Referencing Booklet
Referencing Booklet
Referencing Booklet
of OSCOLA referencing
The example above indicates that the case involving Corr and IBC Vehicles Ltd was the thirteenth judgment
issued by the House of Lords in 2008, and that a report of the judgment can be found in volume one of the
2008 volume of the series of the Law Reports called the Appeal Cases, beginning at page 884.
- A law report is a published report of a judgment, with additional fea-
tures such as a headnote summarising the facts of the case and the
judgment, catchwords used for indexing, and lists of cases considered.
- Neutral Citations are used for House of Lords, Privy Council, Court
of Appeal, Administrative Court and (post 2002) High Court judge-
ments in order to identify the judgment independently of any law re-
port. The court is not included in brackets at the end of a neutral cita-
tion because the neutral citation itself identifies the court. However,
neutral citations from the High Court do include the division in brack-
ets after the judgment number, e.g. (Admin).
- Care must be taken to avoid confusing neutral citations with the tra-
ditional type of citation as they will often appear together.
e.g. Campbell v Frisbee [2002] EWHC 328 [2002] E.M.L.R. 31
EWHC is the neutral citation
EMLR refers to the printed series
Entertainment and Media Law Reports.
- Indicate the court in brackets, (for cases
without a neutral citation or decided
before 1865), after the first page of the
report, and before the pinpoint if there is
one. Use (HL) for the House of Lords, (CA)
for the Court of Appeal, (QB), (Ch), and (F)
for the divisions of the High Court, and
(Com Ct) for the Commercial Court within
the Queen’s Bench Division.
- Always Italicise case names!
These are the neutral citation formats used for the different courts:
EWCA Civ - Court of Appeal Civil Division
EWCA Crim - Court of Appeal Criminal Division
EWHC (Admin) - High Court (Administrative Court)
EWHC (Ch) - High Court (Chancery Division)
EWHC (QB) - High Court (Queen's Bench Division)
EWHC (Comm) - High Court (Commercial Court)
EWHC (Admlty) - High Court (Admiralty)
EWHC (Fam) - High Court (Family Division)
EWHC (Pat) - High Court (Patents Court)
EWHC (TCC) - High Court (Technology & Construction Court)
UKHL - House of Lords
UKPC - Privy Council
Names of Statutes
Cite an Act by its short title and year in roman, using capitals for the
major words, and without a comma before the year.
Parts of Statutes
Statutes are divided into parts, sections, subsections, paragraphs
and subparagraphs. In addition, the main text of the statute may be
supplemented by schedules, which are divided into paragraphs and
subparagraphs. The relevant abbreviations are:
In addition to those given above for parts of statutes, use the follow-
ing abbreviations:
Rules of Court
The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) and their predecessors, the Rules of
the Supreme Court (RSC) and the County Court Rules (CCR), may be
cited without reference to their SI number or year. Cite all other
court rules in full as statutory instruments.
RSC Ord 24, r 14A
Additional Information;
- Cite a Bill by its title, the House in which it originated, the Parliamentary ses-
sion in brackets, and the running number assigned to it. Running numbers for
House of Commons Bills are put in square brackets; those for House of Lords
Bills are not. When a Bill is reprinted at any stage it is given a new running
title | HC Bill | (session) | [number] OR title | HL Bill | (session) | number
- Consolidated Fund HC Bill (2008–09) [5]
- Academies HL Bill (2010-11) 1, cl 8(2)
Welsh measures are primary legislation of the Welsh Assembly. They are cit-
ed by short title and year, followed by the National Assembly of Wales Measure
(nawm or mccc) number in brackets.
- Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 (nawm 2)
- Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008 (mccc 2)
Like UK Parliament statutes, Acts of the Scottish Parliament are cited by short
title and year. Each Act is also given an ‘asp’ number, consisting of a lower-case
abbreviation of the words ‘Act of the Scottish Parliament’ and a running num-
ber in the year (eg ‘asp 13’). For completeness the asp number should be given
after the year, in brackets.
Crofting Reform etc Act 2007 (asp 7)
When citing Acts of the former Parliament of Northern Ireland, put ‘NI’ in
brackets between the short title and the year. When citing Acts of the current
Northern Ireland Assembly, which was established in 1998, put ‘Northern Ire-
land’ in brackets between the short title and the year.
Poultry Improvement Act (NI) 1968
Presumption of Death Act (Northern Ireland) 2009
author, | title | (additional information, | edition, | publisher | year)
Cite the author’s name first, followed by a comma, and then the title of the
book in italics. Where a book has a title and subtitle not separated with punc-
tuation, insert a colon.
Publication information follows the title within brackets. Publication elements
should always include the publisher and the year of publication, with a space
but no punctuation between them. The place of publication need not be given.
If you are citing an edition other than the first edition, indicate that using the
form ‘2nd edn.’
author, | ‘title’ | (year) | volume | journal name or abbreviation |
first page of article
When citing articles, give the author’s name first, followed by a com-
ma. Then give the title of the article, in roman within single quota-
tion marks. After the title, give the publication information in the fol-
lowing order;
- year of publication, in square brackets if it identifies the volume, in
round brackets if there is a separate volume number
- the volume number if there is one and issue if necessary
- the name of the journal in roman, in full or abbreviated form, with
no full stops and
- the first page of the article.
Paul Craig, ‘Theory, “Pure Theory” and Values in Public Law’ [2005]
PL 440
Alison L Young, ‘In Defence of Due Deference’ (2009) 72 MLR 554
Put a comma after the first page of the article if there is a pinpoint.
General Principles
CITATION in a bibliography
Fisher E, Risk Regulation and Administrative Constitutional-
ism (Hart Publishing 2007)
If citing several works by the same author in a bibliography, list the
author’s works in chronological order (starting with the oldest), and
in alphabetical order of first major word of the title within a single
year. After the citation of the first work, replace the author’s name
with a double em-dash.
Table of Legislation
Secondary Sources
Journal Articles
All material re-produced in this leaflet has been shared and adapted from the Oxford Standard for
the Citation of Legal Authorities 4th edn, Hart 2012 in accordance with the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.