Post Graduate Diploma in Management Name: Jenonia P Reg No: 21069 Batch: 2021-23 Specialisation: Human Resources & Marketing

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8/26/22, 3:38 PM Marks

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(Approved by AICTE)
Name: Jenonia P Reg No: 21069 Batch: 2021-23
Specialisation: Human Resources & Marketing
Term Subject Name Credits Marks Grade Letter Total TGPA CGPA
Point Grade Credits
Business Communication 3 70 7 B+
Business Ethics 3 68 7 B+
Business Statistics - I 3 70 7 B+
I Financial Accounting 3 70 7 B+ 21 6.857 6.857
Information Systems for Managers 3 77 8 A-
Managerial Economics 3 59 5 B-
Organizational Behaviour 3 73 7 B+
Business Laws 3 77 8 A-
Corporate Finance 3 71 7 B+
Human Resources Management 3 71 7 B+
Leadership 2 70 7 B+
II Macroeconomics 3 79 8 A-
22 7.545 7.209
Operations Management 3 76 8 A-
Principles of Marketing 3 74 8 A-
Business and Management Environment 2 73 7 B+
Business Analytics 3 76 8 A-
Business Strategy 3 74 8 A-
Management Accounting 3 73 7 B+
III Operations Research 3 76 8 A- 20 7.600 7.333
Organizational Structures and Design 3 69 7 B+
Strategic Marketing 3 76 8 A-
Business and Management Environment 2 70 7 B+

- Industry Internship Project 6 77 8 A- 6 8.000 7.391

A+=86 & above, A=80 - 85, A-=74 - 79, B+=68 - 73, B=62 - 67, B-=56 - 61, C+=50 - 55, C=44 - 49, C-=38 - 43, D=32 - 37, U=Below 32
TGPA - Term Grade Point Average CGPA - Cumulative Grade Point Average

Overall CGPA : 7.391 out of 10

Prepared by : Verified by :
Date: 26-August-2022 1/1

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