10 2 0 2 1 3 21
OHIO *38 5-11 .455 4-9 .444 9-14 .643 0-1-1 2 4 2 0 3 23 at Ohio *34 8-18 .444 2-8 .250 4-5 .800 1-6-7 2 0 1 0 2 22
OHIO^ *33 5-10 .500 2-5 .400 1-4 .250 0-9-9 0 0 5 0 0 13 at Akron^ *37 5-17 .204 4-11 .364 11-16 .688 2-8-10 2 2 2 0 1 25
vs Toledo^ *33 7-20 .350 4-12 .333 2-3 .667 1-4-5 2 2 0 0 0 20
at Campbell^ *35 11-17 .647 7-10 .700 0-0 .000 0-2-2 2 0 2 0 0 29 * Indicates Games Started
^ MAC Tournament
* Indicates Games Started
^ MAC Tournament
• Recorded 31 games with four or more assists • Started in 28 contests, most by a Wichita State freshman in 10 years,
• Has two seasons of eligibility remaining including 23-straight to end the season
• Registered a 1.85 assist-to-turnover ratio, the highest ever for a WSU
2020-21 (AT TEXAS TECH) true freshman (min. 3 apg)
• Averaged 4.3 points and 1.2 assists in 23 games played ... played • Led all freshman in the AAC in both assists-per-game and A:TO ratio
through a foot injury the entire season • Scored in double-figures eight times
• Scored eight points on 3-of-4 shooting with two assists and two • AAC Freshman of the Week for the second time on Mar. 4 after
rebounds vs. West Virginia (2/9) averaging 10.5 points and 5.0 assists with a 5.00-to-1 ratio in wins
• Tallied nine points and a season-high five boards at West Virginia (1/25) over UConn (2/28) and at SMU (3/3)
... went 4-of-7 from the field and added an assist • Earned American Freshman of the Week status after handing out 19
• Shot 50 percent from the field (4-of-8) with nine points at Iowa State assists in the two games against Tulsa (2/20) and Memphis (2/23)
(1/9) -- tied with Fred VanVleet (2015) for the best two-game stretch by a
• Had six points, four rebounds and two steals in a win at Oklahoma Marshall Era Shocker
• Posted four points, four rebounds, three assists and two steals in a
win over Abilene Christian (12/9)
• Recorded a season-high 10 points with three assists and a block vs.
Grambling (12/6)
• Has six points on 2-of-3 shooting from the field and 1-of-1 from the
foul line against No. 17 Houston (11/29)
• Dished out a season-best five assists with four points in the season
opener against Northwestern State (11/25)
• Season-high 10 assists at Tulsa (2/20) was the most by a Shocker
freshman in 46 years
• Scored a season-high 16 points at UConn (1/26)
• Dished five assists in season-high 35 minutes against Cincinnati (1/19)
• Finished with 12 points and eight rebounds in 32 minutes at VCU (12/22)
• Notched his first double-figure scoring game with 14 points and six
assists in 31 minutes in a Charleston Classic win over Appalachian
State (11/16)
• First WSU true freshman to start a season opener in a decade; played
22 minutes vs. LA Tech (11/6) and hit all three of his shots on the way
to six points and five assists
• Attended Independence High School in Charlotte
• Rivals three-star recruit
• As a senior in 2018, led Independence to a 31-1 record and North
Carolina’s Class 4A state championship
• Second Team NCBCA All-State selection and First Team All-District
9 as a senior
• Averaged 16.4 points, 7.5 rebounds, 4.9 assists and 2.2 steals in his
final year
• Personal best 33 points, 15 rebounds and 14 assists
• Coached by Preston Davis at Independence and Derrick Wall on the
AAU circuit for Team Loaded
• Born April 15, 2000 in Champaign, Ill.
• Son of Rosso and Kimberly Burton
• Mother played basketball at Alabama A&M
• Has a younger brother, Amonti, and two older sisters, Kimera and
Destani both played collegiately on full scholarships
• Uncle, Todd Peat, played six seasons in the NFL for the Cardinals
and Raiders
• Cousin, Andrus Peat, plays for the New Orleans Saints and was the
13th overall pick in the 2015 NFL draft
• Aunts, Pamela White and Tammy Newton, played college basketball
• Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
communication rhetoric
at East Carolina *15 1-3 .333 0-1 .000 2-4 .500 0-2-2 3 4 0 0 0 4 Cincinnati *27 6-12 .500 0-1 .000 1-1 1.000 3-2-5 3 4 4 0 0 13
Tulane *23 4-12 .333 0-2 .000 1-2 .500 0-3-3 4 2 3 1 2 9 at [25] Houston *20 2-7 .286 0-3 .000 0-2 .000 0-0-0 0 0 2 0 0 4
at Cincinnati *16 0-9 .000 0-2 .000 3-4 .750 1-2-3 2 0 1 0 0 3 at UCF *23 3-7 .429 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1-2-3 2 1 2 0 0 6
at Tulsa *23 1-4 .250 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1-3-4 4 10 2 0 1 2 Tulane *23 4-7 .571 1-2 .500 0-0 .000 0-2-2 3 7 1 0 1 9
Memphis *19 4-8 .500 0-2 .000 2-2 1.000 0-4-4 5 9 2 0 1 10 South Florida *33 5-12 .417 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 0-3-3 2 4 3 0 2 10
UConn *31 4-11 .364 1-3 .333 2-3 .667 1-7-8 0 5 1 0 0 11 at Cincinnati *25 4-11 .364 0-1 .000 3-4 .750 3-1-4 3 3 1 0 0 11
at SMU *29 4-7 .571 1-1 1.000 1-1 1.000 2-2-4 2 5 1 0 1 10 Temple *33 5-11 .455 1-1 1.000 4-4 1.000 1-0-1 2 6 5 1 1 15
East Carolina *30 3-9 .333 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 1-4-5 1 2 1 0 1 8 at SMU *28 307 .429 0-1 .000 3-3 1.000 3-3-6 0 1 3 0 0 9
at Tulane *31 4-10 .400 0-2 .000 3-4 .750 0-3-3 1 5 1 0 1 11 at Memphis *30 4-12 .333 3-7 .429 2-2 1.000 1-3-4 2 3 0 0 1 13
vs. East Carolina ^ *18 0-2 .000 0-1 .000 1-2 .500 0-0-0 2 2 0 0 0 1 Tulsa *28 5-8 .625 3-3 1.000 1-1 1.000 0-2-2 3 5 3 0 1 14
vs. Temple ^ *27 1-6 .167 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1-2-3 4 5 3 0 0 2
vs. [24] Cincinnati ^ *34 3-5 .600 2-2 1.000 1-2 .500 1-3-4 2 5 1 0 2 9 * Indicates Games Started
at Furman % *26 2-6 .333 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1-0-1 2 4 1 0 0 4 ^ AAC Tournament
at Clemson % *21 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 1-0-1 2 3 5 0 0 0
at Indiana % *16 1-3 .333 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1-1-2 1 4 2 0 1 2
vs. Lipscomb % *29 3-6 .500 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 1-3-4 1 3 2 1 1 8
* Indicates Games Started
^ AAC Tournament
Tigers of the Week honors
• Finished with two points, one assist and one steal in a win over Wake • Selected to play in Nancy Rehm Border Wars Classic - Indiana vs. Ohio
Forest (3/2)
• Had three points in 12 minutes against Notre Dame (12/5), recording PERSONAL
two rebounds, one steal, and one assist • Born August 4, 2000
• Knocked down a three-pointer and added an assist against Northern • Son of Patricia and Osita Ezeakudo
Illinois (12/5) • Has an older sister, Nkiru and younger brother, Ifeami
• Had scholarship opportunities to play collegiately after high school
2019-20 before electing to attend the University of Pittsburgh to pursue a
• Appeared in 13 games ... averaged 0.2 points, 0.5 rebounds and 0.3 degree in Bioengineering
assists per game
• Missed the final 10 games of the season after suffering an ankle injury
at Notre Dame (2/5) ... had one steal against the Fighting Irish
• Posted a career-high two rebounds and two assists in a win over Miami
(2/2) ... also played a career-high eight minutes
• Grabbed a rebound versus North Carolina (1/18)
• Recorded a rebound in a win over Kansas State (11/25)
• Scored first career points against Arkansas Pine Bluff (11/21) ... finished
with two points, one assist and two steals in six minutes of action
• Had a rebound and a steal versus Monmouth (11/18)
• Grabbed one rebound in three minutes of play against West Virginia
• Joined the team in December as a walk-on
• Appeared in two games
• Played three minutes against New Orleans (12/20)
• Recorded his lone rebound of the season in two minutes against
Virginia (3/2)
2018-19 GAME-BY-GAME 2019-20 GAME-BY-GAME
2020-21 GAME-BY-GAME
• Played two seasons of varsity basketball at Franklin Regional for head
coaches Brad Midgley and Steve Scorpion
• Missed the bulk of his senior season due to injury ... team went 20-6
and reached the WPIAL 5A finals at the Petersen Events Center
• Averaged 6.3 points per game and shot 43% from three-point range
as a junior
• Team reached the PIAA state quarterfinals in 2017
• Born May 1, 2000
• Son of John Fisch and Mary ann Hynes ... has two older brothers,
Matt and Mike
• Father, John, played hockey at Oberlin College
• Majoring in Biology with a pre-med focus
• Local product who attended youth camps as well as team camps at
Pitt growing up
• Was a manager for the Pitt team in 2019-20
• Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
biological sciences
• Four-game stretch with double-figure points and at least six rebounds
(11/25 - 12/3)
• Had 11 points and six rebounds in a win at Western Michigan (12/3)
• Registered 12 points, nine rebounds and four assists against Toledo
• Posted a double-double with 12 points and 12 rebounds in a win over
Hartford (11/18)
• Tallied 13 points and six rebounds at Northern Illinois (11/25)
• Scored a career-high 23 points on 10-of-13 shooting in Oakland’s win
against SIU at the Sunshine Slam (11/10)
• Recorded a double-double on 21 points and 12 rebounds in Oakland’s
season-opening win versus Goshen (11/5) — his first-career game as
a Golden Grizzly
• Attended Bladensburg High School in Bladensburg, Md.
• First Team All-MET as a senior
• Named Prince George County and 4A Conference Player of the Year
after leading team to 2018 regional championship
• Three-time first team all-county
• Finished his career with 1,394 points and 856 rebounds
• Born Jan. 2, 2000 in Bladensburg, Md.
• Son of Abigail Oladapo
• Mother ran track in college in Nigeria
• Favorite NBA player growing up is Kevin Durant
• Digital Media major
• Played the flute growing up
• Has his own YouTube Channel – YGDAPO
• Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
communication rhetoric
IUPUI 22 2-6 .333 0-0 .000 4-5 .800 2-3-5 1 0 1 0 0 8 Cleveland St. *33 5-8 .625 0-0 .000 3-5 .600 4-5-9 2 2 2 0 1 13
at Detroit Mercy 21 4-7 .571 0-0 .000 2-3 .667 5-2-7 0 1 1 0 0 10 Cleveland St. *33 8-11 .727 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 5-3-8 3 1 3 1 2 18
at Northern Ky. 19 3-5 .600 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 3-2-5 0 1 1 0 0 8 at Robert Morris *46 8-11 .727 0-0 .000 9-12 .750 6-14-20 2 2 3 0 0 25
at Wright State *31 4-9 .444 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 5-3-8 5 2 2 0 2 10 at Robert Morris *35 8-14 .571 0-0 .000 3-9 .333 4-3-7 2 2 3 0 2 19
Cleveland St. *24 3-3 1.000 0-0 .000 2-4 .500 1-2-3 2 1 3 0 2 8 at Milwaukee *37 8-13 .615 0-0 .000 1-4 .250 8-3-11 5 2 3 0 1 17
Youngstown St. *26 1-3 .333 0-0 .000 1-2 .500 3-7-10 3 1 4 0 0 3 at Milwaukee *43 11-14 .786 0-0 .000 2-3 .667 2-10-12 0 2 3 2 0 24
Milwaukee *34 5-8 .625 0-0 .000 2-5 .400 3-8-11 2 0 0 0 0 12 Youngstown St.^ *42 8-20 .400 0-0 .000 1-4 .250 6-4-10 2 3 3 0 1 17
Green Bay *48 7-9 .778 0-0 .000 3-5 .600 6-11-17 4 3 6 1 1 17 vs. Northern Ky.^ *38 9-15 .600 0-0 .000 1-6 .167 6-3-9 0 2 1 0 1 19
at IUPUI *28 4-5 .800 0-0 .000 0-1 .000 2-2-4 2 0 2 0 0 8 vs. Cleveland St.^ *32 2-7 .286 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 2-4-6 3 2 3 0 1 4
at UIC *34 4-11 .364 0-0 .000 4-9 .444 1-5-6 4 1 1 0 0 12
Cleveland St.^ *27 7-9 .778 0-0 .000 5-6 .833 1-3-4 2 1 1 1 2 19 * Indicates Games Started
at Green Bay^ *36 3-6 .500 0-0 .000 4-6 .667 4-5-9 4 1 1 0 0 10 ^ Horizon Tournament
• Made his collegiate debut in a home win over Binghamton ... grabbed
a rebound in one minute of action
• Finished his high school career at The Kiski School [Pa.] ... helped the
team to a 12-10 record while competing in the Interstate Preparatory
• Also ran track and competed in the long jump as a senior
• Also attended St. Anthony’s [N.J.] and Life Center Academy
• Born August 7, 1998 ... son of Charles and Lisa Smith
• Father, Charles, was the No. 3 overall pick in the 1988 NBA Draft
following a standout career at Pitt ... he went on to play 10 seasons in
the NBA with the Los Angeles Clippers (1988-92), New York Knicks
(1992-96) and San Antonio Spurs (1995-97)
• Charles Smith is a 2018 Pitt Hall of Fame inductee, the program’s all-
time leading scorer and one of four Pitt men’s basketball players to
have their jersey retired ... he finished his career with 2,045 points,
987 rebounds and 346 blocked shots
• Has two brothers, Chaz and Chandler
• Enjoys working out and serving as a personal trainer for friends
• Played on the Pitt club team in 2018-19
• The Smith’s are the fifth father-son basketball combo at Pitt ... joined
on that list by Samuel and Joey David, Brian and Brock Generalovich,
Gilbert and Cameron Johnson, and Curtis and Curtis Aiken, Jr.
• Finance major with a minor in Chinese
R-JR-2L • G • 6-1 • 200
Pittsburgh, Pa. • North Allegheny
2020-21 • Recorded 24 points and six assists against Pine-Richland (1/24)
• Appeared in one game • Scored 24 points in a win over North Hills (1/17)
• Went 1-for-2 from the free-throw line against Northern Illinois (12/5) • Knocked down five three-point field goals and scored 27 in a win over
Warren JFK (1/14)
2019-20 • Had 21 points in a win over Wheeling Central Catholic (1/7) in the
• Appeared in six games ... tallied two points, two rebounds, one assist Cancer Research Classic
and a steal in seven minutes of action • Posted a season-high 38 points to go along with eight rebounds in a
• Went 2-of-2 from the free throw line to score first career points double-overtime win at Mt. Lebanon (12/13)
against NC State (3/11) in the second round of the ACC Tournament • Scored a game-high 27 points at State College (12/9)
... added a steal • Averaged 19.1 points and 3.9 rebounds per game as a sophomore ...
• Grabbed an offensive rebound at Georgia Tech (3/4) earned second team all-section honors
• Had an assist at No. 8 Florida State (2/18) • Scored 20 points in a win over Shaler (1/15)
• Recorded a rebound in a win over Binghamton (12/20) • Had 21 points in an overtime win against Monessen (12/29) in the
• Also appeared in games against Syracuse (2/26) and Arkansas Pine Wright Automotive Holiday Tournament
Bluff (11/21) • Posted a season-high 41 points with four three-point field goals and
15-of-19 shooting from the foul line in a win over Butler (12/22)
2018-19 • Had a game-high 21 points in a win over Pine-Richland (12/15)
• Member of the ACC Honor Roll • Scored 29 points in a win over Norristown (12/4) in the State College
• Did not play in 2018-19 while recovering from an injury suffered at the Tip-Off Tournament
end of senior season in high school • Played varsity as a freshman, averaging 7.9 points per game ...
helped the team to a school-record 24 wins, a Section 3 title, WPIAL
HIGH SCHOOL championship game appearance and a spot in the PIAA playoffs
• Played for head coaches Dave Degregorio and Keith Noftz during • An honorable mention all-section selection
his career at North Allegheny ... finished his career with 1,288 points • Had 18 points and was named Player of the Game in a WPIAL playoff
• Led the team in scoring at 17.8 points per game to go along with 33 win over Fox Chapel (2/26)
steals and 35 assists as a senior
• Scored 27 points in a win over Altoona (1/26) PERSONAL
• Made four three-point field goals and finished with 27 points against • Born Curtis Aiken, Jr., July 15, 1999
Pine-Richland (1/23) • Son of Curtis and Adrianne Aiken
• Scored 24 points in a win over Shaler (1/19) • Sister, Alexis, played basketball at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
• Posted 21 points in a win at Peters Township (12/23) • Father, Curtis, recorded 1,200 points and 378 assists with the Panthers
• Scored 24 points against Mt. Lebanon (12/12) from 1983-87 ... he was the first McDonald’s All-American selection
• Had a game-high 26 points against Cathedral Prep (12/9) to attend Pitt and now serves as an analyst for the team’s radio
• Averaged 19.1 points, 4.0 rebounds and 4.2 assists per game as a broadcasts
junior ... helped guide the Tigers to a 14-9 record and a WPIAL playoff • One of five father-son combos to play for Pitt ... joined by Samuel
appearance and Joey David, Brian and Brock Generalovich, Gilbert and Cameron
• Made 51 three-point field goals and shot 80.7 percent (113-of-140) Johnson, and Charles and Chayce Smith
from the free throw line • A three-star recruit who also held offers from TCU and Tennessee
• Received Section 1 all-section honors in 2017 • Hobbies include training, live music and traveling
• Posted 26 points in a 70-67 loss to Canon-McMillan (2/22) in the • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
WPIAL 6A playoffs communication rhetoric
• Made four three-point field goals and finished with 25 points in a win
over Blackhawk (2/13)
more three-point field goals • Knocked down four three-point field goals and finished with 16 points
• Personal best 31 points at UNCW Jan. 10, 2019, making nine threes and four rebounds against Northeastern (2/28)
• Has tallied 19.0 points, 2.3 rebounds and 2.7 assists in conference • Had 15 points, four rebounds and three assists in a double-overtime
tournament action win at Towson (2/14)
• Set a season-high in steals with four against William & Mary (2/2) ...
2020-21 also recorded 14 points and two rebounds
• Appeared in 22 games, making 18 starts • Tied a season-high six rebounds to go with nine points against Elon
• Averaged 8.9 points, 2.3 rebounds and 1.6 steals per game … shot 38.1 (1/31)
percent from the field, including 37.1 percent from three-point range • Went 8-of-12 from the field, including 3-of-6 from three-point range,
• Made a team-high 43 three-pointers … ranked 10th among ACC players to score 19 points in a win over Drexel (1/26)
in three-point percentage (minimum 2.0 3pg.) • Tied a program freshman record at UNCW (1/10) with 31 points, going
• Notched 10 double-figure scoring games, including six games with 10-of-15 from the field and 9-for-13 from behind the arc
15 or more points • Had 15 points, four rebounds and an assist in a win over William &
• Recorded nine games with three or more three-point field goals Mary (1/3)
• Finished with 10 points on 4-of-8 shooting with two three pointers in • Went 4-of-7 from three-point range in a 27-point effort against
the first round of the ACC Tournament versus Miami (3/9) Northeastern (12/30) ... finished 9-of-14 from the field while playing
• Had 11 points with three three-point field goals at Clemson (3/6) 41 minutes in the double-overtime win
• Recorded a season-high five assists to go along with seven points • Recorded a season-high six assists to go with five rebounds against
against NC State (2/17) Delaware State (12/19)
• Had 18 points on 7-of-13 shooting at Georgia Tech (2/14) … went 4-of-8
from three-point range
• Scored 15 points in back-to-back games against Virginia Tech (2/3)
and Virginia (2/6) … made a combined seven total threes between
the two games
• Posted 12 points, four rebounds and two assists against North Carolina
• Scored a season-high 20 points and pulled down six boards in a home
win over Syracuse (1/16) … went 5-of-10 from three-point range and
7-of-12 from the field
• Knocked down four threes and tallied 14 points at Syracuse (1/6)
• Recorded 18 points, two rebounds, two assists and a steal in a win
at Miami (12/16) … went 6-of-11 from the field and 4-of-6 from deep
• Scored 15 points against Northern Illinois (12/5), knocking down a
season-best with five threes … also finished with four assists, two
rebounds and a block
• Sat out the 2019-20 season due to NCAA transfer rules
• Registered 17 points, three rebounds, two assists and two steals at
Stony Brook (12/16)
• Scored 22 points on 9-of-17 from the field and brought in five rebounds
against Navy (12/5) ... knocked down four three-point field goals
• Registered his first 20-point game of the season against Columbia
(12/2), finishing with 20 points, three assists and two rebounds ... went
4-of-7 from three-point range
• Had 17 points and three steals in a win over Maryland Eastern Shore
• Went 4-of-5 from three-point range and finished with 18 points against
UNC Greensboro (11/23)
• Recorded six rebounds for the first time during the season to go with
10 points against Maryland (11/6)
• Attended Roselle Catholic as a senior ... earned third team all-state
• Ranked second on the team at 13.7 points per game during his senior
season ... recorded 75 rebounds, 20 steals, 36 assists and 58 three-
• Helped lead Roselle Catholic to a NJSIAA Tournament of Champions
• Born Ithiel Semaj Horton on June 26, 2000
• Son of Kevin and Hattie Horton
• Uncle, Lenny Horton, played basketball at Georgia Tech and uncle,
Brian Horton, played at Fairleigh Dickinson and Morgan State
• Enrolled in the College of General Studies ... pursuing a degree in
social sciences
TOWSON *20 0-5 .000 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 1-1-2 2 0 0 0 0 0 CLEMSON Canceled
DREXEL *34 8-12 .667 3-6 .500 0-1 .000 0-1-1 2 4 5 0 0 19 at NC State *18 0-4 .000 0-0 .000 1-2 .500 1-2-3 3 0 2 0 1 1
WAKE FOREST *11 0-4 .000 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 0-1-1 0 1 2 0 0 0
Elon *35 4-9 .444 1-3 .333 0-0 .000 0-6-6 1 1 0 0 2 9
at Clemson 25 4-9 .444 3-5 .600 0-0 .000 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 1 11
at William & Mary *34 4-14 .286 2-8 .250 4-4 1.000 0-2-2 4 0 1 0 4 14
^ vs. Miami 32 4-8 .500 2-5 .400 0-0 .000 1-3-4 1 3 1 0 1 10
CHARLESTON *28 1-7 .143 0-4 .000 0-0 .000 2-2-4 1 1 1 0 0 2
UNCW 23 3-7 .429 1-4 .250 0-1 .000 0-2-2 2 1 0 1 0 7 * Indicates Games Started
at Towson *47 4-14 .286 3-10 .300 4-4 1.000 1-3-4 3 3 2 0 0 15 [ ] AP Ranking
at James Madison *35 3-8 .375 0-2 .000 3-6 .500 2-0-2 1 2 2 0 0 9 ^ ACC Tournament
at Drexel *26 1-8 .125 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 0-0-0 4 1 3 0 3 2
NORTHEASTERN *38 6-13 .462 4-10 .400 0-0 .000 0-4-4 4 1 2 0 0 16
HOFSTRA *34 9-15 .600 6-10 .600 2-2 1.000 0-4-4 4 1 0 0 2 26
^ vs. William & Mary *38 9-15 .600 6-9 .667 2-2 1.000 0-2-2 2 1 1 0 2 26
^ vs. Hofstra *44 8-13 .615 5-9 .556 0-0 .000 0-5-5 4 4 3 0 0 21
• Had a career-high 24 points on 8-of-11 shooting at NIACC (2/20)
• Scored 18 points and grabbed 14 rebounds in 19 minutes at Iowa
Western (2/10)
• Attended Bloomington High School in Bloomington, Ill.
• Averaged 22.5 points and 8.5 rebounds per contest senior year
• Earned second team all-state honors junior year with 20.2 points and
11.7 rebounds per game
• Helped the team to a third-place finish in the 2017 Class 3A state
tournament as a sophomore
• Born Nov. 4, 2000 in Bloomington, Ill.
• Son of Tammy Schultz and Chris Payton
• Has four siblings, including three brothers and a sister
• First person to go to college in his family
• Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
communication rhetoric
• Recorded 15 or more rebounds in three of six games played ... ranked • Played with the New York Lightening on the EYBL circuit from
fourth in rebounds, third in offensive rebounds, tied for second in 2017-19 ... helped the team to the 2019 U17 Peach Jam Invitational
blocked shots and tied for 12th in double-doubles for the tournament Championship and the U16 AAU National Championship Final Four
• Posted a double-double with 12 points and 16 rebounds against Israel in 2018
... added four blocked shots • Averaged 6.2 points, 5.8 rebounds and 1.2 blocks per game, while
• Had 10 points and 11 rebounds versus Hungary shooting 57.0 percent from the field for the New York Lightning on
• Tallied eight points and 16 rebounds against Macedonia the 2019 Nike EYBL circuit
• Recorded five blocked shots versus Scotland • Posted averages of 8.0 points, 7.3 rebounds and 2.7 blocks per game
• Also played on the Ireland U15 Team in 2014 at the 2019 Peach Jam
• Attended Colaiste Bride in Clonalkin, Ireland and played for the Dublin
HIGH SCHOOL Lions before moving to the United States in 2016
• Played for Peter Wehye at Our Saviour Lutheran [N.Y.] ... competed • Selected Pitt over offers from Penn State, Rhode Island, St. John’s
in The Grind Session, the first winter circuit of elite high school and Massachusetts among others
basketball events • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
• Helped lead OSL to a 36-4 record and the Great Athletic Conference
championship as a senior ... named first team All-GAC and was runner-
up for conference defensive player of the year
• Averaged 13.0 points and 11.0 rebounds per game ... scored in double
figures 26 times and grabbed 10 or more rebounds in 13 games ...
posted 12 double-doubles
• Registered 10 points, eight rebounds and two blocks in the semifinals
of the Grind Session World Championship against Compress Academy
• Recorded 12 points, seven rebounds and four blocks in GAC title game
win over Putnam Science
• Tallied 14-point, 10-rebound double-double in GAC Semifinal win over
Bridgeport Prep
• Delivered 20 points, 15 rebounds and four blocks versus Brooklyn
Democracy Academy in the Adidas Legacy Statement Games
• Recorded a double-double with 12 points and 10 rebounds in a win
over Word of God [N.C.]
• Scored career-best 31 points to go along with 12 rebounds and five
blocks against Bridgeport Prep on senior night
• Recorded 22 points, a career-high 23 rebounds and three blocks in a
win over Redemption Christian Academy
• Had a team-high 20 points and 10 rebounds in a win over Hickory
• Grabbed 18 rebounds and scored 15 points in a win over Bridgeport
• Went 7-of-7 from the field and finished with 15 points, eight rebounds
and five blocks in a win over Rock Creek at Slam Dunk To Beach event
• Recorded 17 points, nine rebounds and seven blocks against McDevitt
in the All City Classic Philly vs. NYC
• Posted 16 points, 12 rebounds and four blocks in a win over Minnesota
Prep in the Minnesota Classic
• Helped the Falcons to a 20-13 record and Grind Session Final Four
appearance as a junior
• As a sophomore OSL finished 32-5 and reached the Grind Session
Final Four
• Played varsity as a freshman helping OSL to a 19-12 record and runner-
up finish in the NAISAC
2020-21 GAME-BY-GAME
CLEMSON Canceled
at NC State - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WAKE FOREST - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
at Clemson - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
^ vs. Miami - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• Participated in the 2017 USA Men’s Junior National Team October following his playing days
Minicamp ... also a participant 2017 USA Men’s U16 National Team • Participated in the 2019 NBPA Top 100 Camp
June training camp • Ranked No. 32 among power forwards in the 2020 recruiting class
by Rivals ... listed No. 9 among best prospects out of Pennsylvania
HIGH SCHOOL by 247 Sports
• Four-year letterwinner and three-year starter at Westtown School • Played with Team Final from sixth grade through 17U, including the
[Pa.] ... played for head coach Seth Berger ... named co-captain as a final two years in the EYBL
junior and senior • Averaged 8.1 points, 4.8 rebounds and 0.5 blocks per game with Team
• Won four consecutive Friends School League titles, two Pennsylvania Final in 17U Nike EYBL games during the summer of 2019
Independent Schools Athletic Association championships ... compiled a • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
100-28 record with the Moose, including a 39-1 mark in conference play
• Scored over 1,000 points in his high school career ... three-time FSL
all-league and all-state selection
• Guided Westtown to a 25-6 record, including a 10-0 mark in the Friends
School League as a senior ... Westtown won its seventh consecutive
FSL title as well as the PAISAA state championship
• Averaged 16.0 points, 6.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 2.0 steals per game
• FSL first team all-conference pick and DLN honorable mention All-Area
selection as a senior
• Received 2020 Jack Askoff Award in Life honors, given to Westtown
player that demonstrates leadership and character on and off the
basketball court
• Named MVP of the Lehigh Valley Showcase
• Had 20 points, six rebounds and two steals in a playoff win over
Perkiomen School
• Scored 15 points and grabbed nine rebounds against Blair Academy
[N.J.] ... passed the 1,000-point mark for his career in the contest
• Earned second team Chester County All-Area honors after helping
Westtown to a 29-7 record, including a 9-1 mark in the Friends School
League, during the 2018-19 season
• Averaged 14.2 points, 5.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 2.0 steals per
game as a junior ... PIAA second team all-state honoree
• Named to the Philadelphia Inquirer All-Area Third Team ... also a first
team FSL selection
• Posted 8.0 points and 4.0 rebounds per game as a sophomore ...
earned all-state and second team FSL accolades
• As a freshman in 2016-17 he helped the Moose to a 32-2 record and the
Friends School League and PAISSA championships ... started seven
of 34 games and averaged 5.8 points per game
2020-21 GAME-BY-GAME
CLEMSON Canceled
at NC State 2 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1-2 .500 1-0-1 1 0 0 0 0 1
WAKE FOREST 4 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0-0 1 0 0 0 0 0
at Clemson - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
^ vs. Miami 16 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 1-2-3 0 0 0 0 0 0
SO-1L • F • 6-9 • 280
Cleveland, Ohio • Brush
2020-21 PERSONAL
• Appeared in seven games, starting in one … missed the final 15 games • Born John Hugley IV on November 29, 2001
of the season due to suspension • Son of Marquette Washington and John Hugley III ... has three younger
• Averaged 5.1 points, 4.3 rebounds and 14.9 minutes a game … went 15- sisters, Jasmine, Janiya and Marlei
of-38 (.395) from the field and 6-of-10 (.600) from the free throw line • Has an interest in videography and video production
• Recorded seven points, seven boards, one steal and a block against • A consensus four-star and top 100 prospect
Louisville (12/22) … matched a season high with four offensive • Ranked 77th overall and 12th among centers by Rivals in the 2020
rebounds recruiting class
• Had a season-high nine points in 13 minutes in a road win against • Listed 86th overall and 16th among centers by 247 Sports ... No. 2
Miami (12/16) … went 3-of-5 from the field and 3-of-5 from the foul line ranked player out of the state of Ohio in the 2020 recruiting class
• Finished with six points and five rebounds in a win over Northern • Ranked No. 95 overall in the ESPN Top 100
Illinois (12/5) … was 3-of-6 from the field • Played in the 2019 Nike EYBL competitions with All Ohio Red and Indy
• Made his collegiate debut and first start at home vs. Saint Francis Heat averaging 9.2 points and 6.8 rebounds over a span of 13 games
(11/25) … scored seven points and pulled down a season-best eight • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... majoring in
rebounds against the Red Flash communication rhetoric
• Played for Chet “The Jet” Mason at Brush High School ... Mason played
collegiately at Miami [Ohio] and had a 12-year professional career that
included stops in the NBDL and in the NBA with the Cleveland Cavaliers
• Concluded his career with the Arcs with 1,660 points and 1,170
rebounds ... two-time all-state and three-time all-district selection ...
helped lead Brush to four consecutive conference titles
• Invited to play in the 2020 Big Baller Brand All American Game
• Named first team All-Ohio, All-Northeast Lakes District Division I
Player of the Year and Western Reserve Conference Player of the Year
after leading Brush to a 19-6 record (14-0 WRC) as a senior
• Recipient of the Clark Kellogg Awards, presented by the New Herald
to the top player in Northeast Ohio
• Named cleveland.com Player of the Year ... Ohio Mr. Basketball
• Averaged 24.0 points, 13.3 rebounds, 4.6 assists and 1.6 blocks per
game during the 2019-20 season
• Set a school record with 52 points to go along with 15 rebounds in a
win over Mayfield in early February
• Recorded 35 points and 15 rebounds in his final high school game
against Mentor
• Had a 16-point, 15-rebound double-double in a 49-44 district semifinal
win over Cleveland Heights
• Posted 23 points and 14 rebounds in sectional final win over
• Had 34 points and 10 rebounds against Lutheran East
• Scored 32 points in a win over Cleveland Heights
• First team all-district and honorable mention All-Ohio selection as a
junior ... averaged 16.1 points, 12.6 rebounds, and 1.9 blocks per game
to lead Brush to a 21-win season and district finals appearance
• Scored in double figures 16 times, including 10 games with 20 or more
points scored
• Posted a season-best 34 points in a win over Mayfield
• Delivered 25 points and 13 rebounds in a district semifinal win over
Cleveland Heights
• Scored 27 points and 25 points in a pair of wins over Kenston
• Added a 25-point effort in a win over Chardon
• Averaged 12.8 points per game as a sophomore
2020-21 GAME-BY-GAME
CLEMSON Canceled
at NC State - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WAKE FOREST - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
at Clemson - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
^ vs. Miami - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and two blocks against Wake Forest (3/2) • PIAA District 10 and Region 7 first team selection ... also received Varsity
• Had three points, two offensive rebounds, one assist and one block at Cup Rookie of the Year honors
NC State (2/28) • Named MVP of KSA Events Tournament ... led the Trojans to the team
• Grabbed a season-high eight rebounds to go along with two points one title
assist in a road win at Syracuse (1/6)
• Played 33 minutes against Northwestern (12/9), notching seven points, PERSONAL
four rebounds, two assists and a steal in a 71-70 victory on the road • Born William Solomon Jeffress, Jr., in Erie, Pa. on June 3, 2003
• Made his collegiate debut at home vs. Saint Francis (11/25), recording • Son of Andrea and William Jeffress, Sr. ... has two sisters, Adrianna
seven points, four rebounds, one assist and a steal and Jasmine
• Mother, Andrea, earned her PHD from Yale at the age of 22 ... currently
USA BASKETBALL an OBGYN as part of the UPMC Hamot Hospital system in Erie, Pa.
• Helped Team USA to a gold medal at the 2019 FIBA U16 Americas • Father, William Sr., is in the University of New Haven Men’s Basketball
Championship in Brazil ... averaged 3.3 points and 1.8 rebounds in 9.0 Hall of Fame and was drafted by the USBL Connecticut Skyhawks ...
minutes per game as Team USA went 6-0 with a +38.2 scoring margin compiled 1,354 points (16th all-time) and 793 rebounds for the Chargers
for the event from 1984-88 ... “Dollar Bill” was also one of the best defenders in
• Had nine points and four rebounds in 15 minutes in a quarterfinal win program history, recording 172 blocked shots and 130 steals in 120
over Puerto Rico games ... shot 54.8 percent from the floor during his career (5th), while
• Pitt’s first commitment with a gold medal in international competition also ranking in the top 10 in free throws made (372 - 3rd) ... he earned
since James Robinson joined the program prior to the 2012-13 season All-New England honors as a junior as the Chargers made their first
• Also participated in the 2019 USA Basketball Men’s Junior National appearance in the NCAA postseason ... New Haven returned to the
Team October minicamp, the 2019 USA Basketball Men’s Junior National national stage in the following season and recorded the program’s first
Team July minicamp, the 2019 USA Junior National Team minicamp at NCAA postseason victory
the men’s Final Four in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the October 2018 • Sister, Adrianna, played tennis at Mercyhurst ... she was a second team
USA Junior National Team minicamp in Colorado Springs, Colorado All-PSAC selection as a freshman ... concluded her career with 81 doubles
victories and 76 wins in singles action
HIGH SCHOOL • Enjoys playing the saxophone, hanging out with his friends, playing ping
• Played three seasons of varsity basketball for head coach Kevin pong, swimming and watching Netflix
O’Conner at McDowell ... played on the school’s freshman team as a • Favorite player is LeBron James
seventh and eighth grader • A 4.0 student with dual enrollment in both high school and college
• Three-time Pennsylvania Sports Writers’ all-state selection ... three-time courses and was also a member of the National Honor Society at Erie’s
District 10 and Region 7 selection McDowell High School ... also a member of the Honors College Gifted
• Finished his career as the Trojans’ all-time scoring (1,673 points) and Program
rebounding (578 rebounds) leader in just three seasons ... guided the • Made the decision to reclassify and forego a final season of high school
team to a 54-18 record overall eligibility to join the 2020 recruiting class
• Named PIAA 6A first team all-state ... received District 10 and Region • Played AAU with Team Durant on the Nike EYBL circuit from 2016-2019
7 Player of the Year honors ... helped the team to an AAU National Championship in 2018
• Finalist for Mr. Basketball in Pennsylvania • Averaged 8.4 points and 2.5 rebounds per game for Team Durant on
• Led McDowell to a 23-3 record and PIAA Quarterfinals appearance the 2019 EYBL Circuit
before the playoffs were halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 • Ranked 79th overall and 13th among forwards in the 2020 recruiting
• Averaged 24.3 points, 9.7 rebounds and 2.3 assists per game ... scored 20 class by Rivals
or more points in 18 games, including six games with 30 or more points • Rated as the No. 2 player in the state of Pennsylvania ...ranked 109th
• Made 42 three-point field goals and shot 81.8 percent (157-of-192) from in the 247 Sports recruiting rankings ... slotted 33rd in the 2021 ESPN
the free throw line Top 100 before reclassifying
• Scored a season-high 41 points in an overtime win over West Orange • Selected Pitt over a final list of schools that included Baylor, Memphis,
[Fla.] Northwestern, Notre Dame, Penn State, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Villanova
• Posted 39-point games in wins over Bethal Park and Conrad Academy and Virginia
[Fla.] • Interested in pursuing a career in broadcasting following his playing days
• Also topped the 30-point plateau against Cathedral Prep, Meadville • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences ... double major in
and Benedictine [Ohio] psychology and communications
• Named MVP and led McDowell to team championship at KSA Events
Tournament for the third consecutive season
2020-21 GAME-BY-GAME
CLEMSON Canceled
at NC State - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WAKE FOREST *37 3-9 .333 0-2 .000 202 1.000 1-2-3 4 2 2 2 0 8
at Clemson *28 0-2 .000 0-1 .000 4-4 1.000 1-0-1 1 0 1 0 1 4
^ vs. Miami *9 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0-0 2 0 0 0 0 0
5 or more Rebounds 2
2 or more Steals 1
20+ Minutes 5
30+ Minutes 2
Dunks 3
Tournament against Miami (3/9) … went 11-of-16 from the field including
2-of-3 beyond the arc … added six rebounds, three assists, one block PERSONAL
and a steal • Born in Brooklyn Jan. 21, 2001
• Scored 18 points with five assists, four rebounds and a steal against NC • Son of Shirley Stinvil ... has one brother, Eric Kyara
State (2/28) … went 6-of-11 from the filed and 5-of-7 from the foul line • Rated as the top player out of Massachusetts by the New England
• Posted eight points, three rebounds and three assists against Florida Recruiting Report
State (2/20) • Ranked No. 145 overall by Rivals ... listed as the No. 32 shooting guard
• Totaled seven points with four rebounds while going a 3-for-3 from in the class of 2020
the charity stripe against Virginia Tech (2/3) • Rated No. 170 overall, No. 31 among shooting guards and the top
• Went 5-for-8 from the free throw line and finished with nine points prospect out of Massachusetts by 247 Sports
at Wake Forest (1/23) • Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
• Dished out a career-high eight assists in a win against Syracuse (1/16)
… added five points in the win over the Orange
• Recorded his second double-digit scoring game of the year against
Syracuse (1/6) … finished with 10 points and a season-high seven
• Scored 16 points with three rebounds and a season-high three steals
in 30 minutes of play against Louisville (12/22) … went 2-of-4 from
three-point range
• Played one prep season at Springfield Commonwealth Academy
[Mass.] for coach Nick Couluris
• Averaged 17.5 points, 8.2 rebounds, 8.8 assists, 1.2 blocks and 2.7
steals per game, while shooting 52 percent from the field, including
39 percent from three-point range
• Led SCA to a 30-7 record, including a 12-0 mark in league play, a Power
5 Conference title and a spot in the quarterfinals of the National Prep
• Posted six 30+ point games and eight triple-doubles en route to
earning first team all-conference as well as Power 5 Conference Player
of the Year honors
• Added 14 double-digit rebounding games and 11 games with 10 or more
assists ... had three or more steals in a game 18 times
• Also was named Most Valuable Player of the NYL Invitational after
leading the Tornadoes to the team championship
• Recorded 35 points, 11 rebounds and seven assists against second-
ranked and National Prep Co-Champions Putnam Science
• Posted 31 points, eight rebounds and 10 assists against NEPSAC AAA
Champions New Hampton
• Had a triple-double with 17 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists versus
top-ranked and National Prep Co-Champions Brewster Academy
• Tallied 19 points and 11 assists in a win over Woodstock Academy in
the conference championship game
• Finished with 17 points, six rebounds and 14 assists against No. 4
Hargrave Military Academy
• Starred at South Shore High School in Brooklyn for head coach
Shawn Mark before attending SCA ... helped the team to two PSAL
• Led the Vikings to a 28-6 record, including 17-2 league mark, and state
2020-21 GAME-BY-GAME
CLEMSON Canceled
at NC State *38 6-11 .545 1-2 .500 5-7 .714 1-3-4 4 5 1 0 1 18
WAKE FOREST *34 1-4 .250 0-0 .000 3-8 .375 0-4-4 1 2 2 1 1 5
at Clemson 31 2-7 .286 2-3 .667 3-4 .750 0-3-3 0 3 1 1 4 9
^ vs. Miami *37 11-16 .688 2-3 .667 4-8 .500 1-5-6 4 3 4 1 1 28
20+ Point Games 1
Double-Figure Points 4
5 or more Rebounds 2
4 or more Assists 3
2 or more Steals 4
20+ Minutes 13
30+ Minutes 5
Dunks 3
• Loomis Chaffee played three games in 2020 before COVID-19 halted
the season
• Born Nov. 9, 2001 in Hoffman Estates, Ill.
• Son of Lori and Joe Santos
• Has two older sisters and an older brother
• Brother K.J. played collegiate basketball at Missouri
• Sister Sydney played collegiate basketball at Oakland, while sister
Ashley played basketball at Louisiana Tech
• Mom played collegiate basketball at Wichita State and dad played
professional basketball in Puerto Rico
• All members of his intermediate family played for the Puerto Rican
National Team
• Favorite NBA player is LeBron James
• Cites football as his favorite sport besides basketball and would play
quarterback or wide receiver
• Enrolled in Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
14 Curtis Aiken, Jr. G 6-1 200 R-JR-2L Pittsburgh, Pa. (North Allegheny)
35 Max Amadasun C 6-10 250 SO-1L Dublin, Ireland (Christ Our Saviour Lutheran)
11 Jamarius Burton G 6-4 200 SR-TR Charlotte, N.C. (Independence / Wichita State / Texas Tech)
3 Noah Collier F 6-8 220 SO-1L Mullica Hill, N.J. (Westtown School [Pa.])
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo G 6-1 200 SR-3L Fort Wayne, Ind. (Homestead)
13 Aidan Fisch F 6-5 185 SR-1L Murrysville, Pa. (Franklin Regional)
15 Mouhamadou Gueye F 6-10 200 GR-TR Staten Island, N.Y. (Curtis / Stony Brook)
12 Ithiel Horton G 6-5 200 R-JR-2L Vauxhall, N.J. (Roselle Catholic / Delaware)
23 John Hugley F 6-9 280 SO-1L Cleveland, Ohio (Brush)
24 William Jeffress G/F 6-7 205 SO-1L Erie, Pa. (McDowell)
2 Femi Odukale G 6-5 205 SO-1L Brooklyn, N.Y. (Springfield Commonwealth Academy [Mass.])
4 Dan Oladapo F 6-7 220 SR-TR Bladensburg, Md. (Bladensburg / Oakland)
1 Chris Payton F 6-7 220 JR-TR Bloomington, Ill. (Bloomington / Indian Hills CC)
5 Nate Santos F 6-7 215 FR-HS Geneva, Ill. (Loomis Chaffee School [Conn.])
22 Nike Sibande G 6-4 185 SR-1L Indianapolis, Ind. (Crispus Attucks / Miami [Ohio])
42 Chayce Smith G 6-3 185 SR-2L Mount Laurel, N.J. (The Kiski School [Pa.])
1 Chris Payton F 6-7 220 JR-TR Bloomington, Ill. (Bloomington / Indian Hills CC)
2 Femi Odukale G 6-5 205 SO-1L Brooklyn, N.Y. (Springfield Commonwealth Academy [Mass.])
3 Noah Collier F 6-8 220 SO-1L Mullica Hill, N.J. (Westtown School [Pa.])
4 Dan Oladapo F 6-7 220 SR-TR Bladensburg, Md. (Bladensburg / Oakland)
5 Nate Santos F 6-7 215 FR-HS Geneva, Ill. (Loomis Chaffee School [Conn.])
11 Jamarius Burton G 6-4 200 SR-TR Charlotte, N.C. (Independence / Wichita State / Texas Tech)
12 Ithiel Horton G 6-5 200 R-JR-2L Vauxhall, N.J. (Roselle Catholic / Delaware)
13 Aidan Fisch F 6-5 185 SR-1L Murrysville, Pa. (Franklin Regional)
14 Curtis Aiken, Jr. G 6-1 200 R-JR-2L Pittsburgh, Pa. (North Allegheny)
15 Mouhamadou Gueye F 6-10 200 GR-TR Staten Island, N.Y. (Curtis / Stony Brook)
22 Nike Sibande G 6-4 185 SR-1L Indianapolis, Ind. (Crispus Attucks / Miami [Ohio])
23 John Hugley F 6-9 280 SO-1L Cleveland, Ohio (Brush)
24 William Jeffress G/F 6-7 205 SO-1L Erie, Pa. (McDowell)
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo G 6-1 200 SR-3L Fort Wayne, Ind. (Homestead)
35 Max Amadasun C 6-10 250 SO-1L Dublin, Ireland (Christ Our Saviour Lutheran)
42 Chayce Smith G 6-3 185 SR-2L Mount Laurel, N.J. (The Kiski School [Pa.])
Pitt Staff
Head Coach: Jeff Capel (Duke, ‘97)
Associate Head Coach: Tim O’Toole (Fairfield, ‘87)
Associate Head Coach: Milan Brown (Howard, ‘93)
Assistant Coach: Jason Capel (North Carolina, ‘02)
Chief of Staff: Kyle Cieplicki (Vermont, ‘08)
Assistant AD of Scouting: Jake Presutti (Syracuse ‘08)
Director of Basketball Operations: Brian Regan (St. Vincent College, ‘88)
Strength & Conditioning Coach: Garry Christopher (Baylor, ’08)
Trainer: Daniel Anthony (Missouri State, ‘11)
Graduate Manager: Robert Blose (Pitt, ‘21)
Max AMADASUN Ah-mad-a-sun
JAMARIUS Burton Ja-Mar-e-us
ONYEBUCHI EZEAKUDO O-nee-boochee Ez-e-ah-kooduh
ITHIEL Horton ith-E-all
John HUGLEY Hugh-glee
William JEFFRESS Jeff-ress
FEMI ODUKALE Femmie O-due-callie
Dan OLADAPO O-la-dap-O
CHAYCE Smith Chase
JEFF CAPEL to NBA lottery pick, helping mold him into a Freshman All-American and
the ACC Freshman of the Year in 2016 before the Lakers took him with the
No. 2 overall pick in that year’s draft.
DUKE ‘97 In 2016-17, Capel was a major influence on Jayson Tatum, an All-ACC
Head Coach selection and the No. 3 overall choice in the NBA Draft by the Boston Celtics.
In his final season at Duke, Capel mentored National Freshman of the
Fourth Season at Pitt (12th Overall) Year and consensus first team All-America selection Marvin Bagley as well
as All-ACC selections Wendell Carter, Jr. and Gary Trent, Jr.
Jeff Capel enters his fourth season at the University of Pittsburgh after Capel also helped Duke secure one of the highest rated recruiting classes
being announced as the 16th men’s basketball head coach in program in NCAA history in 2018 as the Blue Devils signed the top three players in
history March 28, 2018. Capel owns a 202-158 record as a head coach at the class – R.J. Barrett, Cameron Reddish and Zion Williamson – along with
VCU and Oklahoma with three NCAA Tournament appearances, including two additional five-star players in Tre Jones and Joey Baker.
an Elite Eight trip with Oklahoma in 2008. Capel played a prominent role with USA Basketball during Krzyzewski’s
Last season, Capel led the Panthers to a season sweep of Syracuse as well last four years as head coach of the U.S. National Team. After serving as
as home wins over Duke and No. 16 Virginia Tech during a 10-12 campaign a court coach and scout for the squad in 2013, Capel was a staff assistant
that saw four ACC games cancelled due to COVID-19 protocols. Sophomore for the USA’s gold-medal effort at the 2014 FIBA World Cup in Spain and
Justin Champagnie averaged 18.0 points and an ACC-best 11.1 rebounds per the United States’ unprecedented run to a third consecutive gold medal
game to earn AP Honorable Mention All-America and First Team All-ACC at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
honors. He became the first Pitt player to earn First Team All-ACC honors Capel also has head coaching experience with USA Basketball. In the
before entering the NBA Draft and signing a two-way deal with the Toronto summer of 2010, he led a USA team, featuring former Duke stars Kyrie
Raptors. Pitt also made a significant jump in rebounding finishing second Irving and Austin Rivers along with current NBA standout Bradley Beal, to
in the ACC in rebounds, rebound margin, offensive rebounds and offensive the gold medal at the FIBA Americas U18 Championship in San Antonio,
rebound percentage. The Panthers averaged over 38 rebounds per game Texas. He was also an assistant coach for the gold medal-winning U.S. team
for the first time since the 2015-16 season. at the 2005 World University Games in Turkey, a squad that featured Duke
In 2020, Capel guided a team featuring one of the least experienced All-American and two-time National Defensive Player of the Year Shelden
rosters in the NCAA (319th overall) to a 16-17 record overall. The Panthers Williams.
doubled their conference win total from the previous season, including a Capel was the head coach at Oklahoma (2006-11) and Virginia
season-opening win over 2020 ACC Champion Florida State and a season Commonwealth (2002-06) for nine seasons prior to joining the Duke staff.
sweep over North Carolina. Four of the top five scorers were underclassman While at OU, Capel led the Sooners to an 83-69 record with two NCAA
with Champagnie becoming the first freshman since Charles Smith (1984- Tournament berths. His crowning achievement in Norman was the
85) to lead the team in scoring and rebounds. Pitt ranked in the top 25 development of 2009 National Player of the Year Blake Griffin, who became
nationally in turnover margin and continued to establish an identity based the first Oklahoma player to be taken No. 1 overall in the NBA Draft. Griffin
on toughness, competitiveness and fight. won both NBA Rookie of the Year and the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 2011.
Capel led Pitt to an eight-game improvement in his first season guiding
the Panthers, including wins over No. 11 Florida State, Louisville, and Notre
Dame. With three freshmen - Xavier Johnson, Trey McGowens and Au’Diese
Toney - in the starting lineup, Pitt established itself as a competitive and
aggressive team on both ends of the floor. Johnson became the first Panther
freshman to earn ACC All-Freshman Team honors, while setting Pitt rookie
records for scoring (15.5 ppg.), 20-point games (nine), double-figure scoring
games (28), and free throws made (157).
Capel spent seven seasons at Duke University (2011-18), including the
final four seasons as associate head coach under Mike Krzyzewski. In that
span, he helped guide the Blue Devils to a 200-55 (.784) record, seven
NCAA Tournament appearances, the 2017 ACC Tournament championship
and the 2015 National Championship. In that time, Capel also helped secure
commitments from 19 McDonald’s All-Americans as Duke signed a top-two
class in each of the past five years, including the top class in 2014, 2015
and 2018.
During the 2016-17 season, he served as acting head coach for seven
games following Krzyzewski’s back surgery. Capel led Duke to a 4-3 record
over that stretch, including consecutive road wins at Wake Forest and Notre
Dame that sparked a seven-game winning streak in the midst of ACC play.
Capel also led the Blue Devils to an 89-71 win over Wake Forest during the
2017-18 season when Krzyzewski was sidelined due to an illness.
Capel was instrumental in the development of that young talent as the
Blue Devils produced 15 first-round picks in the NBA Draft during his tenure,
including nine lottery picks. Duke had at least one first-round selection every
season and multiple first-round picks in five of the seven years with Capel
on staff. Eight of the 19 McDonald’s All-Americans Capel helped recruit to
Duke were lottery picks.
He was crucial to the signing of the 2014 class that was ranked No. 1 in
the nation and featured Grayson Allen, Tyus Jones, Jahlil Okafor and Justise
Winslow. That class was the catalyst for Duke’s fifth national championship.
Capel’s close work with Jabari Parker (2014) and Okafor (2015) led to
both being named All-Americans, earning National Freshman of the Year
honors and being top-three picks in their respective NBA Drafts. Winslow
and Jones were also taken 10th and 24th overall, respectively, in the 2015
NBA Draft.
Team Accomplishments
Overall record 202-158 (.561)
30-win seasons 1
25-win seasons 1
20-win seasons 3
20-win/10-league win seasons 2
10-win league seasons 4
National Achievements
NCAA Tournament appearances 3
NCAA Tournament record 4-3
Sweet Sixteen appearances 1
Earned a high seed (1-4) 1
Total postseason appearances (NIT & NCAA) 4
Conference Achievements
Total conference titles 2
Tournament 1
Regular Season 1
Regular season W-L 98-104 (.485)
ACC 15-39
Big 12 33-43
Colonial Athletic Conference 50-22
Conference Tournament W-L 12-11 (.522)
ACC 2-3
Big 12 3-5
Colonial Athletic Conference 7-3
Tournament title game appearances 2
In 2003-04, Capel guided the Rams to the NCAA Tournament for the first CAPEL VS. OPPONENTS
time in almost a decade and nearly scored a first-round upset of fourth- Opponent W-L Opponent W-L
seeded Wake Forest. The Rams won the CAA regular season and tournament Alabama 0-1 NC State 0-6
titles en route to a 23-8 record, including a 14-4 mark in conference play. Albany 1-0 Nebraska 2-3
Senior guard Domonic Jones averaged 16.3 points and 4.4 rebounds per Alcorn State 1-0 New Orleans 1-0
game to earn CAA Player of the Year honors, becoming just the second American 2-0 Niagara 0-1
player in program history to claim the conference’s top honor. Appalachian State 0-1 Nicholls State 0-1
Capel was named head coach at VCU prior to the 2002-03 season, Arizona 0-1 Norfolk State 1-0
becoming the youngest head coach in Division I men’s college basketball Arkansas 1-2 North Alabama 1-0
at 27 years of age. He led the Rams to an 18-10 mark and a tie for second Arkansas Pine Bluff 1-0 North Carolina 2-3
place in the CAA in his inaugural season at the helm of the program. Baylor 8-3 North Carolina A&T 2-0
Capel served as an assistant coach under Mack McCarthy at VCU during Binghamton 1-0 North Carolina Central 1-0
the 2001-02 season. The Rams went 21-11 overall and reached the title game Boston College 2-1 Northeastern 0-1
of the CAA Tournament. McCarthy resigned following the season and Capel Canisius 1-0 Northern Illinois 2-0
was immediately promoted to the head job. Central Arkansas 2-0 Northwestern 2-0
Capel began his coaching career as an assistant to his father, Jeff Capel, Chaminade 1-1 Notre Dame 1-2
at Old Dominion for the 2000-01 season. His father had a distinguished Cincinnati 0-1 Oklahoma State 6-5
coaching career in the NBA with the Charlotte Bobcats (2004-11) and Clemson 0-4 Old Dominion 7-3
Philadelphia 76ers (2011-13), as well as in the college ranks at Wake Forest Colgate 1-0 Oral Roberts 1-0
(1986-89), Fayetteville State (1989-93), North Carolina A&T (1993-94) and College of Charleston 1-1 Purdue 1-1
Old Dominion (1994-2001). Colorado 4-2 Rice 2-0
Following his collegiate career at Duke, Capel played professionally for Coppin State 3-0 Richmond 3-1
two years. He spent the 1997-98 season with the CBA’s Grand Rapids Hoops. Davidson 1-1 Robert Morris 1-0
In 1999-00, he played in France before returning to Grand Rapids. Delaware 7-1 Rutgers 1-0
Capel served as a team captain in both 1996 and 1997 and earned third- Denver 1-0 Sacramento State 1-0
team All-ACC accolades as a junior in 1996. Drexel 5-4 Saint Louis 1-0
He made an immediate impact at Duke and was a four-year starter for Duke 1-2 San Diego 0-1
the Blue Devils, leading the team to 83 wins and a trip to the 1994 national Duquesne 1-0 San Francisco 1-0
championship game. He racked up 1,601 points, 433 assists and 220 three- Elon 1-0 SMU 1-0
point field goals, finishing among Duke’s career leaders in minutes played, Florida Atlantic 1-0 St. Joseph’s [Pa.] 1-1
three-point field goals made, three-point field goal percentage and assists. Florida State 2-2 Stephen F. Austin 0-1
A standout prep performer, Capel was named the 1993 North Carolina Gardner-Webb 4-0 Syracuse 3-5
High School Player of the Year after leading Fayetteville South View to a George Mason 6-3 TCU 3-0
31-1 record and a state championship. Georgia State 2-0 Texas 1-10
Capel graduated from Duke with a B.A. in history in 1997. He and his wife, Georgia Tech 1-4 Texas A&M 3-7
Kanika, married in 2003. They have two daughters, Cameron and Sydney, Gonzaga 1-1 Texas Southern 1-0
and a son, Elijah. Hampton 4-0 Texas Tech 6-4
Hofstra 5-3 Towson 8-1
Houston 1-1 Troy 1-0
Iona 1-1 Tulsa 3-0
Iowa 0-1 UAB 1-3
Iowa State 4-1 UNC Wilmington 3-6
James Madison 7-2 USC 1-1
Kansas 0-6 Utah 1-0
Kansas State 2-4 UT Arlington 1-0
Kentucky 0-1 UTEP 0-1
La Salle 2-0 VCU 1-1
Liberty 1-0 Villanova 0-1
Longwood 2-0 Virginia 1-3
Louisville 1-5 Virginia Tech 1-2
Maine 1-0 VMI 1-0
Maryland Eastern Shore 3-0 Wagner 0-1
Memphis 0-2 Wake Forest 2-5
Miami [Fla.] 2-3 West Virginia 1-2
Michigan 1-0 Western Kentucky 1-1
Middle Tennessee State 1-1 William & Mary 8-1
Mississippi 0-2 Youngstown State 1-0
Mississippi Valley State 1-0
Missouri 1-3 Overall 202-158
Monmouth 1-0 Home 130-48
Morehead State 1-0 Road 45-86
Morgan State 1-0 Neutral Sites 27-25
Mount St. Mary’s 1-0 NCAA Tournament 4-3
NIT 0-1
Overtime Games 14-5
Overall Conference Con. Tourn. NCAA NIT RS Non-Conf. Home Road Neutral vs. Top-25
Year W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct. W-L Pct.
2002-03 18-10 .643 12-6 .667 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 5-3 .625 12-3 .800 5-6 .455 1-1 .500 0-0 .000
2003-04 23-8 .742 14-4 .778 3-0 1.000 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 6-3 .667 12-3 .800 8-4 .667 3-1 .750 0-2 .000
2004-05 19-13 .594 13-5 .722 2-1 .667 0-0 .000 0-1 .000 4-6 .444 11-4 .733 6-8 .429 2-1 .677 0-1 .000
2005-06 19-10 .655 11-7 .611 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 7-2 .778 12-2 .857 6-7 .462 1-1 .500 0-0 .000
2006-07 16-15 .516 6-10 .375 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 9-4 .692 12-4 .750 1-8 .111 3-3 .500 1-8 .111
2007-08 23-12 .657 9-7 .563 1-1 .500 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 12-3 .800 14-3 .824 5-6 .455 4-3 .571 3-8 .273
2008-09 30-6 .833 13-3 .813 0-1 .000 3-1 .750 0-0 .000 14-1 .933 16-1 .941 8-3 .727 6-2 .750 4-3 .571
*2009-10 13-18 .419 4-12 .250 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 9-5 .643 11-4 .733 1-10 .091 1-4 .200 1-4 .200
2010-11 14-18 .438 5-11 .313 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 8-6 .571 12-4 .750 1-9 .100 1-5 .167 0-8 .000
2018-19 14-19 .424 3-15 .167 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 11-3 .786 11-7 .611 0-11 .000 3-1 .750 1-7 .125
2019-20 16-17 .485 6-14 .300 1-1 .500 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 10-3 .769 11-7 .611 2-9 .182 3-1 .750 0-4 .000
2020-21 10-12 .455 6-10 .375 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 4-1 .800 7-6 .538 3-5 .375 0-1 .000 1-2 .333
Career 202-158 .561 98-104 .485 12-11 .522 4-3 .571 0-1 .000 90-40 .692 130-48 .730 45-86 .344 27-25 .519 10-47 .175
* Oklahoma vacated 13 regular season wins, including four conference wins, due to use of an ineligible player during the 2009-10 season; vacated wins not included in career totals
possesses championship-level experience as both a head and assistant coach, as well as distinct was 16 years old, having played with him and having watched him evolve into a great teacher,
knowledge of the Atlantic Coast Conference that will benefit Pitt immediately.” a great coach and a great leader – I’m excited for the University of Pittsburgh and what they’re
– Mike Krzyzewski, Duke University and former USA Basketball Head Coach getting. It’s a little bittersweet that he’s leaving Duke. But, I think it’s a great opportunity and
I think it will be mutually beneficial for the program, for the school and also for Jeff. I am
“Pitt has placed its future in the hands of a solid, capable basketball man in Jeff Capel. His very, very excited for him.”
experience as a head coach and more recently his tenure with Mike Krzyzewski at Duke has – Grant Hill, former Duke Teammate / 2018 Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame Inductee
prepared him to bring the basketball program at Pitt back to the lofty position it once held
and make it relevant in the highly-regarded ACC. Pitt selected a coach that young basketball “The term ‘ace recruiter’ gets thrown out a little too frequently in college hoops. But, it’s the
players will love to play for, as he will always have their growth as a student-athlete foremost absolute best way to describe Jeff Capel and why he’s been so integral to Duke’s success over
in his mind as they proceed through their college years. He will bring excitement back to the the past decade. This is a terrific hire for Pitt, and I can’t imagine it will take long at all for the
Petersen Events Center. He is a winner.” Panthers to return to the level they expect to compete at.”
– Bill Raftery, College Basketball Analyst (CBS, TNT, TBS & Fox Sports) – Nicole Auerbach, The Athletic
“Jeff brings his wife Kanika, a beautiful family and a wealth of success as an assistant and “Jeff Capel comes from a rich basketball family. His father was one of the most respected
head coach to a great program. When you combine Jeff’s passion, work ethic and character coaches in America and his experience as both a player and coach for Coach K gives him a
with the rich tradition of Pitt basketball, it spells success.” unique depth of experience and knowledge. He is a high-energy teacher and a relentless
– Jay Wright, Villanova University recruiter. His experience as a head coach as well as his USA Basketball experience will be
invaluable as he rebuilds Pitt’s basketball tradition.”
“One of the things that I like about Jeff is that when I declared VCU had rushed things by making – Seth Greenberg, ESPN
him a head coach at 27, and then he proved me completely wrong with his great performance
there, he never held it against me. I’m not making that mistake again. I know how good he is “Coach Capel has been there for me every step of my career – high school, college and in
now. He has an eye for talent, a way with people and a great head for the game.” the pros. He believed in me in high school, before I really even believed in myself. He saw the
– Mike DeCourcy, Sporting News potential in me and made sure I tapped into every possible part during my time at Duke. He’s a
great basketball mind and an even better person. I’m excited for him and his new opportunity
“Jeff Capel is a great get for Pittsburgh. He is one of the brightest and smartest young coaches at Pitt. I definitely just became a Pitt Fan.”
I’ve ever known. Jeff built the VCU program from the ground up, took Oklahoma to an Elite – Justise Winslow, Los Angeles Clippers
Eight, and spent many years working with the U.S. Olympic Team. Jeff is as experienced and
talented as any young coach in the game. He’s the real thing.” “Jeff Capel played a major part in my college decision. He has been a big brother figure in my
– Jay Bilas, ESPN life during my time at Duke and in the NBA. I’m very happy for this new chapter in his life and am
always going to be supportive of Coach Capel because our relationship goes beyond basketball.”
“Jeff Capel has had opportunities in recent years to become a head coach again. But, he – Jabari Parker, Boston Celtics
remained patient and waited for an ideal opportunity, which should be encouraging for Pitt
fans. He’s obviously one of the best player-getters in the sport. I would expect the Panthers “I can’t think of a better person and coach to take over a program than Jeff Capel. His ability
to soon have the type of roster that can compete near the top of the ACC. Simply put, Pitt got to connect and communicate with guys, combined with his knowledge and passion for the
better. That seems undeniable.” game, make him an outstanding choice. I have no doubt that he will lead Pitt basketball to
– Gary Parrish, CBS Sports an elite status.”
– Blake Griffin, Brooklyn Nets
“Jeff Capel just has a presence about him. Players gravitate to him because of his
accomplishments, but also because it’s instantly apparent he has their best interests at heart. “Jeff is an excellent coach, a voracious recruiter and legitimate family man. The Oakland Zoo
Pitt will be a tough and relentless team. He will get players and develop them well. Jeff is a should expect visible improvement in a short order, while having pride in the man leading
terrific choice to restore Pitt basketball to its place among the top programs in the country. the resurgence.”
The Oakland Zoo will be more fearsome with Capel in charge.” – Doug Gottlieb, Fox Sports
– Rece Davis, ESPN
Prior to taking over as head coach at Fairfield, O’Toole spent the 1997-
TIM O’TOOLE 98 season as an assistant coach under Tommy Amaker at Seton Hall. He
helped guide the Pirates to a third place finish in the Big East and an NIT
FAIRFIELD ‘87 O’Toole also spent two years at Duke as an assistant coach to Krzyzewski,
Associate Head Coach coaching Jeff Capel, as well as bringing in the number one recruiting
class in the country with Elton Brand, Shane Battier, William Avery, and
Fourth Season at Pitt (29th Overall) Chris Burgess. He helped lead the Blue Devils to the 1997 ACC title, while
working alongside coaches Quin Snyder of the Utah Jazz and Amaker now
Tim O’Toole enters his fourth season at Pitt as associate head coach. at Harvard.
With 29 years of Division I coaching experience, including eight years as A native of White Plans, N.Y., O’Toole’s coaching career began with stops
a head coach, his wealth of knowledge and passion has led ten teams to as an assistant coach at Iona (1990-91) and Army (1989-90) after serving
postseason play. as a graduate assistant at Fordham University from 1987-89.
O’Toole’s impact has felt immediately at Pitt as his tireless energy on O’Toole earned his bachelor’s degree in economics and political science
the bench and on the recruiting trail have helped Jeff Capel rebuild and from Fairfield in 1987 and his MBA in finance from Fordham in 1990. Both
revitalize the Pitt program. degrees were put to use in financial planning as Managing Director for
Last season with O’Toole guiding Pitt’s post play, the Panthers were one Look Capital, an investment management company, as President of Allied
of the top rebounding teams in the ACC. Pitt finished second in the league Effort, a motivational consulting company, and as an adjunct professor at
in rebounds (38.3 rpg.), rebound margin (+5.18 rpg.), offensive rebounds Fordham’s Graduate School of Business teaching management, leadership,
(12.79 orpg.) and offensive rebounds percentage (.345). The Panthers and sales courses.
primary post players combined to average 12.8 points and 10.9 rebounds Honored as the Fairfield Male Athlete of the Year in 1987, O’Toole was a
per game. four-year letterwinner in basketball, leading the Stags to a pair of MAAC
In 2020-21, O’Toole mentored a post trio of Eric Hamilton, Terrell Brown championship titles and back-to-back NCAA Tournament appearances. He
and Abdoul Karim Coulibaly that combined to average 12.6 points, 9.6 also competed for the lacrosse team going undefeated in 1987.
rebounds and 2.2 blocks per game. Brown ranked in the top 10 of the ACC O’Toole has received numerous honors and awards including CT Multiple
in blocks for the second consecutive season. Sclerosis 2005 Person of the Year. In 2004, he was inducted into the
O’Toole helped lead the development of Brown during the 2018-19 season Westchester County Sports Hall of Fame and he was a 2008 inductee into
as the 6-10 post averaged 12.0 points, 9.5 rebounds and 3.8 blocks per 40 the Archbishop Stepinac High School Hall of Fame. In 2017, O’Toole was
minutes of game action. Brown set a Pitt record with nine blocked shots in inducted into the Fairfield Hall of Fame.
a win over Colgate and finished the year ranked in the top five of the ACC O’Toole and his wife, Joanie, have three children: Collin, Jameson and
in blocks per game (1.8 bpg.). Christine.
Prior to coming to Pitt, O’Toole spent two seasons as associate head
coach at Cal. In 2017-18, he was vital to the development of big man Marcus
Lee, who averaged 11.4 points, 7.2 rebounds and 1.6 blocks per game in his
first season of eligibility at Cal.
In his first season in Berkeley, O’Toole helped guide Cal to the Pac-12’s
best field goal defense and top scoring defense. He was crucial in the
development of Cal’s frontcourt, including single-season blocks leader
Kingsley Okoroh and Kameron Rooks as well as 2017 NBA second round
selection Ivan Rabb. His post player development along with expert zone
defensive strategies helped bring Cal back to the postseason play.
From 2013-2016, O’Toole served as an assistant coach at Stanford where
his strength in player development helped Chasson Randle, Anthony Brown,
Josh Huestis and Dwight Powell reach the NBA. In addition, his work helped
key Stanford’s 2014 Sweet 16 run and carry the Cardinal to the 2015 NIT
O’Toole’s infectious energy, enthusiasm and expert instruction also aided
in the player recruitment and development of McDonald’s All-American
Reid Travis, Michael Humphrey, and Josh Sharma, who continue their play
in Europe.
O’Toole, who prides himself on player and team success, has established
a reputation as a strong in-game tactician. He has coached alongside two
of the winningest coaches in NCAA history in NABC College Basketball Hall
of Fame inductees Mike Krzyzewski and Jim Boeheim.
After a six-year stint as an ESPN, SNY and IMG analyst and color
commentator, O’Toole re-entered the coaching realm with a second term at
Syracuse for the 2012-13 season, helping the Orange to the 2013 Final Four.
O’Toole first served on the Orange staff in 1991-1995 as an assistant coach.
During his initial tenure, Syracuse appeared in three NCAA Tournaments
and captured the 1992 Big East Championship. In his combined five years of
coaching at Syracuse he worked with many basketball standouts including
John Wallace, Lawrence Moten, Dave Johnson, Michael Carter Williams,
Jerami Grant, Rakeem Christmas, CJ Fair, and James Southerland all of
whom continued on to play in the NBA or overseas.
O’Toole also possesses head coaching experience, spending eight
seasons (1998-2006) at the helm of his alma mater, Fairfield. He led the
Stags to three consecutive winning seasons for the first time since 1978,
earned an NIT berth in 2003, and guided numerous players to post graduate
play. O’Toole was honored as the 2003-04 MAAC Coach of the Year and
enjoyed the best recruiting classes in school history.
In 2009-10, Brown’s Mount St. Mary’s team posted an overall record of
MILAN BROWN 16-15 and finished third in the Northeast Conference with a 12-6 mark. The
Mountaineers posted an 11-game winning streak from Jan. 28-March 4, the
second-longest streak in the school’s Division I history, and advanced to
HOWARD ‘93 the semifinals of the Northeast Conference Tournament.
Associate Head Coach A year prior, Brown’s squad went 19-14 overall and 12-6 in the NEC, placing
second in the league. The Mountaineers advanced to the NEC championship
Fourth Season at Pitt (27th Overall) game and was selected to play in the CollegeInsider.com Tournament.
During the 2007-08 campaign, Brown led the Mountaineers to their first
Milan Brown is in his fourth season at the University of Pittsburgh after winning record in 11 seasons, posting a 19-15 overall mark. Mount St. Mary’s
spending the previous three seasons at the College of Charleston. He was finished the regular season fourth in the NEC with an 11-7 league record
elevated to associate head coach status prior to the start of the 2021-22 before running off three consecutive victories to claim the NEC Tournament
season. Brown has more than 25 years of coaching experience, including title. The Mountaineers then took down Coppin State (69-60) in the NCAA
12 seasons as a head coach. opening round for the first NCAA Division I Tournament victory in school
Last season, Pitt guard rotation finished as four of the top six scorers on history.
the team. Ithiel Horton led the team in three-point field goals (43), while Brown took over as the head coach at Mount St. Mary’s in 2003-04 and
averaging 8.9 points per game. Freshman Femi Odukale came on strong at led his team to its first NEC Tournament appearance since 1999 during his
the end of the season averaging 13.6 points, 4.0 rebounds and 3.2 assists inaugural campaign. By his third year 2005-06, the Mountaineers finished
per game over the final five contests, while Nike Sibande delivered 15.0 fourth in the conference with an 11-7 record – their highest finish in the
points and 6.2 rebounds per game over that same stretch. league since 1996-97.
In 2019-20, Brown mentored a backcourt that featured two of the top Following the 2005-06 campaign, Brown was selected as the Northeast
three scorers on the team. Sophomore Xavier Johnson was one of four Conference’s Coach of the Year by College Insider.
players in the ACC to average at least 10.0 points, 3.5 rebounds and 4.5 Before his head coaching stints, Brown twice served as an assistant
assists per game, while also ranking among the league leaders in assists, under Jim Phelan. He was the associate head coach at Mount St. Mary’s
assist-to-turnover ratio and steals. during the 2002-03 campaign and an assistant coach from 1997-2000.
In his first season at Pitt, Brown was instrumental in the development During the 1998-99 season, Brown helped lead the Mountaineers to the
of the Panthers’ young backcourt tandem of Johnson and Trey McGowens. NEC Tournament crown and an appearance in the NCAA Tournament.
The duo combined to average 27.1 points per game, 7.1 rebounds, 6.2 assists From 2000-02, Brown was an assistant coach at William & Mary under
and 3.2 steals per game. Johnson started all 33 games and was the only Rick Boyages. He previously served as an assistant under Jeff Capel II at Old
player in the ACC to average better than 15.0 points and 4.5 assists per Dominion from 1995-97, helping lead the Monarchs to a combined record
game, while McGowens posted a pair of 30-point games in ACC play and of 40-24 over two seasons. In 1996-97, ODU won both the CAA regular-
ranked among the league leaders in steals (1.94 spg.). season and tournament titles and advanced to the NCAA Tournament.
Brown joined head coach Earl Grant’s staff at the College of Charleston Brown began his coaching career in 1994-95 as an assistant at
in the summer of 2015 and helped the program to a 68-32 record with Kecoughtan High School in Hampton, Va., where he helped lead the team
two postseason appearances. The Cougars went 26-8 in 2017-18 and won to a 23-7 record and the state championship.
the CAA regular season and tournament championships before falling to A 1993 graduate of Howard University with a bachelor’s degree in
Auburn, 62-58, in the opening round of the NCAA Tournament. He was marketing, Brown earned All-MEAC honors his senior year after averaging
instrumental in the development of Jarrell Brantley, who went on to be 13.1 points and 4.4 assists per game. He still ranks second on the Bison’s
selected with the 50th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft by the Utah Jazz. all-time career list for assists (445) and scored 1,102 points in his career.
Brown spent the previous 12 seasons as the head coach at Holy Cross Brown led Howard to the MEAC regular-season and tournament titles during
(2010-15) and Mount St. Mary’s (2003-10), compiling a 164-203 record with the 1991-92 season, earning All-MEAC Tournament honors. He was then
three postseason appearances and a trip to the 2008 NCAA Tournament. named the CBS Player of the Game for the Bison’s contest with Kansas in
In 2014-15, Holy Cross upset No. 25 Harvard in non-conference play to the 1992 NCAA Tournament. Brown had his number retired at Howard in
mark the program’s first win over a ranked team since 1977. The Crusaders’ December of 2005.
top player, Malcolm Miller, graduated and played with the Boston Celtics’ The son of Charles and Pamela Brown, he is the oldest of three children.
summer league team before NBA G-League stints with the Maine Red Claws His brother, Morocco, played football at NC State and is the Director
and Raptors 905. Miller signed with Toronto for a second time in 2019 and of College Scouting for the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts. His other brother,
went on to win an NBA Championship with the Raptors that year. Marseilles, played basketball at both Richmond and Hampton, advancing
During the 2013-14 campaign, Brown led Holy Cross to a 20-14 overall to the NCAA Tournament at each school. He is now the owner of Hoops &
record en route to its first 20-win season since 2007. The Crusaders placed Life Pro Skills Training in Columbia, S.C.
third in the Patriot League with a 12-6 conference mark and received Originally from Hampton, Va., Brown and his wife, Tina, are the proud
an invitation to the CollegeInsider.com Tournament. Holy Cross’ 68-65 parents of two daughters, Nyla and Sanaa.
victory at Brown in the first round of the 2014 CIT was its first in a national
postseason tournament since 2005.
Holy Cross compiled an overall record of 15-14 and a fourth-place finish
in the Patriot League with a 9-5 mark in league play during the 2011-12
season. Brown’s team led the league in three-point field-goal percentage
defense (30.5 percent) and blocked shots (4.4 blocks per game).
During his first year with the Crusaders, Brown led the squad to a third-
place finish in the Patriot League.
Prior to his time at Holy Cross, Brown spent seven seasons as head coach
at Mount St. Mary’s. During his final three years with the Mountaineers, he
led his squad to three consecutive winning seasons and a pair of postseason
appearances. Brown’s teams posted a 54-44 record (.551) during those
three years, including a 35-19 mark (.648) in Northeast Conference play.
Defense was a staple of Brown’s squads, as the Mountaineers allowed
64.7 points per game over a three-year span from 2007-10, while holding
their opposition to under 70 points in 72 out of 98 games.
Capel first burst on to the national scene as a star forward at North
JASON CAPEL Carolina from 1998-2002, where he was a two-time all-Atlantic Coast
Conference selection (2001 and ‘02) and the Tar Heels’ leader in scoring
(15.6 ppg.), rebounds (8.6 rpg.) and steals (29) as a senior. He helped lead
NORTH CAROLINA ‘02 UNC to the Final Four in 2000, recorded the second triple-double in UNC
Assistant Coach history with 16 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists against Buffalo during
the 2000-01 season and was a candidate for 2002 Wooden Award, which
Fourth Season at Pitt (Ninth Overall) is presented annually to college basketball’s most outstanding player.
A native of Fayetteville, N.C., Capel was a McDonald’s All-American and
ranked as high as the nation’s No. 5 high-school player after concluding
Jason Capel is in his fourth season as an assistant coach at Pitt and his
his prep career at St. John’s at Prospect Hall (Frederick, Md.), where he
ninth season in the Division I coaching ranks, including a four-year run as
helped lead his team to the USA Today National Championship in 1998.
head coach at Appalachian State. Capel, the younger brother of Pitt head
He spent his freshman and sophomore years at Indian River High School
coach Jeff Capel, also spent three seasons as a college basketball television
in Chesapeake, Va., where he was named Virginia’s Player of the Year as a
analyst for ESPN, the ACC Network and Raycom Sports.
sophomore. He began his prep career as an eighth-grader, when he made
Last season, Capel helped developed Pitt’s wings into a unit that
the varsity team at Greensboro Day School while his father was head coach
combined to average over 30 points and 20 rebounds per game with First
at N.C. A&T.
Team All-ACC performer Justin Champagnie leading the way at 18.0 points
Capel and his wife, Ashley, reside in Cranberry with their three sons,
and 11.1 rebounds per game. Champagnie scored in double figures in all 20
Myles, Jayce and Cole.
games played and became the first Pitt player since DeJuan Blair (2008-
09) to average a double-double. He was also the only major conference
player to average a double-double for the 2020-21 season.
In 2019-20, Capel was instrumental in the development of freshman
Justin Champagnie and sophomore Au’Diese Toney. Champagnie averaged
12.7 points and 7.0 rebounds per game to become the first Pitt freshman
since Charles Smith (1984-85) to lead the team in scoring and rebounds.
He finished the year in the top five of the freshman record books in points,
points per game, double-figure scoring games, 20+ point games, 30+ point
games, field goals, field goal attempts, three-point field goal attempts,
A 1988 graduate of St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., with a Bachelor
implemented a design plan for the men’s and women’s basketball hallway In his role with the Panthers, Presutti will provide oversight and
project. management for all aspects of scouting videos as well as team and student-
Regan returned to the University of Pittsburgh in August of 2007 to join athlete operations communication and development. This includes film
Jamie Dixon’s staff as the Video Coordinator. A year later, he was promoted exchange, video capture, editing, production, equipment maintenance,
to Director of Men’s Basketball Operations, a position that he held until being and related support for coaches‚ and student-athletes use. He will also
promoted to Assistant Athletic Director of Men’s Basketball Operations in serve as the primary liaison to areas such as academics, student-athlete
2013. During that span, the Panthers had one of their most successful runs housing, financial aid, equipment, and team travel logistics.
with a 223-93 record and nine postseason appearances, including two No. A former men’s basketball player at Syracuse, Presutti served as special
1 seeds in the NCAA Tournament (2009 and 2011). Pitt made an Elite Eight assistant for the USA Basketball Men’s National Team. His work with USA
appearance in 2009 and also captured the 2008 Big East Tournament Basketball included film evaluation and statistical analysis of the player
title, the 2011 Big East Regular Season title and the 2012 CBI Tournament pools for both the USA Men’s National Team and the USA Select Team.
Championship. In his first stint at Pitt, Regan served as head coach Paul Presutti spent two seasons (2011-13) at Eastern Michigan University,
Evans’ graduate assistant from 1988-1990 when the Panthers appeared in where he served under former Syracuse assistant coach Rob Murphy as
the 1989 NCAA Tournament. the Director of Player Development. With the Eagles, he was responsible
Regan’s previous work with the men’s basketball program internally for film exchange, video edits and complete scouting reports for each
included reporting directly to the Athletic Director for all matters relating opponent.
to the men’s basketball program. This included the two million dollar Presutti joined the EMU program after working with the NBA’s Houston
basketball suite renovations for both the men’s and women’s basketball Rockets as an assistant in basketball operations. His duties for the Rockets
teams. He assisted with the national recruiting effort, planning of player included video breakdown as well as reports on all college and international
development, practice planning and game scouting preparation. He was draft eligible prospects and NBA trade targets.
the supervisor of the program’s student managers, graduate assistants Presutti, a native of Belmont, N.Y., was originally a walk-on at Syracuse
and student workers. He also researched and implemented the basketball before earning a scholarship. He completed his bachelor’s degree in child
programs video editing systems. and family studies in 2008.
Externally, Regan organized Pitt’s foreign tours to both Ireland (2010) Presutti worked as a support staff member in multiple national basketball
and the Bahamas (2014) as well as the 2015 Armed Forces Classic game trials beginning in 2007 and in 2009 he worked at the USA Basketball
against Gonzaga in Okinawa, Japan. He was the liaison for NBA teams, the World University Games and the USA Basketball U19 Trials. He also served
player summer league and directed the highly successful summer basketball time as the video coordinator for the Canadian Men’s National Team at the
camps. FIBA Americas Championship in 2009.
Prior to his return to the University of Pittsburgh, Regan spent five He then returned to Syracuse as a graduate men’s basketball manager in
seasons as an assistant coach at Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. During 2009-10. His duties at Syracuse included working closely with the coaching
that time, he directed the national recruiting effort and served as the staff on opponent scouting reports, opponent film breakdown and assisting
program’s academic coordinator. Working primarily with the post players, with practice sessions.
Regan coached three all-conference performers. Presutti attended Genesee Valley High School, where he played soccer,
Prior to Colgate, Regan served as the associate head coach and assistant basketball and baseball as a prep. He won several awards in his basketball
to the Athletic Director at Assumption College for three seasons. In 2002, playing career, being named the 2004 Great Eight League Player of the
the Greyhounds won the NE10 regular-season title and went to the Sweet Year, the 2004 Big 30 Player of the Year, was a third-team all-state selection
Sixteen, finishing the season 24-6. and the 2004 Section V Most Valuable Player. His high school was the 2002,
Regan went to Assumption after serving as the assistant basketball 2003 and 2004 Section V basketball champions. The soccer and baseball
coach at several Pittsburgh colleges including Slippery Rock (1994-99), teams were also Section V champions in 2003.
LaRoche College (1993-94), and Robert Morris (1990-93). In 1992, Robert Presutti and his wife Brittany were married in July of 2012 and the couple
Morris captured the Northeast Conference regular season and conference has three sons, Lincoln, Theodore and Grant.
tournament titles to advance to the NCAA Tournament.
Strength & Conditioning Coach Chief of Staff
Sixth Season at Pitt (12th Overall) First Season at Pitt (13th Overall)
Garry Christopher is in his fifth season at Pitt and his third as the men’s Kyle Cieplicki is in his first season at Pitt as the Panthers’ Chief of Staff.
basketball head strength and conditioning coach under head coach Jeff He spent the previous 10 seasons on staff at his alma mater, Vermont.
Capel. He also spent three seasons at Vanderbilt (2013-16) as well as one In his current role, Cieplicki will coordinate Pitt’s on-campus and off-
year at Purdue (2012-13) and two seasons at San Diego State (2009-11). campus recruiting efforts as well as assist head coach Jeff Capel with
In his current role, Christopher oversees all athletic performance-related practice and game preparation, analytical analysis, and Name, Image and
efforts for the Pitt basketball program, including strength and conditioning LIkeness education and evaluation.
as well as individualized training programs. He also works closely with In 10 seasons at the University of Vermont, Cieplicki has helped the
the medical teams on development rehabilitation plans and with Pitt’s Catamounts to nine 20-win seasons, eight postseason berths (NCAA three
nutritionist to create comprehensive nutritional plans for the team. times, NIT twice, CBI – three times), won four America East Tournament
Christopher spent three seasons at Vanderbilt as the strength and titles (2012, 2017, 2019, and 2020), six America East regular season crowns
conditioning coach for the men’s basketball program. During his time in (2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021) and an NCAA Tournament win
Nashville, he helped mold three current NBA players in Damian Jones, (2012). The Catamounts posted a 229-96 overall record and a 131-27 mark
Wade Baldwin and Luke Kornet. Baldwin and Jones were both first round in America East play at Vermont with Cieplicki on the sidelines.
selections in the 2016 NBA Draft. Cieplicki spent two seasons as an assistant coach at Brown before joining
Prior to his time at Vanderbilt, Christopher spent one season at Purdue the Vermont staff as the Director of Operations for the 2011-12 season.
working with the Boilermaker athletic department as a sports performance He was promoted to an assistant coach the following year before being
assistant. He oversaw the sports performance program for softball and elevated to associate head coach in May of 2015.
women’s tennis, while assisting with the men’s basketball program. A 2008 graduate from Vermont with a dual degree in English and
Christopher previously served as a volunteer graduate assistant in the sociology, Cieplicki was the first three-year captain in the history of the
strength and conditioning department at San Diego State. He was also a Vermont men’s basketball team. He stepped into the starting lineup as a
strength and conditioning intern at the Rehab United Sports Performance sophomore and started 82 of 89 games over his final three seasons. He
and Physical Therapy Center in San Diego, while simultaneously serving as helped lead Vermont to the America East Championship Game three times
head strength and conditioning coach at Lincoln High School. and an NCAA Tournament appearance as a freshman and the team’s first-
He is also a USAW sport performance coach and has CSCS certification. ever postseason NIT invite as a junior.
Christopher received a bachelor’s degree in health and human Cieplicki and his wife, Erica, reside in Gibsonia with their three children,
performance from Baylor in 2008 and a Master’s in kinesiology from San Cameron, Chase, and Gigi.
Diego State in 2011. While working toward his Master’s, Christopher served
as an instructor of musculoskeletal fitness and an instructor for beginning
and advanced students in weight training.
He played basketball at LeTourneau University during the 2003-04
season before transferring to Baylor.
Garry resides in Pittsburgh with his son, Garry III.
PITT ‘11 PITT ‘87
Director of Player & Alumni Development Director of Academic Support
First Season at Pitt 31st Season at Pitt
Gilbert Brown enters his first season at Pitt as Director of Player and Mike Farabaugh joined the University of Pittsburgh Academic Support
Alumni Developmen. Brown joined the staff after spending the previous Services for Student-Athletes unit in 1989. As Director, Farabaugh oversees
season as an associate head coach at South Kent Prep. the operation of the academic support program that assists the academic
Brown concluded his playing career at Pitt with 1,048 points, 438 and personal development of nearly 500 student-athletes. Farabaugh
rebounds, 234 assists and 67 steals over 129 games (49 starts). He was a and the unit also serve as the liaison between the academic and athletic
part of five NCAA Tournament teams, including the Panthers’ 2009 Elite communities concerning the needs and interests of the student-athletes.
Eight appearance. As a senior, Brown averaged 11.3 points, 4.4 rebounds The unit functions under the office of the Provost and as such, Fara-
and 2.7 assists per game while starting all 34 games. The Harrisburg, Pa., baugh provides direct support to that office on behalf of the Academic
native helped the Panthers to a 111-30 record and a pair of Big East Cham- Support unit, working closely on matters that impact student-athlete
pionships. development, support and budgeting issues that impact the department.
Brown’s professional career spanned 10 years and included stops in His career in Academic Support began in 1989-90 as a graduate student,
Germany, the NBA D-League, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, overseeing the math program for the unit and providing direct tutorial sup-
Turkey, Italy and Israel. He was a NBA D-League All-Defensive Team (3rd) port to our student-athletes. After a two year stint as a graduate assistant,
selection in 2014 and earned Israeli League All-Star accolades in 2016. Farabaugh moved into a permanent role in the department as a learning
Brown resides in Edgewood with his fiance, Charlie Lamb, and their skills specialist for the unit. He oversaw the development of the math and
daughter, Joie Brown. science programming for the unit, hiring, training and mentoring the tutors
in those subject areas as well as providing direct tutorial support to the
In his current capacity as director, Farabaugh serves as an academic
counselor for the men’s basketball team and also provides support to
the football team, offering the necessary services and resources to the
student-athletes and coaches.
A 1987 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Farabaugh went on to
complete his Master’s degree in 1992. In addition to his duties at the Uni-
versity, Farabaugh has also served on the Learning Disabilities committee,
Two Year-College committee and Research committee with the National
Association of Academic Advisors.
Farabaugh resides in Fox Chapel with Diane Blanton.
Director of Equipment Services
Third Season at Pitt
Alec Kopatich joined the Pitt Athletic Department as director of
ROBERT BLOSE equipment services in October of 2019 after spending the previous two
seasons at the University of Washington. In his current role, Kopatich will
PITT ‘21 oversee equipment services for the men’s basketball, women’s basketball
and spirit squads.
Graduate Manager Kopatich served as the equipment manager and made apparel buying
decisions for the men’s basketball, men’s and women’s rowing, and women’s
First Season at Pitt gymnastics programs at Washington. He also spent one year at Kansas as
an assistant equipment manager working with the women’s basketball,
Robert Blose joined the Pitt Men’s Basketball program as a graduate swimming and diving, rowing, and tennis teams as well as the Sports
manager in July of 2021 after spending the previous three seasons as a Medicine department.
student manager with program. In his role, Blose assists the coaching staff A native of Olathe, Kansas, Kopatich graduated from University of
and director of operations in all logistists with the program. Kansas in 2017 with a degree from the School of Business in supply chain
Blose graduated from Pitt in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science degree management with a concentration in entrepreneurship. He was a student
in Business Administration. In addition to working as a student manager manager with the women’s basketball team from 2014 to 2016 while
during his undergraduate career, Blose served as a sales outreach intern completing his degree requirements at Kansas.
at Dream Labs in Los Angeles and was a student marketing consultant
with Pitt Athletics and the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Assistant AD of Media Relations Assistant Director of Media Relations
Seventh Season at Pitt Third Season at Pitt
Matt Plizga joined the University of Pittsburgh athletic department in Nick Macdonald joined the University of Pittsburgh athletic department
July of 2015 as an Assistant Athletic Director of Media Relations. While in November of 2019 as Assistant Director of Media Relations. Macdonald
serving as the primary communications contact for the Pitt men’s basketball serves as the primary contact for men’s soccer and softball and the
program, Plizga oversees the department’s Media Relations division and is secondary contact for men’s basketball.
a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Before his arrival at Pitt, Macdonald spent 10 months in the External
Under Plizga’s guidance, the Pitt media relations staff has refined the Affairs office at Duke University, working as the primary contact for the
department’s style guide to create more consistent messaging, established Blue Devil rowing, men’s tennis, cross country and track & field teams, while
a comprehensive season in review packet and collaborated with the also serving as the secondary contact for the men’s basketball team.
Marketing and Fan Engagement departments to create a comprehensive Prior to Duke, Macdonald spent a year and a half as a graduate assistant
social media strategy designed to enhance the Pitt brand. He also played in the sports information office at Westminster College in New Wilmington,
a key role in branding efforts in and around the Petersen Events Center, Pa., assisting in communication responsibilities for all 22 varsity sports.
Fitzgerald Field House, Trees Pool and the Petersen Sports Complex. A native of Tempe, Ariz., Macdonald graduated from Grand Canyon
Prior to his arrival at Pitt, Plizga spent 15 years as a member of the Sports University in the spring of 2017 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Sports
Information Office at Duke University. He joined the SID staff as an intern Management. He worked in the game operations department as a student
in 2001 and was promoted to assistant sports information director during worker.
the spring of 2003. Plizga was promoted to associate sports information
director in 2007 and was moved up to senior associate sports information
director just prior to his departure in 2015.
Plizga spent the final 11 years of his time at Duke handling all media
activities relating to the men’s basketball and men’s golf programs. In that WEST VIRGINIA ‘18
time, he was a part of two National Championships (2010 and 2015), three
Final Four appearances (2004, 2010, 2015) and seven ACC Championships.
Director of Creative Content
Plizga led three National Player of the Year, two National Defensive Player First Season at Pitt
of the Year, four ACC Player of the Year, four ACC Rookie of the Year and 21
All-America campaigns. He also saw five Academic All-America selections,
Ben Murray is in his first season at Pitt as the Director of Creative Content
37 All-ACC selections and 24 NBA Draft picks in that span.
for the men’s basketball program. He is charged with developing compelling
Following Duke’s 2015 NCAA Championship run, Plizga was the managing
social media content across various platforms as well as helping build a
editor of “Here Comes Duke – The Drive for Five”. He also assisted
comprehensive social media strategy, messaging and branding for the
with the creation of “The Encyclopedia of Duke Basketball” and Gene
Wojciechowski’s “The Last Great Game: Duke vs. Kentucky and the 2.1
Murray joined the Panther program following a two-year stint as the
Seconds that Changed Basketball”.
Director of Video Services at Mercer University, where he conceptualized
In addition to his responsibilities with the Duke basketball program, Plizga
and produced social media content for 18 varsity sports. He also handled
also served as a liaison with USA Basketball during Mike Krzyzewski’s tenure
in-game video board content, including intro videos, as well as in-house live
as head coach of the U.S. Men’s Senior National Team.
broadcasts. Murray oversaw a staff of two graduate assistants, five social
During his tenure at Duke, Plizga also worked with the football, women’s
media interns and 30 broadcast interns.
lacrosse, field hockey, fencing, rowing, volleyball, women’s basketball and
A xxx. Illinois, native, Murray earned a Master of Science in Sports
wrestling programs.
Administration from Cincinnati in 2019. As a graduate assistant with the
Plizga served a two-year graduate assistantship in the Sports Information
Bearcats, he produced features and highlights for 10 varsity sports, while
Office at Edinboro University, earning a master’s degree in speech and
also creating hype videos for in-venue and social media platforms.
communication studies. At Edinboro, he worked with the volleyball,
Murray, a 2018 graduate of West Virginia, was also a video production
women’s basketball and softball programs, while assisting with baseball,
intern with the Green Bay Bullfrogs (2017) and a member of the Mountaineer
football, men’s basketball and wrestling. Plizga also worked the sports desk
Sports Network (2016-18).
at the Erie Daily Times and performed other freelance work for various
A 1999 graduate of Penn State Erie – The Behrend College with a bachelor
of arts degree in communication studies, Plizga was a four-year letterwinner
on the men’s basketball team while also working in the sports information
office as a work-study student and as an intern. He helped the team to Administrative Assistant
three Division III ECAC Championship appearances, including a team title in
1999, and received the Penn State-Behrend Scholarship/Leadership Award 23rd Season at Pitt
in 1998. Plizga also wrote for the school paper and was the sports editor
for three years as an undergraduate.
A Windsor, Ohio, native, Plizga resides in Gibsonia with his wife, Erin, and Beth Schoedel joined the Athletic Department at University of Pittsburgh
their two sons, Zander and Zachary. in October of 1999 as the administrative assistant for the men’s basketball
team. She has helped manage agendas for four head coaches including
Ben Howland, Jamie Dixon, Kevin Stallings and presently Jeff Capel, as
well as events and activities for their teams and staff.
Schoedel has 30 years of secretarial experience and has taken multiple
business classes through Community College of Allegheny County.
A Pittsburgh native, Schoedel resides in the North Hills area with her
husband, Doug.
MISSOURI STATE ‘11 Team Physician
Athletic Trainer 12th Season at Pitt
First Season at Pitt
Daniel Anthony joined the University of Pittsburgh sports medicine team An Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh in the Department
July 2021 and oversees the men’s basketball team. of Orthopaedics, Dr. Jeanne Doperak serves as a team physician with the
Prior to Pitt, Anthony was an associate athletic trainer for five years for University of Pittsburgh Athletic Department and Carnegie Mellon Universi-
the men’s basketball and golf teams at the University of Rhode Island. He ty. Doperak begins her 11th year working with the Pitt men’s basketball team.
spent one season with the Golden State Warriors as an athletic trainer and She also serves as a consultant for several area high schools, along with
began as an intern assistant athletic trainer for the University of Missouri’s the Pittsburgh Steelers. In addition to her clinical duties, Dr. Doperak is the
football and softball teams. Fellowship Director of the St. Margaret’s Primary Care Sports Medicine
A native of Kansas City, Mo., Anthony graduated with a Bachelor of Sci- Fellowship Program and is the physician representative on the board of
ence degree in Exercise and Movement Science at Missouri State University directors of the Big East Conference Sports Medicine Society.
in August of 2011. He obtained a Masters of Athletic Training from Texas Dr. Doperak earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Allegheny
Tech University Health Sciences Center in May 2014. College and completed her medical training at the Philadelphia College of
Anthony is a BOC certified athletic trainer. He is a member of the Na- Osteopathic Medicine. She then completed a residence in family medicine
tional Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and College Athletic Trainers’ at Latrobe Hospital and pursued a sports medicine fellowship at the Uni-
Society (CATS) and has certifications in FAKTR. He has also participated versity of Pittsburgh.
in seminars for the Postural Restoration Institute. A Western Pennsylvania native, Dr. Doperak was born and raised in
Latrobe, Pa. She is still happy to call Pittsburgh home with her husband,
Rob, and their two children, Abby and Max.
Head Team Physician
Sr. Associate AD for Sports Medicine
Eighth Season at Pitt
Fourth Season at Pitt
Jennifer Brown was named Senior Associate Athletic Director for Sports
Medicine at Pitt June 25, 2018. Dr. Bryson P. Lesniak is an Associate Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic
Brown oversees and sets the direction for all aspects related to the Surgery in the Division of Sports Medicine. Previously, he earned his medical
Sports Medicine Team and Pitt’s 19 sports. She is also responsible for degree at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 2003 and
the direct daily athletic training responsibilities of the men’s basketball completed an orthopedic surgery residency at the University of Michigan
program. Additionally, she oversees and manages the department’s Health System. Lesniak obtained fellowship training in sports medicine in the
student-athlete drug testing policy and insurance program. She serves as Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical
the day-to-day liaison to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center.
University Counseling Center, the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Upon completion of post-graduate training in 2009, Dr. Lesniak was
and the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Program. appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopedics at the
Brown spent three years as head athletic trainer at Eastern Michigan, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. While at the University of
where she held the role of NCAA Athletic Health Care Administrator and Miami, he was the Fellowship Director of the Sports Medicine program. He
was responsible for the daily sports medicine operation of the Eagles’ 21 is board-certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons with a
varsity sports programs. She managed the relationship with University subspecialty certification in Sports Medicine.
of Michigan Health System physicians, supervised four assistant athletic Dr. Lesniak has received several sports medicine awards for his clinical
trainers, numerous graduate and student athletic trainers, a mental health research, including The O’Donoghue Sports Medicine Injury Award in
counselor, a dietician and held primary responsibilities and oversight of 2010. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery,
their football team. American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy Association
Prior to EMU, Brown spent 11 years at Northwestern where she most of North America, Major League Baseball Physicians Association, and the
recently served as the associate athletic trainer. While in Evanston, she International Cartilage Repair Society. Dr. Lesniak served on numerous
worked directly with the Wildcats’ football team, was a member of the committees while at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine and
University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Collaborative Team and Biennial Review was also active in the community. He was a team physician for University of
Committee as well as being a key stakeholder in the AOD policy revision. Miami athletics as well as the Miami Marlins baseball franchise and several
She has been active in professional organizations at the state, district South Florida high schools.
and national levels, most recently serving as the Planning Committee Dr. Lesniak’s primary office is at the UPMC Sports Medicine Center, South
Chair for the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting Side, and he also sees patients at UPMC South Hills. His clinical emphasis is
and Symposium. Brown has also presented at numerous sports medicine in Sports Medicine with special emphasis on articular cartilage and articular
conferences. cartilage injury; anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury; knee kinematics;
Brown also served as an athletic trainer at Northern Illinois (2003-04), injuries in professional and college athletes; applications of stem cells in
Nebraska at Omaha (2001-03) and Colorado (2000-01). sports medicine; rotator cuff injury and treatment; and shoulder instability
A native of Machesney Park, Ill., Brown graduated from Northwestern and treatment.
in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in human development and psychological Dr. Lesniak is a native of Pittsburgh who attended Schenley High
services before going on to earn her master’s degree in fitness and wellness School prior to pursuing his undergraduate studies at Pennsylvania State
management from the Nebraska at Omaha in 2003. University.
• Under her watch, Pitt Athletics marshalled all of the resources of a major research
institution, as well as the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), to ensure
HEATHER LYKE the safety of student-athletes and staff in the midst of the pandemic.
MICHIGAN ‘92 Lyke’s influence has not been limited to Pitt. She is an ACC representative on the
NCAA Division I Council, a high-level group responsible for decision making that
Director of Athletics shapes the future for all of Division I Athletics. She has been on the front lines of vital
NCAA legislation geared to help student-athletes navigate this climate and beyond. In
Fifth Season at Pitt October of 2021, she was named President-Elect of Women Leaders in College Sports,
where she will serve a three-year term. Additionally, Lyke heads the LEAD1 Association
Executive Committee, formerly the Division 1A Athletic Directors Association, which
is the membership association that represents the 130 NCAA Division I Football Bowl
The University of Pittsburgh’s 2020-21 academic year will long be remembered for
Subdivision (FBS) athletic directors and their departments.
its unprecedented challenges. But, more importantly, those 12 months will also be
Moreover, in July 2020, Lyke testified in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary
recalled for the strong and unshakeable leadership displayed by Pitt people in the
Committee on the negative impact of gambling on collegiate athletics. Her passionate
face of that adversity.
and impressive testimony was punctuated by a call for Congress to prohibit such
That certainly was the case for Pitt Athletics under the guidance of Heather Lyke.
wagering for “student and student-athlete well-being; the integrity of amateur
Now in her fifth year as Pitt’s Director of Athletics, Lyke’s leadership has provided a
competition; and the compliance impact on all our institutions of higher education.”
lighthouse in the storm and kept an unyielding focus on the well-being of Pitt’s nearly
Beyond Pitt, she also provides leadership on the National Association of Collegiate
500 student-athletes.
Directors of Athletics’ (NACDA) Executive Committee, Women Leaders for College
That resolve produced a truly remarkable year for Pitt Athletics. Historic team
Sports, the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and P3R.
successes, groundbreaking All-America performances and impactful efforts in the
Lyke owns an exemplary record of increasingly high-level roles in collegiate athletics
classroom and community stirred the pride of Pitt faithful everywhere.
administration that spans nearly three decades.
This included the Panthers’ volleyball team advancing to the NCAA Tournament’s
From 2013-17, Lyke served as vice president and director of athletics at Eastern
Elite Eight and men’s soccer reaching the NCAA College Cup, both unprecedented
Michigan University. Prior to EMU, she was a ranking athletic administrator at Ohio
achievements. Wrestling finished 11th in the country, while Pitt baseball enjoyed a
State for 15 years. Lyke additionally held posts at the University of Cincinnati and
breakthrough season, reaching as high as No. 14—its highest ranking ever—in the
with the NCAA.
national polls.
Lyke found the beginning of her professional path during her days as a scholarship
Individual achievements were also prevalent. Football’s Patrick Jones II and Rashad
student-athlete at the University of Michigan, where she captained the Wolverines’
Weaver earned consensus All-America status, making Pitt one of just four programs
Big Ten champion softball team. She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from
nationwide to have multiple consensus honorees in 2020 (joining Alabama, Notre
Michigan and a Juris Doctor from the University of Akron School of Law.
Dame and Ohio State).
At Eastern Michigan, Lyke oversaw a department that sponsored 21 varsity sports
Pitt Athletics had an impactful year off the field as well. The Panthers received the
with more than 550 student-athletes. Her tenure witnessed high levels of achievement
NCAA Team Works Community Service Competition Award for Division I, based on the
not only in the competitive arena but also academically and from a fundraising
number of service hours completed and the number of participating student-athletes.
In addition to galvanizing Panther supporters, the success also garnered attention
Eastern Michigan received the Excellence in Management Cup presented by Texas
from national observers. The influential Sports Business Journal named Lyke one of
A&M’s Laboratory for the Study of Intercollegiate Athletics. The “EM Cup” annually
five nominees for 2021 Division I Athletic Director of the Year.
recognizes the athletic department that best maximizes fiscal resources through
These achievements come as no surprise to those who have observed Lyke’s time
championship victories. EMU ranked No. 1 out of 128 Football Bowl Subdivision schools
at Pitt. The first woman to hold the full-time director of athletics post at the University
for 2015-16.
of Pittsburgh, her influence has been evident in the recruitment of nationally regarded
EMU annually distinguished itself in the Mid-American Conference under Lyke’s
head coaches, a strengthened focus on the total student-athlete experience and the
watch. The Eagles captured 16 MAC team championships, garnered 17 MAC Coach of
establishment of a culture of comprehensive excellence.
the Year awards and had nearly 400 MAC All-Academic honorees during her tenure.
Among the additional highlights of her tenure at Pitt are:
For the first time in school history, Eastern Michigan was honored with the MAC’s
• In January 2020, she announced the launching of Pitt’s Victory Heights initiative, Cartwright Award for all-around athletic department excellence (2013-14) and the
a series of state-of-the-art athletics projects that will provide Pitt student-athletes Jacoby Award for female athletic excellence (2014-15).
with national-caliber competition, training and sports performance and medicine From a fundraising perspective, Lyke conceived and implemented “Eagles
facilities. This includes a 3,500-seat arena for gymnastics, volleyball and wrestling; Pride,” the first annual fund in Eastern Michigan Athletics history. Lyke’s vision for
an eight-lane, 300-meter indoor track for the men’s and women’s programs as well engagement produced record-breaking results with the highest number of donors
as a band facility; and an athletic performance center that will serve 16 of Pitt’s 19 and most cash received in program history. Lyke garnered the largest cash gift in the
intercollegiate athletics programs. university’s history ($6 million) in 2017.
• The Victory Heights vision began with a $16 million expansion of the Petersen Lyke spearheaded numerous capital improvement projects for EMU Athletics. The
Sports Complex completed this past year. This included a third-floor addition featuring highest profile was the installation of college football’s first gray Revolution Field Turf
coaches office suites and conference rooms; the P.J. Dick, Trumbull, Lindy Paving Team playing surface in 2014. Dubbed “The Factory” in honor of the region’s automobile
Meeting Room with theatre-style seating; and the Bill and Sissy Lieberman Student- industry history, the field was selected No. 2 among all colleges in a USA Today fan
Athlete Lounge that features a 14-foot video wall, outdoor patio and communal spaces. vote (behind only the University of Tennessee).
• Lyke led a dynamic rebrand of Pitt’s athletic marks and logos in 2019 that In 2014, Lyke became the first woman to chair the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Committee.
simultaneously evoked the Panthers’ proud past while boldly anticipating the future. She additionally chaired the Mid-American Conference’s Cost of Attendance Task
The rebrand continues to receive high praise not only among Pitt’s faithful but also Force.
from national observers. From 1998-2013, Lyke worked at Ohio State, where she was a member of the athletic
• In 2018, Lyke opened the doors to “Pitt Studios,” the department’s cutting-edge department’s executive team and a lead figure in the development of the Buckeyes’
broadcast production facilities that helped launch the ACC Network. The facilities strategic plan. Lyke directly oversaw 10 of Ohio State’s 36 athletic programs and had
support the University’s first-ever broadcast and media studies curriculum. oversight of all facets of the athletic councils involving budget, revenue generation,
• Former Pitt All-American Aaron Donald, who now stars for the Los Angeles Rams, facilities and OSU’s golf course operations.
made a seven-figure financial commitment to the Pitt Football Championship Fund, She additionally supervised the Buckeyes’ sport performance division, which
the largest donation ever by a Pitt football letterman to the program. In recognition of included the strength and conditioning coaches, athletic training staff and sports
Donald’s momentous pledge, Lyke renamed the ground floor of Pitt’s Duratz Athletic medicine staff. Lyke also developed Ohio State’s first student-athlete internship
Complex the “Aaron Donald Football Performance Center.” program, “Bucks Go Pro.”
• Lyke initiated the dawn of a new era in Pitt Athletics with the addition of women’s During her Ohio State tenure, the Big Ten Network tapped her expertise as a color
lacrosse as a varsity sport. The fully funded program will play its inaugural season as a analyst for softball telecasts from 2009-13.
member of the ACC against NCAA Division I competition in the 2021-22 academic year. Lyke served at Cincinnati as the assistant athletic director for compliance as well
as the senior woman administrator from 1996-98. She began her career at the NCAA
• Lyke has launched a number of diversity and inclusion initiatives for Pitt Athletics,
as an intern in the enforcement and student-athlete reinstatement department from
including Panthers United, a committee of more than 45 student-athletes, coaches,
administrators and campus partners that develops action items to foster a culture
Born and raised in Canton, Ohio, Lyke starred at GlenOak High School in volleyball,
of inclusion. These include Pitt Athletics’ Voting Matters campaign and community
basketball and softball. She accepted a softball scholarship from Michigan, where she
service programming.
lettered four years as a first baseman and was an All-Academic Big Ten honoree. She
• Lyke enhanced the department’s vision and values—the “Bridges for Pitt Athletics”— was a two-time team captain and helped Michigan to the 1992 Big Ten championship.
to articulate the Panthers’ dedication to diversity and inclusion. The new bridge, titled Lyke and her husband, David Catalano, have three children: Elle, Sophie and Eli.
POWERED BY DIVERSITY, reads “Pitt Athletics is fueled by diversity and united in our
commitment to inclusion for all.”
2020-21 Season in Review
second or third team selection, while Pitt has per game since Billy Knight (1973-74). At 18.0 season at Pitt, becoming the the first Panther to
also had three honorable mention selections. points and 11.1 rebounds per game, he is the only earn First Team All-ACC honors after leading the
• Champagnie is the first Pitt player to claim major conference player averaging a double- ACC in rebounds (11.1 rpg.) and double-doubles
first team all-conference honors since Ashton double on the season. (14) and ranking second in scoring (18.0 ppg.).
Gibbs was First Team All-Big East in 2011. • Ithiel Horton averaged 8.9 points per game, • Champagnie became the 20th ACC player to
while making a team-high 43 three-point field average a double-double in the past 25 seasons.
goals. He shot 39.1 percent (34-of-87) from • Champagnie was one of four players in the
beyond the arc in conference play. country and the only major conference player
• Pitt finished second in the ACC in rebounds averaging 18+ points and 10+ rebounds per
HONORS & AWARDS (38.3 rpg.), rebound margin (+5.18 rpg.), game. He was also the only major conference
offensive rebounds (12.7 orpg.) and offensive player averaging a double-double.
Justin Champagnie
rebound percentage (.345). The Panthers had • Champagnie ranked in the top 10 among
AP Honorable Mention All-America
not averaged more than 38.0 rebounds per active ACC players in offensive rebounds
Dick Vitale/ESPN Second Team All-America
game since the 2015-16 season and had been (3.35 orpg. - 2nd), defensive rebounds (7.70
USBWA All-District II
outrebounded in each of the previous three drpg. - 1st), double-doubles (13 - 1st), field goal
NABC First Team All-District
seasons. percentage (.477 - 9th), free throw percentage
Basketball Times All-District (Northeast)
• Pitt was led in scoring by an underclassman in (.711 - 11th), blocks (1.16 bpg. - 10th) and minutes
First Team All-ACC
17 of 22 games with Justin Champagnie posting played (34.34 - 10th).
ACC Player of the Year (HoopsHD.com)
11 games as the Panthers’ scoring leader. • Champagnie scored in double figures in all 20
Karl Malone Award Finalist
• The Panthers were 8-2 when shooting a better games played this season and in 43 of 53 career
Naismith Trophy Midseason Team
percentage from the field than the opposition. contests. He became the fifth player in program
Wooden Award Late Season Top 20 Watch List
Pitt is 34-8 under Jeff Capel when posting a history to score 10 or more points in every game
Naismith Defensive POTY Watch List
better field goal percentage than its opponent. played in a season.
Dick Vitale Midseason First Team All-America
• Pitt dropped its last eight games and finished • Champagnie set a school record for most
ACC Player of the Week (Jan. 25)
4-10 overall in games decided by 10 points or rebounds in a two-game span with 41 boards in
ACC Co-Player of the Week (Jan. 18)
fewer. wins over Gardner-Webb (21) and Northwestern
ACC Player of the Week (Dec. 14)
• Justin Champagnie joined Sam Clancy (20).
Dick Vitale/ESPN National Player of the Week (Dec. 14)
(1978), Brian Shorter (1989) and DeJuan Blair • Champagnie recorded 31 points, 14 rebounds
College Sports Madness ACC & National POTW (Dec. 14)
(2009) as the only Panthers to earn first team and five blocked shots in a home win over Duke
HoopsHD.com 2020 All-ACC (Dec. 31)
all-conference honors as a sophomore. to become the first player in program history to
Femi Odukale
record 30+ points, 10+ rebounds and 5+ blocks
Academic All-ACC
in a game. Pitt began tracking blocks during the
William Jeffress
1974-75 season. He was 12-of-15 from the field
Academic All-ACC
with four three-point field goals in the contest.
2020-21 NEWS & NOTES
• Champagnie’s 30/10 game against Duke was RARE AIR FOR SUPER SOPH ACC HONORS & AWARDS
the 28th such game in program history and the • Justin Champagnie placed himself among
first since Sam Young tallied 31 points and 10 elite company at Pitt through his first two Player of the Year
rebounds against Connecticut March, 7, 2009. seasons becoming one of just five players in Moses Wright, Georgia Tech
• Champagnie scored 24 points and grabbed program history to record over 700 points and
16 rebounds in a home win over Syracuse after 400 rebounds through their sophomore season. Freshman of the Year
missing the previous two games with a knee • Champagnie became the first player in Scottie Barnes, Florida State
injury suffered in practice on Dec. 20. program history to lead the team in scoring as a
Defensive Player of the Year
• Champagnie became the only ACC player freshman and as a sophomore. Jose Alvarado, Georgia Tech
since 1970 to record consecutive 20/20 games • Champagnie joined Sam Clancy and DeJuan
with a 24-point, 21-rebound effort against Blair as the only Panthers to lead the team in Most Improved Player
Gardner-Webb. His 21 rebounds is tied for the rebounding in their freshman and sophomore Matthew Hurt, Duke
seventh most in program history. seasons.
• Champagnie recorded the first 20/20 game • Champagnie became just the fifth player in Sixth Man of the Year
by a Pitt player since the 2008-09 season program history to lead the team in scoring and Scottie Barnes, Florida State
with 20 points and 20 rebounds in the ACC-Big rebounds in consecutive seasons.
Coach of the Year
Ten Challenge win over Northwestern. His 20 Mike Young, Virginia Tech
rebounds is an ACC-Big Ten Challenge record.
• Champagnie’s 20-rebound effort at All-ACC Team
• Justin Champagnie joined some elite
Northwestern was the first 20+ rebound game First Team
company with his 20-point, 20-rebound game at Moses Wright, Georgia Tech
by a Panther since Talib Zanna had 21 boards
Northwestern, posting the 14th 20/20 game in Justin Champagnie, Pitt
in an ACC Tournament win over North Carolina
program history. Carlik Jones, Louisville
March 14, 2014. His 15 defensive rebounds in the
• Champagnie recorded 20 points and 20 Matthew Hurt, Duke
contest is tied for fourth best at Pitt. Sam Hauser, Virginia
rebounds, while playing all 40 minutes in a 71-70
win at Northwestern to become just the fourth
NCAA • Rebound Leaders Second Team
major conference player in the past 25 years to
Rk Player, School RPG Keve Aluma, Virginia Tech
accomplish that feat.
1. Fardaws, Aimaq, Utah Valley 15.0 Jose Alvarado, Georgia Tech
• Champagnie’s 20/20 game was the 13th such Jay Huff, Virginia
2. Jayveous McKinnis, Jackson State 13.2
game in the ACC over the past 25 seasons. At MJ Walker, Florida State
3. Norchad Omier, Arkansas State 12.3
6-6, he also became the shortest player in that Aamir Simms, Clemson
4. Charles Bassey, Western Kentucky 11.6
span to register a 20-20 game.
Elyjah Gross, IUPUI 11.6 Third Team
• Champagnie recorded 24 points and 21
6. Dylan Painter, Delaware 11.5 RaiQuan Gray, Florida State
rebounds against Gardner-Webb to join Caleb
7. Justin Champagnie, Pitt 11.1 Isaiah Wong, Miami
Swanigan (Purdue) and Blake Griffin (Oklahoma)
Terry Taylor, Austin Peay 11.1 Quincy Guerrier, Syracuse
as the only players in the past 25 years with
Prentiss Hubb, Notre Dame
consecutive 20/20 games. Armando Bacot, North Carolina
NCAA • Double-Double Leaders
• Champagnie is one of six ACC players in the Scottie Barnes, Florida State
Rk Player, School GM Total
ACC since 1970 to record two or more 20/20
1. Terry Taylor, Austin Peay 27 20
games in a season. Tim Duncan (Wake Forest) ACC All-Defensive Team
2. Charles Bassey, Western Kentucky 28 18 Jose Alvarado, Georgia Tech
3. Kofi Cockburn, Illinois 31 16 was the last ACC player to accomplish the feat
Manny Bates, NC State
Neemias Queta, Utah State 29 16 during the 1996-97 season. Jay Huff, Virginia
5. Norchad Omier, Arkansas State 23 15 Jordan Goldwire, Duke
Kevin Obanor, Oral Roberts 28 15 20/20 in 40 Minute Games by Major Conference Players in Moses Wright, Georgia Tech
Ruot Monyyong, Little Rock 26 15 the Past 25 Seasons
8. Justin Champagnie, Pitt 20 14 Player, Opponent, Date MIN PTS REB ACC All-Freshman Team
J. Champagnie, at Northwestern, 12/9/20 40 20 20 Scottie Barnes, Florida State
Fardaws Aimaq, Utah Valley 22 14
Ben Simmons, vs. Marquette, 11/23/15 40 21 20 DJ Steward, Duke
Jordan Goodwin, Saint Louis 21 14 Day’Ron Sharpe, North Carolina
Kevin Durant, at Texas Tech, 1/31/17 40 37 23
Jae’Lyn Withers, Louisville
NCAA • Players to Average 18+ Points & 10+ Rebounds Tim Duncan, at Virginia, 2/22/97 40 21 23 Caleb Love, North Carolina
Player, Team PPG RPG
Justin Champagnie, Pitt 18.0 11.1 2NCAA • Consecutive 20/20 Games Past 25 Seasons All-ACC Academic Team
Hayden Brown, The Citadel 18.8 10.5 Player, School Total Jonathan Baehre, Clemson; Nick Honor, Clemson; John
Terry Taylor, Austin Peay 21.6 11.1 Justin Champagnie, Pitt 2 Newman, Clemson; Olivier Maxence Prosper, Clemson;
Gardner-Webb, 12/12/20, 24/21; at Northwestern, 12/9/20, 20/20 Aamir Simms, Clemson; Hunter Tyson, Clemson; Jaemyn
Santi Aldama, Loyola [Md.] 21.2 10.1 Brakefield, Duke; Wendell Moore, Duke; DJ Steward,
Caleb Swanigan 2
Duke; Mark Williams, Duke; Balsa Koprivica, Florida State,
Pitt • Players To Average 18+ Points & 10+ Rebounds Northwestern, 12/21/16, 32/20; Western Illinois, 12/19/16, 21/21
Sardaar Calhoun, Florida State; Kyle Sturdivant, Georgia
Player, Season PPG RPG Blake Griffin 2 Tech; Dre Davis, Louisville; David Johnson, Louisville;
Justin Champagnie, 2020-21 18.0 11.1 Gardner-Webb, 11/22/08, 35/21; Davidson, 11/18/08, 25/21 Samuel Williamson, Louisville; Nysier Brooks, Miami; RJ
Billy Knight, 1973-74 21.8 13.4 Davis, North Carolina; Kerwin Walton, North Carolina;
Billy Knight, 1972-73 23.7 11.0 Braxton Beverly, NC State; Cam Hayes, NC State; Shakeel
Billy Knight, 1971-72 21.0 11.5 Moore, NC State; Nikola Djogo, Notre Dame; Elijah Morgan,
Notre Dame; Cormac Ryan, Notre Dame; William Jeffress,
Bob Lazor, 1955-56 19.8 11.6 Pitt; Femi Odukale, Pitt; Jesse Edwards, Syracuse; Quincy
Ed Pavlick, 1954-55 23.9 11.0 Guerrier, Syracuse; Sam Hauser, Virginia; Jay Huff,
Virginia; Tomas Woldentensae, Virginia; Nahiem Alleyne,
Virginia Tech; Wabissa Bede, Virginia Tech; Hunter Cattoor,
Virginia Tech; Jalen Cone, Virginia Tech; Justyn Mutts,
Virginia Tech; Jonah Antonio, Wake Forest; Ian DuBose,
Wake Forest; Jalen Johnson, Wake Forest
2020-21 NEWS & NOTES
BOARD WORK • The 96 points scored are the most in a • Pitt assisted on 86.7 percent (26-of-30) of
• Pitt outrebounded its opponent 15 times and conference game since a 101-96 double-overtime its made field goals against the Huskies. The 26
ranked second in the ACC in rebounds per game win against Wake Forest Feb. 16, 2016 and assists were the most in a game under Capel
(38.3 rpg.). The Panthers were also second the most by the Panthers in a regulation (no and the most since the Panthers had 29 assists
in the ACC (22nd in the NCAA) in offensive overtimes) conference game since posting a 98- against Gardner-Webb Nov. 14, 2016.
rebounds (12.68 orpg.). 79 win over DePaul March 9, 2008. • The Panthers defense also delivered in the
• Pitt was outrebounded in each of the previous • Justin Champagnie (24), Xavier Johnson win creating 18 turnovers which resulted in a
three seasons and had not averaged 38.0 or (23), Ithiel Horton (20) and Au’Diese Toney (18) +30 margin (33-3) in points off turnovers. The 33
more rebounds in a season since the 2015-16 combined for 85 of the team’s 96 points in the points scored off turnovers is the most in program
campaign. win. history. Points off turnovers stat tracking began
• The Panthers’ 38.3 rebounds per game is • Pitt’s 20-point margin of victory is the largest in 2012-13.
the 10th best in the past 40 seasons. Pitt has against an ACC opponent since an 84-61 win
averaged 40 or more rebounds per game three over Boston College Jan. 16, 2016 and tied for
the fourth largest in ACC regular season play.
times in that span. • Pitt shot 62.0 percent (31-of-50) from the field
• Pitt has grabbed 20 or more offensive in a win over Drexel, marking the second time
rebounds on four occassions. Justin CARDIAC PANTHERS TOP ‘CUSE under Jeff Capel the Panthers have shot better
Champagnie ranked second in the ACC (21st • Pitt recorded its second come-from-behind than 60 percent from the field.
nationally) with 3.35 offensive rebounds per road win with a 63-60 victory at Syracuse. • Pitt shot 83.9 percent (26-of-31) on its two-
game. An Au’Diese Toney tip-in with 8.2 seconds point field goal attempts against the Dragons,
• The Panthers also finished second in the remaining gave the Panthers their first lead of the best shooting performance from inside the
ACC (35th nationally) with a +5.2 rebound the game and erased a 14-point halftime deficit. three-point arc in program history.
margin. Pitt had not had a rebound advantage • The Panthers erased an 18-point first half
of over 5.0 rebounds per game since the 2015-16 deficit, a 14-point halftime margin, a 12-point 60 Percent Shooting Games Under Jeff Capel
season. deficit with 6:57 remaining and a nine-point Opponent, Date FG-FGA PCT Result
margin with 4:08 left to play in the contest. VMI, 11/9/19 33-of-52 .635 W, 94-55
TALE OF TWO HALVES • The 12-point deficit erased in the final seven Drexel, 11/28/20 31-of-50 .620 W, 83-74
• Pitt has started slowly on the offensive end minutes of play is the largest margin overcome
in the opening half of games before rebounding to win a game in the final seven minutes of play Pitt • Top Two-Point Field Goal PCT Games
in the second half of play. The Panthers’ scoring in program history. Rk Opponent, Date Overall FG PCT 2FG PCT
improved by 8.1 points per game with their • Pitt trailed for 39:06 of game action before 1. Drexel, 11/28/20 .620 (31-of-50) .839 (26-of-31)
field goal percentage (.394 to .469) and three- taking the lead on the Toney tip-in, setting a 2. Mt. St. Mary’s, 11/9/12 .708 (34-of-48) .786 (33-of-42)
point percentage (.304 to .386) also making program record for most consecutive minutes 3. vs. Kent State, 3/17/06 .674 (31-of-46) .781 (25-of-32)
significant improvements after intermission. trailed before winning a game. 4. Cincinnati, 2/14/09 .674 (31-of-46) .765 (26-of-34)
5. Robert Morris, 1/4/03 .631 (41-of-65) .741 (40-of-54)
ACC • Lowest First Half FG Percentage Most Consecutive Minutes Trailed Before Winning
2020-21 RESULTS
Overall Record: 10-12 (Home: 7-6; Road: 3-5; Neutral: 0-1)
ACC Record: 6-10 (Home: 4-5; Road: 2-5)
N. 28 DREXEL W, 83-74 JOHNSON (27) WYNTER (24) CHAMPAGNIE (7) BUTLER (8) JOHNSON (8) 500#
D. 16 at Miami * W, 70-55 Horton (18) Wong (21) Champagnie (9) Walker (10) three with (3) -
D. 29 at [-/20] Duke * PPD - - - - - -
J. 2 NOTRE DAME * PPD - - - - - -
J. 6 at Syracuse * W, 63-60 Horton (14) Griffin (15) Toney (14) Griffin (8) Johnson (7) -
J. 9 FLORIDA STATE * PPD - - - - - -
J. 12 at Georgia Tech * PPD - - - - - -
J. 19 DUKE * W, 79-73 CHAMPAGNIE (31) JOHNSON (24) CHAMPAGNIE (14) JOHNSON (16) JOHNSON (11) 500#
J. 23 at Boston College * PPD - - - - - -
J. 23 at Wake Forest * L, 76-75 Champagnie (17) Massoud (31) Champagnie (8) Oguama (10) Johnson (8) 79
J. 30 NOTRE DAME * L, 84-58 CHAMPAGNIE (19) RYAN (19) CHAMPAGNIE (11) TWO WITH (9) FOUR WITH (3) 500#
F. 3 [-/16] VIRGINIA TECH * W, 83-72 JOHNSON (32) ALUMA (30) CHAMPAGNIE (13) ALUMA (10) JOHNSON (7) 500#
F. 6 [-/20] FLORIDA STATE * PPD - - - - - -
F. 6 at [-/14] Virginia L, 73-66 Champagnie (18) Hauser (23) Champagnie (10) Huff (8) Johnson (7) 0
F. 10 at Louisville * PPD - - - - - -
F. 14 at Georgia Tech * L, 71-65 Horton (18) Wright (24) Toney (9) Alvarado (7) Johnson & Odukale (4) 1,200#
F. 21 CLEMSON * PPD - - - - - -
F. 28 at NC State * L, 65-62 Odukale (18) Hellems (15) Champagnie (12) Hellems (9) Odukale (5) 500
M. 6 at Clemson * L, 77-62 Champagnie (13) Dawes (21) Brown (5) Trapp (6) Odukale (3) 1,876
ACC Tournament
M. 9 vs. 13Miami < L, 79-73 Odukale (28) Wong (20) Champagnie (10) Walker (9) Odukale & Horton (3) -
OVERALL (10-12)
## Player GP GS Min MPG FG A Pct FG A Pct FT A Pct OR DR TR RPG PF DQ Ast TO Blk Stl Pts PPG
11 Justin Champagnie 20 19 687 34.3 134 281 .477 23 74 .311 69 97 .711 67 154 221 11.1 35 1 31 30 25 24 360 18.0
5 Au’Diese Toney 16 16 559 35.0 77 166 .464 18 53 .340 58 87 .667 37 58 95 5.9 33 0 37 38 2 20 230 14.4
1 Xavier Johnson 18 16 517 28.7 80 188 .426 25 78 .321 70 89 .787 9 53 62 3.4 56 3 103 59 3 23 255 14.2
0 Ithiel Horton 22 18 589 26.8 72 189 .381 43 116 .371 9 12 .750 8 43 51 2.3 34 0 35 24 3 12 196 8.9
22 Nike Sibande 14 8 276 19.7 34 82 .415 17 39 .436 12 21 .571 11 31 42 3.0 17 0 21 20 1 4 97 6.9
2 Femi Odukale 22 5 449 20.4 51 110 .464 8 24 .333 36 73 .493 10 46 56 2.5 33 0 49 34 5 19 146 6.6
12 Abdoul K. Coulibaly 22 20 499 22.7 46 90 .511 2 6 .333 20 29 .690 33 53 86 3.9 70 3 19 16 19 15 114 5.2
23 John Hugley 7 1 103 14.8 15 38 .395 0 2 .000 6 10 .600 12 18 30 4.3 17 0 3 8 1 2 36 5.1
21 Terrell Brown 21 1 233 11.1 20 46 .435 0 0 .000 13 21 .619 26 30 56 2.7 38 0 2 17 17 2 53 2.5
24 William Jeffress 16 4 273 17.1 13 57 .228 3 20 .150 10 16 .625 14 21 35 2.2 22 0 11 7 4 6 39 2.4
4 Gerald Drumgoole 9 0 46 5.1 5 16 .313 2 9 .222 5 6 .833 4 3 7 0.8 6 0 1 5 1 1 17 1.9
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 9 1 43 4.8 4 5 .800 3 3 1.000 0 0 .000 0 3 3 0.3 5 0 5 4 0 3 11 1.2
14 Curtis Aiken Jr. 1 0 3 2.6 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.0
3 Noah Collier 12 1 104 8.7 2 7 .286 0 0 .000 5 10 .500 5 10 15 1.3 11 0 4 3 2 2 9 0.8
35 Max Amadasun 4 0 12 3.0 1 5 .200 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 3 0.8 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.5
42 Chayce Smith 3 0 3 1.1 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 0.7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
13 Aidan Fisch 3 0 4 1.3 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 2 0.7 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0
Team 41 36 77 12
Total 22 4400 554 1283 .432 144 426 .338 314 473 .664 279 564 843 38.3 381 7 321 278 83 133 1566 71.2
Opponents 22 4400 543 1249 .435 163 505 .323 294 415 .708 200 529 729 33.1 386 10 348 263 93 130 1543 70.1
ACC (6-10)
## Player GP GS Min MPG FG A Pct FG A Pct FT A Pct OR DR TR RPG PF DQ Ast TO Blk Stl Pts PPG
11 Justin Champagnie 14 13 488 34.8 90 182 .495 16 44 .364 56 74 .757 43 103 146 10.4 28 1 21 21 16 19 252 18.0
5 Au’Diese Toney 11 11 396 36.0 50 115 .435 11 35 .314 37 53 .698 23 47 70 6.4 22 0 24 23 1 14 148 13.5
1 Xavier Johnson 13 11 371 28.5 55 137 .401 14 50 .280 47 57 .825 6 32 38 2.9 42 3 70 42 3 18 171 13.2
0 Ithiel Horton 16 13 454 28.4 58 148 .392 34 87 .391 9 12 .750 3 35 38 2.4 25 0 23 16 1 9 159 9.9
23 John Hugley 2 0 37 18.7 6 13 .462 0 0 .000 4 8 .500 4 3 7 3.5 6 0 2 1 1 2 16 8.0
2 Femi Odukale 16 4 355 22.2 38 84 . 452 6 17 .353 27 57 .474 9 36 45 2.8 23 0 39 24 3 13 109 6.8
12 AK Coulibaly 16 15 382 23.9 37 74 .500 2 6 .333 18 25 .720 24 38 62 3.9 51 2 15 13 10 11 94 5.9
22 Nike Sibande 13 7 237 18.3 25 67 .373 12 31 .387 11 19 .579 11 25 36 2.8 14 0 19 16 1 4 73 5.6
## Player GP GS Min MPG FG A Pct FG A Pct FT A Pct OR DR TR RPG PF DQ Ast TO Blk Stl Pts PPG
22 Nike Sibande 1 1 39 39.0 9 15 .600 5 8 .625 1 2 .500 0 6 6 6.0 3 0 2 4 0 0 24 24.0
11 Justin Champagnie 6 6 199 33.2 44 99 .444 7 30 .233 13 23 .565 24 51 75 12.5 7 0 10 9 9 5 108 18.0
1 Xavier Johnson 5 5 146 29.2 25 51 .490 11 28 .393 23 32 .719 3 21 24 4.8 14 0 33 17 0 5 84 16.8
5 Au’Diese Toney 5 5 164 32.8 27 51 .529 7 18 .389 21 34 .618 14 11 25 5.0 11 0 13 15 1 6 82 16.4
0 Ithiel Horton 6 5 135 22.6 14 41 .341 9 29 .310 0 0 .000 5 8 13 2.2 9 0 12 8 2 3 37 6.2
2 Femi Odukale 6 1 94 15.7 13 26 .500 2 7 .286 9 16 .563 1 10 11 1.8 10 0 10 10 2 6 37 6.2
23 John Hugley 5 1 66 13.2 9 25 .360 0 2 .000 2 2 1.000 8 15 23 4.6 11 0 1 7 0 0 20 4.0
12 AK Coulibaly 6 5 117 19.4 9 16 .563 0 0 .000 2 4 .500 9 15 24 4.0 19 1 4 3 9 4 20 3.3
24 William Jeffress 6 1 110 18.3 7 25 .280 2 10 .200 1 2 .500 3 12 15 2.5 9 0 4 3 0 5 17 2.8
21 Terrell Brown 5 0 38 7.6 3 12 .250 0 0 .000 3 7 .429 8 6 14 2.8 9 0 0 3 7 1 9 1.8
4 Gerald Drumgoole 4 0 23 5.7 2 7 .286 0 3 .000 1 2 .500 3 1 4 1.0 3 0 1 1 1 1 5 1.3
35 Max Amadasun 2 0 5 2.5 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1.0
14 Curtis Aiken, Jr. 1 0 3 3.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.0
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 3 0 8 2.7 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 1.0
3 Noah Collier 6 0 48 8.0 1 2 .500 0 0 .000 2 6 .333 1 4 5 0.8 6 0 2 2 2 1 4 0.7
42 Chayce Smith 2 0 3 1.5 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
13 Aidan Fisch 2 0 3 1.5 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 1 0.5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0
Team 12 7 19 2
Total 6 1200 165 374 .441 44 137 .321 79 132 .598 91 170 261 43.5 115 1 93 87 33 37 453 75.5
Opponents 6 1200 143 359 .398 37 135 .274 89 122 .730 62 146 208 34.7 109 3 90 82 18 42 412 68.7
HOME (7-6)
## Player GP GS Min MPG FG A Pct FG A Pct FT A Pct OR DR TR RPG PF DQ Ast TO Blk Stl Pts PPG
11 Justin Champagnie 12 11 413 34.4 86 171 .503 18 48 .375 53 71 .746 44 98 142 11.8 19 1 21 16 19 13 243 20.3
5 Au’Diese Toney 10 10 339 33.9 47 104 .452 11 38 .289 46 66 .697 21 28 49 4.9 17 0 25 23 1 13 151 15.1
1 Xavier Johnson 12 10 347 28.9 54 115 .470 17 49 .347 53 65 .815 4 35 39 3.3 38 2 70 36 2 12 178 14.8
0 Ithiel Horton 13 11 352 27.1 40 106 .377 23 68 .338 4 6 .667 2 27 29 2.2 18 0 24 16 3 7 107 8.2
22 Nike Sibande 8 5 147 18.3 17 49 .347 8 23 .348 9 13 .692 7 16 23 2.9 6 0 14 8 1 3 51 6.4
12 AK Coulibaly 13 11 285 21.9 29 52 .558 1 3 .333 9 13 .692 18 33 51 3.9 42 2 13 7 15 9 68 5.2
23 John Hugley 5 1 81 16.1 11 30 .367 0 2 .000 2 4 .500 10 17 27 5.4 12 0 1 5 0 1 24 4.8
2 Femi Odukale 13 3 226 17.4 21 51 .412 2 11 .182 16 37 .432 4 24 28 2.2 17 0 28 15 3 10 60 4.6
24 William Jeffress 9 1 140 15.5 8 31 .258 1 11 .091 4 6 .667 5 13 18 2.0 14 0 7 5 3 4 21 2.3
21 Terrell Brown 12 1 126 10.5 10 25 .400 0 0 .000 7 13 .538 17 13 30 2.5 22 0 2 8 10 1 27 2.3
4 Gerald Drumgoole 6 0 31 5.2 4 9 .444 1 4 .250 1 2 .500 3 2 5 0.8 4 0 1 4 1 1 10 1.7
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 5 0 25 5.0 3 4 .750 2 2 1.000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 0.4 2 0 3 1 0 2 8 1.6
14 Curtis Aiken, Jr. 1 0 3 3.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.0
3 Noah Collier 8 1 66 8.3 2 6 .333 0 0 .000 4 8 .500 3 4 7 0.9 6 0 3 2 2 2 8 1.0
35 Max Amadasun 4 0 12 3.0 1 5 .200 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 3 0.8 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.5
42 Chayce Smith 3 0 3 1.0 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 0.7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
13 Aidan Fisch 3 0 4 1.3 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 2 0.7 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0
Team 21 17 38 6
Total 13 2600 333 761 .438 84 261 .322 209 306 .683 161 334 495 38.1 221 5 212 153 60 78 959 73.8
Opponents 13 2600 337 772 .437 83 280 .296 160 232 .690 141 318 459 35.3 242 7 214 158 56 71 917 70.5
ROAD (3-5)
## Player GP GS Min MPG FG A Pct FG A Pct FT A Pct OR DR TR RPG PF DQ Ast TO Blk Stl Pts PPG
11 Justin Champagnie 7 7 244 34.8 43 90 .478 4 18 .222 16 24 .667 18 51 69 9.9 14 0 9 12 3 11 106 15.1
5 Au’Diese Toney 6 6 221 36.8 30 62 .484 7 15 .467 12 21 .571 16 30 46 7.7 16 0 12 15 1 7 79 13.2
1 Xavier Johnson 6 6 170 28.3 26 73 .356 8 29 .276 17 24 .708 5 18 23 3.8 18 1 33 23 1 11 77 12.8
0 Ithiel Horton 8 7 205 25.7 28 75 .373 18 43 .419 5 6 .833 5 13 18 2.3 15 0 8 7 0 4 79 9.9
2 Femi Odukale 8 1 185 23.1 19 43 .442 4 10 .400 16 28 .571 5 17 22 2.8 12 0 18 15 1 8 58 7.3
23 John Hugley 2 0 23 11.5 4 8 .500 0 0 .000 4 6 .667 2 1 3 1.5 5 0 2 3 1 1 12 6.0
12 AK Coulibaly 8 8 191 23.9 17 37 .459 1 3 .333 11 14 .786 15 20 35 4.4 25 1 6 8 3 6 46 5.8
22 Nike Sibande 5 2 90 18.0 8 18 .444 4 8 .500 2 6 .333 4 9 13 2.6 8 0 5 8 0 1 22 4.4
21 Terrell Brown 8 0 96 12.0 10 20 .500 0 0 .000 6 8 .750 9 14 23 2.9 12 0 0 8 4 0 26 3.3
24 William Jeffress 6 2 124 20.7 5 26 .192 2 9 .222 6 10 .600 9 8 17 2.8 6 0 4 2 1 2 18 3.0
4 Gerald Drumgoole 3 0 15 5.0 1 7 .143 1 5 .200 4 4 1.000 1 1 2 0.7 2 0 0 1 0 0 7 2.3
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 3 1 16 5.3 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 1 1 0.3 3 0 2 2 0 1 3 1.0
3 Noah Collier 3 0 21 7.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 1 4 5 1.7 5 0 1 1 0 0 1 0.3
Team 16 18 34 6
Total 8 1600 192 461 .416 50 141 .355 100 153 .654 106 205 311 38.9 141 2 100 111 15 52 534 66.8
Opponents 8 1600 180 417 .432 75 205 .366 112 155 .723 48 186 234 29.3 134 3 117 99 35 52 547 68.4
## Player GP GS Min MPG FG A Pct FG A Pct FT A Pct OR DR TR RPG PF DQ Ast TO Blk Stl Pts PPG
2 Femi Odukale 1 1 37:28 37.5 11 16 .688 2 3 .667 4 8 .500 1 5 6 6.0 4 0 3 4 1 1 28 28.0
22 Nike Sibande 1 1 39:07 39.1 9 15 .600 5 8 .625 1 2 .500 0 6 6 6.0 3 0 2 4 0 0 24 24.0
11 Justin Champagnie 1 1 30:09 30.2 5 20 .250 1 8 .125 0 2 .000 5 5 10 10.0 2 0 1 2 3 0 11 11.0
0 Ithiel Horton 1 0 31:36 31.6 4 8 .500 2 5 .400 0 0 .000 1 3 4 4.0 1 0 3 1 0 1 10 10.0
24 William Jeffress 1 1 09:17 9.3 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
21 Terrell Brown 1 0 10:42 10.7 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 3 3 3.0 4 0 0 1 3 1 0 0.0
31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 1 0 02:32 2.5 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0
12 AK Coulibaly 1 1 22:38 22.6 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0.0
3 Noah Collier 1 0 16:31 16.5 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 3 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Team 4 1 5
Total 1 200 29 61 .475 10 24 .417 5 14 .357 12 25 37 37.0 19 0 9 14 8 3 73 73.0
Opponents 1 200 26 60 .433 5 20 .250 22 28 .786 11 25 36 36.0 10 0 17 6 2 7 79 79.0
Points 1st Half
High 46, Drexel (11/28/20) 46 by Saint Francis (11/25/20)
Low 18, at Syracuse (1/6/21) 18 by Gardner-Webb (12/12/20)
Points 2nd Half High 64, Syracuse (1/16/21) 43, 2x; last by Virginia (2/6/21)
Low 28, Louisville (12/22/20) 28, 2x; last by Wake Forest (3/2/21)
Total Points High 96, Syracuse (1/16/21) 84 by Notre Dame (1/30/21)
Low 54, Louisville (12/22/20) 50 by Gardner-Webb (12/12/20)
FG Made High 31, 2x; last Syracuse (1/16/21) 32; 2x, last by Notre Dame (1/30/21)
Low 20, at NC State (2/28/21) 17 by Miami (12/16/20)
FG Attempted High 73, Notre Dame (1/30/21) 70 by Duke (1/19/21)
Low 45, at Clemson (3/6/21) 46 by NC State (2/28/21)
FG Percentage High .620 [31-of-50], Drexel (11/28/20) .569 [29-of-51] by NC State (2/17/21)
Low .315 [23-of-73], Notre Dame (1/30/21) .297 [19-of-64] by Gardner-Webb (12/12/20)
3-Pt. FG Made High 14, Northern Illinois (12/5/20) 15 by Wake Forest (1/23/21)
Low 1, Gardner-Webb (12/12/20) 3, 2x; last by Syracuse (1/16/21)
3-Pt. FG Att. High 29, Northern Illinois (12/5/20 38 by Syracuse (1/6/21)
Low 11, at NC State (2/28/21) 11 by NC State (2/17/21)
3-Pt. FG Pct. High .500 [9-of-18], at Clemson (3/6/21) .542 [13-of-24] by Notre Dame (1/30/21)
Low .056 [1-of-18], Gardner-Webb (12/12/20) .136 [3-of-22] by Syracuse (1/16/21)
FT Made High 26, Syracuse (1/16/21) 24 by NC State (2/28/21)
Low 4, Notre Dame (1/30/21) 4 by Syracuse (1/6/21)
FT Attempted High 37, Duke (1/19/21) 34 by NC State (2/28/21)
Low 5, Notre Dame (1/30/21) 5 by Syracuse (1/6/21)
FT Percentage High .880 [22-of-25], Virginia Tech (2/3/21) .913 [21-of-23] by Georgia Tech (2/14/21)
Low .357 [5-of-14], vs. Miami (3/9/21) .500 [7-of-14] by North Carolina (1/26/21)
Off. Rebounds High 22, Saint Francis (11/25/20) 15, 3x; last by Duke (1/19/21)
Low 5, Virginia Tech (2/3/21) 4, 4x; last by Wake Forest (3/2/21)
Def. Rebounds High 38, Gardner-Webb (12/12/20) 33, by Notre Dame (1/30/21)
Low 16, NC State (2/17/21) 18, 2x; last by NC State (2/17/21)
1. Hurt, Matthew - Duke 24 164 56 55 439 18.29 1. Sharpe, Day’Ron - UNC 20 29 98 3.38 1. Bates, Manny - NCSU 11 24 64 2.67
2. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 20 134 23 69 360 18.00 2. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 21 20 67 3.35 2. Huff, Jay - UVa 12 25 66 2.64
3. Boeheim, Buddy - Syr 25 161 77 45 444 17.76 3. Bacot, Armando - UNC 35 29 92 3.17 3. Felder, CJ - BC 26 19 41 2.16
4. Wright, Moses - GT 25 175 12 73 435 17.40 4. Wright, Moses - GT 36 25 79 3.16 4. Durham, Juwan - ND 40 26 49 1.88
5. Wong, Isaiah - Miami 27 155 50 102 462 17.11 5. Guerrier, Quincy - Syr 28 77 2.75 5. Griffin, Alan - Syr 28 46 1.64
6. Jones, Carlik - LOU 19 113 18 75 319 16.79 6. Withers, Jae’Lyn - LOU 20 51 2.55 6. Wright, Moses - GT 25 41 1.64
7. Hauser, Sam - UVa 25 147 63 43 400 16.00 7. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 56 2.55 7. Williams, Mark - Duke 23 32 1.39
8. Alvarado, Jose - GT 26 141 46 67 395 15.19 8. Simms, Aamir - Clem 24 59 2.46 8. Koprivica, Balsa - FSU 24 33 1.38
9. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 118 20 78 334 15.18 9. Brooks, Nysier - Miami 27 64 2.37 9. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 29 1.32
10. Devoe, Michael - GT 26 136 58 61 391 15.04 10. Oguama, Ody - Wake 20 47 2.35 10. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 20 25 1.25
11. Hubb, Prentiss - ND 26 134 65 46 379 14.58
12. Heath, Jay - BC 19 103 42 28 276 14.53 DEFENSIVE REBOUNDS NCAA G Reb DRPG ASSIST/TO RATIO NCAA G A TO Ratio
13. Johnson, Xavier - Pitt 18 80 25 70 255 14.17 1. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 10 20 154 7.70 1. Goldwire, Jordan - Duke 21 24 96 34 2.82
14. Guerrier, Quincy - Syr 28 146 23 68 383 13.68 2. Laszewski, Nate - ND 26 157 6.04 2. Beekman, Reece - UVa 30 25 75 29 2.59
15. Simms, Aamir - Clem 24 124 22 52 322 13.42 3. Williamson, Samuell - LOU 18 108 6.00 3. Bede, Wabissa - VT 48 22 69 30 2.30
16. Griffin, Alan - Syr 28 132 56 52 372 13.29 4. Hauser, Sam - UVa 25 149 5.96 4. Jones, Carlik - LOU 19 85 39 2.18
17. Laszewski, Nate - ND 26 119 36 71 345 13.27 5. Guerrier, Quincy - Syr 28 158 5.64 5. Clark, Kihei - UVa 25 113 53 2.13
18. Steward, DJ - Duke 24 113 43 43 312 13.00 6. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 118 5.36 6. Alvarado, Jose - GT 26 106 53 2.00
19. Huff, Jay - UVa 25 127 29 41 324 12.96 7. Huff, Jay - UVa 25 134 5.36 7. Richmond, Kadary - Syr 28 86 44 1.95
20. Hellems, Jericole - NCSU 25 119 31 54 323 12.92 8. Mitchell, Steffon - BC 16 84 5.25 8. Ashton-Langford, Makai - BC 15 48 25 1.92
9. Withers, Jae’Lyn - LOU 20 102 5.10 9. Dolezaj, Marek - Syr 28 92 48 1.92
NCAA G FG Att Pct 10. Gray, RaiQuan - FSU 25 123 4.92 10. Hubb, Prentiss - ND 26 152 83 1.83
1. Huff, Jay - UVa 16 25 127 217 .585
2. Hurt, Matthew - Duke 38 24 164 295 .556 ASSISTS PER GAME NCAA G Ast APG MINUTES PER GAME
3. Simms, Aamir - Clem 47 24 124 233 .532 1. Hubb, Prentiss - ND 14 26 152 5.85 1. Jones, Carlik - LOU 10 19 713 37.55
4. Wright, Moses - GT 49 25 175 329 .532 2. Johnson, Xavier - Pitt 17 18 103 5.72 2. Alvarado, Jose - GT 18 26 965 37.10
5. Alvarado, Jose - GT 26 141 280 .504 3. Clark, Kihei - UVa 25 113 4.52 3. Hubb, Prentiss - ND 21 26 963 37.02
6. Hauser, Sam - UVa 25 147 292 .503 4. Jones, Carlik - LOU 19 85 4.47 4. Boeheim, Buddy - Syr 32 25 906 36.23
7. Guerrier, Quincy - Syr 28 146 296 .493 5. Barnes, Scottie - FSU 24 98 4.08 5. Wong, Isaiah - Miami 27 958 35.47
8. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 118 241 .490 6. Alvarado, Jose - GT 26 106 4.08 6. Wright, Moses - GT 25 883 35.34
9. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 20 134 281 .477 7. Goldwire, Jordan - Duke 24 96 4.00 7. Johnson, David - LOU 19 667 35.11
10. Devoe, Michael - GT 26 136 298 .456 8. Love, Caleb - UNC 29 104 3.59 8. Dolezaj, Marek - Syr 28 980 35.01
9. Girard III, Joseph - Syr 28 98 3.50 9. Devoe, Michael - GT 26 903 34.74
NCAA G FT Att Pct 10. Devoe, Michael - GT 26 87 3.35 10. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 20 687 34.34
1. Dolezaj, Marek - Syr 28 87 102 .853
2. Alvarado, Jose - GT 26 67 80 .838 STEALS PER GAME NCAA G Stl SPG To be ranked, a player must have played in 75% of their team’s
3. Jones, Carlik - LOU 19 75 92 .815 1. Alvarado, Jose - GT 2 26 74 2.85 games.
4. Wong, Isaiah - Miami 27 102 127 .803 2. Goldwire, Jordan - Duke 14 24 54 2.25 NCAA denotes top 50 in NCAA Division I statistics rankings
5. Funderburk, DJ - NCSU 21 80 101 .792 3. Ashton-Langford, Makai - BC 15 26 1.73
6. Johnson, Xavier - Pitt 18 70 89 .787 4. Richmond, Kadary - Syr 28 46 1.64
7. Williamson, Daivien - Wake 22 55 70 .786 5. Usher, Jordan - GT 26 42 1.62
8. Radford, Tyrece - VT 18 49 64 .766 6. Wright, Moses - GT 25 37 1.48
9. Gray, RaiQuan - FSU 25 71 93 .763 7. Barnes, Scottie - FSU 24 35 1.46
10. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 78 108 .722 8. Polite, Anthony - FSU 21 30 1.43
9. Moore, Shakeel - NCSU 25 35 1.40
3-PT FG PCT. (MIN. 2.5 3FG/G) NCAA G 3FG Att Pct 10. Girard III, Joseph - Syr 28 39 1.39
1. Hauser, Sam - UVa 15 25 63 151 .417
2. Boeheim, Buddy - Syr 25 77 201 .383 3-PT FG MADE PER GAME
3. Hubb, Prentiss - ND 26 65 190 .342 1. Boeheim, Buddy - Syr 22 25 77 3.08
2. Hauser, Sam - UVa 25 63 2.52
REBOUNDS PER GAME NCAA G Off Def Tot RPG 3. Hubb, Prentiss - ND 26 65 2.50
1. Champagnie, Justin - Pitt 8 20 67 154 221 11.05 4. Hurt, Matthew - Duke 24 56 2.33
2. Guerrier, Quincy - Syr 28 77 158 235 8.39 5. Devoe, Michael - GT 26 58 2.23
3. Williamson, Samuell - LOU 18 37 108 145 8.06 6. Heath, Jay - BC 19 42 2.21
4. Wright, Moses - GT 25 79 122 201 8.04 7. Murphy III, Trey - UVa 25 52 2.08
5. Aluma, Keve - VT 22 56 118 174 7.91 8. Walton, Kerwin - UNC 29 58 2.00
6. Bacot, Armando - UNC 29 92 135 227 7.83 8. Griffin, Alan - Syr 28 56 2.00
7. Withers, Jae’Lyn - LOU 20 51 102 153 7.65 8. Kelly, Rich - BC 16 32 2.00
8. Sharpe, Day’Ron - UNC 29 98 122 220 7.59
9. Laszewski, Nate - ND 26 33 157 190 7.31
10. Mitchell, Steffon - BC 16 32 84 116 7.25
SCORING OFFENSE NCAA G W-L Pts PPG 8. Louisville 20 264 368 .717 REBOUNDS PER GAME NCAA GRebs Avg 8. Miami 27 12.59 12.26 -0.33
1. Florida State 46 25 18-7 1929 77.16 9. NC State 25 311 443 .702 1. North Carolina 3 29 1243 42.86 9. Boston College 20 13.75 13.35 -0.40
2. Duke 24 13-11 1824 76.00 10. Boston College 20 247 352 .702 2. Pitt 46 22 843 38.32 9. Louisville 20 11.45 11.05 -0.40
3. North Carolina 29 18-11 2181 75.21 11. Miami 27 350 500 .700 3. Louisville 50 20 764 38.20 11. Florida State 25 14.40 13.76 -0.64
4. Georgia Tech 26 17-9 1948 74.92 12. Virginia Tech 22 289 414 .698 4. Florida State 25 918 36.72 12. Pitt 22 12.64 11.95 -0.68
5. Syracuse 28 18-10 2095 74.82 13. Duke 24 239 346 .691 5. Duke 24 851 35.46 13. North Carolina 29 14.62 13.66 -0.97
6. NC State 25 14-11 1820 72.80 14. North Carolina 29 417 624 .668 6. Syracuse 28 990 35.36 14. Wake Forest 22 13.64 12.23 -1.41
7. Notre Dame 26 11-15 1890 72.69 15. Pitt 22 314 473 .664 7. Miami 27 944 34.96 15. Notre Dame 26 10.58 8.65 -1.92
8. Virginia Tech 22 15-7 1585 72.05 8. Virginia Tech 22 760 34.55
9. Boston College 20 4-16 1427 71.35 3-POINT FG PCT. NCAA G 3FG FGA Pct 9. Notre Dame 26 868 33.38 AST/TO RATIO NCAA G Ast TO Ratio
10. Pitt 22 10-12 1566 71.18 1. Florida State 23 25 192 510 .376 10. Boston College 20 666 33.30 1. Virginia 8 25 345 229 1.51
11. Virginia 25 18-7 1705 68.20 2. Virginia 28 25 212 566 .375 11. Wake Forest 22 718 32.64 2. Georgia Tech 17 26 412 290 1.42
12. Louisville 20 13-7 1359 67.95 3. Notre Dame 46 26 236 642 .368 12. Clemson 24 783 32.63 3. Notre Dame 19 26 387 275 1.41
13. Miami 27 10-17 1794 66.44 4. NC State 25 167 464 .360 13. NC State 25 812 32.48 4. Syracuse 28 28 419 317 1.32
14. Wake Forest 22 6-16 1458 66.27 5. Virginia Tech 22 180 508 .354 14. Virginia 25 791 31.64 5. Duke 40 24 390 307 1.27
15. Clemson 24 16-8 1558 64.92 6. Duke 24 201 571 .352 15. Georgia Tech 26 787 30.27 6. Virginia Tech 22 313 255 1.23
7. Syracuse 28 237 679 .349 7. Pitt 22 321 278 1.15
SCORING DEFENSE NCAA G Pts PPG 8. Georgia Tech 26 192 551 .348 OFF. REBOUNDS PER GAME NCAA G No. Avg/G 8. Clemson 24 319 303 1.05
1. Virginia 6 25 1513 60.52 9. Wake Forest 22 195 562 .347 1. North Carolina 1 29 457 15.76 9. North Carolina 29 443 424 1.04
2. Clemson 12 24 1486 61.92 10. Clemson 24 198 574 .345 2. Pitt 22 22 279 12.68 10. NC State 25 328 321 1.02
3. Virginia Tech 22 1451 65.95 11. Pitt 22 144 426 .338 3. Duke 24 272 11.33 11. Florida State 25 363 360 1.01
4. Louisville 20 1330 66.50 12. Boston College 20 180 546 .330 4. Louisville 20 225 11.25 12. Louisville 20 221 229 0.97
5. Florida State 25 1730 69.20 13. North Carolina 29 162 509 .318 5. Florida State 25 277 11.08 13. Miami 27 305 340 0.90
6. NC State 25 1742 69.68 14. Louisville 20 107 347 .308 6. Syracuse 28 288 10.29 14. Wake Forest 22 252 300 0.84
7. North Carolina 29 2028 69.93 15. Miami 27 150 508 .295 7. NC State 25 245 9.80 15. Boston College 20 230 275 0.84
8. Georgia Tech 26 1821 70.04 8. Miami 27 256 9.48
9. Pitt 22 1543 70.14 3-PT. FG PER GAME NCAA G 3FG 3PG 9. Boston College 20 188 9.40 ASSISTS PER GAME NCAA G Ast PG
10. Syracuse 28 1964 70.14 1. Notre Dame 34 26 236 9.08 10. Virginia Tech 22 204 9.27 1. Duke 20 24 390 16.25
11. Miami 27 1916 70.96 2. Boston College 39 20 180 9.00 11. Wake Forest 22 198 9.00 2. Georgia Tech 34 26 412 15.85
12. Duke 24 1711 71.29 3. Wake Forest 44 22 195 8.86 12. Clemson 24 208 8.67 3. North Carolina 49 29 443 15.28
13. Wake Forest 22 1583 71.95 4. Virginia 25 212 8.48 13. Georgia Tech 26 205 7.88 4. Syracuse 28 419 14.96
14. Notre Dame 26 1933 74.35 5. Syracuse 28 237 8.46 14. Notre Dame 26 187 7.19 5. Notre Dame 26 387 14.88
15. Boston College 20 1590 79.50 6. Duke 24 201 8.38 15. Virginia 25 163 6.52 6. Pitt 22 321 14.59
7. Clemson 24 198 8.25 7. Florida State 25 363 14.52
SCORING MARGIN NCAA G Off Def Mar. 8. Virginia Tech 22 180 8.18 DEF. REBOUNDS PER GAME NCAA G No. Avg/G 8. Virginia Tech 22 313 14.23
1. Florida State 47 25 77.16 69.20 +7.96 9. Florida State 25 192 7.68 1. North Carolina 29 786 27.10 9. Virginia 25 345 13.80
2. Virginia 50 25 68.20 60.52 +7.68 10. Georgia Tech 26 192 7.38 2. Louisville 20 539 26.95 10. Clemson 24 319 13.29
3. Virginia Tech 22 72.05 65.95 +6.09 11. NC State 25 167 6.68 3. Notre Dame 26 681 26.19 11. NC State 25 328 13.12
4. North Carolina 29 75.21 69.93 +5.28 12. Pitt 22 144 6.55 4. Florida State 25 641 25.64 12. Boston College 20 230 11.50
5. Georgia Tech 26 74.92 70.04 +4.88 13. North Carolina 29 162 5.59 5. Pitt 22 564 25.64 13. Wake Forest 22 252 11.45
6. Duke 24 76.00 71.29 +4.71 14. Miami 27 150 5.56 6. Miami 27 688 25.48 14. Miami 27 305 11.30
7. Syracuse 28 74.82 70.14 +4.68 15. Louisville 20 107 5.35 7. Virginia Tech 22 556 25.27 15. Louisville 20 221 11.05
8. NC State 25 72.80 69.68 +3.12 8. Virginia 25 628 25.12
9. Clemson 24 64.92 61.92 +3.00 FG PCT. DEFENSE NCAA G FG FGA Pct 9. Syracuse 28 702 25.07 BLOCKS PER GAME NCAA G Blk BPG
10. Louisville 20 67.95 66.50 +1.45 1. Florida State 17 25 582 1465 .397 10. Duke 24 579 24.13 1. Florida State 11 25 127 5.08
11. Pitt 22 71.18 70.14 +1.05 2. Syracuse 47 28 707 1724 .410 11. Clemson 24 575 23.96 2. Syracuse 12 28 141 5.04
12. Notre Dame 26 72.69 74.35 -1.65 3. Virginia 25 550 1322 .416 12. Boston College 20 478 23.90 3. North Carolina 22 29 137 4.72
13. Miami 27 66.44 70.96 -4.52 4. Clemson 24 529 1265 .418 13. Wake Forest 22 520 23.64 4. Duke 34 24 109 4.54
14. Wake Forest 22 66.27 71.95 -5.68 5. Louisville 20 482 1141 .422 14. NC State 25 567 22.68 5. Virginia 39 25 111 4.44
15. Boston College 20 71.35 79.50 -8.15 6. North Carolina 29 735 1734 .424 15. Georgia Tech 26 582 22.38 6. NC State 25 106 4.24
7. Virginia Tech 22 513 1210 .424 7. Notre Dame 26 102 3.92
FIELD GOAL PCT. NCAA G FG FGA Pct 8. Pitt 22 543 1249 .435 REB. MARGIN NCAA G Avg Opp Mar 8. Virginia Tech 22 85 3.86
1. Georgia Tech 27 26 722 1513 .477 9. Notre Dame 26 737 1665 .443 1. North Carolina 1 29 42.86 32.48 +10.38 9. Miami 27 104 3.85
2. Virginia 32 25 629 1326 .474 10. Miami 27 722 1610 .448 2. Pitt 35 22 38.32 33.14 +5.18 10. Boston College 20 77 3.85
3. Florida State 33 25 693 1461 .474 11. NC State 25 640 1415 .452 3. Louisville 46 20 38.20 33.45 +4.75 11. Pitt 22 83 3.77
4. NC State 42 25 671 1425 .471 12. Duke 24 623 1368 .455 4. Florida State 25 36.72 33.04 +3.68 12. Georgia Tech 26 90 3.46
5. Duke 49 24 692 1479 .468 13. Georgia Tech 26 668 1455 .459 5. Virginia Tech 22 34.55 32.18 +2.36 13. Clemson 24 69 2.88
6. Notre Dame 26 679 1479 .459 14. Wake Forest 22 569 1213 .469 6. Virginia 25 31.64 29.48 +2.16 14. Wake Forest 22 48 2.18
7. Virginia Tech 22 558 1240 .450 15. Boston College 20 593 1208 .491 7. Duke 24 35.46 33.71 +1.75 15. Louisville 20 37 1.85
8. Syracuse 28 743 1682 .442 8. Miami 27 34.96 34.67 +0.30
9. North Carolina 29 801 1826 .439 3-PT. FG% DEFENSENCAA G 3FG FGA Pct 9. Clemson 24 32.63 32.79 -0.17 STEALS PER GAME NCAA G Stl SPG
10. Pitt 22 554 1283 .432 1. Louisville 27 20 141 463 .305 10. NC State 25 32.48 33.64 -1.16 1. Georgia Tech 8 26 236 9.08
11. Louisville 20 494 1146 .431 2. Syracuse 28 242 762 .318 11. Wake Forest 22 32.64 34.05 -1.41 2. Duke 26 24 197 8.21
12. Clemson 24 562 1323 .425 3. Pitt 22 163 505 .323 12. Syracuse 28 35.36 37.86 -2.50 3. Syracuse 34 28 227 8.11
13. Miami 27 647 1524 .425 4. Florida State 25 188 579 .325 13. Notre Dame 26 33.38 36.65 -3.27 4. NC State 36 25 202 8.08
14. Boston College 20 500 1186 .422 5. Virginia Tech 22 156 471 .331 14. Boston College 20 33.30 37.10 -3.80 5. Florida State 25 182 7.28
15. Wake Forest 22 501 1222 .410 6. Clemson 24 173 518 .334 15. Georgia Tech 26 30.27 34.23 -3.96 6. Boston College 20 143 7.15
7. Virginia 25 168 496 .339 7. North Carolina 29 204 7.03
FREE THROW PCT. NCAA G FT FTA Pct 8. NC State 25 170 497 .342 TO MARGIN NCAA G Avg Opp Mar 8. Miami 27 179 6.63
1. Virginia 3 25 235 288 .816 9. North Carolina 29 233 665 .350 1. Georgia Tech 9 26 11.15 15.73 +4.58 9. Wake Forest 22 136 6.18
2. Syracuse 16 28 372 476 .782 10. Boston College 20 154 435 .354 2. Syracuse 40 28 11.32 13.96 +2.64 10. Clemson 24 146 6.08
3. Notre Dame 25 26 296 383 .773 11. Duke 24 157 441 .356 3. NC State 25 12.84 14.84 +2.00 11. Pitt 22 133 6.05
4. Clemson 28 24 236 307 .769 12. Notre Dame 26 219 598 .366 4. Clemson 24 12.63 14.04 +1.42 12. Virginia 25 123 4.92
5. Florida State 25 351 474 .741 13. Georgia Tech 26 189 513 .368 5. Duke 24 12.79 13.83 +1.04 13. Virginia Tech 22 106 4.82
6. Wake Forest 22 261 359 .727 14. Wake Forest 22 167 442 .378 6. Virginia Tech 22 11.59 12.09 +0.50 14. Louisville 20 96 4.80
7. Georgia Tech 26 312 430 .726 15. Miami 27 248 656 .378 7. Virginia 25 9.16 9.32 +0.16 15. Notre Dame 26 111 4.27
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Saint Francis (PA) vs Pittsburgh Drexel vs Pittsburgh
11/25/20 7:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA 11/28/20 1:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Northern Ill. vs Pittsburgh
12/05/20 7:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Pittsburgh vs Northwestern Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
12/09/20 9:15 pm at Evanston, IL Gardner-Webb vs Pittsburgh
12/12/20 4:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh 71 • 3-1,0-0 ACC
Total 3-Ptr Rebounds Gardner-Webb 50 • 0-2,0-0 Big Sout
Total 3-Ptr Rebounds
## Player FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA Off Def Tot PF TP A TO Blk Stl Min
## Player FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA Off Def Tot PF TP A TO Blk Stl Min
11 Justin Champagnie f 9-19 1-6 1-5 5 15 20 0 20 0 1 1 0 40
14 Kareem Reid f 1-3 0-0 1-4 1 2 3 5 3 0 0 0 1 16
12 A. Karim Coulibaly f 0-2 0-0 2-2 0 4 4 5 2 0 1 1 1 21 24 Ludovic Dufeal f 0-2 0-1 0-0 1 7 8 4 0 1 1 1 2 23
00 Ithiel Horton g 0-5 0-3 0-0 2 2 4 3 0 1 1 0 0 14 00 Lance Terry g 4-9 2-6 0-0 2 4 6 2 10 1 0 0 2 30
01 Xavier Johnson g 6-16 5-9 4-7 1 6 7 4 21 4 4 0 1 34 01 Jaheam Cornwall g 5-15 1-7 2-2 1 2 3 1 13 4 2 0 0 33
05 Au'Diese Toney g 6-13 1-2 5-6 5 3 8 2 18 1 2 0 0 33 03 Jacob Falko g 1-9 0-1 0-0 0 3 3 4 2 0 1 0 0 19
02 Femi Odukale 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 1 7 02 Jordan Sears 2-5 1-3 2-2 0 1 1 2 7 2 4 0 0 13
04 D'Maurian Williams 1-7 0-2 2-2 2 2 4 2 4 1 5 0 1 20
03 Noah Collier 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 7
05 Jamaine Mann 1-4 0-0 0-3 3 2 5 1 2 1 2 0 0 14
21 Terrell Brown 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 Mick Lynott 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 6
23 John Hugley 1-3 0-0 1-1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 0 0 10 23 Anthony Selden 4-9 1-5 0-0 0 2 2 1 9 0 0 1 0 21
24 William Jeffress 3-11 1-3 0-0 2 2 4 2 7 2 0 0 1 33 25 Sammy Itodo 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 5
Team 2 2 4 Team 1 1 2 1
Totals 25-71 8-23 13-21 19 35 54 24 71 12 13 2 4 200 Totals 19-64 5-25 7-13 11 27 38 27 50 10 18 3 8 200
FG % 1st Half: 6-28 21.4% 2nd half: 13-36 36.1% Game: 19-64 29.7% Deadball
FG % 1st Half: 8-39 20.5% 2nd half: 17-32 53.1% Game: 25-71 35.2% Deadball 3FG % 1st Half: 3-11 27.3% 2nd half: 2-14 14.3% Game: 5-25 20.0% Rebounds
3FG % 1st Half: 2-14 14.3% 2nd half: 6-9 66.7% Game: 8-23 34.8% Rebounds FT % 1st Half: 3-6 50.0% 2nd half: 4-7 57.1% Game: 7-13 53.8% 2
FT % 1st Half: 4-9 44.4% 2nd half: 9-12 75.0% Game: 13-21 61.9% 3
Pittsburgh 67 • 4-1,0-0 ACC
Northwestern 70 • 2-1,0-0 Big Ten Total 3-Ptr Rebounds
Total 3-Ptr Rebounds ## Player FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA Off Def Tot PF TP A TO Blk Stl Min
## Player FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA Off Def Tot PF TP A TO Blk Stl Min 11 Justin Champagnie f 10-20 0-4 4-4 7 14 21 0 24 5 2 2 1 32
10 Miller Kopp f 3-9 0-3 2-4 0 6 6 0 8 0
1 0 2 32 12 A. Karim Coulibaly f 3-6 0-0 0-0 4 5 9 4 6 1 0 2 0 17
22 Pete Nance f 2-6 1-4 0-0 0 7 7 4 5 3
2 2 0 31 00 Ithiel Horton g 1-6 0-5 0-0 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 27
01 Xavier Johnson g 4-5 1-2 3-5 1 2 3 2 12 4 3 0 0 18
31 Robbie Beran f 2-6 1-4 2-2 0 3 3 4 7 0
0 2 1 17
05 Au'Diese Toney g 2-8 0-2 5-8 1 2 3 1 9 0 3 0 1 31
00 Boo Buie g 2-9 2-6 8-11 0 4 4 2 14 6
3 0 0 34 02 Femi Odukale 0-2 0-1 4-6 0 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 20
01 Chase Audige g 5-15 2-8 0-2 0 3 3 2 12 2
2 0 0 33 03 Noah Collier 1-2 0-0 1-1 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 6
02 Ryan Greer 2-2 1-1 1-1 0 1 1 1 6 0
0 0 0 10 04 Gerald Drumgoole Jr. 0-2 0-1 1-2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 6
03 Ty Berry 1-3 1-2 0-0 0 1 1 1 3 1
0 0 0 10 13 Aidan Fisch 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
11 Anthony Gaines 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 5 2 0
1 0 1 10 21 Terrell Brown 1-3 0-0 2-6 5 1 6 2 4 0 2 2 0 9
23 John Hugley 1-5 0-1 0-0 0 6 6 2 2 0 1 0 0 13
15 Ryan Young 3-5 0-0 7-7 3 4 7 1 13 3
2 1 1 23 24 William Jeffress 0-5 0-2 0-0 1 5 6 2 0 0 1 0 2 16
Team 0 0 0 2 31 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Totals 21-57 8-28 20-27 4 30 34 20 70 15 13 5 5 200 35 Max Amadasun 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
42 Chayce Smith 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
FG % 1st Half: 11-30 36.7% 2nd half: 10-27 37.0% Game: 21-57 36.8% Deadball Team 0 0 0
3FG % 1st Half: 5-14 35.7% 2nd half: 3-14 21.4% Game: 8-28 28.6% Rebounds
Totals 23-64 1-18 20-32 20 38 58 17 67 13 16 7 8 200
FT % 1st Half: 6-7 85.7% 2nd half: 14-20 70.0% Game: 20-27 74.1%
FG % 1st Half: 10-30 33.3% 2nd half: 13-34 38.2% Game: 23-64 35.9% Deadball
Officials: Bill Ek,Rob Riley,Larry Scirotto 3FG % 1st Half: 0-9 0.0% 2nd half: 1-9 11.1% Game: 1-18 5.6% Rebounds
Technical fouls: Pittsburgh-TEAM. Northwestern-None. FT % 1st Half: 7-13 53.8% 2nd half: 13-19 68.4% Game: 20-32 62.5% 6
2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. Northwestern vs Pittsburgh. Played at Wels Officials: Evon Burroughs,Brian O'Connell,Ron Groover
Technical fouls: Gardner-Webb-None. Pittsburgh-None.
Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench 2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. Gardner-Webb vs Pittsburgh. Played at Pete
Pittsburgh 22 49 71
PITT 28 14 18 15 10
Northwestern 33 37 70 NU 20 13 4 17 24 Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Gardner-Webb 18 32 50 Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench
GW 24 11 6 14 22
Last FG - PITT 2nd-00:05, NU 2nd-01:27. Score tied - 0 times. Pittsburgh 27 40 67 PITT 36 12 17 9 14
Largest lead - PITT by 1 2nd-00:05, NU by 14 1st-03:21. Lead changed - 1 time.
PITT led for 00:05. NU led for 38:14. Game was tied for 01:41. Last FG - GW 2nd-00:20, PITT 2nd-00:47. Score tied - 0 times.
Largest lead - GW None, PITT by 22 2nd-03:07. Lead changed - 0 times.
GW led for 00:00. PITT led for 39:08. Game was tied for 00:52.
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Pittsburgh vs Miami (FL)
12/16/20 6:00 pm at Coral Gables, FL
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Louisville vs Pittsburgh Pittsburgh vs Syracuse
12/22/20 8:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA 01/06/21 4:30 pm at Syracuse, NY
FG % 1st Half: 10-26 38.5% 2nd half: 11-26 42.3% Game: 21-52 40.4% Deadball Officials: Jeffrey Anderson,Brian Dorsey,Teddy Valentine
3FG % 1st Half: 3-8 37.5% 2nd half: 1-6 16.7% Game: 4-14 28.6% Rebounds Technical fouls: Pittsburgh-None. Syracuse-None.
FT % 1st Half: 5-7 71.4% 2nd half: 3-12 25.0% Game: 8-19 42.1% 4 Attendance:
2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. Pittsburgh vs Syracuse. Played at Carrier
Technical fouls: Louisville-None. Pittsburgh-None. Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Attendance: Pittsburgh 18 45 63 Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench
2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. Louisville vs Pittsburgh. Played at Peters PITT 28 10 21 13 18
Syracuse 32 28 60 SYR 12 13 3 9 17
Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench Last FG - PITT 2nd-00:08, SYR 2nd-01:24. Score tied - 1 time.
Louisville 30 34 64 Largest lead - PITT by 3 2nd-00:02, SYR by 18 1st-06:36. Lead changed - 1 time.
LOU 34 15 15 11 9
Pittsburgh 28 26 54 PITT 24 21 10 8 24
PITT led for 00:08. SYR led for 39:30. Game was tied for 00:19.
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Syracuse vs Pittsburgh
01/16/21 12:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Pittsburgh vs Wake Forest North Carolina vs Pittsburgh
01/23/21 6:00 pm at Winston-Salem, NC 01/26/21 7:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh
01/30/21 8:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Virginia Tech vs Pittsburgh
02/03/21 7:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Pittsburgh vs Virginia Pittsburgh vs Georgia Tech
02/06/21 4:00 pm at Charlottesville, VA 02/14/21 4:00 pm at Atlanta, GA
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
NC State vs Pittsburgh Florida St. vs Pittsburgh
02/17/21 4:30 pm at Pittsburgh, PA 02/20/21 4:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
Officials: Clarence Armstrong,Brian Dorsey,Jamie Luckie FG % 1st Half: 12-33 36.4% 2nd half: 14-35 40.0% Game: 26-68 38.2% Deadball
3FG % 1st Half: 3-10 30.0% 2nd half: 1-7 14.3% Game: 4-17 23.5% Rebounds
Technical fouls: NC State-Jericole Hellems. Pittsburgh-Xavier Johnson; Femi
FT % 1st Half: 6-8 75.0% 2nd half: 10-14 71.4% Game: 16-22 72.7% 1
Odukale; TEAM.
Attendance: 500
2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. NC State vs Pittsburgh. Played at Petersen Officials: Tony Henderson,Mike Roberts,Bert Smith
Technical fouls: Florida St.-None. Pittsburgh-None.
Attendance: 500
Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench 2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. Florida St. vs Pittsburgh. Played at Peter
NC State 40 34 74
NCSU 42 21 12 10 14
Pittsburgh 39 34 73 PITT 32 16 11 11 27 Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Florida St. 39 40 79 Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench
Last FG - NCSU 2nd-01:41, PITT 2nd-01:49. Score tied - 6 times. FSU 44 8 17 17 33
Largest lead - NCSU by 10 1st-08:22, PITT by 2 2nd-01:49. Lead changed - 16 times.
Pittsburgh 33 39 72 PITT 38 8 20 8 9
NCSU led for 36:02. PITT led for 03:19. Game was tied for 00:39.
Last FG - FSU 2nd-02:27, PITT 2nd-00:11. Score tied - 2 times.
Largest lead - FSU by 11 2nd-06:48, PITT by 2 1st-19:25. Lead changed - 3 times.
FSU led for 35:29. PITT led for 02:17. Game was tied for 02:14.
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Pittsburgh vs NC State
02/28/21 4:00 pm at Raleigh, NC
2020-21 BOX SCORES
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Wake Forest vs Pittsburgh
03/02/21 6:00 pm at Pittsburgh, PA
Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics Official Basketball Box Score -- Game Totals -- Final Statistics
Pittsburgh vs Clemson Miami (FL) vs Pittsburgh
03/06/21 12:00 pm at Clemson, SC 03/09/21 2:00 pm at Greensboro, NC
Officials: Tom Morrissey,Roger Ayers,Bill Covington, Jr. Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast
Miami (FL) 40 39 79 Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench
Technical fouls: Pittsburgh-Gerald Drumgoole Jr.. Clemson-None.
MIAMI 38 22 11 19 5
Attendance: 1876 Pittsburgh 36 37 73 PITT 28 6 14 4 10
2020-21 Men's Basketball. Round: 0. Clemson vs Pittsburgh. Played at Littlejoh
Last FG - MIAMI 2nd-00:44, PITT 2nd-00:16. Score tied - 7 times.
Score by periods 1st 2nd Total In Off 2nd Fast Largest lead - MIAMI by 7 1st-04:04, PITT by 6 1st-13:31. Lead changed - 13 times.
Pittsburgh 36 26 62 Points Paint T/O Chance Break Bench MIAMI led for 20:04. PITT led for 15:59. Game was tied for 03:57.
PITT 18 14 4 5 28
Clemson 38 39 77 CLEM 32 16 3 11 45
1927-28 1929-30
a smooth, invaluable player, All-American captain Sykes Reed always Charley Hyatt’s senior season was one for the record books as the three-
outscored his man with his speed and head coach H.C. Carlson’s Panthers time All-American led Pitt to its second national title in three seasons. Hyatt
took advantage of good depth. Two key wins during the year included a (12.6 ppg. - 314 points) was described as the “surest shot that has ever
63-33 win vs. Dartmouth, the 1926-27 Eastern Collegiate champions, and stepped into the Stadium at Pitt,” and the “greatest” forward in America.
a 24-22 win vs. Notre Dame. In the game against Notre Dame, the Fighting He concluded his career averaging an amazing 13.1 points per game and
Irish led Pitt until the final seconds. With the score tied at 22-22, Charley twice led the nation in scoring. Others playing key roles on the squad
Hyatt took a pass from Paul Zehfuss and laid it through the hoop from under included Paul Zehfuss, a tiny guard who gained fame through his speed,
the basket. The shot gave Pitt the lead for the first time as the gun sounded. Lester Cohen, described as Pitt’s all-time best center, and guard Edward
Baker, who also quarterbacked the Panthers football team.
Lester Cohen, Paul Fisher, Charley Hyatt, J.W. McMahon, Sykes Reed, ROSTER
Sandberg, Stanley Wrobleski, Jerry Wunderlich, Paul Zehfuss, Donald Willie Arture, Edward Baker, Brown, Lester Cohen, Milton Cohen, Charley
Lynch (mgr). Coaching Staff: H.C. “Doc” Carlson (HC) Hyatt, S. Kowallis, Willie Kowallis, Stanley Wrobleski, Paul Zehfuss, Dean
Shannon (mgr). Coaching Staff: H.C. “Doc” Carlson (HC)
1940-41 1973-74
Sam Milanovich, Mel Port, Eddie Straloski, George Kocheran and Jimmy Keith Starr, helped the squad earn Pitt’s first NCAA Tournament Elite Eight
Klein, while Larry Paffrath, Clair Malarkey and Lefty Ziolowski each made appearance. The Panthers defeated Saint Joseph’s and Furman before
significant contributions off the bench. The squad was small by team losing the East Regional final to a No. 1-ranked NC State team which featured
standards, but advanced to the Final Four after receiving an invitation to David Thompson, Tom Burleson and Monty Towe.
the eight-team NCAA Tournament. In the NCAA’s eight-team tournament,
Pitt defeated North Carolina, 26-20, to advance to the Final Four. Pitt lost ROSTER
a 36-30 decision to Wisconsin, which went on to win the national title Marvin Abrams, Jim Bolla, Frank Boyd, Kirk Bruce, Mark Disco, John Endsley,
against Washington State. Sam Fleming, Lew Hill, Willie Kelly, Billy Knight, Mickey Martin, Greg McBride,
Scott Nedrow, Tom Richards, Bob Shrewsbury, Keith Starr, Scott Stephens,
ROSTER Wayne Talbott, Ken Wagoner, Tom Booth (mgr). Coaching Staff: Charles
Bob Artman, James Egan, James Klein, George Kocheran, Paul Lohmeyer, “Buzz” Ridl (HC), Tim Grgurich, Fran Webster.
Clair Malarkey, Ed Mastin, Harry Matthews, Sam Milanovich, Melvin Port,
Larry Paffrath, Ed Raymond, Sid Silverman, Eddie Straloski, John Swacus,
Bill Rial (mgr). Coaching Staff: H.C. “Doc” Carlson
1980-81 1981-82
1986-87 1987-88
• Lane led the NCAA in rebounding and set the Big East’s single-season of the Big East regular season title and earned the No. 2 seed in the Midwest
rebounding record (13.5 rpg). Region of the NCAA Tournament. Along with the 1-2 punch inside game
of Smith and Lane, other players including Jason Matthews, Demetreus
RECAP Gore, Sean Miller, Bobby Martin, Nate Bailey, Pat Cavanaugh and Darelle
In his first season as Pitt’s head coach, Paul Evans turned the Panthers Porter made significant contributions. The 1987-88 Big East championship
around faster than anyone in Big East history. Evans transformed a squad established Pitt and proved its potential as a basketball program. After
that finished 15-14 in 1985-86 and guided it to a co-Big East regular season defeating Eastern Michigan in the NCAA Tournament’s First Round, the
title and 25-8 record. Combining the leadership of point guard Curtis Aiken, Panthers dropped an 80-74 overtime heartbreaker to Vanderbilt. The
the emergence of NCAA rebounding champion Jerome Lane, the smooth, Comodores hit a three-pointer at the buzzer to send the game into overtime.
silky scoring of Charles Smith along with an outstanding cast of talented
supporting players in Demetreus Gore, Mike Goodson and Rod Brookin, ROSTER
Evans’ charges guided Pitt basketball into the spotlight. Nate Bailey, Rod Brookin, Pat Cavanaugh, Scott Colombo, Demetreus Gore,
Jerome Lane, Chris Langley, Bobby Martin, Steve Maslek, Jason Matthews,
ROSTER Sean Miller, Darelle Porter, Charles Smith. Coaching Staff: Paul Evans (HC),
Curtis Aiken, Rod Brookin, Rich Carrigan, Tico Cooper, Mike Goodson, John Calipari, Mark Coleman, Norm Law, Ronald “Duffy” Burns
Demetreus Gore, Jerome Lane, Steve Maslek, Charles Smith. Coaching
Staff: Paul Evans (HC), John Calipari, Mark Coleman, Norm Law, Dom
Berardinelli, Ronald “Duffy” Burns
2001-02 2002-03
• Howland’s National Coach of the Year honor was Pitt’s first since • Advanced to the Big East Championship final for the third straight year
Johnny Majors earned football coach of the year honors in 1976 • Seniors Brandin Knight, Donatas Zavackas and Ontario Lett finished
• Advanced to the Big East Tournament title game for the second with the best four-year record in school history: 89-40
consecutive season. • Julius Page was named the Big East Tournament Most Valuable Player
After league coaches picked the Panthers to finish sixth in the Big East’s After a highly successful 2001-02 campaign, the national spotlight was
West Division, the 2001-02 Panthers proved the critics wrong and surprised focused on the Panthers to continue that success and the veteran 2002-
the nation as they won the Big East-West championship and finished 29-6. 03 Pitt team didn’t disappoint. Scoring balance and team defense were
The team put Pitt Basketball back on the national scene as the squad relied strengths as six Panthers concluded the year scoring at least 9.0 points
on team chemistry and defensive strength. Guard Brandin Knight provided per game, while Pitt held its opponents to a school-record 59.2 average.
important leadership, led the team in both points (15.6 ppg.) and assists (7.2 The 2002-03 Panthers did what no Pittsburgh team had ever accomplished
apg.) and played a role in 47.9 percent of the team’s field goals. Fans enjoyed in the school’s 21-year Big East history, win the Big East Tournament title.
Julius Page’s athleticism, Jaron Brown’s determination and rebounding, Using suffocating, physical defense and balanced scoring, Pitt won three
Ontario Lett’s scoring presence, Donatas Zavackas’ outside shooting along straight games and defeated Connecticut, 74-56, for the title.
with a late season emergence from freshman Chevon Troutman.
ROSTER Marcus Bowman, Jaron Brown, Yuri Demetris, Carlo Dorazio, Gino Federico,
Jaron Brown, Yuri Demetris, Gino Federico, Chad Johnson, Brandin Knight, Levon Kendall, Brandin Knight, Carl Krauser, Ontario Lett, Mark McCarroll,
Carl Krauser, Ontario Lett, Mark McCarroll, Toree Morris, Julius Page, Tony Toree Morris, Julius Page, Charles Small, Chevon Troutman, Ed Turner,
Tate, Chevon Troutman, Donatas Zavackas. Coaching Staff: Ben Howland Donatas Zavackas. Coaching Staff: Ben Howland (HC), Jamie Dixon, Barry
(HC), Jamie Dixon, Barry Rohrssen, Ernie Zeigler, Chris Carlson Rohrssen, Ernie Zeigler, Chris Carlson
2003-04 2007-08
• The Petersen Events Center win streak of 34 games ranked as the During the final week of December, two of Pitt’s starters and most
third-longest win streak to open an arena in NCAA Division I history experienced players were lost to injuries in back-to-back games: Mike Cook
• Set school record for fewest points allowed per game (56.4 ppg), held in overtime vs. Duke (torn ACL) and Levance Fields at Dayton (fractured
23 opponents under 60 points and 33 of 36 under 70 points foot). Pitt was ranked as high as No. 6 nationally before the injuries. Despite
the adversity, coach Jamie Dixon and Pitt never lost sight of its goals.
RECAP Players stepped into new roles and responded. Fields eventually came back
With a new head coach and the departure of three starters comprising 40 and helped guide the team to the Big East Championship. Others who played
percent of the 2002-03 season’s offense, Pitt fans hoped for the best in key roles were leading scorer Sam Young, freshman All-American DeJuan
2003-04. But the emergence of Big East Coach of the Year Jamie Dixon, Big Blair, seniors Ronald Ramon and Keith Benjamin, along with emerging
East Rookie of the Year Chris Taft and Big East Most Improved Player Carl players Gilbert Brown, Tyrell Biggs and Brad Wanamaker. The season
Krauser set Pitt on a course of good fortune as it opened with 18 straight saw some amazing games and comebacks, including a win over Duke at
wins en route to a 31-5 record, third straight Big East regular season title Madison Square Garden on a Fields’ game-winning stepback three-pointer in
and third consecutive NCAA Tournament Sweet Sixteen. Team MVPs Jaron overtime. Ronald Ramon hit a game-winning three-pointer at the buzzer to
Brown and Julius Page along with Chevon Troutman, Mark McCarroll, Taft defeat West Virginia and Pitt also had one of the most amazing comebacks
and Krauser formed the foundation of the 2003-04 Panthers who won in school history when it used an 18-2 run to overcome an 11-point deficit
with devastating defense. with 3:49 left to claim an 82-77 win at Syracuse.
Marcus Bowman, Jaron Brown, Yuri Demetris, Antonio Graves, Aaron
Keith Benjamin, Tyrell Biggs, DeJuan Blair, Gilbert Brown, Mike Cook, Cassin
Gray, Levon Kendall, Carl Krauser, Mark McCarroll, Dante Milligan, Toree
Diggs, Levance Fields, Tim Frye, Gary McGhee, Maurice Polen, Ronald
Morris, Julius Page, Charles Small, Chevon Troutman, Chris Taft, Ed Turner.
Ramon, Austin Wallace, Sam Young, Brad Wanamaker. Coaching Staff: Jamie
Coaching Staff: Jamie Dixon (HC), Barry Rohrssen, Joe Lombardi, Pat
Sandle, Orlando Antigua. Dixon (HC), Pat Sandle, Tom Herrion, Orlando Antigua, Brandin Knight.
• Set season school records for most Big East regular season wins
(15), rebound margin (10.7), lowest opponent rebound average (29.2),
assist:turnover ratio (1.49) and fewest turnovers per game (11.7)
• Played in the first-ever basketball game at Consol Energy Center (Dec.
1, 2010 vs. Duquesne)
Pitt entered 2010-11 with lofty expectations including a preseason top-5
national ranking and coaches’ choice to win the Big East title. The Panthers
responded by winning the Big East regular season championship outright,
earning a No. 1 seed upon entering the NCAA Tournament and garnering
a top-5 national ranking throughout the year. Pitt celebrated its Big East
title following a 60-50 win over Villanova at the Petersen Events Center on
March 5, 2011. Leadership from Brad Wanamaker, Gary McGhee and Gilbert
Brown proved valuable throughout the year. Leading scorer Ashton Gibbs
and role players Nasir Robinson, Tray Woodall, Dante Taylor, Talib Zanna
and Lamar Patterson all made key contributions.
Gilbert Brown, Isaiah Epps, Ashton Gibbs, Gary McGhee, J.J. Moore, Aron
Nwankwo, Lamar Patterson, J.J. Richardson, Nick Rivers, Nasir Robinson,
Dante Taylor, Brad Wanamaker, Travon Woodall, Cameron Wright, Talib
Zanna. Coaching Staff: Jamie Dixon (HC), Pat Sandle, Brandin Knight, Pat
Skerry, Brian Regan.
Basketball Hall of Fame Associated Press All-America 1958 Don Hennon FoxSports.Net
1958 Don Hennon (1st) 1959 Don Hennon 2004 Chris Taft (1st)
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame 1959 Don Hennon (2nd)
1959 Henry Clifford Carlson, M.D. 1974 Billy Knight (2nd) Basketball Weekly Rivals.com
Charley Hyatt 1979 Sam Clancy (HM) 1974 Billy Knight (2nd) 2004 Chris Taft (2nd)
1983 Clyde Vaughan (HM) 1987 Jerome Lane (3rd) 2008 DeJuan Blair (3rd)
Helms Athletic Foundation Hall of Fame 1987 Jerome Lane (3rd)
1949 Henry Clifford “Doc” Carlson, M.D. 1988 Jerome Lane (2nd) Basketball Times National Freshman of the Week
Charley Hyatt Charles Smith (HM) 1987 Charles Smith (3rd)
1970 Don Hennon 2002 Brandin Knight (3rd) USBWA/CBS Sports FOTW
2003 Brandin Knight (HM) Wooden Award National POTY Nominees Justin Champagnie Feb. 11, 2020
National Player of the Year 2004 Carl Krauser (HM) 1987 Charles Smith
2006 Carl Krauser (HM) 1988 Charles Smith National Coach of the Year
Helms Foundation Player of the Year 2007 Aaron Gray (3rd) Jerome Lane
1930 Charley Hyatt 2008 Sam Young (HM) 1992 Sean Miller 2002 Ben Howland 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2009 DeJuan Blair (1st) 1999 Vonteego Cummings 2009 Jamie Dixon 2, 7
All-America Sam Young (3rd) 2002 Brandin Knight 2010 Jamie Dixon 6
Levance Fields (HM) 2003 Brandin Knight 2011 Jamie Dixon 5
Consensus All-America 2011 Ashton Gibbs (HM) 2004 Julius Page Associated Press1, Naismith2, USBWA3, ESPN
(AP, UPI, USBWA, TSN, NCAA) Brad Wanamaker (HM) Carl Krauser The Magazine4, Sporting News5, Jim Phelan
1929 Charley Hyatt (1st) 2021 Justin Champagnie (HM) 2005 Carl Krauser Award6, USA Basketball7
1930 Charley Hyatt (1st) All-America team in parentheses 2007 Aaron Gray
1933 Don Smith (1st) 2009 DeJuan Blair (Finalist) Other National Honors
1934 Claire Cribbs (1st) NABC All-America Sam Young
1935 Claire Cribbs (1st) 1958 Don Hennon (2nd) 2011 Ashton Gibbs NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship
1958 Don Hennon (1st) 1959 Don Hennon (2nd) Brad Wanamaker 1976 Tom Richards
1959 Don Hennon (1st) 1974 Billy Knight (2nd) 2021 Justin Champagnie 1986 Joey David
1974 Billy Knight (2nd) 1987 Jerome Lane (3rd) 1992 Darren Morningstar
1988 Jerome Lane (2nd) 1988 Charles Smith (2nd) Multiple All-America Honors
2009 DeJuan Blair (1st) 2007 Aaron Gray (3rd) Player Honors Verizon/CoSIDA Academic All-America
Consensus All-America team in parentheses 2009 DeJuan Blair (2nd) Charley Hyatt 3 1986 Joey David (2nd)
All-America team in parentheses Don Hennon 3
All-America Honors (1st, 2nd or 3rd Team) Jerome Lane 2 USBWA Most Courageous Athlete
1928 Charley Hyatt USBWA All-America Charles Smith 2 1994 Orlando Antigua
Sykes Reed 1958 Don Hennon Brandin Knight 2
1929 Charley Hyatt 1974 Billy Knight Claire Cribbs 2 Lowes Senior Class Award Finalists
1930 Charley Hyatt 1988 Jerome Lane (2nd) 2007 Aaron Gray
1933 Don Smith 2009 DeJuan Blair (1st) National Player of the Week 2009 Sam Young
1934 Claire Cribbs All-America team in parentheses 2011 Ashton Gibbs
1935 Claire Cribbs USBWA Oscar Robertson POTW
1957 Don Hennon UPI All-America Tray Woodall Feb. 6, 2012 High School All-America
1958 Don Hennon 1958 Don Hennon (1st)
1959 Don Hennon 1959 Don Hennon (1st) Dick Vitale/ESPN POTW McDonald’s All-America
1974 Billy Knight 1974 Billy Knight (3rd) Justin Champagnie Dec.. 14, 2021 1984 Charles Smith
1987 Charles Smith 1987 Jerome Lane (3rd) 1985 Jerome Lane
Jerome Lane 1988 Charles Smith (HM) Freshman All-America 1987 Bobby Martin
1988 Charles Smith All-America team in parentheses Brian Shorter
Jerome Lane Consensus Freshman All-America 2009 Dante Taylor
2002 Brandin Knight Sporting News 1978 Sam Clancy 2011 Khem Birch
2003 Brandin Knight 1958 Don Hennon (2nd) 1985 Charles Smith
2007 Aaron Gray 1959 Don Hennon (1st) 2004 Chris Taft Parade All-America
2009 DeJuan Blair 1974 Billy Knight (2nd) 2008 DeJuan Blair 1983 Curtis Aiken
Sam Young 2002 Brandin Knight (2nd) 1984 Charles Smith
2009 DeJuan Blair (1st) College Basketball News 1985 Jerome Lane
Wooden Award All-America Sam Young (3rd) 2004 Chris Taft (2nd) 1987 Brian Shorter
1987 Charles Smith All-America team in parentheses 1995 Vonteego Cummings
1988 Charles Smith CollegeInsider.com
2003 Brandin Knight Scripps Howard News Service 2008 DeJuan Blair (1st) Bob Gibbons Top 25 Recruits
2009 DeJuan Blair 1988 Charles Smith (1st) Year Rank Player
Sam Young Basketball Weekly 1983 18 Curtis Aiken
Helms Foundation All-America 1978 Sam Clancy (2nd) 1984 14 Charles Smith
1928 Charley Hyatt 1985 12 Jerome Lane
Sykes Reed Basketball Times 1987 6 Brian Shorter
1929 Charley Hyatt 1985 Charles Smith (1st)
1930 Charley Hyatt 2004 Chris Taft (1st) ESPN Top 25 Recruits
1933 Don Smith 2008 DeJuan Blair (1st) Year Rank Player
1934 Claire Cribbs 2009 16 Dante Taylor
1935 Claire Cribbs The Sporting News 2011 12 Khem Birch
1957 Don Hennon 2004 Chris Taft (1st) 2012 6 Steven Adams
Two-time All-American (1934-35)
SYKES REED 6-0 • G • Jeannette, Pa.
All-American (1928)
• Selected NCAA Consensus First Team All-
6-0 • G • Braddock, Pa.
American in 1934 and 1935.
CHARLEY HYATT • Named a Helms Foundation All- American • Helms Foundation First Team All-American
Three-time All-American (1928-30) (1927-28). in 1934 and 1935.
6-0 • F • Uniontown, Pa. • Helped lead Pittsburgh to its first national • Le d P i tt to t h re e - st ra i g ht Ea ste r n
championship (1928). Intercollegiate Basketball titles.
• Elected to the Naismith Memorial Basketball • Known for his speed and quickness. • Member of the following Halls of Fame: Ohio
Hall of Fame in 1959. • Senior captain on 1927-28 squad that Coaches, Westmoreland County and Ohio
• Member of the Helms Athletic Foundation finished undefeated at 21-0. Chapter of the Dapper Dan.
Hall of Fame and member of its All-Time • One of two All-Americans on the 1927-28
College Basketball Team. squad (Charley Hyatt was the other).
• One of only 18 players in NCAA Division I • Backcourt mate on the 1927-28 national title
basketball history to earn three All-American team, Stanley Wrobleski, played at same
honors. high school, Braddock H.S.
• NCAA Consensus First Team All-American
(1929 and 1930).
• Three-time Helms Foundation All-America
selection (‘28-’30).
• Named Helms Foundation Player of the
Year (1930).
• Listed in the NCAA's "Men's Basketball's
Finest" Publication.
• Member of two national title teams (1928
and 1930).
• Led the nation in scoring twice (1927-28 and
1929-30). In both years, Pitt won national
• NCAA Consensus Second Team All- • Second Team All-America selection by • Named a Scripps Howard First Team All-
American in 1973-74. both the Associated Press and USBWA in American in 1987-88.
• UPI Third Team All-America selection in 1987-88. • Wooden Award All-American in 1986-87
1973-74. • AP, UPI, Basketball Weekly and NABC Third and 1987-88.
• Considered Pittsburgh’s finest all-around Team All-America selection in 1986-87. • NABC Second Team All-American in 1987-
player ever. • Shortest player to lead the nation in 88.
• Led Panthers to a 25-4 record, including rebounding since 6-foot-6 Elgin Baylor • Third Team All-America pick by Basketball
a school-record 22 consecutive wins in accomplished the feat in 1957. Led NCAA Weekly in 1987-88.
1973-74. Division I in rebounding with a 13.5 average • Basketball Times Third Team All-American
• Pittsburgh reached the 1974 NCAA Regional in 1986-87. in 1986-87.
finals, losing in the NCAA Sweet Sixteen to • Concluded career with a 13.1 points per • AP and UPI Honorable Mention All-America
top-ranked and eventual national champion game average and 10.4 rebounds per game selection in 1987-88.
North Carolina State. and averaged over 12.0 rebounds per game • 1988 Big East Player of the Year and two-
• Concluded career with 1,731 points (22.2 in two consecutive seasons. One of only two time All-Big East First Team selection in
ppg.), 938 rebounds (12.0 rpg.) in 78 career players in school history to achieve this feat. 1986-87 and 1987-88.
games played. • Selected in the first round of the 1988 • 1985 Big East Freshman of the Year
• Averaged over 20.0 points and over 10.0 NBA Draft. • Only player in school history to earn All-Big
rebounds per game in each of his three • Played in NBA for several teams including East honors four straight years.
seasons, the only player in Pitt history to Denver, Milwaukee, Indiana and Cleveland. • Listed No. 8 on the Big East’s 50 Greatest
achieve this distinction. Players List.
• Shot an astounding .522 from the field • Led Pittsburgh to its first outright Big East
(750-1,436) over his three-year career. regular season championship in 1987-88.
• Member of the 1988 United States Olympic
• Third overall pick selected in the first round
of the 1988 NBA Draft.
• Pitt’s career scoring leader with 2,045
career points and also finished with 987
career rebounds.
• One of four finalists for the Wooden,
Naismith and Oscar Robertson national
player of the year awards in 2008-09.
• Big East co-Player of the Year, USBWA
District Player of the Year, All-Big East First
Team selection in 2008-09.
• Led nation in offensive rebounding (5.6
orpg) and ranked among national leaders in
rebounding (4th) and field goal percentage
(19th), averaged 15.7 ppg. and 12.3 rpg. as a
• Averaged 13.6 points and 10.7 rebounds over
72 career games.
• Finished his two-year career with two 20-20
performances, 35 double-doubles, three
20-plus rebound games and 17 20-point
scoring games.
• Consensus Freshman All-America honoree,
three-time national Rookie of the Week
All-American (2009)
6-6 • F • Clinton, Md.
• Named to the Associated Press All-America
Third Team, Sports Illustrated Second Team
and Sporting News Third Team in 2008-09.
Also a Wooden All-America selection as a
• Finalist for the Naismith, Wooden and Lowe’s
Senior Class Awards.
• Two-time All-Region and two-time All-Big
East First Team selection, one of only four
players in school history to achieve that
• Associated Press honorable mention All-
America and Big East Most Improved Player
DEJUAN BLAIR Award selection in 2007-08.
All-American (2009) • Concluded career ranked fourth on school’s
6-7 • C • Pittsburgh, Pa. all-time scoring list (1,884), scored over
20 points in 32 career games and reached
• Consensus First Team All-America in 2008- double figures in 97 career contests.
09: Associated Press, USBWA, Wooden,
ESPN.com, Sports Illustrated, The Sporting
News, State Farm NABC, Basketball Times.
Regional Player of the Year 1975 Keith Starr (3rd)
1977 Larry Harris (3rd)
USBWA Region Player of the Year 1978 Larry Harris (3rd)
1988 Charles Smith 1979 Sam Clancy (2nd)
2002 Brandin Knight 1980 Sam Clancy (1st)
2009 DeJuan Blair 1981 Sam Clancy (1st)
1983 Clyde Vaughan (1st)
Regional Coach of the Year 1984 Clyde Vaughan (1st)
1985 Charles Smith (2nd)
NBCA Region Coach of the Year 1986 Charles Smith (1st)
1974 Charles “Buzz” Ridl 1987 Charles Smith (1st)
2002 Ben Howland Jerome Lane (1st)
2003 Ben Howland 1988 Charles Smith (1st)
Jerome Lane (2nd)
USBWA Region Coach of the Year 1989 Brian Shorter (1st)
2009 Jamie Dixon 1990 Brian Shorter (1st)
Jason Matthews (2nd)
All-Region Honors 1991 Brian Shorter (1st)
1992 Sean Miller (1st)
USBWA All-District 1993 Jerry McCullough (1st)
1977 Larry Harris 1994 Jerry McCullough (2nd)
1978 Larry Harris Eric Mobley (2nd)
1979 Sam Clancy 1995 Jaime Peterson (1st)
1980 Sam Clancy 1997 Vonteego Cummings (1st)
1981 Sam Clancy 1998 Vonteego Cummings (2nd)
1983 Clyde Vaughan 1999 Vonteego Cummings (1st)
1984 Clyde Vaughan 2001 Ricardo Greer (2nd)
1986 Charles Smith 2002 Brandin Knight (1st)
1987 Charles Smith 2003 Brandin Knight (1st)
Jerome Lane Julius Page (2nd)
1988 Charles Smith 2004 Jaron Brown (1st)
Jerome Lane Carl Krauser (1st)
1991 Brian Shorter Julius Page (2nd)
1992 Sean Miller 2005 Carl Krauser (1st)
1993 Jerry McCullough Chevon Troutman (1st)
1999 Vonteego Cummings Chris Taft (2nd)
2000 Ricardo Greer 2006 Carl Krauser (1st)
2001 Ricardo Greer Aaron Gray (2nd)
2002 Brandin Knight 2007 Aaron Gray (1st)
2003 Brandin Knight 2008 Sam Young (1st)
Julius Page DeJuan Blair (2nd)
2004 Carl Krauser 2009 DeJuan Blair (2nd)
Julius Page Sam Young (2nd)
2005 Carl Krauser 2011 Ashton Gibbs (1st)
Chevon Troutman Brad Wanamaker (2nd)
2007 Aaron Gray 2014 Lamar Patterson (2nd)
2008 Sam Young 2016 Michael Young (2nd)
2009 DeJuan Blair 2021 Justin Champagnie (1st) Justin Champagnie
Sam Young
Levance Fields Multiple USBWA/NABC All-Region Honors
2010 Ashton Gibbs 4 (1985-88) Charles Smith
2011 Ashton Gibbs (1st) 3 (1979-81) Sam Clancy NCAA All-Regional Team
Brad Wanamaker (2nd) 3 (1962-64) Brian Generalovich
2017 Michael Young 3 (1997-99) Vonteego Cummings 1957 John Riser (28.0 ppg.) - Mideast
2021 Justin Champagnie 3 (2004-06) Carl Krauser 1974 Billy Knight (21.3 ppg./8.0 rpg.) - East
2 (2010-11) Ashton Gibbs 2009 DeJuan Blair (16.8 ppg./13.8 rpg.) - East
NABC All-Region 2 (1973-74) Billy Knight Sam Young (23.8 ppg./7.8 rpg.) - East
1954 Clarence Burch 2 (2002-03) Brandin Knight
1955 Ed Pavlick 2 (1977-78) Larry Harris
1957 Don Hennon 2 (1983-84) Clyde Vaughan
1958 Don Hennon (1st) 2 (1987-88) Jerome Lane
Julius Pegues (HM) 2 (1993-94) Jerry McCullough
1959 Don Hennon (1st) 2 (2003-04) Julius Page
1960 John Fridley (3rd) 2 (2006-07) Aaron Gray
1962 Brian Generalovich (2nd) 2 (2008-09) DeJuan Blair
1963 Brian Generalovich (2nd) 2 (2008-09) Sam Young
1964 Brian Generalovich (2nd) 2 (2016-17) Michael Young
1973 Billy Knight (2nd)
1974 Billy Knight (1st)
ACC Honors Big East Honors 2000 Ricardo Greer Multiple All-League Honors
2001 Ricardo Greer Player Total
All-ACC Big East’s 50 Greatest Players 2003 Brandin Knight Charles Smith 3
2014 Lamar Patterson (c & m - 2nd) Charles Smith No. 8 2004 Jaron Brown Brian Shorter 3
Talib Zanna (c & m - HM) Carl Krauser Vonteego Cummings 3
2015 Jamel Artis (c - 3rd; m - HM) Big East Player of the Year 2005 Carl Krauser Jason Matthews 3
Michael Young (m - HM) 1988 Charles Smith 2006 Carl Krauser Clyde Vaughan 3
2016 Michael Young (c & m - 3rd) 2002 Brandin Knight (co) 2007 Levance Fields Sam Clancy 3
2017 Michael Young (3rd) 2009 DeJuan Blair (co) 2010 Ashton Gibbs Carl Krauser 3
Jamel Artis (HM) 2011 Brad Wanamaker Brandin Knight 2
2021 Justin Champagnie (1st) Freshman of the Year Jerome Lane 2
c - coaches; m - media 1985 Charles Smith Third Team Jerry McCullough 2
ACC went to a combined coaches & media 1988 Sean Miller 1983 Clyde Vaughan Ricardo Greer 2
team prior to the 2016-17 season 1989 Brian Shorter 1985 Charles Smith Sammie Elllis 2
2004 Chris Taft 1986 Charles Smith Ashton Gibbs 2
ACC All-Freshman Team 2008 DeJuan Blair (co) Demetreus Gore Aaron Gray 2
2019 Xavier Johnson 1989 Jason Matthews Sam Young 2
Most Improved Player 1990 Jason Matthews Chevon Troutman 2
All-ACC Tournament 2000 Ricardo Greer (co) 1991 Jason Matthews Levance Fields 2
2014 Talib Zanna (1st) 2002 Brandin Knight 1992 Darren Morningstar Michael Young 2
Lamar Patterson (2nd) 2004 Carl Krauser 1994 Jerry McCullough
2006 Aaron Gray Eric Mobley Multiple First Team All-League Honors
Skip Prosser Award 2008 Sam Young 1999 Vonteego Cummings Player Total
(ACC MBB Scholar-Athlete of the Year) 2010 Ashton Gibbs Isaac Hawkins Charles Smith 2
2014 Cameron Wright 2003 Julius Page Sam Clancy 2
Coach of the Year Chevon Troutman Brian Shorter 2
ACC Weekly Awards 2002 Ben Howland 2004 Chris Taft Aaron Gray 2
2004 Jamie Dixon 2009 Levance Fields Sam Young 2
ACC Player of the Week 2013 Tray Woodall
Dec. 2, 2013 Lamar Patterson Sportsmanship Award Player of the Week Selections
Jan. 13, 2014 Lamar Patterson 2004 Jaron Brown Honorable Mention Player Total
Jan. 27, 2014 Lamar Patterson 2008 Ronald Ramon (co) 2002 Jaron Brown Lamar Patterson 3
Feb. 9, 2015 Jamel Artis 2011 Brad Wanamaker Julius Page Sam Young 3
Dec. 28, 2015 Jamel Artis 2003 Ontario Lett Carl Krauser 3
Nov. 14, 2016 Michael Young Big East Scholar-Athlete of the Year 2004 Julius Page Sam Clancy 3
Nov. 21, 2016 Michael Young 1985 Joey David 2005 Chris Taft Vonteego Cummings 3
Dec. 14, 2020 Justin Champagnie 2008 DeJuan Blair Brandin Knight 3
Jan. 18, 2021 Justin Champagnie Big East Basketball 2012 Ashton Gibbs Clyde Vaughan 3
Jan. 25, 2021 Justin Champagnie Scholar-Athlete of the Year Sammie Ellis 2
1985 Joey David All-Freshman / Rookie Team Jerry McCullough 2
ACC Freshman of the Week 1992 Darren Morningstar 1985 Charles Smith Chris McNeal 2
Dec. 31, 2018 Trey McGowens 2007 Aaron Gray 1987 Rod Brookin Charles Smith 2
Jan. 14, 2019 Trey McGowens 1988 Bobby Martin Brian Shorter 2
Jan. 27, 2020 Justin Champagnie All-Big East Jason Matthews Ashton Gibbs 2
Feb. 10, 2020 Justin Champagnie Sean Miller Jamel Artis 2
First Team 1992 Orlando Antigua Michael Young 2
ALL-CONFERENCE 2004 Jaron Brown Feb. 12, 1989 Brian Shorter Eastern 8 All-League
Carl Krauser Jan. 6, 1991 Chris McNeal
Chris Taft Jan. 12, 1992 Jerry McCullough
Year Selections 2006 Aaron Gray Jan. 17, 1993 Garrick Thomas 1978 Larry Harris
1977 1 Carl Krauser Dec. 22, 1997 Ricardo Greer 1979 Sam Clancy
1978 1 2007 Antono Graves Jan. 19, 1998 Ricardo Greer 1980 Sammie Ellis
1979 2 2008 Sam Young Feb. 23, 1998 Ricardo Greer 1981 Sam Clancy
1980 2 Levance Fields Dec. 22, 2003 Chris Taft
1981 2 Dec. 29, 2003 Chris Taft Second Team
1982 1 Big East Weekly Awards Jan. 12, 2004 Chris Taft 1977 Larry Harris
1983 1 Jan. 26, 2004 Chris Taft 1979 Terry Knight
1984 1 Player of the Week March 1, 2004 Chris Taft Sammie Ellis
1985 0 Feb. 6, 1983 Clyde Vaughan March 7, 2004 Chris Taft 1980 Sam Clancy
1986 2 Feb. 12, 1984 Andre Williams Dec. 26, 2005 Sam Young 1981 Carlton Neverson
1987 2 Jan. 4, 1987 Curtis Aiken Dec. 17, 2007 DeJuan Blair 1982 Clyde Vaughan
1988 2 Feb. 15, 1987 Jerome Lane Dec. 24, 2007 DeJuan Blair
1989 2 Jan. 3, 1988 Charles Smith Jan. 14, 2008 DeJuan Blair Eastern 8 Tournament
1990 1 Feb. 21, 1988 Charles Smith Dec. 3, 2012 James Robinson
Most Valuable Player
1991 2 Feb. 4, 1990 Brian Shorter
1981 Lenny McMillian
1992 2 Dec. 2, 1990 Sean Miller Big East Stat Champions
1982 Clyde Vaughan
1993 1 Jan. 13, 1991 Brian Shorter
1994 2 Nov. 24, 1991 Darren Morningstar Scoring
All-Tournament Team
1995 1 Dec. 22, 1991 Chris McNeal 1983 Clyde Vaughan (22.0)
1978 Larry Harris
1996 0 Dec. 20, 1992 Jerry McCullough
1979 Terry Knight
1997 1 Jan. 3, 1993 Chris McNeal Field Goal Percentage
1981 Lennie McMillian
1998 1 Jan. 24, 1993 Jerry McCullough 2006 Aaron Gray (.572)
Dwayne Wallace
1999 2 Dec. 19, 1994 Andre Alridge 2009 DeJuan Blair (.570)
1982 Clyde Vaughan
2000 1 Jan. 23, 1995 Jaime Peterson 2011 Gary McGhee (.621)
Dwayne Wallace
2001 1 Jan. 13, 1997 Vonteego Cummings
2002 3 Feb. 23, 1998 Vonteego Cummings Three-Point Percentage
Eastern 8 Weekly Awards
2003 4 Nov. 30, 1998 Vonteego Cummings 1989 Jason Matthews (.522)
2004 4 Jan. 7, 2002 Brandin Knight 1996 Garrick Thomas (.524)
Player of the Week
2005 2 Feb. 18, 2002 Brandin Knight 1997 Vonteego Cummings (.444)
Feb. 13, 1978 Larry Harris
2006 2 Dec. 23, 2002 Brandin Knight 2006 Ronald Ramon (.508)
Jan. 29, 1979 Sammie Ellis
2007 2 Jan. 13, 2003 Ontario Lett 2011 Ashton Gibbs (.485)
Feb. 6, 1979 Sam Clancy
2008 1 Dec. 1, 2003 Carl Krauser
Feb. 13, 1979 Sam Clancy
2009 3 Nov. 29, 2004 Chevon Troutman Free Throw Percentage
Dec. 17, 1979 Sammie Ellis
2010 1 Dec. 6, 2004 Carl Krauser 1989 Jason Matthews (.920)
Feb. 8, 1981 Sam Clancy
2011 2 Dec. 20, 2004 Carl Krauser 1990 Jason Matthews (.909)
Jan. 4, 1982 Clyde Vaughan
2012 0 Feb. 28, 2005 Chris Taft 1991 Sean Miller (.923)
Jan. 25, 1982 Darrell Gissendanner
2013 1 Nov. 19, 2007 Sam Young 1992 Sean Miller (.927)
Feb. 22, 1982 Clyde Vaughan
2014 2 Dec. 24, 2007 Levance Fields 2011 Ashton Gibbs (.935)
2015 2 Jan. 26, 2009 Sam Young
Eastern 8 Stat Champions
2016 1 Feb. 23, 2009 DeJuan Blair Rebounding
2017 1 March 8, 2009 Sam Young 1987 Jerome Lane (14.0)
2018 0
Jan. 4, 2010 Ashton Gibbs 1988 Jerome Lane (11.6)
1977 Larry Harris (22.9)
2019 0 Nov. 22, 2010 Ashton Gibbs 1998 Isaac Hawkins (9.7)
2020 0 Dec. 20, 2010 Gilbert Brown 2006 Aaron Gray (10.5)
2021 1 Feb. 6, 2012 Tray Woodall 2009 DeJuan Blair (12.4)
1980 Sam Clancy (11.1)
1981 Sam Clancy (12.8)
Rookie of the Week Assists
Feb. 6, 1983 Joey David 1990 Darelle Porter (7.6)
Dec. 16, 1984 Demetreus Gore 1992 Sean Miller (7.0)
1982 Dwayne Wallace (6.2)
Jan. 27, 1985 Charles Smith 2009 Levance Fields (7.5)
Feb. 17, 1985 Charles Smith
Feb. 24, 1985 Charles Smith Steals
1981 Carlton Neverson (2.7)
Dec. 1, 1985 Jerome Lane 1997 Kellii Taylor (3.0)
1982 Dwayne Wallace (2.4)
Dec. 22, 1985 Jerome Lane 1998 Kellii Taylor (3.0)
Feb. 1, 1987 Rod Brookin
Feb. 15, 1987 Rod Brookin Blocked Shots
Dec. 1, 1987 Sean Miller 1987 Charles Smith (3.1)
Dec. 13, 1987 Jason Matthews
Jan. 3, 1988 Sean Miller
Jan. 17, 1988 Sean Miller
Jan. 24, 1988 Bobby Martin
Feb. 14, 1988 Sean Miller
Feb. 21, 1988 Jason Matthews
Jan. 15, 1989 Brian Shorter
Feb. 5, 1989 Brian Shorter
National 2018 Marcus Carr 2017 Crisshawn Clark 2005 Aaron Gray
Khameron Davis Cameron Johnson Levon Kendall
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship Parker Stewart Ryan Luther 2006 Marcus Bowman
1976 Tom Richards Shamiel Stevenson Corey Manigault Levon Kendall
1986 Joey David Jared Wilson-Frame Zach Smith Maurice Polen
1992 Darren Morningstar 2019 Kene Chukwuka 2018 Monty Boykins Charles Small
2020 Justin Champagnie Marcus Carr 2007 Levon Kendall
CoSIDA Academic All-America Gerald Drumgoole, Jr. Samson George Maurice Polen
1986 Joey David (2nd) Eric Hamilton Peace Ilegomah 2008 Maurice Polen
Trey McGowens Ryan Luther 2009 Tim Frye
CoSIDA Academic All-District 2 Ryan Murphy Joe Mascaro Ashton Gibbs
2016 Rafael Maia (1st) 2021 William Jeffress Jonathan Milligan Ryan Tiesi
2017 Cameron Johnson (1st) Femi Odukale Zach Smith 2010 Tim Frye
Anthony Starzynski Ashton Gibbs
Conference ACC Academic Honor Roll Parker Stewart Lamar Patterson
2014 Joshua Ko 2019 Curtis Aiken, Jr. J.J. Richardson
Skip Prosser Award Josh Newkirk Kene Chukwuka Nick Rivers
ACC Basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year Lamar Patterson Samson George Dante Taylor
2014 Cameron Wright James Robinson Xavier Johnson Austin Wallace
Joseph Uchebo Trey McGowens 2011 Aron Nwankwo
Academic All-ACC Cameron Wright Anthony Starzynski Nick Rivers
2014 Jamel Artis Michael Young 2020 Jusitn Champagnie Cameron Wright
Josh Newkirk 2015 Sheldon Jeter Kene Chukwuka 2012 Malcolm Gilbert
Cameron Wright Cameron Johnson Abdoul Karim Coulibaly John Johnson
Michael Young Mike Lecak Gerald Drumgoole Jr. Aron Nwankwo
2015 Sheldon Jeter Joseph Uchebo Onyebuchi Ezeakudo Nick Rivers
James Robinson Cameron Wright Samson George 2013 Steven Adams
Cameron Wright 2016 Cameron Johnson Trey McGowens Aron Nwankwo
2016 Cameron Johnson Mike Lecak Ryan Murphy James Robinson
Ryan Luther Ryan Luther Chayce Smith Tray Woodall
Rafael Maia Rafael Maia Au’Diese Toney Cameron Wright
Damon Wilson Rozelle Nix 2021 Max Amadasun
2017 Cameron Johnson Zach Smith Noah Collier Bernie Lerner Scholarship Award
Ryan Luther Damon Wilson Aidan Fisch Academic/Athletic Excellence
William Jeffress 1989 Pat Cavanaugh
Femi Odukale
Chayce Smith Graduated Early with
James Robinson athletic eligibility remaining
Big East Basketball 1992 Darren Morningstar
Scholar-Athlete of the Year 1997 Jason Maile
1985 Joey David 2007 Levon Kendall
1991 Darren Morningstar (first alternate) 2011 Nick Rivers
1992 Darren Morningstar 2013 Lamar Patterson
2007 Aaron Gray Talib Zanna
2016 Chris Jones
Big East Scholar-Athlete of the Year 2017 Cameron Johnson
Most Valuable Player Captains Award Rebounding Leader Academic Excellence Award
2003 Brandin Knight 2003 Brandin Knight 2003 Chevon Troutman 2004 Aaron Gray
2004 Jaron Brown Ontario Lett 2004 Chris Taft 2005 Aaron Gray
Julius Page 2004 Jaron Brown 2005 Chevon Troutman 2006 Marcus Bowman
2005 Chevon Troutman Toree Morris 2006 Aaron Gray 2007 Levon Kendall
2006 Carl Krauser Julius Page 2007 Aaron Gray 2008 Maurice Polen
2007 Aaron Gray 2005 Mark McCarroll 2008 DeJuan Blair 2009 Gilbert Brown
2008 Sam Young Chevon Troutman 2009 DeJuan Blair 2010 Dante Taylor
2009 Levance Fields 2006 John DeGroat 2010 Gary McGhee 2011 Cameron Wright
DeJuan Blair Levon Kendall 2011 Gary McGhee 2012 Malcolm Gilbert
Sam Young Carl Krauser 2012 Nasir Robinson 2013 Cameron Wright
2010 Brad Wanamaker 2007 Aaron Gray 2013 Steven Adams 2014 Cameron Wright
Ashton Gibbs Levon Kendall 2014 Talib Zanna 2015 Cameron Johnson
2011 Brad Wanamaker Antonio Graves 2015 Michael Young 2016 Rafael Maia
Ashton Gibbs Doyle Hudson 2016 Michael Young
2012 Tray Woodall 2008 Keith Benjamin 2017 Sheldon Jeter Jaron Brown Pursuit of Academic
Lamar Patterson Mike Cook Excellence Award
2013 Tray Woodall Ronald Ramon Most Inspirational Player 2006 Sam Young
2014 Lamar Patterson 2009 Tyrell Biggs 2003 Jaron Brown 2007 Austin Wallace
2015 Jamel Artis Levance Fields 2004 Carl Krauser 2008 Ronald Ramon
Michael Young Sam Young 2005 Carl Krauser 2009 Tyrell Biggs
2016 Michael Young 2010 Jermaine Dixon 2006 Levance Fields 2010 J.J. Richardson
Brad Wanamaker 2007 Tyrell Biggs 2011 Dante Taylor
Most Improved Player 2011 Gilbert Brown 2008 Levance Fields 2012 Cameron Wright
2003 Carl Krauser Gary McGhee 2009 Brad Wanamaker 2013 Steven Adams
2004 Mark McCarroll Brad Wanamaker 2010 Nasir Robinson 2014 Joseph Uchebo
2005 Levon Kendall 2012 Ashton Gibbs 2011 Nick Rivers 2015 Ryan Luther
John DeGroat Nasir Robinson Tray Woodall 2016 Damon Wilson
2006 Aaron Gray Nick Rivers 2012 Ashton Gibbs
2007 Sam Young Tray Woodall Nasir Robinson Panther Award
2008 Brad Wanamaker 2013 Tray Woodall 2013 Dante Taylor 1974 Billy Knight
Gary McGhee Dante Taylor J.J. Moore 1975 Kirk Bruce
2009 Nasir Robinson Lamar Patterson 2014 Durand Johnson 1987 Curtis Aiken
2010 Travon Woodall 2014 Lamar Patterson 2015 Sheldon Jeter 1991 Darelle Porter
2011 Lamar Patterson Talib Zanna 2016 James Robinson Brian Shorter
Talib Zanna 2015 Cameron Wright 1992 Sean Miller
2012 J.J. Moore 2016 James Robinson Coaches Award 1999 Vonteego Cummings
2013 Durand Johnson 2003 Chevon Troutman 2001 Ricardo Greer
2014 Chris Jones Free Throw Shooting Leader 2004 Chevon Troutman 2003 Brandin Knight
2015 Chris Jones 2003 Donatas Zavackas 2005 Keith Benjamin 2004 Jaron Brown
2016 Ryan Luther 2004 Carl Krauser 2006 Antonio Graves 2006 Carl Krauser
2005 Ronald Ramon Charles Small 2007 Aaron Gray
Best Defensive Player 2006 Ronald Ramon 2007 Mike Cook 2009 Levance Fields
2003 Julius Page 2007 Ronald Ramon Levance Fields Sam Young
2004 Julius Page 2008 Mike Cook 2008 Tyrell Biggs 2011 Brad Wanamaker
2005 Antonio Graves 2009 Ashton Gibbs Gilbert Brown 2016 James Robinson
2006 Levon Kendall 2010 Ashton Gibbs 2009 Gary McGhee
2007 Antonio Graves 2011 Ashton Gibbs 2010 Gilbert Brown Varsity Walk
2008 Ronald Ramon 2012 John Johnson Chase Adams 1950 Louis Cecconi
2009 Jermaine Dixon Ashton Gibbs 2011 J.J. Moore 1951 George Radosevich
2010 Jermaine Dixon 2013 J.J. Moore 2012 Dante Taylor 1953 Donald Virostek
Gary McGhee 2014 Michael Young 2013 Lamar Patterson Michael Zernich
2011 Nasir Robinson 2015 James Robinson Talib Zanna 1954 Richard E. Deitrick
2012 Talib Zanna 2016 Sheldon Jeter 2014 Jamel Artis 1958 Julius Pegues
2013 Cameron Wright 2017 Cameron Johnson Josh Newkirk 1959 Don Hennon
James Robinson 2015 James Robinson 1961 Mike Ditka
2014 James Robinson 2016 Cameron Johnson
Cameron Wright Blue-Gold Award
2015 not awarded 1971 William Downes
2016 Sheldon Jeter 1972 Kent Scott
1976 Thomas Richard
1984 Clyde Vaughan
Olympic Games Panthers Representing Other Countries in
1988 Charles Smith, Bronze Medal International Play INTERNATIONAL PRO PANTHERS
(Seoul, Korea) 1983 Clyde Vaughan (England)
Player Country Player Country
1989 Clyde Vaughan (England)
Chase Adams Germany Jerry McCullough Russia, Croatia, Italy
World Championships 1990 Clyde Vaughan (England)
Sotiris Aggelou Greece Gary McGhee Germany, Turkey, Croatia
1986 Charles Smith, Gold Medal 1995 Orlando Antigua (Dominican Republic)
Orlando Antigua Puerto Rico Romania, Spain, Serbia, Greece
(Madrid, Spain) 1998 Orlando Antigua (Dominican Republic)
Dominican Republic, Harlem Globetrotters Portugal, Mexico
Donatas Zavackas (Lithuania)
Jamel Artis Greece, France, Lithuania Lennie McMillian Ireland
Pan American Games 1999 Ricardo Greer (Dominican Republic)
Keith Benjamin Lithuania, Australia Chris McNeal France
1979 Sam Clancy, Gold Medal Donatas Zavackas (Lithuania)
Tyrell Biggs Lithuania Eric Mobley Puerto Rico
(San Juan, P.R.) 2000 Ricardo Greer (Dominican Republic)
Greece, Israel, Cyprus Darren Morningstar Spain, Argentina
1987 Jerome Lane, Silver Medal Donatas Zavackas (Lithuania)
Dejuan Blair China, Argentina, Italy Puerto Rico, Italy
(Indianapolis, Ind.) 2002 Ricardo Greer (Dominican Republic)
Mark Blount France Toree Morris Chile, South Korea
2004 Doyle Hudson (Bahamas)
Monty Boykins Armenia Portugal, Canada
Pan American Games 3x3 2005 Levon Kendall (Canada)
Gilbert Brown Venezuela, Turkey Alonzo Nelson-Ododa Italy
2019 Sheldon Jeter, Gold Medal 2006 Levon Kendall (Canada)
Germany, Puerto Rico Dominican Republic, Denmark
(Lima, Peru) 2007 Levon Kendall (Canada)
Dominican Republic, Italy, Israel Carlton Neverson Israel
Carl Krauser (Virgin Islands)
Jaron Brown Australia Sidy N’Dir France
World University Games 2008 Levon Kendall (Canada)
Mike Cook Iceland, Poland Josh Newkirk Czech Republic
1991 Sean Miller, Gold Medal 2010 Ronald Ramon ((Dominican Republic)
United Kingdom, Qatar Rozelle Nix Portugal
(Sheffield, England) 2011 Ronald Ramon (Dominican Republic)
Tico Cooper Belgium Aron Nwankwo Romania, Uruguay
2019 Abdoul-Karim Coulibaly (Mali)
Attila Cosby Portugal Cyprus, Kosovo, Portugal
FIBA World Championships
Vonteego Cummings Greece, Germany Julius Page Israel
2009 Ashton Gibbs, Gold Medal Big East All-Star Team
Serbia, Cyprus, Croatia Dominican Republic, Germany
Jamie Dixon, Head Coach, Gold Medal 1983 Billy Culbertson (Europe)
Spain, Poland Lamar Patterson Turkey, Italy, China
(Auckland, N.Z.) 1984 Marlon Ferguson (Yugoslavia)
John DeGroat Mexico, Ukraine Australia
2013 James Robinson, Gold Medal 1989 Darelle Porter (France/Spain)
Hungary, Ireland, Argentina, Uruguay Jaime Peterson France, Spain
(Czech Republic) Paul Evans, Head Coach (France/Spain)
Jermaine Dixon Japan, Bosnia Poland, Dominican Republic
1990 Darelle Porter (Finland/Russia)
Dominik Dumancic Russia, Croatia Ronald Ramon Brazil, Argentina
USA Basketball 1992 Jermaine Morgan (France/Spain)
Hungary Venezuela, Uruguay
1979 Sam Clancy
Levance Fields Russia, Turkey James Robinson Bosnia, Germany
Pan American Games (San Juan, P.R.) National Sports Festival All-Star
Dominican Republic, Czech Republic Israel
1980 * Sam Clancy 1982 George Allen
Ashton Gibbs Lebanon, Romania Nasir Robinson Germany, Slovakia
USA Olympic Team Trials Andre Williams
Spain, Greece, Mexico, Belgium Brian Shorter Spain, Argentina, Italy
1986 Charles Smith 1983 Curtis Aiken
Antonio Graves Germany, Italy, Turkey Sterling Smith Czech Republic
World Championships (Madrid, Spain) 1984 Charles Smith
Israel, France, Croatia Zelimir Stevanovic France, Cyprus
1988 Charles Smith 1985 Charles Smith
Ricardo Greer France Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina
USA Olympic Team (Seoul, Korea) Demetreus Gore
United Kingdom, Croatia Dante Taylor Switzerland
1989 Jason Matthews Jerome Lane
Isaac Hawkins Iceland Chris Taft Finland, Phillipines
COPABA World Championship (Mexico City, Mexico) 1986 Jerome Lane (MVP)
Doyle Hudson Puerto Rico Chevon Troutman Italy, France
1991 Sean Miller
Sheldon Jeter Bulgaria Germany, Dominican Republic
World University Games (Sheffield, England) Foot Locker Team NIT All-Stars
Antoine Jones Russia, Portugal Poland, Argentina
1991 * Sean Miller 1992 Chris McNeal
Gerald Jordan Harlem Globetrotters Chad Varga Spain
Pan American Games (France/Holland/Germany)
Czech Republic Brad Wanamaker Italy, France, Turkey
1998 * Vonteego Cummings,
Levon Kendall Germany, Greece, Spain Jared Wilson-Frame Belgium, Mexico
Charles Smith SAM CLANCY title and was named USA Basketball’s Coach of the Year
1986 USA World Championship Team Gold Medalist - 1979 Pan American Games for his efforts. Gibbs averaged 9.8 points per game and
Gold Medalist
San Juan, Puerto Rico dished out 20 assists. He also contributed 12 3-pointers
1988 USA Olympic Team
Bronze Medalist Led by head coach Bob Knight, the 1979 USA Pan and connected on 82 percent of his free throw attempts.
American Games team featured one of the youngest The USA stint proved to be a valuable experience for
Sam Clancy and most explosive squads in American history. The Gibbs upon entering his sophomore season. In 2011,
1979 Pan American Games Americans breezed to the Gold Medal contest by Gibbs represented Team USA at the World University
Gold Medalist winning nine straight games and averaging a record Games in Shenzhen, China.
100.8 points per game. Pitt’s Sam Clancy was a key
Sean Miller
contributor off the bench on a team featuring NBA All- JAMES ROBINSON
1991 World University Games
Gold Medalist Stars Isaiah Thomas, Kevin McHale and Ralph Sampson. Gold Medalist - 2012 FIBA Americas Championships
He averaged 3.6 points (10-18 FG) while pulling down Sao Sebastiao, Brazil
Jerome Lane 3.3 rebounds per game. Robinson became the first player in school history to
1987 USA Pan American Games Team earn two Gold Medals in international competition in
Silver Medalist CHARLES SMITH July, 2013 when he played a role on the USA Basketball
Gold Medalist - 1986 USA World Championships 2013 Under-19 FIBA World Championship team.
Jason Matthews
Madrid, Spain USA registered a perfect 9-0 record en route to the
1989 COPABA World Championship
Qualifying Team For the first time in 32 years, USA brought home championship and defeated Serbia, 82-68, in the title
the Gold Medal at the World Championships. Widely game.
Clyde Vaughan considered a darkhorse to win the gold, Team USA
English National Team (1989-90) finished 9-1 and fended off a late rally to capture an Gold Medalist- 2013 FIBA World Championships
87-85 championship game decision over the USSR. Prague, Czech Republic
Orlando Antigua Smith provided the firepower as he averaged a team- In 2012, Robinson also helped lead the USA Basketball
Dominican Republic National Team
leading 15.0 points, hit 52.7 percent (61-117) of his field Under-18 team to its sixth all-time FIBA Americas Gold
(1994-95, 1997-98)
goals and pulled down 5.8 rebounds per game. Coached Medal. The Americans concluded the event with a
Ricardo Greer by Lute Olsen, the team also featured 12 future NBA perfect 5-0 record and outscored five opponents by
Dominican Republic National Team players including David Robinson, Sean Elliott, Steve an average of 38.6 points per contest. USA defeated
(1999-2000) Kerr, Kenny Smith and Rony Seikaly. host Brazil, 81-56, in the title game. As the team’s
point guard, Robinson led Team USA in assist:turnover
Levon Kendall Bronze Medalist- 1988 USA Olympic Team ratio and averaged 4.4 points per game. Robinson also
Canadian National Team (2005-08)
Seoul, Korea represented Team USA at the Nike Hoops Summit.
Carl Krauser Favored to win the Gold Medal, head coach John
Virgin Islands National Team (2007) Thompson’s United States team lost a semifinal game to SHELDON JETER
the Soviet Union, but rebounded with a 78-49 win over Gold Medalist - 2019 Pan American Games 3x3
Jamie Dixon Australia to claim the Bronze Medal. Smith averaged Lima, Peru
2009 FIBA World Championships 7.8 points and 4.1 rebounds per game. It was Smith’s Jeter helped lead Team USA to the gold medal of 3x3
Gold Medalist second international competition. USA finished 7-1 in men’s basketball at the 2019 Pan American Games. Jeter
competition. scored a team-high eight points in the gold medal game,
Ashton Gibbs
2009 FIBA World Championships a 21-19 win over Puerto Rico. This was the first time
Gold Medalist JEROME LANE 3x3 basketball has been included at the Pan American
2011 World University Games Silver Medalist - 1987 Pan American Games Games, and the men’s and women’s tournaments feature
Indianapolis, Ind. six teams each. Similar to the Pan American Games,
Ronald Ramon Team USA won its first five games by an average margin 3X3 basketball will make its Olympic debut at the 2020
2010 Dominican Republic of 29 points but was denied the gold medal for just the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Centrobasket Tournament
second time in 36 years of the event as Brazil upset the
Dominican Republic National Team
(2009-19) Americans 120-115 in the Championship game. Lane ABDOUL KARIM COULIBALY
appeared in six games and averaged 3.5 rebounds per Silver Medalist - 2019 FIBA U19 World Cup
James Robinson game. Leading scorers included David Robinson, Danny Heraklion, Greece
2012 FIBA Americas Championship Manning and Rex Chapman. Coulibaly led Mali to its first medal in basketball with a
Gold Medalist silver medal finish at the 2019 FIBA U19 World Cup in
2012 Nike Hoops Summit SEAN MILLER Greece. Coulibaly was a major factor on the Mali team as
2013 FIBA World Championship
Gold Medalist - 1991 World University Games the forward averaged 13.1 points, 6.9 rebounds, 1.7 blocks
Gold Medalist
Sheffield, England and 2.4 assists per game throughout the tournament
Marcus Carr Miller helped lead Team USA to a perfect 6-0 record, against teams from the United States, France, Puerto
2015 FIBA U16 Americas Championship a second consecutive gold medal and eighth gold in 12 Rico, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and Latvia.
Canada - Silver Medalist tries. He ranked second on the squad with six three- Mali became the first team from an African country
pointers and connected on a perfect 10-10 free throws. to advance to the gold medal game in international
Talib Zanna Coached by P.J. Carlesimo, Team USA outscored its competition.
2019 FIBA World Cup qualifier
opponents on average 103.2-63.8.
Abdoul Karim Coulibaly JAMIE DIXON AND ASHTON GIBBS Gold Medalist - 2019 FIBA U16 Americas
2018 FIBA U18 African Championship Gold Medalist - 2009 FIBA World Championships Belem, Brazil
Mali - Gold Medalist Auckland, New Zealand Jeffress averaged 3.3 points and 1.8 rebounds in 9.0
2019 FIBA U19 World Cup Gibbs and head coach Jamie Dixon led the USA minutes per game as Team USA went 6-0 with a +38.2
Mali - Silver Medalist Basketball Under-19 Team to the 2009 FIBA World scoring margin at the 2019 FIBA U16 Americas. He posted
Championship Gold Medal with a perfect 9-0 record. a tournament-best nine points and four rebounds in 15
William Jeffress
2019 FIBA U16 Americas Championship Dixon assumed head coaching duties just a month minutes in a quarterfinal win over Puerto Rico.
Gold Medalist before the team was to depart for New Zealand. He
inherited an overhauled roster, guided the squad to the
Steven Adams (9th season) Kansas City Kings 1983-84 Year Player Round Pick Team
Oklahoma City Thunder 2013-20 San Antonio Spurs 1984-85 1954 Clarence “Dutch” Burch 5th 40th Fort Wayne Pistons
New Orleans Pelicans 2020-21 Brandin Knight (1 season) 1957 Bob Lazor 9th 66th Detroit Pistons
Memphis Grizzlies 2021-p. Houston Rockets 2004-05 1958 Julius Pegues 4th 31st St. Louis Hawks
Jamel Artis (2 seasons) Jerome Lane (5 seasons) 1959 Don Hennon 6th 41st Cincinnati Royals
Orlando Magic 2017 Denver Nuggets 1988-92 1964 Brian Generalovich 3rd 19th New York Knicks
Sacramento Kings 2018 Indiana Pacers 1991-92 1974 Billy Knight 1st 6th Indiana Pacers (ABA)
Los Angeles Clippers 2018 Milwaukee Bucks 1991-92 Billy Knight 2nd 21st Los Angeles Lakers
Mel Bennett (3 seasons) Cleveland Cavaliers 1992-93 Mickey Martin 4th 69th Detroit Pistons
Virginia Squires (ABA) 1975-76 Eric Mobley (3 seasons) 1975 Mel Bennett 1st 10th Virginia Squires (ABA)
Indiana Pacers (ABA) 1976-78 Milwaukee Bucks 1994-95 Kirk Bruce 8th 76th Utah Stars (ABA)
Utah Jazz 1980-81 Vancouver Grizzlies 1995-96 1976 Keith Starr 4th 56th Chicago Bulls
Cleveland Cavaliers 1981-82 Milwaukee Bucks 1995-96 1978 Larry Harris 4th 73rd Buffalo Braves
DeJuan Blair (7 seasons) Vancouver Grizzlies 1996-97 1979 Terry Knight 6th 125th San Antonio Spurs
San Antonio Spurs 2009-13 Darren Morningstar (2 seasons) 1980 Sammie Ellis 4th 73rd Denver Nuggets
Dallas Mavericks 2013-14 Boston Celtics 1992-93 1981 Carlton Neverson 3rd 56th Golden State Warriors
Washington Wizards 2014-16 Dallas Mavericks 1993-94 Sam Clancy 3rd 62nd Phoenix Suns
Phoenix Suns 2016 Utah Jazz 1993-94 1983 Trent Johnson 8th 83rd Boston Celtics
Mark Blount (6 seasons) Lamar Patterson (3 seasons) 1984 Clyde Vaughan 6th 117th Indiana Pacers
Seattle Supersonics 1996-97 Atlanta Hawks 2015-16 1988 Charles Smith 1st 3rd Philadelphia 76ers
Boston Celtics 2000-02 Sacramento Kings 2016-17 (traded to L.A. Clippers)
Denver Nuggets 2002-03 Atlanta Hawks 2017 Jerome Lane 1st 23rd Denver Nuggets
Boston Celtics 2002-06 Charles Smith (10 seasons) 1992 Darren Morningstar 2nd 47th Boston Celtics
Minn. Timberwolves 2006-08 L.A. Clippers 1988-92 1994 Eric Mobley 1st 18th Milwaukee Bucks
Miami Heat 2008-09 New York Knicks 1992-96 1996 Mark Blount 2nd 55th Seattle Supersonics
Justin Champagnie (1st season) San Antonio Spurs 1996-98 1999 Vonteego Cummings 1st 26th Indiana Pacers
Toronto Raptors 2021-p. Keith Starr (2 seasons) (traded to Golden State Warriors)
Vonteego Cummings (2 seasons) Chicago Bulls 1976-78 2005 Chris Taft 2nd 42nd Golden State Warriors
Golden State Warriors 1999-01 Chris Taft (1 season) 2007 Aaron Gray 2nd 49th Chicago Bulls
Philadelphia 76ers 2001-02 Golden State Warriors 2005-06 2009 Sam Young 2nd 36th Memphis Grizzlies
Aaron Gray (8 seasons) Brad Wanamaker (3rd season) DeJuan Blair 2nd 37th San Antonio Spurs
Chicago Bulls 2007-09 Boston Celtics 2018-20 2013 Steven Adams 1st 12th Oklahoma City Thunder
New Orleans Hornets 2010-12 Golden State Warriors 2020-21 2014 Lamar Patterson 2nd 48th Milwaukee Bucks
Toronto Raptors 2012-13 Charlotte Hornets 2021 (traded to Atlanta Hawks)
Sacramento Kings 2013-14 Indiana Pacers 2021-p. 2019 Cameron Johnson 1st 11th Minnesota Timberwolves
Detroit Pistons 2014-15 Michael Young (1 season) (traded to Phoenix Suns)
Cameron Johnson (3rd season) Washington Wizards 2017
Phoenix Suns 2019-p. Sam Young (4 seasons) FIRST ROUND NBA / ABA DRAFT PICKS
Billy Knight (11 seasons) Memphis Grizzlies 2009-12 Year Player League Pick Team
Indiana Pacers (ABA) 1974-77 Philadelphia 76ers 2012 1974 Billy Knight ABA 6th Indiana Pacers
Buffalo Braves 1977-78 Indiana Pacers 2012-13 1975 Mel Bennett ABA 10th Virginia Squires
Boston Celtics 1978-79 1988 Charles Smith NBA 3rd Philadelphia 76ers
Indiana Pacers 1979-83 active players in bold Jerome Lane NBA 23rd Denver Nuggets
as of Nov. 1, 2021
Don Hennon, who wore jersey number 10, was the first basketball player to have his number
retired by the University of Pittsburgh on Jan. 13, 1968. Hennon played three years—1956 to
1959—scored 1,814 points and averaged 24.2 points per game. A 5-foot-8 1/2 inch tall guard,
Hennon was the most prolific scorer in school history. He became Pitt’s first All-American in
22 years, earned All-American honors in all three seasons and was inducted into the Helms
Athletic Foundation Basketball Hall of Fame. Hennon still holds Pitt’s single-game scoring record
(45 points) and was the school’s all-time career scoring leader for 29 years (1959-88). He has
twice been honored by the University of Pittsburgh, earning the Charles C. Hartwig Award as
a senior and Panther Letterman of Distinction Award in 1985. Hennon went on to become a
successful medical doctor and was inducted into the Pitt Athletics Hall of Fame in 2019.
1,000 points in his career, a school record. • Scored a school-record 45 points (20-42
• Scored a school record 45 points at Duke FG, 5-6 FT) in an 87-84 double overtime
as a sophomore, then followed it up with a win vs. Duke, 12/21/57.
31-point performance vs. Duquesne. • Scored 41 points (17-30 FG, 7-9 FT), vs.
• Ranked second in the nation in scoring Geneva, 2/24/58.
in both 1957-58 (26.0 ppg.) and 1958-59 • Scored 41 points (16-33 FG, 9-12 FT) in a 73-
(25.7 ppg.). 70 win over Ohio State, 12/3/58.
• Selected in the 1959 NBA Draft in the sixth • In first varsity game, scored 34 points (17-25
round by the Cincinnati Royals. FG) at NC State, 12/1/56.
• Played for his father in high school where • In his final home game vs. Penn State,
he set a Pennsylvania scoring record with 2/21/59, presented with several awards,
2,376 points and averaged 25.0 points in 95 gave a speech and then put on a tremendous
career games. As a senior, he scored 1,003 display of ball handling with 12 assists. He
points and averaged 32.3 points per contest. received a standing ovation when he left
• Received 68 scholarship offers and chose the game with a minute remaining from
Pitt over offers from Duke and NC State the 5,500 in attendance.
Total Rebounds
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1956-57 27 -- -- -- 225 541 .416 -- -- -- 123 149 .826 -- -- 95 3.5 68 2 -- -- -- -- 573 21.2
1957-58 25 -- -- -- 267 654 .408 -- -- -- 117 140 .836 -- -- 118 4.7 65 0 -- -- -- -- 651 26.0
1958-59 24 -- -- -- 231 632 .366 -- -- -- 155 191 .812 -- -- 105 4.4 77 1 -- -- -- -- 617 25.7
TOTAL 76 -- -- -- 723 1827 .396 -- -- -- 395 480 .823 -- -- 318 4.2 210 3 -- -- -- -- 1841 24.2
The 1973-74 Pitt squad was one of the most successful basketball teams in program history.
The team was led by smooth Billy Knight, whose number 34 was retired on Feb. 20, 1989. In
three varsity seasons, Knight scored 1,731 career points and had a career scoring average
of 22.2 points per game, second only to Don Hennon. He led the 1974 Panthers to the NCAA
Eastern Regional Finals, the farthest any Pitt team had advanced in the tournament, and
earned All-America honors. For his efforts, he won the Panther Award in 1974, which is pre-
sented to the student-athlete who best promotes the university through athletic achievement.
Knight went on to have an 11-year All-Pro career in both the ABA and NBA. He also became a
successful NBA executive and served a stint as the Atlanta Hawks’ General Manager. Knight
was inducted into the inaugural Pitt Athletics Hall of Fame class in 2018.
CAREER NOTES • First player to register 500-plus points and NOTABLE PERFORMANCES
• Native of Braddock, Pa. 250-plus rebounds in a season. • Scored a career-high 37 points at UCLA,
• Considered the finest “all-around” player in • Ranked seventh in scoring among all players 12/22/72. At the time, the total represented
Pitt basketball history. in the 1974 NCAA Tournament with a 21.3 the most points scored by an opponent at
• Consensus All-America selection in 1974 average (64 points in three tournament UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion.
(USBWA First Team, NABC and UPI Second games). • Scored 34 points vs. Furman in NCAA
Team). • Played the longest professional tenure of Tournament First Round play, 3/14/74. The
• Led Pitt to an NCAA Elite Eight appearance, any Pitt Panther (11 seasons) for several 34 points still ties for the highest total ever
25-4 record, including a school-record 22 different NBA and ABA teams: Indiana scored in Pitt’s NCAA Tournament history.
consecutive wins in 1973-74. Pacers, Buffalo Braves, Boston Celtics, • Registered 34 points (16-23 FG) with 16
• Two-time all-region honoree. Kansas City Kings and San Antonio Spurs. rebounds at Virginia, 1/2/74.
• Named to the 1974 All-NCAA Regional East Averaged 16.9 points per game over his 11- • Scored 33 points vs. Syracuse, 2/11/72.
Team after averaging 21.3 points and 8.0 year pro career. • Finished with 32 points (16-23 FG) and 11
rebounds in Pitt’s 3 games. • Two-time NBA and one-time ABA All-Star rebounds vs. Duquesne, 12/7/73.
• Only player in school history to average over selection.
20.0 points and 10.0 rebounds in each of his • As an ABA rookie with the Indiana Pacers,
three varsity seasons. ranked second in the league in scoring (26.6
• Registered two 20-point/20-rebound ppg.) behind league leader Pete Maravich.
performances in career (vs. Buffalo, 1/20/74; • Became Pitt’s first-ever First Round
vs. Lafayette, 1/26/72). professional draft pick when he was
• To t a l e d s i x 3 0 - p o i n t , 1 0 - r e b o u n d selected by the ABA’s Indiana Pacers with
performances in his career, the most of the No. 6 overall pick.
any player in school history. • Concluded his eight-year Indiana Pacers
Total Rebounds
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1971-72 24 -- -- -- 205 381 .538 -- -- -- 95 131 .725 -- -- 276 11.5 65 2 56 -- -- -- 505 21.0
1972-73 26 -- -- -- 275 530 .519 -- -- -- 67 89 .753 -- -- 287 11.0 54 0 77 -- -- -- 617 23.7
1973-74 28 -- -- -- 270 525 .514 -- -- -- 69 89 .775 -- -- 375 13.4 70 2 73 -- -- -- 609 21.8
TOTAL 78 -- -- -- 750 1436 .522 -- -- -- 231 309 .748 -- -- 938 12.0 189 4 206 -- -- -- 1731 22.2
Wearing jersey No. 32, Charles Smith thrilled Pitt fans from 1984 to 1988. Smith is the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh’s all-time leading scorer, with 2,045 career points. Known for his clutch
play at key moments of games and stellar leadership, he guided the Panthers to two Big East
regular season titles: co-champions in 1986-87, then outright champions in 1987-88, the same
year Smith was named Big East Player of the Year and won the Panther Award. A two-time
All-American and Freshman All-American, Smith was also honored by the league in 1985 as the
Big East Rookie of the Year. A member of the 1988 U.S. Olympic Team, Smith was the third pick
of the 1988 NBA draft and spent 10 seasons in the league with the Los Angeles Clippers, New
York Knicks and San Antonio Spurs. Smith’s jersey was retired prior to his final home game at
Fitzgerald Field House against Seton Hall on March 2, 1988. He was a member of the inaugural
Pitt Athletics Hall of Fame class in 2018.
• Pitt’s all-time career leading scorer and • Career, free throw attempts (834).
ranks among all-time top-10 Big East career • Game, free throws made (18 vs. Boston
leading scorers. College, 1/21/85).
• Second player at Pitt to have jersey retired. • Career, blocked shots (346).
• Concluded his four-year career by blocking • Career, blocked shots average (2.8).
at least one shot in each of his final 53 • Season, blocked shots (106 in 1986-87).
career games. • Season, blocked shots average (3.2 in
• Nicknamed “Mr. Clutch” for his game-saving 1986-87).
plays as a senior in 1988 including a key • Game, blocked shots (7, multiple times).
blocked shot in the final seconds to secure • Season, points-freshman year (435 in
a 72-71 win against Florida State, a short 1984-85).
jumper and subsequent steal of an inbounds • Season, scoring average-freshman (15.0 in
pass to clinch a 61-58 home win against 1984-85).
Connecticut and a block followed by two • Game, scoring efficiency per minute (vs.
free throws at Connecticut. Akron, 1/5/87).
Total Rebounds
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1984-85 29 29 956 33.0 151 301 .502 -- -- --- 133 175 .760 -- -- 231 8.0 79 1 15 58 63 24 435 15.0
1985-86 29 29 1077 37.1 165 318 .519 -- -- --- 131 172 .762 -- -- 235 8.1 97 7 46 59 81 27 461 15.9
1986-87 33 33 1050 31.8 180 327 .550 0 0 .000 202 275 .735 96 186 282 8.5 122 9 53 65 106 25 562 17.0
1987-88 31 31 1020 32.9 211 378 .558 3 11 .273 162 212 .764 77 162 239 7.7 94 5 57 67 96 38 587 18.9
TOTAL 122 122 4103 33.6 707 1324 .534 3 11 .273 628 834 .753 173 814 987 8.1 392 22 171 249 346 114 2045 16.8
The fourth and most recent player to have a jersey retired wore No. 20 from 1999-2003.
That player is Brandin Knight. A Pitt point guard, Knight’s leadership was largely responsible
for the Panthers’ recent basketball renaissance. The program’s transformation can be traced
directly through Knight, who led the dramatic turnaround. Knight led Pitt to two NCAA Sweet
Sixteen appearances, back-to-back Big East regular season titles (2001-02 and 2002-03), the
program’s first Big East Tournament title (2003) and an 89-40 four-year record. A 2003 Wooden
All-America team selection, 2002 Associated Press All-America team member, two-time All-Big
East honoree and 2001-02 Big East Most Valuable Player/Most Improved Player winner, Knight
concluded his career with 1,440 points, a school-record 785 assists, 492 rebounds and 298
steals. After a brief professional basketball stint, Knight his collegiate coaching career at Pitt
in 2006. His jersey was retired on March 4, 2009.
CAREER NOTES in the nation in assists per game (7.2 apg.) • Totaled 24 points (9-13 FG), hit 5-8 three-
• Native of East Orange, N.J. in 2001-02. pointers with six assists in a 77-54 win over
• Named to the 2003 Wooden All-America • Led his high school team, Seton Hall Prep, St. John’s, 1/2/02.
team, one of only 10 players nationwide to three consecutive Parochial Class A state • Set a Big East Tournament record with 14
selected to the squad. titles and a three-year 86-6 record. SHP assists and finished with 20 points in a Big
• AP Third Team All-America and Sporting was ranked No. 4 nationally by USA Today. East Semifinal win over Miami, Fla., 3/8/02.
News Second Team All-America selection • Brandin and his brother Brevin, a former The win gave Pitt its second consecutive
in 2002. consensus All-American at Stanford and berth in the Big East Championship Game.
• Named a 2003 AP honorable mention All- 12-year NBA player, comprise one of only • Scored 25 points (7-10 FG), hit 6-8 three-
America selection. nine brother combinations in NCAA Division pointers and finished with four assists at
• Two-time consensus all-region pick (2002 I history to achieve All-America status. Virginia Tech, 2/26/03.
and 2003). The distinguished list includes Marv and
• Named Big East co-Player of the Year and Vern Huffman, Eddie and Johnny O’Brien,
Most Improved Player in 2002, the only Dick and Tom Van Arsdale, Mike and Willie
player in league history to achieve those Sojourner, Albert and Bernard King, Jim
honors in the same year. and John Paxson, Harvey and Horace Grant,
• Led Pitt to the 2002 Big East-West regular Tyler and Ben Hansbrough.
season title, 2003 Big East-West regular
season title and the school’s first-ever Big SCHOOL RECORDS
East Tournament title in 2003. • Career, assists (785).
• Guided Pitt to three Big East Championship • Career, assists average (6.2).
finals appearances (2001, 2002 and 2003). • Career, steals (298).
• Two-time Big East All-Tournament Team pick • Season, three-point field goal attempts
(2002, 2003). (261).
• Concluded four-year career as the school • Season, minutes played (1284 in 2001-02).
record holder in season assists, career • Consecutive games with at least one assist
assists, career assists average, career (91, 2000-03).
steals, season three-point field goals made,
season three-point field goal attempts and NOTABLE PERFORMANCES
career three-point field goal attempts. • Scored a career-high 29 points (10-18 FG),
• One of only eight players in school history hit six three-pointers and dished out six
to score 1,000 points and dish out 400 assists in an 85-72 win at West Virginia,
assists in a career. 2/16/02.
• As a junior, played a role in 47.9 percent • Finished with a game-high 26 points (9-16
(445 of 928) of Pitt’s field goals by either FG), hit six three-pointers and registered
scoring or assisting. Also ranked seventh eight assists vs. Robert Morris, 11/20/01.
Total Rebounds
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1999-00 28 25 937 33.5 85 212 .401 26 80 .325 43 78 .551 23 83 106 3.8 83 0 154 98 10 77 239 8.5
2000-01 31 26 999 32.2 91 235 .387 33 128 .258 70 115 .609 21 81 102 3.3 81 1 171 95 16 69 285 9.2
2001-02 35 35 1284 36.7 194 454 .427 93 261 .356 65 147 .442 27 140 167 4.8 87 1 251 112 16 82 546 15.6
2002-03 33 33 1087 32.9 122 332 .367 57 185 .308 69 120 .575 21 96 117 3.5 76 1 209 101 13 70 370 11.2
TOTAL 127 119 4307 33.9 492 1233 .399 209 654 .320 247 460 .537 92 400 492 3.9 327 3 785 406 55 298 1440 11.3
Student-athletes are listed Borowitz 1945-46 Cook, Mike 2006-08
alphabetically with the years in Bowman, Marcus 2003-06 Cooper, Tico 1985-87
which they lettered. This is not an Boyd, Arthur 1950-53 Cosby, Attila 1997-99
all-time roster. It only depicts the Boyd, Frank 1973-77 Cosentino, Sam 1943-46
years each player lettered. Years Boyd, Jason 1998-00 Cost, Charles 1954-55
pre-1940 correspond to the fall Boykins, Monty 2017-18 Coulibaly, Abdoul Karim 2019-21
and spring years that each player Braumbeck, Robert 1948-50 Cratsley, Mel 1966-67
played at Pitt. Brautigam, Barry 1954-57 Cribbs, Claire 1932-35
Brehm, William 1946-50 Culbertson, Billy 1981-84
A-A-A Bremen, Alvin J. 1919 Cummings, Vonteego 1995-99
Abel, Griffin 1998-01 Bremen, Ben 1918-19 Cutrie, Rocco 1933
Abrams, Marvin 1970-74 Brimm, Oscar 1971-73
Adams, Chase 2009-10 Brody, Wray G. 1912 D-D-D
Adams, John 1964-65 Broido, Joseph 1911-12 David, Joey 1982-86
Adams, Steven 2012-13 Brookin, Rod 1986-90 David, Samuel 1946-49
Aggelou, Sotiris 1993-95 Brown 1929-30 Davis, Jimmy 1943-44
Aiken, Curtis 1983-87 Brown, Gilbert 2007-11 Davis, Khameron 2017-19
Aiken, Jr., Curtis 2019-20 Brown, Jaron 2000-04 DeGroat, John 2004-06
Albright, John 1930-31 Brown, Sean 2008-09 DeHart, James 1916-17
Alexander 1942-43 Brown, Terrell 2017-21 Deitrick, Richard 1951-54
Allen, George 1981-84 Brozovich, Paul 1979-81 DeLisio, Tony 1966-69
Alridge, Andre 1992-96 Bruce, Kirk 1972-75 Demetris, Yuri 2001-04
Amadasun, Max 2020-21 Brush, Brian 1989-93 DiFrischia, Al 1966-67
Antigua, Oliver 1995-98 Buchanon, Frank 1930-32 Diggs, Cassin 2007-08
Antigua, Orlando 1991-95 Buck, Bill 1965-67 Dillon, Bill 1955-57
Apple, Nathan 1943-47 Buck, Rudy 1943-44 Dimmack, Chris 1998-99 Gilbert Brown
Armstrong, Keith 1982-86 Budd, Norman, Jr. 1907-11 Disco, Mark 1973-75
Arnold, Randy 1970-71 Burch, Clarence 1951-54 Ditka, Michael 1958-60 Fisch, Aidan 2020-21 Goodwin, Paul 1942-43
Artis, Jamel 2013-17 Byers, Franklin E. 1921-23 Dixon, Jermaine 2008-10 Fisher 1906-07 Gordon, Steve 1978-79
Artman, Bernard 1951-54 Dolfi 1940-41 Fisher, Brian 1963-65 Gore, Demetreus 1984-88
Artman, Bob 1940-43 C-C-C Dorazio, Carlo 2001-03 Fisher, Paul 1926-28 Graham, G.R. 1911-15
Arture, William 1929-31 Caldwell, Michael C. 1968-71 Dorman, Dennis 1955-58 Fitzgerald, Dave 1978-79 Graves, Antonio 2003-07
Assid, Ed 1964-65 Caldwell, Robert J. 1964-67 Downes, William 1968-71 Flannagan, W.H. 1924-25 Gray, Aaron 2003-07
Calhoun, S.E. 1910-11 Downing, Harold S. 1914-15 Fleming, Sam 1971-74 Greer, Ricardo 1997-01
B-B-B Campbell, F.H., Hatley 1911-12 Downing, Raymond 1964-65 Flores, Stephen 1997-99 Grevey, Scott 1978-82
Baierl, Bill 1949-50 Campbell, Walter F. 1910-13 Doyle, Ray 1964-65 Foley, James 1958-61 Grgurich, Tim 1961-64
Bailey, Nate 1987-89 Canterna, Oland 1944-49 Drumgoole, Jr., Gerald 2019-21 Follansbee, William 1932-33 Gustine, Frank, Jr. 1967-68
Baker, Edward 1929-31 Capwell, I.P. 1906 Duessel, David 1952-55 Forquer, Ralph 1946-47
Baker, John P. 1912-13 Cardot, Willis 1972-73 Duff, A.W. 1906-07 Frederick, W. 1946-48 H-H-H
Bane, John 1910-13 Carlson, H.C. 1914-17 Dumancic, Dominik 1990-92 Freeman, Leroy 1972-73 Hamilton, Eric 2019-20
Barnhart, Ray 1968-69 Carlson, Henry C., Jr. 1940 Fridley, John 1958-61 Hammer, E.T. 1916-17
Barrett 1942-43 Carlson, Lloyd 1941-43 E-E-E Frishman, Morris 1911-13 Harris, Larry 1974-78
Bartholomew, Haywood 1927 Carnahan, Milroy 1950-53 Easterday, R.A. 1916-18 Frontone, Jack 1951-55 Harrison, Ed 1970-71
Bashioum, W. 1945-46 Carr, Hugh P. 1923-24 Edgar, Joseph E. 1906-07 Frye, Tim 2007-10 Hartman, George 1936-38
Bazzano 1944-45 Carr, Marcus 2017-18 Edwards, Cleveland 1969-72 Funk, Bernard 1922-23 Hastings, C.E. 1914-17
Hawkins, Isaac 1996-01
Beatty, Steve 1980-84 Carrigan, Rich 1984-87 Egan, James 1939-42
Beck, Bob 1943-44 Cauley, Willie 1993-94 El Nokali, Amr 1995-96 G-G-G Haygood, Robert 1974-76
Beckett, Tom 1965-68 Causer, Jerry 1968-70 Elliott, Samuel B. 1907-08 Gant, Chris 1991-95 Healy, T.F. 1913-15
Belich, Michael 1948-51 Cavanaugh, Pat 1986-90 Ellis, Sammie 1978-80 Garcia, Joseph 1937-38 Heiner 1912-13
Benjamin, Keith 2004-08 Cecconi, Louis 1946-50 Ellison, Malik 2017-19 Gardella, Chris 1994-98 Heller, J. 1945-46
Bennett, Bill 1965-66 Cepkowski, Richard 1954-55 Emrich, Ross 1935 Garnham, Ed 1944-46 Hennon, Don 1956-59
Bennett, Melvin 1974-75 Cercone, Eugene 1953-57 Endsley, John 1975 Generalovich, Brian 1961-64 Hepworth, Ken 1961-62
Berardinelli, Dominic 1975-77 Champagnie, Justin 2019-21 Epps, Isaiah 2011-12 Generalovich, Brock 1989-93 Hersh, Charles 1969
Biehl 1943-44 Chase, Ralph 1925 Everett, Robert 1948-51 Generalovich, Nick 1964-66 Hill, Lewis 1973-75
Bien, Jay 1908 Chosky, Saul 1943-44 Ezeakudo, Onyebuchi 2019-21 Gennock, J. 1945-47 Hoban, Walter 1926-27
Biggs, Tyrell 2005-09 Christopher, Walter Frank 1950-51 George, Samson 2017-20 Holder, Terry 1962-63
Bingham, Bob 1951-52 Chukwuka, Kene 2017-19 F-F-F Gerensky, Thaddeus 1948-49 Holmes, Jeremy 1998-00
Blair, DeJuan 2007-09 Cieply, William 1943-48 Fabel, Joseph 1937 Gibbs, Ashton 2008-12 Holstein, Floyd 1949-51
Blair, William E. 1937 Cizmarik, Bob 1969-71 Falenski, Richard 1958-61 Gilbert, Malcolm 2011-12 Hoggan, G. 1945-46
Blanton, John 1982-86 Clancy, Sam 1977-81 Falenski, Stanley 1964-67 Gill, Michael 1995-96 Horne, Chris 1997-98
Blount, Mark 1995-97 Clawson, John 1921-22 Famularo, Frank 1965-67 Gill, W.W. 1905-06 Horton, Ithiel 2020-21
Blyshak, Dave 1962-65 Cleland 1941-42 Farmer, Homer G. 1907-11 Ginevan, Dave 1961-62 Howard, Andre 1995-97
Bohren, Karl 1924-25 Clements, Frank 1966-67 Federico, Gino 2001-03 Girman, Mike 1943-44 Hriebar, Frank 1951-52
Bolla, James 1971-75 Cochran, Nate 1994-95 Fenwick, Joseph 1953-56 Glenn, Jack 1943-44 Hromanik, George 1948-51
Bollens, Kenneth 1965-68 Cohen, Lester 1928-30 Ferguson, Marlon 1983-87 Gissendanner, Darrell 1978-82 Hudec, Rudy 1948-50
Bonacci, Pat 1958 Cohen, Milton 1929-31 Ferguson, Ralph 1935 Glover, Tim 1990-92 Hudson, Doyle 2005-07
Bonine 1910-11 Collier, Noah 2020-21 Ferraro, Ross 1928-29 Gob, Art 1957-58 Hughes, Charles M. 1933-35
Bonnie, Harry E. 1913 Collins, William 1938-40 Fields, Levance 2005-09 Goldsmith, M.F. 1906-08 Hughes, T.M. 1913-14
Boose, Jack 1946-47 Colombo, Scott 1986-89 Finneman, John 1999-00 Goodson, Mike 1985-87 Hughes, William T. 1933-35
Hugley, John 2021-p. Katsafanas, Chris 1964-65 LaValley, James 1964-67
Hunt, Charles 1967-69 Keese, Lucius 1972-75 Lawry, Edward 1938-39
Hursh, Charles 1955-58 Keller, Don 1958-60 Lawry, Thomas 1930-32 BROTHER COMBINATIONS
Husa, Ed 1955-56 Kelley, H.C. 1918-19 Layton, Derrick 1988-90 Orlando Antigua (1991-95) and Oliver Antigua (1995-98)
Hyatt, Charles 1927-30 Kelly, Lewis 1973-74 Lazor, Bob 1954-57 Robert Caldwell (1964-67) and Michael Caldwell (1968-71)
Kelly, Willie 1973-76 Lazor, Paul 1958-61 Brian Generalovich (1961-64) and Nick Generalovich (1964-66)
I-I-I Kendall, Levon 2003-07 Lecak, Mike 2013-16 Charles Hughes (1933-35) and William Hughes (1933-35)
Ilegomah, Peace 2017-18 Kendrick, John 1949-52 Lepkowski, Richard 1952-55 Billy Knight (1971-74) and Terry Knight (1974-79)
Kennedy, Louis P. 1916 Lerner, Morton 1947-49 Edward Lawry (1939) and Thomas Lawry (1930-32)
J-J-J King, Wayde W. 1924-25 Lescott, Richard 1954-55 Alphonse Wrobleski (1928-30) and Stephen Wrobleski (1926-28)
Jacobsen, Morris 1944-46 Kirby, Roosevelt 1981-82 Leslie, Kevin 1997-98 Steve Zernich (1941-43) and Wally Zernich (1943-47)
Jeffress, William 2020-21 Kleiman, Phil 1955-56 Lester, Howard 1955-58
Jesko, William 1935-37 Klein, James J. 1938-41 Lett, Ontario 2001-03 FATHER-SON COMBOS
Jeter, Sheldon 2014-17 Kline, James H. 1946 Levin, Solomon 1939-40 Samuel David (1945-49) and Joey David (1983-86)
Jinks, Ben 1960-63 Knight, Billy 1971-74 Levine, Harry 1917-20 Brian Generalovich (1961-64) and Brock Generalovich (1989-93)
Johnson, Cameron 2014-17 Knight, Brandin 1999-03 Levine, Marvin 1960-61 Gilbert Johnson (1988-90) and Cameron Johnson (2014-17)
Johnson, Chad 2000-02 Knight, Terry 1974-79 Levinson, Hyman 1922-26 Curtis Aiken (1983-87) and Curtis Aiken, Jr. (2018-p.)
Johnson, Durand 2012-14 Knisley, Frank 1943-44 Lewis, Darrell 1954-55 Charles Smith (1984-88) and Chayce Smith (2019-p.)
Johnson, Gilbert 1988-90 Ko, Joshua 2013-15 Lewis, Junie 1984-85
Johnson, John 2011-12 Kocheran, George 1939-41 Lewis, Sonny 1976-78 PITT GRADUATES WHO COACHED AT PITT
Johnson, Robert A. 1936-38 Kochka, Paul 1975-77 Lewis, R. Steve 1969-71 (Also includes director of basketball operations)
Johnson, Trent 1981-83 Kondrad, Francis 1958-59 Lindsay, John V. 1911 Ronald Ramon (Pitt, ‘08)
Johnson, Xavier 2018-20 Koontz, Shaun 1993-94 Lissfeldt, Elmer 1925-27 Chris Jones (Pitt, ‘16)
Jones, Antoine 1990-93 Kowallis, George 1925-27 Lockhart, Howard 1958-61 Ontario Lett (Pitt, ‘03)
Jones, B.L. 1925 Kowallis, James 1925-26 Lockhart, Jarrett 1996-00 Brandin Knight (Pitt, ‘05)
Jones, Bobby 1978-79 Kowallis, William S. 1931-33 Lohmeyer, Paul 1940-43 Oliver Antigua (Pitt, ‘98)
Jones, Chris 1970-72 Kraft, R. 1952-53 Long, Dale 1961-62 Orlando Antigua (Pitt, ‘95)
Jones, Chris 2013-17 Krauser, Carl 2002-06 Loucks, Frank 1934-36 Sean Miller (Pitt, ’92)
Jones, D. 1956-57 Krieger, Paul 1961-64 Loughran, John 1918-19 Jim Bolla (Pitt, ’75)
Jones, Derek 1993-94 Lovett, Robert 1963-66 Cleveland Edwards (Pitt, ’72)
Jones, Frank W. 1941-44 L-L-L Lubic, Ben 1913-17 Tim Grgurich (Pitt, ’64)
Jones, Walter H. 1943-45 Lake, Herb 1982-83 Luther, Jon 1986-87 H.C. “Doc” Carlson (Pitt, ‘1918)
Jordan, Gandhi 1990-92 Landerman, Nathaniel 1949-50 Luther, Ryan 2014-17
Jordan, Gerald 1995-97 Landy, Danny 1977-79
Jordan, Lloyd P. 1921-24 Lane, Jerome 1985-88 M-M-M
Laneve, John 1954-57 Maczuzak, John 1960-63
K-K-K Larkin, John 1961-64 Maia, Rafael 2015-16
Kalata, Leonard 1966-69 Latagliata, Ed 1942-48 Maile, Jason 1992-97
Kaliden, Bill 1956-57 Laughren, James 1918-20 Malarkey, Bill 1959-60
Malarkey, Clair 1941-46
Malmberg, Arthur 1948-51
Chris Jones Maloney, Tom 1957-62
Mandish 1957-58
Maravich, Eliot 1959-60
Marder, Philip 1944-45
Markovich, Milan 1954-57
Marsh, Howard 1906 Billy and Terry Knight are one of eight different brother combinations to
Marshall, KJ 2019-20 compete at Pitt. The Knight brothers, who played from 1971-79, combined
Martin, Bobby 1987-91 to score 2,610 points and pull down 1,352 rebounds.
Martin, Mickey 1971-74
Martin, Stan 1972-73 McClure, James 1951-53 McNeal, Chris 1990-93
Maruzewski, Edward 1945-46 McCormick, James 1906 McNulty, Frank B. 1916-17
Mascaro, Joe 2017-19 McCracken, G. Herbert 1919-22 Medich, Alex 1945-46
Maser, Ron 1958-59 McCrossin, George 1946-50 Melnick, A. 1945-46
Maslek, Steve 1986-89 McCullough, Thomas B. 1914-16 Mendlow, Louis 1937-38
Masten, Ed 1940-41 McCullough, Jerry 1991-96 Merchant 1942-43
Matson, Joseph 1914-16 McDowell 1910-12 Mervis, Louis 1918-21
Matthews, Harry 1941-42 McElhinney, John H. 1907-08 Mesher, John 1957-59
Matthews, Jason 1987-91 McFarland, Robert 1967-70 Michalik, Karl 1944-45
Matthews, Ted 1953-54 McGhee, Gary 2007-11 Miklasevich, Matt 1982-86
Mauro, Bill 1957-60 McGill, William 1928 Milanovich, Samuel 1938-41
McBride, Greg 1973-75 McGowens, Trey 2018-20 Miller, D. 1952-53
McCamant, Herbert D. 1932-34 McIntyre, Bill 1962-64 Miller, Dwight 2009-10
McCance, James 1937-39 McLaren, George W. 1916-18 Miller, Sean 1987-92
McCandless, W.T. 1906-07 McLean, J.J. 1919-20 Milligan, Jonathan 2015-18
McCarroll, Mark 2000-05 McMahon, J.W. 1926-28 Mills, John 1957-60
McClean, John 1919-20 McMaster, Louis 1916 Mitchell, Bryan 1982-84
McClellan, Pat 1968-69 McMillian, Lennie 1979-81 Mobley, Eric 1991-94
McClellend, Ralph 1974-76 McNally, Roth 1964-65 Montgomery, Ray 1929
Moore, J.J. 2010-13 Ramon, Ronald 2004-08 Shorter, Brian 1988-91 Vey, E. Kenneth 1943-44 Worrell, Derrick 1999-00
Morgan, Jermaine 1990-94 Randall, Derrick 2013-15 Show, Bob 1954-55 Virostek, Don 1950-53 Woznicki, Richard 1956-58
Morningstar, Darren 1989-92 Rasp, John 1986-90 Shrewsbury, Robert 1973-76 Vujnovic, Daniel 1938-39 Wright, Cameron 2011-15
Morris, Carl 1970-73 Raymond, Edward 1939-42 Shuber, Stephen 1941-47 Wrobleski, Alphonse 1928-30
Morris, Frank 1944-47 Reed, Wallace 1926-28 Shuman, John 1906-07 W-W-W Wrobleski, Stephen 1926-28
Morris, Toree 2000-04 Reese, Charles 1912-14 Sibande, Nike 2020-21 Wagoner, Ken 1971-74 Wunderlich, Charles 1928-29
Moses, Omo 1990-91 Reeves, Alphonse 1938-39 Sies, Dale 1917 Wainio, Francis 1935 Wunderlich, David 1956-57
Mueller, C. 1945-46 Resutek, Joe 1952-55 Silverman, Sid 1940-41 Wallace, Austin 2007-08
Murphy, Ryan 2019-20 Reisgen, Ralph 1919-20 Simpson, Lloyd 1957-60 Wallace, Dwayne 1978-82 Y-Y-Y
Murray, Leon 1996-97 Repp, John 1920 Slaby, Lou 1960-61 Wallace, Ed 1978-81 Yee, Fred 1954-56
Reppert, Joe 1955 Small, Charles 2003-06 Warning, Clare 1950-51 Young, Paul 1922-23
N-N-N Reuschel, Bill 1951-53 Smith, Charles 1984-88 Wanamaker, Brad 2007-11 Young, Michael 2013-17
Naponik, Paul 1967-68 Rhymes, Marlon 1992-93 Smith, Chayce 2020-21 Washington, David 1976-77 Young, Sam 2005-09
N’Dir, Sidy 2018-19 Rice, Michael 1976-77 Smith, Darwin 1958-61 Watkins 1944-45 Yurko, Robert, 1948-51
Nedrow, Scott 1974-78 Richards, Roy 1946 Smith, Don 1932-35 Watkins, Chip 1981-85
Nelson-Ododa, Alonzo 2015-16 Richards, Thomas 1972-76 Smith, Gary 1977-78 Weger, Elmer 1908-11 Z-Z-Z
Neverson, Carlton 1978-81 Richardson, Bob 1964-65 Smith, Kelvin 1976-77 Westbrooks, Mike 1998-00 Zanna, Talib 2010-14
Newkirk, Josh 2013-15 Richardson, J.J. 2009-11 Smith, Pete 1965-68 Westover, Bert J. 1906-07 Zavackas, Donatas 1999-03
Nicholas, C.E. 1917-18 Richman, Ben 1926 Smith, Roger 1961-62 Whyle, Robert 1906 Zehfuss, Paul 1930
Nicholas, E.D. 1917 Riciutti, Al 1961-62 Smith, Sterling 2015-16 Willard, Kevin 1995-97 Zeigler, Trey 2012-13
Nicholich, Thomas 1956 Riggle, Michael 1968-71 Smith, Zach 2015-18 Williams, Andre 1981-85 Zeleznik, Myles 1936-38
Nix, Rozelle 2015-17 Rihaneck, William 1926-27 Spartz, Marcell 1939-42 Williams, Charles 1980-82 Zeller, Hank “Harry” 1944-46
Noon, Peter 1934-36 Risacher 1906-07 Spotovich, Ed 1935-38 Williams, J. 1945-46 Zernich, Michael 1950-53
Nordstrom, G. 1945-46 Riser, John 1954-57 Spruill, Mahdi 1994-95 Williams, Wayne 1975-79 Zernich, Steve 1941-43
Novakovich, Alex G. 1952-54 Rivers, Nick 2009-12 Spungen, Howard 1944-46 Wilson, Damon 2015-17 Zernich, Wally 1943-44, 46-47
Null, R. 1945-46 Rizk, Geoff 2006-07 Starr, Keith 1972-75 Wilson, Don 1971-72 Ziegler, Travis 1989-93
Roantree, Tom 1962-65 Starzynski, Anthony 2017-20 Wilson-Frame, Jared 2017-19 Zimmovan, Frank 1953-56
O-O-O Roberts, R. 1961-62 Steinhart, Don 1959-61 Windbush, Jim 1975-76 Ziolkowski, Ed 1940-42
Ochsenhirt, N.C. 1913-16 Roberts, Tony 1977-79 Stewart, E. 1945-46 Withers, Thomas R. 1968-70 Zito, Bill 1956-58
Ochsenhirt, Russell C. 1931-34 Robinson, H.K. 1917-20 Stewart, Parker 2017-18 Wolbers 1937-38
Odukale, Femi 2020-21 Robinson, James 2012-16 Stephens, Scott 1973-75 Woodall, Travon 2009-13
O’Gorek, Paul 1969-72 Robinson, Jeff 1983-84 Stevanovic, Zelimir 2000-01
Olinger, Dave 1977-81 Robinson, Nasir 2008-12 Stevenson, Shamiel 2017-18
Olofson, Tom 1960-62 Roderick, Theodore 1934-36 Stevenson, Sylvester 1966-68
Osborn, Bill 1986-87 Roman, Dave 1962-64 Stewart, DeWarren 1993-94
Rose, Chester F. 1906 Straloski, Edward 1938-41
P-P-P Rose, Earl A. 1921-24 Straw, Richard 1912-14
Paffrath, Lawrence 1938-42 Ross, Mark 1971-72 Strickland, Pete 1975-79
Page, Julius 2000-04 Roster, Chester (NA) Sulkowski, William 1971-73
Palesko, Chester 1950-53 Rowe, Luther 1936-37 Supak, Michael B. 1945-46
Pandak, William 1943-44 Ruby, Daryle 1936-37 Sutyak, Nick 1958-59
Parsons, William B. 1924-26 Ruby, Daryle 1962-65 Swacus, John 1940-43
Pataky, John 1939-40 Ruhe, Joseph 1932 Szykowny, Larry 1963-66
Pataky, John 1968-70 Ruschel, Bill 1952-53
Patcher, Michael 1967-70 Ryan, John 1979-81 T-T-T
Patterson, Lamar 2010-14 Taft, Chris 2003-05
Paul, Michael 1969-72 S-S-S Taitt, Sutton 1953-55
Pavlick, Ed 1952-55 Sandberg 1927-28 Talbott, Wayne 1973-78
Peavy, Terry 1977-78 Sankey, Bob 1959-62 Taylor, Dante 2009-13
Penman, R.N. 1918 Santangelo, G 1945-46 Taylor, Kellii 1996-00
Pegues, Julius 1955-58 Sari, D. 1952-53 Terbush, Clifford E. 1906
Peterson, Jaime 1993-95 Sauer, Dave 1961-64 Thomas, Garrick 1992-96
Petrini, Robert 1967-70 Sawyer, Dave 1956-59 Thompson, Bob 1965-67
Phillips 1943-44 Scheiding, Philip 1937-39 Thompson, Charles 1994-95
Phillips, George S. 1950-53 Scherer, John 1937-40 Thompson, Chas 1981-85
Phillips-Nwankwo, Aron 2010-15 Scheuermann, Ed 1976-81 Tiesi, Ryan 2008-09
Polen, Maurice 2006-08 Schinitzki, Joe 1961-62 Topp, Irvin (Mgr) 1964
Pollack, S. 1945-46 Schoon, Rodney 1970-71 Toney, Au’Diese 2018-20
Port, Melvin 1938-41 Schultz, Robert 1943-46 Troutman, Chevon 2001-05
Porter, Darelle 1987-91 Scott, Jack 1937-39 Tweardy, James 1969-71
Prey 1942-43 Scott, Kent 1969-72
Primus, Fred 1998-99 Seabrooks, Chris 1998-01 U-U-U
Ptacek, Charles 1942-43 Seelye, Ryan 2015-16 Uchebo, Joseph 2013-15
Shareef, Ahmad 1990-94 Underwood, Dave 1977-80
R-R-R Shay, Bill 1957-61
Radosevich, George 1949-51 Sheffield, Calvin 1961-64 V-V-V
Radvansky, Michael 1936-38 Shepherd, Darryl 1984-86 Varga, Chad 1994-97
Ragan, Thomas 1944-47 Shin, Michael 1997-98 Vaughan, Clyde 1980-84
Raisley, Chester M. 1907-08 Shober, Steven 1946-47 Verderber, R. 1956-57
Brad Wanamaker
Carl Peterson 1952-67 SCOUTING Walter McCullough 1973-95 Irvin Topp 1964 Matt Steinbrink 2005-08
Don Hennon 1959-60 Jake Presutti 2021-p. John Milligan 1984-89 William Benidick 1967-68 Kevin Funston 2006-10
Tim Grgurich 1965-75 Tim Enright 1995-96 Kenneth Dobin 1968-69 Nick Rivers 2007-09
Fran Webster 1969-80 DIRECTOR OF Mike Reilly 1996-98 Dale Allerton 1969-70 Ben Stirt 2007-09
Jim Bolla 1975-76, 79-80 PLAYER & ALUMNI Dan Trbovich 1999-07 Thomas Booth 1972-74 Pete Paradise-Asher 2007-09
Bob Hill 1975-78 DEVELOPMENT Brian Brigger 2007-12 Mark Cica 1972-75 Dan O’Brien 2007-10
Kirk Bruce 1975-76 Gilbert Brown 2021-p. Chris Dountas 2012-16 Bob Evans 1974-75 Elan Sternberg 2008-10
Cleveland Edwards 1977-80 Ed Whited 2016-19 John Sikora 1974-76 Melanie Wilmot 2008-11
Mike Schaeffer 1979-80 CHIEF OF STAFF Alec Kopatich 2019-p. Donald Freed 1974-77 Shamus McNulty 2008-11
Seth Greenberg 1980-83 Kyle Cieplicki 2021-p. John Cica 1974-77 Jared Dorfman 2008-12
Reggie Warford 1980-86 SPECIAL ASSISTANT Greg Burnham 1974-79 Matt Falcon 2008-12
Jay Eck 1983-85 GRADUATE ASSISTANTS TO THE HEAD COACH Albert J. Alimena 1976-77 Brendan Kozlowski 2008-12
John Calipari 1985-88 MIke Schaeffer 1970s Matt Woodley 2017-18 Lance Bennett 1978-82 Quinn Cozzens 2009-11
Mark Coleman 1986-94 Jim Bolla 1977-78 Paul Kochka 1979-80 Zach Hess 2009-11
Norm Law 1986-94 Dave Progar 1980-83 BASKETBALL Jerry Archer 1982-83 Ben Blount 2009-13
John Sarandrea 1988-92 Dave Olinger 1981-82 SECRETARY Jan Marcus 1982-83 Brian Colombo 2011-12
Joe DeSantis 1992-94 Scott Grevey 1982-83 Mary Jane Kramer 1973-86 Scott Grevey 1982-83 Jonathan Brodack 2010-14
Tom Crean 1994-95 Tom McConnell 1982-83 Barb Osman 1986-94 Tom McConnell 1982-83 Seth Friedman 2010-14
Sean Cleary 1994-96 Tony Tato 1982-89 Monica Kosmer 1994-99 Fleming James 1982-83 Michael Lindenbaum 2010-15
Bobby Jones 1994-97 Joe DeGregorio 1983-86 Beth Schoedel 1999-p. Tony Carter 1983-85 Rob Briggs 2011-13
Sean Miller 1995-96 Dominic Berardinelli 1983-87 Danny Mahon 1984-85 Jimmy Sciulli 2012-14
Jim Christian 1996-99 Duffy Burns 1986-88 MANAGERS Bill Hillgrove 1984-89 Sean Mack 2012-15
Troy Weaver 1996-99 Brian Regan 1988-90 Bill McQuown 1913 Dean Conomikes 1984-89 Matt Reilley 2012-15
Vince Taylor 1997-98 Willie Jett 1990-92 C.K. Murray 1914 Dave Schwartzberg 1987-90 Will Supowitz 2012-16
Oliver Antigua 1998-99 Steve Frankoski 2015-16 Downing 1914-15 Troy Scott 1988-89 Andrew Armstrong 2013-14
Lennie Parham 1999-01 Jason Richards 2010-13 J. Steele Grow 1916 Rob Greenleaf 1988-90 Josh Counihan 2014-15
Jamie Dixon 1999-03 David Hanson 2013-15 S.D. Flinn 1916 Derrick Vent 1988-90 Brennan Moxham 2014-15
Pat Sandle 1999-01, 2003-13 Branden McDonald 2013-15 J. Lorenz Scott 1916-17 Troy Pett 1988-90 Chris Gamcik 2014-15
Ernie Zeigler 2001-03 Ontario Lett 2015-17 Ray Baldridge 1917-18 Mike McConnell 1988-92 Dan Ginsberg 2014-15
Barry Rohrssen 2001-06, 2013-14 Matt Richardson 2016-18 W.B. Paul 1918 David Adelman 1989-94 Josh Russell-Einhorn 2014-16
Joe Lombardi 2003-06 Chris Jones 2017-18 George David 1918 Mike Culbert 1990-91 John Wallace 2014-16
Mike Rice 2006-07 Robby Lane 2019-21 D.W. McFadden 1918-19 Jason Bostocky 1990-92 Caleb Gilbride 2014-18
Orlando Antigua 2006-08 Robert Blose 2021-p. Robert K. McCurdy 1919-21 Chris Heller 1990-93 Matt Badger 2015-17
Tom Herrion 2007-10 Dean Shannon 1920 Dave Kiehl 1990-94 Matt Goldberg 2015-17
Brandin Knight 2008-16 VIDEO COORDINATORS Carl Mulert 1922-23 Steve Buchman 1990-95 Ryan Burek 2016-17
Pat Skerry 2010-11 Les Banos 1992-95 A.R. Eysell 1923-24 Mike White 1991-94 Luke Kraus 2015-18
Bill Barton 2011-16 Jeff Naple 1995-96 Marcus M. Jaquette 1924-25 Charlie Meyers 1991, 1993-96 Logan Kready 2016-18
Marlon Williamson 2014-16 Todd McCarthy 1996-98 Robert O. Garvin 1924 Mike Schweppe 1992-93 Jack Kramer 2015-19
Jeremy Ballard 2016-17 Pete Shaw 1998-99 R. Q. Warnock 1926 Mike Wernicki 1992-95 Cam Lawrence 2016-19
Tom Richardson 2016-17 Kevin Roach 2000-05 Charles R. Wilson 1926-27 Oliver Antigua 1993-98 Carlo Catania 2016-19
Kevin Sutton 2016-18 John Alesi 2005-06 Donald Lynch 1926-28 Mike Link 1993-94 Robby Lane 2016-19
Dan Cage 2017-18 Brandin Knight 2006-07 Robert Simpson 1928-29 Kevin Jordan 1993-97 Jesse Hoffman 2016-19
Sam Ferry 2017-18 Brian Regan 2007-08 James Hanson 1929-30 John David Capuano 1994-95 Nick Bobula 2017-21
Tim O’Toole 2018-p. Rasheen Davis 2008-09 James Alcorn 1931-32 Joel Myers 1994-96 Patrick Uher 2017-21
Milan Brown 2018-p. Jordan Marks 2009-13 Joe Bertucci 1995-97 Bryce Kready 2018-21
J. F. Alexander 1931-32
Jason Capel 2018-p. Jason Richards 2013-21 Richard Wattach 1934 Lassain Robinson 1995-96 Jack Leibow 2018-p.
Jake Prissuti 2021-p. Kenneth Coburn 1935-36 Chris Flocco 1995-96 Peter Mischler 2018-p.
DIRECTOR OF Leo Ryan 1937 Jamar Lee 1996-98 Matt Santoro 2018-p.
BASKETBALL OPS STRENGTH & William McKenna 1938 George Mongell 1996-98 Andrew Smathers 2018-20
Maria Novey 1994-99 CONDITIONING COACH Charles Wassell 1939 William Adam Corbin 1996-00 Robert Blose 2019-21
Barry Rohrssen 1999-2001 Warren Sipp 1984-86 William Oakes 1940 James Marsh 1997-98 John Bodner 2019-p.
Chris Carlson 2001-03 Ray Oliver 1986-89 William Rex 1940-41 Jamal Williamson 1997-98 David Canavan 2019-p.
Orlando Antigua 2003-06 Nick Heimmerman 1989-93 Bill Rial 1940-41 Justin Rispoli 1997-99 Aidan Fisch 2019-20
David Cox 2006-07 Gary Wateska 1993-98 Alcorn 1941-42 Jackie Werner 1998-99 Noah Lochran 2019-p.
Brandin Knight 2007-08 Joe Collins 1998-00 Jack Foley 1941-43 Cam Walker-Miller 1998-99 Finnnegan O’Shea 2019-20
Brian Regan 2008-16, 2018-p. Tim Beltz 2001-16 Roy Reinhard 1944-45 Pete Santore 1998-99 Kenny Starr 2019-p.
Dan Cage 2016-17 Garry Christopher 2016-p. Alphonse Siglow 1947-48 Tariq Jamal-Francis 1999-05 Andrew Thomas 2019-21
Jason Richards 2017-18 Robert Kauffman 1949-50 Dan Szramowski 2000-05 Joe Valdencanas 2019-20
ATHLETIC TRAINERS James Harper 1950-51 Rick Tyberski 2001-03 Matt Watson 2020-p.
AST. DIRECTOR OF Bob Mangine 1973-74 Harvey Rabinowitz 1952-53 John Janovsky 2001-04 George D’Atri 2021-p.
BASKETBALL OPS Kip Smith 1974-77 Albert Markowitz 1953-54 Byron Allis 2003-06 Luke DiCianno 2021-p.
Jake Fox 2018-19 Dave Perrin 1977-78, 1984-86 Milt Wolfe 1955 Stan Allen 2004-05 Steve Eiben 2021-p.
Ronald Ramon 2019-21 Tony Incorvaia 1978-84 David Bochok 1957 Lee Baierl 2004-06 Jimmy Hoover 2021-p.
Tony Salesi 1986-18 Harry Peterson 1958-59 Menacham Brodie 2004-07 Afam Onaga 2021-p.
DIRECTOR OF Jennifer Brown 2018-21 Kent Jarrell 1959-60 Jared Friedman 2004-07 Jacob Riben 2021-p.
STUDENT-ATHLETE Daniel Anthony 2021-p. William Buck 1960-61 Jordan Marks 2004-08
DEVELOPMENT Robert Shrott 1963 Jeremy Grubbs 2004-08
Jason Richards 2018-21 Lee Steadman 1963-64 Ryan Arnot 2005-06
Clair Malarkey 1976-77 Frank Boyd 2012-13 Lamar Patterson
1943-44 Walter Jones 1977-78 Larry Harris Dante Taylor
1944-45 Tay Malarkey Scott Nedrow Tray Woodall
1945-46 Hank Zeller Wayne Talbott Talib Zanna
Nate Apple 1978-79 Terry Knight 2013-14 Lamar Patterson
1946-47 Nate Apple Pete Strickland Cameron Wright
1947-48 Bill Cieply Wayne Williams Talib Zanna
1948-49 Sammy David 1979-80 Sammie Ellis 2014-15 Cameron Wright
Oland Canterna Sam Clancy Michael Young
1949-50 G. McCrossin 1980-81 Sam Clancy James Robinson
1950-51 G. Hromanick Carlton Neverson 2015-16 James Robinson
Bob Yurko 1981-82 D. Gissendanner 2016-17 Jamel Artis
1951-52 John Kendrick Dwayne Wallace Sheldon Jeter
1952-53 Michael Zernich 1982-83 Clyde Vaughan Chris Jones
Don Virostek 1983-84 Steve Beatty Michael Young
1953-54 Clarence Burch Billy Culbertson 2017-18 not named
1954-55 Ed Pavlick Clyde Vaughan 2018-19 Malik Ellison
1955-56 Joe Fenwick 1984-85 Andre Williams 2019-20 Xavier Johnson
1956-57 John Riser Chip Watkins Trey McGowens
Bob Lazor 1985-86 Curtis Aiken Au’Diese Toney
1957-58 Chuck Hursh 1986-87 Curtis Aiken 2020-21 Justin Champagnie
Julius Pegues 1987-88 Charles Smith Xavier Johnson
Au’Diese Toney
Dennis Dorman 1957-58 Carlton Neverson 1978-81 39 45
Joe Schinitzki 1961-62 Charles Thompson 1981-85 John Finneman* 1999-00 Oland Canterna 1947-48 Darwin Smith 1960-61
Rod Brookin 1986-90 Jon Luther 1986-87 Mike Cook 2005-08 DeJuan Blair 2007-09
Antoine Jones 1990-93 Rich Walton 1987-88 Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 2018-p. 40
Jaime Peterson 1993-95 Derrick Layton 1988-90 John Mills 1957-60 50
Michael Gill 1995-96 Chris McNeal 1990-93 32 Tom Roantree 1962-63 Dave Blyshak 1962-63
Attila Cosby 1997-99 Shaun Koontz 1993-94 Ed Pavlick* 1953-54 Larry Szkowny 1963-65 Bob Lovett 1963-64
Mark McCarroll 2001-05 Chris Horne 1997-98 Frank Zimmovan* 1954-56 Pete Smith 1966-68 Tom Roantree 1964-65
Doyle Hudson 2005-07 Griffin Abel 1998-01 Dave Sawyer 1956-57 Mike Riggle 1968-69 Ken Bollens 1966-68
Ryan Tiesi 2008-09 Marcus Bowman 2002-06 James Foley 1959-60 Steve Lewis 1969-71 Paul O’Gorek 1969-72
Lamar Patterson 2009-14 Tim Frye 2007-09 Paul Krieger 1961-62 Jim Bolla* 1971-72 Lucious Keese 1972-73
Sheldon Jeter 2014-17 Jermaine Dixon 2009-10 Roth McNally 1964-65 Kirk Bruce 1972-75 Scott Stephens* 1973-75
Terrell Brown 2017-21 Khem Birch 2011-12 Frank Clements 1966-67 Scott Stephens 1975-76 Wayne Talbott 1973-74
Mike Lecak 2013-16 Tony DeLisio 1967-69 Michael Rice 1976-77 Lucious Kreese 1974-75
22 Samson George 2017-19 Bob Cizmarik 1969-71 Steve Beatty 1980-84 Wayne Talbott 1975-78
Morris Jacobsen 1944-45 Ryan Murphy 2019-20 Ken Wagoner 1971-74 Junie Lewis 1984-85 Dan Landy 1978-79
Alex Medich 1945-46 William Jeffress 2020-p. Scott Nedrow 1974-78 Chris Gant 1991-95 Paul Brozovich 1979-81
George McCrossin* 1946-47 John Ryan 1979-81 Andre Howard 1995-97 Matt Miklasevich 1982-86
Joe Fenwick 1953-56 25 Trent Johnson* 1982-83 Kevin Leslie 1997-98 Chad Varga 1994-97
D. Jones 1956-57 D. Sari 1952-53 uCharles Smith 1984-88 Maurice Polen 2005-08 Ontario Lett 2001-03
D. Wunderlich 1956-57 James Foley 1960-61 Cassin Diggs 2007-08
Richard Wernicki 1956-58 Tim Grgurich 1961-62 33 Joseph Uchebo 2013-15
John Larkin 1962-64 W. Frederick 1947-48
Mike Caldwell 1969-70 Ryan Seelye 2015-16
Robert Lovett 1964-65
Robert Haygood 1974-75 Howard Lockhart 1960-61
John Cullen 1966-67
Player GP FGM FT-FTA Pct PF Pts Avg Pitt 14 256 140-241 .581 263 653 46.6
Straloski, Edward 19 69 34-59 .576 51 172 9.1 Opponents 14 - - - - 688 49.4
Port, Mel 19 38 31-57 .544 42 107 5.6
Paffrath, Lawrence. 19 39 19-38 .500 24 97 5.1 1944-45 Record: 8-4
Milanovich, Samuel 18 38 14-28 .500 33 90 5.0 Player GP FGM FT-FTA Pct PF Pts Avg
Kocheran, George 18 37 16-31 .516 36 90 5.0 Canterna, Oland 12 53 52-92 .565 38 158 13.2
Ziolkowski, Ed 18 22 10-23 .435 19 54 3.0 Zeller, Hank 12 51 31-53 .585 40 133 11.1
Egan, James 9 3 0-1 .000 4 6 0.7 Apple, Nate 12 46 22-35 .629 29 114 9.5
Swacus, John 13 1 2-3 .667 9 4 0.3 Malarkey, Clare 12 27 32-54 .593 22 86 7.2
Mastin, Ed 9 1 1-1 1.000 3 3 0.3 Marder, Philip 11 24 7-12 .583 36 55 5.0
Artman, Bob 5 1 0-0 .000 1 2 0.4 Morris, Frank 8 16 7-14 .500 23 39 4.9
Lohmeyer, Paul 3 0 1-3 .333 0 1 0.3 Cosentino, Sam 11 11 2-4 .500 5 24 2.2
Pitt 19 296 162-307 .528 268 754 39.7 Michalik, Karl 11 4 11-14 .786 16 19 1.7
Opponents 19 - - - - 682 35.9 Jacobsen, Morris 10 5 4-10 .400 27 14 1.4
Garnham, Ed 3 1 1-3 .333 2 3 1.0
Watkins 2 1 0-0 .000 0 2 1.0
Bazzano 4 0 1-1 1.000 3 1 0.3
Spungen, Howard 4 0 0-0 .000 3 0 0.0
Pitt 12 240 173-297 .582 249 658 54.8
Opponents 12 - - - - 581 48.4
Ragan, Thomas 0 0 0-1 .000 1 0 0.0 Artman 14 - 4-13 .308 4-11 .364 4-0.3 9-0 5 - - - 12-0.9
Pitt 21 320 310-499 .621 443 950 45.2 Bingham 6 - 2-4 .500 2-2 1.000 3-0.5 1-0 0 - - - 6-1.0
Opponents 21 375 286-421 .679 405 1050 50.0 Hriebar 1 - 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0.0 1-0 0 - - - 0-0.0
Pitt 224 - 459-1404 .327 328-556 .590 811-36.8 542-43 309 - - - 1252-56.9
1948-49 Record: 12-13 Opp 224 - - .330 381-582 .655 741-33.9 477-28 233 - - - 1305-59.3
Player GP FG-FGA Pct FT-FTA Pct PF Pts Avg
David, Samuel 25 145-330 .439 100-149 .671 63 390 15.6 1952-53 Record: 12-11
Canterna, Oland 24 102-278 .367 98-155 .632 81 302 12.6 Player GP Min FG-FGA Pct FT-FTA Pct Reb-Avg PF-FO A TO B S Pts-Avg
Cecconi, Louis 25 48-159 .302 37-86 .430 79 133 5.3 Zernich 23 - 98-297 .330 113-174 .649 169-7.3 82-7 - - - - 309-13.4
Hromanik, George 25 32-95 .337 35-53 .660 47 99 4.0 Virostek 21 - 108-263 .411 83-129 .643 424-20.2 71-7 - - - - 299-14.2
McCrossin, George 25 33-104 .317 31-48 .646 77 97 3.9 Palesko 23 - 85-269 .316 101-173 .584 116-5.0 62-3 - - - - 271-11.8
Lerner, Morton 25 27-67 .403 36-57 .632 64 90 3.6 Dietrick 23 - 74-222 .333 68-123 .553 171-7.4 75-4 - - - - 216-9.4
Belich, Michael 23 34-103 .330 8-18 .444 38 76 3.3 Boyd 23 - 50-168 .298 42-74 .568 187-8.1 65-4 - - - - 142-6.2
Yurko, Robert 16 7-23 .304 4-10 .400 11 18 1.1 Duessel 23 - 38-117 .325 31-53 .585 116-5.0 50-1 - - - - 107-4.7
Malmberg, Arthur 10 4-21 .190 4-5 .800 6 12 1.2 Artman 13 - 12-37 .324 10-18 .556 18-1.4 20-0 - - - - 34-2.6
Braumbeck, R 19 4-16 .250 4-13 .308 30 12 0.6 Ruschel 14 - 7-30 .233 9-15 .600 14-1.0 7-0 - - - - 23-1.6
Gerensky, Thaddeus 12 2-10 .200 3-5 .600 10 7 0.6 Carnahan 15 - 4-18 .222 2-3 .667 14-0.9 18-0 - - - - 10-0.7
Everett, Robert 3 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 1 0 0.0 McClure 7 - 1-6 .167 3-5 .600 8-1.1 6-0 - - - - 5-0.7
Brehm, William 1 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 2 0 0.0 Navokovich 1 - 1-1 1.000 2-4 .500 0-0.0 3-0 - - - - 4-4.0
Pitt 25 438-1206 .363 360-599 .601 509 1236 49.4 Frontone 5 - 0-4 .000 1-4 .250 0-0.0 5-0 - - - - 1-0.2
Opponents 25 - - 334-554 .602 470 1252 50.1 Resutek 1 - 0-1 .000 0-2 .000 1-1.0 0-0 - - - - 0-0.0
Phillips 3 - 0-4 .000 0-0 .000 1-0.3 3-0 - - - - 0-0.0
Pavlick, Ed 2 - 0-1 .000 0-2 .000 1-0.5 1-0 - - - - 0-0.0
Lepkowski 1 - 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 1-1.0 0-0 - - - - 0-0.0
Pitt 23 - 557-1670 .334 485-812 .597 1283-55.8 512-26 - - - - 1579-68.7
Opponents 23 - 523-1567 .334 529-820 .645 1140-49.6 508-25 - - - - 1577-68.6
Smith, Darwin 22 - - 8-39 .205 - - 23-37 .622 - 47 47 2.1 35 0 - - - - 39 1.8
Lockhart, Howard 5 - - 3-12 .250 - - 8-14 .571 - 3 3 0.6 6 0 - - - - 14 2.8
Foley, James 14 - - 3-17 .176 - - 5-8 .625 - 11 11 0.8 11 0 - - - - 11 0.8
Maravich, Eliot 2 - - 4-8 .500 - - 1-1 1.000 - 4 4 2.0 2 0 - - - - 9 4.5
Simpson, Lloyd 2 - - 0-0 .000 - - 0-0 .000 - 1 1 0.5 1 0 - - - - 0 0.0
Malarkey, Bill 2 - - 0-0 .000 - - 0-0 .000 - 2 2 1.0 0 0 - - - - 0 0.0
Keller, Don 4 - - 0-4 .000 - - 0-1 .000 - 2 2 0.5 6 0 - - - - 0 0.0
Pitt 25 - - 638-1617 .395 - - 477-695 .686 - 1113 1113 44.5 478 0 - - - - 1753 70.0
Opponents 25 - - 689-1715 .402 - - 438-654 .670 - 1153 1153 46.1 486 0 - - - - 1816 72.6
1968-69 Record: 4-20
Player GP Min Avg FG-FGA Pct 3FG-FGA Pct FT-FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO A TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
Caldwell, Mike 24 - - 116-285 .407 - - 48-55 .873 - 46 46 1.9 44 0 - - - - 280 11.7
McFarland, Bob 24 - - 97-253 .383 - - 82-121 .678 - 123 123 5.1 73 0 - - - - 276 11.5
Patcher, Mike 24 - - 72-197 .365 - - 51-61 .836 - 208 208 8.7 98 0 - - - - 195 8.1
Causer, Jerry 23 - - 71-166 .428 - - 20-40 .500 - 128 128 5.6 58 0 - - - - 162 7.0
Petrini, Bob 16 - - 60-146 .411 - - 18-24 .750 - 34 34 2.1 23 0 - - - - 138 8.6
Downes, Bill 24 - - 41-93 .441 - - 32-58 .552 - 41 41 1.7 51 0 - - - - 114 4.8
Riggle, Mike 23 - - 23-62 .371 - - 53-73 .726 - 87 87 3.8 42 0 - - - - 99 4.3
Kalata, Len 7 - - 23-69 .333 - - 19-31 .613 - 18 18 2.6 15 0 - - - - 65 9.3
Withers, Tom 19 - - 14-40 .350 - - 12-22 .545 - 30 30 1.6 13 0 - - - - 40 2.1
DeLisio, Tony 7 - - 16-38 .421 - - 7-11 .636 - 15 15 2.1 19 0 - - - - 39 5.6
Hunt, Charles 14 - - 9-31 .290 - - 10-24 .417 - 47 47 3.4 44 0 - - - - 28 2.0
McClellan, Pat 9 - - 3-11 .273 - - 8-10 .800 - 2 2 0.2 5 0 - - - - 14 1.6
Barnhart, Ray 10 - - 0-3 .000 - - 3-8 .375 - 3 3 0.3 5 0 - - - - 3 0.3
Pitt 24 - - 545-1394 .391 - - 363-538 .674 - 962 962 40.8 490 0 - - - - 1453 60.5
Opponents 24 - - 640-1483 .432 - - 451-660 .677 - 1114 1114 46.4 432 0 - - - - 1731 72.1
Shrewsbury, Bob 26 - - 47-127 .370 - - 30-48 .625 - 42 42 1.6 54 1 147 - 2 - 124 4.8
McClelland, Ralph 25 - - 51-108 .472 - - 10-25 .400 - 165 165 6.6 74 0 25 - 7 - 112 4.5
Strickland, Pete 24 - - 26-70 .371 - - 21-27 .778 - 19 19 0.8 23 2 34 - 1 - 73 3.0
Haygood, Bob 13 - 10-33 .303 - - 10-10 1.000 - 13 13 1.0 2 0 7 - 0 - 30 2.3
Talbott, Wayne 19 - - 6-20 .300 - - 5-8 .625 - 20 20 1.1 22 0 4 - 0 - 17 0.9
Kochka, Paul 1 - - 2-2 1.000 - - 0-1 .000 - 3 3 3.0 5 1 0 - 0 - 4 4.0
Windbush, Jim 1 - - 0-0 .000 - - 0-0 .000 - 1 1 1.0 1 0 0 - 0 - 0 0.0
Berardinelli, Dominic 2 - - 0-1 .000 - - 0-0 .000 - 3 3 1.5 4 0 2 - 0 - 0 0.0
Pitt 27 - - 810-1794 .454 - - 295-456 .647 - 1061 1061 39.3 646 25 437 - 80 - 1915 70.9
Opponents 27 - - 714-1549 .461 - - 465-680 .684 - 1134 1134 42.0 511 15 386 - 68 - 1893 70.1
Thompson, Chas 1 2 2.0 0-0 .000 - - 1-2 .500 - 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.0
Blanton, John 2 2 1.0 0-0 .000 - - 0-0 .000 - 0 0 0.0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0.0
Pitt 31 6350 204.8 795-1765 .450 - - 510-731 .698 - 936 936 30.2 637 28 437 474 100 252 2100 67.8
Opponents 31 6350 204.8 797-1636 .487 - - 472-684 .694 - 1039 1039 33.5 631 13 477 563 86 181 2006 64.7
Pitt 31 6225 200.8 878-1768 .494 115-287 .409 604-841 .717 382 705 1181 37.8 593 16 566 503 135 192 2475 79.8
Opponents 31 6225 200.8 820-1887 .434 156-403 .387 406-591 .687 368 536 904 31.8 683 30 448 470 0 207 2202 71.0
Brush, Brian 19-3 98 5.2 15-30 .500 0-0 .000 15-24 .625 10 10 20 1.1 18 0 3 9 0 1 45 2.4
Ziegler, Travis 8-0 22 2.8 3-6 .500 0-2 .000 2-6 .333 0 2 2 0.3 2 0 2 2 0 2 8 1.0
Generalovich, Brock 6-0 13 2.2 1-1 1.000 0-0 .000 4-8 .500 1 0 1 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 1.0
Glover, Tim 3-0 0 0.0 0-3 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0 1 1 0.3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Dumancic, Dominik 6-0 27 4.5 0-9 .000 0-7 .000 0-0 .000 0 3 3 0.5 5 0 0 2 0 1 0 0.0
Pitt 34 6825 200.7 913-2011 .454 148-440 .336 617-994 .621 476 834 1310 38.5 735 9 535 502 146 233 2591 76.2
Opponents 34 6825 200.7 873-1996 .437 164-504 .325 563-841 .669 448 821 1269 37.3 777 0 474 588 128 223 2473 72.7
Gill, Michael 21-2 252 12.0 31-84 .369 6-24 .250 18-28 .643 19 24 43 2.0 27 0 14 16 2 10 86 4.1
Taylor, Kellii 1-0 14 14.0 3-6 .500 3-5 .600 0-0 .000 3 0 3 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 9.0
El Nokali, Amr 4-0 7 1.8 3-4 .750 2-2 1.000 0-0 .000 1 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 2.0
Gardella, Chris 3-0 5 1.7 0-3 .000 0-2 .000 1-4 .250 0 1 1 0.3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.3
Team 40 47 87 13
Pitt 27 5450 201.9 680-1639 .415 204-575 .355 384-563 .682 397 581 978 36.2 622 22 416 441 97 234 1948 72.1
Opponents 27 5450 201.9 622-1443 .431 149-456 .327 518-754 .687 370 662 1032 38.2 498 0 378 501 102 200 1911 70.8
Team 52 53 105 3.8 2 9
Pitt 28 5600 200 688-1604 .429 174-543 .320 314-504 .623 383 662 1045 37.3 447 10 459 465 60 215 1864 66.6
Opponents 28 5600 200 688-1597 .431 182-510 .357 318-449 .708 317 640 957 34.2 476 11 415 419 148 181 1876 67.0
Polen, Maurice 10-0 15 1.5 2-10 .200 0-3 .000 1-3 .333 3 5 8 0.8 1 0 2 1 0 0 5 0.5
Wallace, Austin 4-0 12 3.0 1-4 .250 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 3 0 3 0.8 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 0.5
Team 66 67 133 3.6 3 3
Pitt 37 7450 201.4 997-2185 .456 225-671 .335 512-768 .667 533 866 1399 37.8 598 7 578 445 125 251 2731 73.8
Opponents 37 7450 201.4 878-2090 .420 239-717 .333 415-595 .697 435 804 1239 33.5 675 14 465 519 120 178 2410 65.1
Gilbert, Malcolm 19-0 93 4.9 4-7 .571 0-0 .000 1-2 .500 6 9 15 0.8 18 0 0 3 6 2 9 0.5
Rivers, Nick 7-0 12 1.7 1-7 .143 1-5 .200 1-2 .500 0 2 2 0.3 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0.6
Epps, Isaiah 19-2 103 5.4 1-16 .063 0-12 .000 0-3 .000 1 3 4 0.2 9 0 16 5 0 3 2 0.1
Nwankwo, Aron 5-0 8 1.6 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 2 1 3 0.6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Team 72 49 121 3.2 2 9
Pitt 39 7825 200.0 981-2164 .453 247-707 .349 483-691 .699 532 875 1407 36.1 671 7 593 495 103 183 2692 69.0
Opponents 39 7825 200.0 915-2077 .441 229-686 .334 495-694 .713 393 765 1158 29.7 641 15 517 431 154 235 2554 65.5
Rafael Maia 33-25 397 12.0 24-52 .462 0-1 .000 18-31 .581 49 69 118 3.6 63 0 18 15 6 15 66 2.0
Alonzo Nelson-Ododa 30-5 251 8.4 17-37 .459 0-0 .000 6-15 .400 25 23 48 1.6 39 1 4 11 23 1 40 1.3
Ryan Seelye 8-0 12 1.5 2-5 .400 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 1 0 1 0.1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.5
Mike Lecak 11-0 21 1.9 1-7 .143 0-5 .000 0-0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 5 0 1 3 0 0 2 0.2
Team 55 36 91 2.8 2 15 0
Pitt 33 6650 201.5 878-1919 .458 204-589 .346 516-686 .752 417 841 1258 38.1 583 4 547 384 121 162 2476 75.0
Opponents 33 6650 201.5 798-1844 .433 222-631 .352 402-608 .661 315 707 1022 31.0 598 11 437 376 110 186 2220 67.3
Curtis Aiken, Jr. 6-0 7 1.2 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 1 1 2 0.3 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0.3
Onyebuchi Ezeakudo 13-0 39 3.0 1-4 .250 0-2 .000 0-0 .000 2 4 6 0.5 0 0 3 3 0 4 2 0.2
Chayce Smith 1-0 1 1.0 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0 1 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Team 60 64 124 19
Pitt 33 6625 201.5 755-1867 .404 175-592 .296 467-655 .713 394 734 1128 34.2 510 15 404 404 113 258 2152 65.2
Opponents 33 6625 201.5 791-1838 .430 247-728 .339 340-477 .713 387 811 1198 36.3 599 13 467 511 140 180 2169 65.7
Player, Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
Abel, Griffin, 1998-01 29 4 209 7.2 15 42 .357 1 8 .125 6 14 .429 13 31 44 1.5 25 0 11 16 1 1 37 1.3
Abrams, Marvin, 1970-74 43 0 0 0.0 60 167 .359 0 0 .000 25 36 .694 0 39 39 0.9 45 0 26 0 0 0 145 3.4
Adams, Chase, 2009-10 27 0 285 10.6 17 44 .386 13 33 .394 5 7 .714 1 11 12 0.4 15 0 24 14 1 7 52 1.9
Adams, Steven, 2012-13 32 32 749 23.4 100 175 .571 0 0 .000 31 70 .443 90 113 203 6.3 52 0 20 35 65 21 231 7.2
Aggelou, Sotiris, 1993-95 47 12 758 16.1 84 236 .356 48 152 .316 45 64 .703 22 49 71 1.5 75 2 45 69 1 38 261 5.6
Aiken, Curtis, 1983-87 120 82 3216 26.8 489 1028 .476 46 117 .393 176 296 .595 26 159 185 1.5 245 5 378 247 12 155 1200 10.0
Aiken, Jr., Curtis, 2019-21 7 0 10 1.4 0 3 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 1 1 2 0.3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.4
Alexander, 1942-43 5 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Allen, George, 1981-84 77 0 1913 24.8 276 645 .428 0 0 .000 150 200 .750 0 118 118 1.5 177 6 187 165 12 120 702 9.1
Alridge, Andre, 1992-96 77 46 1839 23.9 156 447 .349 110 307 .358 138 187 .738 42 115 157 2.0 127 2 258 186 0 63 560 7.3
Amadasun, Max, 2020-21 4 0 12 3.0 1 5 .200 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 3 0.8 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.5
Antigua, Oliver, 1994-98 8 0 23 2.9 1 3 .333 1 2 .500 2 2 1.000 0 1 1 0.1 3 0 1 1 3 0 5 0.6
Antigua, Orlando, 1991-95 116 78 2648 22.8 332 790 .420 117 303 .386 149 218 .683 147 262 409 3.5 253 9 195 216 78 77 930 8.0
Apple, Nate, 1943-47 58 0 0 0.0 179 0 .000 0 0 .000 116 179 .648 0 0 0 0.0 134 0 0 0 0 0 474 8.2
Armstrong, Keith, 1982-86 112 40 2383 21.3 230 452 .509 0 0 .000 113 219 .516 0 422 422 3.8 328 25 69 177 108 65 573 5.1
Artis, Jamel, 2013-17 135 88 3724 27.6 579 1231 .470 170 450 .378 368 485 .759 186 441 627 4.6 237 0 304 252 42 63 1696 12.6
Artman, Bernard, 1951-54 50 0 0 0.0 86 272 .316 0 0 .000 70 136 .515 0 146 146 2.9 93 3 5 0 0 0 242 4.8
Artman, Bob, 1940-43 35 0 0 0.0 97 0 .000 0 0 .000 54 86 .628 0 0 0 0.0 66 0 0 0 0 0 248 7.1
Assid, Ed, 1964-65 3 0 0 0.0 1 6 .167 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 4 4 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.0
Baierl, Bill, 1949-50 3 0 0 0.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Bailey, Nate, 1987-89 39 2 252 6.5 12 45 .267 0 4 .000 27 36 .750 13 21 34 0.9 42 1 21 31 1 4 51 1.3
Barnhart, Ray, 1968-69 10 0 0 0.0 0 3 .000 0 0 .000 3 8 .375 0 3 3 0.3 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.3
Barrett, 1942-43 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Bashioum, W, 1945-46 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 0 0 0 0.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.3
Baumbeck, Bob, 1948-50 26 0 0 0.0 6 21 .286 0 0 .000 7 19 .368 0 0 0 0.0 37 0 0 0 0 0 19 0.7
Bazzano, 1944-45 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.3
Beatty, Steve, 1980-84 81 0 1205 14.9 86 193 .446 0 0 .000 40 64 .625 0 185 185 2.3 153 4 20 71 24 35 212 2.6
Belich, Michael, 1948-51 67 0 0 0.0 234 701 .334 0 0 .000 127 196 .648 0 0 0 0.0 161 4 0 0 0 0 595 8.9
Benjamin, Keith, 2004-08 123 29 2058 16.7 245 575 .426 81 236 .343 73 122 .598 87 201 288 2.3 149 1 145 115 10 60 644 5.2
Bennett, Bill, 1965-66 12 0 0 0.0 6 16 .375 0 0 .000 7 13 .538 0 32 32 2.7 13 0 0 0 0 0 19 1.6
Bennett, Mel, 1974-75 29 0 0 0.0 109 264 .413 0 0 .000 75 110 .682 0 295 295 10.2 95 7 29 0 70 0 293 10.1
Berardinelli, Dominic, 1975-77 4 0 0 0.0 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 5 5 1.3 4 0 2 0 0 0 1 0.3
Biehl, 1943-44 5 0 0 0.0 12 0 .000 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 0.0 5 0 0 0 0 0 26 5.2
Biggs, Tyrell, 2005-09 141 37 2264 16.1 243 510 .476 25 74 .338 93 147 .633 184 226 410 2.9 247 4 71 99 46 35 604 4.3
Bingham, Bob, 1951-52 6 0 0 0.0 2 4 .500 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 0 3 3 0.5 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1.0
Birch, Khem, 2011-12 10 6 150 15.0 16 28 .571 0 0 .000 12 22 .545 21 29 50 5.0 21 0 0 7 19 2 44 4.4
Blair, DeJuan, 2007-09 72 71 1918 26.6 394 694 .568 0 0 .000 191 311 .614 339 430 769 10.7 204 5 77 115 75 116 979 13.6
Blanton, John, 1982-86 20 0 46 2.3 6 18 .333 0 0 .000 5 13 .385 0 6 6 0.3 4 0 5 5 0 0 17 0.9
Blount, Mark, 1995-97 56 36 1149 20.5 136 292 .466 1 2 .500 87 168 .518 91 187 278 5.0 173 10 39 129 105 28 360 6.4
Blyshak, Dave, 1962-65 34 0 0 0.0 64 195 .328 0 0 .000 9 19 .474 0 75 75 2.2 29 0 0 0 0 0 137 4.0
Bolla, Jim, 1971-75 82 0 0 0.0 107 244 .439 0 0 .000 56 101 .554 0 290 290 3.5 188 5 68 0 8 0 270 3.3
Bollens, Ken, 1965-68 61 0 0 0.0 213 481 .443 0 0 .000 133 183 .727 0 370 370 6.1 180 0 0 0 0 0 559 9.2
Boose, Jack, 1946-47 11 0 0 0.0 19 0 .000 0 0 .000 15 28 .536 0 0 0 0.0 29 0 0 0 0 0 53 4.8
Bowman, Marcus, 2003-06 20 0 26 1.3 1 13 .077 1 10 .100 1 4 .250 1 5 6 0.3 2 0 0 2 0 1 4 0.2
Boyd, Arthur, 1950-53 49 0 0 0.0 84 273 .308 0 0 .000 77 130 .592 0 279 279 5.7 117 6 20 0 0 0 245 5.0
Boyd, Frank, 1973-77 32 0 0 0.0 10 40 .250 0 0 .000 5 16 .313 0 36 36 1.1 23 0 17 0 2 0 25 0.8
Boyd, Jason, 1998-00 9 0 13 1.4 2 8 .250 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 1 1 2 0.2 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 0.6
Boykins, Monty, 2017-18 20 1 113 5.7 6 31 .194 4 21 .190 11 22 .500 0 10 10 0.5 8 0 2 7 0 2 27 1.4
Brautigam, Barry, 1954-57 56 0 0 0.0 57 140 .407 0 0 .000 31 49 .633 0 112 112 2.0 77 4 0 0 0 0 145 2.6
Brehm, William, 1946-50 15 0 0 0.0 16 29 .552 0 0 .000 18 40 .450 0 0 0 0.0 59 0 0 0 0 0 50 3.3
Brimm, Oscar, 1971-73 3 0 0 0.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 2 3 .666 0 2 2 0.7 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0.7
Brookin, Rod, 1986-90 94 25 2234 23.8 370 747 .495 94 230 .409 213 296 .720 113 239 352 3.7 145 6 113 157 19 88 1047 11.1
Brown, Gilbert, 2006-11 129 49 2946 22.8 359 775 .463 94 275 .342 234 314 .745 149 289 438 3.4 254 3 234 165 33 67 1046 8.1
Brown, Jaron, 2000-04 137 109 3777 27.6 501 997 .503 36 153 .235 220 346 .636 272 379 651 4.8 269 1 295 279 59 192 1258 9.2
Brown, Sean, 2008-09 4 0 4 1.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Brown, Terrell, 2017-21 118 46 2003 17.0 208 458 .454 6 35 .171 116 181 .641 169 255 424 3.6 242 7 30 108 173 27 538 4.6
Brozovich, Paul, 1979-81 54 0 661 12.2 62 144 .431 0 0 .000 17 47 .362 0 123 123 2.3 131 4 16 59 10 20 141 2.6
Bruce, Kirk, 1972-75 83 0 0 0.0 400 847 .472 0 0 .000 102 136 .750 0 334 334 4.0 206 7 200 0 13 0 902 10.9
Brush, Brian, 1989-93 66 5 540 8.2 55 111 .495 1 2 .500 67 94 .713 63 86 149 2.3 73 1 18 37 3 11 178 2.7
Buck, Bill, 1965-67 25 0 0 0.0 25 68 .368 0 0 .000 8 13 .615 0 38 38 1.5 31 0 0 0 0 0 58 2.3
Buck, Rudy, 1943-44 12 0 0 0.0 9 0 .000 0 0 .000 2 6 .333 0 0 0 0.0 25 0 0 0 0 0 20 1.7
Burch, Clarence, 1951-54 45 0 0 0.0 196 548 .358 0 0 .000 196 282 .695 0 214 214 4.8 121 1 131 0 0 0 588 13.1
Caldwell, Bob, 1964-67 27 0 0 0.0 15 53 .283 0 0 .000 10 18 .556 0 15 15 0.6 47 0 0 0 0 0 40 1.5
Caldwell, Mike, 1968-71 59 0 0 0.0 158 383 .413 0 0 .000 72 83 .867 0 67 67 1.1 67 0 18 0 0 0 388 6.6
Canterna, Oland, 1944-49 71 0 0 0.0 286 278* .000 0 0 .000 285 469 .608 0 0 0 0.0 209 0 0 0 0 0 857 12.1
Cardot, Willis, 1972-73 15 0 0 0.0 12 35 .343 0 0 .000 8 8 1.000 0 15 15 1.0 11 1 14 0 0 0 32 2.1
Carlson, Lloyd, 1941-43 25 0 0 0.0 16 0 .000 0 0 .000 11 24 .458 0 0 0 0.0 23 0 0 0 0 0 43 1.7
Carnahan, Milroy, 1950-53 29 0 0 0.0 6 33 .182 0 0 .000 5 8 .625 0 14 14 0.5 32 0 0 0 0 0 17 0.6
Carr, Marcus, 2017-18 32 27 916 28.6 106 268 .396 36 108 .333 72 88 .818 8 82 90 2.8 70 1 129 88 4 20 320 10.0
Carrigan, Rich, 1984-87 16 0 55 3.4 1 9 .111 0 0 .000 8 12 .667 1 15 16 1.0 11 0 2 8 0 0 10 0.6
Cauley, Willie, 1993-94 27 9 480 17.8 78 170 .459 6 19 .316 24 49 .490 33 63 96 3.6 64 2 23 35 11 24 186 6.9
Causer, Jerry, 1968-70 43 0 0 0.0 94 211 .445 0 0 .000 26 57 .456 0 183 183 4.3 87 0 0 0 0 0 214 5.0
Cavanaugh, Pat, 1986-90 109 5 990 9.1 74 177 .418 18 56 .321 64 99 .646 14 63 77 0.7 85 0 143 96 0 40 230 2.1
Cecconi, Louis, 1946-50 75 0 0 0.0 134 302 .444 0 0 .000 122 220 .555 0 0 0 0.0 201 0 0 0 0 0 390 5.2
Cercone, Eugene, 1953-57 19 0 0 0.0 7 21 .333 0 0 .000 7 10 .700 0 8 8 0.4 5 0 0 0 0 0 21 1.1
Champagnie, Justin, 2019-21 53 46 1769 33.4 287 644 .446 56 200 .280 149 200 .745 140 313 453 8.5 109 3 53 63 53 60 779 14.7
Chosky, Saul, 1943-44 9 0 0 0.0 14 0 .000 0 0 .000 11 13 .846 0 0 0 0.0 13 0 0 0 0 0 39 4.3
Christopher, Frank, 1950-51 15 0 0 0.0 0 22 .000 0 0 .000 4 11 .364 0 0 0 0.0 23 1 0 0 0 0 4 0.3
Chukwuka, Kene, 2017-19 63 30 1099 17.4 74 164 .451 14 70 .200 38 64 .594 73 123 196 3.1 158 4 38 47 31 25 200 3.2
Fisher, Brian, 1963-65 24 0 0 0.0 52 165 .315 0 0 .000 47 68 .691 0 73 73 3.0 51 0 0 0 0 0 151 6.3
Fleming, Sam, 1971-74 52 0 0 0.0 33 96 .344 0 0 .000 21 34 .618 0 37 37 0.7 43 0 28 0 0 0 87 1.7
Flores, Stephen, 1997-99 44 3 495 11.3 47 132 .356 15 67 .224 32 36 .889 21 22 43 1.0 52 0 13 22 12 18 141 3.2
Foley, James, 1959-61 25 0 0 0.0 7 26 .269 0 0 .000 5 9 .556 0 17 17 0.7 15 0 0 0 0 0 19 0.8
Forquer, Ralph, 1946-47 16 0 0 0.0 5 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 7 .143 0 0 0 0.0 24 0 0 0 0 0 11 0.7
Frederick, W., 1946-48 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Fridley, John, 1958-61 72 0 0 0.0 337 807 .418 0 0 .000 176 261 .674 0 800 800 11.1 229 6 0 0 0 0 850 11.8
Frontone, Jack, 1951-55 27 0 0 0.0 16 75 .213 0 0 .000 2 13 .154 0 15 15 0.6 23 0 8 0 0 0 34 1.3
Frye, Tim, 2007-10 24 0 35 1.5 6 15 .400 5 11 .455 0 0 .000 1 3 4 0.2 1 0 3 6 0 1 17 0.7
Gant, Chris, 1991-95 103 40 1923 18.7 234 514 .455 5 19 .263 187 295 .634 218 256 474 4.6 288 12 63 130 14 66 660 6.4
Garcia, Joseph, 1937-38 21 0 0 0.0 50 0 .000 0 0 .000 24 33 .727 0 0 0 0.0 31 0 0 0 0 0 124 5.9
Gardella, Chris, 1994-98 12 0 17 1.4 0 8 .000 0 3 .000 2 8 .250 0 3 3 0.3 3 0 8 4 0 1 2 0.2
Garnham, Ed, 1944-46 10 0 0 0.0 2 0 .000 0 0 .000 3 7 .429 0 0 0 0.0 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.7
Generalovich, Brian, 1961-64 72 0 0 0.0 420 983 .427 0 0 .000 274 360 .761 0 622 622 8.6 203 11 0 0 0 0 1114 15.5
Generalovich, Brock, 1989-93 33 0 134 4.1 14 33 .424 7 18 .389 5 11 .455 4 8 12 0.4 14 0 10 5 2 2 40 1.2
Generalovich, Nick, 1964-66 29 0 0 0.0 13 52 .250 0 0 .000 12 20 .600 17 18 35 1.2 38 0 0 0 0 0 38 1.3
Gennock, J. 1945-47 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
George, Samson, 2017-20 27 1 96 3.6 9 20 .480 0 0 .000 5 13 .385 11 15 26 1.0 14 0 1 0 1 0 23 0.9
Gerensky, Thaddeus, 1948-49 12 0 0 0.0 8 10 .800 0 0 .000 8 23 .348 0 0 0 0.0 31 0 0 0 0 0 24 2.0
Gibbs, Ashton, 2008-12 137 101 3836 28.0 562 1360 .413 297 725 .410 327 375 .872 50 226 276 2.0 146 0 255 174 6 63 1748 12.8
Gilbert, Malcolm, 2011-12 19 0 93 4.9 4 7 .571 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 6 9 15 0.8 18 0 0 3 6 2 9 0.5
Gill, Michael, 1995-96 21 2 252 12.0 31 84 .369 6 24 .250 18 28 .643 19 24 43 2.0 27 0 14 16 2 10 86 4.1
Ginevan, Dave, 1961-62 5 0 0 0.0 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 6 6 1.2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Gissendanner, Darrell, 1978-82 94 0 1197 12.7 177 401 .441 0 0 .000 126 165 .764 0 73 73 0.8 158 7 100 128 6 85 480 5.1
Glenn, Jack, 1943-44 12 0 0 0.0 10 0 .000 0 0 .000 7 13 .538 0 0 0 0.0 18 0 0 0 0 0 27 2.3
Glover, Tim, 1990-92 20 0 65 3.3 11 27 .407 10 22 .455 0 0 .000 0 4 4 0.2 5 0 2 0 1 0 32 1.6
Goodson, Mike, 1985-87 48 33 1169 24.4 102 223 .457 37 100 .370 39 56 .696 14 52 66 1.4 98 2 169 85 0 13 280 5.8
Goodwin, Paul, 1942-43 5 0 0 0.0 2 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 3 .333 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 1.0
Katsafanas, Chris, 1964-65 4 0 0 0.0 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 0 3 .000 0 2 2 0.5 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.5
Keese, Lucius, 1972-75 36 0 0 0.0 37 81 .457 0 0 .000 10 21 .476 0 105 105 2.9 39 1 8 0 6 0 84 2.3
Keller, Don, 1958-60 18 0 0 0.0 5 19 .263 0 0 .000 6 11 .545 0 31 31 1.7 22 0 0 0 0 0 16 0.9
Kelly, Willie, 1973-76 75 0 0 0.0 153 313 .489 0 0 .000 43 78 .551 0 259 259 3.5 118 5 42 34 3 0 349 4.7
Kendall, Levon, 2003-07 105 75 2109 20.1 194 420 .462 20 80 .250 119 166 .717 186 259 445 4.2 255 8 135 99 75 63 527 5.0
Kendrick, John, 1949-52 56 0 0 0.0 114 372 .306 0 0 .000 66 114 .579 0 95 95 1.7 189 19 29 0 0 0 294 5.3
Kirby, Roosevelt, 1981-82 30 0 937 31.2 119 227 .524 0 0 .000 36 61 .590 0 154 154 5.1 101 8 36 52 10 25 274 9.1
Kithcart, Justice, 2016-17 29 2 385 13.3 14 46 .304 4 21 .190 7 22 .318 5 16 21 0.7 41 0 34 18 4 9 39 1.3
Kleiman, Phil, 1955-56 20 0 0 0.0 24 71 .338 0 0 .000 13 24 .542 0 82 82 4.1 31 0 0 0 0 0 61 3.1
Klein, James, 1938-40 30 0 0 0.0 27 0 .000 0 0 .000 9 21 .429 0 0 0 0.0 26 0 0 0 0 0 63 2.1
Knight, Billy, 1971-74 78 0 0 0.0 750 1436 .522 0 0 .000 231 309 .748 0 938 938 12.0 189 4 206 0 0 0 1731 22.2
Knight, Brandin, 1999-03 127 119 4307 33.9 492 1233 .399 209 654 .320 247 460 .537 92 400 492 3.9 327 3 785 406 55 298 1440 11.3
Knight, Terry, 1974-79 86 0 966 11.2 351 754 .466 0 0 .000 177 226 .783 0 414 414 4.8 263 17 101 60 15 21 879 10.2
Knisely, Frank, 1943-44 3 0 0 0.0 1 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.7
Ko, Joshua, 2013-15 15 0 18 1.2 4 11 .364 2 5 .400 0 0 .000 0 1 1 0.1 1 0 0 0 1 0 10 0.7
Kocheran, George, 1938-41 52 0 0 0.0 109 0 .000 0 0 .000 48 123 .390 0 0 0 0.0 94 0 0 0 0 0 266 5.1
Kochka, Paul, 1975-77 3 0 0 0.0 3 3 1.000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 4 4 1.3 5 1 0 0 0 0 6 2.0
Koontz, Shaun, 1993-94 8 0 27 3.4 3 11 .273 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 2 5 7 0.9 2 0 3 3 0 2 6 0.8
Krauser, Carl, 2002-06 126 95 3837 30.5 504 1230 .410 190 517 .368 444 592 .750 91 435 526 4.2 307 5 568 385 4 190 1642 13.0
Krieger, Paul, 1961-64 72 0 0 0.0 246 567 .434 0 0 .000 135 194 .696 0 666 666 9.3 254 20 0 0 0 0 627 8.7
Lake, Herb, 1982-83 5 0 7 1.4 1 2 .500 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.8
Landy, Danny, 1977-79 6 0 6 1.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 0 1 1 0.2 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0.3
Lane, Jerome, 1985-88 93 81 2970 31.9 436 831 .525 4 15 .267 341 543 .628 339 631 970 10.4 257 12 196 216 34 105 1217 13.1
Laneve, John, 1954-57 27 0 0 0.0 15 54 .278 0 0 .000 16 26 .615 0 21 21 0.8 32 0 0 0 0 0 46 1.7
Larkin, John, 1961-64 28 0 0 0.0 14 29 .483 0 0 .000 9 15 .600 0 12 12 0.4 14 0 0 0 0 0 37 1.3
Latagliata, Ed, 1942-48 53 0 0 0.0 68 0 .000 0 0 .000 39 66 .591 0 0 0 0.0 95 0 0 0 0 0 175 3.3
LaValley, James, 1964-67 70 0 0 0.0 218 525 .415 0 0 .000 209 327 .639 0 663 663 9.5 186 0 0 0 0 0 645 9.2
Layton, Derrick, 1988-90 15 0 22 1.5 3 5 .600 1 1 1.000 1 2 .500 2 1 3 0.2 2 0 0 1 0 0 8 0.5
Lazor, Bob, 1954-57 76 0 0 0.0 466 1167 .399 0 0 .000 243 353 .688 0 841 841 11.1 220 12 0 0 0 0 1175 15.5
McNeal, Chris, 1990-93 95 62 2462 25.9 416 874 .476 11 43 .256 224 323 .693 279 416 695 7.3 204 2 92 145 42 80 1067 11.2
Medich, Alex, 1945-46 13 0 0 0.0 19 0 .000 0 0 .000 17 26 .654 0 0 0 0.0 34 0 0 0 0 0 55 4.2
Mesher, John, 1957-59 28 0 0 0.0 64 178 .360 0 0 .000 22 49 .449 0 93 93 3.3 51 2 0 0 0 0 150 5.4
Michalik, Karl, 1944-45 11 0 0 0.0 4 0 .000 0 0 .000 11 14 .786 0 0 0 0.0 16 0 0 0 0 0 19 1.7
Miklasevich, Matt, 1982-86 93 2 597 6.4 38 106 .358 0 0 .000 58 78 .744 0 108 108 1.2 106 2 23 45 2 17 134 1.4
Milanovich, Samuel, 1938-41 49 0 0 0.0 98 0 .000 0 0 .000 34 79 .430 0 0 0 0.0 93 0 0 0 0 0 230 4.7
Miller, Dwight, 2009-10 16 0 84 5.3 4 15 .267 1 7 .143 1 2 .500 3 15 18 1.1 11 0 2 7 4 2 10 0.6
Miller, Sean, 1987-92 128 124 4146 32.4 363 845 .430 239 574 .416 317 358 .885 38 223 261 2.0 321 2 744 321 7 102 1282 10.0
Milligan, Dante, 2004-05 5 0 23 4.6 3 9 .333 1 2 .500 0 4 .000 3 3 6 1.2 4 0 1 5 2 0 7 1.4
MIlligan, Jonathan, 2015-18 63 11 828 13.1 74 195 .379 29 103 .282 56 73 .767 6 38 44 0.7 57 0 65 55 2 11 233 3.7
Mills, John, 1957-60 66 0 0 0.0 195 483 .404 0 0 .000 245 373 .657 0 472 472 7.2 255 15 0 0 0 0 635 9.6
Mitchell, Bryan, 1982-84 19 0 66 3.5 16 26 .615 0 0 .000 3 8 .375 0 11 11 0.6 15 0 3 5 0 4 35 1.8
Mobley, Eric, 1991-94 88 50 2091 23.8 371 666 .557 0 0 .000 158 325 .486 211 388 599 6.8 243 9 124 175 184 40 900 10.2
Moore, J.J., 2010-13 94 2 1502 16.0 217 499 .435 72 220 .327 130 168 .774 81 157 238 2.5 125 0 45 69 6 41 636 6.8
Morgan, Jermaine, 1990-94 57 9 478 8.4 47 109 .431 11 33 .333 26 42 .619 23 37 60 1.1 58 0 29 30 11 16 131 2.3
Morningstar, Darren, 1989-92 96 56 1787 18.6 287 590 .486 0 0 .000 181 310 .584 179 247 426 4.4 297 5 77 139 10 46 755 7.9
Morris, Carl, 1970-73 69 0 0 0.0 199 479 .415 0 0 .000 57 95 .600 0 372 372 5.4 177 9 65 0 0 0 455 6.6
Morris, Frank, 1944-47 13 0 0 0.0 16 0 .000 0 0 .000 9 19 .474 0 0 0 0.0 28 0 0 0 0 0 41 3.2
Morris, Toree, 2000-04 131 52 1546 11.8 158 294 .537 0 0 .000 68 159 .428 119 220 339 2.6 194 0 25 106 79 16 384 2.9
Moses, Omo, 1990-91 26 0 178 6.8 8 18 .444 2 3 .667 12 21 .571 2 10 12 0.5 20 0 16 22 1 6 30 1.2
Murphy, Ryan, 2019-20 30 12 730 24.3 81 224 .362 42 127 .331 25 30 .833 14 44 58 1.9 29 0 36 36 3 26 229 7.6
Murray, Leon, 1996-97 10 0 44 4.4 7 14 .500 1 4 .250 4 10 .400 8 2 10 1.0 2 0 3 5 1 3 19 1.9
Naponik, Paul, 1967-68 15 0 0 0.0 27 75 .360 0 0 .000 24 38 .632 0 63 63 4.2 23 0 0 0 0 0 78 5.2
Navokovich, Alex, 1952-54 16 0 0 0.0 12 47 .255 0 0 .000 12 18 .667 0 34 34 2.1 20 1 0 0 0 0 36 2.3
N’Dir, Sidy, 2018-19 29 5 585 20.2 61 150 .407 15 63 .238 35 57 .614 14 46 60 2.1 39 1 55 34 12 24 172 5.9
Nedrow, Scott, 1974-78 71 0 0 0.0 195 440 .443 0 0 .000 46 71 .648 0 90 90 1.3 165 6 76 0 2 0 436 6.1
Nelson-Ododa, Alonzo, 2015-16 30 5 251 8.4 17 37 .459 0 0 .000 6 15 .400 25 23 48 1.6 39 1 4 11 23 1 40 1.3
Neverson, Carlton, 1978-81 89 0 2748 30.9 447 905 .494 0 0 .000 163 217 .751 0 313 313 3.5 269 10 202 219 52 194 1057 11.9
Sankey, Bob, 1959-62 68 0 0 0.0 142 392 .362 0 0 .000 100 139 .719 0 202 202 3.0 124 2 0 0 0 0 384 5.6
Sauer, Dave, 1961-64 73 0 0 0.0 278 637 .436 0 0 .000 87 135 .644 0 313 313 4.3 162 5 0 0 0 0 643 8.8
Sawyer, Dave, 1956-59 66 0 0 0.0 157 372 .422 0 0 .000 115 170 .676 0 374 374 5.7 200 14 0 0 0 0 429 6.5
Scherer, John, 1937-40 40 0 0 0.0 30 0 .000 0 0 .000 24 70 .343 0 0 0 0.0 48 0 0 0 0 0 84 2.1
Scheuermann, Ed, 1976-81 98 0 510 5.2 205 454 .452 0 0 .000 118 185 .638 0 401 401 4.1 203 8 37 37 45 0 528 5.4
Schoon, Rodney, 1970-71 10 0 0 0.0 1 10 .100 0 0 .000 3 4 .750 0 11 11 1.1 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.5
Schultz, Robert, 1943-46 3 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Scott, Jack, 1937-39 25 0 0 0.0 19 0 .000 0 0 .000 15 31 .484 0 0 0 0.0 22 0 0 0 0 0 53 2.1
Scott, Kent, 1969-72 72 0 0 0.0 502 1006 .499 0 0 .000 139 171 .813 0 174 174 2.4 115 0 161 0 0 0 1143 15.9
Seabrooks, Chris, 1998-01 56 33 1055 18.8 149 285 .523 0 1 .000 53 101 .525 98 154 252 4.5 148 7 20 91 40 19 351 6.3
Seelye, Ryan, 2015-17 10 0 16 1.6 3 6 .500 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 0 1 0.1 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0.6
Shareef, Ahmad, 1990-94 118 71 1983 16.8 271 645 .420 38 129 .295 142 235 .604 60 108 168 1.4 178 6 109 126 28 79 722 6.1
Shay, Bill, 1957-61 33 0 0 0.0 11 47 .234 0 0 .000 10 30 .333 0 26 26 0.8 37 0 0 0 0 0 32 1.0
Sheffield, Calvin, 1961-64 73 0 0 0.0 372 869 .428 0 0 .000 371 505 .735 0 289 289 4.0 191 6 0 0 0 0 1115 15.3
Shepherd, Darryl, 1984-86 58 7 954 16.4 182 346 .526 0 0 .000 73 112 .652 0 175 175 3.0 115 5 44 68 23 30 437 7.5
Shin, Michael, 1997-98 13 0 130 10.0 5 17 .294 0 1 .000 6 19 .316 5 9 14 1.1 27 1 1 13 2 4 16 1.2
Shorter, Brian, 1988-91 92 91 2949 32.1 540 1004 .538 1 10 .100 552 778 .710 283 489 772 8.4 282 5 123 267 45 61 1633 17.8
Show, Bob, 1954-55 7 0 0 0.0 3 6 .500 0 0 .000 4 6 .667 0 6 6 0.9 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 1.4
Shrewsbury, Bob, 1973-76 61 0 0 0.0 63 173 .364 0 0 .000 42 63 .667 0 54 54 0.9 76 1 177 0 2 0 168 2.8
Shuber, Stephen, 1941-47 30 0 0 0.0 26 0 .000 0 0 .000 20 30 .667 0 0 0 0.0 54 0 0 0 0 0 72 2.4
Sibande, Nike, 2020-21 14 8 276 19.7 34 82 .415 17 39 .436 12 21 .571 11 31 42 3.0 17 0 21 20 1 4 97 6.9
Silverman, Sid, 1940-41 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Simpson, Lloyd, 1957-60 15 0 0 0.0 11 35 .314 0 0 .000 5 12 .417 0 23 23 1.5 11 0 0 0 0 0 27 1.8
Small, Charles, 2003-06 18 0 18 1.0 0 9 .000 0 1 .000 1 2 .500 0 1 1 0.1 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0.1
Smith, Charles, 1984-88 122 122 4103 33.6 707 1324 .534 3 11 .273 628 834 .753 173 814 987 8.1 392 22 171 249 346 114 2045 16.8
Smith, Chayce, 2019-21 4 0 5 1.2 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 3 3 0.8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Smith, Darwin, 1958-61 48 0 0 0.0 28 103 .272 0 1 .000 40 70 .571 0 101 101 2.1 83 0 0 0 0 0 96 2.0
Smith, Gary, 1977-78 3 0 0 0.0 1 4 .250 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 0.7 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0.7
Smith, Kelvin, 1976-77 15 0 0 0.0 9 29 .310 0 0 .000 1 3 .333 0 19 19 1.3 18 0 4 0 1 0 19 1.3
Williams, Wayne, 1975-79 108 0 906 8.4 346 786 .440 0 0 .000 192 294 .653 0 398 398 3.7 358 21 284 87 41 49 884 8.2
Wilson, Damon, 2015-17 59 1 507 8.6 37 115 .322 9 39 .231 38 56 .679 5 42 47 0.8 51 0 52 32 3 9 121 2.1
Wilson, Don, 1971-72 6 0 0 0.0 0 4 .000 0 0 .000 2 3 .667 0 1 1 0.2 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0.3
Wilson-Frame, Jared, 2017-19 64 40 1890 29.5 281 719 .391 172 479 .359 88 109 .807 61 210 271 4.2 137 3 95 108 12 33 822 12.8
Withers, Tom, 1968-70 20 0 0 0.0 14 42 .333 0 0 .000 12 22 .545 0 31 31 1.6 13 0 0 0 0 0 40 2.0
Wolbers, 1937-38 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Woodall, Tray, 2008-13 139 75 3330 24.0 374 898 .416 147 437 .336 213 283 .753 36 301 337 2.4 306 6 580 276 18 116 1108 8.0
Worrell, Derrick, 1999-00 10 1 111 11.1 15 38 .395 0 0 .000 7 13 .538 6 16 22 2.2 4 0 3 6 4 1 37 3.7
Woznicki, Dick, 1956-58 32 0 0 0.0 32 106 .302 0 0 .000 24 38 .632 0 33 33 1.0 40 1 0 0 0 0 88 2.8
Wright, Cameron, 2011-15 130 72 2719 20.9 341 754 .452 21 89 .236 131 217 .604 64 230 294 2.3 220 0 224 147 30 139 834 6.4
Yee, Fred, 1955-56 3 0 0 0.0 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 3 4 .750 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.0
Young, Michael, 2013-16 136 133 3923 28.8 642 1313 .489 61 180 .339 490 644 .761 296 551 847 6.2 265 3 243 221 87 66 1835 13.5
Young, Sam, 2005-08 143 78 3642 25.5 716 1438 .498 115 323 .356 337 487 .692 258 454 712 5.0 238 3 138 267 109 119 1884 13.2
Yurko, Robert, 1948-51 60 0 0 0.0 139 443 .314 0 0 .000 70 120 .583 0 0 0 0.0 149 6 0 0 0 0 348 5.8
Zanna, Talib, 2009-14 135 94 2924 21.7 411 743 .553 0 3 .000 295 454 .650 337 471 808 6.0 285 4 56 137 72 61 1117 8.3
Zavackas, Donatas, 1999-03 118 106 3191 27.0 325 727 .447 147 363 .405 302 374 .807 209 310 519 4.4 321 12 186 199 18 47 1099 9.3
Zeigler, Trey, 2012-13 31 0 479 15.5 56 126 .444 0 3 .000 24 49 .490 28 34 62 2.0 54 0 36 33 8 8 136 4.4
Zeleznik, Miles, 1937-38 21 0 0 0.0 61 0 .000 0 0 .000 24 36 .667 0 0 0 0.0 35 0 0 0 0 0 146 7.0
Zeller, Hank, 1944-46 26 0 0 0.0 106 0 .000 0 0 .000 88 134 .657 0 0 0 0.0 85 0 0 0 0 0 300 11.5
Zernich, Michael, 1950-53 71 0 0 0.0 280 806 .347 0 0 .000 285 438 .651 0 328 328 4.6 268 23 63 0 0 0 845 11.9
Zernich, Steve, 1941-43 20 0 0 0.0 30 0 .000 0 0 .000 9 18 .500 0 0 0 0.0 30 0 0 0 0 0 69 3.5
Zernich, Wally, 1943-47 31 0 0 0.0 66 0 .000 0 0 .000 53 102 .520 0 0 0 0.0 117 0 0 0 0 0 185 6.0
Ziegler, Travis, 1989-93 17 0 33 1.9 4 13 .308 0 7 .000 5 10 .500 2 3 5 0.3 5 0 3 2 0 3 13 0.8
Zimmovan, Frank, 1953-56 64 0 0 0.0 148 446 .332 0 0 .000 82 160 .513 0 364 364 5.7 191 17 0 0 0 0 378 5.9
Ziolkowski, Ed, 1940-42 33 0 0 0.0 73 0 .000 0 0 .000 40 77 .519 0 0 0 0.0 49 0 0 0 0 0 186 5.6
Zito, Bill, 1956-58 4 0 0 0.0 1 11 .091 0 0 .000 1 3 .333 0 10 10 2.5 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.8
Champion; 2003 co-Big East West Champion, 2003 NCAA Sweet Sixteen
Jamie Dixon 2003-16 328 123 143 83 2004 Big East Regular Season Champion; 2004 NCAA Sweet Sixteen; 2005 NCAA First Round; 2006 NCAA Second
Round; 2007 NCAA Sweet Sixteen, 2008 Big East Tournament Champion; 2008 NCAA Second Round, 2009 NCAA
Elite Eight, 2010 NCAA Second Round, 2011 Big East Regular Season Champion; 2011 NCAA Second Round; 2012 CBI
Champion; 2013 NCAA Second Round; 2014 NCAA Third Round; 2015 NIT First Round, 2016 NCAA Second Round
Kevin Stallings 2016-18 24 41 4 32
Jeff Capel 2018-p. 40 46 15 39
TOTALS 1647 1199 362 373
(.579) (.492)
4. Paul Evans, 1986-94 .600 (147-98) CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT Robert Timmons, 1953-68 1 (1964) Ben Howland, 2003 28
5. Dr. H.C. Carlson, 1922-53 .596 (367-248) TITLES Charles Ridl, 1968-75 1 (1975)
6. Dr. Roy Chipman, 1980-86 .567 (102-76) Rk Coach, Years Titles Ralph Willard, 1994-99 1 (1997) WINS IN A SEASON WITHOUT
7. Charles Ridl, 1968-75 .539 (97-83) 1. Dr. Roy Chipman, 1980-86 2 (1981, 1982) Jamie Dixon, 2003-16 1 (2015) A LOSS
2. Jamie Dixon, 2003-16 1 (2008) 1. Dr. H.C. Carlson, 1928 21
BIG EAST REGULAR SEASON Ben Howland, 1999-03 1 (2003) NIT WINS
WINS [1982-2013] Rk Coach, Years Wins CONFERENCE WINS
Rk Coach, Years No. NCAA APPEARANCES 1. Dr. Roy Chipman, 1980-86 2 Rk Coach, Year Wins (Conf.)
1. Jamie Dixon, 2003-13 115 Rk Coach, Years Bids 2. Ben Howland, 1999-03 1 1. Jamie Dixon, 2011 15 (Big East)
2. Paul Evans, 1986-94 72 1. Jamie Dixon, 2003-16 11 Ralph Willard, 1994-99 1 Jamie Dixon, 2009 15 (Big East)
3. Ben Howland, 1999-03 38 2. Paul Evans, 1986-94 5 Paul Evans, 1986-94 1 3. Jamie Dixon, 2010 13 (Big East)
4. Ralph Willard, 1994-99 31 3. Robert Timmons, 1953-68 3 Charles Ridl, 1968-75 1 Jamie Dixon, 2004 13 (Big East)
5. Dr. Roy Chipman, 1980-86 26 Dr. Roy Chipman, 1980-86 3 Ben Howland, 2003 13 (Big East)
5 Ben Howland, 1999-03 2 Ben Howland, 2002 13 (Big East)
Shorter [204-of-340], 1989 Most Assists: 785, Brandin Knight, 1999-03 Most Wins (post-1940): 31, 2x - 2004, 2009
Highest Field Goal Percentage (min. 150 FGA): .718, Chevon Best Assists Average: 6.2, Brandin Knight, 1999-03 Most Wins (pre-1940): 23, 1930
Troutman [135-of-188], 2003 Assist:Turnover Ratio (since 1978-79): 3.45:1, James Robinson, Most Losses: 24, 2018
Most Three-Point Field Goals Made: 102, Ashton Gibbs, 2011 2012-16 Fewest Wins (pre-1940): 2, 1906
Most Three-Point Field Goals Attempted: 261, Brandin Turnovers: 406, Brandin Knight, 1999-03 Fewest Wins (post-1940): 4, 1969
Knight, 2002 Most Steals: 298, Brandin Knight, 1999-03 Fewest Losses: 0 (21-0), 1928
Highest Three-Point Field Goal Percentage (min 100 3FGA): Steals Average: 2.6, Kellii Taylor, 1995-00 Longest Win Streak: 22, 12/4/73-2/20/74
.482, Jason Matthews [66-of-137], 1989 Most Blocked Shots: 364, Charles Smith, 1984-88 Longest Losing Streak: 19, 12/30/17-3/6/18
Highest Three-Point Field Goal Percentage (min. 50 3FGA): Blocks Per Game: 2.8, Charles Smith, 1984-88 Best Winning Percentage (pre-1940): 1.000 (21-0), 1928
.494, Donatas Zavackas [41-of-83], 2001 Best Winning Percentage (post-1940): .861, 2x - 31-5, 2004, 2009
Most Free Throws Made: 204, Brian Shorter, 1990 Worst Winning Percentage: .166 (4-20), 1969.
Most Free Throws Attempted: 308, Brian Shorter, 1990 Most Points: 2,772, 1987
Highest Free Throw Percentage: .914, Sean Miller [74-of-81], Fewest Points: 1,466, 1951
1989 Highest Scoring Average: 84.0, 1987
Most Field Goal Attempts: 37, Rod Hundley, at West Virginia, Justin Champagnie, 2020 18.0 11.1
Highest Field Goal Percentage (6+ attempts): 1.000 [8-of- CAREER DOUBLE-DOUBLE AVERAGE
8], 3x - John Wallace, at Syracuse, 2/21/95; Michael Bradley, Only six players in program history have averaged a double-
Kentucky, 11/27/98; Paul Neumeyer, at Penn State, 2/27/71. double for their careers (minimum 50 games played).
Highest Field Goal Percentage (10+ attempts): .933, Stephen
Thompson [14-of-15], Syracuse, 2/4/89. Player, Years PPG RPG
Most Three-Point Field Goals Made: 9, Dana Barros, Boston DeJuan Blair, 2007-09 13.6 10.7
College, 1/7/89. Jerome Lane, 1985-88 13.1 10.4
Most Three-Point Field Goals Attempted: 16, Dana Barros, Sam Clancy, 1977-81 14.4 11.6
Boston College, 1/7/89. Billy Knight, 1971-74 22.2 12.0
Most Three-Point Field Goals Made-No Misses: 6, 2x - James John Fridley, 1958-61 11.8 11.1
Southerland, vs. Syracuse, 3/14/13; Matt Betley, Lafayette, Ed Pavlick, 1952-55 18.2 11.8
Curtis Aiken, St. Francis [Pa.], 12/3/86 32 Clyde Vaughan, at LaSalle, 3/16/84 30 2005-06 Carl Krauser 494 15.0
2006-07 Aaron Gray 499 13.9
Larry Harris, Penn, 1/30/76 32 Billy Knight, at West Virginia, 12/1/73 30 2007-08 Sam Young 668 18.1
Larry Harris, Temple, 1/24/76 32 Billy Knight, Virginia, 2/21/73 30 2008-09 Sam Young 690 19.2
Don Hennon, Penn, 2/27/57 32 Charles Smith, Florida, 1/2/88 30 2009-10 Ashton Gibbs 533 15.7
Kent Scott, Wisconsin, 12/8/70 32 Jason Matthews, at Florida, 12/22/88 30 2010-11 Ashton Gibbs 522 16.8
Kent Scott, at West Virginia, 3/3/70 32 Jason Matthews, at Cornell, 11/26/90 30 2011-12 Ashton Gibbs 541 14.6
Jason Matthews, vs. Boston College, 3/8/90 32 Brian Shorter, Villanova, 2/20/89 30 2012-13 Tray Woodall 378 11.5
2013-14 Lamar Patterson 616 17.1
Larry Harris, Duquesne, 12/11/76 32 Ken Bollens, Westminster, 2/11/67 30 2014-15 Jamel Artis 464 13.6
Vonteego Cummings, at Georgetown, 2/17/98 32 John Riser, vs. Kentucky, 3/15/57 30 2015-16 Michael Young 518 15.7
Kirk Bruce, St. Francis [Pa.], 12/21/74 32 2016-17 Michael Young 648 19.6
Isaac Hawkins, at Syracuse, 2/26/98 32 2017-18 Jared Wilson-Frame 416 13.0
Billy Knight, at Duquesne, 12/7/73 32 2018-19 Xavier Johnson 512 15.5
2019-20 Justin Champagnie 419 12.7
2020-21 Justin Champagnie 360 18.0
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1956-57 27 -- -- -- 225 541 .416 -- -- -- 123 149 .826 -- -- 95 3.5 68 2 -- -- -- -- 573 21.2
1957-58 25 -- -- -- 267 654 .408 -- -- -- 117 140 .836 -- -- 118 4.7 65 0 -- -- -- -- 651 26.0
1958-59 24 -- -- -- 231 632 .366 -- -- -- 155 191 .812 -- -- 105 4.4 77 1 -- -- -- -- 617 25.7
TOTAL 76 -- -- -- 723 1827 .396 -- -- -- 395 480 .823 -- -- 318 4.2 210 3 -- -- -- -- 1841 24.2
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1954-55 26 -- -- -- 129 372 .347 -- -- -- 88 169 .521 -- -- 278 10.7 98 9 -- -- -- -- 346 13.3
1955-56 25 -- -- -- 135 333 .405 -- -- -- 135 191 .707 -- -- 213 8.5 90 8 -- -- -- -- 405 16.2
1956-57 27 -- -- -- 130 341 .381 -- -- -- 153 206 .743 -- -- 284 10.5 94 8 -- -- -- -- 413 15.3
TOTAL 78 -- -- -- 394 1046 .377 -- -- -- 376 566 .664 -- -- 775 9.9 282 25 -- -- -- -- 1164 14.9
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1969-70 24 -- -- -- 178 344 .517 -- -- -- 49 61 .803 -- -- 51 2.1 31 0 -- -- -- -- 405 16.9
1970-71 24 -- -- -- 138 291 .474 -- -- -- 52 63 .825 -- -- 56 2.3 43 0 82 -- -- -- 328 13.7
1971-72 24 -- -- -- 186 371 .501 -- -- -- 38 47 .809 -- -- 67 2.8 41 0 79 -- -- -- 410 17.1
TOTAL 72 -- -- -- 502 1006 .499 -- -- -- 139 171 .813 -- -- 174 2.4 115 0 161 -- -- -- 1143 15.9
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1961-62 22 -- -- -- 127 281 .452 -- -- -- 89 113 .788 -- -- 203 9.2 68 5 -- -- -- -- 343 15.6
1962-63 25 -- -- -- 133 318 .418 -- -- -- 74 95 .779 -- -- 206 8.2 68 4 -- -- -- -- 340 13.6
1963-64 25 -- -- -- 160 384 .417 -- -- -- 111 152 .730 -- -- 213 8.5 67 2 -- -- -- -- 431 17.2
TOTAL 72 -- -- -- 420 983 .427 -- -- -- 274 360 .761 -- -- 622 8.6 203 11 -- -- -- -- 1114 15.5
Year GP GS Min Avg FG FGA Pct 3FG 3FGA Pct FT FTA Pct Off Def Tot Avg PF FO Ast TO Blk Stl Pts Avg
1955-56 25 -- -- -- 97 231 .420 -- -- -- 114 163 .699 -- -- 144 5.8 100 11 -- -- -- -- 308 12.3
1956-57 27 -- -- -- 102 233 .438 -- -- -- 99 147 .673 -- -- 103 3.8 102 9 -- -- -- -- 303 11.2
1957-58 25 -- -- -- 156 328 .476 -- -- -- 127 170 .747 -- -- 130 5.2 91 9 -- -- -- -- 439 17.6
TOTAL 77 -- -- -- 355 792 .448 -- -- -- 340 480 .708 -- -- 377 4.9 293 29 -- -- -- -- 1050 13.6
Games to Games to
Rk Name, Years 1,000 Opponent, Date Career Points Name, Years 1,000 Opponent, Date Career Points
1. Don Hennon, 1956-59 44 Connecticut, 2/4/58 1,841 13. Xavier Johnson, 2018-21 74 at Syracuse, 1/6/21 1,152
2. Billy Knight, 1971-74 45 North Carolina A&T, 2/14/73 1,731 Demetreus Gore, 1984-85 74 Chicago State, 1/17/87 1,555
3. Brian Shorter, 1988-91 50 at Georgetown, 2/7/90 1,633 15. Jason Matthews, 1987-91 75 at St. John’s, 1/13/90 1,840
4. Brian Generalovich, 1961-64 63 Carnegie Tech, 2/1/64 1,114 16. Jerome Lane, 1985-88 81 Syracuse, 2/10/88 1,217
5. Charles Smith, 1984-88 64 Robert Morris, 12/20/86 2,045 17. Carl Krauser, 2002-05 82 St. John’s, 2/8/05 1,642
Calvin Sheffield, 1961-64 64 Carnegie Tech, 2/1/64 1,115 18. Carlton Neverson, 1978-81 83 at Massachusetts, 2/24/81 1,057
7. Kent Scott, 1969-72 65 at William & Mary, 2/5/72 1,143 19. Jerry McCullough, 1991-96 84 at Connecticut, 2/26/94 1,342
Larry Harris, 1974-78 65 Iowa, 12/30/76 1,914 20. Ashton Gibbs, 2008-12 87 at DePaul, 1/22/11 1,748
9. Vonteego Cummings, 1995-99 69 Boston College, 2/8/98 1,581 21. Brandin Knight, 1999-03 90 Miami, 3/8/02 1,440
10. Ricardo Greer, 1997-01 70 Seton Hall, 1/16/00 1,753 Michael Young, 2013-17 90 at Clemson, 1/27/16 1,835
11. Clyde Vaughan, 1980-84 72 Lafayette, 1/8/83 2,033 23. Chris McNeal, 1990-93 91 Georgetown, 2/28/93 1,067
12. Sam Clancy, 1977-81 73 Duke, 2/26/80 1,671 Bobby Martin, 1987-91 91 NW Missouri State, 11/23/90 1,282
Rod Brookin, 1986-90 91 St. John’s, 2/26/90 1,047
Larry Harris, 1977 4 2. DeJuan Blair - 23 at Connecticut (2/16/09), 18 vs. DePaul (2/21/09) 40
Larry Harris, 1976 4 3. Jerome Lane - 21 at Connecticut (2/21/87), 17-Villanova (2/23/87) 38
9. Jamel Artis, 2017 3 4. Jerome Lane - 21 vs. Florida (1/2/88), 16 at Georgetown (1/6/88) 37
Michael Young, 2017 3 Jerome Lane - 19 vs. Chicago State (1/17/87), 18 vs. St. John’s (1/19/87) 37
Larry Harris, 1978 3
Rk Player - Games Total
1. Jason Matthews - 7 at Providence (3/3/90), 6 vs. Boston College (3/8/90) 13
2. Ontario Lett, 2001-03 .589 [245-of-416] 2005-06 Aaron Gray 170 323 .526
3. Dante Taylor, 2009-13 .584 [271-of-464] 2006-07 Aaron Gray 204 361 .565
4. Chris Taft, 2003-05 .569 [321-of-564] 2007-08 DeJuan Blair 168 313 .537
5. DeJuan Blair, 2007-09 .568 [394-of-694] 2008-09 DeJuan Blair 226 381 .593
6. Eric Mobley, 1991-94 .557 [371-of-666] 2009-10 Gary McGhee 94 151 .623
2010-11 Dante Taylor 69 112 .616
7. Aaron Gray, 2003-07 .550 [434-of-789]
2011-12 Dante Taylor 86 149 .577
8. Brian Shorter, 1988-91 .538 [540-of-1,004] 2012-13 Steven Adams 100 175 .571
9. Talib Zanna, 2009-13 .534 [251-of-470] 2013-14 Talib Zanna 160 273 .586
Charles Smith, 1984-88 .534 [707-of-1,324] 2014-15 Michael Young 167 315 .530
2015-16 Ryan Luther 63 108 .583
2016-17 Jamel Artis 196 413 .475
2017-18 Shamiel Stevenson 95 188 .505
2018-19 Malik Ellison 69 155 .445
2019-20 Terrell Brown 64 122 .525
2020-21 Justin Champagnie 134 281 .477
Sean Miller, 1988 .436 [58-of-133] 1. Jason Matthews, 1987-91 .457 [259-of-567
2. Sean Miller, 1987-92 .416 [259-of-574]
3. Ashton Gibbs, 2008-12 .410 [297-of-725]
4. Rod Brookin, 1986-90 .409 [94-of-230]
5. Donatas Zavackas, 1999-03 .405 [147-of-363]
6. Cameron Johnson, 2014-17 .399 [116-of-291]
7. Ronald Ramon, 2004-08 .395 [233-of-590]
8. Jason Maile, 1992-97 .392 [196-of-500]
9. Orlando Antigua, 1991-95 .386 [117-of-303]
10. Antonio Graves, 2003-07 .379 [119-of-314]
10. Andre Williams, 1983 .861 [62-of-72] 2. Jason Matthews, 1987-91 .878 [481-of-548] 2005-06 Ronald Ramon 54 65 .831
3. Ashton Gibbs, 2008-12 .872 [327-of-375] 2006-07 Ronald Ramon 59 68 .868
4. Don Hennon, 1956-59 .823 [395-of-480] 2007-08 Gilbert Brown 51 68 .750
5. Mike Paul, 1969-72 .808 [198-of-245] 2008-09 Brad Wanamaker 53 71 .746
6. Donatas Zavackas, 1999-03 .807 [302-of-374] 2009-10 Ashton Gibbs 137 155 .884
7. Bob Lovett, 1963-66 .806 [183-of-227] 2010-11 Ashton Gibbs 80 90 .889
8. Ronald Ramon, 2004-08 .801 [181-of-226] 2011-12 Ashton Gibbs 94 110 .855
9. James Robinson, 2012-16 .795 [303-of-381] 2012-13 J.J. Moore 53 65 .815
2013-14 Michael Young 67 82 .817
10. Demetreus Gore, 1984-88 .790 [241-of-305]
2014-15 James Robinson 85 102 .833
2015-16 Sheldon Jeter 45 54 .833
2016-17 Cameron Johnson 60 74 .811
2017-18 Jared Wilson-Frame 58 70 .829
2018-19 Trey McGowens 126 165 .764
2019-20 Justin Champagnie 80 103 .777
2020-21 Xavier Johnson 70 89 .787
8. Aaron Gray (36), 2007 341 3. DeJuan Blair (72), 2007-09 339 2006-07 Aaron Gray 341 36 9.5
9. DeJuan Blair (37), 2008 337 Jerome Lane (93), 1985-88 339 2007-08 DeJuan Blair 337 37 9.1
10. Sam Clancy (31), 1981 332 5. Talib Zanna (135), 2009-14 337 2008-09 DeJuan Blair 432 35 12.3
2009-10 Gary McGhee 230 34 6.8
REBOUND AVERAGE (Min. 20 GP) DEFENSIVE REBOUNDS (Since 1986-87) 2010-11 Gary McGhee 261 34 7.7
Rk Player (GP), Year RPG Rk Player (GP), Years DREB 2011-12 Nasir Robinson 255 39 6.5
1. Don Virostek (21), 1953 20.2 1. Charles Smith (122), 1984-88 814 2012-13 Steven Adams 203 32 6.3
2. Ed Pavlick (23), 1954 13.7 2. Jerome Lane (93), 1985-88 631 2013-14 Talib Zanna 300 35 8.6
3. Jerome Lane (33), 1987 13.5 3. Michael Young (136), 2013-17 551 2014-15 Michael Young 249 34 7.3
4. Billy Knight (28), 1974 13.4 4. Ricardo Greer (117), 1997-01 523 2015-16 Michael Young 228 33 6.9
5. John Fridley (23), 1961 12.5 5. Aaron Gray (113), 2006-07 504 2016-17 Sheldon Jeter 240 33 7.3
Sam Clancy (29), 1979 12.5 2017-18 Shamiel Stevenson 141 32 4.4
7. DeJuan Blair (35), 2009 12.3 2018-19 Au’Diese Toney 179 32 5.6
8. Jerome Lane (31), 1988 12.2 2019-20 Justin Champagnie 232 33 7.0
James LaValley (25), 1967 12.2 2020-21 Justin Champagnie 154 20 11.1
Bob Lazor (26), 1955 12.2
5. Sean Miller (34), 1992 6.6 Xavier Johnson (84), 2018-21 4.9
6. Brandin Knight (33), 2003 6.3 7. Carl Krauser (126), 2002-06 4.5
7. Dwayne Wallace (30), 1982 6.2 8. Vonteego Cummings (103), 1995-99 4.4
Keith Starr (29), 1975 6.2 Billy Culbertson (78), 1981-84 4.4
9. Tray Woodall (28), 2012 6.1 James Robinson (136), 2012-16 4.4
10. Sean Miller (30), 1989 6.0
Clarence Burch (22), 1952 6.0 ASSIST : TURNOVER RATIO (100+ GP, Since 1978-79)
Rk Player (GP), Years APG
1. James Robinson (136), 2012-16 3.45:1
2. Levance Fields (131), 2005-09 2.89:1
3. Sean Miller (128), 1987-92 2.32:1
4. Tray Woodall (139), 2008-13 2.10:1
5. Ronald Ramon (135), 2004-08 2:04:1
Class Player, Year STL Dwayne Wallace (101), 1978-81 1.67
Freshman Kelli Taylor, 1997 101 10. DeJuan Blair (72), 2007-09 1.61
Sophomore Vonteego Cummings, 1997 85
Junior Brandin Knight, 2002 82
Senior Carlton Neverson, 1981 83
Michael Zernich, 1951 109 Rk Player, Years FLS Sophomore Levance Fields, 2007 37
1. Sam Clancy, 1977-81 410 Junior Sam Young, 2008 37
DISQUALIFICATIONS (Since 1950-51) 2. Charles Smith, 1984-88 392 Senior Ashton Gibbs, 2012 37
Rk Player, Year DQS 3. Bobby Martin, 1987-91 382 Ronald Ramon, 2008 37
1. John Kendrick, 1952 15 4. Wayne Williams, 1975-79 358 Antonio Graves, 2007 37
2. Michael Zernich, 1951 12 5. Andre Williams, 1981-85 331 Levon Kendall, 2007 37
3. John Mills, 1958 11
Chuck Hursh, 1957 11 DISQUALIFICATIONS (Since 1950-51) MINUTES PLAYED
Julius Pegues, 1957 11 Rk Player, Years DQS
Class Player, Year MP
1. Julius Pegues, 1955-58 29
Freshman Justin Champagnie, 2020 1,082
2. Chuck Hursh, 1955-58 27
Sophomore Julius Page, 2002 1,201
3. Sam Clancy, 1977-81 25
Junior Brandin Knight, 2002 1,284
Keith Armstrong, 1982-86 25
John Riser, 1954-57 25 Senior Julius Page, 2004 1,281
43, Jamel Artis, at Louisville, 1/11/17 Aaron Gray, at Providence, 2/15/06 9 Jason Matthews, at Cornell, 11/26/90 7 Don Hennon, at West Virginia, 2/23/57 14
6. 7x; last Ryan Luther, Rice, 12/17/16 8 Jason Maile, vs. Maryland, 12/27/96 7
BENCH SCORING 7. 35x; last C. Johnson, at Syracuse, 2/11/17 6 FREE THROW PERCENTAGE
Rk Player, Opponent, Date Pts LONGEST FIELD GOAL MADE Rk Player, Opponent, Date Pct
1. Xavier Johnson, Virginia Tech, 2/3/21 32 Rk Player, Opponent, Date Ft THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 1. J. McCullough (15-15), Marshall, 12/5/92 1.000
2. Clyde Vaughan, vs. JMU, 12/20/80 29 1. P. Cavanaugh, vs. Alabama, 12/29/87 70 MADE IN A HALF B. Shorter (14-14), Syracuse, 1/7/91 1.000
3. Ryan Murphy, Nicholls State, 11/9/19 28 2. Carl Krauser, at Villanova, 2/20/05 48 Rk Player, Opponent, Date 3FG A. Gibbs (14-14), at SHU, 1/24/10 1.000
Jason Maile, vs. St. John’s, 3/9/95 28 3. Tom Richards, Ohio, 12/13/75 45 1. J. Wilson-Frame, vs. Syracuse, 3/13/19 6 T. Woodall (12-12), Villanova, 2/5/12 1.000
5. Bob McFarland, at Miami, Fla., 1/6/68 26 Jason Maile, Villanova, 2/12/97 6 B. Generalovich (11-11), at Buck., 2/10/62 1.000
Sammie Ellis, vs. Rio Grande, 11/29/78 26 FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE Jason Matthews, at Providence, 3/3/90 6 R. Brookin (11-11), Arizona, 1/27/90 1.000
Ashton Gibbs, at St. John’s, 2/19/11 26 (8 attempts) L. Harris (11-11), Rutgers, 12/23/76 1.000
Mark McCarroll, Georgia, 12/30/03 26 Rk Player, Opponent, Date Pct C. Troutman (10-10), GTown, 1/25/03 1.000
9. Jason Maile, at Seton Hall, 3/4/95 25 1. B. Shorter (11-11), Providence, 2/11/90 1.000 J. McCullough (10-10), GTown, 1/24/94 1.000
G. Brown, at South Florida, 1/31/10 25 E. Mobley (10-10), YSU, 11/27/93 1.000 J. Matthews (10-10), JU, 12/6/88 1.000
10. Roosevelt Kirby, at PSU, 1/16/82 49 Jerome Lane, Syracuse, 2/9/87 11 NCAA Tournament game:
V. Cummings, St. John’s, 1/22/98 49 3. Michael Young, vs. Chaminade, 11/24/14 10 11, Brandin Knight, vs. Marquette, 3/27/03
Julius Page, at Seton Hall, 2/9/04 49 D. Randall, vs. Chaminade, 11/24/14 10 Petersen Events Center game:
Ricardo Greer, vs. Villanova, 3/4/98 49 Jerome Lane, BC, 2/14/87 10 13, 5x - last Brad Wanamaker, Providence,
Jerome Lane, Chicago State, 1/17/87 10 3/4/10
REBOUNDS Trent Johnson, at BC, 1/25/83 10 Fitzgerald Field House game:
Rk Player, Opponent, Date Reb Jerome Lane, Villanova, 2/23/87 10 14, Brandin Knight, WVU, 3/2/02
1. Don Virostek, at Westminster, 12/9/52 26 J. Lane, at St. Francis [Pa.], 12/3/86 10 Opponent’s floor:
2. John Fridley, Carnegie Tech, 1/4/61 24 B. Shorter, vs. Northwestern, 12/28/88 10 16, Levance Fields, at DePaul, 2/7/09
3. Bob Lazor, Penn State, 1/15/55 23 Bobby Martin, at Georgetown, 2/7/90 10 First-year player, first game:
DeJuan Blair, at Connecticut, 2/16/09 23 DeJuan Blair, DePaul, 2/21/09 10 10, Sean Miller, Robert Morris, 11/28/87
5. Ed Pavlick, at Georgetown, 2/12/54 22 Brian Shorter, at Georgetown, 2/7/90 10 Freshman, game:
DeJuan Blair, Notre Dame, 1/31/09 22 DeJuan Blair, St. John’s, 1/11/09 10 13, Travon Woodall, Binghamton, 11/17/09
MOST POINTS ALLOWED IN A HALF Rk Opponent, Date FGM St. Bonaventure (18-24), 12/2/80 .750
Rk Opponent, Date Pts Rk Opponent, Date Pts 1. Penn State, 2/8/1939 6
1. at Louisiana State, 1/31/69 120 1. at Penn State, 1/21/50 0 2. Virginia, 2/24/18 11 CONSECUTIVE SHOTS MISSED
2. at UCLA, 2/2/91 112 2. Penn State, 3/5/1906 2 vs. Cincinnati, 12/17/13 11 Rk Opponent, Date FGA Missed
3. vs. Georgia Tech, 12/28/89 111 3. Virginia, 2/24/18 7 3. Rutgers, 1/11/12 12 1. at Seton Hall, 1/17/92 22
4. at Cornell, 2/1/67 110 4. at Georgetown, 2/18/87 13 at Penn State, 2/14/79 12
at Tulane, 2/1/69 110 5. Notre Dame, 1/12/02 14 5. Louisville, 1/24/17 13
6. at Wichita State, 12/26/64 109 at St. John’s, 1/3/00 14 vs. Central Florida, 3/19/04 13
7. at Navy, 2/3/54 108 7. at Virginia, 3/4/17 15 7. at Boston College, 1/21/85 14
Syracuse, 2/13/70 108 at Virginia, 2/16/15 15 West Virginia, 1/29/82 14
9. at West Virginia, 2/23/57 107 New Hampshire, 12/4/09 15 Penn State, 1/27/79 14
10. Marshall, 12/28/16 106 Villanova, 1/12/83 15 Penn State, 1/13/68 14
North Carolina, 12/20/93 106 vs. Maryland, 11/28/98 14
Westminster, 2/24/1906 106 at Louisville, 1/14/16 14
1. Georgia, 12/2/95 36 Nebraska (0-1), 12/2/00 .000 3. at Syracuse (2-9), 2/26/98 .222 Rk Opponent, Date Margin
2. Syracuse, 1/19/19 35 4. at Louisville (3-12), 1/28/13 .250 1. vs. Rio Grande (68/19), 11/29/79 +49
Delaware State, 12/19/17 35 MOST FREE THROWS MADE New Hampshire (1-4), 12/27/03 .250 2. Carnegie Tech (60/20), 2/1/68 +40
3. Syracuse, 1/27/18 34 Rk Opponent, Date FTM 6. at Nebraska (3-11), 12/11/99 .273 3. St. Francis [Pa.] (67/31), 12/1/93 +36
vs. Georgia, 12/17/94 34 1. at New York University, 12/18/54 44 7. at North Carolina (2-7), 11/29/96 .286 4. Rollins (69/34), 1/22/75 +35
Houston Baptist, 11/9/07 34 2. Oklahoma, 1/15/89 42 Robert Morris (2-7), 1/4/03 .286 5. vs. Chaminade (51/17), 11/24/14 +34
Rider, 11/13/11 34 3. vs. Western Kentucky, 12/28/56 41 9. Providence (3-10), 3/4/10 .300 6. Mercyhurst (55/22), 1/25/79 +33
7. vs. Notre Dame, 3/6/18 33 4. Army, 1/25/64 40 10. Syracuse (4-13), 2/17/86 .308 7. North Florida (59/28), 11/13/10 +31
McNeese State, 12/16/17 33 5. Arizona, 1/27/90 39 8. Chicago State (60/30), 1/17/87 +30
Eastern Michigan, 11/11/17 33 Villanova, 1/2/91 39 MOST REBOUNDS 9. Bethune-Cookman (40/11), 12/15/12 +29
VMI, 12/6/11 33 7. Florida State, 1/14/19 38 Rk Opponent, Date Reb VMI (60/31), 12/6/11 +29
Boston College, 1/31/90 38 1. Rollins, 1/22/75 69 Howard (55/26), 11/20/04 +29
Providence, 2/11/90 38 2. vs. Rio Grande, 11/29/78 68
Penn State, 1/14/56 38 3. St. Francis [Pa.], 12/1/93 67
10. at Providence, 2/7/87 37 4. Westminster, 2/15/56 66
Buster Briley, at Evansville, 12/30/61 30 5. Mark Bryant, Seton Hall, 2/22/88 16 5. J. Smiley, at Illinois State, 11/22/97 14 John Smyth, vs. Notre Dame, 3/16/57
Gary Kohls, at Syracuse, 1/9/71 16 M. Gardner, at Miami [Fla.], 1/23/93 14 22 points, 23 rebounds
HIGHEST FG PERCENTAGE Frank Edwards, at CSU, 1/23/80 16 7. Ricky Tucker, at Providence, 2/28/83 13 Frank Howard, at Ohio State, 12/3/56
(minimum 6 attempts) S. Douglas, vs. Syracuse, 3/7/87 16 Sherman Douglas, Syracuse, 2/10/88 13 29 points, 21 rebounds
Rk Player, Opponent, Date Pct M. Sweetney, at Georgetown, 1/19/02 16 9. 6x; last M. Johnson, NC State, 1/24/18 12 Wayne Embry, vs. Miami [Ohio], 3/11/58
1. M. Bradley (8-8), vs, UK, 11/27/98 1.000 A. Karnishovas, Seton Hall, 1/15/94 16 21 points, 20 rebounds
J. Wallace (8-8), at Syr., 2/21/95 1.000 BLOCKED SHOTS Ralph Brandt, at Holy Cross, 2/3/58
P. Neumeyer (8-8), at PSU, 2/27/71 1.000 Rk Player, Opponent, Date Blk 23 points, 21 rebounds
A. Mahmoud (7-7), Lville, 1/24/17 1.000 1. P. Ewing, at Georgetown, 2/19/85 9 Jerry West, West Virginia, 2/19/59
K. Shabazz (7-7), at Prov., 1/23/01 1.000 Etan Thomas, at Syracuse, 2/16/00 9 27 points, 22 rebounds
M. Johnson (7-7), at FSU, 12/22/82 1.000 Jamel Thomas, Providence, 12/30/98 9 Hal Danzig, Bucknell, 1/17/59
H. Robertson (7-7), at USF, 2/8/12 1.000 4. D. Mutombo, at Georgetown, 2/9/90 8 20 points, 22 rebounds
M. Beasley (7-7), at FSU, 1/23/16 1.000 A. Mourning, at Georgetown, 3/7/92 8 Warren Baker, at West Virginia, 12/3/74
J. Hellems (6-6), at NC State, 2/29/20 1.000 Tom Glenn, at GW, 1/13/79 8 31 points, 22 rebounds
J. Hamilton (6-6), BC, 1/22/20 1.000 Gerrick Morris, vs. USF, 11/25/01 8
M. Watkins (6-6), vs. PSU, 11/20/17 1.000
10. at West Virginia, 2/23/57 107 Saint Joseph’s College, 11/17/15 11 Notre Dame, 1/22/00 14 Rk Opponent (3FG-3FGA), Date Pct
7. Niagara, 11/14/14 12 Rhode Island, 11/8/10 14 1. Niagara (0-14), 11/14/14 .000
FEWEST POINTS (pre 1954-55) Furman, 12/6/57 12 Miami [Fla.], 2/18/95 14 Youngstown State (0-11), 12/13/03 .000
Rk Opponent, Date Pts New Hampshire, 12/4/09 12 at Georgia, 12/17/94 14 Boston College (0-9), 2/23/00 .000
1. at Penn State, 3/1/52 9 10. Duquesne, 12/15/56 13 12. Notre Dame, 1/30/21 13 at West Virginia (0-9), 12/12/87 .000
2. Carnegie Tech, 2/26/29 10 at Georgetown, 1/8/13 13 Clemson, 2/12/20 13 at Louisville (0-4), 2/11/15 .000
at Thiel, 2/9/25 10 Bethune-Cookman, 12/15/12 13 Mount St. Mary’s, 12/5/17 13 at St. John’s (0-4), 1/19/91 .000
Mount Union, 2/13/14 10 St. Francis [Pa.], 12/18/96 13 Duke, 1/27/14 13 at St. John’s (0-2), 1/4/97 .000
at West Virginia, 2/5/05 13 8. Wright State (1-20), 11/19/99 .050
FEWEST POINTS (since 1954-55) MOST FG ATTEMPTS Seton Hall, 1/16/00 13 9. Towson (1-15), 12/22/17 .067
Rk Opponent, Date Pts Rk Opponent, Date FGA vs. Villanova, 3/4/98 13 vs. Northwestern (1-15), 12/29/96 .067
1. New Hampshire, 12/4/09 32 1. at Evansville, 12/30/61 99 at Buffalo (1-15), 1/26/94 .067
2. Savannah State, 12/1/01 35 2. Ohio State, 12/3/58 95
3. Ohio Northern, 11/30/74 36 West Virginia, 1/18/67 95
4. Penn State, 12/6/03 37 4. vs. Wichita State, 12/26/64 94
5. New Hampshire, 12/27/03 38 at West Virginia, 1/12/52 94
1. NC State, 1/24/18 15 Boston College, 1/16/16 17 1. at UCLA (32-33), 12/22/72 .970 1. at Temple, 1/15/69 2
2. at Penn State, 12/7/02 10 10. 5x; last at Boston College, 2/26/14 18 2. Wofford, 3/14/12 6
3. Wofford, 11/13/09 9 MOST BLOCKED SHOTS at North Carolina, 11/29/99 6
4. at Rutgers, 1/8/05 7 MOST OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS Rk Opponent, Date Blk St. Francis [Pa.], 12/20/11 6
Rk Opponent, Date OReb 1. at Seton Hall, 1/7/86 15 5. St. John’s, 2/6/99 7
MOST MISSED FREE THROWS 1. North Carolina, 12/20/93 32 at Tennessee, 12/6/98 15 vs. Florida, 3/22/14 7
Rk Opponent, Date Total 2. Syracuse, 1/30/90 30 3. at Georgetown, 2/9/90 14 7. Princeton, 3/19/12 8
1. at West Virginia (28-50) 2/12/64 22 3. at Massachusetts, 12/7/94 27 4. at Georgetown, 2/19/85 13 Utica, 12/21/81 8
at West Virginia (19-41), 2/12/69 22 4. vs. Villanova, 3/4/98 25 5. at Georgia Tech 2/20/19 12
3. vs. Stetson (15-35), 12/29/90 20 at Georgetown, 1/20/01 25 at West Virginia, 12/8/19 12
at Syracuse (15-35), 1/4/89 20 Belmont, 11/25/08 25 Syracuse, 2/16/00 12
5. at West Virginia (18-36), 1/29/55 18 7. at Syracuse, 1/4/89 24 at St. John’s, 1/19/91 12
at West Virginia (37-55), 2/22/58 18 Villanova, 2/10/92 24 7. 8x; last Syracuse, 1/27/17 11
Ohio State (36-54), 12/2/52 18 Providence, 2/11/90 24
8. 10x; last West Virginia (11-28), 12/10/88 17 10. 4x; last Cincinnati, 2/5/11 23
Charles Smith, 1985 6 3. Ronald Ramon, 2005 128 1. Sean Miller, 1988
5. DeJuan Blair, 2008 5 4. Julius Page, 2001 126 4. 2012-13 (Adams, Robinson) 2
2. Brandin Knight, 2000 154
1999-00 (Knight, Zavackas) 2
Justin Champagnie, 2020 126 3. Xavier Johnson, 2019 149
DOUBLE-FIGURE SCORING GAMES 1997-98 (Cosby, Greer) 2
4. Marcus Carr, 2018 129 1984-85 (Gore, Smith) 2
Rk Player, Year Total THREE-POINT FG PCT 5. Ricardo Greer, 1998 117
1. Xavier Johnson, 2019 28 Rk Player, Year Pct
2. Sam Clancy, 1978 25 1. Jason Matthews (26-58), 1988 .448 ASSISTS AVERAGE
DeJuan Blair, 2008 25 2. Ashton Gibbs (36-82), 2009 .439 Rk Player, Year APG
4. Charles Smith, 1985 24 3. Sean Miller (58-133), 1988 .436 1. Sean Miller, 1988 5.8
5. Justin Champagnie, 2020 23 4. Josh Newkirk (23-53), 2014 .434 2. Brandin Knight, 2000 5.5
5. Levance Fields (32-74), 2006 .423 3. Xavier Johnson, 2019 4.5
4. Marcus Carr, 2018 4.0
5. James Robinson, 2013 3.5
7. Ronald Ramon, at Rutgers, 1/8/05 21 1. Trey McGowens, Florida State, 1/14/19 18 12. 9x; last X. Johnson, at WF, 2/5/19 9 10 points (5-7 FT), 6 assists, 3 steals, 34 minutes
Jerry McCullough, Seton Hall, 1/2/92 21 C. Smith, at Boston College, 1/21/85 18 Carl Krauser, Duquesne, 11/23/02
9. Rod Brookin, vs. Syracuse, 3/7/87 20 3. J. Lane, St. Francis [Pa.], 11/27/85 13 BLOCKED SHOTS 11 points (5-8 FG), 9 rebounds, 5 assists
C. Vaughan, Delaware State, 1/17/81 20 4. Bobby Martin, Providence, 1/25/88 11 Rk Player, Opponent, Date Blk Levance Fields, Saint Peter’s, 11/19/05
C. Vaughan, at Massachusetts, 2/24/81 20 1. Sam Clancy, Penn State, 2/18/78 7 12 points (4-5 FG, 2-3 3FG), 2-2 FT, 5 assists
Sean Miller, St. Francis [Pa.], 12/2/87 20 MOST FREE THROWS MADE Chris Taft, Murray State, 12/20/03 7 DeJuan Blair, Houston Baptist, 11/9/07
Josh Newkirk, NC State, 3/3/14 20 NO MISSES Atila Cosby, at Connecticut, 2/14/98 7 20 points (9-11 FG), 2-2 FT, 14 rebounds
D. Wilson, Central Arkansas, 12/6/15 20 Rk Player, Opponent, Date FTM 4. Terrell Brown, Syracuse, 1/27/18 6 Dante Taylor, Wofford, 11/13/09
C. Johnson, Boston College, 1/16/16 20 1. Xavier Johnson, Florida State, 1/14/19 10 Charles Smith, Westminster, 1/2/85 6 13 points (5-7 FG), 5 rebounds in 19 minutes
2. Charles Smith, Duquesne, 2/4/85 9 Mel Bennett, Saint Joseph’s, 12/14/74 6 Xavier Johnson, Youngstown St., 11/6/18
FIELD GOALS MADE 3. Rod Brookin, vs. Kansas, 12/28/86 8 Khem Birch, Robert Morris, 11/27/11 6 16 points (6-15 FG), 6 assists, 5 rebounds
Rk Player, Opponent, Date FGM Mel Bennett, at Kent State, 2/26/75 8 8. 8x; last T. Brown, at Notre Dame, 2/28/18 5 Trey McGowens, Youngstown St., 11/6/18
1. Clyde Vaughan, vs. JMU, 12/20/80 14 5. Justin Champagnie, vs. WFU, 3/10/20 7 17 points (6-11 FG), 5 rebounds, 2 assists
2. Justin Champagnie, vs. WFU, 3/10/20 13 Jaron Brown, Mississippi St., 3/19/01 7
Julius Page, St. Bonaventure, 3/14/01 7
Opponents 27 787 1754 .449 — — — 430 610 .705 — — 1056 39.1 553 365 — 65 — 2004 74.2
1978-79 PITTSBURGH 29 882 1795 .491 — — — 575 789 .729 — — 1269 43.8 639 393 465 99 205 2219 76.5
Opponents 29 797 1637 .487 — — — 436 640 .681 — — 962 33.2 664 395 436 87 128 2030 70.0
1979-80 PITTSBURGH 29 778 1680 .463 — — — 449 686 .655 — — 1122 38.7 667 380 524 114 287 2005 69.1
Opponents 29 680 1517 .448 — — — 521 737 .707 — — 1070 36.9 608 339 621 99 180 1881 64.9
1980-81 PITTSBURGH 31 903 1981 .456 — — — 422 633 .666 — — 1210 39.0 689 414 515 108 323 2218 71.5
Opponents 31 768 1647 .466 — — — 499 721 .692 — — 1148 37.0 584 408 675 81 167 2035 65.6
1981-82 PITTSBURGH 30 810 1732 .468 — — — 443 643 .690 — — 1003 33.5 638 427 461 62 262 2066 68.9
Opponents 30 759 1595 .476 — — — 466 678 .687 — — 1046 34.9 572 461 555 72 151 1984 66.1
1982-83 PITTSBURGH 28 707 1569 .451 — — — 468 646 .724 — — 960 34.3 615 330 421 43 178 1882 67.2
Opponents 28 730 1358 .537 — — — 468 620 .755 — — 860 30.7 576 388 448 111 148 1928 68.8
1983-84 PITTSBURGH 31 795 1765 .450 — — — 510 731 .698 — — 936 30.2 637 437 474 100 252 2100 67.8
Opponents 31 797 1636 .487 — — — 472 684 .694 — — 1039 33.5 631 477 563 86 181 2006 64.7.
1984-85 PITTSBURGH 29 785 1718 .457 — — — 481 681 .706 — — 1020 35.2 587 384 208 124 208 2051 70.7
Opponents 29 757 1615 .469 — — — 439 636 .690 — — 976 33.7 590 429 482 113 169 1953 67.3
Opponents 34 785 1751 .448 194 551 .352 466 657 .709 331 739 1070 31.5 588 429 368 115 165 2230 65.6
2015-16 PITTSBURGH 33 878 1919 .458 204 589 .346 516 686 .752 417 841 1258 38.1 583 547 384 121 162 2476 75.0
Opponents 33 798 1844 .433 222 631 .352 402 608 .661 315 707 1022 31.0 598 437 376 110 186 2220 67.3
2016-17 PITTSBURGH 33 807 1826 .442 263 729 .361 527 719 .733 314 845 1159 35.1 551 473 396 112 127 2404 72.8
Opponents 33 910 2028 .449 261 733 .709 383 540 .709 354 799 1153 34.9 616 498 322 113 173 2464 74.7
2017-18 PITTSBURGH 32 678 1673 .405 258 795 .325 371 534 .695 247 760 1007 31.5 556 398 443 112 138 1985 62.0
Opponents 32 831 1894 .439 235 704 .334 419 592 .708 390 817 1207 37.7 515 483 329 134 214 2316 72.4
2018-19 PITTSBURGH 33 769 1841 .418 225 680 .331 543 779 .697 383 827 1210 36.7 613 387 448 126 227 2306 69.9
Opponents 33 779 1905 .409 260 773 .336 449 627 .716 402 811 1213 36.8 658 458 484 175 217 2267 68.7
2019-20 PITTSBURGH 33 755 1867 .404 175 592 .296 467 655 .713 394 734 1128 34.2 510 404 404 113 258 2152 65.2
Opponents 33 791 1838 .430 247 728 .339 340 477 .713 387 811 1198 36.3 599 467 511 140 180 2169 65.7
2020-21 PITTSBURGH 22 554 1283 .432 144 426 .338 314 473 .664 279 564 843 38.3 381 321 278 83 133 1565 71.2
Opponents 22 543 1249 .435 163 505 .323 294 415 .708 200 529 729 33.1 386 348 263 93 130 1543 70.1
Rk Year PPG Rk Year FT-FTA Pct Rk Year APG Rk Year SPG AVERAGE
1. 1948 45.2 1. 1950 203-353 .575 1. 2019 11.7 1. 2017 3.8 Rk Year BPG
2. 1950 48.3 2. 1952 328-556 .590 2. 1983 11.8 2. 2018 4.3 1. 1983 1.5
3. 1949 49.4 3. 1954 498-836 .596 3. 2020 12.2 3. 2012 4.7 2. 1982 2.1
4. 1951 56.3 4. 1953 485-812 .597 4. 2018 12.4 4. 2015 4.9 2000 2.1
5. 1952 56.9 5. 1949 360-599 .601 5. 2021 12.6 2016 4.9 4. 1977 2.2
5. 1990 2.3
Longest Win Streak: 22 from 12/4/73-2/23/74; 21 from 12/15/27-12/13/28; 18 from 2/13/29-2/1/30; 18 from 11/14/03-1/19/04; 16 from 11/14/08-1/17/09; 15 from 11/19/05-1/21/06; 13 from 1/16/34-3/28/34;
11 from 11/9/07-12/29/08; 11 from 2/18/03-3/23/03; 10, seven times
Longest Home Win Streak: 40 from 1/22/02-2/29/04; 31 from 2/27/08-1/20/10; 27 from 12/10/73-12/23/75; 20 from 1/28/10-1/24/11; 18 from 2/12/26-1/18/28; 16 from 11/19/05-3/3/06; 15 from 2/29/12-
12/31/12; 14 from 2/27/13-1/27/14; 14 from 1/28/87-2/10/88; 13 from 2/17/07-1/26/08; 13 from 2/9/85-1/25/86
Longest On-Campus Home Win Streak: 40 from 1/22/02-2/29/04; 25 from 12/10/73-12/23/75; 20 from 1/28/10-12/24/11; 18 from 2/12/26-1/18/28
Longest Losing Streak: 19 from 12/30/17-11/6/18; 13 from 1/19/19-3/9/19; 10 from 12/7/68-1/22/69; 10 from 2/5/93-3/10/93; 9 from 2/8/68-12/5/69, 8 from 12/23/11-1/25/12, 8 from 1/7/17-2/4/17
Longest Home Losing Streak: 9 from 12/30/17-11/6/18; 6 from 12/12/53-1/13/54; 5 from 1/22/19-3/9/19; 5 from 1/29/94-2/22/94; 5 from 1/3/95-2/15/95; 5 from 1/25/66-12/1/66
Longest Road Win Streak: 11 from 12/5/27-12/13/28; 7 from 2/27/10-2/19/11; 6, four times-from 1/4/07-2/24/07; 2/10/02-12/31/02; 1929-1930; 12/4/73-2/16/74
Longest Road Losing Streak: 24 from 2/22/17-11/12/19; 20 from 2/13/68-2/18/70; 11 from 2/14/66-2/22/69; 11 from 12/29/49-12/9/50
Longest Season Opening Win Streak: 21-0 from 12/15/27-ended season 21-0; 18-0 from 11/14/03-1/19/04; 16-0 from 11/14/08-1/17/09; 15-0 from 11/19/05-1/21/06; 12-0 from 12/7/29-2/1/30; 11 from
11/9/07-12/29/07; 10 from 11/8/10-12/11/11; 10 from 11/12/06-12/6/06; 10 from 11/20/04-1/2/05; 10 from 11/8/13-12/17/13
Longest Season Opening Losing Streak: 6 from 12/12/47-12/28/47; 4 from 12/1/54-12/11/54; 4 from 12/7/46-1/4/47; 4 in 1906-07
Most Consecutive Winning Seasons: 16 from 2000-01 to 2015-16; 6 from 1983-84 to 1988-89; 5 from 1932-33 to 1936-37; 5 from 1977-78 to 1981-82
Most Consecutive Losing Seasons: 5 from 1964-65 to 1968-69
Most Consecutive NCAA Tournament Appearances: 10 from 2002-12; 3 from 1987-89; 2 from 1957-58; 1981-82; 2 from 2012-14
Most Consecutive Postseason Appearances: 16 from 2000-2016; 6 from 1984-89; 3 from 1991-93, 1980-82
Consecutive NCAA Sweet Sixteen Appearances: 3 (2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04)
Consecutive Seasons Advancing to the Big East Tournament: 31 from 1983-2013
Round Date Site Opponent W/L Score Pitt High 2006 • Seed: #5 (West)
First Round 3/17 Auburn Hills, Mich. Kent State12 W 79-64 Gray - 17
1941 (East) Second Round 3/19 Auburn Hills, Mich. Bradley13 L 72-66 Fields - 18
Quarterfinals 3/21 Madison, Wisc. North Carolina W 26-20 Malarkey - 7
Final Four 3/22 Madison, Wisc. Wisconsin L 36-30 Straloski - 12 2007 • Seed: #3 (West)
First Round 3/15 Buffalo, N.Y. Wright State14 W 79-58 Ramon - 14
1957 (Mideast) Second Round 3/17 Buffalo, N.Y. VCU11 W84-79 OT Young - 15
First Round 3/11 Columbus, Ohio Morehead State W 86-85 Hennon - 31 Sweet Sixteen 3/22 San Jose, Calif. UCLA2 L 64-55 Fields - 11
Second Round 3/15 Lexington, Ky. Kentucky L 98-92 Riser - 30
Consolation 3/16 Lexington, Ky. Notre Dame L 86-85 Riser - 34 2008 • Seed: #4 (South)
First Round 3/20 Denver, Colo. Oral Roberts13 W 82-63 Fields - 23
1958 (Mideast) Second Round 3/22 Denver, Colo. Michigan State5 L 65-54 Young - 15
First Round 3/11 Evanston, Ill. Miami [Ohio] L 82-77 Pegues - 31
2009 • Seed: #1 (East)
1963 (East) First Round 3/20 Dayton, Ohio East Tenn. State16 W 72-62 Blair - 27
First Round 3/11 Philadelphia, Pa. New York Univ. L 93-83 Sheffield - 20 Second Round 3/22 Dayton, Ohio Oklahoma State8 W 84-76 Young - 32
Sweet Sixteen 3/26 Boston, Mass. Xavier4 W 60-55 Young - 19
1974 (East) Elite Eight 3/28 Boston, Mass. Villanova3 L 78-76 Young - 28
First Round 3/9 Morgantown, W.V. Saint Joseph’s W 54-42 Martin - 12
Second Round 3/14 Raleigh, N.C. Furman W 81-78 B. Knight - 34 2010 • Seed: #3 (West)
Elite Eight 3/16 Raleigh, N.C. NC State L 100-72 B. Knight - 19 First Round 3/19 Milwaukee, Wisc. Oakland14 W 89-66 two with - 17
Second Round 3/21 Milwaukee, Wisc. Xavier6 L 71-68 Gibbs - 19
1981 • Seed: #10 (West)
First Round 3/13 El Paso, Texas Idaho7 W70-69 OT Clancy - 22 2011 • Seed: #1 (Southeast)
Second Round 3/15 El Paso, Texas North Carolina2 L 74-57 Neverson - 17 First Round 3/17 Washington, D.C. UNC Asheville16 W 74-51 Gibbs - 26
Second Round 3/19 Washington, D.C. Butler8 L 71-70 Brown - 24
1982 • Seed: #10 (West)
First Round 3/12 Pullman, Wash. Pepperdine7 L 99-88 Gissendanner - 20 2013 • Seed: #8 (West)
First Round 3/21 Salt Lake City, Utah Wichita State9 L 73-55 Adams - 13
1985 • Seed: #12 (Midwest)
First Round 3/14 Tulsa, Okla. Louisiana Tech5 L 78-54 Shepherd - 18 2014 • Seed: #9 (South)
First Round 3/20 Orlando, Fla. Colorado8 W 77-48 Wright - 11
1987 • Seed: #3 (West) Second Round 3/22 Orlando, Fla. Florida1 L 61-45 Zanna - 10
First Round 3/13 Tucson, Ariz. Marist14 W 93-68 two with - 22
Second Round 3/15 Tucson, Ariz. Oklahoma6 L 96-93 two with - 23 2016 • Seed: #10 (East)
First Round 3/18 St. Louis. Mo. Wisconsin7 L 47-43 Artis - 13
1988 • Seed: #2 (Midwest)
First Round 3/18 Lincoln, Neb. Eastern Michigan15 W 108-90 Gore - 24
Second Round 3/20 Lincoln, Neb. Vanderbilt7 L 80-74 OT Smith - 21
Sweet Sixteen 3/21 Lexington, Ky. Kent State10 L 78-73 OT two with - 18 4 -- -- -- -- 0-1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1-0 -- -- -- 1-1
5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1-0 0-1 -- -- -- 1-1
2003 • Seed: #2 (Midwest) 6 -- -- 0-1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1-0 -- -- -- -- -- 1-1
First Round 3/21 Boston, Mass. Wagner15 W 87-61 Zavackas - 16 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-0
Second Round 3/23 Boston, Mass. Indiana7 W 74-52 Knight - 17 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-2
Sweet Sixteen 3/27 Minneapolis, Minn. Marquette3 L 77-74 Knight - 16 9 0-1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1-2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1-3
10 -- 0-1 -- -- -- -- 1-2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1-3
2004 • Seed: #3 (East) 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-0
First Round 3/19 Milwaukee, Wisc. Central Florida14 W 53-44 Krauser - 20 12 -- -- -- -- 0-1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-1
Second Round 3/21 Milwaukee, Wisc. Wisconsin6 W 59-55 Krauser - 16 13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-0
Sweet Sixteen 3/25 E. Rutherford, N.J. Oklahoma State2 L 63-51 Krauser - 15 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-0
15 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-0
2005 • Seed: #9 (West) 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0-0
First Round 3/17 Boise, Idaho Pacific8 L 79-71 Krauser - 27 0-1 0-3 0-3 1-0 0-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 0-2 0-1 2-0 1-0 1-1 5-0 2-0 2-0 20-21
Pacific 0-1 RECORD BY REGION First Round 3/18 University Park, Pa. Penn State W 67-65
Pepperdine 0-1 Region W-L Second Round 3/23 Pittsburgh, Pa. Florida L 77-74
Saint Joseph’s 1-0 East 8-5
UCLA 0-1 Mideast 1-3 1997
Utah 0-1 Midwest 3-4 First Round 3/12 Pittsburgh, Pa. New Orleans W 82-63
Vanderbilt 0-1 South 4-3 Second Round 3/17 Fayetteville, Ark. Arkansas L 76-71
Villanova 0-1 Southeast 2-3
VCU 1-0 West 6-8 2001
Wagner 1-0 First Round 3/14 Pittsburgh, Pa. St. Bonaventure W 84-75
Wichita State 0-1 Second Round 3/19 Pittsburgh, Pa. Mississippi State L 66-61
Wisconsin 1-2
Wright State 1-0 2015 • Seed: #4
Xavier 1-1 First Round 3/17 Pittsburgh, Pa. George Washington5 L 60-54
Totals 24-27
El Paso, Texas (3/15/81) Smith leads the Panthers with 21 points and 10 for nine minutes. Julius Page provides the
1958 • FIRST ROUND Pitt storms out to an early nine-point lead rebounds and Jerome Lane grabs a Pitt NCAA spark with 17 points including three three-
Miami [Ohio] 82, Pitt 77 but the Tar Heels roar back behind James Tournament all-time high 20 rebounds. pointers.
Evanston, Ill. (3/11/58) Worthy’s 21 points and Sam Perkins’ 19 to win
Julius Pegues scores a career-high 31 the West Region semifinal. North Carolina 1989 • FIRST ROUND 10-Kent State 78, 3-Pitt 73 (OT)
points and Don Hennon adds 28 in the Mideast leads by 11 points at halftime and shot 58.7 9-Ball State 68, 8-Pitt 64 Lexington, Ky. (3/21/02)
Region. Miami’s Wayne Embry finishes with 21 percent from the floor (27-46). Pitt’s Carlton Indianapolis, Ind. (3/10/89) Field goals by Julius Page and Brandin
points. Neverson scores 17 points and Sam Clancy Ball State, led by Rick Majerus, jumps out Knight send the game into overtime after Pitt
adds 16. to an early 21-8 lead and never trails in raising trails by four points with two minutes to go. In
1963 • FIRST ROUND its season record to 29-2. Jason Matthews overtime, Pitt leads 71-70 with 1:11 remaining,
New York Univ. 93, Pitt 83 1982 • FIRST ROUND leads Pitt with 23 points on 5-9 three-point but Trevor Huffman’s layup gives KSU the lead
Philadelphia, Pa. (3/11/58) 7-Pepperdine 99, 10-Pitt 88 shooting. The Hoosier Dome attendance of for good. The Golden Flashes then convert all
The one-two punch of Barry Kramer (37 Pullman, Wash. (3/12/82) 37,242 marks the largest crowd ever to attend six free throw attempts over the final minute.
points) and Happy Hairston (29) lead the Big man Orlando Phillips scores 27 points a Pitt game. Paris McCurdy leads the Cardinals Page and Knight finish with 18 points apiece
Violets to a 93-83 win over the Panthers in the (11-14 FG) and guard Boot Bond contributes 24 with 18 points. It is Pitt’s third consecutive for Pitt. Antonio Gates leads Kent State with
East Region at the Philadelphia Palestra. Pitt’s as the Waves win their 15th consecutive game NCAA Tournament appearance. a game-high 22 points.
career-high 14 boards. half advantage and leads by 23 at halftime. Xavier takes advantage of a 16-0 first half lead (34-24) with 16:01 left in the game.
With four three-pointers, Levance Fields run to take control, but Pitt uses a 12-0 run to Wilbekin leads all scorers with 21 points. Talib
2-Oklahoma State 63, 3-Pitt 51 scores a season-high 23 points and dishes out rally back from a 50-37 second half deficit. Pitt Zanna contributes 10 points for Pitt, which
East Rutherford, N.J. (3/25/04) seven assists. Pitt grabs an NCAA Tournament trailed by one point (50-49), and had a chance shoots just 37 percent from the floor.
Pitt’s third straight NCAA Sweet Sixteen record 50 rebounds.. to tie on the final play, but the Panthers miss
appearance is cut short as No. 2 seeded two three-point attempts. Xavier’s Jordan 2016 • SECOND ROUND
Oklahoma State uses a late 9-0 second half 5-Michigan State 65, 4-Pitt 54 Crawford finishes with 27 points. Ashton Gibbs 7-Wisconsin 47, 10-Pitt 43
rally to advance to the regional final. Tony Denver, Colo. (3/22/08) (19 points) and Brad Wanamaker (16 points/10 St. Louis, Mo. (3/18/16)
Allen scores 23 points for OSU while Carl In a physical contest, Michigan State uses rebounds) lead Pitt. Gibbs hits four three- Pitt drops a hard-fought battle with back-
Krauser paces Pitt with 15. a late second half run to register the win. Pitt pointers and scores 18 points in the first half. to-back Final Four participant Wisconsin. Pitt
erases a 40-30 lead with a 14-2 run to take a limits the Badgers to 16 points in the opening
2005 • FIRST ROUND 44-42 lead on a Sam Young layup, but MSU 2011 • THIRD ROUND half and led by six at intermission. Jamel Artis
8-Pacific 79, 9-Pitt 71 counters with a 10-2 run. Drew Neitzel (21 1-Pitt 74, 16-UNC Asheville 51 led the Panthers with 13 points, while James
Boise, Idaho (3/17/05) points) and Kalin Lucas (19 points) key the Washington, D.C. (3/17/11) Robinson adds seven points, 11 rebounds and
Pacific takes advantage of Pitt’s slow start Spartans. Levance Fields scores 19 and Sam Ashton Gibbs converts a Pitt NCAA four assists. Ethan Happ led Wisconsin with
to take a 15-point halftime lead. Carl Krauser Young finishes with 15 to pace Pitt. Tournament game record six three-pointers 15 points and nine rebounds.
LARGEST MARGIN OF VICTORY - at Boston College (BEC), 1/24/87 80-62 +18 3. Marshall, 12/28/16 112 106 218
CONFERENCE 15. at Penn State (E8), 1/28/78 82-65 +17 4. Syracuse, 2/11/72 109 99 208
Rk Opponent (Conference), Date Score Margin at St. John’s (BEC), 2/3/88 88-71 +17 5. vs. Georgia Tech, 12/28/89 92 111 203
1. at Massachusetts (E8), 2/24/81 101-61 +40 17. at South Florida (BEC), 3/2/11 66-50 +16 6. Carnegie Mellon, 2/6/71 118 84 202
2. DePaul (BEC), 1/26/13 93-55 +38 at Georgetown (BEC), 1/3/09 70-54 +16 at Boston College, 1/26/62 94 108 202
3. West Virginia (BEC), 2/12/03 82-46 +36 at Cincinnati (BEC), 1/24/07 67-51 +16 8. at West Virginia, 2/23/57 93 107 200
4. Providence (BEC), 1/25/88 90-56 +34 20. at Miami (ACC), 12/16/20 70-55 +15
5. Clemson (ACC), 1/21/14 76-43 +33 at Georgetown (BEC), 1/12/11 72-57 +15 FEWEST COMBINED POINTS
6. Seton Hall (BEC), 3/5/03 86-54 +32 at Seton Hall (BEC), 1/7/86 81-66 +15 Rk Opponent, Date Pitt Opp Total
7. at DePaul (BEC), 1/22/11 80-50 +30 at Georgetown (BEC), 2/18/03 82-67 +15 1. Penn State, 1/15/44 12 15 27
Miami (BEC), 1/29/92 82-52 +30 at DePaul (BEC), 3/9/13 81-66 +15 2. at Mount Union, 1/13/1912 16 14 30
Boston College (BEC), 1/31/90 110-80 +30 at Villanova (BEC), 1/16/13 58-43 +15 at Bucknell, 2/5/1908 14 16 30
St. Bonaventure (E8), 1/20/82 86-56 +30 4. at St. Lawrence, 1/30/1914 14 17 31
11. Rutgers (BEC), 3/6/10 83-54 +29 5. Bucknell, 2/23/24 10 22 32
12. at Georgetown (BEC), 1/8/13 73-45 +28 6. at Penn State, 3/1/52 9 24 33
MOST COMEBACK WINS IN A SEASON at Syracuse (BEC), 2/1/03 43-31 +12 65-67
Rk Season Total at West Virginia (BEC), 1/14/03 40-28 +12 80-61
1. 1989 6 at Syracuse (BEC), 1/4/89 40-28 +12 81-76
2004 6
2010 6
4. 1980 5
1983 5
2002 5
2. Marquette, 1/12/13 17 Rk Opponent (Pitt/Opp.), Date Pts BEST FG PCT IN OT - OPPONENT POINTS SCORED - OT GAME
3. at Notre Dame, 3/1/14 16 1. West Virginia (30/27), 2/12/10 (3OT) 57 Rk Opponent (FG-FGA), Date Pct Rk Player, Opponent, Date Pts
at Lafayette, 2/6/70 16 2. Wake Forest (29/24), 2/16/16 (2OT) 53 1. West Virginia (5-5), 12/10/88 1.000 1. Steve Vasturia, at Notre Dame, 3/1/14 12
5. at Cincinnati, 1/23/78 15 3. vs. Georgia (22/23), 12/17/94 (2OT) 45 2. Kerry Kittles, Villanova, 2/4/95 10
Penn State, 2/18/78 15 4. Notre Dame (23/20), 1/4/06 (2OT) 43 CONSECUTIVE POINTS SCORED 3. 5x; last C. Brown, at WF, 2/5/19 8
5. at Army (23/17), 1/19/63 (2OT) 40 IN OT - PITT
Rk Opponent, Date Pts Rk Opponent, Date Score Margin 2. at St. John’s, 1/30/89 11 Rk Player, Opponent, Date Pts
1. at Notre Dame (20/16), 3/1/14 36 1. Virginia, 1/4/17 88-76 +12 3. at William & Mary, 2/2/74 10 1. Da’Sean Butler, WVU, 2/12/10 (3OT) 15
2. at West Virginia (14/19), 2/5/05 33 California [Pa.], 1/22/42 45-33 +12 2. Ray Lee, EMU, 11/11/16 (2OT) 14
Wake Forest (19/14), 2/16/16 (2OT) 33 3. Oakland, 11/17/12 72-62 +10 CONSECUTIVE POINTS SCORED Cornelius Hudson, WFU, 2/16/16 (2OT) 14
4. Villanova (13/16), 2/4/95 29 Indiana [Pa.], 2/11/42 47-37 +10 IN OT - OPPONENT 4. Chris Quinn, Notre Dame, 1/4/06 (2OT) 12
5. at Clemson (16/11), 3/8/14 27 5. at Temple, 1/29/75 70-61 +9 Rk Opponent, Date Pts 5. Katu Davis, vs. Georgia, 12/17/94 (2OT) 10
Rutgers (14/13), 1/17/98 27 at Duquesne, 12/2/09 (2OT) 67-58 +9 1. at Notre Dame, 1/17/73 11
Marquette (10/17), 1/12/13 27 Villanova, 3/3/13 73-64 +9 2. Massachusetts, 1/23/96 10
(trailed 47-38 with 5:00 to go, won 69-67) Rk Opponent (half), Date Run After he was fouled driving to the basket, Julius Page hit a free
at West Virginia, 3/5/1949 -9 1. Prairie View A&M (first half), 12/23/95 28-0 throw with 0.4 seconds to play to give Pitt the lead and victory.
(trailed by 9 points with 3:00 to play, won 34-32) 2. Indiana [Pa.] (second half), 11/29/86 23-0 Syracuse (lost 49-46 in OT), 2/29/04
St. Bonaventure, 12/15/79 -9 3. at Massachusetts (second half), 2/24/81 22-0 Chevon Troutman hits 1-2 free throws with 3.6 seconds left to
(trailed 56-47, won 71-70) Duquesne (second half), 2/18/1936 22-0 send the game into overtime, 44-44.
Auburn (first half), 12/4/05 22-0 Marquette (lost 77-74 in OT), 1/21/07
LARGEST DEFICIT OVERCOME TO WIN GAME Buffalo (first half), 11/23/07 22-0 Ronald Ramon converts two free throws with three seconds
(LESS THAN 1:30 LEFT) 7. Buffalo State (second half), 2/18/76 21-0 to send the game into overtime, 64-64.
Rk Opponent, Date Margin Maryland Eastern Shore (first half), 12/27/97 21-0 Wake Forest (won 101-96 in 2OT), 2/16/16
1. Oakland, 11/17/12 -7 Delaware State (first half), 1/17/81 21-0 James Robinson’s free throw with nine seconds to send game
(trailed 58-51 with 1:07 to go, won 72-62 in OT) 10. Indiana [Pa.] (first half), 11/22/08 20-0 into double-overtime, 82-82.
West Virginia, 2/12/10 -7 Long Island (second half), 12/16/95 20-0
(trailed 66-59 with 1:13 to go, won 98-95 in 3OT)
3. at Boston College, 1/6/15 -6
(trailed 53-47 with 1:28 to go, won 61-60 in OT)
Points: High 112 Marshall, 12/28/16 Points: High 106 2x; last Louisville, 1/24/17 Games 341 (19 seasons)
Low 37 Virginia, 2/24/18 Low 32 New Hampshire, 12/4/09 Record 269-72
FG Made: High 42 2x; last Houston Baptist, 11/9/07 FG Made: High 39 Louisville, 1/24/17 Sellouts 96
Low 11 Virginia, 2/24/18 Low 11 Saint Joseph’s College, 11/17/15 Consecutive Sellouts 9, 1/6/14-3/3/14
FG Att: High 92 Houston Baptist, 11/9/07 FG Att.: High 83 Notre Dame, 1/4/06 Combined Points - two teams 218
Low 36 Villanova, 3/9/03 Low 39 2x; last Washington State, 3/28/12 Marshall (112-106), 12/28/16
FG Pct.: High .708 Mount St. Mary’s (34-48), 11/9/12 FG Pct.: High .652 Louisville (30-46), 1/25/15 Largest Pitt Win 53
Low .211 Rutgers (12-57), 1/11/12 Low .208 Saint Joseph’s College (11-53), 11/17/16 Central Arkansas (100-47), 12/6/15
3FG Made: High 14 5x; last Northern Illinois, 12/5/20 3FG Made: High 17 Lafayette, 1/02/08 Largest Pitt Loss 55
Low 0 3x; last Fresno State, 11/12/13 Low 0 2x; last Niagara, 11/14/14 Louisville (106-51), 1/24/17
3FG Att.: High 35 Delaware State, 12/19/17 3FG Att.: High 36 Notre Dame, 1/4/06 Most Wins - Season 19
Low 4 Manhattan, 12/17/14 Low 5 St. John’s, 1/11/09 2003-04, 2008-09
3FG Pct.: High .700 Seton Hall (7-10), 3/5/03 3FG Pct.: High .727 Virginia Tech (8-11), 1/6/04 Most Losses - Season 11
Low .000 3x; last Fresno State, 11/12/13 Low .000 Niagara (0-14), 11/14/14 2017-18
FT Made: High 38 Florida State (38-46), 1/14/19 FT Made: High 27 Florida State, 2/23/14 Longest Winning Streak 34
Low 1 3x; last Wofford, 3/14/12 Low 0 North Florida, 12/8/12 11/23/02-2/15/04
FT Att.: High 46 2x; last Florida State, 1/14/19 FT Att.: High 37 West Virginia, 2/12/10 Losing Streak 9
By Percentage By Percentage
Years W-L Pct. Years W-L Pct.
2001-05 108-25 .812 1927-29 37-5 .881
2002-06 104-27 .794 1929-31 43-6 .878
2007-11 111-29 .793 2002-04 59-10 .855 BEST OVERALL ONE-YEAR TURNAROUNDS
2005-09 112-31 .783 1928-30 39-7 .848
2000-04 107-30 .781 2001-03 57-11 .838 Increase Years (Wins)
2003-07 105-30 .778 2008-10 56-14 .800 +13 wins From 12 wins in 1972-73 to 25 wins in 1973-74
1927-31 80-27 .748 2007-09 58-15 .794 +10 From six wins in 1976-77 to 16 wins in 1977-89
2004-08 101-35 .743 2003-05 57-14 .785 +10 From 15 wins in 1985-86 to 25 wins in 1986-87
2008-12 106-40 .724 2009-11 53-15 .779 +10 From 19 wins in 2000-01 to 29 wins in 2001-02
2009-13 99-41 .707 2005-07 54-16 .771 +9 From 12 wins in 1989-90 to 21 wins in 1991-92
+8 From 10 wins in 1995-96 to 18 wins in 1996-97
ON-CAMPUS HOME COURT RECORD +8 From four wins in 1968-69 to 12 wins in 1969-70
Arena/Court (Years) Years GP W-L Pct.
Petersen Events Center (2002-current) 19 341 269-72 .789 BEST CONFERENCE ONE-YEAR TURNAROUNDS
Fitzgerald Field House (1951-2002) 51 589 414-175 .703
Pitt Pavilion (1925-1951) 26 241 181-60 .751 Increase Years (Record)
Motor Square Garden/Trees Gym (pre-1924)* 17 170 121-49 .712 +7 wins From a 5-13 record in 2011-12 to a 12-6 record in 2012-13
Total Home Record (1905-2021) 1341 985-356 .735 +6 From a 7-9 record in 2000-01 to a 13-3 record in 2001-02
+6 From a 6-10 record in 1985-86 to a 12-4 record in 1986-87
*several games are listed as unavailable as to location. +5 From a 5-13 record in 1995-96 to a 10-8 record in 1996-97
Mellon Arena/Civic Arena/Consol Energy Center games are not included. +4 From a 5-11 record in 1989-90 to a 9-7 record in 1991-92
2/18 at Hiram 18 43 L 1/27 at Niagara 25 29 L 1/19 Allegheny 30 21 W 3/1 at Washington & Jefferson 45 28 W
2/21 at Akron 15 32 L 1/28 at Colgate 25 42 L 1/23 Carnegie Tech 33 16 W 3/5 Colgate 28 35 L
2/24 Juniata 42 29 W 1/29 at Syracuse 29 36 L 1/26 Washington & Jefferson 32 23 W 3/6 West Virginia 33 24 W
2/25 at Mount Union 29 39 L 1/30 at St. Lawrence 14 17 L 2/1 Penn State (13) 37 36 W
3/9 Hiram 49 22 W 1/31 at Rochester 12 53 L 2/7 at Rutgers 22 21 W
2/22 West Virginia Wesleyan 38 35 W 1/3 Ohio State 23 48 L 2/13 Washington & Jefferson 38 18 W 3/14 at Penn State 37 32 W
2/28 at Wash. & Jeff. (OT) 29 27 W 1/6 Allegheny 18 22 L 2/15 Penn State 49 38 W
3/3 at West Virginia 28 33 L 1/8 Syracuse (OT) (13) 29 28 W 2/20 Grove City 48 25 W
1/11 at Washington & Jefferson 27 26 W 2/26 Carnegie Tech 42 10 W
1/14 Carnegie Tech 24 25 L 3/2 at West Virginia 41 19 W
3/11 *West Virginia 45 35 W 4/13 vs. LSU (5) ^ 37 41 L 3/22 at Temple (17) &^ 35 29 W 2/15 Geneva 45 47 L
3/17 *Carnegie Tech 38 21 W * Eastern Intercollegiate Conference game * Eastern Intercollegiate Conference game 2/20 West Virginia 68 49 W
* Eastern Intercollegiate Conference game & EIC playoff game (Morgantown, W.V.) ^ Philadelphia Arena 2/24 at Carnegie Tech 44 46 L
^ game played in Atlantic City & EIC playoff game (Philadelphia Arena) 2/28 at Fordham (MSG) + 57 37 W
2/6 New York University 77 91 L < All-America Tournament (Owensboro, Ky.) 3/1 Penn State 61 59 W 12/2 Purdue 81 80 W
2/13 Penn State 74 62 W 3/11 vs. Miami [Ohio] & 77 82 L 12/3 at Navy 63 69 L
2/16 West Virginia 83 64 W + Steel Bowl (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 12/6 at Michigan 70 86 L
2/20 Westminster 94 104 L % ECAC Holiday Festival (New York - MSG) 12/9 Army 80 84 L
2/22 at Army 72 82 L & NCAA Tournament (Evanston, Ill.) 12/16 Colgate + 78 62 W
1/9 at Westminster 61 51 W 2/1 at Westminster 75 61 W % NC State Tournament (Raleigh, N.C.) 12/26 at Detroit % 60 86 L
1/12 Geneva 80 60 W 2/6 Fordham 53 66 L 12/27 vs. Bowling Green % 54 78 L
1/19 at Army (2OT) 79 73 W 2/13 at William & Mary 61 63 L 1/6 at William & Mary 73 84 L
1/25 at Holy Cross 65 77 L 2/16 at Temple 65 71 L 1/10 George Washington 71 61 W
1/26 at Dartmouth 70 53 W 2/20 at George Washington 79 92 L 1/14 West Virginia (OT) 66 67 L
3/3 vs. Rutgers < 57 61 L 1/17 Delaware State 86 48 W 2/4 * Boston College 59 72 L
* Eastern 8 Conference Games 1/20 at * Rhode Island 60 62 L 2/6 at * Connecticut (OT) 75 71 W
% played at Wheeling, W.V. 1/24 at * George Washington 74 55 W 2/11 * Villanova 47 45 W
! Gator Bowl Classic (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1/27 Maryland (OT) (–/14) ! 66 69 L 2/15 at Notre Dame 67 59 W
^ played at Nassau Coliseum 1/31 at * West Virginia 63 76 L 2/18 at * St. John’s 62 65 L
11/30 Indiana [Pa.] 94 45 W 2/28 at * St. John’s (9/–) 74 76 L 12/28 vs. Northwestern % 90 76 W 9-7 Big East (T-3rd place)
12/4 at Lafayette 95 64 W 3/6 vs. Seton Hall (11/–) < 96 88 W 12/30 vs. Arizona (–/8) % 62 88 L 12th NCAA Tournament (No. 6 seed)
12/7 at Xavier 73 83 L 3/7 vs. Syracuse (11/10) < 85 99 L 1/4 at * Syracuse (–/2) 81 76 W Coach: Paul Evans
12/10 Robert Morris 94 62 W 3/13 vs. Marist (12/–) + 93 68 W 1/7 * Boston College 83 95 L Date Opponent Pitt Opp. W/L
12/14 at West Virginia 63 74 L 3/15 vs. Oklahoma (12/–) + 93 96 L 1/11 at * Georgetown (–/7) 57 76 L 11/23 NW Missouri State (12/–) 84 50 W
2/1 at * Providence 85 81 W 12/11 at West Virginia 91 99 L 12/2 Georgia ! 66 85 L % Rainbow Classic (Honolulu, Hawaii)
2/4 at * Miami [Fla.] 77 55 W 12/18 Duquesne ! 77 66 W 12/6 at * Boston College 53 55 L * Big East Games
2/8 at * Boston College 59 79 L 12/20 North Carolina (–/2) ! 93 106 L 12/9 at VCU 72 69 W < Big East Championship (New York - MSG
2/10 * Villanova 77 68 W 12/22 Robert Morris 80 65 W 12/16 Long Island 108 67 W + NIT
2/15 * St. John’s 74 84 L 12/27 Coppin State 76 70 W 12/20 North Carolina (–/11) ! 49 66 L
2/17 * West Virginia 69 67 W 1/3 * Miami [Fla.] 62 51 W 3/15 vs. Cent. Conn. St. (9/–) + 71 54 W Topped 200,000 season attendance mark
2/20 at * Boston College 67 66 W 1/6 * Syracuse (–/14) 66 71 L 3/17 vs. California (9/–) + 63 50 W Coach: Jamie Dixon
2/23 at * Miami [Fla.] (–/11) 52 85 L 1/10 at * Connecticut (–/13) 53 73 L 3/21 vs. Kent State (9/–) (OT) 73 78 L Date Opponent Pitt Opp. W/L
1/13 * Seton Hall (–/15) 77 65 W % University Hoops Classic (Moon Twp., Pa.) 11/14 vs. Alabama (22/–) % 71 62 W
1/16 at * Notre Dame 58 74 L * Big East Games 11/22 St. Francis [Pa.] (22/–) 90 69 W
2/24 * Boston College 71 65 W 11/18 vs. Marquette + 78 75 W 2/21 * Wake Forest 57 63 L 12/16 Northern Illinois 59 50 W
3/1 at * Wake Forest 66 69 L 11/22 Yale 75 70 W 2/24 * Virginia (-/1) 37 66 L 12/20 Binghamton 79 53 W
3/4 * Miami [Fla.] 63 67 L 11/25 Morehead State 76 63 W 2/28 at * Notre Dame 56 73 L 12/30 Canisius 87 79 W
3/7 at * Florida State 52 61 L 11/29 at Maryland ^ 73 59 W 3/6 vs. Notre Dame < 64 67 L 1/4 * Wake Forest 65 69 L
3/11 vs. NC State < 70 81 L 12/2 vs. Duquesne & 55 64 L ! Veterans Classic (Annapolis, Md.) 1/8 at * North Carolina 73 65 W
2020-21 10-12
6-10 ACC (12th place)
Coach: Jeff Capel
Date Opponent Pitt Opp. W/L
11/25 Saint Francis 70 80 L
11/28 Drexel 83 74 W
12/5 Northern Illinois 89 59 W
12/9 at Northwestern ! 71 70 W
12/12 Gardner-Webb 67 50 W
12/16 at * Miami 70 55 W
12/22 * Louisville 54 64 L
1/6 at * Syracuse 63 60 W
1/16 * Syracuse 96 76 W
1/19 * Duke 79 73 W
1/23 at * Wake Forest 75 76 L
1/26 * North Carolina 65 75 L
1/30 * Notre Dame 58 84 L
2/3 * Virginia Tech (-/16) 83 72 W
2/6 at * Virginia (-/14) 66 73 L
2/14 at * Georgia Tech 65 71 L
2/17 * NC State 73 74 L
2/20 * Florida State (-/16) 72 79 L
2/28 at * NC State 62 65 L
3/2 * Wake Forest 70 57 W
3/6 at * Clemson 62 77 L
3/9 vs. Miami < 73 79 L
! ACC/Big Ten Challenge
< ACC Tournament (Greensboro, N.C.) RESULTS
10 Miami [Fla.], 12/30/2017 Youngstown State, 11/6/2018 4 North Carolina, 1/18/2020 Georgia Tech, 2/8/2020 CONSECUTIVE NCAA TOURNAMENT
6 Duquesne, 12/12/1953 Carnegie Tech, 1/13/1954 4 Notre Dame, 1/31/2015 Miami, 3/4/2015 APPEARANCES
5 Connecticut, 1/29/1994 Boston College, 2/22/1994 3 Maryland, 1/6/2014 Duke, 1/27/2014 Yrs Started Ended
5 Georgetown, 1/3/1995 Boston College, 2/15/1995 10 2001-02 2011-12
5 West Virginia, 1/25/1966 Carnegie Tech, 12/1/1966 3 1986-87 1988-89
5 Duke, 1/22/2019 Notre Dame, 3/9/2019
1/8/2020 A*-SC W 73 65
at Joyce Center 18 (6-12). 3/6/2018 N> L 64 67 3/25/2004 N@ L 51 63 1/17/1913 H L 26 30
1/18/2020 H*-PEC W 66 52
at Madison Square Garden: 2 (1-1). 3/9/2019 H*-PEC W 56 53 12/21/2006 N&-2OT L 89 95 2/22/1913 A L 20 31
1/26/2021 H*-PEC L 65 75
* ACC regular season Barclays Center: 1 (0-1). 2/5/2020 A*-JC L 72 80 12/15/2007 H-PEC W 85 68 1/20/1914 H L 26 29
^ ACC Tournament One-Point Games: 2 (0-2). 1/30/2021 H*-PEC L 58 84 3/22/2009 N= W 84 76 2/28/1914 A L 17 26
% NCAA Tournament (Madison, Wisc.) Two-Point Games: 5 (4-1). * ACC/Big East regular season 12/10/2011 N$-MSG W 74 68 1/16/1915 H W 35 32
& NCAA Tournament (El Paso, Texas) Most Points-Pitt: 100 (1/4/2006). > ACC Tournament (Brooklyn, N.Y.) 11/21/2017 N/ L 67 73 2/24/1915 A L 28 31
^ Big East Tournament (New York, N.Y.)
1/28/1954 A-RH-3OT L 85 91 * Pitt and Penn State were members of the 1/31/2005 H*-PEC W 86 66 Most Points-RMU: 80 (12/11/1982). 12/4/1973 A W 36 21
2/13/1954 H W 74 62 Eastern Collegiate Basketball League in 1976-77. 2/15/2006 A* W 81 68 Fewest Points-RMU: 48 (12/29/1984). 1/25/1975 H-OT W 82 79
* Pitt and Penn State were members of the 2/25/2006 H*-PEC W 81 68 Largest Win: 36 (85-49, 1/4/2003). 1/27/1976 A L 71 102
1/15/1955 H W 76 66
Eastern 8 Conference from 1976-79. Largest Loss: None. 12/23/1976 H@ L 77 81
2/26/1955 A-RH L 71 77 2/10/2007 H*-PEC W 74 68
1/14/1956 H W 78 60 2/12/2008 H*-PEC W 82 63 Win Streak: 31 (1/18/78-current). 2/25/1978 A$ L 68 87
3/3/1956 A-RH W 100 90 2/24/2009 A* L 73 81 Loss Streak: None. 2/23/1979 H$ L 68 76
% Los Angeles Classic (Los Angeles, Calif.) AH - Alumni Hall/Carnesecca Arena (Jamaica, N.Y.)
GP: 1; H: 1-0; A: 0-0; N: 0-0; OT: 0-0. ^ Big East Tournament, New York, N.Y. at Petersen Events Center: 6 (6-0).
# Lobo Classic (Albuquerque, N.M.)
3/10/1930 H W 29 28 % Orange Bowl Classic, Miami, Fla. at Madison Square Garden: 6-8.
MA or CAA - Continental Airlines Arena or ST. LAWRENCE (0-1)
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS (2-1) at Carnesecca Arena: 16 (3-13).
SAVANNAH STATE (2-0) Meadowlands Arena (East Rutherford, N.J.) GP: 1; H: 0-0; A: 0-1; N: 0-0; OT: 0-0.
WG - Walsh Gymnasium (South Orange, N.J.) GP: 3; H: 1-1; A: 0-0; N: 1-0; OT: 0-0. One-Point Games: 7 (2-5).
GP: 2; H: 2-0; A: 0-0; N: 0-0; OT: 0-0. 1/30/1914 A L 14 17
PC - Prudential Center (Newark, N.J.) 12/9/1972 H+-CA W 65 63 Two-Point Games: 4 (2-2).
12/1/2001 H W 87 35 Most Points-Pitt: 94, two times (2/16/1991,
3/15/1975 N!-MSG W 70 65
11/8/2013 H-PEC W 88 55 1/22/1995)
2/7/1976 H W 71 67 2/26/2020 H*-PEC L 49 72 GP: 3; H: 1-0; A: 0-0; N: 1-1; OT: 0-0. 12/31/1955 N& W 84 81 2/17/1990 A*-PV L 68 71
11/29/1991 N+-MSG W 91 87 % Corn Bowl Classic (Des Moines, Iowa) 1/2/1991 H*-CA W 86 76
1/22/1977 A L 74 96 1/6/2021 A*-CD W 63 60
& All-America Tournament (Owensboro, Ky.)
1/14/1978 H W 86 81 1/16/2021 H*-PEC W 96 76 11/24/2009 N^ L 62 78 1/30/1991 A*-Spec L 72 75
1/6/1979 A L 74 100 * ACC/Big East regular season 11/19/2010 N= W 68 66 2/10/1992 H* W 77 68
^ Big East Tournament (New York, N.Y.) UTICA (1-0)
12/22/1979 H L 66 73 ^ CBE Classic (Kansas City, Mo.) 2/29/1992 A*-PV L 61 78
< ACC Tournament + Preseason NIT (New York, N.Y.) GP: 1; H: 1-0; A: 0-0; N: 0-0; OT: 0-0.
2/3/1993 H*-CA L 76 82
= 2K Sports Classic/Coaches vs. Cancer (New York, N.Y.) 12/21/1981 H W 64 47
Champion: Alabama 11/25 vs. Kansas State W, 63-59 12/17 vs. Georgia (2OT) L, 86-87 11/17 Binghamton (PEC) W, 71-46 All-Tournament: Jerome Lane, Charles
11/27 vs. Northwestern W, 72-59 MVP: Andre Alridge 11/19 E. Kentucky (PEC) W, 71-60 Smith
Carrousel Tournament Champion: Pitt All-Tournament: Jason Maile 11/23 vs. Wichita St. (SC) W, 68-55
1958 (Charlotte, N.C.) MVP: Justin Champagnie 11/24 vs. Texas (SC) L, 62-78
12/28 vs. Fordham L, 76-85 All-Tournament: Xavier Johnson Champion: Texas
12/29 vs. Clemson W, 60-50 All-Tournament: Gary McGhee
12/31 vs. Bucknell L, 76-95
Champion: Alabama
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