Artificial Intelligence in Endodontics A.3
Artificial Intelligence in Endodontics A.3
Artificial Intelligence in Endodontics A.3
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Aim: With the help of developments in artificial intelligence (AI), picture archiving systems, and computer-aided diagnostic systems,
dentists have been able to augment the quality of treatment and ensure a favorable outcome, by improving and facilitating the delivery
of appropriate dental care. There has been a breakthrough in designing the diagnosis, treatment plans, and predicting prognoses recently,
which has helped to explore newer options for better treatment. Materials and Methods: A literature search was conducted using
MeSH terms in a variety of databases, including PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus, and Web of Science, to gather information on “Artificial
intelligence (AI) in endodontics.” Unpublished data, literature written in other languages, and articles with only abstracts were discarded.
Forty-one relevant articles were included. Results: Since there were not many papers referring to AI in endodontics, papers published
relating to AI in dentistry were also referred. The search showed that the use of AI in dentistry, specifically in endodontics, has enormous
promise. Although useful, AI has its disadvantages as well as the need for long-term studies. Conclusion: AI, consisting of a sequence
of algorithms, work on a concept that mimics the human brain and thinking. AI in endodontics has been used widely in locating apical
foramina, identifying periapical pathologies, diagnosis of vertical root fractures, evaluating the outcome of regenerative procedures and
retreatments, and assessment of root morphologies and difficulties associated with canal preparations. Being a potential game changer
and beginning something called a “fourth industrial revolution,” AI has what it takes to revolutionize endodontics with time.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Endodontics, Machine Learning, Neural Networks
Received: 06-12-2022, Revised: 12-01-2023, Accepted: 13-01-2023, Published: 28-04-2023.
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For reprints contact: [email protected]
DOI: How to cite this article: Sudeep P, Gehlot PM, Murali B, Mariswamy
10.4103/jioh.jioh_257_22 AB. Artificial intelligence in endodontics: A narrative review. J Int
Oral Health 2023;15:134-41.
134 134
© 2023 Journal of International Oral Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Sudeep, et al.: Artificial intelligence in endodontics
acquired knowledge can be deemed necessary to solve databases were utilized for identifying the articles with the
complex clinical problems. The evolution of AI will likely required information.
not replace dentists, but would be a perfect addition to
accentuate their expertise and support them. This can Materials and Methods
indeed help a dentist to adapt to a new level of accuracy
The databases of PubMed/Medline and other sources
in diagnosis and prediction of outcomes, thus, rendering
which related with AI in endodontics, were thoroughly
better patient experience and treatment success.[7]
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Search strategy
N = 251
z = 62
Number of articles
excluded (21)
Articles on AI in endodontics
n = 19
Results Discussion
Study recognition and preference AI methodologies used in dentistry
The initial electronic and manual search yielded 251 The composition of the technology used in AI consists
results the PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane and Web of of a neural network pattern almost identical to human
Science databases (2021–2022). On initial screening and brains.[8] This neural design imitates human thinking,
application of inclusion criteria 62 articles were chosen and is composed of firmly interconnected neurons.
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based on name, abstract, and whole text. Finally, the To solve specific problems, these work together as a
narrative reviews, comprehensive reviews, umbrella “data-processing system.”[9] There has been amazing
reviews, and clinical trials that met the criteria were developments in the application of neural networks in
chosen. dentistry over the years.
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136 136 Journal of International Oral Health ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023
Sudeep, et al.: Artificial intelligence in endodontics
means that computers learn from their incoming data and estimate the dose that is mobile with respect to anatomy,
improve their properties by learning from their mistakes, such as in patients with head and neck cancer.[17]
all without the requirement for complex programming or
the building of a numerical model.[12] Deep learning
In a neural network, the number of neurons, levels or eras; Deep learning is a part of ML that process information
membership function selections in fuzzy logic; the size using a deep neural network with multiple computational
layers. To enhance feature identification, deep learning is
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than numerical correlations, as used by traditional methods. that are free of the deformation and superimposition
It is simple to use despite being a powerful upgrading of bone and dental structures that might occur with
device, because it is based on normal standards.[2] traditional radiography.[26] A dentist knows that it is always
crucial to have a dependable instrument that can assist
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Root fractures
“Vertical root fractures (VRFs)” are a very uncommon
occurrence in endodontically treated teeth. VRFs
Figure 3: Artificial intelligence models in endodontics are found in 3.7%–30.8% of teeth that have received
138 138 Journal of International Oral Health ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023
Sudeep, et al.: Artificial intelligence in endodontics
endodontic therapy, according to studies.[34] Determining the working length and demonstrated an outstanding
VRFs on radiographs is difficult and may necessitate the accuracy of 96%, which is higher than the accuracy of
use of more advanced technology. expert endodontists (76%). These findings matched those
Johari et al.[35] performed research on the creation of an of another study by the same author and his associates,
AI-based model utilizing a PNN framework for detecting who used feature extraction processes from radiographs
VRFs on both intact and endodontically treated teeth using before processing the data with an ANN. The study found
that finding the minor apical foramen was 93% accurate.[43]
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disadvantage, as misuse of information can also occur Ethical policy and Institutional Review board statement
through the AI channels. Not applicable.
iv. There is no protocol that has been devised yet to
provide a precise diagnosis, that would affect the Patient declaration of consent
prediction of outcomes or determination of the Not applicable.
prognosis. The clarity of this diagnosis would be
based on the clinical findings. Data availability statement
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