Security Compliance Challenges On Clouds
Security Compliance Challenges On Clouds
Security Compliance Challenges On Clouds
Proceedings of the
International Conference on
“Diversifying Trends in
Technology & Management”
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Cyber Times International Journal of
Technology & Management
Vol. 6, Issue 1, October 2012 – March 2013
ISSN: 2278-7518
The Editor,
310 Suneja Tower-II,
District Centre, Janak Puri,
New Delhi-110058.
ISSN: 2278-7518
Email: [email protected]
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Cyber Times International Journal of Technology & Management, Bi-Annually, Vol.6, Issue 1, has been
Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Anup Girdhar, on behalf of Cyber Times, at 310 Suneja Tower-II, District
Centre, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058.
From the Editor’s Desk
At the outset, I take this opportunity to thank all the contributors and readers for making
“Cyber Times – International Journal of Technology & Management” an outstanding
The response that we have received from the Researchers, Authors, Academicians, Law-
Enforcement Agencies and Industry Professionals for sending their Research Papers/ Articles
for publication is duly acknowledged across the globe.
We are pleased to present the Volume 6, Issue 1, of “Cyber Times International Journal of
Technology & Management” which include two parts where Part-1 is for the area of
‘Technology’ and Part-2 is for the area of ‘Management’.
Part-1: Technology
Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Networks, Cyber Security and Network
Attacks, Penetration Testing, Cyber Laws, Cyber Crime Investigation, Data Mining,
Databases, Mobile Commerce, Software Testing, etc.
Part-2: Management
I am sure that this issue will generate immense interest amongst the Readers in different
aspects of Technology & Management.
We look forward to receive your valuable and future contributions to make this journal a joint
The Abstracts received for the final publication are screened by the Evaluation
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Other Publications:
• Cyber Times Newspaper (English) – RNI No: DELENG/2008/25470
• Cyber Times Newspaper (Hindi) – RNI No. DELHIN/1999/00462
Research Papers
10. Experimental Analysis of Stabilizing B.C. Soil with Murrum and Rice 63
Husk Ash
B D Ramteke & Neetu B Ramteke
17. Computing Network Reliability where Nodes are Imperfectly Reliable 108
and Links are Perfectly Reliable
Moirangthem Marjit Singh
18. Predicting the Consumption Behavior of Smart Phones Using Social Media 114
Disha Verma & Kanika Minocha
20. Qualitative Analysis of Different Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Network 126
Tushar Saxena, Rahul Raj & Prabhat Kumar
21. An Online Fuzzy Expert System using Rule Advancement Strategy for 135
Specific Domain
Abhishek Goel, Arun Solanki & Ela Kumar
25. DDA Based Approach For Object Tracking & Detection In Large Motion Videos 164
Dimple Chawla
29. Efficient Auto Code Generation from UML Diagrams Using Semantic 214
Platform and DSL Semantic Annotations
Prof. Sonali R. Idate & Prof. kavita B. Supugade
32. Intelligent and Synchronized Signal System for Urban Areas 239
Prashant Pathak
34. Efficient Method for Detection & Mitigation of Inconsistencies from a 249
all UML Diagrams Based on Description Logic Rules During the Owl Generation
Prof. Sonali R. Idate & Prof. Nilam I. Dalvi
38. Neural Steganography: An Aes-256 Bit PRP & Pseudo Random Hash 278
Based Neural Cryptographic Technique for Image Steganography
Gaurav Indra, Chesta Agarwal, Pawandeep Kaur & Aastha Diwan
39. Demand Forecasting Of Spare Parts Store By Moving Average Method 287
and Verification By Exponential Method
Sharda Pratap Shrivas, S.Gangopadhayay & Aruna Thakur
40. Data Mining: A Mode To Reform Today’s Higher Learning Institutions 292
Through Performance Indicators
Meenu Chopra & Dr. Mamta Madan
42. “Killed Two Birds With One Stone: Secure Data With Cloud” 307
Smita Bajpai
43. Analysis Of Tests Laid Down By Courts To Determine Copyright Violation 319
In Computer Software
Mr. Atmaram Fakirba Shelke
Today cloud vendors provide amount features of integration and optimization in many fields
like business or education; there many way to adopt it for medical purposes, maintaining
medical records, or monitoring patients. Not all cloud solutions totally changed an original
security paradigm and customers still need to manage the accessibility, monitoring and
auditing. The security and privacy becomes very important issue led the customers choose an
appropriate security level. The compliance part of security is a cornerstone idea especially
when the cloud vendors talk and refer to worldwide security standards, best practices.
Keywords: cloud security, compliance, amazon web services, aws, csa cloud controls
matrix, csa, cmm, caiq, csa consensus assessments initiative questionnaire
One more example is how such documents provides these features. The Table II [7]
may substitute the customer understanding. shows a brief difference between AWS and
NIST [25] talks about cloud limits on Azure on compliance vs. documented
security: “the ability to decide who and what technologies to secure and protect data. As a
is allowed to access subscriber data and part of ‘non-transparency’, it is quite
programs … the ability to monitor the status interesting that the different offered security
of a subscriber’s data and programs …” may features and controls have passed e.g. ISO
follow the idea “no one cloud provides such 27xxxx, while the cloud difference
abilities” by mistake without a knowledge (comparingeach other) looks like a medium
about cloud infrastructure. Another reduction.The cloud attributes examined [2]
misthought is about cloud firewall takes are backup, encryption, authentication,
place with opinion that cloud features are access controls, data isolation and
useless due the following statement: a cloud monitoring, security standards, disaster
firewall should provide a centralized recovery, client-side protection, etc. In
management, include pre-defined templates addition, the paper provided a medium-
for common enterprise server types and detailed comparison what exactly each cloud
enable the following: vendor offers to their clients (AWS, Azure,
x Source and Destination Addresses & GAE). Authors presented the cloud
Ports filtering security/privacy attributes mapped to NIST
x Coverage of protocols, DoS prevention guidelines that helps in examining security
x An ability to design policies per network standards. The [3], [4] give a brief
interface examination of AWS S3 and GAE [26]
x Location checks to monitoring who and provide us with more details but a summary
where were accessed to the data comparison over [2-6], [10], [12], [15], [21]
makes clear that AWS offers the most
Besides such detailed ‘how-to’ sets, there are powerful and flexible features and services,
enough statements that the clouds can’t however AWS was not examined deeply
provide with it, so it is still like a security (FAQs examination only) over [2-6] than
hole, while some of them (ex. AWS) [7], [45].
Such recommendations may also advise the additional and lower-cost protection (surely,
different sanitizing technique to use on client the price differs but it downs each time).
of cloud side. Effective and efficient The one of the most serious work on
sanitization is a forensics statement. There AWS security [27] gives results as a "black
are a lot of methods and techniques but some box" analysis methodology in regards to the
of them rely on brute-force wiping that control interfaces (AWS EC2 and S3)
extremely useless for the clouds due compromised via the novel signature
financial matters. The ERASERS proposed wrapping and advanced XSS techniques,
in [43] computes the entropy of each data HTML injections, as well as SOAP issues
block in the target area and wipes that block with validation and man-in-the-middle
specified number of passes and pattern then. attacks. Authors also examined the possible
Patterns and entropy are valuable because way of protection and found that AWS EC2
the file types (docx, mp3, odf, pgp, acid*) & S3 services do not provide the suitable
have a quite different characteristics. It opportunities to implement their solutions.
means that ERASERS has many Despite of that, there was found solutions
subpopulations which of them applied to based on available (native) security features
certain cases. It gives a faster wiping vs. of AWS to protect against these attacks [28]:
regular brute force methods of overwriting. x Utilizing the SSL/HTTPS only with
As the disk sizes increase up to petabyte certificate validation and utilizing API
scale (recently AWS offer such storage), the access mechanisms like REST/Query
brute force methods is becoming near instead of SOAP
impossible in time. Many drives contain x Activating access via MFA and creating
areas do not have data needing overwriting, IAM accounts limited in access, AWS
as known as for SSD that shuffles data credentials rotation enhanced with Key
between data block every time, but keeps the pairs and X.509 certificates
encrypted area untouched. According to x Limiting IP access enhanced with
NIST SP800-88 [44], “studies have shown API/SDK & IAM
that most of data can be effectively cleared The virtualization refers to a hypervisor,
by one overwrite with random data rather while a virtual machine works with a
than zeroing”. The original version of DoD configured snapshot of an OS image and
5220.22-M (AWS implements this one) requires well-known shared resources like
recommends a 3-pass wipe with one pass of memory, storage, or network. It is generally
a uniform character, one pass of its agreed that, despite of the hypervisors are
complement, and one pass of random isolating these shared resources without
characters, while the current DoD 5220.22- affecting other instances, the VMs can be
M does not specify the number of passes or trusted in few cases only, while it is
the pattern. As the ERASERS shows the vulnerable to the most known XEN attacks,
good results, it should be implemented to the however no one XEN vulnerability was not
AWS EC2 or other cloud VM services as an
Ƭ 175
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applied to the AWS services according to the III. EXAMINATION THE CSA
[29] as an example. This brings us to DOCUMENTS ON CLOUDS
understanding the term “customize” in The CSA documents provide vendors and
regards to the clouds. Other ability to control their customers with a medium-detailed
due the Intel AMT commands [30] or else is overview what the statements do the cloud
applied for VMware but there is not known security & compliance features applied to as
successful implementations for AWS, it defined in the Cloud Security Alliance
Azure, GAE or other clouds. Also may have (CSA) and Cloud Control Matrix (CCM).
a serious performance problems due The cloud vendors or 3rd party cloud
overloading the virtual OS with analysing providers may announce that their services
CPU commands and system calls, regardless operate in according to these
of where the trusted/untrusted control agents recommendations: However, the customers
are, multiplied by known issues the best of have a responsibility to control their
all demonstrated in case of GPU [31]. environment and define whether it is really
configured in compliance to CSA best
There are security virtualization issues even practices. In other words, how much are
in clouds, no doubt and it should be taken in cloud controls and configurations
consideration that clouds have a builtsecurity transparent to the appropriate policies and
configuration to protect against most known procedures in accordance with their
attacks or new-coming, it still need to be regulatory requirements. Here the
patched or monitored installed and managed regulations meet the technical equipment as
the host-based firewalls and IDS, etc. One a public technical proof is going to be
exciting example [32] talks about an examined at first from that point. Each
incorrect behavior in the SSL certificate control ID will be kept to find it CAIQ [35]
validation mechanisms of AWS SDK for & CCM [34], while his explanation is
EC2, ELB, and FPS. Despite of that, AWS rewritten to reduced amount of text and
has updated all SDK (for all services) to grouped by domain/control group, similar
redress it [33]. questions/metrics. Also, the CID covers a
CAIQ and CCM together.
Besides the details from 3rd party audit
Any complex solutions and systems like reports customers may require assurance in
AWS, Azure, or GAE tend to prone to order t o local laws and regulations. It is
securitycompromise, because they have to quite complicated of reducing the
operate large-scale computations, dynamic implementation and configuration
configuration. Clouds vendors do usually not information as a part of proprietary
disclose the technical details on security to information (that is not bad or good, just
the customers, thus raising question how to complicated). In other words it may call for
verify with appropriate requirements. The specific levels of audit logging, activity
cloud security depends on whether the cloud reporting, security controlling and data
vendors have implemented security controls retention that are often not a part of SLA
that documented and enhanced with policy. offered by providers. A result of an
However, there is a lack visibility into how examination of AWS security controls
clouds operate; each of them differs from against Russian security
other in levels of control, monitoring and standards/regulations shown in [45] and
securing mechanisms that widely known for partially in [7] is successfully passing
non-cloud systems. The potential standards by use of native security features
vulnerability requires a high degree of implemented in AWS Console, CLI and
security combined with transparency and API/SDK only. It additionally includes
compliance. AWS relies on security cases that the current AWS security features
frameworks based on various standards that should to be enhanced via third party
certified by third auditors and help the security solutions like national encryption on
customers to evaluate if/how AWS meets the client side before uploading data and ability
requirements. CAIQ/CCM provides to indirectly comply with requirements.
equivalent of recommendations over several Talking about security enhance, not only
standards. The bad is allowing vendors to security controls belong to cloud layer
provide fewer public details taking it to (outside the VMs) should be used to protect
NDA reports and writing general data, communications, memory etc. but also
explanations multiplied by general standards internal OS controls and third party solutions
recommendations (even in modern together. However, it excludes obsolescent
documents like CSA).. CAIQ provides more clauses and cases we need ‘just wait’ a
details on security and privacy than matrix solution from AWS of inability to build and
aligned to Cloud Security Guidance in 13 implement appropriate and their promise to
domains. ‘release it soon’ in FAQ or others
documents. OS and third party solutions are
At the outset, I take this opportunity to introduce “Cyber Times – International Journal of
Technology & Management” which is a platform to provide an innovative view of Technology,
Management thinking, Realistic Research Studies and various Management Practices in the
Indian and Global perspective.
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