Lesson 5 Consonant Ss

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LESSON 5 Letter Ss /s/

Ss sound/symbol card Phonemic awareness Sam and the Sap
Ss picture cards Phonics
Ss letter cards Practice sheet
Decodable word cards: Workmat
teacher and student sets
High-frequency word cards
Game board, place
markers, and die

Phonemic Awareness
Materials: Picture cards, phonemic awareness worksheet
• Say the word saw and emphasize the /s/ sound. Have students listen for the /s/ sound at
the beginning of the word as you repeat it. Then have them say the word.
• Tell students you are going to say some words. Some of the words begin with /s/ and
other words do not. Tell them they should say /sss/ whenever they hear the /s/ sound at
the beginning of a word. Say the following words one at a time, allowing time for student
response: sat, sing, map, seal, tree, seven, sailboat, pillow, soap.
• Say the word glass, emphasizing the /s/ sound, and ask students what sound they hear at
the end. Tell them that sometimes they can hear the /s/ sound at the end of words. Say
the following words one at a time, and ask students to say /sss/ whenever they hear the
/s/ sound at the end of a word: hiss, bear, mess, boss, gum, loose, fog.
• Mix up the picture cards and place them in a pocket chart or along the chalkboard ledge
as you name each one. Ask individual students to help you sort the pictures according to
those that start with /s/ and those that end with /s/.
• Play I Spy. Look around the room to find things whose names start with the /s/ sound,
adding clues until a student correctly identifies the item in the classroom. Repeat, using
words ending in /s/.
• Give students the phonemic awareness worksheet for extra practice.

Introduce the Sound/Symbol Relationship for Ss /s/

Materials: Sound/symbol card
• Show students the sound/symbol card for Ss. Read the word saw and point out that the
letter s stands for the /s/ sound in saw. Have students listen for the /s/ sound as they read
the word with you.
• Have a volunteer come up and point to the letter in the word saw that stands for the
/s/ sound.

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LESSON 5 Letter Ss /s/ continued
Blend the Sounds
Materials: Decodable teacher word cards
• Place the decodable teacher word cards Sam and sap in a pocket chart or along the
chalkboard ledge. Ask students what the two words have in common. If students don’t
respond, point out they both begin with the /s/ sound. Ask them to tell you the letter
that stands for the /s/ sound.
• Demonstrate sounding out the first word by saying each sound as you run your finger
under the word: /sss/ /aaa/ /mmm/. Hold the sounds for one second. Then say the word
quickly: Sam.
• Have students sound out the word with you, holding the sounds for one second.
• Repeat the process with the word sap, holding all sounds except for the /p/.

Cumulative Review/Practice Sounds

Materials: Decodable student word cards, game board, place markers, die
• Line up the decodable student word cards in the pocket chart or on the chalkboard ledge.
Tell students that they have already learned the sounds to say these words. Point to each
word and read it with students. Then have individual students read the words. If students
have difficulty reading a word, model how to blend the sounds to sound it out.
• Have students take turns sorting the decodable student word cards into groups according
to the beginning sound. Repeat, having students sort the words according to final sounds
and patterns of sound within the words. Students can also sort the words according to
those that begin with /s/ and those that don’t.
• If time allows, give groups of students a set of the decodable student word cards, a game
board, place markers, and a die. Have them take turns throwing the die, turning over a
card and reading it, and moving along the game board the number of spaces indicated
on the die if the word is read correctly.

Spell Decodable Words

Materials: Letter cards, workmats
• Give students the letter cards and a copy of the workmat. Have them line up the letters
s, a, and p under the boxes on their workmat. Say the word sap slowly. As you say the
sounds, demonstrate how to push up each sound into a box on the workmat. Repeat and
have students do theirs along with you.
• Ask students what letters they need to spell the word Sam. Remind them that this is
a name and it needs a capital letter. As you model, have students use their workmat
to spell the word Sam. Have them read the word they have made.
• If time permits, use other letters from the letter card page and have students spell words
they have learned in previous lessons.

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LESSON 5 Letter Ss /s/ continued
Introduce New High-Frequency Words: the, get
Materials: High-frequency word cards
• Tell students they are going to learn two new words that they need to be able to
recognize and read quickly. Hold up the high-frequency word card the and read the word.
Have students read it with you. Have them write the word the in the air with their finger
as you spell it out loud with them, pointing to each letter on the card as you say the
letter name.
• Repeat the process with the word get.

Practice High-Frequency Words

Materials: High-frequency word cards
• Tell students they are going to practice quickly reading the new words and words from
other lessons. Use all the high-frequency word cards. Flash the words one at
a time. If students do not know a word, tell them what it is. Mix up the cards and repeat
the process several times.
• Ask students to dictate sentences for you to write on the board, using the high-frequency
words. Invite students to circle the high-frequency words. Read the sentences with
students as you run your finger under each word. Have them snap their fingers when
you read a high-frequency word.
• Place a set of the high frequency word cards in the reading center for further practice,
or provide students with individual sets of words for practice with a partner.

Read Words and Phrases

Materials: Practice sheet
• Before students read the book, use the practice sheet to practice reading the words they
will encounter in the book. Have them sound out each decodable word in rows 1 and 2
sound by sound as they run their fingers under the word.
• Have them read each high-frequency word in rows 3 and 4 quickly.
• Then have them practice reading the phrases and sentences.
• If students are having difficulty reading the words, provide more practice in blending and
spelling the words before they move on to the decodable book.

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LESSON 5 Letter Ss /s/ continued
Read the Decodable Book
Materials: Decodable book Sam and the Sap
• Show students the cover of the book. Have them read the title with you as you run your
finger under each word. Ask students what they see in the picture and what they think
the story might be about.
• Turn to page 4 and ask students what they think Pap and the man are going to do with
the pan.
• Give students their books.
• Point to the word gets on page 5. Cover the s with your finger and ask students what the
word is. Then uncover the s and cover the word get. Ask students what sound this letter
stands for. Uncover the whole word and ask students to read the whole word.
• Read the first page together as you model how to sound out decodable words and read
high-frequency words quickly. If you think students are able to read the book on their
own, have them continue reading the book independently. If you think students need
more support, continue to read the book with them.
• When students have finished reading, ask what Pam was doing while Pap and the man
were filling the pans.

More Practice
Materials: Phonics worksheet
• Have students complete the phonics worksheet.

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SOUND/SYMBOL CARD Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

S s
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PICTURE CARDS Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

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LETTER CARDS Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

m N n a

P p S s

m N n a

P p S s
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WORD CARDS Decodable Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

Sam sap

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WORD CARDS Decodable Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

nap pan Pap Nani

an Pam map am

man Sam sap

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WORD CARDS High-frequency words Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

the get

a and

on in

I can
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GAME BOARD Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

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WORKSHEET Phonemic awareness Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

Name:_________________________ Date:____________

Teacher Instructions: Have students cut out the pictures from the bottom of the page and
paste those that begin or end with /s/ in the sun at the top of the page.
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WORKSHEET Phonics Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

Name:_________________________ Date:____________

Make a word.

N___n Pa___

___am sa___

___ap ma___
Teacher Instructions: Have students say the name of each picture. Then have them write
the missing letter to complete the word.
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PRACTICE SHEET Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

1 sap • Sam

2 Pap • man • pan • Pam


3 the • get
h-f words

4 a • and • in
h-f words

gets the sap

Pap and the man

Pam gets Sam.

Pap and the man get a pan.
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WORKMAT Phonics Lesson 5: Ss /s/

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