4 Lower Body Exercises For Anywhere Fitness

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4 Lower Body Exercises for Anywhere Fitnesss

Scissor Jacks Lunge Single Leg Dead Lift Plié Squat

• Stand with feet slightly wider • Stand up tall, arms at your side, • Stand with feet shoulder-width • Stand tall with your feet slightly
than hip-width apart, arms out chin up. apart, slight bend in your wider than hip-width apart, toes
to the sides, palms facing the • Step forward with one leg, knees. turned out about 45 degrees.
floor. lowering your hips until both • Place palms on your thighs. • Lift your heels off the floor,
• As you jump your feet knees are bent at about a • As you slide your hands down balancing on the balls of your feet.
together, have them cross 90-degree angle. Make sure your thighs, maintain a flat Keep your abs drawn in tight.
over, one in front of the other, your front knee is directly back. • Bend your knees and lower
as you simultaneously cross above your ankle, and make • As your chest comes forward, your body straight down, keeping
your arms at chest height. sure the other knee doesn’t lift your right leg off the floor hips under shoulders and back
• Repeat and switch the arm touch the floor. behind you. straight. Make sure your knees
and leg placement. • Lift your front lunging leg and • When your hands get to your open over, but not past your toes
return to the starting position. knees, come back to standing as they bend.
• Alternate legs with each lunge. position. • Slowly straighten back up
• Repeat on the other side. and then lower your heels.

These exercises are perfect for building strength and muscle tone in the legs and glutes.
8-10 3 3-5
reps sets times
a week
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© 2020 Herbalife Nutrition. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 04/20

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