AdditivesinDairy BasedFood
AdditivesinDairy BasedFood
AdditivesinDairy BasedFood
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4 authors, including:
Reena Gupta
Himachal Pradesh University
All content following this page was uploaded by Manpreet Kaur on 01 June 2023.
for Natural
Food Additives
Chapter 8
Additives in Dairy-Based Food
Abstract Additives have been widely used in food industries since the twentieth
century to maintain physical properties like smell, color, texture, etc. and to prevent
the food product from microbial attacks. Nowadays, food additives are being used to
increase the flavor, texture, emulsification, and stabilization of the food at the time of
manufacturing and processing of the product at the industrial level. An additive can
be natural or synthetic, depending upon the chemical formula and complexity of the
compound. Additives can be categorized as preservatives, colorants, antioxidants,
flavoring agents, thickeners, humectants, emulsifying agents, antifoaming agents,
stabilizers, etc., which are generally used in dairy-based products. Natural additives
are in high demand because some artificial additives have toxic effects on health like
cancer, attention deficit disorder, disorders in the immune system, digestive disor-
ders like diarrhea and colicky pains, etc. Because of this reason there is high pressure
in increasing the yield of natural additives. In the USA, the guidance about the
concentration and toxicity of additive use is regulated by Acceptable Daily Intake
(ADI) and Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status while, in India, it is generally
guided by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). In order to
maintain the safety of consumers, the use of additives must be restricted and verified
in accordance with national and international laws.
8.1 Introduction
In the modern food industry, food additives play an important role in maintaining the
physical and chemical properties of food like color, smell, taste, and nutrition.
Additives are also used to enhance the shelf life of various food products
(Wu et al. 2013a, b; Wang et al. 2015). The use of additives is common practice
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 169
A. K. Nadda, G. Goel (eds.), Microbes for Natural Food Additives, Microorganisms
for Sustainability 38,
170 H. Sharma et al.
on a global scale (Amin et al. 2013; Cai and Liu 2014). In recent years, improved life
style of consumers have led to an increase in the demand of natural and nonadditive
food products. To overcome the increased demand, synthetic food additives with
potential food safety hazards are being introduced to the market. Despite the
widespread use of additives, many consumers still believe that additives are just
unnecessary to use (Christensen et al. 2011; Chen et al. 2015). Food additives are
difficult to understand about because of their complex and diverse functions, which
in turn leads to deceptive and misleading information about the additives. Along
with this, a number of banned additives or nonedible chemical additives have also
been characterized as food additives which are capable of causing health as well as
environmental hazards. Technical and accurate information about food additives
remains unexplained because the information about the hazards of food additives is
dominated, leading consumers to worry about the potential risks caused by food
additives (Chen and Han 2009).
8.2 Additives
Additives are those substances which are added in small quantities in food to
preserve its flavor or to improve taste, appearance, or other physical and chemical
properties. These have been used since ancient times as part of an effort to preserve
food. Salt, vinegar, pickling agent, smoke, sugar, etc. are the ancient sources of
additives which allow foods like sweets and wines to last longer. In the twentieth
century, natural and artificial additives were introduced. The food additives used
indirectly to preserve the food at the time of manufacturing, packaging, or storage
are known as indirect additives.
A unique number, which is known as E-number, is assigned to every additive for
its regulation and ease of use. Codex Alimentarius Commission has extended and
adopted the E-numbering design to identify and classify a number of food additives,
regardless of their use. For example, products which contain acetic acid are men-
tioned with a number E260 while in other countries it is simply written as additive
260. Another additive alkannin (additive 103) does not have any E-number, since it
is not approved in Europe, although in Australia and New Zealand its use is
Natural additives are made up of chemicals found in the environment. These are
generally considered as harmless, originate from salt, sugar, vinegar, alcohol, etc.
and have high demand in the market. These natural additives still contain some types
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 171
Synthetic food additives are synthesized compounds added to the food products to
enhance the flavor, texture, appearance, and shelf life of the final product. These are
widely produced and used in industrialized countries by chemical and enzymatic
methods in order to preserve the food and enhance their properties. A number of
synthetic additives are known to be associated with cancer, digestive disorders, and
behavioral changes in humans and other animal models. Saccharin is a well-known
example of a synthetic additive accepted for edible purposes by the FDA in the
United States in early 1907 when additives were considered unsafe for human
Additives are added to food for one or many reasons including enhancement of shelf
life and flavor enhancement. Food additives are also known to increase the nutri-
tional value of food items. Different uses of additives are depicted in Fig. 8.1.
8.5.1 Preservatives
From ancient time, chemicals have been used to preserve fresh food for later use.
This mainly includes drying, cooling, fermenting, and heating to increase the shelf
life of edible food items. Several chemical preservatives, namely salt, nitrite, and
sulfite, have been used for a number of years, whereas others have been used
tremendously. Chemical preservatives have been extensively used to manufacture
and market food items in modern times (Davidson and Branen 2005). Today,
customers assume food to be easily available, free from foodborne microbes, and
to have a fairly longer shelf life (Bacak 2017). Due to the overuse of chemical
preservatives, microbes become resistant and there is more demand for natural or
nonchemical preservatives in the market (Mahmud and Khan 2018). In general, food
172 H. Sharma et al.
of oil Appearance
Shelf life
preservatives are chemical compounds that stimulate food, slow down changes
brought about by microbial growth, or prevent the growth of microorganisms from
changing the food’s physical properties, chemical composition, or nutritional value.
The extracts of different compounds and herbal essential oils have inhibitory effects
against a number of organisms including insects, bacteria, viruses, and fungi (Xing
et al. 2012). Essential oils are derived from clove, oregano, citrus plants and fruits,
coriander, garlic, cinnamon, lemongrass, parsley, sage, and rosemary. They act as
antioxidant and antimicrobial agents which find applications in bioreactive packag-
ing of food products (Gonelimali et al. 2018). In ancient times, some chemicals have
been used as oblique or direct inhibitors to inhibit the growth of microbes and are
nevertheless extensively used without considering any restrictions. Preservatives
play a key part in food industries, starting from production and dispensation to
final customer. The preference of a preservative takes into account the product to be
preserved, the kind of microbial spoilage indigenous to it, the product pH, term of
shelf life, and simplicity of administration. Using bacteria or their bioreactive
metabolites to inhibit foodborne pathogens is bio-preservation (Tumbarski et al.
2020). The microbial peptides and proteins have an advantage that these do not harm
or change the quality of food (Rai et al. 2016). As a result, blends or mixtures are
frequently used. In a number of food items, particular preservatives do have little or
no competition. In general, the concentration used to preserve the food represses the
activity of microbes.
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 173
Food preservatives should be simple, economical, and easily available. They should
possess acceptable inhibition activity against a variety of microbial pathogens and
high stability in food products in which they are added. These preservatives should
not change the identity and characteristic attributes of the product and should be
practicable and suitable with the processing of final product.
Preservatives need to be introduced into the batch quickly after the fruits or vege-
tables are mashed or the batch is mixed. Any sort of delay results in the growth of
microorganisms. Even delay of some hours may allow fermentation to start and give
rise to enzymes. These enzymes continue to degenerate the product even after the
addition of preservatives. If the additives are water-soluble, it is better to add them to
the solution to eliminate the possibility of irregular scattering in food. If the additives
are added in powder form, they should be first stable at room temperature. The
fermentation might start earlier in these types of solutions. In case of a viscous or
thick additive, it is necessary to make a uniform suspension of the additive before its
addition into the food product. All the receptacles like bottles, carboys, and barrels
should be thoroughly cleaned with steam, hot water, or a 0.02% solution of sodium
hydrochloride. Good sanitary practices must be used to get the maximum outcome of
preservatives and their conjugation. Food preservatives to be used in a particular
food must be decided by some of the major factors as shown in Fig. 8.2.
Majorly the preservatives are divided into two categories, i.e., class I and class II
as shown in Table 8.1.
Fig. 8.2 Factors that decide the choice of preservative for food
174 H. Sharma et al.
Due to the shortage of food, consumers expect food to be available the whole year
and that food should be free from foodborne pathogens so that it can have a
comparatively longer shelf life (Davidson et al. 2001). Packaging and processing
have improved the preservation of food without the use of chemicals.
Antimicrobial products help to reduce and prevent microbial growth. The reduc-
tion in water availability and acidic nature is the basic principle/mechanism of
antimicrobial agents. Other characteristics of food like flavor, color, texture, and
nutritional value are also preserved by these agents. Sorbic acid, potassium and
sodium sorbate, calcium and sodium propionates, benzoic acid, etc. are the primary
food additives. Growth of bacteria like B. cereus, L. monocytogenes, S. aureus,
E. coli, and Salmonella anatum is inhibited by the use of cinnamon (Shan et al.
2007). In addition to these compounds, several organic compounds like citric acid,
malic acid, lactic acid, and ascorbic acid also act as antimicrobial agents. Lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) lead to the production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, fatty acids,
acetaldehyde, and benzalkonium chlorides (BACs) that resist microbial growth.
Therefore, their cultures are mainly used in dairy food products (Amiri et al.
2020). Sulfur dioxide and sulfites are also extensively used for controlling undesir-
able microorganisms in soft drinks, juices, wine, beer, and other products. Food
properties like taste, aroma, or texture and other physical, chemical, or biological
properties are not altered by Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria after
pasteurization (Rai et al. 2016). A few examples of antimicrobial compounds are
summarized in Table 8.2.
8.5.2 Colors
The coloration of food is achieved by using natural and synthetic color additives on
food. It is generally used to provide good quality, satisfy consumers, or assist
marketing (Peira et al. 2018; Teigiserova et al. 2020).
“Coloration” does not include any contamination or substance added to food for
the purpose of maintaining and improving its nutritional qualities (Codex
Alimentarius Commission 2017). Natural food colors are lost by exposure to air,
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 175 Caramels
Caramels have been used in home cooking since ancient times and are responsible
for giving dark brown or black products. The basic function of caramels is to provide
a specific aroma or color to foods. These are made up of carbohydrates or their
combinations like sucrose, glucose, fructose, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, molasses
etc. in the presence of acids, alkalis, or salts. According to the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), caramel is the dark brown liquid or solid material that is the
result of controlled heat treatment of carbohydrate material. There are four categories
176 H. Sharma et al.
Anthocyanins, Betalains, Categories Porphyrins
quinones, curcuminoids, of Chlorophylls and Heme
etc. colorants
Miscellaneous colorants
Riboflavins, caramels,
melanoidins, melanins,
of caramel according to FSSAI (Table 8.4). Caramels can be used as both flavoring
and coloring compounds. Food and beverages mostly use caramel color as a food
coloring agent. Carotenoids
The source of carotenoids is alfalfa, carrot, tomatoes, citrus peel, palm oil, etc. They
are widely used in foodstuffs like annatto, paprika, and saffron. At the time of food
processing and storage, carotenoids are very sensitive to redox reactions and isom-
erization because of their electron-rich nature and highly unsaturated chemical
structure (Rodriguez-Amaya 2015).
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 177 Annatto
The outer coating of the seed is extracted with aqueous alkali which leads to the
production of water-soluble annatto color. The color of the solution in 0.1N NaOH
or KOH measured in a 1-cm cell at a dilution of 1:1000 (m/v) shall be yellow units
(Min.)—5.0; red units (Min.)—0.4. The color of annatto cheese is bright yellow to
slight orange.
compounds. This foodstuff is limited because of the flavoring and spicy pungency
components. Raw, unrefined palm oil, which is used as a colorant for margarine,
contains 0.05–0.2% carotenoids as the main constituents. Saffron
The different types of market products based on carrots, like carrot extract, oils
derived from carrot, and plant-related extracts are the colorants. The main compo-
nents are alpha- and beta-carotene. Purified crystalline products are constituted up by
20% alpha-carotene and 80% beta-carotene. Fat-based products such as dispersion
of microcrystals in oil are the basic use of these carrot extracts. The carotenoids when
combined with surface active agents form micro-emulsions, which are important to
color foods that contain higher amounts of water. Chlorophyll
It is the green pigment extracted from plants and widely used as a coloring agent for
food items. In higher plants, chloroplast is the source of this green pigment, while
blue-green algae and bacteria are other sources of chlorophyll. It is located in the
intracellular lamellae. It can absorb light between 400 and 500 nm (Rehman et al.
2020). Polypeptides, phospholipids, and tocopherols form complex with the chlo-
rophyll in the plant tissues and they are held within the hydrophobic membrane. A
typical leaf contains about 2.5 mg/g of total chlorophyll, 0.3 mg/g of xanthophyll,
and 0.15 mg/g of carotene. The unripe state of fruit also contains chlorophyll,
which gradually disappears during ripening because yellow and red carotenoids
Chlorophylls are derivatives of dihydroporphyrin chelated with a centrally
located Mg2+ ion. Copper and zinc ions help in retaining the green color. Preparation
of food colorant from chlorophyll is mainly obtained from alfalfa and nettles. Brown
seaweeds are single-cell phytoplankton and are a good source of chlorophyll. They
mainly contain chlorophyll C, which is more stable than the rest of chlorophyll.
Some solvents like acetone, methanol, ethanol, and chlorinated solvents are used to
extract chlorophyll (Vermeulen et al. 2015). The yield of extraction is 20%, which
include pheophytins and other degradation products along with chlorophylls.
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 179
Chlorophyll is of two types, i.e., water soluble and oil soluble in nature. They are
stable in light, heat, and are even stable with acids and alkalis (Rehman et al. 2020).
They find application as food colorants in canned products, confectionery, soups,
and dairy products. Anthocyanin
It is available in liquid and powder form. Beetroot contains some synthetic colorants
like betanin, isobetanin, prebetanin, and smaller quantities of vulgaxanthin I and
II. These are used in dairy products because they have low acid concentration. Redness
can be achieved by using red beet, which is also considered as a replacement for nitrite.
Antimicrobial activity is present in nitrite, but it is absent in beet root. Riboflavin
Organic synthetic colorants are being used in a number of industrial processes. There
are more than 80 synthetic colorants present to date. These are generally used as food
additives without any proper guidelines; as a result, this may lead to many health
problems, intoxication, and death. Synthetic compounds are stable, easy to produce,
less expensive, and have better coloring properties as compared to natural colorants.
Strict rules are subjected to the use of synthetic colorants. As synthetic colorants are
advanced in color supply, strength, stability, and ease of application, these are highly
used. They have low market prices and provide a great spectrum of colors.
There is a trend of using fewer synthetic colorants as it increases the toxicity of food
products. Many countries limit the type, use, and amount of colorants in food products.
The triarylmethane group constitutes the triarylmethane dyes, and the main represen-
tative of such dyes includes bright blue, fast green, patent blue, and bright black. These
compounds are generally used in dairy products like yogurt, ice cream, drinks, and
sweets (Unsal et al. 2015). Indigo dye is a synthetic colorant that is chemically
obtained and used in gelatin, ice cream, jelly beans, bubble gum, and candies (Deroco
et al. 2018). A few examples of synthetic colorants are framed in Table 8.5.
8.5.3 Antioxidants
The molecule which inhibits the oxidation of another molecule, especially free
radicals, is termed as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are important for protection
from oxidative damage and maintaining the shelf life of the dairy products. Nowa-
days, consumers prefer natural antioxidants as synthetic antioxidants have carcino-
genic effects and are toxic in nature (Abdel-Hameed et al. 2014). The formation of
free radicals in food products can be controlled by natural antioxidants from plant
sources. These antioxidants can avoid side effects like liver damage and carcino-
genesis caused by synthetic antioxidants (Meenakshi et al. 2009). On the basis of
origin they are divided into natural and synthetic antioxidants whereas on the basis
of microbial production these can be classified into primary and secondary
Primary antioxidants are produced by microbes and have an essential role in free
radial termination, whereas secondary antioxidants are not directly formed by
microbes. Carotenoids, retinol, and alpha-tocopherol are the leading lipid-soluble
antioxidants present in milk, whereas ascorbic acid is the water-soluble
antioxidant (Song et al. 2013). Primary antioxidants work by donating an H-atom
or by a single electron transfer mechanism, and secondary antioxidants function by
retarding chain initiation (Zeb 2020).
Antioxidants are broadly classified into natural and synthetic antioxidants based on
their origin. Natural antioxidants are produced from natural sources and used in
casein, cream, cheese, milk, etc. Butylated hydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, and
butylated hydroxytoluene are examples of synthetic antioxidants which are not
directly produced by microbes. These help in controlling lipid oxidation and
off-flavor development by free radicals in food (Zeb 2020). A high concentration
of synthetic antioxidants is harmful and carcinogenic, resulting in the high demand
preference for natural antioxidants in the food industry (Kumar et al. 2019). A few
examples of natural and synthetic antioxidants are shown in Table 8.7.
There is always a high demand for foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and
dairy products. This high demand for antioxidants is completed by increasing
product retention periods so that fresh and nutrient-rich food is available to con-
sumers. Antioxidants not only extend food shelf life but also protect against oxida-
tive stress and inflammation. The entire dairy products need antioxidants for better
life. Nowadays, both primary and secondary antioxidants are in industrial use.
molecule acts as a scavenger for free radicals (Suetsuna et al. 2000). In sheep’s milk,
protein has been considered as the main antioxidant (Fardet and Rock 2017). It
acquires antioxidant capacity because of casein, beta-lactoglobulin, and alpha-
lactoalbumin (Fardet and Rock 2017). Vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and
coenzyme-Q are natural antioxidants present in human milk. They help in neutral-
izing the effect of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in milk (Khan et al. 2019).
Lipophilic antioxidants help in preventing oxidative stress by activating the defense
system in milk (Lindmark-Månsson and Akesson 2000). They have high level of
thermal stability and remain active in dairy products.
Food products made up of cheese and unfermented dairy ingredients are mixed with
emulsifiers. Vegetable oils, salt, and sugar are some additional ingredients added to
increase the color, texture, and flavor of cheese. These are used in many dishes as
processed cheese does not separate when melted. It is a good source of protein, fat,
minerals, and vitamins in the diet that need to be preserved by antioxidants (Abdel-
Hameed et al. 2014). The antioxidant activity of peptide was checked in Mexican
cheese after 6 months and characterized by HPLC. It was observed that peptides with
antioxidant activity were produced during the ripening period of 6 months and the
cheese showed 98% radical scavenging activity with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH) (Hаug et al. 1987).
Cream is the fatty part of nonhomogenized milk that floats on the top layer of milk.
Generally, cream contains 10–65% of milk fat used in various products like coffee,
pies, soups, etc. Cream is classified into several types based on its milk fat content,
including clotted cream (55% milk fat), heavy cream (>35% milk fat), whipping
cream (30–36% milk fat), light cream (18–25% milk fat), sour cream (18% milk fat),
and so on. Lipophilic antioxidants like phospholipid, coenzyme Q10, CLA (conju-
gated linoleic acid), etc. play a key role. The high use of emulsifiers increases the
demand for lipophilic antioxidants ten times (Niki 2014).
Fermentation of milk with the help of bacteria leads to the formation of yogurt. It is
also spelled yoghurt and is made up of 81% water, 9% protein, 5% fat, and 4%
carbohydrates, including sugars. The bacteria used to make yogurt are also known as
“yogurt cultures.” Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-
picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) assay were used to check the antioxidant activity of
yogurt mixed with carrot, pumpkin, broccoli, and red sweet pepper with 10%
184 H. Sharma et al.
concentration of antioxidant and observed for 14 days. High antioxidant activity was
seen in yogurt with broccoli and red pepper. The antioxidant activity was decreased
by the 14th day (Najgebauer-Lejko et al. 2014). Studies have also been conducted to
check the antioxidant property of yogurt with vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene,
ascorbic acid, and even alpha-casein. A few examples of antioxidants in dairy
products are formulated in Table 8.8.
Food becomes cherishing because of its flavor. Flavoring agents are the complex
mixture of large amounts of low-molecular-weight volatile compounds (<300 g/
mol) capable of stimulating the odor receptors in the nose (Parker et al. 2014).
Natural flavors are formed by the biosynthesis of aromatic chemicals during the
normal metabolic processes in plants and animals. The odor and taste of these
aromatic components represent the intrinsic flavor of food. Flavoring is
man-made. It is prepared by adding natural or synthetic aromatic substances that
may or may not be present in nature. The aim is to increase the acceptability of the
end product through the stimulation of the nose and the palate, by modifying a flavor
that is already present or masking some undesirable flavor.
Some nutritional foods may have an undesirable taste and smell, e.g., vitamins and
soya. Flavors are used to modify the taste, so that nutritional food can become more
desirable and this ultimately helps in increasing the economic value of the food
product (Sinki and Gordon 2001). Flavoring agents can recompense the flavor losses
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 185
that occur during the processing and storage of food items in order to maintain their
freshness and shelf life.
According to the taste and fat digestion study, there are some indications that
metabolic response is affected by the alteration in taste of a fatty meal. Research
studies on “taste and intestinal absorption of glucose” show that “oral stimulation
affects intestinal absorption.” These create a direct link between a physiological
condition and the flavoring agent.
Flavoring provides the sensory pleasure. Proper flavor selection can be greatly
assisted by psychological analysis of pleasure. The concept of flavoring also
increases the variety of food in the market.
These three functions, i.e., economic, physiological, and psychological have
different degrees of application. For example, some applications are mainly for
pleasure, which comes under psychological function, or increasing the market
value by adding flavor to the milk is totally an economical concept. All these
compounds need a raw material for flavor formation, depending upon the require-
ments of the flavor.
Flavoring compounds require basic raw materials for their formation. This raw
material can be of natural or synthetic origin. The natural raw materials are further
divided into botanical and animal raw materials. Examples of botanical raw mate-
rials are fruits, vegetable juice, herbs, spices, nuts, etc. On the other hand, examples
of animal raw materials are plasma dripping, seafood by-products, enzyme-modified
cheese, meat extract, etc. whereas benzaldehyde and cinnamic alcohol are examples
of synthetic raw materials used for the production of the flavoring material (Mani-
Lopez et al. 2012). Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status and certification are
needed for the utilization of flavor in consumer products, which are further approved
for use in food and cosmetics industries (Smith et al. 2005b). Maillard reaction is the
basic mechanism performed for the production of flavoring compounds. It occurs
when amino groups interact with the sugars. For example, milk contains lactose
sugar, which participates in numerous Maillard reactions (Hwang et al. 2011). A
brown nitrogenous compound, or melanoidin, along with other polymers is formed
as an end product of Maillard reaction which has a specific flavor (Bastos et al.
186 H. Sharma et al.
Based on the source of the material, flavoring agents can be divided into three broad
Natural flavoring agents are obtained from plant and animal sources. These can be
naturally made or produced in a lab by chemical reaction. The chemical formulae of
the parent and new compound are the same in natural agents. They need to be
isolated via distillation, extraction, etc. These are the processes where one particular
substance is isolated from the rest of the other substances based on their physical and
chemical properties. For example, vanillin, the main component of vanilla beans, can
be produced as a natural or a nature-identical flavoring substance. These substances
are made in the laboratory, but their chemical structure resembles the structure
present in natural products. A substance can only be named as nature-identical if it
naturally occurs in plant or animal raw materials. Different processes are applied for
the extraction of natural flavors:
Distillation: It is a process where the plant and animal source materials are brought
to a boiling point and the steam is collected via cooling.
Extraction: It is a process in which the compounds are mixed with a dissolving
agent like alcohol or supercritical carbon dioxide, etc. for the extraction of
flavoring compounds.
Biotechnological production: It is used in the case of source material where the
simple extraction is difficult to perform and the material to be extracted is in very
low quantity, or the material is highly complex for the extraction. It is an
expensive process to conduct.
Artificial flavoring agents are produced by chemical methods. These agents have
different chemical formulae as compared to their substrate formulae. Chemical
methods or synthetic methods are used to isolate these flavoring agents. These are
obtained from different source material because the methods of production are
different for every other agent. Ethyl vanillin, well-known artificial flavoring
agent, is a substance that smells and tastes like vanillin.
(a) Essential oil flavoring: It involves a complex mixture with defined composition
like natural raw materials. Vegetable extracts, spices, and herb extracts are
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 187
examples of these substances. These are obtained from plant, animal, and
microbial sources by using physical and biotechnological production processes.
These are the main components of citrus, spice, and mint flavorings. It is helpful
in relishing the smell and taste of the components. These categories also include
oils obtained from clove and eucalyptus.
(b) Thermal process flavoring: This technique is used in industrial processes by
controlling several parameters like heat, temperature, pH, etc. which leads to the
development of intense flavors during these processes. For example: in the case
of roasting meat or baking bread, the thermal process leads to the formation of
these flavors. Amino acids and reducing sugars are the essential basic materials.
(c) Smoked flavoring: It is one of the ancient methods for the production of
seasonal food and preserving food. It not only is used for preserving but also
adds a unique smoked flavor to foods such as fish, meat products, sauces, and
chips. Burning of hardwood at a temperature of nearly 100 C is used to produce
the fresh smoke. Charcoal is the basic product and this is mostly formed in the
absence of air. Efforts have been made to reduce addiction to nicotine, which
leads to the risk of different physical health problems. It also simulates the
physical action of conventional cigarettes, but without using any of the nico-
tine products (Litt et al. 2016).
A particular flavor can be added to give an additional taste and flavor to the food.
Flavoring agents can be exploited for their applications in different industries as
shown in Fig. 8.4.
Application of
flavoring agents
Flavor helps in providing the artificial taste and smell. Some of these flavors are
diluted with carriers and solvents. These are of basically four types, i.e., liquid,
powder, paste, and emulsion (Fig. 8.5). These liquids are made from water, alcohol,
or oil-soluble compounds. Alcohol, propylene, glycol, triacetin, benzyl alcohol,
glycerin, syrup, etc. are the solvents and carriers for liquid-type flavoring agent.
The higher molecular weight of different mono- and disaccharides increases viscos-
ity, which improves beverage taste (Mussatto and Mancilha 2007). Another is a
powder-type flavoring agent that can be spray-dried, absorbed, or powder mixed.
These use gum acacia, starch hydrolysates, selective hydrocolloids, and simple
carbohydrates as solvents and carriers. Paste and emulsion can form an oil-in-
water type of solution (Tandjawa et al. 2017). The solvent and carrier of paste and
emulsion are the same as liquid, and powder-type flavoring agents.
8.5.6 Humectants
Humectants are hydroscopic substances added to food to increase the retention time
of moisture. Due to the low degree of humidity, the food tends to dry out because of
the counteracting effect of the wetting agent. For the formation of candied interme-
diate moisture fruits, sugar is the most common agent used as humectants whereas to
provide intermediate moisture to vegetables and fish, salt is used as a major agent
(Saha 2020). These humectants prevent the food from drying out. The basic function
of humectants is to control the level of water in the solution. For the immobilization
of water in food, solutes like salt and sugar are used as humectants. The drying
process removes free water and humectants from the food. These humectants are
made up of hydrophilic parts that form bonds with water in food. If water is
removed, it leads to lower water activity of the food product (Kaplow 1970).
These are used in gelatin products and cakes (Siburian et al. 2020). Some examples
of humectants used in the dairy industry are provided in Fig. 8.6. Sorbitol
It is widely present in nature, and sorbitol syrup is used as a humectant. It has the
capacity to bind to a higher number of water molecules (Duan et al. 2019). It is
generally used in bakery products, mayonnaise, creams, sauces, etc.
Erythritol Glycerol
The hydrolysis of fat leads to the formation of glycerol. It can be readily obtained
from animal and vegetable fats. It is generally liquid at room temperature. The basic
function of glycerol as a humectant is to lock the food moisture and avoid the
formation of mold or bacterial growth. It also helps in maintaining the texture of the
food. It provides a burning sensation in the throat as a form of taste, which limits its
quantities. But still, it is widely used in the cake and cream industry. Xylitol
Xylitol and sucrose have an equivalent sweetness; hence, xylitol is primarily used as
a sugar substitute in many food products (Ahuja et al. 2019). It is wood sugar that is
collected from xylan-rich hemicelluloses of a tree or a plant. It generally acts as a
sweetener but for nonfermentable bulk. Because of the high demand for xylitol in
food, nutraceuticals, pharma industry, and beverages, it is among the top 12 global
bio-products (Vishal et al. 2019). It is also used as an energy source in many
intravenous products. It is also used in dental products like toothpaste, mouthwash,
creams, etc. and it is well used in dairy products (Ahuja et al. 2020). Erythritol
An additive that allows immiscible liquids like water and oil to form a stable mixture
is known as an emulsifier. When microscopic droplets of one immiscible liquid mix
with another immiscible liquid, it leads to the formation of a heterogeneous emulsion
(McClements 2015). An emulsion is a mixture of immiscible liquid. The boundary
between two nonhomogenous mixtures is known as interface. In the mixture, the
dispersed phase droplets tend to coalescence and agglomerate, which ultimately
leads to separation. Starch and soy protein are the solid and colloidal particles which
get absorbed at the interface and form the Pickering emulsion (Yang et al. 2017). The
emulsifier contains both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts. The hydrophilic part
makes the bond with water or polar compounds, whereas the hydrophobic part gets
dissolved with oil or nonpolar compounds. The hydrophilic part makes the head and
tail, which is made by the hydrophobic part of the micelle (Berton-Carabin et al.
192 H. Sharma et al.
Stability of an emulsion is best described by its droplet size, viscosity, and density.
Droplet size: emulsion stability is increased by a smaller droplet size. Homog-
enization is the process that results in even and smaller droplet sizes.
Viscosity: Emulsion stability is facilitated by a higher viscosity. Thickening
agents, or hydrocolloids, are responsible for increasing the viscosity of the water
phase (Krstonosic et al. 2021).
Specific density of phases: An emulsion is more stable if the density difference
between the two phases is less.
Food emulsifiers have versatile applications in the food industry. The functions of
emulsions in dairy-based products are given in Table 8.10.
An emulsifier should be readily absorbed into the interface, should have proper
hydrophilic and lipophilic parts so that a stable emulsion can be formed, should be
stable, should not have any odor, color, taste, etc., and should be nontoxic.
8.5.9 Stabilizers
Food additives, which help in preserving the structure of food products, are known
as stabilizers. It prevents the formation of large ice crystals in ice cream. It helps in
maintaining the physico-chemical state of the food product. It provides uniformity to
the product and increases the water holding capacity of the food. The amount of
stabilizers to be used varies with the properties of the food and percentage of solid
content in the food. Stabilizers are water-soluble compounds majorly used in dairy-
based foods like ice cream, processed milk, pasteurized milk, etc. On the other hand,
the addition of excessive amount of stabilizers results in soggy or heavy body and
high resistance to melting point in the final product.
Ideal characteristics of a stabilizer are shown in Fig. 8.7.
Nowadays, the market contains a wide range of hydrocolloids derived from plants
and seaweed, as well as those produced by various microbes such as bacteria, fungi,
and molds. Hydrocolloids are made up of sugar backbones that contain protruding
substituent such as esters, sulfates, or added sugars. Available hydrocolloids for food
applications are either neutral or negatively charged. A few examples of stabilizers
used in the food market are depicted in Fig. 8.8.
194 H. Sharma et al.
reactive Easy to mix
of Stabilizers
Economical composition
Pectin Stabilizer
Cellulose Agar
Animal connective tissues, mainly collagen, provide the proteinaceous material, i.e.,
gelatin. The raw materials for gelatin production are provided by beef, pork, poultry,
and fish. It provides a low viscosity solution when hydrated in hot or warm water,
which has good foaming and whipping properties (Siburia et al. 2020). Clear and
elastic gels are formed by the network of polypeptide chains in gelatin. It is a good
stabilizer but does not prevent heat shock. One more advantage of this stabilizer is
that it requires a long aging period. It does not cause wheying off and has good
8 Additives in Dairy-Based Food 195
dispersal activity. Gelatin is utilized in food industries with various applications like
gelling agents, thickeners, emulsifiers, foam makers, stabilizers, edible films, etc. It
is also widely used for the manufacturing of soft and hard capsules in the pharma-
ceutical industry (Park et al. 2008).
Gum Arabic
It is also known as Acacia gum, naturally obtained from acacia trees. The main
bonding in gum Arabic is of polysaccharide from (Wu et al. 2013a; Wang et al.
2015; Amin et al. 2013) (1–6)-linked β-D-galactopyranosyl units along with (1–6)-
linked β-D-glucopyranosyl uronic acid units. It has relatively low viscosity and high
water solubility compared to other exudate gums (Moneim and Sulieman 2018).
These are produced from brown seaweeds, i.e., Phaeophyceae. In the market, the salt
derivative of alginate is known as algin. These are unbranched copolymers of (1–4)-
linked β-D-mannuronic acid (M) and α-L-guluronic acid (G) residues. Alginate
196 H. Sharma et al.
dissolves in cold water and gels in the presence of calcium and acid. Acidified milk is
stabilized by using casein (Li and Zhong 2020).
When natural cellulose is treated with hydrochloric acid, it leads to the production of
microcrystalline cellulose, i.e., MCC which form the crystallite aggregates as an end
product. Carboxy-methyl cellulose (CMC) is an anionic, water-soluble polymer that
leads to the formation of various viscous solutions. Treating cellulose with alkali and
then with monochloroacetic acid forms CMC. It is a carboxy-methylated derivative
of cellulose, generally present as a sodium salt (Du et al. 2008). Sometimes it is also
known as “guar gum.” Sodium carboxy-methyl cellulose is a chemically modified
natural gum that is generally linear, water-soluble, long-chain, and anionic. The
degree of carboxy-methyl substitution of CMC as a food additive is around
0.6–0.95, which makes it negatively charged in acidic conditions. CMC can be
adsorbed onto the casein micelle surface (pH 3.0–5.2) to provide electrostatic
repulsions (Wu et al. 2013a, b). This blend is a tasteless, water-soluble, free-flowing,
cream-colored, and odorless powder.
Some food industry by-products, such as apple pulp, citrus peels, and sugar beet
pulp, aid in the identification of commercial pectin. Pectin is a complex polysaccha-
ride present in plant cell wall. Pectin from citrus sources is rich in galacturonic acid
(GalA), and this GalA is present as a linear structure with the main structure of the
homogalacturonan (HG) domain, while the branched rhamnogalacturonan domains
(RG-I and RG-II) constitute only a small part and are interspersed in HG (Zhang
et al. 2018). Aggregation and sedimentation of casein in acidified milk drinks is
prevented by using pectin (Doesburg and De Vos 1959). Galacturonans and
rhamnogalacturonans are the two main families of pectin which are being used as
additives. The degree of esterification depends on the category of pectin. These are
divided into two categories: low methyl (LM) pectin that contains less than 50%
methyl esters and high methyl (HM) pectin with more than 50% methyl esters.
Food additives are being used in beverages, desserts, jams, jellies, sauces, pickles,
cosmetics, toothpaste, etc. Despite their wide use, they can cause some issues in the
body. Artificial colorants can cause attention deficit disorder (ADD), inhibit the
immune system, and lead to hyperactivity and allergic reactions. The overuse of
colorants can also cause thyroid tumors, urticaria dermatitis, asthma, nasal conges-
tion, nausea, eczema, liver damage, kidney damage, digestive disorders like diarrhea
and colicky pains, and a wide range of cancers. Hives, itching, rashes, and swelling
are some of the skin disorders caused by additives.
Due to the increasing use of food additives in day-to-day life, it is very important to
provide basic guidance on the maximum use of additives based on dietary pattern.
Joint Expert Committee on Food Additive and Contaminants (JECFA) is an inter-
national expert scientific committee that is administered jointly by the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) to evaluate the toxicological data on food additives and when
considered to be appropriate, the committee establishes acceptable daily intakes
(ADIs) on the food additive.
GRAS stands for “Generally Recognized as Safe.” It is a group that qualify food
products as safe to use. These food products are considered safe to use because they
have a long history and have not shown any harmful effects. Obtaining approval of a
substance like a food additive generally requires the safety of scientific procedures
198 H. Sharma et al.
that require the same quantity and quality of scientific evidence for
recognition (Smith et al. 2005a).
These are the guidelines of provision and standards which are to be used under the
condition of good manufacturing practice. According to these guidelines, food
additives used in the manufacturing, processing, or packaging of food should have
Technical information such as chemical name, CAS number, chemical and structural formula, etc.
8.8 Conclusion
Maintaining and increasing the shelf life of food for industrial applications by using
additives is a reasonable approach. Some chemical additives which are widely used
in different dairy products like milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, custard, casein,
fermented soured milk, etc. are natural and others are synthetic, Not only this,
additives are also widely used in different traditional dishes like ymer, villi, mursik,
kumis, etc. Natural preservatives and antimicrobial agents like acetic acid, lactic
acid, lysozyme, natamycin, nutella, etc. are widely used to control bacteria, molds,
fungus, etc. Natural and synthetic colorants are used in fermented drinks and
flavored milk. Aside from this, antioxidants reduce the oxidation of food by free
radical mechanism. Flavors widely play a vital role in economic, physiological, and
psychological factors. Currently their application is even extended to toy industries.
Thickeners are hydrocolloids which are used in emulsifier, gelling agent, thickener,
stabilizer, and for inhibiting the formation of sugar and ice crystals. Emulsifying
agents, stabilizers, and antifoaming agents are used in batch and continuous fermen-
ters at the industrial level. Despite this tremendous potential, these additives still
have limitations because of their toxicity. Many agencies like ADI, GRAS, and
FSSAI regulate industrial use and provide guidelines from time to time for the better
use of additives. But still, there is a high need for natural substitutes as additives for
long-term use.
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