Kasabe Rameshwar
Kasabe Rameshwar
Kasabe Rameshwar
Directorate of Technical Education
3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.).
Printable Application Form for Admission to Direct Second Year of Post SSC
Diploma in Engineering/Technology for the year 2024-2025
Qualifying Examination : HSC Application ID : DSD24144746 Version : 4
Mode Of Scrutiny : Physical-Scrutiny
List of required documents to be submited at the time of admission in the institute Status
1 Statement of marks obtained at 10th/SSC or its Equivalent Examination * Uploaded
2 School Leaving Certificate after passing Qualifying Examination. Uploaded
3 The School Leaving Certificate indicating the Nationality of the Candidate as Indian Or The Place Of Birth In India. Uploaded
Caste Certificate clearly mentioning the Category of the Candidate and also the remarks that the caste is recognized as backward class in the State of
4 Uploaded
Note : As per your selection of scrutiny mode[Physical Scrutiny Mode] - Please go to the designated Facilitation
Center(FC) along with original copies of above mentioned document for verification and confirmation of
Application Form.
Signature of the Candidate
Date : 03-07-2024 Place :
https://dsd24.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/dsd24/index.php/candidate_controller/paf?succ=1&id=MTQ0NzQ2 1/1