Controleng MayJune2024
Controleng MayJune2024
Controleng MayJune2024
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ut-of-the-box, making them VTScada provides these features out-of-the-box, making them Yet scores of modestly-sized applications
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7 | May article sampling of headlines, 26 | How to progress in engineering,
authors, companies, links automation: 3 phases
9 | Market Update: Mergers in automation 28 | Solving the skills shortage requires
an innovative approach
10 | Technology Update: Choosing the right
computing paradigm for industrial 30 | Spectacular performers fly with motion
transformation controls, STEM, not CGI
33 | Advanced process control: One page of
NEWS PID spotlight, part 5; Seven pages online
12 | Automate 2024 roundup, recap: 34 | Back to the future of the PLC
How to accelerate automation’s benefits
38 | Power quality, harmonics: How to select
a variable frequency drive (VFD)
15 | Think Again: Control Engineering, in
its 70th year, joins WTWH Media 42 | Crafting the right IT/OT cybersecurity p.42
strategy for the journey ahead
44 | Picking the right MES or automation
ANSWERS solution for a life sciences application
62 | Product of the Year: What would make
16 | Results are in: Control Engineering
your job easier?
Career and Salary Survey, 2024
20 | Get engineering salary survey advice
from Control Engineering research INSIDE MACHINES (after 45)
22 | Automation engineer pipeline: The M1| Make exponential gains now:
making of an automation professional Automation, I/O, mechatronics
CONTROL ENGINEERING (ISSN 0010-8049, Vol. 71, No. 3, GST #123397457) is published bimonthly by: WTWH Media, LLC; 1111 Superior Ave., Suite 2600, Cleveland, OH 44114. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CONTROL ENGINEERING, 1111 Superior Ave., Suite 2600, Cleveland, OH 44114. Scott McCafferty, Co-Founder. CONTROL ENGINEERING copyright 2024 by WTWH Media, LLC. All rights reserved. CONTROL ENGINEERING is
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errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever.
Control Engineering eBook series,
New Products for Engineers now available: Summer Edition
Too many for print this month: Go online for these
products and more! Industrial USB hub series (a
world’s first, says Moxa), process gas analyzer, circuit breaker
Topics include:
ystem with EtherNet/IP, Embedded IoT device for automation and
industrial applications, fanless open-frame power supplies, 1kW open automation
wireless charging system for robotics, high-resolution thermal infrastructure con-
cameras, SCADA software. troller; Think redun-
See more products online dantly about auto-
mation controllers
without high costs;
63 | Back to Basics: How to reduce workload using Control system integrators: How to excel with
reusable PLC components automation upgrades; New cost analysis: Open
Multiple programmable logic controller (PLC) platforms support process automation saves 52% versus DCS.
pre-packaged code to reduce programming time. Learn more at:
Countless applications:
100 mm
control logic
motion control
MQTT for IoT scenarios
machine safety
EtherCAT networking
modular machines
Try as we might, we can’t bend space and time (yet). But we make packing functionality into tiny
electrical cabinets way easier. How? Because our CX7000 TwinCAT controller – a giant in terms of
control performance – is remarkably small.
With blink-and-you’ll-miss-it dimensions, the CX7000 provides powerful automation anywhere it’s
needed. An ARM Cortex™-M7 processor and TwinCAT software help you tackle wide-ranging control
tasks previously handled by bulky PLCs. Beyond the configurable options of 8 digital inputs, 4 digital
outputs, 2 encoder inputs, 2 analog 0…10 V inputs and 2 PWM outputs built in, the CX7000 directly
connects to a gargantuan range of Beckhoff I/O terminals.
u NEW RESEARCH Part 1: Made in America research shows enhanced production efficiencies (A)
u INTERNATIONAL: CE China: How to produce flexibly using mobile robots, machine vision
u Top 5 Control Engineering content: May 20-26; Manufacturing in space: Funding for ISS
u PID spotlight, part 4: How to balance PID control for a self-limiting process;
Ed Bullerdiek, retired control engineer (C)
u Gaining the edge: Reducing costs, improving outcomes with edge AI; Lindsay Hilbelink
is global strategic marketing manager for Eurotech. (B)
u Forging open and unified industrial network architecture with TSN and single-pair ethernet;
Lisa Chang, product manager, Moxa Inc.
Industrial networking
Automation mergers, acquisitions, groups merge to advance
integration technology,
capital markets analysis in April automation
uORCHARD ROBOTICS Premiere cut, Massachusetts, aiming to drive techno- FIELDCOMM GROUP
Automation, RedViking and Siemens were logical advancement and market expansion. ( and FDT
among companies involved in recent merg- 4/1/24 Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc. Group ( plans to cre-
ers and acquisitions. The automation mar- acquired RedViking, a privately held auto- ate one business aimed at advancing
ket continues to experience a tremendous mation system integrator based in Plym- integration technology and harmonizing
number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) outh, Michigan. RedViking develops and control system applications across mul-
and capital markets activity because of integrates autonomous guided vehicles tiple protocol topologies supporting pro-
automation market growth, consolidation (AGVs) and mobile robots, custom assem- cess and factory automation. Subject
opportunities and strength bly and dynamic test sys- to the completion of a definitive agree-
ment, the new business will continue to
of many of the companies. The automation tems and manufacturing
Bundy Group’s relationships execution system (MES) support existing FieldComm Group and
include control system inte-
market continues software. FDT Group technologies, including Field
Device Integration (FDI), Field Device
gration, robotics, automated to experience 3/28/24 Orchard Robot-
Tool / Device Type Manager (FDT/DTM),
material handling, automa- a tremendous ics, the company enabling
Process Automation Device Information
tion distribution, artificial precision crop manage-
intelligence and cybersecuri- number of mergers ment with robots and AI, Model (PA-DIM), HART and Foundation
Fieldbus. FieldComm Group will acquire
ty; more activity is expected. and acquisitions announced their $3.8M all FDT technology and resources; an
raise, across a seed round
(M&A) and capital independent Strategic Integration Com-
April 2024 automa- led by General Catalyst, and mittee will be formed to guide future
tion transactions markets activity. a pre-seed led by Contrary. directions for protocol-independent
4/21/24 Siemens AG 3/26/24 Vinci Energies device integration. ce
agreed to acquire the industrial drive acquired Premiere Automation LLC., an
technology (IDT) business of ebm-pa- industrial controls and robotics specialist – Edited from an FDT Group press
pst. The business, which employs around in Charleston, South Carolina. Premiere release by WTWH Media. FDT Group is
650 people, includes intelligent, integrat- Automation provides project manage- a WTWH Media content partner.
ed mechatronic systems in the protective ment, controls and robotics integration Page 15 has more acquisition news.
extra-low voltage range and motion con- and training services.
trol systems. The planned acquisition will 3/21/24 SER, a leading global Intelli- tems for red meat, fish, poultry, cheese, pet
complement the Siemens Xcelerator port- gent Content Automation software vendor food, and other food markets.
folio and strengthen Siemens as a provider in the Enterprise Content Management 3/11/24 John Henry Foster Minneso-
of flexible production automation. market, announced that TA Associates, a ta Inc. a strategic collection of engineers,
4/11/24 Graham Partners, an invest- global private equity firm, agreed to make support and service teams, compressed air
ment firm focusing on advanced manufac- a strategic growth investment. experts and automation and robotics solu-
turing, has acquired E Tech Group. Based 3/20/24 Sonepar agreed to acquire the tions provider, acquired HTE Technologies,
in West Chester, Ohio, E Tech is an indus- Michigan-based distributors, Madison an automation supplier operating in Kansas,
trial automation systems integrator serving Electric Co. and Standard Electric Co., Missouri, and Illinois, to be run as an inde-
life sciences, data centers, consumer pack- distributors of electrical and industrial pendent division remaining with headquar-
aged goods, industrial and other sectors. E products and services to contractor and ters in St. Louis. ce
Tech helps customers integrate and support industrial customers.
automation in regulated environments. 3/18/24 Fortifi Food Processing Solu- Clint Bundy is managing director, Bundy
4/8/24 Industrial Device Investments tions, provider of food processing equip- Group, which helps with mergers, acquisi-
LLC initiated a strategic partnership with ment and automation solutions, completed tions and raising capital. Edited by Chris
Wasik Associates LLC, a manufacturer of acquisition of Reich Thermoprozesstechnik Vavra, Control Engineering senior editor,
Electron Beam Processing Systems in Dra- GmbH, a provider of thermoprocessing sys- [email protected].
ture to cloud providers organizations can sidestep the
he 2023 MLC data mastery and analytics need for dedicated IT personnel and costly hardware
survey found that more than one-third of investments. This translates to substantial cost savings
manufacturers say the volume of data they’re and a reduction in operational complexities.
collecting has at least doubled in the last two • Accessibility: Cloud computing enhances acces-
years and nearly 20% say the amount of data has at sibility by enabling seamless data access and collab-
least tripled. While this surge of data presents oppor- oration from virtually any location with an internet
tunities for manufacturers, it also presents a critical connection. This flexibility is crucial, allowing teams
question: where should manufacturers process and to work collaboratively and access data in real time,
analyze this ever-growing volume of information? without geographic boundaries. Cloud-based appli-
Cloud and edge computing are distinct approach- cations facilitate remote work, empowering employ-
es to data processing in the industrial data man- ees to be productive and make informed decisions
agement landscape. Cloud computing, with its regardless of physical location.
centralized servers and vast storage capacity, offers In contrast to cloud computing's centralized
scalability and accessibility. Edge computing brings approach, edge computing embraces a decentralized
processing power closer to the data source, enabling architecture that processes and stores data closer to
real-time decision-making and low latency. Cloud its source. Edge computing has gained significant
and edge computing each has advantages and lim- traction in recent years, with Gartner predicting
its. Understanding these nuances help with decisions that over 75% of enterprise data will be created and
aligned with industrial digital transformation goals. processed outside the data center or cloud in just
u Cloud versus edge computing
the next five years. This shift toward the edge offers
significant benefits to manufacturers, including:
Cloud computing has revolutionized data manage- • Reduced latency: A key advantage of edge com-
KEYWORDS: Control ment by shifting away from on-premises infrastruc- puting is its ability to reduce latency by processing
Engineering, edge computing,
cloud computing, rockwell ture. This computing paradigm allows manufacturers data at its source. This translates into a significant
automation, efficiency, hybrid to transmit vast amounts of industrial data to infor- reduction in network travel time, making it a game-
approach, data, cloud and
mation technology (IT) and operational technolo- changer for applications where speed is of the essence.
See other ways cloud and
gy (OT) applications through an internet connection, • Enhanced security: The decentralized nature
edge helps manufacturing unlocking a range of benefits: of edge architecture means that sensitive data is
on the Control Engineering • Scalability: Cloud computing offers unparal- processed and stored locally, minimizing the need
robotics page.
leled flexibility to adapt to dynamic business needs. for extensive data transfers over networks. Edge
mechatronics-motion-control/ The scalability of cloud services allows organizations computing's localized data processing and storage
robotics to easily adjust computing resources based on fluc- approach means that sensitive information remains
are instances where the scalabil-
Cloud and edge limits Constant internet ity and flexibility of cloud infra-
While cloud and edge computing structure can shine. Conversely,
offer immense potential for business-
access isn't always edge computing is the more fit-
es, they have challenges. guaranteed in remote ting choice for industrial leaders
Cloud computing’s dependence on when real-time processing and
connectivity can be a significant hur- locations, factories reduced latency are crucial. Edge
dle for industrial settings. Constant or situations with computing is ideal for manufac-
internet access isn't always guaran- turing use cases where split-sec-
teed in remote locations, factories or fluctuating network ond decision-making is critical,
situations with fluctuating network strength. such as in autonomous robotics, —Achim Thomsen,
strength. This can lead to disruptions quality control on the production Rockwell Automation
in operations, delays in decision-making and hinder line and equipment monitoring.
overall efficiency. The volume of data generated by A hybrid approach combines cloud and edge
industrial processes can make cloud-based processing computing to take advantage of the strengths of
expensive. Constant data flow incurs high costs and each. A manufacturer can use edge computing
creates bottlenecks and potential processing delays. for real-time sensor data processing and anom-
Perhaps the most critical limitation of cloud comput- aly detection to trigger immediate maintenance
ing for certain applications is its inherent latency. The actions and send non-critical data to the cloud
time it takes for data to travel to the cloud, be pro- for long-term storage, analysis and optimiza-
cessed and return with instructions can range from tion insights. This hybrid approach empowers
seconds to minutes. This delay is unacceptable for manufacturers to seamlessly navigate industri-
applications demanding real-time responses, such as al demands, leveraging the strengths of each to Learning
automated industrial processes. In time-sensitive sce- optimize operational efficiency, enhance deci- uObjectives
narios, a minor delay can impact operational efficien- sion-making processes and ultimately drive inno-
• Identify the significant
cy and potentially compromise safety. vation. Make informed architectural decisions increase in data
While edge computing offers solutions to cloud's early in the process. This includes planning for volume collected by
limitations, it comes with its own set of consider- hybrid deployments, considering total cost of manufacturers and
its impact on data
ations. Managing a vast network of edge devices and ownership and ensuring alignment with security processing needs.
sensors distributed across various locations adds sig- needs. Such planning helps manufacturers to more
• Compare the advantages
nificant complexity to the IT infrastructure. This easily determine if cloud computing, edge com- and limitations of cloud
requires specialized expertise and can strain existing puting or a combination is the best option. ce and edge computing in
the context of industrial
IT resources, especially for smaller organizations. data management.
The additional hardware and software needed
• Explain the importance
to implement edge computing can also translate to Manish Jain is the product leader for edge analytics of a hybrid approach
higher costs compared to traditional cloud-based and AI applications and Achim Thomsen is the direc- combining cloud and edge
architectures. This can be a barrier for organizations tor of common connected applications both at Rockwell computing to optimize
operational efficiency
with limited budgets or those hesitant to invest in a Automation. Edited by Tyler Wall, Control Engineer- and decision-making in
new infrastructure. ing associate editor, [email protected]. manufacturing.
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May/June 2024
| 15
alaries and benefits increased for 2023. Lack of investments for equipment, gies likely indicate increased interest. Like
Control Engineering subscribers software upgrades or replacements was last year, no technology listed was separat-
responding to the 2024 Control Engi- at 10% among concerns, twice the 5% in ed from its neighbor by a percentage great-
neering Career and Salary Survey 2023. Financial compensation has the most er than the margin of error for the research,
and Report, while supply chain concerns impact on job satisfaction at 33% followed at +/-6.7% at 95% confidence in 2024.
for manufacturing continued to fall. Salaries by the next six criteria in a statistical tie for These were among other key findings in the
increased to an average $114,771 (Figure second (Figure 6). research.
1), up from $111,345 among those taking
the survey in 2023, about a 3% increase, Automation resolves challenges Anticipated increases
compared to 7% increase in the 2023 sur- What technologies can help in the com- Automation, controls and instrumen-
vey. The average of those receiving bonuses ing year? (Figure 5) Remote controls and tation help manufacturers operate more
increased to $16,125 in 2024 (Figures 2, 3) monitoring moved to first from seventh efficiently and fill the skills gap, and often
from $15,929 in 2023. The economy (41%) while artificial intelligence and machine those with automation expertise mirror
moved ahead of lack of available skilled learning (AI/ML) moved from to third demands for technologies. About two-
workers (33%) as the leading threat to man- from eighth. Six automation-related offer- thirds of respondents (66%) expect a base
ufacturing business in 2024. Last year, they ings, including those two, were statistically annual salary increase in 2024, compara-
were tied, given the margin of error. Lack tied for first. Power quality and reliabili- ble to the last two years.
of necessary materials/parts fell signifi- ty increased to fifth from 17th. Significant Personal performance increased to tie
cantly to 11% in 2024, down from 30% in shifts in ranking relative to other technolo-
Expected change to 2024 Expected change to 2024 summary 2024
base annual salary bonus compensation SALARY
Decrease 3% Increase more than 6% Average $114,771
Increase more
Minimum $20,000
than 6% Stay the same Increase 4% Decrease
to 6%
6% 6% 7% 10% Maximum $360,000
Average (>200k) $11,840
59% Average (>0, <200k) $16,125
Percentage receiving bonus 75%
Increase 1% to 3%
FIGURE 3: In 2024, the average salary
Increase 4% to 6%
Increase 1% to 3% Stay the same
of respondents is $114,771, up from
FIGURE 1: 66% of respondents expect a sal- FIGURE 2: 31% of respondents expect an $111,345 in 2023, up from $104,071 in
ary increase in 2024. increase in 2024 bonuses. 2022. Bonuses increased also.
Job satisfaction, hours for 13% worked 50 to 54 hours 28% Analytics: Data analytics
Hours worked trended lower. from among 23 technologies in the ques- 15% Better HMI and SCADA designs
11% worked fewer than 40 to help you in the coming year? Check all 15%
Sustainability metrics, measurements
and related optimization
(9% in 2023, 11% in 2022) that apply.” Seven replies were in a statis-
Automation: Motion control optimization
tical dead heat for the top spot (Figure 5). 14%
with advanced actuators, drives
Industrial communications: Wireless
Criteria for 2024 bonus compensation networking
Resilient and redundant designs
Company profitability for critical infrastructure
Automation: Robotics, collaborative
robotics, mobile robotics
Personal performance
New business, sales increase, commission
Advanced integrated industrial safety,
Customer feedback fail-safe technologies
11% Digital twins and simulation
Quality metrics
8% Edge computing
Company stock performance
2% Other
Plant or line productivity
Reducing plant costs
Safety metrics FIGURE 5: While seven technologies likely
Application of industry standards to help most tied for first in 2024, power
Energy efficiencies or other sustainability metrics quality and reliability made the largest gain
Increased line flexibility since 2023 (10 percentage points), followed
IT/OT collaboration by remote controls and monitoring and
artificial intelligence and machine learning
(four percentage points each).
Not applicable (no bonus received)
Compared to last year, the following three ing Career and Salary Report resulted from 2018); and 3% expect a salary decrease (1%
made the largest increases: an emailed survey to subscribers, produc- in 2023 and 2022; 3% in 2021; 1% in 2020
ing 211 qualified responses from April 17 and 2019; 2% in 2018).
• Power quality and reliability increased to May 6, 2024, for a margin of error of For base salary compensation, the mini-
to 25% in 2024 from 15% in 2023. +/-6.7% at a 95% confidence level. Survey mum was $20,000 ($22,000 in 2023; $20,000
respondents were invited to anonymously in 2022; $28,000 in 2021), and the maxi-
• Remote controls and monitoring provide their annual compensation infor- mum was $360,000, ($300,000 in 2023;
increased to 29% from 25% in 2023. mation and opinions on the current state $266,700 in 2022 and $250,000 in 2021).
of their facilities and industries along with For bonus compensation (Figure 2),
• Artificial intelligence and machine advice for peers. (See next article.) 18% expect an 1% to 3% increase (15%
learning (AI/ML) increased to 28% in 2023); 6% expect an increase of 4% to
from 24% in 2023. Engineering salary, bonuses 6% (same as 2023); 7% expect an increase
In Figure 1, 42% expect a salary increase greater than 6% (8% in 2023); 59% expect
Twenty-three percentage points sepa- of up to 3% in 2024 (45% in 2023 and 2022; about the same (57% in 2023); and 10%
rate the top from the bottom technology 51% in 2021; 52% in 2020; 63% in 2019; expect less (14% in 2023).
in 2024, while 13 percentage points sepa- 56% in 2018); 18% expect an increase of 4% For those receiving bonus compensation
rated top from bottom last year, possibly to 6% or more (19% in 2023; 12% in 2022; (Figure 3), the 2024 average received was
suggesting more focus on particular tech- 14% in 2021; 18% in 2020; 11% in 2019; $16,125 ($15,929 in 2023, $19,162 in 2022).
nologies in the coming year. 19% in 2018); 6% expect more than 6% The 2024 average across all respondents is
increase (7% in 2023; 10% in 2022); 31% $11,840, ($11,518 in 2023). In 2024, 25%
Survey methods expect the same (28% in 2023; 32% in 2022 received no bonus, (27% in 2023).
Research for the 2024 Control Engineer- and 2021; 30% in 2020; 25% in 2019; 23% in
Engineering bonus criteria
What 3 factors have the greatest impact on your job satisfaction? Two leading criteria for non-salary com-
pensation were tied: company profitability
Financial compensation at 51% (55% in 2023), and personal per-
Ability to work from home formance at 51% (43% in 2023), the larg-
Flexible work hours
est increase in percentage points from last
year); see Figure 4. New business/sales at
Technical challenge
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% were possible for some positions, and highly
FIGURE 6: Top factor for job satisfaction is financial compensation in 2024, followed by six valued, say some respondents.
criteria in a statistical dead heat for second. Ability to work from home and flexible hours When asked which three factors had
among the six made the largest increases from 2023. greatest impact on workplace satisfac-
Don't know
Lack of investments for workflow, If reading the digital edition, click on the
headline to access and download the full 2024
manufacturing design upgrades
Downsizing Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey
Union pressures, restrictions and Report to see the benchmarking tables.
FIGURE 7: Leading perceived threats to manufacturing is the economy, moving up from sec- and 10% at 30 or more years (15% in 2023;
ond in 2023 and third in 2022. Lack of available skilled workers was a solid second, down 13% in 2022).
from the top spot in 2023. Years in current industry trended down-
ward slightly: 14% at 9 or fewer years (9%
tion, financial compensation at 33% Slightly younger engineers in 2023); 19% 10 to 19 years (14% in 2023);
(30% in 2023) was the clear lead. Sec- Control Engineering research provides 20% at 20 to 29 years (24% in 2023); 27%
ond place, given the margin of error, was demographics as context, and extra figures 30 to 39 years (30% in 2023) and 20% 40
a six-way tie among ability to work from online provide benchmarking. years or more (23% in 2023).
home at 25% (up from 15% in 2023), Younger subscribers increased and older Highest level of education complet-
flexible work hours at 25% (19% in subscribers decreased in several age groups, ed were: <1% high school diploma (3% in
2023), technical challenge at 23% (30% a trend that’s reflected in recent www.con- 2023), 2% trade/technical school diploma
in 2023), feeling of accomplishment at online analytics, as well, as (4% in 2023), 6% associate degree (8% in
20% (25% in 2023), relationship with col- older, more experienced workers retire. 2023), 5% college attendance (10%), 56%
leagues at 20% (19% in 2023) and work- Among those surveyed, 5% are under 30 had a bachelor’s degree (39% in 2023; 48%
load 20% (16% in 2023). See Figure 6 for years of age (2% in 2023; 1% in 2022); 15% in 2022), 24% had a master’s degree (30%
13 other criteria. at 30 to 39 years of age (9% in 2023; 7% in in 2023; 23% in 2022), 5% dual bachelor’s
Post-pandemic concerns about avail- 2022), 18% at 40 to 49 years of age (15% in degrees (2% in 2023) and 1% a doctoral
able material and parts available contin- 2023; 16% in 2022); 22% at 50 to 59 years of degree (4% in 2023). ce
ued to decrease as a manufacturing threat: age (29% in 2023; 32% in 2022); and 40% at
11% in 2024 (30% in 2023 and 42% in 60 and older (45% in 2023; 42% in 2022). Mark T. Hoske is editor-in-chief, Control
2022). In addition, lack of available skilled Years working for current employer Engineering, WTWH Media,
workers, while a solid second among per- trended downward with 50% at 9 years or [email protected]. Amanda Pellic-
ceived threats, became less of a concern less (36% in 2023; 43% in 2022), 23% at 10 cione, marketing research manager, WTWH
in 2024 at 33% (48% in 2023 and 57% in to 19 years (29% in 2023; 26% in 2022), 17% Media, conducted the research and assem-
2022). See other threats in Figure 7. at 20 to 29 years (20% in 2023; 18% in 2022) bled the related report available online.
evote more time to improv- dents for advice. Among survey respon- Learning and skills development
ing skills and knowledge and dents, 54 offered advice on skills; 38 You need to spend more time improv-
use artificial intelligence (AI) provided technology-related advice. ing skills and knowledge and not be dis-
and data analytics to help opti- tracted by games, TV, sports and other
mize vast amounts of information from Skills needed to get ahead things. Buy books and read!
automated operation. These were among Please provide advice about skills need- Always look for learning opportunities.
advice 2024 Control Engineering Career ed to get ahead in your areas of respon- Try to present on the information and
and Salary Survey and Report. Two sibility today, including how and why. skills that you have learned. Teach others
write-in questions asked survey respon- Responses, edited slightly for style follow. when possible.
More financial expertise is needed.
Skills needed to advance Education via mini-MBAs is helpful. As
we advance, we do less of what we were
trained to do in a university and more of
the strategic and company financial areas.
Project management I have found that a good place to start is
Computer having an interest in what you do for a liv-
Team-building ing, without it being all consuming, and
System integration finding life balance. Reading and compre-
Language hending work-related materials are essential.
With the over-abundance of infor-
mation out there, it is difficult to navi-
Engineering communication
Networking at conferences, memberships
grammar and spelling are critical. Don't 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
always rely on autocorrect. FIGURE 2: Best ways to advance skills are hands-on experiences and continuing education,
followed by being mentored and industry publications. All options scored 20% or more.
Process design, analytics Courtesy: Control Engineering research, WTWH Media
Ensure you have a solid, rigorous pro-
cess design and data analytics back- but understand it is here to stay. I see vir- mation relating to emerging technologies.
ground. These skills are the basis for tual reality (VR) becoming more of a use- Trade publications are a good resource.
manufacturing productivity. ful tool for performing equipment layouts, Cybersecurity, firewalls, malware and
We need new data-driven decision-mak- power and controls. Getting the bean other internet safety-related technologies
ing skills to increase strategic decision-mak- counters to see spending benefits is hard. are what I am most interested in. ce
ing while aligning operational processes to Integrate more AI simply because of
work with new decision processes. the time savings. Mark T. Hoske is editor-in-chief, Control
Upgrade computer hardware, software Engineering, WTWH Media,
Controls and IT troubleshooting and production equipment; Hire more [email protected]. Amanda Pel-
Troubleshooting communications in net- employees. liccione, marketing research manager,
works and controls helps with knowledge WTWH Media, conducted the research
and accessing knowledge in the company. Automation, trends and assembled the related online report.
Continuing education relating to IT/ Increased IoT provides exponential
OT remains a large skills gap for more tra- growth of feedback-loop optimization and u Online
ditional/senior controls technicians. opportunity to streamline new systems of
controls while deprecating less beneficial KEYWORDS: 2024 salary survey, career advice
What technologies will help methods by removal or derating. LEARNING OBJECTIVES
A question asked about technologies like- More automation and integrating Learn from automation skills advice provided by
peers taking the 2024 Control Engineering Career
ly to help over the next year and why. operator and user interfaces for process
and Salary Survey.
improvement will help.
Discern applicable advice from peers about
AI, analytics, productivity More automation to make and design technologies needed to advance in engineering.
AI and data analytics are quickly becom- products for friendly field commissioning. CONSIDER THIS
ing essential to optimize vast amounts of Apply wireless sensors that communi- What automation, controls and instrumentation
information. Tools like these will help us cate directly to the PLC/DCS controllers. skills and technologies are adding or mentoring?
improve decisions. Apply sound judgment Know about new and upcoming tech- ONLINE
and eliminate AI generated garbage. nologies. Find ones that are a good fit and See 2024 salary survey research starting on p. 16.
AI will become a big tool in the com- that don’t cost more time and money to See 2023 salary survey advice.
ing year I believe. I just don't know-how implement. skills-automation-technologies-to-get-ahead-
or when yet. I am not a big AI proponent Look for lesser-known conduits of infor- in-2023
The making of an
automation professional
Strategic automation engineering assumed to behave at steady state and changes in
the process result in a new steady state. However,
professional workforce planning requires in process controls, the dynamics of the process’
transition from steady state to transient state were
developing the necessary talent for current heavily analyzed. This approach introduces more
and future needs. realistic scenarios, requiring students to balance the
roles of engineer and operator for the first time.
As I began applying for jobs in instrumentation
he complexity of technologies for industri- and controls engineering, I noticed employers primar-
al control systems is increasing, and oper- ily sought candidates with backgrounds in electrical
ators are becoming more reliant on these or mechanical engineering. However, now, as a junior
systems to efficiently monitor and control automation engineer, I see how interdisciplinary the
the related processes. Securing these industrial con-
trol systems in the cyber world also is becoming
automation field truly is. Entering the field of automa-
tion engineering, I was met with a landscape that was
more challenging and time-consuming. Due to the expansive, challenging, yet incredibly rewarding.
KEYWORDS: Workforce
development, automation expanding scope of their work, the technical skills My initial field training (Figure 1) focused on
engineering of automation engineers are in higher demand than foundational concepts such as understanding pip-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES ever. However, the methods firms use to recruit, ing and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), input/
Understand that having train and retain automation engineers are not output (I/O), interlocks, human-machine inter-
diverse background for
automation engineers are a evolving as quickly as the demand. face (HMI) graphics, writing specifications and
necessity and a strength of One strategy is to create three distinct pathways reviewing submittals. Navigating the realm of auto-
the discipline. to becoming an automation professional from the mation felt like diving into a sea of diverse knowl-
Learn that there’s a need to perspectives of an entry-, mid-, and senior-level edge, making it a challenge to even take the initial
advertise automation as a
career path to students and engineer. Data from a recent survey of automation plunge. Fortunately, mentors have played an invalu-
young professionals. engineers details how they entered the workforce able role in helping me unravel its complexities and
Demonstrate the and their suggestions for developing the future grasp an intricate web of concepts.
importance of creating automation workforce. Mentorship emerged as a crucial pillar of support
mentorships among entry-
, mid-, and senior-level during my journey in automation engineering. Learn-
staff that help guide career Meet an entry-level automation ing from experienced mentors and peers has provided
engineer, Amal Khan invaluable insights into different career paths and pos-
How does your company
In my final semester of pursuing a degree sibilities within the field. I’m uncertain about the exact
enrich those with in chemical engineering, I enrolled in a course trajectory of my career and enthusiastic about the
automation-related called Process Dynamics and Controls. This class opportunities for growth and development.
departed from my usual curriculum, as it focused Automation engineering offers a dynamic and
See more in the online
specifically on a control system’s basic design, ever-evolving environment, where the pursuit of
version of this article: methodology and implementation. It significant- knowledge is not just encouraged but necessary
Another graphic, more ly shifted my perspective on my chemical engi- for success. I look forward to embracing the excit-
on field training and on
automation engineering neering degree and the broader field of process and ing opportunities that await in this constantly
as a career path. plant design. In traditional classes, the process is evolving field.
In college, there’s an expectation that your employ- experience but are eager to contribute and grow.
er will teach everything you need to know for your Being just outside
role. However, I quickly realized that this wasn’t Meet a senior-level automation
always the case upon entering the workforce. Instead, engineer, Padraic Gray the comfort zone,
I found that my most memorable and effective train- My first job out of college introduced me to the helps mid-level
ing occurred not through coursework, but through world of industrial controls. I was hired as a commis-
hands-on experience in the field. Just two days into sioning field engineer for an industrial equipment engineers develop
my job, I found myself immersed in the startup of a manufacturer. Much of the equipment I encountered
new plant along the local team. That’s where I found was hydraulically operated with a complex network the technical and
myself nearly every day for the next several months. of actuators, motors, pistons and proportionally con- interpersonal
Seeing the “end product” clarifies prior work. trolled pumps. Although my mechanical engineer-
Because of that experience, I have a better under- ing degree was intended to be used for learning the skills needed for
standing of different design decisions and how the hydraulic power components of the equipment and
reality of things don’t always align with how you ultimately working in the research, design and man- automation.
think something should be done. I highly encour- ufacturing, it was the automation aspect of the equip-
age all junior staff to get field experience as early as ment that captivated me. Coincidentally, the company
possible (Figure 2 shows Giselle Villar’s mentee), had a need to fill. Controls were kept at a theoretical
but know firsthand that it can like drinking from a level during my education in a couple controls-relat-
tice and mastery, as explained by Eric
hat are the vari- J. Silverman, PE, PMP, CDT, vice pres-
ous career stages ident, senior au-tomation engineer,
in automation and CDM Smith. Courtesy: CDM Smith
engineering, and
what does a typical career path look practice phase, many tasks and
like? See also “Mentoring auto- as-signments that were once part of
mation and controls professionals entry-level responsibilities are del-
by sharing advice, experiences” in egated to entry level staff, allowing
the January/February issue of Control Engineering. the opportunity to take on projects to call your own.
CDM Smith delineates career ladders into foun- During this exciting time, you should be thriving in
dation, practice and mastery phases. As someone an environment that fosters growth and further devel-
who occupies a senior engineering and managerial ops strengths and interests. The practice phase adds
KEYWORDS: Automation, role in the latter part of my career, I can fondly look the role of mentor while continuing as a mentee.
controls, instrumentation, back and reflect on these three phases and their
engineering career
profound impact on my personal growth and devel- Mastery phase
opment. I’ve come to understand that patience, In the mastery phase, you’re recognized as a
Understand the three commitment and consistency were the keys to my leader or subject-matter expert, carrying signi-
phases of careers in success. Each journey will differ. fi-cant responsibility. People rely on your expertise,
automation, controls and
instrumentation careers:
and you’re now in a position to more widely men-
Foundation, practice and Foundation phase tor and give back to others, helping to shape the
mastery. The foundation phase, or what I like to call the next generation of professionals. Embracing change
See more examples of “sponge” phase, is where you should explore every and maintaining a mindset of continuous learning
how foundation, practice
and mastery career phases available type of work within your company, build- are essential to staying engaged in an industry that
progress with this article ing technical and professional skills along the way. For has evolved significantly since entering the work-
online. the engineers on my team, this involves gaining expo- force. Avoiding complacency is key! In my journey,
Share questions or sure to everything we do in automation as design- I pursued additional certifications and transitioned
reflections about careers in
automation, controls and ers, programmers, field technicians and consultants. into a role managing a team, which opened new
instrumentation. This phase includes development of career-serving doors and opportunities. In addition, I volunteered
CONSIDER THIS soft skills, such as time management, organization, to lead automation initiatives within my company
Need with your automation, technical writing and professional communications. and contribute to Control Engineering.
instrumentation and
controls career? Ask Eric at It took several years of trying everything to hone my Where are you in your career journey? ce
SilvermanEJ@cdmsmith. strengths, which empowered progression.
Eric J. Silverman, PE, PMP, CDT, is vice president,
ONLINE Practice phase senior automation engineer, CDM Smith, and a Con-
system-integration/ During this phase, the level of responsibility and trol Engineering Editorial Advisory Board member.
workforce-development independence increases, while leveraging strengths Edited by Mark T. Hoske, editor-in-chief, Control Engi- and forming a strong professional network. In the neering, WTWH Media, [email protected].
hat were once warnings about put more students on the pathway to a career in the
impending talent shortages in the sector by promoting the career opportunities that
industrial sector are now real chal- await them and showcasing the innovative work that
lenges for many companies. In they can be a part of, from driving digitalization proj-
December 2023, U.S. manufacturers had 601,000 ects using disruptive technologies to helping create
open positions, according to the U.S. Bureau of cleaner, greener industries. Industry can help colleges
Labor and Statistics. In the National Association of and universities by working with them to evolve their
Courtesy: Rockwell Automation
Manufacturer’s latest quarterly survey, more than 7 programs to address changing talent needs. Examples
in 10 manufacturers said the inability to attract and exist across the country of such collaboration.
retain employees was one of their biggest challenges. At the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, industry
The changing nature of production is a key con- advisers and partners have supported the new Smart
tributor to the skill shortage. Shifts to more digitalized Learning Factory, which provides high-tech, hands-
and sustainable operations are creating a greater need on experiences for students to learn about intelligent
for workers with specialized skills and knowledge who production operations, and new learning pathways for
are in short supply. Experienced workers continue to students, like a major in smart manufacturing indus-
retire, and not enough people are entering the indus-
trial workforce to replace them.
trial informatics. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s
Connected Systems Institute (CSI) bolsters the smart
There isn’t a single issue causing the talent short- manufacturing talent pipeline through education, col-
KEYWORDS: Skills age, nor a single solution. Companies need a multi- laborative research and state-of-the-art lab facilities.
shortage, labor shortage,
workforce development faceted strategy with talent and technology to Industry is using new and nontraditional talent
LEARNING OBJECTIVES build, support and empower their workforces. sources such as retired military members. The Acad-
Understand the current emy of Advanced Manufacturing is helping upskill
challenges faced by the Tapping multiple talent wells U.S. military veterans in just weeks to prepare them
manufacturing sector in
filling open positions and Industry has long relied on colleges and univer- for roles in advanced manufacturing. Companies hir-
retaining employees. sities to supply new generations of engineers and ing employees from these programs can gain peace of
Identify the reasons why other talent. But considering how much is chang- mind by filling key roles and take pride in the fact that
careers in manufacturing
are perceived to offer limited
ing in industrial operations and in the workforce they’re providing career opportunities to veterans.
career prospects. today, academic institutions could use an assist Companies must look inward for ways to develop
Learn about the projected from industry to help keep the talent pipeline flow- talent in today’s tight labor market. In the area of sus-
growth and opportunities ing with candidates who want to pursue a career in tainability, the number of skilled workers isn’t keeping
in the manufacturing
workforce despite existing
the sector and have the right skillsets. pace with the rising number of jobs. Manufacturers
recruitment difficulties. While perceptions of manufacturing have will need to help upskill current employees who have
CONSIDER THIS improved in recent years, too few people are still view- similar skills or a passion for sustainability.
Addressing the talent gap in ing it as a preferred career option. About 6 in 10 con- Digitalization is creating demand across indus-
manufacturing could unlock
significant growth and
sumers think manufacturing offers limited career tries for specialists in areas like data and analyt-
innovation in the sector. prospects. Companies can change this mindset and ics. Beyond hiring for these roles, companies are
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also upskilling their existing employees in a vari-
ety of ways, from hiring training specialists that
can create customized training plans to efforts like
the digital academy that PepsiCo created to help
employees use data and analytics in their jobs.
ences over complex technology. These can simpli-
fy how workers interact with technologies and help connected workers, companies can create more Technologies
them work efficiently. Smart objects are configured empowered workers who can act faster and solve
in control system design tools and can significantly problems in new ways. that reduce risks
ease data management for engineers by organizing Bringing design and development work into the
data and automatically triggering data collection. cloud allows engineers to collaborate on projects to employees
Robot integration solutions can help engineers across offices and time zones. Allowing production while minimizing
more easily connect robot and control systems or operators to connect with remote experts in an aug-
combine them into one system. This can help accel- mented reality (AR) environment, they can get help environmental
erate deployments, ease access to analytics and troubleshooting complex issues and do unfamiliar
simplify operations. New capabilities that digital tasks. Technology like a computerized maintenance footprint can help
transformation makes possible can simplify work management system (CMMS) can also help automate
companies attract
for engineers and the end users they serve. maintenance tasks, allowing maintenance teams to
One of those capabilities is a digital twin, or a vir- work more efficiently and spend less time on tasks, prospective
tual replica of a physical entity or process. With a dig- like creating and translating work orders, tracking
ital twin of a machine, engineers can build, test and down operators and digging through filing cabinets. employees and
prove their machine first, before they order parts for it This transformative moment is also an opportuni-
or cut steel. Later, the digital twin can be used to vir- ty for companies to align their priorities with those of
retain current
tually commission the machine to help uncover issues their workforce in a way that benefits both sides. ones.
before the machine is built and sent to a custom- Companies need only look at two topics that
er. Once the machine is operational, the digital twin go hand in hand: safety and sustainability. Clearly,
can be used to detect anomalies and test production employees care about their own safety. A majority
changes before they’re physically implemented. of employed adults also say they want the compa-
Smart capabilities built into drives provide predic- nies they work for to invest in sustainability.
tive analytics. The drives can help prevent unplanned Today, technologies like contemporary safe-
downtime by modeling the predicted life of their cool- ty systems can help employees work safely with-
ing fans and notifying personnel when a fan reaches a out reducing productivity. Using technologies that
certain percentage of that predicted life. Some indus- reduce risks to employees while also taking steps to
trial control systems have special coding that allows minimize their environmental footprint can help
energy data from drives and other devices to be made companies attract prospective employees — and
instantly available. This allows the devices to operate retain current ones — by showing them that they
as smart meters, giving users better insights into ener- share the same values and goals. ce
gy use for sustainability efforts.
Steve Ludwig is the global strategic marketing man-
Embracing workforce transformation ager at Rockwell Automation. Edited by Tyler Wall,
Overcoming today’s widespread skills shortage associate editor, Control Engineering, WTWH
requires rethinking what work is. By creating more Media, [email protected].
hose interested in the mechanical behind- engineers in his projects, making people, objects
the-scenes magic of theatrical produc- and props fly for productions such as Mary Pop-
tion can earn a good living with strengths pins, Peter Pan, Seussical the Musical, The Wizard
in science, technology, engineering and of Oz, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and others.
math (STEM) fields, according to Tracy Nunnally, “Math is an important part of what we do,” say-
MFA, Northern Illinois University (NIU) professor, ing that he re-read his grade school physics book
technical director, head of design and technology, cover to cover when he began this line of work.
School of Theatre and Dance. That includes mak-
Tracy Nunnally, MFA,
ing actors and props fly and delivering a performer Engineers wanted, safety
is Northern Illinois Uni-
on a free-floating zipline from atop an open-air sta- “I love to assist creative people to bring their
versity (NIU) professor,
technical director, head dium to the stage at more than 50 mph. visions to life. I think about how to engineer the effect,
of design and technol- Nunnally said it doesn’t feel like work as he brings then work with other experts, including engineers, as
ogy, School of Theatre the visions of theatrical creatives to life with flying needed, to make it happen,” Nunnally said. Many peo-
and Dance. He owns rigs, motion controls and automation special effects ple have specialties in theater, including for lighting,
Vertigo, a company that for theater, concerts and other venues. He has a mas- but specialists in rigging and automation are compar-
provides automation, ters degree in fine arts (MFA), multiple industry-spe- atively rare. The help-wanted sign is often flying out
motion control and
cific certifications, appreciation and common-sense front, at the intersection of theater and engineering.
special flying effects.
Courtesy: Mark T. Hoske,
application know-how for math, physics and safety, as Safety is foremost in any production, and insurance
Control Engineering he explained at an April 17 STEM Café presentation, coverages are high to protect performers and those
“Theatrical Special Effects: Engineering Spectacle.” around them. Nunnally works carefully with creatives,
talent, underwriters and engineers on risk analysis,
Motion controls and rigging risk reduction and associated documentation.
Nunnally talked about “How to apply the engi- Nunnally is involved in the Entertainment Servic-
KEYWORDS: Engineering neering to get the effect you want,” ranging from es and Technology Association (ESTA), a non-prof-
for theater, theatrical motion
manual to automated, including making actors fly it organization that writes entertainment industry
without computer-generated imagery (CGI). standards for American National Standards Institute
Learn that engineers Nunnally’s discussion included stories relat- (ANSI). Nunnally helps write standards and has two
and engineering-minded ed to his NIU professor/technical director posi- third-party Entertainment Technician Certification
creative help is wanted in
theatrical applications with tion at NIU School of Theatre and Dance, DeKalb, Program (ETCP) certificates for specific areas and a
knowledge of engineering Illinois, and as owner of Vertigo, one of just a few third certificate for teaching.
constraints, safety, physics companies in North America that provides automa- The industry is rapidly changing, with more use
and solutions.
tion, motion control and special flying effects ser- of advanced design technologies, simulation soft-
Theatrical production firms vices to theatrical productions. MFA studies can ware and artificial intelligence, and Nunnally wel-
also need engineering help. include a specialty in one or more specific areas of come younger outside experts to help apply that
ONLINE fine arts. While Nunnally doesn’t have an engineer- knowledge to his work. ce
Longer online version of ing degree, he uses math, physics, engineering prin-
this article includes many
motion control applications, cipals, industry-based certifications and a healthy Mark T. Hoske is editor-in-chief, Control Engineer-
photos, video and links. respect for safety to know when and how to employ ing, WTWH Media, [email protected].
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here are reportedly some 400 to 500 pub- settling time is about 4
lished loop-tuning methods. Each suppos- minutes. Ideally, once we
edly provides “ideal” tuning constants. In close the loop (place the
reality, no process is ideal; the best that any controller in Auto) the controller should get the pro- FIGURE 1: See an open-
control loop tuning method can do is provide a good cess variable (PV) to match the setpoint (SP) at least loop response of a self-
starting point. This is not to disparage any loop-tun- as fast, and preferably faster, than the 4-minute open limiting process to a OP
ing method, including those to be discussed later in loop settling time. change and a disturbance.
this series. Each method offers unique insight into Courtesy: Ed Bullerdiek,
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller per- Seven take-aways for better PID tuning retired control engineer
formance, and each has advantages and disadvantag- Seven reminders to improve PID tuning are:
es. Knowing each methods and when to use them is 1. A well-tuned control loop will respond to a SP
an essential skill and will greatly improve loop-tuning change faster than open loop.
results. They will rarely give a final answer. 2. Conversely, a poorly tuned control loop will
Control loop tuning is as much art as science; settle the PV on SP slower than open loop.
therefore it is in our best interests to build up some 3. Too much controller gain, integral, or deriva-
intuition about how proportional, integral and deriv- tive will cause oscillatory control behavior (swinging)
ative work together. You should know what a well- regardless of how the other two tuning constants are
tuned PID controller looks like. You also should be set. Getting two out of three right is not good enough.
able to tell when a controller is not well tuned and, 4. Too little gain or integral will result in slug-
based on the controller’s response, be able to draw
some conclusions about what the PID constants ought
gish controller response regardless of how the other u
tuning constants are set.
to look like; that is, to have some intuition about what 5. In the limited number of situations where deriv-
KEYWORDS: Proportional-
needs to be changed. This comes down to pattern rec- ative can help adding derivative permits more aggres- integral-derivative, PID tutorial
ognition, which forms the core of the heuristic con- sive overall tuning, which will improve response to SP LEARNING OBJECTIVES
troller tuning method that will be discussed. changes and rejection of process disturbances. Understand how too much
controller gain, integral,
First we need to know what patterns we are look- 6. Therefore, it is important to get all three tun- or derivative will cause a
ing for. Before we discuss what “good” looks like let’s ing constants correct. controller to swing regardless
look at one way to benchmark good controller per- 7. When a tuning constant is set improperly of how the other two tuning
constants are set.
formance, comparing it against the process response there is a unique control loop response. This results
when the controller is turned off. Most loop tun- in a unique visual signature that you can use to Can you use visual cues
ing methods assume that a self-limiting process has identify the incorrect tuning constant. This can be to identify controller
deadtime and only one lag, also known as first order used to guide our loop tuning efforts using heuris- performance issues?
plus deadtime (FOPDT). Figure 1 shows a process tic tuning methods. ce ONLINE
This 7-page article online
that has three lags, therefore most tuning methods links to parts 1-4, and sign up
will give an approximate set of tuning constants. Ed Bullerdiek is a retired control engineer with for an Aug. 1 RCEP webcast:
This isn’t a problem. It only means that you may 37 years of process control experience in petro- How to automate series:
The mechanics of loop
have to trim the tuning constants using heuristics leum refining and oil production. Edited by Mark T. tuning
to get the response you need. Note that open loop Hoske, editor-in-chief, Control Engineering. webcasts
connectivity, it did not specifically include the
lmost 10 years ago, I wrote about the term “industrial Internet of Things” (IIoT), but
“Future of the PLC” for this publica- today IIoT capabilities are essential for nearly any
tion. Even back then, it was important application.
to mention that programmable logic In light of these developments, here are a
controller (PLC) technology was mature at near- few thoughts on what the next decade may hold
ly 50 years old. A decade later, a fair question is for PLC evolution and industrial automation
whether today’s PLCs have fully entered senior applications.
citizen status, and if future iterations are destined
for the grave. Remaining true to the task
The core mission of a PLC remains the same as
always: To deliver deterministic control and reli-
able monitoring of physical field devices, even
under challenging operational conditions. This has
been achieved using specialized processors, operat-
ing systems, and programming environments, built
into hardened platforms. Yet economies of scale
continue to drive the adoption of mainstream con-
sumer and commercial technologies into the PLC
role, wherever it is practical. The “smaller, faster,
better” maxim has held true and will continue to do
so, but mostly around the faster and better aspects,
as the trend to further miniaturization has leveled
off over the past decade.
Many benefits of electronic component, proces-
sor, and solid-state memory advances—reduced
cost, shrinking size, minimized power consump-
tion, and increased capability—have already been
incorporated into PLCs and other industrial elec-
FIGURE 1: Now that contemporary open-source processor platforms are avail-
tronics. While marginal size, cost, and power
able in industrial-grade form factors, such as the AutomationDirect Productivi-
improvements will continue, the real advances will
tyOpen, end users have options for integrating traditional automation methods
be around capabilities.
with more modern IT-based languages. Images courtesy: AutomationDirect
At this point, platform size is largely constrained
by the need for physical wiring to interface with
PLC input/output (I/O) modules. Traditional wired if it can deliver proven real-time control, while
I/O remains necessary, but in many cases, the con- providing other required advanced computing
nectivity with field devices is shifting to digital net-
works and distributed remotely using technologies
capabilities. Online
like IO-Link and wireless. Reconciling flexibility with consistency
Multi-core processors incorporated PLC designs Although Windows-based systems dominate the programmable logic
now enable deterministic control to be supplement- consumer and commercial PC world, and are promi- controller
ed with extensive additional computational and nent for the industrial visualization realm, this is not LEARNING OBJECTIVES
Understand how
communication function. For over 20 years, the the case for real-time control. PLC/PAC platforms
programmable logic
term programmable automation controller (PAC) typically run a specialized operating system, although controllers (PLCs) have
has been used loosely to describe an industrial con- there are some Linux-based options. In very general evolved since 2014 and
what their role in automation
troller with greater capabilities than a classic PLC. terms, users must balance their desire for openness— facilities is now.
While a PAC may have initially seemed like a which provides great flexibility and low product Learn how communication
distinct product compared with a PLC, time has costs—with the requirement for industrial-grade reli- protocol advances and
proven that automation engineers are less con- ability historically delivered only by proprietary sys- artificial intelligence/machine
learning (AI/ML) also are
cerned with the nomenclature and much more tems. These proprietary systems also provide a high changing PLCs.
interested in performance and available features degree of cybersecurity, albeit primarily through ONLINE
when specifying industrial automation. obscurity and to an extent unfamiliarity to hackers. See additional PLC stories
While market offerings range from basic PLCs For many years there has been a trend, or at at https://www.controleng.
to complex PACs, the concept of an industrial con- least great interest, towards more open industrial plcs-pacs/
trol platform has largely merged into a continu- systems, both in terms of hardware platforms and Also: See Jeff Payne’s 2014
ous spectrum of capabilities. Moving forward, users for programming languages. Some end users have article “Future of the PLC” at
will be willing to consider most any type of under- applied generic Raspberry Pi and Arduino hard-
lying hardware platform or operating system as an ware to implement automation and data handling
automation platform—which may continue to be projects. Others have avoided experimenting in this Where do you see the future
called a PLC but will actually be so much more— way with consumer-grade products due to concerns of the PLC heading?
communication protocols. OPC UA and message suited for this task, but some advanced be delivered.
queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) are dominant versions may be able to run live AI/ML
in this role. While some of their capabilities over- algorithms in the future.
lap, there are optimal use cases for both protocols, Instead, PLCs are well placed to act as the field
and users can choose to implement them simul- interface for higher-level AI/ML resources, pro-
taneously. Other supporting tools, such as Node- viding users with abundant, responsive and con-
RED, have become favored as a graphical method textualized data. They also can implement actions
for processing and pushing data to the cloud for dictated by algorithms.
consumption by other applications. On the other hand, generative AI (Gen-AI) is
From sensor to controller, to on-premises serv- poised to play a bigger role with PLCs in coming
er, to cloud-based resources, to browser, what years from a code creation standpoint. Develop-
does this all mean? In the “old days,” smaller con- ment environments with carefully integrated AI
trollers would have a limited feature set, so larg- support tools could help users—perhaps even rela-
er devices or multiple integration layers were tive newcomers to the field—develop useful auto-
required to achieve complete connectivity. Today mation logic based on libraries and proven code. u Insights
and into the future, users will want these options AI, used as a development tool, could help speed
available in even very basic and low-cost automa- development times, improve code reliability and Programmable logic
tion platforms (Figure 2). minimize redundant or repetitive labor. controllers (PLCs)
u now almost senior
citizens, evolve amidst rapid
The role of integrated robotics The future PLC is one piece technological advancement,
For many years, robotics has largely existed as of an automation platform incorporating mainstream
technologies while
a specialty subset of automation, requiring custom Over the next decade, PLCs as we know them enhancing capabilities,
integration into upstream and downstream sys- will certainly not go away, even if they are referred connectivity, and real-time
tems. This is morphing as robotics in general, and to as PACs, or edge controllers, or automation plat- control functions.
collaborative robotics (cobots) in particular, look to forms, or something else. There will be no single Users
u seek openness
in industrial systems
be among the single largest growth areas through- controller technology that can fulfill all roles at all while valuing industrial-
out all industrial automation over the next 5 to 10 price points. grade reliability. As PLC
years (Figure 3). In a related development, vision Instead, PLCs will continue to evolve based on programming languages
diversify, classic ladder logic
systems have advanced tremendously in the past available technologies and user demand, just as remains prevalent, ensuring
decade, and many are very compatible with robots, they have done so for the past five decades. The simplicity and wide user
allowing easy integration in a host of applications. priority will be delivering real-time control and
Modern automation platforms need to be pre- Robotics, particularly
reliable monitoring, but they will add even bet- u
collaborative robotics
pared to keep up with this changing landscape by ter programming and connectivity functions to (cobots), and artificial
providing the requisite processing power, program- improve the user experience, and the speed at intelligence and machine
learning (AI/ML) represent
ming instructions, and connectivity to seamlessly which projects can be delivered. ce significant growth areas
integrate with robotics and vision. A contempo- in industrial automation.
rary PLC with these capabilities located near field- Jeff Payne is the director of business development at PLCs are poised to integrate
with these technologies,
installed robotics offers a distinct advantage as an AutomationDirect. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content facilitating seamless
automation platform. manager, WTWH Media, [email protected]. automation.
umping, compressing, blowing, convey-
ing, extruding and mixing are among most FIGURE 2: In a low-voltage VFD, an L1-L3 charging
common industrial motor applications DC bus acts like a battery, storing energy until needed
using variable frequency drives (VFDs). by the inverter section.
Understanding applications and drive design can
help mitigate harmonics and power-quality chal- VFD fundamentals, how a VFD works
lenges. As explained in part 1, when motors are For every motor, the optimal supply voltage and
started across the line on 60Hz utility power, effi- frequency changes as the speed and torque require-
cient motor operation is limited to a very narrow ments of the application change. When started
window around the rated motor operating speed across the line, a 460V 60Hz motor can only oper-
and torque values. Drives allow motors to oper- ate at the utility supplied voltage and frequency.
ate at their optimal efficiency over a wide range of Drives overcome this limitation by continuous-
speeds, satisfying a wide range of varying torque ly adjusting the output voltage and frequency to
requirements, while reducing motor stress and match the optimal operating conditions for the
starting inrush current. application load. Most common low voltage (LV:
less than 1000V) drives are comprised of three sec-
tions; power flows from left (utility supply) to right
(motor) in Figure 1.
The diode bridge converts three-phase util-
ity supply power from alternating current (AC) to
direct current (DC).
The DC bus acts as a battery. The bus stores the
energy it receives from the diode bridge until that
energy is needed by the inverter section.
The inverter IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar tran-
sistors) are switches that turn on and off at a very
FIGURE 1: Six-pulse drive topology for a low-voltage high rate of speed. By using pulse width modula-
VFD is shown. All images courtesy: Yaskawa tion (PWM), the drive generates a series of short
between the two is great- lems in power distribution systems if not properly
er than the DC bus volt- mitigated.
age. At this moment, the Adding a large linear load (such as a resistive
charging circuit is simpli- heater) to a power system will produce a linear
fied to that shown in Fig- voltage drop. The magnitude of the sinusoidal sup-
ure 2 (the other 4 diodes ply voltage will decrease, but the shape remains
are not conducting, cur- sinusoidal.
rent flows from L1 to L3). The addition of a non-linear load, with vary-
The diodes are arranged ing non-sinusoidal current demand, will produce a
to ensure that, as the non-sinusoidal voltage drop on the power system,
3-phase supply voltag- distorting the voltage waveform of the supply. Dis-
es alternate from positive tortion of the supply voltage impacts every piece
to negative, the potential of equipment connected to the supply. In particu-
FIGURE 6: 6-pulse current waveform (3 voltage wave-
seen at the DC bus termi- lar, line-connected motors depend on a clean sinu-
forms): In the 6-pulse topology, two pulses are gen-
nals is always positive. soidal source. Distortion of the supply voltage can
erated for each of the 3-phase input waveforms. The
As load is increased, negatively impact the operating speed and torque
current waveform on each supply phase resembles
the IGBTs will draw characteristics of all line-connected motors on the
the distorted “rabbit ears” waveform.
more energy from the system, and result in increased motor heating and
bus, which will cause the reduced efficiency.
bus voltage to decrease relative to the supply, and Non-linear waveforms are comprised of a large
charging current will increase. When loaded, a six- number of harmonic frequencies. The more a wave-
pulse drive will experience six charging pulses in form is distorted, the greater the amplitude of the har-
each electrical cycle. The DC bus will charge when: monic frequencies. Harmonic currents do not reach
the motor, and they do not contribute to creating
L1-L2 > Vbus, L1-L3 > Vbus mechanical power. Harmonic currents flow between
FIGURE 7: 36-pulse the power source and the drive, increasing the over-
current waveform (18 L2-L1 > Vbus s, L2-L3 > Vbus all current load on the supply, as well as increasing the
voltage waveforms): In a I2R losses of the supply transformer, and all wiring
36-pulse topology, two L3-L1 > Vbus, L3-L2 > Vbus. between the power source and the drive.
bus charging pulses are IEEE 519 provides a method to quantify the
generated for each of the Figure 3 shows the charging current that occurs effects of total harmonic distortion (THD) and
18-phase voltage input when the L1 voltage is positive. The first current establishes thresholds of acceptability. THD is
waveforms, for a total hump occurs when L1 conducts to L2, the second defined as the ratio of the root mean square of the
of 36 pulses per cycle, hump occurs when L1 conducts to L3. harmonic current to the fundamental current. In
moving the waveform For clarity, only the current influenced by L1 other words, it is the ratio of the undesirable cur-
closer to ideal. is shown. Including charging current from L2 to rent (that does no work), to the desired current
L3, and from L3 to L2, (that produces mechanical torque).
a total of six charging Where I1 represents the magnitude of current at
events occur in each the fundamental frequency (that is, 60Hz), and In
60Hz electrical cycle. represents the magnitude of the harmonic current
This is known as a “6 at the nth multiple of the fundamental frequency
pulse” drive. (that is, I3 = 3rd harmonic = 180Hz), it can be seen
that reducing the magnitude of the harmonic con-
Power quality, tent has a direct impact on reducing the severity of
harmonics, current and voltage waveform THD.
non-linear loads
The application of
non-linear loads can
cause reliability prob-
• The IT people send patches for the computer
he old adage is “crime doesn’t pay.” When operating systems.
that saying originated, no one had ever heard • The IT people send updates to the anti-virus
of cybercrime. The truth is, cybercrime often software and send new whitelists.
pays big. Cybercrimes are increasing, and • The equipment vendor must access the system
cybercrime software is readily available and easy to remotely to help troubleshoot a possible mechani-
use. Despite time and money spent on cybersecurity, cal problem.
it seems cybercriminals stay one step ahead. • Production data must be analyzed to provide
insights into the process and products produced.
Target: industrial, manufacturing There are too many ways in which something
companies or someone can get to the control systems. A more
Industrial and manufacturing companies are prime systematic and holistic approach is needed.
targets for cybercriminals. Many industrial and man-
KEYWORDS: Cybersecurity, ufacturing companies are ripe for the picking. Lega- Proactive, successful cybersecurity
IT/OT cy unpatched infrastructure, the use of the Internet of Most industrial companies have more legacy
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Things (IoT) and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) information technology and operational technol-
Understand why cybercrime
is a major problem for
platforms, insider threats and a lack of operation- ogy (IT/OT) assets than they may even be aware
society at large and al technology (OT) skilled resources create signifi- of, and it’s these legacy assets that are the most vul-
particularly for industrial and cant vulnerabilities for industrial and manufacturing nerable. Most industrial companies tend to defend
manufacturing companies.
companies. An estimated 60% of industrial and against the last attack rather than prevent the next
Learn what’s needed to
take a proactive approach
manufacturing companies worldwide experienced one. Create a simple four-step framework:
to cybersecurity and learn a cyberattack in the past three years. Because many, 1. Assess the situation, inventory the IT/OT infra-
what steps are needed to including critical infrastructure, are unprepared for structure, and analyze any vulnerabilities and risks.
develop a good cybersecurity
strategy. a malicious cyberattack, cybercrime will cost an esti- An important part of the assessment is to be aware of
ONLINE mated $10 trillion this year. current threats against hardware and software assets
Read more with this article by taking advantage of cybersecurity advisories that
online. See the three-part Broken IT/OT cybersecurity are regularly updated such as those from the Cyberse-
series online:
Information technology (IT)/OT cybersecurity curity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
IT/OT cybersecurity, part 1:
Security challenges, trends solutions, such as firewalls between the business net- 2. Design the cybersecurity to handle the IT/OT
and methods that don’t work work and the controls network and leaving an "air landscape and address vulnerabilities and risks.
IT/OT cybersecurity, part 2: gap," do not work. Control systems consume and pro- 3. Implement solutions, covering people, pro-
Developing a proactive and duce a lot of data that people need. Examples include: cesses and technology, with training, and on-going
successful approach
• The engineering team sends some new logic proactive services to ensure everything works well.
IT/OT cybersecurity, part 3:
Starting the cybersecurity that addresses a manufacturing change and helps 4. Monitor the IT/OT infrastructure continu-
journey reduce asset downtime. ally, looking for changes, identifying new vulnera-
help companies implement automation solutions
he life sciences industry has evolved over aligned with their needs. Selecting the right auto-
the last decade. Emerging scientific dis- mation technology requires understanding each
coveries have led to advancements in manufacturer’s unique operations management
therapeutics for targeting specific dis- needs and then aligning those needs to the best
eases once considered difficult or impossible to technological solutions to help the manufacturer
treat. Personalized medicine, including cell and optimize product delivery, quality, safety, and cost.
gene therapies, has emerged alongside traditional
population-targeted medications that have been a MES: Reliable repeatability
treatment staple for decades. In traditional manufacturing of population-tar-
These changes have introduced many new play- geted treatments, operations trend toward making
KEYWORDS: industrial ers in the market, all of whom operate very differ- the same product many times, with limited to no
networks, manufacturing ently from traditional manufacturers. Often, these process changes. The process is often well estab-
execution system (MES)
manufacturers start small, and they rapidly iter- lished and the goal of getting treatments into the
Understand the benefits a ate manufacturing processes to deliver novel prod- hands of patients as quickly and safely as possible
manufacturing execution ucts quickly and consistently. As a result, there is is transparent. These large manufacturers are often
system (MES) can bring
to a life sciences facility, an increasing need for life sciences manufacturers producing batches of the same therapy hundreds of
especially when paired with to stay flexible and nimble. This requirement, as times per year.
a distributed control system a result, is changing the way many manufacturers These types of companies typically turn to a man-
approach automation. ufacturing execution system (MES) that is integrated
Understand how software-
as-a-service (SaaS) solutions The need for large-scale production of tradition- with a distributed control system (DCS) to orches-
also can help improve al therapies has not gone away, nor have the man- trate and document batch process activities. This
automation processes. ufacturers making them stagnated. Supply chain automated, closed-loop control of a full-scale MES
CONSIDER THIS issues during the global pandemic made it clear reduces the potential for errors in operation by elim-
How can an MES or
automation solution improve that safe speed-to-market is of the utmost impor- inating as many manual activities as possible.
operation for your facilities? tance for the large-scale manufacturers producing The most advanced systems — those with native
eters and e-signature requirements to drive quality
Streamlined nimble SaaS control, ensure regulatory compliance, and automati- u
In contrast to large batch facilities, there is still cally generate reliable batch records (Figure).
Automation, MES
a great deal of human involvement in operations
u life sciences
in cell and gene therapy and process development Starting from the right foundation industry is undergoing a
spaces due to smaller production scales and rapid A right-sized automation solution exists for any transformative shift and
process optimizations. life sciences manufacturer, regardless of its oper- as a result, automation
adaptability is crucial for
Moreover, many of the manufacturers operating ations. To make the right decision, manufacturers large-scale traditional
in the personalized medicine space, such as those should first evaluate their needs to identify whether manufacturers and smaller,
agile players.
making advanced therapy medicinal products, are a full-scale MES solution or a paper-on-glass recipe
small companies with limited resources to imple- authoring solution best fits their operations, exper- Comprehensive
manufacturing execution
ment and support automation technologies. Often, tise, and budget. Once that decision has been made, systems (MES) with native
these manufacturers do not have a deep bench of teams can explore their many options, prioritiz- DCS integration can help
streamline processes,
information technology experts, nor a wide array of ing systems that are feature-rich, and designed for reducing errors and
staff experienced in the coding necessary to config- seamless integration and scalability. This approach enhancing operational
ure and maintain a full-scale MES. will ensure their automation systems serve their efficiency for larger facilities.
However, these small, nimble manufacturers needs over the entire product lifecycle, even as they Manufacturers
u in
personalized medicine often
still need automation features — such as enforced scale and their needs continue to change. ce use software-as-a-service
sequence of operations, segregation of duties, and (SaaS)-based solutions,
robust data integrity — to help ensure good manufac- Christian Berg is an enterprise solutions architect con- emphasizing simplicity and
scalability for improved
turing practices (GMP) are followed. Consequently, sultant for Emerson. Edited by Chris Vavra, senior edi- digitization without
these manufacturers tend to opt for paper-based doc- tor, WTWH Media, [email protected]. extensive coding expertise.
inspections of input/output (I/O) components. The
eveloping automation, input/output (I/O) goal was to exponentially increase testing capacity
systems and mechatronics to help compa- in a high-mix low-volume (HMLV) process.
nies rethink what’s possible isn’t enough. The resulting I/O manufacturing system can
Leading by example with an adaptive auto- program, adjust and test 1,200 terminals per hour
mation in-house application can help. Keeping pace (about 10,000 per shift) automatically. This concept
with manufacturing growth is a constant challenge for depends on PC-based control and many EtherCAT
Michael Golz, head of the demo systems department solutions, working in concert with specially devel-
at Beckhoff global headquarters in Verl, Germany. It’s oped firmware and test stations. This mix of tech-
nologies delivers high speed and throughput as well
as flexibility for today and tomorrow.
“On average, a fully tested I/O terminal that is pro-
grammed with the appropriate firmware leaves the
system every 3 seconds, regardless of the type of ter-
minal and the order in which they are delivered,” Golz
said. Currently, the system can program and test
roughly 80% of many terminal types. The prod-
uct mix present in the system at any time has zero
impact on the line’s throughput... that’s huge, he
suggested. Considering the variety of terminals —
with or without field programmable gate arrays
(FPGA), a controller, or with analog channels —
the programming and subsequent function testing
of each terminal require different amounts of time.
“It can take up to 30 seconds for the firmware to
be installed and all analog channels to be adjusted,”
FIGURE 1: The XPlanar-based floating tile motion control system from Beckhoff said Stefan Engelke, whose team developed the uni-
Automation is optimized for maximum throughput with seamless control and versal test cabinets.
monitoring. This ensures efficient programming, adjustment, calibration and Complete freedom in motion available deliv-
function testing in Beckhoff’s I/O production. Beckhoff AMI8100 integrated ered the necessary flexibility for internal logistics and
servo drives infeed and eject trays because of compact size, 48 V operation and infeed of the terminals to the workstations. As a result,
EtherCAT communications. Images courtesy: Beckhoff it no longer matters whether a bus terminal needs to
spend 10 seconds or 1 minute at a firmware program-
Flexible and transparent FIGURE 3: The bridge with the vision systems which is positioned over the three
The process begins when trays carrying I/O termi- lanes captures the DataMatrix code of each terminal as it passes through, which is
nals move from the infeed station into the picking sta- then “married” to the ID of the XPlanar mover.
tion. A delta robot lifts the terminals and places them
on waiting movers. The system has two main paths mover passes through the reading station a second
leading left and right to the programming and testing time, only this time in the opposite direction.
stations. Stations are located at “parking spaces” along “The terminal is booked out via the renewed
the lanes. Between lanes, movers return to the picker capture of the BIC on the return track,” Engel-
on a third path. With this symmetrical setup, one side ke said. “The installation of the firmware and the
of the system can continue to operate even if the other function test of each individual terminal are docu-
stops. Movers pass the terminals under a reading sta- mented in the central database, including all adjust-
tion to the lateral programming stations. The reading ment values in the case of analog terminals.”
station captures the individual Beckhoff Identification
Code (BIC) of each terminal via multiple company
vision hardware and software technologies.
Tile-based motion control
A system consisting of 100 tiles forms the base of
u Online
“After that, the system knows the terminal type this fast, flexible process. The two main paths with KEYWORDS: mechatronics,
and does everything completely autonomously – two outbound lanes and the return track in the mid- motion control
programming, adjusting the analog channels if nec- dle from six base sets of planar tiles with contactless LEARNING OBJECTIVES
essary and function testing,” said Ulrich Brockhaus, movers, each containing 3 by 4 tiles, Golz said. For Understand the capabilities
of new mechatronics
who is responsible for system programming. the add-ons (programmer and tester), the remaining technologies.
At the same time, the BIC is “married” to the 28 tiles are screwed onto the side of the basic system. Explore the machine design
mover via its ID. The mover ID also can be used to Each mounting position has a standardized interface possibilities made available
track the location of each individual mover or ter- with power supply (400 Vac), safety, Ethernet local by 6D of freedom in motion
minal, even after a power failure. When the mover area network (LAN), as well as EtherCAT.
Prepare for adaptive
reaches a free programming station, it positions the “The interface and the system layout enable manufacturing concepts
terminal precisely under its contact pins. Then, the future expansions without major conversion that will enable mass
corresponding firmware is loaded onto the terminal work,” said Daniel Golz, who is responsible for the customization, high-mix low-
volume production and other
based on its BIC. It then moves to a universal test- mechanical design of the system and the specific capabilities.
ing station, which in turn calls up the device-specific details for terminal contacting. ONLINE
test sequence based on the BIC. If the software has The floating planar motion control system enables Further information:
been loaded correctly and the function test reports highly modular machines while simplifying mechan-
no issues, the mover transports the terminal to the ics in many sectors. For example, the programming CONSIDER THIS
How can mechatronics and
picking station's second delta robot, which places the stations use XY precision positioning. As a result, motion control help your
terminal on another tray, via the middle track. The programmers can lower their pins after reaching the operations?
Digital Transformation (DX) is a Our DX and OT upgrade path includes critical components such as:
substantial manufacturing • Plan the route – Setting an OT roadmap for the next 3 to 5 years
mountain to conquer. The course to phase in the priorities of DX at the right pace for your people
you choose has a lot of possible • Make sure your old gear is solid – Have an obsolescence and
paths and many have tried and upgrade strategy that capitalizes on the technology of the future
failed along the way to reach the • Leverage new gear to reach new heights – Implement new layers
of technology (MES, DataOPs, SCADA) to address gaps in your
summit. When undertaking a existing landscape
journey as critical as this one, it’s • Use your GPS – Harnessing the insight and power of operational
important to engage a guide that’s and process data by leveraging AI/ML to drive improvements on
been there and understands how efficiency and productivity
to get to the top successfully. • Keep your team healthy – Addressing the operational and
technology resource challenges that manufacturers face (24x7
support, education of their people, augmentation of key functions)
Actemium is the top guide in the
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About Actemium: Actemium delivers bespoke solutions and services to clients across 40 countries. Its multi-disciplinary
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Powerful but Accessible Multi-Variate Control Multi-Variate Model Predictive Batch Control
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The company provides online tutorial
videos through their web store at as well as
their YouTube channel. They also provide
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controls. A Customer Forum utilized
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professionals provides peer support on
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Currently, the system can program and test roughly 80% of our many terminal types. The product mix
present in the system at any time has zero impact on the line’s throughput. Considering the variety of
terminals – with or without FPGA, a controller, or with analog channels – the programming and
subsequent function testing of each terminal require different amounts of time.
However, the complete freedom in motion available through the use of XPlanar delivered the necessary LEArn MOrE
flexibility for the entire internal logistics and infeed of the terminals to the workstations. As a result, it no
longer matters whether a bus terminal needs to spend 10 seconds or 1 minute at a firmware programming or testing
station. The remaining movers simply move to the next free station rather than idling in a fixed-pitch queue. So individual
delays don’t affect the overall high throughput of the system.
[email protected] TO LEARN MORE
We have all heard the story; embracing Industry Beyond Real-time Virtual Representation
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Reaching outside the industry, E Tech Group’s • Virtual system troubleshooting: View the current state of the line
development team consists of software engineers via digital twin.
with game development experience alongside
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• Training simulation: Use the physics engine to drive the
E Tech Group’s digital twins are twin’s behavior.
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game development platform. An to model the dataset and predict upcoming points of failure.
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the digital twins resemble a video As full digitalization of manufacturing occurs, digital twins stand poised
game of the actual system allowing users to fully to become essential tools throughout the life cycle of a production line.
move around the virtual representation in real- This technology innovation is just one way E Tech Group remains
time. The twin is accessible via web interface. committed to making manufacturing easier.
[email protected]
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Visit or scan the QR code to learn more.
Go Decentralized!
Save time and money with decentralized drive components and controls.
Eliminate costly power and communication cable runs and save floor space
by reducing or eliminating bulky control cabinets. Simplify control functions
with motor- and near-motor mounted inverters. To truly future-proof your
application, a decentralized system provides the most flexibility for process
and configuration changes.
Entries for the 2025 program will open on October 1, 2024, and will include products first
introduced to the North American market within the 2024 calendar year.
Amanda Pelliccione is the marketing research manager for WTWH Media and
its publications, including Control Engineering.
riting programmable logic controller (PLC)
programs from scratch is usually time-con-
suming and tedious. Many know about the
long-term costs and frustrations of debugging
and maintaining code, but a method can increase the code's
dependability and quality while streamlining and simplifying
the PLC programming process. Multiple PLC platforms can
use pre-packaged code to reduce your programming time
and support.
Advertisers' Index
Sales Account Manager
Richard Groth [email protected]
Sales Account Manager
AutomationDirect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2, 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .automationdirect .com Robert Levinger [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .beckhoff .com
Sales Account Manager
Dean Morris [email protected]
www .controleng .com/events-and-awards/system-integrator-of-the-year-program
DATAFORTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .dataforth .com
Sales Account Manager
Digi-Key ELECTRONICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WWW .DIGIKEY .COM Judy Pinsel 847-624-8418
[email protected]
Endress + Hauser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .us .endress .com
SEW-EURODRIVE, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .seweurodrive .com Patrick Lynch, Senior Vice President, Sales & Strategy
847-452-1191, [email protected]
SKKYNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .CogentDataHub .com
TADIRAN BATTERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .tadiranbat .com McKenzie Burns, Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Trihedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellyband, 13 . . . . . . . . . . www .VTScada .com/time
VEGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .vega .com/radar Courtney New, Program Manager, Content Studio
[email protected]
WAGO Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .wago .us