Blood Relation-01

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Blood Relation

5. Blood Relation
TYPE -I 9. Who is the husband of A?
a) Brother of C b) Father of G c) Father of D
Direction (Q.1-5): Study the following data carefully
d) Son of B e) Cannot be determined
and answer the questions accordingly.

10. How many male members in the family?
There are eight members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in
a family of three-generation. F is not the female. D is a) One
the sister of A. H is the grandfather of F and G. D has b) Five c) Cannot be determined

only one son and one daughter. E has no sibling. B is d) Four e) Three
the brother-in-law of A, who is the father of C. H is Direction(Q.11-15): Study the following data
the father of A, who is married to E. carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
1. Who is the husband of E? There are eight members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in
a) Brother of G a family. A is spouse of H. C is the daughter of A. A is


b) Father of B

a) Two
d) Four
How is G related to A?
c) Grandfather of C
d) Brother of D e) Father of H

b) One
e) None of these
There are how many married couples in this family?
c) Three
the brother of G. G is spouse of B. B is the father of
F. E is the son of D. G is the mother-in-law of D. B
has only one son and no daughter.
Who is the father-in-law of D?
a) H
d) F
b) B
e) None of these
c) E
12. How many married couples in this family?
a) sister b) niece c) daughter
a) One b) Four c) Two
d) sister-in-law e) Cannot be determined
d) Three e) None of these
4. Who is the husband of D?
13. Who is sister-in-law of H?
a) Brother of H
a) G b) F c) D
b) Father of F c) Grandfather of C
d) A e) None of these
d) Son of A e) Father of E
14. Who is daughter of H?
5. How is H related to C?
y an

a) F
a) Sister b) Aunt c) Mother
b) B c) Cannot be determined
d) Mother-in-law e) Grandfather
d) D e) C
Direction(Q.6-10): Study the following data carefully
and answer the questions accordingly. 15. What is relation between E with respect to F?
There are seven members A, B, C, D, E, F and G in a a) Daughter b) Uncle c) Son
family of three-generation and either both or none of d) Father e) None of these

the parents are alive. B is the son of G. A is the sister Direction(Q.16-20): Study the following data
in law of F. A has no siblings. G is the mother of F. E carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
has two children. C is the nephew of F. D is the son There are seven members in a family A, B, C, D, E, F,
of A. and G among them only two are married couples. F
6. How is E related to F? and G are siblings. C is a male. B is daughter in law of
a) Sister b) Aunt c) Father E. F is grandfather of D. G is sister in law of E. A has
d) Sister -in-law e) Grandfather two children C and D who is female.
7. Who is husband of mother of B? 16. How many females in this family?
a) Brother of F b) Grandfather of C a) Four b) Two c) Three
c) Father of D d) Son of A e) Father of C d) One e) Cannot be determined
8. How is C related to D? 17. What is relation between G with respect to F?
a) Brother b) niece c) daughter a) Brother b) Niece c) Daughter
d) sister-in-law e) Cannot be determined d) Sister-in-law e) Sister

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Blood Relation

18. What is relation between A with respect to G? 27. Who is uncle of F?

a) Sister b) Sister-in-law c) Daughter a) A b) E c) C
d) Brother-in-law e) Nephew d) L e) K
19. Who is the husband of B? 28. How many male members in the family?
a) F b) G c) D a) Three b) Four c) Two
d) A e) Cannot be determined d) One e) Cannot be determined

20. What is relation between E with respect to C? 29. Who is the husband of sister of D?
a) Sister b) Aunt c) Grandmother a) L b) G c) K

d) Mother-in-law e) Cannot be determined d) A e) C
Direction(Q.21-25): Study the following data 30. How is H related to B?
carefully and answer the questions accordingly. a) sister b) Daughter-in-law
There are nine members A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I c) Grandmother d) Grandson
in a family among them only six male members. D is
e) Cannot be determined
grandmother of I who has no children. B is daughter

third generation s female.

of A, whose spouse is alive. I is daughter of G. H and
F are brothers and both are child of G. A is married to
D. Each female has two sons and one daughter except

21. What is relation between G with respect to C?

a) Aunt b) Nephew c) Daugter
Direction(Q.31-35): Study the following data
carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
There are seven members A, B, C, D, E, F and G in a
family of four generation. G is the only child of C. E
does not have any sister. F is the father of A. D is the
mother of B. A is the husband of D. E is the only
brother of B. C is married to E.
d) Sister e) Brother-in-law
31. What is the relation of B with respect to D?
22. Who is son of G?
a) Son b) Father-in-law
a) H b) F c) Both H and F
c) Daughter d) Mother-in-law
d) D e) None of these
e) Cannot be determined
23. Who is son-in-law of A?
32. Who is daughter-in-law of F?
a) G b) D c) F
a) G b) B c) E
d) H e) None of these
d) A e) D
y an

24. Who is nephew of E?

33. Who is grandson of A ?
a) G b) B c) A
a) D b) C c) B
d) H e) None of these
d) G e) Cannot be determined
25. What is relation of E with respect to I?
34. How many female members in this family?
a) Son b) Uncle c) Daughter
a) Three b) Cannot be determined
d) father e) None of these
c) Two d) Four e) One

Direction(Q26-30): Study the following data

35. How many married couples in this family?
carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
a) One b) Four c) None
There are twelve members A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
K and L in a family of three generation. C is brother- d) Two e) Three
in-law of A, who has two daughters but no son. H is Direction(Q.36-40): Study the following data
cousin of L who is male and brother of I. E and G are carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
sons-in-law of B. G has two daughter. J and K are There are eight members J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q in
the only daughters of F. D is also the member of this the family of three generation. N is mother of J. L is
family. I is only sister of H. I is grand-daughter of A, father of K. L has only one son and only one daughter.
who is married to B. K is daughter of N. Q is son of O. N is sister of O. O
26. What is the relation of E with respect to A? is married to P. P is son of M.
a) Son-in-law b) Father c) Daughter 36. Who is brother-in-law of N?
d) Mother e) Cannot be determined a) P b) L c) M
d) Q e) J

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Blood Relation

37. How many male members in this family? 47. Who is niece of M?
a) One a) J b) O c) P
b) Two c) Cannot be determined d) K e) None of these
d) Three e) Four 48. Who is sister-in-law of P?
38. Who is daughter in law of M? a) O b) K c) M
a) P b) K c) L d) L e) None of these

d) O e) J 49. Who is mother-in-law of K?
39. Who is Cousin of Q? a) N b) J c) M
a) J b) L c) K d) L e) None of these

d) Both J and K e) M 50. How many female members in this family?
40. How many married couples in this family? a) One b) Three c) Two
a) One b) Four c) Six d) Five e) Four
d) Two e) None of these
Direction(Q.41-45): Study the following data

carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
There are eight members J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q in
the family of three generation. M is father of Q. L is
mother of K. Q and K are cousin sisters. O is maternal
uncle of Q. N has only two child. N is father of O and
J. N is husband of P.
41. Who is granddaughter of P?
a) K b) Q c) M
d) both K and Q e) None of these
42. Who is paternal aunt of K?
a) O b) J c) M
d) P e) None of these Answer Key
43. What is relation of J with respect to L ?
Type I
y an

a) Father b) Son c) Sister-in-law

d) Daughter e) Uncle 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. e
44. Who is brother of wife of M? 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. c
a) O b) L c) N
11. b 12. d 13. a 14. e 15. c
d) P e) J
16. a 17. e 18. e 19. d 20. c
45. Who is sister-in-law of J?

a) P b) L c) K 21. e 22. c 23. a 24. d 25. b

d) M e) None of these 26. a 27. c 28. e 29. b 30. d
Directions (Q.46-50) : Answer the questions based
31. a 32. e 33. e 34. b 35. d
on the information given below:
There are seven members J, K, L, M, N, O and P of 36. a 37. c 38. d 39. d 40. d
a family of three generation. L is wife of J. N and M 41. d 42. b 43. c 44. a 45. b
are siblings having the opposite gender. N has only
one child. O is sister of K. J is father of N who is 46. b 47. c 48. a 49. a 50. e
mother of P. K is son-in-law of N.
46. Who is Grand daughter of L?
a) J b) P c) K
d) O e) None of these

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