Applications of Electro-Hydraulics Actuators: Vukica Jovanovic, IEEE Senior Member Velibor Karanovic
Applications of Electro-Hydraulics Actuators: Vukica Jovanovic, IEEE Senior Member Velibor Karanovic
Applications of Electro-Hydraulics Actuators: Vukica Jovanovic, IEEE Senior Member Velibor Karanovic
Abstract—Electro-hydraulic systems can be used in robust but also for any other tedious, boring, repetitive, highly
robotics systems that have to carry heavier loads efficiently. precise, or possibly dangerous human tasks. Robotics is being
Electrical drives have proven to be reliable and easy to control, used in hazardous environments (such as space investigation,
but they may have problems when it comes to holding a position cleanup of various hazardous materials, dismantling of
under load for a long period of time. Hence, electro-hydraulic
explosive devices, disaster cleanup, or painting), for menial
systems are gaining more attention in applications that need good
positioning and force feedback. repetitive tasks for humans (assembly, welding, packaging,
material handling operations), in assembly operations that
Keywords—hydraulics, electro-hydraulic actuators (EHA) require very tight tolerances and low assembly tact times
(electronics manufacturing and assembly, surgeries, precision
I. INTRODUCTION machining, quality control), and ergonomically challenging
and tiresome tasks (material handling, material transfer,
Various industrial applications of robotics need affordable machine loading/unloading).
systems with large load carrying properties that are compact
and provide reliable force where needed [1, 2]. For this III. AN OVERVIEW OF ELECTRO-HYDRAULICS
purpose, current research about possible improvements related
to actuators and their servo valves are very important. A new Electrohydraulic actuators have been used for their good
generation of robotic systems has to successfully replace positioning and force feedback abilities in various systems,
human work in many different applications in a human and such as aerospace, machine tools, and industrial robots [1].
environmentally friendly manner [3]. The design and These actuators do not need an external reservoir and a pump.
application of robotics systems in industry include structure They can be self-contained, as the ones shown in Fig.1. These
design and needed mechanisms, dynamic system modeling actuators can be used in applications, such as valve actuators
and analysis, power source, feedback control, actuators, and position controllers, rotary torque arm actuators, coal
sensors, digital system processing, embedded systems and mine diverter shuts, and damper drives [4].
intelligence needed for its manipulation.