Soal Latihan Sas Semester 2 Kelas 8

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Complete the questions below by choosing c.

Carried the meat all to home

between a, b, c or d! d. Gave all the meat to the rabbit
The text below is for questions number 1 – 7 2. Which statement is NOT TRUE
Once upon a time, there lived as according to the text?
neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a a. The papa bear was not kind to the
good shot, and the bear, being very clumsy, rabbit
could not use the arrow to good advantage. The b. The rabbit got nothing from his
bear would call over the rabbit and asked the shooting
rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came c. The mother bear always give her
with the bear to the other side of the hill. The youngest child extra meat
rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by d. The pap bear didn’t like giving the
refusing, consented and went with the bear and rabbit some meat
shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry 3. Why did the rabbit want to join the
family. hunting?
Indeed, he shot and killed so many that a. He was so hungry too
there was lots of meat left after the bear and his b. He was good at shooting
family had loaded themselves and packed all c. He was afraid of the bear
they could carry home. The bear was very d. He is the bear’s bestfriend
gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get 4. What is the synonym of word
any of the meat, so the poor rabbit could not “gluttonous” (paragraph 2)
even taste the blood from butchering, a s the a. Cruel
bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it b. Greedy
up. Poor rabbit would have to go home hungry c. Hungry
after his hard day’s work. d. Unfriendly
The bear was the father of children. The 5. What does the word ‘it’ in “….that it
youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. The would fly into the rabbit’s house…”
mother bear, knowing that her youngest child (Paragraphs 3) refer to?
was very hearty eater, always gave him an a. The rabbit
extra-large piece of meat, but the youngest b. The bear
child didn’t eat. He would take it outside with c. The meat
him and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it d. The ball
toward the rabbit’s house, and when he got 6. Why did the child pretend to play ball?
close to the door he would give the meat with a. He was hearty eater
such a great kick, that it would fly into the b. He liked buffalo meat
rabbit’s house and in this way the poor rabbit c. He wanted to play ball alone
would get his meat unknown to the papa bear. d. He like played anything, especially
The rabbit was so glad. ball
1. After the hunting, the bear…. 7. What does the story teach us?
a. Ate some meat a. Poverty makes people suffer
b. Ate all the meat b. We must keep our promise
c. Kindness pleases other people d. By car
d. People should love each other 11. “…… the swing while waiting for our
The text below is for questions number 8 – meal.” The underlined word refers to….
12 a. The family’s
Visiting Banaran Coffee b. The writer and her friends’
We visitied banaran coffee last week. It c. The writer and her brother’s
is a resort in our town. I went there with my d. The visitors of Banaran Coffee
brothers, my mother, and my friends. We left 12. Why did the writer’s brothers say that
house at about ten in the morning. My older the string was strong?
brother drove the car. He drove it fast. Soon we a. The brothers were afraid to fall
arrived at the resort. We were so excited to see b. The writer was afraid to fall
the beauty of the resort. First, we had a coffee c. The string was not big
plantation trip on a mini train. We went up and d. The hill was high
down hill. From the hill we can see the beauty Read the text below to answer the questions
of the Rawa Pening or Pening Lake. Then, we number 13 – 17
flew high on the flying fox. At first I was afraid Kartika kasih is a Bataknese, but she
to fall, but my brothers told me that the string lives in Dubai at the moment. She moved to
was strong enough to hold me. After that, we Dubai five years ago, but she often flies back to
had lunch on the top of the hill. My friends and her hometown in Indonesia.
I played on the swing while waiting our meal. It Kartika is a flight attendant of Emirates
was a lot of fun. Airlines. She usually flies to different parts of
8. The text mostly tells us about….. the world on the Emirates Airlines. She serves
a. The writer’s experience in visiting passengers on the plane. However, she is not
Banaran Coffee flying right now. She is having a week off. She
b. The activities visitors can do in is taking a walk at Al Seef, a famous resort in
Banaran Coffee Dubai. She is enjoying the beauty of the calm
c. The management of Banaran Coffee waters along the beach. She loves the creek
d. The beauty of Rawa Pening because it has two sections – a heritage area
9. “….. that the string was strong enough featuring old architecture, and a second space
to hole me.” The underlined word is featuring more contemporary structures. Her
close in meaning to…. favorite part is the heritage area with old
a. Mat buildings and dining boulevard.
b. Rope 13. What might be the intention of Kartika
c. Fabric to move to Dubai?
d. Cotton a. To be the only Indonesian who lives
10. How did they have the coffee plantation in Dubai
trip? b. To support her career in Emirates
a. By mini train Airlines
b. By plane c. To enjoy Dubai anytime she wants
c. By boat to
d. To be close to her hometown d. Were
14. What is Kartika doing right now? 20. I bought a new CD. It …… thirty
a. She is enjoying her day off at Al dollars
Seef a. Cost
b. She is flying on Emirates Airlines to b. Costs
Indonesia c. Costing
c. She is swimming in calm waters of d. Was cost
the creek 21. My brother …. His finger a few minute
d. She is painting old buildings in the ago
heritage area a. Cuts
15. What makes Kartika loves Al Seef? b. Cutting
a. Because it has both the traditional c. Cut
and modern parts d. Was cut
b. Because the city has beaches with 22. Shhhh! Mrs. Ayu is speaking. Listen to
white sands ….
c. Because not many people come to a. She
the place b. Her
d. Because it is a big and modern city c. He
16. By reading the text, we know that d. Him
Kartika likes enjoying ….. things 23. The people …… the fish with a net
a. New a. Are catching
b. Vintage b. Is catching
c. Modern c. Catching
d. Lavish d. Am catching
17. By reading the text, we can conclude 24. The girl looks very thirsty. She ….. the
that Kartika is a/an ….. girl water greedily.
a. Independent a. Drinking is
b. Extravagant b. Is drinking
c. Dull c. Are drinking
d. Silly d. Am drinking
18. You and Salma ….. not at school 25. My father and I ….. now. We …. For
yesterday the next week festival
a. Is a. Are dancing – are rehearsing
b. Am b. Are dancing – is rehearsing
c. Was c. Is dancing – is rehearsing
d. Were d. Is dancing – are rehearsing
19. ….. you see my book? I cant find it The following text is for questions number
a. Do 26 – 30
b. Did It was early in the morning when five
c. Was staff of the charity International Animal Rescue
(IAR) arrived at the forest. The forest was hazy a. Breeze
with smoke. They breathed through cloth masks b. Smoke
as they searched for a dehydrated-and possibly c. Dew
dying-orangutan and her infant seen the d. Log
previous night. A farmer reported seeing the 28. What does the second paragraph tells us
mother and daughter orangutans near a palm oil about?
farm which was on fire. a. The discovery of the two orangutans
After several hours searching through b. The anesthetized orangutans
the haze, they finally found the pair. They used c. The missing orangutans
anesthetics and medical checks-ups to d. The IAR sanctuary
determine if the two orangutans could survive 29. “…. The finally found the pair”
in a safe zone away from the fires. These (paragraph 2). The underlined word
orangutans were lucky because IAR got them refers to….
before the smoke caused too much damaged. a. The animal in the forest
The team took them to a safe zone on the b. The people in the forest
island. c. The IAR staff
26. The text mostly tells us about….. d. The mother and the daughter
a. The experience of orangutans in a orangutans
safe zone 30. What might have happened if IAR had
b. The rescuing of orangutan from the not come to rescue the orangutans?
bushfire a. The haze would be thicker
c. The process of delivering the baby b. The two orangutans would be dead
orangutan c. The people would take care of the
d. A safe zone for orangutans two orangutans
27. “after several hours searching through d. The two orangutans would escape to
the haze….” (parapgraph 2) the a safe zone
underlined word has a similar meaning
with ….
B. Fill the blank below correctly!
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 1 – 5
Once upon a time, there was a very bad king who was hated by all his people. One day, he was
taking a walk by the river and decided to go for a swim. When he got into the water, he suddenly got a
cramp and started to drown.
When two farmers, working in a field nearby, saw him drowning, they jumped into the river
and rescued him. He was so grateful and thanked them by giving each farmer one wish.
The first farmer asked for a pair of water buffaloes. The king gladly agreed to this request. Then
the king asked the second man about his wish. The second farmer, a wise old man, thought for a while.
Finally he said, “do not tell anyone that I helped to save your life.”
1. Who save the king from drowning?
2. What did the king do after being saved from drowning?
3. “…… the king asked the second man.” What is the underlined refers to?
4. “he was so grateful….” (paragraph 2). The synonym of the underlined word is….
5. The last paragraphs tells us about…..
6. Fill the verbs below correctly
Verb base Past verb Meaning

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