Mastering Linux Security and Hardening

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Mastering Linux Security and

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Early Access Publication: Mastering Linux Security and Hardening

Early Access Production Reference: B19501

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street


B3 2PB, UK
ISBN: 978-1-83763-051-6
Table of Contents
1. Mastering Linux Security and Hardening, Third Edition: A practical
guide to protecting your Linux system from cyber attacks
2. 1 Running Linux in a Virtual Environment
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Looking at the threat landscape
III. Why do security breaches happen?
IV. Keeping up with security news
V. Differences between physical, virtual, and cloud setups
VI. Introducing VirtualBox and Cygwin
VII. Installing a virtual machine in VirtualBox
VIII. Installing the EPEL repository on the CentOS 7 virtual machine
IX. Installing the EPEL repository on the AlmaLinux 8/9 virtual
X. Configuring a network for VirtualBox virtual machines
XI. Creating a virtual machine snapshot with VirtualBox
XII. Using Cygwin to connect to your virtual machines
XIII. Installing Cygwin on your Windows host
XIV. Using the Windows 10 SSH Client to interface with Linux virtual
XV. Using the Windows 11 SSH Client to interface with Linux virtual
XVI. Cygwin versus the Windows shell
XVII. Keeping the Linux systems updated
XVIII. Updating Debian-based systems
XIX. Configuring auto updates for Ubuntu
XX. Updating Red Hat 7-based systems
XXI. Updating Red Hat 8/9-based systems
XXII. Managing updates in an enterprise
XXIII. Summary
XXIV. Questions
XXV. Further reading
3. 2 Securing User Accounts
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. The dangers of logging in as the root user
III. The advantages of using sudo
IV. Setting up sudo privileges for full administrative users
i. Adding users to a predefined admin group
ii. Creating an entry in the sudo policy file
V. Setting up sudo for users with only certain delegated privileges
i. Hands-on lab for assigning limited sudo privileges
VI. Advanced tips and tricks for using sudo
i. The sudo timer
ii. View your sudo privileges
iii. Preventing users from having root shell access
iv. Preventing users from using shell escapes
v. Preventing users from using other dangerous programs
vi. Limiting the user's actions with commands
vii. Letting users run as other users
viii. Preventing abuse via user's shell scripts
ix. Detecting and deleting default user accounts
VII. New sudo Features
VIII. Special sudo Considerations for SUSE and OpenSUSE
IX. Locking down users' home directories the Red Hat way
X. Locking down users' home directories the Debian/Ubuntu way
i. useradd on Debian/Ubuntu
ii. adduser on Debian/Ubuntu
XI. Enforcing strong password criteria
i. Installing and configuring pwquality
XII. Setting and enforcing password and account expiration
XIII. Configuring default expiry data for useradd for Red Hat-type
systems only
XIV. Setting expiry data on a per-account basis with useradd and
XV. Setting expiry data on a per-account basis with chage
i. Hands-on lab for setting account and password expiry data
XVI. Preventing brute-force password attacks
i. Configuring the pam_tally2 PAM module on CentOS 7
ii. Configuring pam_faillock on AlmaLinux 8/9
iii. Configuring pam_faillock on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu
iv. Locking user accounts
v. Using usermod to lock a user account
vi. Using passwd to lock user accounts
XVII. Locking the root user account
XVIII. Setting up security banners
i. Using the motd file
ii. Using the issue file
iii. Using the file
XIX. Detecting compromised passwords
i. Hands-on lab for detecting compromised passwords
XX. Understanding centralized user management
i. Microsoft Active Directory
XXI. Samba on Linux
i. FreeIPA/Identity Management on RHEL-type distros
XXII. Summary
XXIII. Questions
XXIV. Further reading
4. 3 Securing Normal User Accounts
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Locking down users' home directories the Red Hat way
III. Locking down users' home directories the Debian/Ubuntu way
i. useradd on Debian/Ubuntu
ii. adduser on Debian/Ubuntu
IV. Enforcing strong password criteria
i. Installing and configuring pwquality
V. Setting and enforcing password and account expiration
VI. Configuring default expiry data for useradd for Red Hat-type
systems only
VII. Setting expiry data on a per-account basis with useradd and
VIII. Setting expiry data on a per-account basis with chage
i. Hands-on lab for setting account and password expiry data
IX. Preventing brute-force password attacks
i. Configuring the pam_tally2 PAM module on CentOS 7
ii. Configuring pam_faillock on AlmaLinux 8/9
iii. Configuring pam_faillock on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu
iv. Locking user accounts
v. Using usermod to lock a user account
vi. Using passwd to lock user accounts
X. Locking the root user account
XI. Setting up security banners
i. Using the motd file
ii. Using the issue file
iii. Using the file
XII. Detecting compromised passwords
i. Hands-on lab for detecting compromised passwords
XIII. Understanding centralized user management
i. Microsoft Active Directory
XIV. Samba on Linux
i. FreeIPA/Identity Management on RHEL-type distros
XV. Summary
XVI. Questions
XVII. Further Reading
XVIII. Answers
5. 4 Securing Your Server with a Firewall - Part 1
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Technical requirements
III. An overview of the Linux firewall
IV. An overview of iptables
i. Mastering the basics of iptables
ii. Blocking ICMP with iptables
iii. Blocking everything that isn't allowed with iptables
iv. Blocking invalid packets with iptables
v. Restoring the deleted rules
vi. Protecting IPv6
V. nftables – a more universal type of firewall system
i. Learning about nftables tables and chains
ii. Configuring nftables on Ubuntu
iii. Using nft commands
VI. Summary
VII. Questions
VIII. Further reading
IX. Answers
6. 5 Securing Your Server with a Firewall - Part 2
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Technical requirements
III. Uncomplicated firewall for Ubuntu systems
i. Configuring ufw
ii. Working with the ufw configuration files
IV. firewalld for Red Hat systems
i. Verifying the status of firewalld
ii. Working with firewalld zones
iii. Adding services to a firewalld zone
iv. Adding ports to a firewalld zone
v. Blocking ICMP
vi. Using panic mode
vii. Logging dropped packets
viii. Using firewalld rich language rules
ix. Looking at iptables rules in RHEL/CentOS 7 firewalld
x. Creating direct rules in RHEL/CentOS 7 firewalld
xi. Looking at nftables rules in RHEL/AlmaLinux 8 and 9
xii. Creating direct rules in RHEL/AlmaLinux firewalld
V. Summary
VI. Questions
VII. Further reading
VIII. Answers
7. 6 Encryption Technologies
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
i. Hands-on lab – creating your GPG keys
ii. Hands-on lab – symmetrically encrypting your own files
iii. Hands-on lab – encrypting files with public keys
iv. Hands-on lab – signing a file without encryption
III. Encrypting partitions with Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)
i. Disk encryption during operating system installation
ii. Configuring the LUKS partition to mount automatically
iii. Hands-on lab – configuring the LUKS partition to mount
IV. Encrypting directories with eCryptfs
i. Hands-on lab – encrypting a home directory for a new user
ii. Creating a private directory within an existing home
iii. Hands-on lab – encrypting other directories with eCryptfs
V. Encrypting the swap partition with eCryptfs
VI. Using VeraCrypt for cross-platform sharing of encrypted
i. Hands-on lab – getting and installing VeraCrypt
ii. Using VeraCrypt in GUI mode
VII. OpenSSL and the public key infrastructure
i. Commercial certificate authorities
ii. Creating keys, certificate signing requests, and certificates
iii. Creating an on-premises CA
iv. Hands-on lab – setting up a Dogtag CA
v. Adding a CA to an operating system
vi. OpenSSL and the Apache web server
vii. Setting up mutual authentication
VIII. Introducing quantum-resistant encryption algorithms
IX. Summary
X. Questions
XI. Further reading
XII. Answers
8. 7 SSH Hardening
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Ensuring that SSH protocol 1 is disabled
III. Creating and managing keys for passwordless logins
i. Creating a user's SSH key set
ii. Transferring the public key to the remote server
iii. Disabling root user login
iv. Disabling username/password logins
v. Enabling two-factor authentication
vi. Configuring Secure Shell with strong encryption algorithms
vii. Scanning for enabled SSH algorithms
viii. Disabling weak SSH encryption algorithms
ix. Setting system-wide encryption policies on RHEL 8/9 and
AlmaLinux 8/9
x. Configuring more detailed logging
IV. Configuring access control with whitelists and TCP Wrappers
i. Configuring whitelists within sshd_config
ii. Configuring whitelists with TCP Wrappers
V. Configuring automatic logouts and security banners
i. Configuring automatic logout for both local and remote
ii. Configuring automatic logout in sshd_config
iii. Creating a pre-login security banner
VI. Configuring other miscellaneous security settings
i. Disabling X11 forwarding
ii. Disabling SSH tunneling
iii. Changing the default SSH port
iv. Managing SSH keys
v. Setting different configurations for different users and
vi. Creating different configurations for different hosts
VII. Setting up a chroot environment for SFTP users
i. Creating a group and configuring the sshd_config file
VIII. Sharing a directory with SSHFS
i. Hands-on lab – sharing a directory with SSHFS
IX. Remotely connecting from Windows desktops
X. Summary
XI. Questions
XII. Further reading
XIII. Answers
9. Section 2: Mastering File and Directory Access Control (DAC)
10. 8 Mastering Discretionary Access Control
I. Join our book community on Discord
i. Using chown to change ownership of files and directories
ii. Using chmod to set permissions on files and directories
iii. Using SUID and SGID on regular files
iv. The security implications of the SUID and SGID
v. Using extended file attributes to protect sensitive files
vi. Securing system configuration files
II. Summary
III. Questions
IV. Further reading
V. Answers
11. 9 Access Control Lists and Shared Directory Management
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Creating an ACL for either a user or a group
III. Creating an inherited ACL for a directory
IV. Removing a specific permission by using an ACL mask
V. Using the tar --acls option to prevent the loss of ACLs during a
VI. Creating a user group and adding members to it
i. Adding members as we create their user accounts
ii. Using usermod to add an existing user to a group
iii. Adding users to a group by editing the /etc/group file
VII. Creating a shared directory
VIII. Setting the SGID bit and the sticky bit on the shared directory
IX. Using ACLs to access files in the shared directory
i. Setting the permissions and creating the ACL
X. Summary
XI. Questions
XII. Further reading
XIII. Answers
12. Section 3: Advanced System Hardening Techniques
13. 10 Implementing Mandatory Access Control with SELinux and
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. How SELinux can benefit a systems administrator
III. Setting security contexts for files and directories
i. Installing the SELinux tools
ii. Creating web content files with SELinux enabled
iii. Fixing an incorrect SELinux context
IV. Troubleshooting with setroubleshoot
i. Viewing setroubleshoot messages
ii. Using the graphical setroubleshoot utility
iii. Troubleshooting in permissive mode
V. Working with SELinux policies
i. Viewing Booleans
ii. Configuring the Booleans
iii. Protecting your web server
iv. Protecting network ports
v. Creating custom policy modules
VI. How AppArmor can benefit a systems administrator
i. Looking at AppArmor profiles
ii. Working with AppArmor command-line utilities
iii. Troubleshooting AppArmor problems
iv. Troubleshooting an AppArmor profile – Ubuntu 16.04
v. Troubleshooting an AppArmor profile – Ubuntu 18.04
vi. Troubleshooting Samba problems in Ubuntu 22.04
VII. Exploiting a system with an evil Docker container
i. Hands-on lab – Creating an evil Docker container
VIII. Summary
IX. Questions
X. Further reading
XI. Answers
14. 11 Kernel Hardening and Process Isolation
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Understanding the /proc filesystem
i. Looking at user-mode processes
ii. Looking at kernel information
III. Setting kernel parameters with sysctl
IV. Configuring the sysctl.conf file
i. Configuring sysctl.conf – Ubuntu
ii. Configuring sysctl.conf – CentOS and AlmaLinux
iii. Setting additional kernel-hardening parameters
iv. Preventing users from seeing each others' processes
V. Understanding process isolation
i. Understanding Control Groups (cgroups)
ii. Understanding namespace isolation
iii. Understanding kernel capabilities
iv. Understanding SECCOMP and system calls
v. Using process isolation with Docker containers
vi. Sandboxing with Firejail
vii. Sandboxing with Snappy
viii. Sandboxing with Flatpak
VI. Summary
VII. Questions
VIII. Further reading
IX. Answers
15. 12 Scanning, Auditing, and Hardening
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Installing and updating ClamAV and maldet
i. Hands-on lab – installing ClamAV and maldet
ii. Hands-on lab – configuring maldet
iii. Updating ClamAV and maldet
III. Scanning with ClamAV and maldet
i. SELinux considerations
IV. Scanning for rootkits with Rootkit Hunter
i. Hands-on lab – installing and updating Rootkit Hunter
ii. Scanning for rootkits
V. Performing a quick malware analysis with strings and VirusTotal
i. Analyze a file with strings
ii. Scanning the malware with VirusTotal
VI. Understanding the auditd daemon
i. Creating audit rules
ii. Auditing a file for changes
iii. Auditing a directory
iv. Auditing system calls
VII. Using ausearch and aureport
i. Searching for file change alerts
ii. Searching for directory access rule violations
iii. Searching for system call rule violations
iv. Generating authentication reports
v. Using pre-defined rulesets
vi. Hands-on lab – using auditd
vii. Hands-on lab –Using pre-configured rules with auditd
VIII. Auditing files and directories with inotifywait
IX. Applying OpenSCAP policies with oscap
i. Installing OpenSCAP
ii. Viewing the profile files
iii. Getting the missing profiles for Ubuntu
iv. Scanning the system
v. Remediating the system
vi. Using SCAP Workbench
vii. Choosing an OpenSCAP profile
viii. Applying an OpenSCAP profile during system installation
X. Summary
XI. Questions
XII. Further reading
XIII. Answers
16. 13 Logging and Log Security
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Understanding the Linux system log files
i. The system log and the authentication log
ii. The utmp, wtmp, btmp, and lastlog files
III. Understanding rsyslog
i. Understanding rsyslog logging rules
IV. Understanding journald
V. Making things easier with Logwatch
i. Hands-on lab – installing Logwatch
VI. Setting up a remote log server
i. Hands-on lab – setting up a basic log server
ii. Creating an encrypted connection to the log server
iii. Separating client messages into their own files
VII. Summary
VIII. Questions
IX. Further reading
X. Answers
17. 14 Vulnerability Scanning and Intrusion Detection
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Introduction to Snort and Security Onion
i. Obtaining and installing Snort
III. Using Security Onion
IV. IPFire and its built-in Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
i. Hands-on lab – Creating an IPFire virtual machine
V. Scanning and hardening with Lynis
i. Installing Lynis on Red Hat/CentOS
ii. Installing Lynis on Ubuntu
iii. Scanning with Lynis
VI. Finding vulnerabilities with the Greenbone Security Assistant
VII. Web server scanning with Nikto
i. Nikto in Kali Linux
VIII. Summary
IX. Questions
X. Further reading
XI. Answers
18. 15 Prevent Unwanted Programs from Running
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Mount Partitions with the no options
III. Understanding fapolicyd
i. Understanding the fapolicyd rules
ii. Installing fapolicyd
IV. Summary
V. Further reading
VI. Questions
VII. Answers
19. 16 Security Tips and Tricks for the Busy Bee
I. Join our book community on Discord
II. Technical requirements
III. Auditing system services
i. Auditing system services with systemctl
ii. Auditing network services with netstat
iii. Auditing network services with Nmap
IV. Password protecting the GRUB 2 bootloader
i. Hands-on lab – resetting the password for Red
ii. Hands-on lab – resetting the password for Ubuntu
iii. Preventing kernel parameter edits on Red
iv. Preventing kernel parameter edits or Recovery mode access
on Ubuntu
v. Disabling the submenu for Ubuntu
V. Securely configuring BIOS/UEFI
VI. Using a security checklist for system setup
VII. Summary
VIII. Questions
IX. Further reading
X. Answers
Mastering Linux Security and
Hardening, Third Edition: A
practical guide to protecting your
Linux system from cyber attacks
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1. Chapter 1: Running Linux in a virtual environment

2. Chapter 2: Securing user accounts
3. Chapter 3: Securing your server with a Firewall Part 1
4. Chapter 4: Securing your server with a Firewall Part 2
5. Chapter 5: Encryption Technologies
6. Chapter 6: SSH Hardening
7. Chapter 7: Mastering Discretionary Access Control
8. Chapter 8: Access Control Lists and Shared Directory Management
9. Chapter 9: Implementing Mandatory Access Control with SELinux
and AppArmor
10. Chapter 10: Kernel Hardening and Process Isolation
11. Chapter 11: Scanning, Auditing and Hardening
12. Chapter 12: Logging and Log Security
13. Chapter 13: Vulnerability Scanning and Intrusion Detection
14. Chapter 14: Blocking Applications with fapolicyd
15. Chapter 15: Security Tips & Tricks for the Busy Bee

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