CV Europas Oproescu
CV Europas Oproescu
CV Europas Oproescu
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Mihai OPROESCU
Address(es) 110040 Pitesti Str. Targu din Vale, nr.1, Arges, Romania
Telephone(s) +40 348 453 214 Mobile: +40726107142
Fax(es) +40 348 453 201
E-mail [email protected], [email protected]
Nationality Romanian
Gender Male
Work experience
Dates june.2003-october.2003
Occupation or position held Control engineer
Main activities and responsibilities Assisted three-dimensional control
Name and address of employer Inginerie et Realisation Industriele
Type of business or sector Automobile production
Dates 2011
Title of qualification awarded PhD
Principal subjects/occupational skills Electrical Engineering
Name and type of organisation Faculty of Electronics, Communication and Computer science, University of Pitesti
providing education and training
Dates 07.28.2002
Title of qualification awarded Cisco Networking Academy Program
Principal subjects/occupational skills Computer networks
Name and type of organisation Cisco Networking Academy
providing education and training
Social skills and competences I'm a sociable, communicative, reliable, conscientious, responsible and very creative
e) Patents
10 PhD thesis:
T1. Mihai OPROESCU, Modelarea şi optimizarea fluxurilor de putere din sisteme invertor
alimentate de la pile de combustie, 2011.
Ca1. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2007, Power Converters for Energy Generation Systems
(Convertoare de Putere utilizate in Sistemele de Generare a Energiei), 160 pag, Editura
Universității din Pitești, Piteşti, ISBN 978-973-690-644-2.
Cb1. M. Oproescu, 2010, 2 chapters in N. Bizon (Ed.), Complex Behaviour of the Distributed
Generation System: Intelligent Management of the Renewable Energy Resources for assuring
the DG System Power Quality and a Sustainable Development, Publishing house of the
University of Piteşti, Piteşti, ISBN 978-606-560-128-4 (hardcover), ISBN 978-606-560-129-1 (e-
Risi2. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Oproescu, 2007, Intelligent Control of the Power Flows on an
Energy Generation System, The 11th Word Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics – WMSCI2007, vol. 5, pp. 314-319, ed. by International Institute of Informatics and
Systemics (IIIS), Orlando, Florida, USA, ISBN 980-07-7559-5 (http://www.iiis-
Risi4. N. Bizon, M. Raducu, M. Oproescu, Fuel cell current ripple minimization using a bi-buck
power interface, 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference 2008, pp.
636-643, ISBN 978-1-4244-1742-1, IEEE Catalog Number CFP0834A-CDR (IEEEXplore),
Risi5. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Raducu, M. Oproescu, 2010, Nonlinear Control for a Buck
switching power supplies using opto-couplers in feedback loop, Optoelectronics and Advanced
Materials - Rapid Communications 4(6), pp. 788 - 794 :
Rsi1. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2004, Hysteretic Fuzzy Control of the Power Interface Converter,
“Fuzzy Systems and AI” journal - Reports and Letters, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 139-158, ed. by
Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (Editors: H.N. Teodorescu
s.a.), ISSN 1016-2127 (
Rsi2. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2006, Cycloconverter Operation in the low-cost Energy Generation
Systems, Buletin ştiinţific al Universităţii din Piteşti, seria “Electronica şi ştiinţa calculatoarelor”
număr special 1 / 2006, pp., Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Pitesti, ISSN 1453–119.
Rsi3. Bizon Nicu, M. Oproescu, Modelling the Bi-Buck Interface for Inverter Current Ripple
Compensation, International Journals on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering
(IJTPE, ISSN 2077-3528), TPEJournal-Autumn 2009 1(1) 32-37,
Rsi4. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Oproescu, 2009, Filtering Techniques of the Inverter Input
Current Ripple, University of Pitesti Scientific Bulletin, Series: “Electronics and Computer
Science”, ISSN-1453-1119 (B+), 9(1), pp. 74-79
Rsi5. Bizon Nicu, M. Oproescu, Control Performances of the Bi-Buck Interface used for Inverter
Current Ripple Compensation, International Journals on Technical and Physical Problems of
Engineering (IJTPE, ISSN 2077-3528), 1(1) 2010, 5-10,
Vi1. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2005, Hysteretic Fuzzy Control of The Boost Converter, ECAI
2005 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE First Edition Electronics, Computers and Artificial
Intelligence - ECAI’05, S2 1-10, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Piteşti, ISSN 1453–119
Vi2. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2005, Clocked hysteretic fuzzy control of the boost converter,
ECAI 2005 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE First Edition Electronics, Computers and
Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’05, S2 11-19, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Piteşti, ISSN
1453–119 (
Vi3. Nicu Bizon, Emilian Lefter, M. Oproescu, 2005, Some Aspects of the Alternator
Efficiency Improvement using Power Converters , International Conference for Road
Vehicles CAR2005, proceedings on CD, ed. by the Society of Automotive Engineers of
Romania (SIAR) under FISITA patronage, Pitesti, ISSN
Vi4. Nicu Bizon, Emil Sofron, M. Oproescu, 2005, Some Aspects of PEMFC – Battery
Interface Simulation in Automotive Applications, Proceedings of the International
Conference for Road Vehicles CAR2005, proceedings on CD, ed. by the Society of
Automotive Engineers of Romania (SIAR) under FISITA patronage, Pitesti ISSN
Vi5. N. Bizon, A. Zafiu, M. Oproescu, 2005, PEMFC modelling using a genetics algorithm for
parameters tuning, Int. Conference ISEE 2005, Editura Universităţii din Targoviste,
Targoviste, 2005.
Vi6. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, I. Tutanescu, M. Oproescu, 2006, Power factor correction using a bi-
boost converter for output power flow, Proceedings of Int. conf. Technologies and Power
Electronics (TPE06), pp. 436-444, Turcia, ISBN (
Vi7. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Oproescu, 2006, An Investigations into the Fast- and Slow –
Scale Instabilities of an Energy Generation System with a Fuzzy Hysteretic Control,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies journal & Proceedings of European
Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (ECIT2006 – 4th), pp. 19-36, ed.
Performantica, Iasi, ISSN (
Vi8. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2006, Control of the Inverter used into Energy Generation
System, Proceedings of Int. conf. Progress in cryogenics and isotopes separation, pp. 169-
172, ed. by ICSI, Ramnicu Valcea,
Vi9. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2006, Control of the DC-DC Converter used into Energy
Generation System, Int. conf. Progress in cryogenics and isotopes separation, Proceedings
of Int. conf. Progress in cryogenics and isotopes separation, pp. 173-177, ed. by ICSI,
Ramnicu Valcea
Vi10. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2006, Modeling and Control of the PEMFC Power
Interface, Int. conf. Progress in cryogenics and isotopes separation, Proceedings of Int.
conf. Progress in cryogenics and isotopes separation, pp. 155-168, ed. by ICSI, Ramnicu
Vi11. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Oproescu, 2006, Unity power factor correction using the
bi-boost topology with a forward control technique, Proceedings of Int. conf. on
Development and Applications Systems (DAS’06), pp. 107-113, Suceava, ISBN.
Vi12. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Oproescu, 2006, Power Factor Correction using a Mixed
Control Technique, Proceedings of .Int. Symposium on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering ISEEE06, pp. 36-39, ed. by University "Dunarea de Jos", Galati
Vi15. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, Some Aspect Concerning the Fuel Cell Current Ripple as
Interaction With An Inverter System, International Conference Second Edition - Electronics,
Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’07, nr. 2/2007, pp. 122-132, Piteşti, ISSN
1843–2115, 2007 (
Vi16. Nicu Bizon, Ionescu Laurentiu, Alin Mazare, M. Oproescu, Analyze of the Feed-
Forward Control for a Pure Sine Inverter, International Conference Second Edition -
Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’07, nr. 2/2007, pp. 71-79, Piteşti,
ISSN 1843–2115, 2007 (
Vi17. Nicu Bizon, M. Oproescu, Ionescu Laurentiu, Alin Mazare, Ultracapacitors Tester
with PC Interface, International Conference Second Edition - Electronics, Computers and
Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’07, nr. 2/2007, pp. 133-146, Piteşti, ISSN 1843–2115, 2007
Vi18. Nicu Bizon, Alin Mazare, Ionescu Laurentiu, M. Oproescu, Marian Raducu, Some
Designing Aspects of 1kw Inverter System: DC- DC Converter, International Conference
Second Edition - Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’07, nr. 2/2007,
pp. 147-156, Piteşti, ISSN 1843–2115, 2007 (
Vi19. N.Bizon, M. Oproescu, 2007, Feed-Forward Control of the PWM Sine Inverter,
The First European Conference H2_Fuel_Cells_Millennium _ Convergence, Bucharest,
CD and volume proceeding, IPA Publishing House, ECAS Trade SRL, pp., ISBN (10) 973-
88046-7-1, ISBN (13) 978-973-88046-7-8.
Vi20. N. Bizon, E. Lefter, M. Oproescu, Modeling and Control of the Energy Sources
Power Interface for Automotive Hybrid Electrical System, 2007, Proceedings of the 21st
JUMV International Automotive Conference SCIENCE AND MOTOR VEHICLES 2007,
proceedings on CD, Paper NMV0752 – Pages 12, http://riedal-, ed. by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Serbia
under FISITA patronage, Belgrade,
Vi23. N. Bizon, G. Iana, M. Oproescu, Fuzzy Interpolation of the Average Signal Steps,
International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS 2009), Iasi, Romania,
ISBN: 978-1-4244-3785-6, pp. 1-4, INSPEC: 10835486 (IEEEXplore),
Vi24. M. Oproescu, Bizon Nicu, E. Sofron, Efficiency of Current Ripple Passive Filtering
Techniques for Inverter System Supplied by A Fuel Cell - Modeling and Simulations,
Proceedings of Int. conf on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’09,
No.2, pp. 61-66, Piteşti, ISSN 1843–2115 (
Vi25. M. Oproescu, Bizon Nicu, E. Sofron, Efficiency of Current Ripple Passive Filtering
Techniques for Inverter System Supplied by A Fuel Cell - Experimental Results,
Proceedings of Int. conf on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI’09,
No.5, pp. 67-74, Piteşti, ISSN 1843–2115 (
Vi27. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, Fuzzy Average Method for Extraction of Signal Drown in
Noise, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems
(ICICIS 2009), pp. 233-238, ISBN : 977-237-172-3, ISSN :1687-1103, CAIRO, EGYPT,
March 19-22, 2009.
Vi28. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, Modelling the Bi-Buck Interface for Inverter Current
Ripple Compensation, Proceedings of Int. conf. Technologies and Power Electronics
(TPE09), No. 1, pp. 273-277, University of Basque Country, 3-5 Sept. 2009, Bilbao, Spain,
ISBN 978-84-937328-1-3 (
Vi29. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, Control Performances of the Bi-Buck Interface used for
Inverter Current Ripple Compensation, Proceedings of Int. conf. Technologies and Power
Electronics (TPE09), No. 1, pp. 278-282, University of Basque Country, 3-5 Sept. 2009,
Bilbao, Spain, ISBN 978-84-937328-1-3 (
Vi30. N. Bizon, E. Sofron, M. Oproescu, Low Frequency Ripple Mitigation of the Fuel
Cell Inverter System using a Controlled Buck Current Source – Part II: Nonlinear Control,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies - ECIT2010 paper has been published
in the ECIT2010 CD proceeding of the 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems
and Technologies
Vi31. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, Multiport Power Converters Used in Plug-in Fuel Cell
Vehicles – State of the Art, International Conference Electronics, Computers and Artificial
Intelligence ECAI 2011 proceeding, ISSN 1843–2115
Vi32. N. Bizon, M. Oproescu, Multiport Power Converters Used in Plug-in Fuel Cell
Vehicles – Energy efficiency, International Conference Electronics, Computers and
Artificial Intelligence ECAI 2011 proceeding, ISSN 1843–2115
Vi33. A.Zafiu, Gh. Nistor, M. Oproescu, Optimized anemometer for array detection,
International Conference Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence ECAI 2011
proceeding, ISSN 1843–2115
Manager of the research team „Modélisation et la simulation des flux de puissance des
systèmes inverter alimenté par des piles à combustible (CNCSIS-MD 7/2008)”
Pn3. Mihai Oproescu, membru si responsabil economic, Grant MEC nr. 226/2006 Sistem
integrat de conversie a energiei din surse regenerabile; beneficiar: AMTRANS, contractant:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice - ICSI Rm.
Valcea, nr. 2354/.2006, 2006-2008;
Pn5. Mihai Oproescu, membru, MATNANTECH- tema: Pelicule polimere în sistem compozit
utilizate ca mijloace de ecranare electromagnetica în domeniul microundelor, MEC- PNCDI –
MATNANTECH, 2006-2008;
Pn7. Mihai Oproescu, membru, Nr. X2C32 tema: Sistem mecanic pentru cuplarea surselor de
putere termica si electrica, destinat automobilelor ecologice cu propulsie hibrida, MEC – PNCDI,
2006-2008, director proiect Popa Dinel.
Pn8. Mihai Oproescu, membru, Computer system design, simulation, testing and configuring
smart renewable energy power systems (Sistem informatic de proiectare, simulare, testare si
configurare a sistemelor energetice inteligente de energie regenerabila – SINERG), PNCD II 4
Parteneriate PC 22140 (4480/25.09.2008) : beneficiary: AMCSIT, contractor: Universitatea
Politehnica din Bucuresti, 2008-2011; director proiect Zafiu Adrian.
Pn10. Mihai Oproescu, membru, Research on intelligent control of hybrid electric propulsion
system with continuous transmission (Cercetãri privind controlul inteligent al unui sistem de
propulsie electric hibrid cu transmisie continua - CVT), PNCD II 4 Parteneriate PC
72209 (3733/1.10.2008): beneficiary: AMCSIT, contractor: Universitatea din Pitesti, 2008-2011;, director de proiect Eugen Diaconescu.