Ieee C57.106-1991

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Recognized as an IEEE

American National Standard (ANSI) C57.106-1991

(Revision of
ANSI/IEEE C57.106-1977)

IEEE Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance

of Insulating Oil in Equipment

Transformer Committee
of the

Approved June 27, 1991

IEEE Standards Board

Approved November 20, 1991

American National Standards Institute

Abstract: Recommendations are made regarding oil tests and evaluation procedures;
methods of reconditioning and reclaiming conventional petroleum (mineral) dielectric
oils; the levels at which these methods become necessary; and the routines for restoring ox-
idation resistance, where required, by the addition of inhibitors. The intent is to assist the
power equipment operator in evaluating the serviceability of oil received in equipment, oil
as received from the refiner for filling new equipment at the installation site, and oil as
processed into such equipment; and to assist the operator in maintaining his oil in ser-
viceable condition. The mineral oil covered is used in transformers, switchgear, reactors,
and current breakers.

Keywords: inductors, insulation testing, oil circuit breakers, oil insulation, power distri-
bution maintenance, power transformer insulation, switchgear

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA

Copyright© 1992 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 1992
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 1-55937-208-7

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without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint
expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to
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comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard
is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaffir-
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been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, al-
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posed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
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provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those
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(This foreword is not a part of IEEE C57.106-1991, IEEE Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating
Oil in Equipment.)

This guide was prepared by the Insulating Fluids Subcommittee of the Transformers
Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. At the time this guide was approved, the
members of the working group were:

H. A. Pearce, Chair

D. J. Allan F. J. Gryszkiewicz R. J. Musil

H. Azizian T. J. Haupert W. Mutschler, Jr.
D. Baranowski F. W. Heinrichs E. J. Norton
J. G. Bryant P. J. Hoefler T. Orbeck
G. Bryant C.R. Hoesel C. T. Raymond
J. Corkran B.G.Hunter A. D. Recchuite
D. W. Crofts D. L. Johnson G. J. Reitter
D. H. Douglas J. J. Kelly T. 0. Rouse
M. Fitzgerald J.P. Kinney L.J.Savio
R. M. Frey J. G. Lackey G. J. Schreuders
M. Frydman R. I. Lowe D. W. Sundin
P. Gervais G. G. McRae J. A. Thompson
J.P. Gibeault M. M. McGee T. P. Traub
D. A. Gillies K. McManamon R. A. Veitch
J. Goudie C. K. Miller R. M. Vincent
F. M. Gragg R. E. Minkwitz L. Wagenaar

The following persons were members of the balloting group that approved this document
for submission to the IEEE Standards Board as a trial-use recommended practice:

E. J. Adolphson K. R. Highton M. Mitelman

L. C. Aicher P. J. Hoefler H. R. Moore
D. J. Allan C. Hoesel R. J. Musil
B. Allen R. H. Hollister W. H. Mutschler
R. Allustiarti C. C. Honey E.T. Norton
S. Altman E. Howells R. A. Olsson
J.C. Arnold C. Hurty B. K. Patel
J. Aubin Y. P. Iijima W. F. Patterson
R. Bancroft G. W. Iliff H. A. Pearce
D. Barnard R. G. Jacobsen D.Perco
D. L. Basel D. L. Johnson L. W. Pierce
P. L. Bellaschi D. C. Johnson J. M. Pollitt
S. Bennon A.J.Jonnatti C. P. Raymond
W. B. Binder C. P. Kappeler C. A. Robbins
J. V. Bonucchi R. B. Kaufman L. J. Savio
J. D. Borst J. J. Kelly W. E. Saxon
C. V. Brown W. N. Kennedy D. N. Sharma
0. R. Compton J.P. Kinney V. Shenoy
F. W. Cook B. Klaponski W.W. Stein
J. L. Corkran A. D. Kline L. R. Stensland
D. W. Crofts E. Koenig E.G. Strangas
J. N. Davis J. G. Lackey D. Sundin
D. H. Douglas R. E. Lee L. A. Swenson
J.C. Dutton H.F. Light D.S. Takach
J. K. Easley S. R. Lindgren A. M. Teplitzky
J.A. Ebert L. W. Long V. Thcnappan
D. J. Fallon L. A. Lowdermilk R. C. Thomas
S. L. Foster R. I. Lowe J. A. Thompson
M. Frydman M. L. Manning T. P. Traub
H.E. Gabel H. B. Margolis D. E. Truax
R. E. Gearhart T. Massouda W.B. Uhl
D. W. Gerlach J. W. Matthews R. E. Uptegraff, Jr.
D. A. Gillies J. McGill G. H. Vaillancourt
R. S. Girgis C. J. McMillen R. A. Veitch
R. L. Grnbb W. J. McNutt L. B. Wagenaar
F. J. Gryszkiewicz S. P. Mehta R. J. Whearty
G. Hall C. K. Miller A. L. Wilks
J. H. Harlow C. H. Millian W. E. Wrenn
F. Heinrichs R. E. Minkwitz A. C. Wurdack
W. R. Henning E. J. Yasuda

The Accredited Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57,

that reviewed and approved this document, had the following members at the time of
Leo J. Savio, Chair John A. Gauthier, Secretary
Organization Represented Name of Representative

Electric Light and Power Group .............................................................................. P. E. Orehek

S. M. A. Rizvi
F. Stevens
J. Sullivan
J.C. Thompson
M. C. Mingoia (Alt.)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ............................................................. J. D. Borst

J. Davis
J. H. Harlow
L. Savio
H. D. Smith
R. A. Veitch

National Electrical Manufacturers Association .......................................................... G.D. Coulter

P. Dewever
J. D. Douglas
A. A. Ghafourian
K. R. Linsley
R. L. Plaster
H. Robin
R. E. Uptegraff, Jr.
P. J. Hopkinson (Alt.)
J. Nay (Alt.)

Tennessee Valley Authority ................................................................................... F. A. Lewis

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. . ......................................................................... W. T. O'Grady

US Department of Agriculture, REA .............................................................................. J. Bohlk

US Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration .................................. D. R. Torgerson

US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation ............................................... F. W. Cook, Sr.

US Department of the Navy, Civil Engineering Corps .................................................. H. P. Stickley

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on June 27, 1991, it had the fol-
lowing membership:

Marco W. Migliaro, Chair Donald C. Loughry, Vice Chair

Andrew G. Salem, Secretary
Dennis Bodson Thomas L. Hannan John E. May, Jr.
Paul L. Borrill Donald N. Heirman Lawrence V. McCall
Clyde Camp Kenneth D. Hendrix T. Don Michael*
James M. Daly John W. Horch Stig L. Nilsson
Donald C. Fleckenstein Ben C. Johnson John L. Rankine
Jay Forster* Ivor N. Knight Ronald H. Reimer
David F. Franklin Joseph Koepfinger* Gary S. Robinson
Ingrid Fromm Irving Kolodny Terrance R. Whittemore
Michael A. Lawler

*Member Emeritus

Also included were the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:

Fernando Aldana
Satish K. Aggarwal
James Beall
Richard B. Engelman
Stanley Warshaw

Mary Lynne Nielsen

IEEE Standards Department Project Editor
1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 9
1.1 Scope ....................................................................................... 9
1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................... 9
1.3 Definitions ................................................................................ 9

2. Evaluation of Mineral Insulating Oil .......................................................10

2.1 New Oil Properties ......................................................................10
2.1.1 New Oil Properties-As Refined .............................................10
2.1.2 Test Limits: New Oil Properties-As Received From the Refinery ......10
2.2 New Oil Properties-Oil Received in New Equipment .............................10
2.3 New Oil Properties-Before Entering Into Equipment, 345 kV and Above .......12
2.4 New Oil Properties After Processing and Filling Equipment, Prior to
Energizing Equipment .................................................................12
2.5 Mixtures of Mineral Insulating Oils .................................................13
2.6 Sampling .................................................................................13

3. Liquid Tests and Their Significance ........................................................14

3.1 Physical Tests ...........................................................................14
3.1.1 Aniline Point-ASTM D611-82 (87) [5] ....................................... 14
3.1.2 Color-ASTM 01500-91 [14] ...................................................15
3.1.3 Flash and Fire Points-ASTM D92-90 [2] ...................................15
3.1.4 Gas Content-ASTM D2945-90 [24], ASTM D3284-90 [25]
ASTM D3612-90 [28] ............................................................15
3.1.5 lnterfacial Tension-ASTM D971-91 [10], ASTM 02285-85 (90) [20] ...... 15
3.1.6 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)-ASTM D4059-91 [29] .................15
3.1. 7 Pour Point-ASTM 097-87 [3] ................................................. 15
3.1.8 Specific Gravity-ASTM D1298-85 (90) [13] .................................15
3.1.9 Viscosity-ASTM D88-81 [1], ASTM D445-88 [4], ASTM D2161-87 [19] .... 15
3.1.10 Visual Examination-ASTM D1524-84 [15] .................................16
3.2 Electrical Tests ..........................................................................16
3.2.1 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage-ASTM D877-87 (89) [7],
ASTM Dl816-84 (90) [1 7] .......................................................16
3.2.2 Dielectric Breakdown Impulse Voltage-ASTM D3300-85 [26]. ........... 16
3.2.3 Power Factor/Dissipation Factor-ASTM D924-82 (90) [9] ................16
3.2.4 Gassing of Insulating Oils Under Electrical Stress and Ionization-
ASTM D2300-85 (91) [21] ....................................................... 17
3.3 Chemical Tests ..........................................................................17
3.3.1 Corrosive Sulfur-ASTM D1275-86 (91) [12] .................................17
3.3.2 Acid Number-ASTM D664-89 [6], ASTM D974-87 [11] .....................17
3.3.3 Oxidation Inhibitors Content-ASTM D2668-87 [23] ....................... 17
3.3.4 Oxidation Stability-ASTM D2112-86 [18] ...................................17
3.3.5 Oxidation Stability-ASTM D2440-88 [22] ...................................17
3.3.6 Water in Insulating Liquids: Karl Fischer Method-
ASTM 01533-88 [16] ............................................................18

4. Handling and Storage ......................................................................... 18

4.1 Tanks .....................................................................................18
4.2 Oil Quality Protection in Storage ......................................................18
4.3 Dikes and Curbs .........................................................................18
4.4 Processing Oil for Installation in Apparatus ........................................18
4.5 Handling and Evaluation of Insulating Oils for Use in Filling
Transformers at the Installation Site .................................................19

5. Classification of Service-Aged Insulating Oil.. ............................................19

6. Insulating Oil for Circuit Breakers .......................................................... 21

6.1 General ................................................................................... 21
6.1.1 Testing ........................................................................... 21 New Oil Properties-As Refined ................................. 21 Test Limits: Shipments of New Mineral Insulating Oil ...... 21 New Oil Properties-Oil Shipped in New Equipment .......... 21 New Oil Properties-Prior to Energizing ....................... 21 Service-Aged Oil Properties ...................................... 23
6.1.2 Reconditioning ................................................................. 23

7. Health and Environmental Care Procedures for Mineral Insulating Oil.. ............. 23
7.1 Health Issues ............................................................................. 23
7.2 Leaks and Spills ......................................................................... 23
7.2.1 Minor Spills ..................................................................... 23
7 .2.2 Spills on Soil .................................................................... 24
7.2.3 Spills on Water ................................................................. 24

8. References ....................................................................................... 24


Table 1 Test Limits for Shipments of New Mineral Insulating Oil as Received
From the Refinery .......................................................................11
Table 2 Test Limits-New Oil Received in New Equipment. ............................... 11
Table 3 Test Limits for New Oil Processed for Equipment, 345 kV and Above-
Prior to Filling ..........................................................................12
Table 4 Test Limits-New Oil in Equipment, After Filling and Standing,
Immediately Prior to Energizing .....................................................13
Table 5 Suggested Limits for Continued Use of Service-Aged Insulating Oil
(Grouped by Voltage Class) ............................................................. 2D
Table 6 Suggested Limits for Oil to Be Reconditioned or Reclaimed ....................... 2D
Table 7 Test Limits for Shipments of New Mineral Insulating Oil
for Circuit Breakers ..................................................................... 22
Table 8 Test Limits-New Circuit Breaker Oil After Processing and Filling,
Immediately Prior to Energizing ..................................................... 22
Table 9 Suggested Limits for Continued Use of Service-Aged Circuit Breaker
Insulating Oil ........................................................................... 23
IEEE Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance
of Insulating Oil in Equipment

L Introduction
The reliable performance of oil in insulation systems depends upon basic characteris-
tics of the oil that can affect overall apparatus characteristics. These oil characteristics are
integral parts of the equipment design of the manufacturer. Certain qualities of insulating
oil used in electrical equipment must be maintained if the oil is to perform its multiple role
of electrical insulation, arc quenching, and heat transfer properly. It must flow readily at
low temperatures and have high flash and fire points for safety. Its dielectric losses should
not become excessive. It should not be allowed to become so deteriorated or contaminated
that it adversely affects other materials in the apparatus or that its circulation through the
apparatus is impaired.
Insulating oil that is received in electrical equipment will exhibit slightly different
characteristics from new oil received in bulk, which has not been in contact with apparatus
construction materials.
Oil in service may contain dissolved gases that are useful in assessing the continued
serviceability of certain types of transformers. It is not the intent of this guide to cover this
subject, as a separate guide treating this matter is available. 1
Should instructions or product standards given by the manufacturer differ from recom-
mendations made in this guide, the instructions of the manufacturer are to be given

1.1 Scope. This guide discusses and recommends analytical tests and evaluation proce-
dures for acceptance and use of conventional petroleum (mineral) dielectric oils. Mini-
mum standards and methods of maintenance for these fluids are included. The mineral
oils covered in this guide are used in transformers, switchgear, reactors, and circuit
breakers. The characteristics of the oils discussed in this guide do not include oil that is in
factory fill lines, nor does this guide cover reclaimed oil installed in new equipment. The
qualities of such oil, if used, should be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user of the

1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this guide is to assist the power equipment operator in evaluat-
ing the serviceability of new, unused oil being received in equipment; oil as received for
filling new equipment at the installation site; and oil as processed into equipment. It also
assists the operator in maintaining the oil in serviceable condition.

1.3 Definitions. The various tests conducted on the insulating oil are defined and
described in Section 3.

reclamation of oil. The removal of harmful chemical contaminants. This is usually done
with absorptive agents or alkali salts.

reconditioning of oil. The mechanical removal of moisture and insoluble contaminants.

IEEE C57.104-1991, IEEE Guide for the Interpretations of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers.


2. Evaluation of Mineral Insulating Oil

2.1 New Oil Properties. New mineral insulating oils must conform to certain qualifying
functional requirements listed in Table 1 of ASTM D3487-88 [27]2 (see the latest revision of
this standard). These characteristics can be degraded at the point of receipt of the oil, de-
pending on the condition and use of dedicated shipping equipment.
Newly refined oils have many characteristics related to their chemical and molecular
structure that are directly measured by test methods such as viscosity, flash and fire points,
pour point, aniline point, density, oxidation stability, gassing tendency, and dielectric
Many characteristics not necessarily related to the functional performance of mineral
insulating oils are evaluated because of their sensitivity to the presence of harmful con-
taminants. The following characteristics are sensitive to contamination in the oil: inter-
facial tension, power factor, dielectric breakdown voltage, color, water content, and
neutralization number.

2.1.1 New Oil Properties-As Refined. New mineral insulating oils as received from
the refinery must conform to certain qualifying functional requirements listed in the ap-
pendix. The significance of the tests is listed in Appendix X2 of ASTM D3487-88 [27] and
Section 3 of this guide.

2.1.2 Test Limits: New Oil Properties-As Received From the Refinery. When mineral
insulating oil meeting the qualifications of ASTM D3487-88 [27] is received in the field for
installation in electrical equipment, it should be checked for certain key values that may
be affected by shipping and storage. These are given in Table 1.
Insulating oil is ordinarily shipped in three types of containers: drums, tank trailers,
and rail cars. Rail cars are usually under the control of the refiner and dedicated to insu-
lating oil shipment, so they tend to be the cleanest. Highway trailers are used to transport
many different chemical products as well as insulating oil; these trailers are therefore
subject to chemical contamination. Special cleaning and drying procedures may be neces-
sary. If problems are encountered, check the history of the shipping containers to see that
they have been cared for properly.
Drums are the least desirable method of insulating oil transport but may be necessary for
small purchases. Drums should be stored under cover to prevent contamination by mois-
ture. Before processing, it is necessary to check the quality of the oil in each drum or after
blending the oil in a large tank.
Each tank load or each shipping unit of the oil as received at the customer's site should
undergo a check test to determine that the electrical characteristics have not been impaired
during transit or storage. Table 1 contains a list of recommended acceptance tests for
shipments of mineral insulating oil as received from the refinery. Some users may not
wish to perform all these tests; however, as a minimum, the tests listed in Table 1 should be
performed. It is satisfactory to accept oils that exhibit characteristics other than those de-
scribed by the values in Table 1, providing that the users and the manufacturers are in

2.2 New Oil Properties-Oil Received in New Equipment. Mineral insulating oil that has
been shipped within new equipment from the manufacturing plant may be evaluated by
sampling the equipment at the job site. Note that the new oil characteristics will have
changed. The oil has been filtered and dried at the factory. The moisture content is lower
and the more sensitive dielectric breakdown test, ASTM D1816-84 (90) [17], is now a rec-
ommended test. Other properties, which are sensitive to certain dissolved or particulate
contaminants, will reflect the exposure to normal equipment construction materials.

2The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the references in Section 8.


Recommended test limits for mineral insulating oil received in new equipment are
given in Table 2.

Table 1
Test Limits for Shipments of New Mineral Insulating Oil as Received From the Refinery

Test Limit Value

Dielectric strength,
ASTM D877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum :I>
Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [9],
25 °C, % maximum: 0.05
100 °C, % maximum: 0.30
Interfacial tension
ASTM D971-91 [10],
mN/m minimum: 40
ASTM Dl500-91 [14],
ASTM units maximum: 0.5
Visual examination,
ASTM Dl524-84 [15]: Bright and clear
Acid number,
ASTM D974-87 [11 ],
mg KOH/g maximum: 0.03
Water content,
ASTM Dl533-88 [16],
ppm maximum: 35

Test Limits-New Oil Received in New Equipment

Test and Method Value for Voltage Class

< 69 kV 69-230 kV
Dielectric strength,
ASTM Dl816-84 (90) [17],
kV minimum
0.04 in gap: a> :I>
0.08 in gap: 40 48
Dielectric strength,
ASTM D877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum: ID :I>
Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [11],
25°C, % maximum: 0.15 0.10
l00°C, % maximum: 1.50 1.00
Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10],
mN/m minimum: :Ii 35
ASTM Dl500-91 [14],
ASTM units: 1.0 1.0
Visual examination,
ASTM Dl524-84 [15]: Bright and clear Bright and clear
Water content,
ASTM Dl533-88 [16],
ppm maximum: 2> a>


2.3 New Oil Properties-Before Entering Into Equipment, 345 kV and Above. Prior to fill-
ing equipment run at 345 kV and above with mineral insulating oil, manufacturers gen-
erally require rigorous processing of the oil to remove all moisture, particulate matter, and
gas that dissolved during shipment. The object is to fill high-voltage equipment with oil
that contains the very least amount of particulate material and water, recognizing that a
slight reduction in quality due to contact with the equipment insulation and other materi-
als will occur. In this procedure, oil samples are taken before the oil enters into the electri-
cal equipment.
Table 3 contains test limits that ensure that the oil is dry, contains no excess particulate
matter, and contains a minimum amount of dissolved gas.

Test Limits for New Oil Processed for Equipment, 345 kV Class and Above -
Prior to Filling

Test and Method Limit Value

Dielectric strength,
ASTM Dl816-84 (90) [17),
kV minimum,
0.04 in gap:
0.08 in gap:
ASTMD877-87 (89) [7),
kV minimum:
Moisture content,
ASTM 01533-88 [16),
ppm maximum: 10
Gas content,
ASTM D2945-90 [24),
ASTM D3612-90 [28],
% maximum: 0.5*
Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10),
mN/m minimum: 40
ASTM 01500-91 [14),
ASTM units maximum: 0.5
Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [9],
25°C, % maximum: 0.05
100°C, % maximum: 0.30
Acid number,
ASTM D974-87 [11),
mg KOH/g maximum: 0.03

*Unless a lower value is specified by the manufacturer.

2.4 New Oil Properties After Processing and Filling Equipment, Prior to Energizing
Equipment. When mineral insulating oil is received in bulk shipping containers, it is
processed according to the instructions of the manufacturer and then introduced into the
equipment. Table 4 gives test limits for mineral insulating oil in equipment after process-
ing and standing time before energizing.


Test Limits-New Oil In Equipment, Mter Filling and Standing, hnmediately
Prior to Energizing

Test and Method Limit Value

Dielectric strength,
Dl816-84 (90) (17],
kV minimum,
0.04 in gap: 3)
0.08 in gap: 48
Dielectric strength,
ASTMD877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum: 3)

Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [9],
% maximum, 25°C: 0.10
Moisture content,
ASTM D1533-88 (16],
ppm maximum: ID
lnterfacial tension,
ASTMD971-91 (10],
mN/m minimum: 35
ASTMD1500-91 (14], 1.0
ASTM units maximum:
Visual examination,
ASTMD1524-84 (15]: Bright and clear

2.5 Mixtures of Mineral Insulating Oil. Although conventional mineral oils from differ-
ent suppliers may differ in their characteristics, they should all meet the specifications of
ASTM D3487-88 [27]. If this is so, blends of these oils will also meet the specifications of
ASTM D3487-88 [27].
Although mineral insulating oil is miscible with some types of less flammable and non-
flammable dielectric liquids, it is advisable to use dedicated processing and handling
systems for each different type of fluid in order to avoid even traces of cross-contamina-
tion. This is true even with those less flammable fluids that are of petroleum origin, and
could therefore be termed "mineral oils."
Mixtures of less flammable or nonflammable dielectric fluids with conventional min-
eral insulating oil will alter the flammability characteristics of the less flammable fluid.
Differences in the dielectric constant of the fluids may cause localized voltage stresses in
equipment. It is undesirable to mix different types of dielectric fluids. Mineral insulating
oil should be processed with dedicated processing equipment.

2.6 Sampling. Accurate sampling methods are extremely important due to their effect on
the reliability of the test results for the sampled material. Careless sampling procedures
will result in contamination of the sample. This will lead to erroneous conclusions con-
cerning the quality of the material. In order to minimize the possibility of obtaining a non-
representative sample, the procedures and precautions outlined in the latest revision of
ASTM D923-91 [8] should be followed.
The user should be cautioned that sampling equipment under negative pressure
(vacuum) may cause an air bubble to be drawn into the tank. This could possibly cause
catastrophic dielectric failure (an explosion).


3. Liquid Tests and Their Significance

There are many established ASTM tests of practical significance that can be applied to
insulating oil. Some of these tests are more applicable to new oils than to service-aged oils;
some are more useful in the analysis of service-aged oils than oils received in new

Section Test ASTM Method Number

3.1.1 Aniline point D611-82 (87) [5]
3.1.2 Color Dl500-91 [14]
3.1.3 Flash and fire points D92-90 [2]
3.1.4 Gas content D2945-90 [24],
D3284-90 [25],
D3612-90 [28]
3.1.5 lnterfacial tension D971-91 [10],
D2285-85 (90) [20]
3.1.6 Polychlorinated biphenyls D4059-91 [29]
3.1.7 Pour point D97-87 [3]
3.1.8 Specific gravity D1298-85 (90) [13]
3.1.9 Viscosity D88-81 [1],
D445-88 [4],
D2161-87 [19]
3.1.10 Visual examination D1524-84 [15]
3.2.1 Dielectric breakdown voltage D877-87 (89) [7],
D1816-84 (90) [17]
3.2.2 Dielectric breakdown impulse voltage D3300-85 [26]
3.2.3 Power factor/Dissipation factor D924-82 (90) [9]
3.2.4 Gassing of insulating oils under D2300-85 (91) [21]
electrical stress and ionization
3.3.1 Corrosive sulfur D1275-86 (91) [12]
3.3.2 Acid number D664-89 [6],
D974-87 [11]
3.3.3 Oxidation inhibitor content D2668-87 [23]
3.3.4 Oxidation stability D2112-86 [18]
3.3.5 Oxidation stability D2440-88 [22]
3.3.6 Water in insulating liquids D1533-88 [16]

Each of the tests listed and their significance are described in the following subsections.
The number following the name of the test is the number of the ASTM standard method.

3.1 Physical Tests

3.1.1 Aniline Point-ASTM D611-82 (87) [5]. The aniline point of a mineral insulating
oil indicates the solvency of the oil for some materials that are in contact with the oil. A
high aniline point indicates a lower degree of aromaticity and a lower solvency for some
material (rubber, for example).


3.1.2 Color-ASTM D1500-91 [14]. Insulating oil should have a light color and be opti-
cally clear so that it permits color inspection of the assembled apparatus inside the equip-
ment tank. Any change in the color of an oil over time is an indication of deterioration or
contamination of the oil.

3.1.3 Flash and Fire Points-ASTM D92-90 [2]. The flash point of an oil is the tempera-
ture to which the material must be heated (under prescribed conditions of test) in order to
give off sufficient vapor to form a flammable mixture with air. The fire point is the tem-
perature that provides sufficient oil vapors to ignite and sustain a fire for 3 s (under the
same test conditions). A low flash point indicates the presence of volatile combustible con-
taminants in the insulating oil.

3.1.4 Gas Conten~ASTM D2945-90 [24], ASTM D3284-90 [25], ASTM D3612-90 [28]. The
gas content of an insulating fluid may be defined as the volume of dissolved gas per 100
volumes of oil, at standard pressure. Some types of equipment require the use of electrical
insulating liquids of low gas content. In filling electrical apparatus, a low gas content re-
duces foaming and also reduces the available oxygen, thereby increasing the service life
of the insulating oil.
The amount and kind of gases dissolved in oil can be used as a tool to aid in detecting
and diagnosing faults and abnormal operating conditions in equipment.
The test is not intended for use in purchase specifications because the oil is customarily
degassed immediately prior to use. The test can be used, however, as a factory control test
and is more useful in evaluating the health of the transformer equipment. Overheating or
arcing within the transformer will generate combustible and noncombustible gasses that
will be dissolved in the oil.

3.1.5 Interfacial Tension-ASTM D971-91 [10], ASTM D2285-85 (90) [20]. This method
covers the measurement, under equilibrium conditions, of the surface tension that an in-
sulating fluid maintains against water. Interfacial tension is a measurement of the forces
of attraction between molecules of the two fluids. It is expressed in millinewtons per meter
(mN/m). The test is an excellent means of detecting oil-soluble polar contaminants and
oxidation products in insulating oils.

3.1.6 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)-ASTM D4059-91 [29]. United States regulations

require that electrical apparatus and electrical insulating fluids containing PCBs be han-
dled and disposed of through the use of specific procedures. The procedure to be used for a
particular apparatus or quantity of insulating fluid is determined by the PCB content of the
fluid. The results of this analytical technique can be useful in selecting the appropriate
handling and disposal procedures.

3.1.7 Pour Poin~ASTM D97-87 [3]. The pour point is the temperature at which oil ceases
to flow under prescribed testing conditions. The pour point has little significance as a test
for contamination or deterioration of the oil. It may be useful for oil identification and de-
termination of suitability for a particular climate.

3.1.8 Specific Gravity-ASTM D1298-85 (90) [13]. The specific gravity of an oil is the ratio
of the weights of equal volumes of the oil and water, tested at 15 °C. The specific gravity is
significant in determining the suitability for use in certain applications. In cold climates,
ice may form in equipment exposed to temperatures below freezing. When considered
along with other oil properties, specific gravity can be an indicator of the quality of the oil.

3.1.9 Viscosity-ASTM D88-81 [1], ASTM D445-88 [4], ASTM D2161-87 [19]. The viscosity
of an insulating oil is measured by timing the flow of a known volume of oil through a cal-
ibrated tube. Viscosity is not significantly affected by oil contamination or deterioration,


but may be useful for identifying certain types of service-aged insulating oils. Viscosity
has an important influence on the heat transfer characteristics of an oil. High viscosity
decreases the cooling efficiency of the oil. High viscosity will also affect the movement of
parts in electrical equipment, such as circuit breakers, switchgear, tap changers, pumps,
and regulators. Viscosity is a factor in determining the conditions for oil processing and
cellulose impregnation time.

3.1.10 Visual Examination -ASTM D1524-84 [15]. This test indicates the color and de-
gree of turbidity of an oil, which may indicate the presence of free water or contaminating
solid particles. The source of insoluble solid contaminants may be determined by filtrat-
ing the particles and examining them. This test may be used to suggest the need for addi-
tional laboratory tests, as it may permit a determination of whether the sample should be
sent to a central laboratory for a full evaluation.

3.2 Electrical Tests

3.2.1 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage-ASTM D877-87 (89) [7], ASTM Dl816-84 (90) [17].
The dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating oil is a measure of its ability to withstand
voltage stress without failure. It is the voltage at which breakdown occurs between two
electrodes under prescribed test conditions. The test serves primarily to indicate the pres-
ence of electrically conductive contaminants in the oil, such as dissolved water, dirt, or
particulate matter. A high dielectric breakdown voltage does not indicate the absence of all
contaminants, however.
Two methods are recognized for measuring the dielectric breakdown voltage of insulat-
ing oils:

(1) ASTM D877-87 (89) [7] is recommended for the routine acceptance of new, unpro-
cessed oil from a vendor. This test method uses flat-faced cylindrical electrodes
with a 0.10 in gap.
(2) ASTM 01816-84 (90) [17] is the preferred method for testing fluid that is being pro-
cessed into apparatus or contained in new apparatus. As the method is sensitive to
very small amounts of contaminants, it should not be used for the acceptance testing
of new, unprocessed fluids as received from a vendor. Its significance for evaluat-
ing service-aged oils is being determined. This method uses spherically shaped
electrodes. The gap distance can be varied, but standard settings are 0.04 in and
0.08 in.

3.2.2 Dielectric Breakdown Impulse Voltage-ASTM D3300-85 [26]. Insulating liquids

used in high-voltage apparatus are subjected to transient voltage stresses arising from
such causes as nearby lightning strikes and high-voltage switching operations, as well as
the steady-state voltage stresses associated with the continuous operation of the apparatus at
commercial power frequencies. It has become increasingly important to determine the
ability of the insulating liquid to withstand such transient voltage stresses, as the use of
oil-filled apparatus has extended to operating voltages of extra-high and ultra-high volt-
ages. This ability is of primary importance to equipment designers. The use of impulse
breakdown data in the design of other types of apparatus has yet to be determined.
Transient voltages caused by lightning and switching-surge phenomena may be of ei-
ther positive or negative polarity. Although the polarity of the voltage wave has little or no
effect on the breakdown strength of an oil in uniform fields, polarity does have a marked
effect on the breakdown voltage in nonuniform electric fields.

3.2.3 Power Factor/Dissipation Factor-ASTM D924-82 (90) [9]. The dissipation factor is
a measure of the power lost when an electrical insulating liquid is subjected to an ac field.
The power is dissipated as heat within the fluid. A low-value dissipation factor means that


the fluid will cause little of the applied power to be lost. The test is used as a check on the de-
terioration and contamination of an insulating oil because of its sensitivity to ionic

3.2.4 Gassing of Insulating Oils Under Electrical Stress and Ionization-AS™ D2300-
85 (91) [21]. This test measures whether insulating oils are gas absorbing or gas evolving
when subjected to electrical voltage. For certain applications, when insulating oils are
stressed at high voltage gradients, it is desirable to know the rate at which gas is absorbed
or evolved from the oil. The absorption or evolution of gas by a liquid under electrical
stress is a function of the aromatic character of the liquid molecules. Liquids that are sig-
nificantly aromatic in character will absorb gas as they are electrically stressed. Liquids
that have little or no aromatic character will evolve hydrogen gas upon application of an
electrical voltage. At the present time, however, correlation of these test results with equip-
ment performance is limited. Numerical results obtained in different laboratories or by
using two different procedures may differ significantly in magnitude, and the results of
this method should be considered qualitative in nature.

3.3 Chemical Tests

3.3.1 Corrosive Sulfur-ASThl D1275-86 (91) [12]. This test is designed to detect the pres-
ence of free sulfur and combined corrosive sulfur by how the liquid affects polished copper
strips in prescribed conditions. The test indicates the possibility of corrosion inside of
electrical equipment resulting from the presence of sulfur-containing compounds. The
source of sulfur present in insulating oil is usually the crude oil from which it is refined.

3.3.2 Acid Number-ASThl D664-89 [6], ASTM D974-87 [11]. The acid number of an elec-
trical insulating liquid is a measure of the acidic components of that material. In a new
oil, any acid present is likely residual from the refining process. In a service-aged liquid,
the neutralization number is a measure of the acidic byproducts of the oxidation of an oil.
The acid number may be used as a general guide for determination of when an oil should
be reprocessed or replaced. ASTM D974-87 [11] is the traditional color-change indicator
method of titrating the acids with a mild (0.1 N) KOH solution. ASTM D664-89 [6] is a po-
tentiometric titration method. On some service-aged liquids, the color may be so dark as to
impair the ability of the technician to determine the indicator color change in ASTM D974-
87 [11], so ASTM D664-89 [6] is used instead. The correlation between these two methods,
however, has not been established.

3.3.3 Oxidation Inhibitor Content-ASThl D2668-87 [23]. There are two synthetic oxida-
tion inhibitors commonly used in dielectric fluids. They are ditertiary butyl phenol (DBP)
and ditertiary butyl para cresol (DBPC). Their use provides added resistance to oxidation
in systems that are partially or wholly exposed to air. The effectiveness of the inhibitor de-
pends a great deal on the type of crude oil from which the insulating oil came. Certain new
oils may contain naturally occurring antioxidant substances that may yield a false-posi-
tive indication in this test.

3.3.4 Oxidation Stability-ASTM D2112-86 [18]. This method is a rapid test for evaluat-
ing the oxidation stability of a new mineral insulating oil that contains the synthetic in-
hibitor 2-6 DBPC or 2-6 DBP. The test measures the length of time required for the oil
sample to react with a given volume of oxygen when a sample of oil is heated and oxidized
under test conditions.

3.3.5 Oxidation Stability-ASTM D2440-88 [22]. This test method determines the resis-
tance of mineral insulating oils to oxidation under prescribed accelerated aging condi-
tions. Oxidation stability is measured by the propensity of oils to form sludge and acid


products during oxidation. This test method is applicable to new oils, both inhibited and

3.3.6 Water in Insulating Liquids: Karl Fischer Method-ASTM D1533-88 [16]. Water
may be present in insulating liquids in several forms. The presence of free water may be
indicated by visual examination. The oil will appear cloudy or separated water drops will
be seen, probably on the bottom surface. The presence of free water can be remedied by fil-
tration or other means. Dissolved water cannot be detected visually and is normally
quantified by physical or chemical means. Dissolved water affects the dielectric break-
down of an oil and is more commonly present in an oil than free water. The method cited is
suitable for the determination of water in insulating oil, and, depending upon conditions
of sample handling and methods of analysis, can be used to estimate total water as well as
dissolved water in insulating oil. The units of measure of water are parts per million
(ppm). New insulating oil received from the manufacturer normally contains less than 35
ppm moisture. New insulating oil should be tested for moisture content. If necessary, ap-
plicable measures should be taken to avoid introducing high moisture-content oil into
electrical equipment.

4. Handling and Storage

It is not intended that the recommendations given in this guide supersede US federal or
local regulations concerning storage, handling, or spill cleanup of insulating liquids.

4.1 Tanks. Direct transfer of the oil from on-site delivery containers into equipment is
recommended. It may be necessary, however, to store the oil in storage tanks temporarily.
In these instances, all tanks should conform to applicable federal and local standards and
codes. Tanks should be equipped with at least one manhole. The interior of the tanks
should be sandblasted, primed, and coated with a coating that is compatible with insulating
fluids. Storage tanks should be equipped with drains situated to allow complete emptying of
the tank, and with either a desiccant breather or a dry gas blanket. Such tanks are often
coated internally to prevent rust. Before use, storage tanks should be thoroughly cleaned,
wiped dry with clean rags, and flushed with clean insulating oil.
Collapsible or rubber fabric tanks may be used for short-time storage. Core should be
taken to ensure that they are cleaned and thoroughly drained before filling with insulating
It is recommended that insulating oil not be held for more than three months in tempo-
rary storage tanks. Where that is unavoidable, tanks should be equipped with a dry inert
(nitrogen) gas system with which to blanket the oil.

4.2 Oil Quality Protection in Storage. All storage tanks should be equipped with a dry ni-
trogen gas supply or a desiccant vent dryer to minimize the introduction of moisture into
the tank. Proper maintenance of the desiccant is essential.
A filter should be installed between the desiccant canister and the interior of the tank.
Filtration of the incoming air will prevent introduction of airborne particulate materials
into the fluid during storage.

4.3 Dikes and Curbs. Tanks for storage of insulating oil may be surrounded by dikes or
curbs sufficient to contain the entire volume of oil in the tank should a spill occur.

4.4 Processing Oil for Installation in Apparatus. Processing systems at many equipment
manufacturers consist of oil dehydration, degassification, and filtration. The user should
be advised that static charges can develop when insulating oil flows in pipes, hoses, and


tanks. Oil leaving a filter press may be charged to a high potential. To accelerate dissipa-
tion of the charge in the oil, ground the filter press, the piping, the equipment tank, and all
bushings or the winding leads during oil flow into any tank. Conduction through oil is
slow; therefore, it is desirable to maintain these grounds for at least an hour after the oil
flow has been stopped. Remove any explosive gas mixture from any container into which
oil is flowing. Arcs can occur from the free surface of the oil even though the previous
grounding precautions have been taken.
Equipment used for handling mineral insulating oils should be dedicated for that use, as
these oils are very sensitive to contamination. Although mineral insulating oils may be
miscible with other types of dielectric fluids, it is advisable to use dedicated processing and
handling systems for each different type of fluid.
Before filling the electrical apparatus, a vacuum may be drawn on its tank. All insulat-
ing oil transfer lines should be flushed through with clean, processed oil. During the fill-
ing operations, flow rates should be controlled to the value specified by the manufacturer.
The vacuum held on the tank should not exceed the design strength specified by the
The filling process may be varied to suit the capabilities of the equipment used and the
recommendations of the manufacturer. Filling procedures used should comply with those
that are recommended by the fluid and the equipment manufacturers in order to maintain
eligibility of the equipment warranty.

4.5 Handling and Evaluation of Insulating Oils for Use in Filling Transformers at the
Installation Site. The instructions of the manufacturers for field preparation and liquid
filling vary because of differences in the design of units and individual engineering
practice. The user and the equipment manufacturer should agree on handling and testing

5. Classification of Service-Aged Insulating Oil

This subject is treated in greater detail in IEEE Std 637-1985 [30].
It is not practical to indicate the value of specific tests and recommended test limits for
all of the possible existing applications of insulating oil in service. It should be recognized
that, with the present state of knowledge, no single test can be used as the sole criterion to
estimate the condition of service-aged oil. It is, possible, however, to summarize the value
and importance of the current tests and to suggest methods of treatment for the oil being ex-
amined. Oils in service may be placed in the following classifications, based upon the
composite evaluation of significant characteristics.

Group I This group contains oils that are in satisfactory condition for continued use.
Group II This group contains oils that require only minor reconditioning for further
service. (Reconditioning is the mechanical removal of moisture and insolu-
ble contaminants. Types of equipment typically used are filters and
Group III This group contains oils in poor condition. They should be reclaimed or dis-
posed of, depending upon economic considerations. (Reclamation involves
the use of methods and processes that result in the removal of harmful chemi-
cal contaminants. Typical means employed are treatments with adsorptive
agents or alkali salts.)
Group IV This group contains oils that are in such poor condition that it is technically
advisable to dispose of them.


Suggested test limits by voltage class for oils in power transformers to remain in contin-
ued service (Group I oils) are given in Table 5. It is not intended that an oil be removed
from service when a single property limit is exceeded or that the oil be left in service until
all property values are outside the stated limits. Each case should be examined individu-
ally, and the advice of the manufacturer may be considered.
Oils that do not meet the suggested limits for continued service in their respective voltage
classes may be considered for reuse in similar apparatus operating at a lower voltage class
if they meet the limits for that class, or they may be suitable for reconditioning (Group II) or
reclamation (Group Ill). Suggested limits for oils in these groups are contained in Table 6.
Oils that do not meet the suggested limits for Group III should be discarded unless the
reclamation process in use can restore the characteristics of the oil to an acceptable level.

Suggested Limits for Continued Use of Service-Aged Insulating Oil
(Grouped by Voltage Class)

Test and Method Value for Voltage Class

~9kV 69-288 kV >345 kV
Dielectric strength,
ASTM Dl816-84 (90) [17],
kV minimum,
0.04 in gap: 23 ~ ~
0.08 in gap: 34 45 45
Dielectric strength,
ASTM D877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum: ~ ~ ~

Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10],
mN/m minimum: 24 ~ 00
ASTM Dl533-88 [16],
ppm maximum: 35 2i ID
Acid number,
ASTM D974-87 [11],
mg KOH/g maximum: 0.2 0.2 0.1

*Oil holds more moisture at higher temperatures. For this reason, at the same state of percent saturation dryness,
the water content of the oil may increase with increasing equipment temperature.

Suggested Limits for Oil to Be Reconditioned or Reclaimed

Test and Method Group II Group ill

Acid number,
ASTM D974-87 [11],
mg KOH/g maximum: 0.2 0.5
Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10],
mN/m minimum: 24 16

For information and advice concerning the different techniques of reconditioning and
reclaiming service-aged mineral insulating oils, refer to IEEE Std 637-1985 [30).

6. Insulating Oil for Circuit Breakers

6.1 General. The requirements of insulating oil used in circuit breakers, as distinguished
from insulating oil used in transformers, are uniquely different. Modern oil circuit
breakers require low viscosity and low pour-point oil since a large percentage of them are
used outdoors and, in many cases, at low temperatures. It should be noted that all circuit
breakers are "free breathing" (open to the atmosphere through a breathing device). This
does not prevent the admittance of humid air to the device. In the case of older oil circuit
breakers where the use of higher viscosity oil is deemed necessary, caution and judgment
must be exercised. The resultant effects of oil mixing and the addition of inhibitors upon
thermal characteristics must be considered.
Although it has been customary to recondition circuit breaker oil in much the same
manner as insulating oil, the problem is somewhat different. Whereas sludging may be
the principal problem in a transformer, such is not the case with circuit breakers and their
oil. Conditions conducive to sludge formation as well as the deleterious effects that are ob-
tained in transformers do not normally apply in the case of circuit breakers. Aside from
its dielectric service, the chief function of the insulating oil is to dissipate heat. In a circuit
breaker, on the other hand, the chief function of the insulating oil is to quench the arc. In
doing this, thermal cracking occurs and minute particles of carbon are formed. These
particles, coupled with moisture, can lower the dielectric breakdown voltage of the oil.

6.1.1 Testing. Testing methods for circuit breaker oils are the same as those used for in-
sulating oils. Samples are taken in the same manner as for insulating oil, at specified
intervals, varying from a few months to annually. Some of the established ASTM tests ap-
plicable to mineral insulating oils are more significant to transformers than to circuit
breakers, since a circuit breaker is essentially a free-breathing device that operates at am-
bient temperature. New Oil Properties-As Refined. New mineral insulating oils as received
from the refinery must conform to certain qualifying functional requirements listed in
ASTM D3487-88 [27]. Test Limits: Shipments of New Mineral Insulating Oil. When mineral insu-
lating oil meeting the qualifications of ASTM D3487-88 [27] is received in the field for in-
stallation in circuit breakers, it should be checked for certain key values that may be
affected by shipment and storage. These values are shown in Table 7. Some users may
wish to perform additional tests outlined in ASTM D3487-88 [27]; however, as a minimum,
the tests listed in Table 7 should be performed.
Viscosity [12 cSt (12 x 10-6 m 2/s) maximum at 40 °C] and pour point (-40 °C, maximum)
should be checked in cold climates to ensure that the oil does not interfere with the free op-
eration of the equipment. New Oil Properties-Oil Shipped in New Equipment. Oil circuit breakers are nor-
mally shipped from the factory without oil in the tank(s). New oil is processed on-site and
the equipment is filled with the oil. In cases such as these, refer to Table 8. New Oil Properties-Prior to Energizing. When mineral insulating oil is received
in bulk shipping containers, it is processed according to the instructions of the manufac-
turer and then introduced into the equipment. Table 8 gives test limits for mineral circuit
breaker insulating oil after being processed, placed in equipment, and allowing for stand-
ing times before energizing.


Test Limits for Shipments of New Mineral Insulating Oil for Circuit Breakers

Test and Method Suggested Limit

ASTM Dl500-91 [14),
ASTM units maximum: 0.5
Dielectric strength,
ASTM D877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum:
Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10],
mN/m minimum: 40
Acid number,
ASTM D974-87 [11),
mg KOH/g maximum: 0.03
Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [9],
25 °C, % maximum: 0.05
100 °C, % maximum: 0.30
Visual examination,
ASTM D1524-84 [15]: Bright and clear
Water content
ASTM Dl533-88 [16), 35
ppm maximum:

Test Limits-New Circuit Breaker Oil After Processing and Filling,
Immediately Prior to Energizing

Test and Method Suggested Limit

ASTM Dl500-91 [14],
ASTM units maximum: 0.5
Dielectric strength,
D877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum:
Dielectric strength,
Dl816-84 (90) [17],
kV minimum,
0.04 in gap: 3)
0.08 in gap: 00
Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10],
mN/m minimum: 35
Acid number,
ASTM D974-87 [11),
mg KOH/g maximum: 0.03
Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [9],
25°C, % maximum: 0.10
Visual examination,
ASTM Dl524-84 [15]: Bright and clear
Water content
AS1M Dl533-88 [16],
ppm maximum:

OF INSULATING OIL IN EQUIPMENT C57.106-1991 Service-Aged Oil Properties. Suggested limits for continued use of service-aged
circuit breaker oils are shown in Table 9.

Suggested Limits for Continued Use of Service-Aged Circuit Breaker Insulating Oil

Test and Method Suggested Limit

ASTM Dl500-91 [14),
ASTM units maximum: 2.0
Dielectric strength,
ASTM D877-87 (89) [7],
kV minimum: 25
Interfacial tension,
ASTM D971-91 [10),
mN/m minimum: 25
Power factor,
ASTM D924-82 (90) [9],
25 °C, % maximum: 1.0
Visual examination,
ASTM Dl524-84 [15): No excessive carbon in oil

If additional tests are desired, they should be made in accordance with the guidelines
given for insulating oil testing earlier in this guide. Some users of circuit breakers re-
condition or change their oils without testing them after a preset number of operations.

6.1.2 Reconditioning. The chief problem in circuit breaker oil maintenance is to keep
the fluid free of water, arc decomposition products, and other contaminants. If visual ex-
amination shows the presence of these materials and the dielectric strength of the oil drops
below an acceptable value, the oil can be reconditioned, provided it is free of chemical con-
taminants. The accepted means of reconditioning is by using blotter papers or paper car-
tridge filters. This subject is discussed in detail in IEEE Std 637-1985 [30].

7. Health and Environmental Care Procedures for Mineral Insulating Oil

7.1 Health Issues. Users should obtain an Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each di-
electric fluid in use. Where instructions differ from recommendations made here, the in-
structions of the manufacturer are to be followed. Although there is no special risk
involved in the handling of insulating fluids addressed in this guide, attention should be
focused to the general need for personal hygiene-the practice of washing skin and cloth-
ing that may have come in contact with insulating oil. Personnel should avoid contact of
the fluid with their eyes. When dielectric liquids have to be disposed of, certain precautions
are necessary to comply with local, state, and federal requirements in the United States.
The following procedures are not intended to supersede local, state, or federal regulations.

7.2 Leaks and Spills. During the equipment inspection or servicing, routine checks should
be made of the equipment and surroundings for leaks. Areas to check and repair should
include valves, bushings, gauges, tap changers, welds, sample ports, manhole covers, pipe
fittings, pressure relief valves, etc. The user is referred to the IEEE Std 980-1987 [32].

7.2.1 Minor Spills. Minor spills, such as those occurring in the manufacture or repair of
equipment, can be cleaned using absorbent rags or other materials.


7.2.2 Spills on Soil. Soil acts as an absorbent and should not be allowed to become satu-
rated with mineral insulating oil. Users should contact the applicable local, state, and fed-
eral guidelines in the United States for spills of mineral oil onto soil and the remedies

7.2.3 Spills on Water. Because mineral insulating oils float on water, a spill can be
contained by using floating booms or dikes. Section 311 of the US Federal Clean Water Act
imposes reporting requirements for petroleum oils that are spilled into navigable waters.
The requirement to report is triggered by the appearance of a sheen on the surface of the
water. If a sheen is noted, the US Coast Guard must be notified.
Once the mineral oil has been concentrated, it can be removed from the surface of the
water by systems that are normally used for petroleum spills. These include pumps,
skimmers, physical absorbents, and fibers that are fabricated onto floating ropes.
NOTE: If spilled mineral insulating oils are known or assumed to contain any concentration of PCBs, they must
be treated as a PCB Containing Liquid. See IEEE Std 799-1987 [31). Also refer to the Spill Policy Guide of the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency (40 CFR 125-135).

8. References

This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the fol-
lowing standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.

[1] ASTM D88-81, Test Methods for Saybolt Viscosity. 3

[2] ASTM D92-90, Test Methods for Flash and Fire Point by Cleveland Open Cup.

[3] ASTM D97-87, Test Methods for Pour Point of Petroleum Oils.

[4] ASTM D445-88, Test Methods for Kinematic Viscosity, Transparent or Opaque Liquids.

[5] ASTM D611-82 (87), Test Methods for Aniline Point of Petroleum Products and Hydro-
carbon Solvents.

[6] ASTM D664-89, Test Methods for Acid Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric

[7] ASTM D877-87 (89), Test Methods for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Liq-
uids Using Disk Electrods.

[8] ASTM D923-91, Test Methods for Sampling Electrical Insulating Liquids.

[9] ASTM D924-82 (90), Test Methods for A-C Loss Characteristic and Relative Permittivity
(Dielectric Constant) of Electrical Insulating Liquids.

[10) ASTM D971-91, Test Methods for Interfacial Tension of Oil Against Water by the Ring

[11] ASTM D974-87, Test Methods for Acid and Base Number by Color Indicator Citration.

ASTM publications arc available from ASTM, Customer Service Department, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,
PA 19103, USA.


[12] ASTM D1275-86 (91), Test Methods for Corrosive Sulfur in Electrical Insulation Oils.

[13] ASTM D1298-85 (90), Test Methods for Density, Relative Density, and Gravity of Crude

[14] ASTM D1500-91, Test Methods for ASTM Color of Petroleum Products (ASTM Color

[15] ASTM D1524-84, Method for Visual Examination of Used Electrical Insulating Oils of
Petroleum Origin in the Field.

[16] ASTM D1533-88, Test Methods for Water in Insulation Liquid (Karl Fischer Method).

[17] ASTM Dl816-84 (90), Test Methods for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating
Oils of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrods.

[18] ASTM D2112-86, Test Methods for Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Insulating
Oil by Rotating Bomb.

[19] ASTM D2161-87, Practice for Conversion of Kinematic Viscosity to Saybolt Universal

[20] ASTM D2285-85 (90), Test Methods for lntrafacial Tension of Electrical Insulating

[21] ASTM D2300-85 (91), Test Methods for Gassing of Insulating Oils Under Electrical
Stress and Ionization, Modified Pirelli Method.

[22] ASTM D2440-88, Test Methods for Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulating Oil.

[23] STM D2668-87, Test Methods for Two, 6-Ditertiary-Butylpara-Cresol and Two, 6-
Ditertiary-Butyl Phenol in Electrical Insulating Oil by Infrared Absorption.

[24] ASTM D2945-90, Test Methods for Gas Content of Insulating Oils.

[25] ASTM D3284-90, Test Methods for Combustible Gases in the Gas Space of Electrical

[26] ASTM D3300-85, Test Methods for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of
Petroleum Origin Under Impulse Conditions.

[27] ASTM D3487-88, Specification for Mineral Insulating Oil Used in Electric Apparatus.

[28] ASTM D3612-90, Test Methods for Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Electrical Insulat-
ing Oil by Gas Chromatography.

[29] ASTM D4059-91, Test Methods for Analyzing Fluorocarboned Insulating Liquids by
Gas Chromatography.

[30] IEEE Std 637-1985, IEEE Guide for the Reclamation oflnsulating Oil and Criteria for
Its Use (ANSI). 4

1EEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Service Center, 445
Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.

[31] IEEE Std 799-1987, IEEE Guide for Handling and Disposal of Transformer Grade Insu-
lating Liquids Containing PCBs (ANSI).

[32] IEEE Std 980-1987, IEEE Guide for Containment and Control of Oil Spills in Substations


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