Keeping Quiet
Keeping Quiet
Keeping Quiet
counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve ?
(CBSE 2015)
How will (CBSE 2012)
counting up to twelve and keeping still help us ?
poet advocates total inactivity and death ? (Imp.)
is the
the'sadness'that the poet refersto in the poemn ?
What apparent
life under
symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say thatthere can be
stillness ? Imp.)(CBSE 20l5)
The Perhaps twelve' here
counting upto twelve and keeping
poet urges us still.
earth alive.
Ans. Pablo Neruda considers that indecent haste and activities lead humanity to wars,
violence and death. He urges us to keep still to enjoy a few moments of peace, rest and
tranquillity. Sometimes keeping still gives us the much needed respite.
Q.2. How can suspension of activities help ? (CBSE 2012)
Ans. Man's indecent haste has already caused a lot of problems. His activities have
given birth only tochaos, war, violence and miseries. Suspension of human activities can help
in restoring the environment and health of this world. Suspension of undue haste and rush
can help in bringing peace and tranquilityin the troubled world.
S Q. 3. Why shouldn't we speak in any language and move our arms sO muu
Ans. People of this world indulge in unnecessary debates and disputes. The poet urg
them stop speaking in any language. They should speak through their hearts.Men a
moved their arms only to harm others.
Therefore,theyshouldn't move their arms SO much.
They should give them the much desired rest.
IS Q. 4. What does the poet say
about different kinds of wars ? What alternative
does he suggest? (mp.)
Ans. The poet wants a the
total cessation of all kinds of wars. Green wars against
environment, wars with poisonous
gases and fire must stopimmediately. Instead of indulging
in wars, the people
must come outin their best dresses with go out
for a walk,enjoying their brothers. They should
themselves doing nothing.
Q. 5. According
to Pablo Neruda, what is learnfrom
nature ? it that human beings can Papr
Ans. According to Pablo (CBSESample is
Neruda, the main cause
the impatience of miseries and chaos in this
and indecent haste of nature.
man. Human beings can learn lesson from
Nature carries on its mission a
unnoticed and unseen. Life onearth.
and living never stops
is dead, one thing remains eternally alive-the Earth itself. Human beings
When everything without indulging in indecent haste, violence and
follow nature chaos.
According to the poet Palblo Neruda whatimportant lesson can the Earth
us ?
teach (CBSE)
How is 'stillness' not equal to total inactivity ? Why does Neruda say
Iwant no truck with death'? (V. Imp.)
Ans. The Earth can teach us an important lesson. The earth is never dead. When
too be dead, it remains still alive. Stillness' shouldn't be confused with total
Life goes on as usual. The poet doesn't advocate for total inactivity, idleness and
with death.
has no association
0. 7. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death ? Give a
reasoned answer. (CBSE 2012)
Ans. Certainly not. The poet doesn't advocate total inactivity and death. That would
on theend of the world. Stillness should not be misinterpreted as inactivity, idleness and
ioth We should follow nature. Mother nature continues its mission unnoticed and unseen.
Life and living never stop on earth. Earth and nature remain eternally
alive. But the stillness