Facilitate and Capitalize On Change and Innovation

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Facilitate and Capitalize on Change and Innovation ለውጥን እና ፈጠራን ማመቻቸት እና ካፒታል ማድረግ

Meaning of Change የለውጥ ትርጉም

 organizations are structured and conduct their business, in political and socioeconomic
problems and solutions, and in societal norms and values. ድርጅቶች በፖለቲካዊ እና ማህበራዊ
ኢኮኖሚያዊ ችግሮች እና መፍትሄዎች, እና በማህበረሰብ ደንቦች እና እሴቶች ውስጥ የተዋቀሩ እና ስራቸውን
 Change is an organizational reality. Organizations face change because external and
internal factors create the need for change ለውጥ ድርጅታዊ እውነታ ነው። ውጫዊ እና
ውስጣዊ ሁኔታዎች የለውጥ ፍላጎት ስለሚፈጥሩ ድርጅቶች ለውጥ ይገጥማቸዋል።

 External factors/forces that cause change ለውጥ የሚያስከትሉ ውጫዊ ሁኔታዎች/ኃይሎች

Changing consumer needs and wants
New governmental laws
Changing technology
Economic changes
World politics
Global competition
 Internal factors/forces that cause change ለውጥ የሚያስከትሉ ውስጣዊ
New organizational strategy
Composition of the workforce
New equipment
Changing employee attitudes
Types of Organizational Change
1. Planned Change
 Change as an intentional, goal-oriented activity.
 It has two goals:
Planned Change has two forms:
Radical change.
 Also known as frame-breaking change. ፍሬም የሚሰብር ለውጥ በመባልም ይታወቃል።
 Change that result in a major overhaul of the organization or its component systems. የድርጅቱን
ወይም የስርአቱን አካላት ከፍተኛ ለውጥ የሚያመጣ ለውጥ።
Incremental change. ጭማሪ ለውጥ
 Also known as frame-bending change.
 Change that is part of the organization’s natural evolution.
 It implies no fundamental shifts in the assumptions how the organization can improve its
Unplanned Change ያልታቀደ ለውጥ

Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model

 Also known as phases of planned change
 Discusses how does organization engage in the change process
 Kurt Lewin argued that successful change in organizations should follow three steps,
that is, change processes:
 Unfreezing
 Changing/Moving
 Refreezing

Types of Organizational Change

1. Changing structure
2. Changing technology
3. Changing People
4. Changing the Culture
5. Changing the Physical setting

Group Assignment
1. How to deal with Resistance
2. Creativity versus Innovation
3. Why people resist change
4. Resistance to Change
5. Unfreezing the status quo
6. What are Strong Relationships Foster Success
7. six steps to maintaining lasting relationships with your clients
8. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer
9. What is established and conduct business relationships?
10. What is an established business relationship?
11. Having a relationship focus rather than a transaction focus can be beneficial to a business
Select the examples of these benefits:
12. List 3 key groups of people you may build business relationships with in the TH&E Industry.
13. List 4 reasons business relationships are important.
14. List 6 ways you can maintain regular contact with customers and suppliers.
15. List 2 methods of Networking. These may be formal or informal.
16. Having a relationship focus rather than a transaction focus can be beneficial to a business.
Select the examples of these benefits:
Better production processes
Customer retention Positive word-of-mouth advertising
Improved product catalogues
Reduced staff turnover
Enhanced marketing materials

List 3 key groups of people you may build business relationships with in the TH&E Industry.
3. Investor
List 4 reasons business relationships are important.
-Increased sales focussed on retaining customers
-Higher level of costumer service
-Good word of mouth advertising.
-Reduction in marketing and operating cost.
List 6 ways you can maintain regular contact with customers and suppliers.
•Online communicatin
•Product lunch
•Personal visits
• Promotions
• Discounting
• Trade shows
Question 7
List 2 methods of Networking. These may be formal or informal.
•Community service clubs
• Professional associations

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