Peachtree Complete Instructions
Peachtree Complete Instructions
Peachtree Complete Instructions
FIGURE 2: Icons
3. Federal ID # 95-123456
State ID # 235-123456
State Unemploy # 235-123456
4. Chart of Accounts – Click on radio dial “Build your Own Company”, Click next
10. Checklist appears. Click on box in front of Main File to check it. Click on the words
to go to that Main File Maintenance.
4. Click on Save
5. For next account click on New and follow steps 1-4. Use the Magnifying Glass to
see the list of what you have entered. Click OK to get out.
5. Under Statement defaults you can check the default values and change
it to whatever you would like.
can change any field by moving the mouse and clicking on the field to
change. Once the journal entry is correct select "Post".
3. You can add an account "on the fly" while in the General Journal
entry mode. Click on the magnifying glass to bring the "Add" mode.
Select New and add the data for this new account.
Magnifying Glass
2. Enter Vendors
Set up A/R
Enter Customers
1. Select Maintain then Customer/Prospects
3. Inventory List
Enter Purchase Orders
1. Select Tasks Pull Down menu--- Enter Purchase Order
2. Complete the form with the correct data. Use Purchase Orders number starting at
1. Once complete post the purchase order. To correct, select the "edit" icon. Use
Writing Checks
Customer Refund
1. Select Vendor
2. Enter date.
3. Apply to Invoice.
4. Enter invoice # from screen selection.
5. Enter amount.
6. Enter distribution: Sales Adjustment, Sales Tax
Bank Reconciliation
End of Month
Close A/R
1. Select A/R - Close
2. Select Close Current Month.
3. "Closing the month" note, Select OK.
4. Confirm the closing by typing the month: JULY
Close A/P
1. Select A/P - Close
2. Select Close Current Month.
3. "Closing the month" note, Select OK.
4. Confirm the closing by typing the month: JULY
Close G/L
1. Select G/L - Close
2. Select Close Current Month.
3. "Closing the month" note, Select OK.
4. Confirm the closing by typing the month: JULY
5. Don't worry about Final Audit Trail note: It just seems the program wants to
give you this message.
6. Yes to continue.
7. Message about Future, Current, Reversing Entries.