CV#7 SIFT Scale Invariant Feature Transform

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Session #7:

Instructors, Computer Vision

Credits: Slides adopted from Shree K Nayar’s lectures

Motivation: Automatic panoramas

Credit: Matt
Why extract features?

• Motivation: panorama stitching

– We have two images – how do we combine them?
Why extract features?

• Motivation: panorama stitching

– We have two images – how do we combine them?

Step 1: extract features Step 2: match features

Why extract features?

• Motivation: panorama stitching

– We have two images – how do we combine them?

Step 1: extract Step 2: match Step 3: align

features features images
Application: Visual SLAM

• (aka Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)

Image matching

by Diva Sian

by swashford
Harder case

by Diva Sian by scgbt

Harder still?
Answer below (look for tiny colored squares…)

NASA Mars Rover images

with SIFT feature matches
Feature matching for object search
Feature Matching
Object matching
Invariant local features
Find features that are invariant to transformations
– geometric invariance: translation, rotation, scale
– photometric invariance: brightness, exposure, …

Feature Descriptors
Advantages of local features
– features are local, so robust to occlusion and clutter

– hundreds or thousands in a single image

– can differentiate a large database of objects

– real-time performance achievable
More motivation…

Feature points are used for:

– Image alignment (e.g., mosaics)
– 3D reconstruction
– Motion tracking (e.g. for AR)
– Object recognition
– Image retrieval
– Robot/car navigation
– … other
1. Feature detection: find it
2. Feature descriptor: represent it
3. Feature matching: match it

Feature tracking: track it, when motion

Local features: main components
Detection: Identify the interest

Description: Extract vector

feature descriptor surrounding
each interest point

Matching: Determine
correspondence between
descriptors in two views

Credit: Kristen Grauman

SIFT - Key point Extraction
● Stands for scale invariant feature transform
● Patented by university of British Columbia
● Similar to the one used in primate visual system (human, ape, monkey, etc.)
● Transforms image data into scale invariant coordinates

David Lowe, UBC

D. Lowe. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant key points., International Journal of Computer Vision 2004.
● Extracting distinctive invariant features
○ Correctly matched against a large database of features from many images
● Invariance to image scale and rotation
● Robustness to
○ Affine distortion,
○ Change in 3D viewpoint,
○ Addition of noise,
○ Change in illumination.
Raw image matching
σ normalised
Variation in Scale σ
Variation in Scale σ
Gaussian Blurring
Space Scale

Difference of Gaussian
Difference of Gaussians visualisation
Keypoint localization
Key point descriptor
Keypoint descriptor
SIFT descriptor
Scale Invariation
Rotation Invariation

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