Life Science Paper 1
Life Science Paper 1
Life Science Paper 1
3.Name 2 types of :
b) disaccharides (2)
c) polysaccharides (2)
The following histogram shows the different amounts of nutrients found in one of the four
seeds. The chart shows the nutrients found in:
a) green peas (2)
c) maize (2)
d) peanuts (2)
10. Study the graph below. The graph shows total protein (in grams) present in a 100 grams
of different food items. Use the graph to answer questions below
a) Name the two foods from which vegetarians would obtain the most protein.
c) Which food would be the best for a non-vegetarian person who is suffering from
kwashiorkor and anaemia? (2)
d) Name and explain the process which proteins undergo when heated excessively. (2)
11. Study the information in the following diagrams and the table below, for three different
meals X, Y and Z.
Meals Energy (in kJ) Vitamin C (in mg) Calcium (in mg)
X 2900 25 70
Y 2100 47 265
Z 2600 40 170
ii. be most suitable for the development of healthy bones and teeth? (2)
iii. be least suitable for people who are prone to scurvy? (2)
a) How many servings does a person need to provide the RDA of energy? (3)
b) Which organic compounds are the most important energy providers? (2)
d) What deficiency disease could result if a person does not obtain adequate amounts of
vitamin B1? (2)
13. The histograms below show the percentage of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water
in eight types of foods.
From the information provided in the histograms above, name two types of food that:
a) Contain more than 25% of a nutrient that is involved in the formation of an insulating
layer (2)
c) Will form only monosaccharides and amino acids after digestion (2)
e) Contain more than 50% of a nutrient which is the primary source of energy (2)
14. The diagram shows the apparatus used in various organic food tests. Study it and
answer the questions that follow:
a) Name the nutrients tested for in each of the experiments numbered A, B, C & D. (4)
c) State the colour change for a positive reaction in each of the test-tubes used in the
experiments numbered B, C and D. (6)
d) Identify each of the compounds A, B and C. In each case give a reason for your answer(6)
15. Draw and label the structure of an animal and plant cell (12)
16. State all the functions of each organelle of the structures drawn in the question above
(12)Describe the process of mitosis (12)