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BS EN 13155:2020

BSI Standards Publication

Crane — Safety — Non-ixed load lifting attachments


National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 13155:2020. It
supersedes BS EN 13155:2003+A2:2009,
13155:2003+A2:2009, which is withdraw
w ithdrawn.

The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical

Committee MHE/3/-/12, Crane attachments.

A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on

request to its committee manager.

This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.

© The British Standards Institution 2020

Published by BSI Standards Limited 2020

ISBN 978 0 580 98493 8

ICS 53.020.30

Compliance with a British Standard cannot

Compliance c annot confer immunity from
legal obligations.

This British Standard was published under the authority of the

Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 December 2020.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since

si nce publication
Date Tex t af fected
BS EN 13155:2020



ICS 53.020.30 Supersedes EN 13155:2003+A2:2009

English Version
Crane - Safety - Non-fixed load lifting attachments
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue - Sécurité - Krane - Sicherheit - Lose Lastaufnahmemittel
Accessoires de levage amovibles

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 17 January 2020.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions
c onditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELE
CEN-CENELEC C Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national
n ational standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 B


© 2020 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved
reserved Ref. No. EN 13155:2020 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword.......................................................................................................................................................
.......................................................................... ............................................................................. 8
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 9

1 Scope .............................................................................
.................................................................................... 10
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. .................................................... 11
3 Terms and definitions ..........................................................................
...................................................... 12
4 List of significant hazards .........................................................................................................................
............................................................................. ............................................ 21
5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures .......................................................................... 46
5.1 General requirements .......................................................................................
......................................... 46
5.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................. ............................................................................ 46
5.1.2 Mechanical load bearing parts ................................................................................................................
................................................................................. ............................... 46
5.1.3 Controls................................................................................
............................................................................ 47
5.1.4 Handles ................................................................................
............................................................................ 47
5.1.5 Requirements for slings which are integrated .................................................................................. 47
5.1.6 Stability during storage .............................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ............................................. 48
5.1.7 Quality of welding ........................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ........................................................ 48
5.2 Specific requirements for each category of attachment ................................................................ 48
5.2.1 Plate clamps .................................................................................
.................................................................. 48
5.2.2 Vacuum lifters ...............................................................................................................................................
.......................................................................... ..................................................................... 49
5.2.3 Lifting magnets..............................................................................................................................................
magnets........................................................................ ...................................................................... 50
5.2.4 C-hooks ...........................................................................
................................................................................. 52
5.2.5 Lifting forks ....................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................... ..................................................................... 52
5.2.6 Lifting beams .................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ...................................................................... 53
5.2.7 Clamps ..............................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. ................................................................................. 54
5.2.8 Lifting insert systems..................................................................................................................................
................................................................................... ............................................... 55
6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or protective measures...................................... 56
7 Information for use .....................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................. ................................................... 62
7.1 Instruction handbook .............................................................................
.................................................... 62
7.1.1 General information....................................................................................................................................
............................................................................... ..................................................... 62

7.1.2 Specific information ....................................................................................................................................

.............................................................................. ...................................................... 63
7.1.3 Guidance for maintenance ........................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ............................................. 66
7.1.4 Verifications and inspections ..................................................................................................................
................................................................................. ................................. 67
7.2 Marking ...............................................................................
............................................................................. 67
7.2.1 Minimum marking .................................................................................
...................................................... 67
7.2.2 Additional marking .....................................................................................................................................
............................................................................ ......................................................... 67
7.2.3 Additional safety plates .............................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ............................................. 68
Annex A (normative) General verification
verification methods ...................................................................................... 69
A.1 Verification of mechanical strength by calculation ......................................................................... 69
A.2 Verification of mechanical strength on the type by a static test ................................................. 69
A.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... ................................................................. 69
A.2.2 Procedure......................................................................................................
.................................................. 69

A.2.3 Acceptance criteria ................................................................................

...................................................... 69
A.3 Verification of mechanical strength on each individual attachment by a static test ........... 70

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

A.3.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................

................................................ 7
A.3.2 Procedure ............................................................................
............................................................................ 70
A.3.3 Acceptance criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 70
A.4 Verification by inspection ..................................................................
....................................................... 70
A.4.1 Procedure ..............................................................................
.......................................................................... 70

A.4.2 Acceptance criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 70

Annex B (normative) Verification methods for for plate clamps clamps ..................................................................... 71
B.1 No detachment when the load is brought down and in case of impact ..................................... 71
B.1.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ............................................................................ 71
B.1.2 Procedure ..............................................................................
.......................................................................... 71
B.1.3 Acceptance criteria ..................................................................................
.................................................... 71
B.2 Determination of the friction coefficient .............................................................................................
....................................................................................... ...... 71
B.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. .......................................................................... 71
B.2.2 Procedure ...............................................................................
......................................................................... 72
B.2.3 Acceptance criteria ....................................................................................
.................................................. 73

B.3 No slipping of the load - clamping by friction or penetration ...................................................... 73

B.3.1 Procedure ................................................................................
........................................................................ 73
B.3.2 Acceptance criteria .....................................................................................
................................................. 74
B.4 Range of thickness of clamps....................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ......................................... 74
B.4.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................. ......................................................................... 74
B.4.2 Procedure ................................................................................
........................................................................ 74
B.4.3 Acceptance criteria .....................................................................................
................................................. 74
B.5 Minimum working load ..............................................................................................................................
.......................................................................... .................................................... 74
B.5.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................. ......................................................................... 74
B.5.2 Procedure ................................................................................
........................................................................ 74
B.5.3 Acceptance criteria .................................................................................
..................................................... 74
Annex C (normative) Verification methods for vacuum lifters ................................................................... 75
C.1 Verification of pressure measuring device .................................................................................
........ 75
C.1.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ............................................................................ 75
C.1.2 Procedure .............................................................................
........................................................................... 75
C.1.3 Acceptance criteria ..................................................................................
.................................................... 75
C.2 Verification of leakage indicator.............................................................................................................
.............................................................................. ............................... 75
C.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ............................................................................ 75
C.2.2 Procedure .............................................................................
........................................................................... 75
C.2.3 Acceptance criteria ..................................................................................
.................................................... 75
C.3 Verification of visibility of measuring device or indicator ............................................................ 75

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

C.3.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................

............................................................................... ........................................................................ 75
C.3.2 Procedure................................................................................................
........................................................ 75
C.3.3 Acceptance criteria.........................................................................
............................................................. 75
C.4 Verification of devices to compensate for vacuum losses ............................................................. 76
C.4.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................. ..................................................................... 76

C.4.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure.................................................................................................. ...................................................... 76
C.4.3 Acceptance criteria...........................................................................
........................................................... 76
C.5 Verification of warning device ................................................................................................................
........................................................................... ..................................... 76
C.5.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................... .................................................................... 76
C.5.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure................................................................................................... ..................................................... 76
C.5.3 Acceptance criteria ......................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. ......................................................... 76
C.6 Verification of the non-return valve......................................................................................................
.............................................................................. ........................ 76
C.6.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................... .................................................................. 76
C.6.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure...................................................................................................... .................................................. 76
C.6.3 Acceptance criteria ......................................................................................................................................
............................................................................... ....................................................... 76

C.7 Verification of controls ..............................................................................................................................

.................................................................................. ............................................ 77
C.7.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... ................................................................. 77
C.7.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure....................................................................................................... ................................................. 77
C.7.3 Acceptance criteria ......................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ...................................................... 77
C.8 Verification of energy source failure warning system.................................................................... 77
C.8.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.......................................................................... ............................................................................. 77
C.8.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure......................................................................................................... ............................................... 77
C.8.3 Acceptance criteria ......................................................................................................................................
................................................................................... ................................................... 77
C.9 Verification of the position of the load .................................................................................................
............................................................................. .................... 77
C.9.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................ ........................................................................... 77
C.9.2 Procedure...............................................................................................
......................................................... 77
C.9.3 Acceptance criteria .......................................................................................
............................................... 77
C.10 Verification of adhesion force by calculation or testing ................................................................ 77
C.10.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................
.......................................................................... ................................................................................... 77
C.10.2 Verification by calculation
calculation ........................................................................................................................
.................................................................................. ...................................... 78
C.10.2.1 Procedure ...............................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................... ........................................................... 78
C.10.2.2 Acceptance criteria...........................................................................
................................................... 78
C.10.3 Verification by testing ................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. ................................................... 79
C.10.3.1 Procedure ...............................................................................................................................................
................................................................................... ............................................................ 79
C.10.3.2 Acceptance criteria..........................................................................
.................................................... 79
C.11 Determination of the friction coefficient .............................................................................................
........................................................................... .................. 79

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

C.11.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................

....................................................................................... ................................................................ 79
C.11.2 Procedure ..........................................................................
.............................................................................. 80
C.11.3 Acceptance criteria ..............................................................................
........................................................ 80
Annex D (normative) Verification methods for lifting magnets ................................................................ 81
D.1 Verification of tear-off force .....................................................................................................................
................................................................................... .................................. 81

D.1.1 Verification by pull test ..............................................................................................................................

.................................................................................. ............................................ 81
D.1.1.1 Conditions (see Figure
Fig ure D.1): .....................................................................................................................
........................................ ............................................................................. 81
D.1.1.2 Procedure
Procedure ...................................................................................................................
..................................... 82
D.1.1.3 Acceptance criteria ................................
............... 82
D.1.2 Verification by flux measurement and calculation .......................................................................... 82
D.1.2.1 Conditions ............................................................................................................................
..................................... ..................................................................................................................
........................... 82
D.1.2.2 Procedure
Procedure ..............................................................................................................
.......................................... 83
D.1.2.3 Acceptance criteria ...........................
.................... 83
D.2 Verification of controls ...............................................................................................................................
........................................................................... .................................................... 83
D.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................ ........................................................................... 83

D.2.2 Procedure .............................................................................

........................................................................... 83
D.2.3 Acceptance criteria .................................................................................
..................................................... 83
D.3 Verification of back-up and warning devices .....................................................................................
.......................................................................... ........... 83
D.3.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................... ................................................................ 83
D.3.2 Procedure ..........................................................................
.............................................................................. 83
D.3.3 Acceptance criteria ..............................................................................
........................................................ 83
D.4 Verification of the discharge time of batteries ..................................................................................
................................................................................ .. 83
D.4.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................. ..................................................................... 83
D.4.2 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................... ..................................................................... 84
D.4.3 Acceptance criteria .......................................................................................
............................................... 84
D.5 Verification of indicating devices .......................................................................................
.................... 84
D.5.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................... .................................................................. 84
D.5.2 Procedure ......................................................................................
.................................................................. 84
D.5.3 Acceptance criteria ...........................................................................
........................................................... 84
D.6 Verification of alternative mechanical back-up devices ................................................................ 84
D.6.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ....................................................................... 84
D.6.2 Procedure .................................................................................
....................................................................... 84
D.6.3 Acceptance criteria .....................................................................................
................................................. 84
D.7 Verification that the magnet is matched to the intended load(s) ............................................... 85
D.7.1 Procedure ...............................................................................
......................................................................... 85
D.7.2 Acceptance criteria ..................................................................................
.................................................... 85

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Annex E (normative) Verification methods for lifting beams ..................................................................... 86

E.1 Verification of mechanical strength of each individual lifting beam by static test or
live load test ................................................................................................................................................... 86
E.1.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................. ......................................................................... 86
E.1.2 Procedure...............................................................................................
......................................................... 86
E.1.3 Acceptance criteria ......................................................................................
................................................ 86
E.2 Verification of mechanical strength on the type by a static test ................................................. 86
E.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ....................................................................... 86
E.2.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure................................................................................................. ....................................................... 86
E.2.3 Acceptance criteria..........................................................................
............................................................ 87
E.3 Verification of locking or holding devices by testing ...................................................................... 87
E.3.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................. ..................................................................... 87
E.3.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure.................................................................................................. ...................................................... 87
E.3.3 Acceptance criteria...........................................................................
........................................................... 87
E.4 Verification of the locking or holding by calculation ...................................................................... 88

Annex F (normative) Verification methods for lifting forks ....................................................................... 89

F.1 Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device for
lifting forks in horizontal direction ..............................................................................
......................... 89
F.1.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................... .................................................................... 89
F.1.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure.................................................................................................. ...................................................... 89
F.1.3 Acceptance criteria..........................................................................
............................................................ 89
F.2 Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device for
lifting forks in vertical direction ............................................................................................................ 89
F.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ....................................................................... 89
F.2.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................................................
Procedure................................................................................................ ........................................................ 89
F.2.3 Acceptance criteria ......................................................................................
................................................ 89
Annex G (normative) Verification methods for clamps................................................................................
......................................................................... ....... 90
G.1 Determination of the friction coefficient .............................................................................................
.............................................................................. ............... 90
G.1.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. .......................................................................... 90
G.1.2 Procedure.............................................................................................
........................................................... 90
G.1.3 Acceptance criteria ...................................................................................
................................................... 91
G.2 No slipping of the load – clamping by friction or penetration ..................................................... 91
G.2.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................. .......................................................................... 91
G.2.2 Acceptance criteria ...................................................................................
................................................... 92
G.3 Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device for
clamps in horizontal direction ................................................................................................................ 92

G.3.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................

............................................................................. .......................................................................... 92
G.3.2 Procedure.............................................................................................
........................................................... 92

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

G.3.3 Acceptance criteria ................................................................................

...................................................... 92
G.4 Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device for
clamps in vertical
v ertical direction ...................................................................................................................... 92
G.4.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... ................................................................. 92
G.4.2 Procedure .......................................................................................
................................................................. 92
G.4.3 Acceptance criteria ............................................................................
.......................................................... 92
G.5 Range of thickness of clamps..................................................................................
.................................. 93
G.5.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................... ................................................................... 93
G.5.2 Procedure .....................................................................................
................................................................... 93
G.5.3 Acceptance criteria ..........................................................................
............................................................ 93
Annex H (normative) Verification methods for lifting insert systems ..................................................... 94
H.1 Verification of the embedment in concrete.........................................................................................
....................................................................................... .. 94
H.1.1 Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ....................................................................... 94
H.1.2 Procedure .................................................................................
....................................................................... 94
H.1.2.1 General ...........................................
........................... 94

H.1.2.2 Failure modes ................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................... ............................................................ 99
H.1.3 Acceptance criteria ....................................................................................
............................................... 101
H.1.3.1 General ....................................................................................
...................................................................... 101
H.1.3.2 Normalization of ultimate loads ...............................................................................
............................ 102
H.1.3.3 Concrete failure .....................................................................................................................................
..... 102
H.1.3.4 Pull-out ..........................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ .......................................................................... 102
H.1.3.5 Steel failure ..............................................................................................................................
.................... 102
H.1.3.6 Evaluation criteria.....................................................................................................................................
................................................................................ ..................................................... 102
H.2 Individual verifications ...........................................................................................................................
................................................................................... ........................................ 103
H.2.1 Conditions ....................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................... ............................................................... 103

H.2.1.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................................

............................................................................................ .............................................................. 103
H.2.1.2 Factory Production Control (FPC) .......................................................................................................
............................. .......................................................................... 103
H.2.2 Procedure ..........................................................................
........................................................................... 104
H.2.3 Acceptance criteria ..............................................................................
..................................................... 104
Annex I (informative) Selection of a suitable set of
of crane standards for a given application...... 105
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard
Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC aimed to be covered............................................ 107
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................. 112

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 13155:2020) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 147 “Cranes -
Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2021, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by June 2021.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document will supersede EN 13155:2003+A2:200


This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this

The main modifications between EN 13155:2003+A2:20

09 and EN 13155:2020 concern:

reference to EN 13001-1 and −2 for the calculation;

— general requirement to introduce the reference

— vacuum lifters;

— lifting magnet;

— the addition to the scope of lifting insert systems for lifting prefabricated concrete products;

— reduction of load changes

changes from 20
20 000 to 16 000 in all clauses.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)


This document has been prepared to be a harmonized standard to provide one means for non-fixed load
lifting attachments used on cranes to conform with the essential health and safety requirements of the
Machinery Directive, as amended.
This document is a type C standard as stated in EN ISO 12100.

The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards are covered are indicated in the
th e scope of this
When provisions of this type C standard are different from those which are stated in type A or B
standards, the provisions of this type C standard take precedence over the provisions of the other
standards, for non-fixed load lifting attachments which have been designed and built according to the
provisions of this type C standard.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

1 Scope

This document specifies safety requirements for the following non-fixed load lifting attachments for
cranes, hoists and manually controlled load manipulating devices:
a) plate clamps;

b) vacuum lifters:

1) self-priming;

2) non-self-priming (pump, venturi, turbine);

c) lifting magnets:

1) electric lifting magnets (battery fed and mains-fed);

2) permanent lifting magnets;

3) electro-permanent
electro-permanent lifting magnets;

d) lifting beams;

e) C-hooks;

f) lifting forks;

g) clamps;

h) lifting insert
insert systems
systems for use in normal
normal weight concrete,

as defined in Clause 3.
This document does not give requirements for:
— non-fixed load
load lifting attachments
attachments in direct
direct contact with
with foodstuffs or pharmaceuticals requiring
requiring a
high level of cleanliness for hygiene reasons;

— hazards resulting from handling specific hazardous materials (e.g. explosives,

explosives, hot molten
molten masses,
radiating materials);

— hazards caused by
by operation
operation in an explosive atmosphere;

— hazards caused by noise;

— hazards relating to the lifting of persons;


— electrical hazards;

— hazards due to hydraulic

hydraulic and pneumatic components.

For high risk applications not covered by this standard, EN 13001-2:2014,

13001-2:2014, 4.3.2 gives guidance to deal
with them.

This document covers the proof of static strength, the elastic stability and the proof of fatigue strength.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

This document does not generally applies to attachments intended to lift above people. Some attachments
are suitable for that purpose if equipped with additional safety features. In such cases the additional
safety features are specified in the specific requirements.
This document does not cover slings, ladles, expanding mandrels, buckets, grabs, or grab buckets. This
document does not cover power operated container handling spreaders, which are in the scope of
EN 15056.

This document is not applicable to non-fixed load attachments manufactured before the date of its

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 206:2013+A1:2016, Concrete — Specification, performance, production and conformity

EN 349:1993+A1:2008, Safety of machinery — Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body

EN 818-4:1996+A1:2008, Short link chain for lifting

lif ting purposes — Safety — Part 4: Chain slings — Grade 8

EN 818-5:1999+A1:2008, Short link chain for lifting purposes — Safety — Part 5: Chain slings — Grade 4

EN 842:1996+A1:2008, Safety of machinery — Visual danger signals — General requirements, design and

EN 981:1996+A1:2008, Safety of machinery — System of auditory and visual danger and information

EN 1492-1:2000+A1:2008, Textile slings — Safety — Part 1: Flat woven webbing slings made of man-made
fibres for general purpose use

EN 1492-2:2000+A1:2008, Textile slings — Safety — Part 2: Roundslings made of man-made fibres for
general purpose use

EN 1492-4:2004+A1:2008, Textile slings — Safety — Part 4: Lifting slings for general service made from

natural and man-made fibre ropes

EN 1677-1:2000+A1:2008, Components for slings — Safety — Part 1:
1 : Forged steel components, Grade 8

EN 1677-2:2000+A1:2008, Components for slings — Safety — Part 2: Forged steel lifting

l ifting hooks with latch,
Grade 8

EN 1677-3:2001+A1:2008, Components for slings — Safety — Part 3: Forged steel self-locking hooks —
Grade 8

EN 1677-4:2000+A1:2008, Components for slings — Safety — Part 4:

4 : Links, Grade 8

EN 1677-5:2001+A1:2008, Components for slings — Safety — Part 5: Forged steel lifting hooks
hoo ks with
latch — Grade 4

EN 1677-6:2001+A1:2008, Components for slings — Safety — Part 6:

6 : Links - Grade 4
EN 10029:2010,
10029:2010, Hot-rolled steel plates 3 mm thick
th ick or above — Tolerances on dimensions and shape

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

EN 10034:1993,
10034:1993, Structural steel I and H sections — Tolerances on
o n shape and dimensions

EN 12385-4:2002+A1:2008, Steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 4: Stranded ropes for general lifting

13001-1:2015, Cranes — General design — Part 1: General principles and requirements

EN 13001-1:2015,

13001-2:2014, Cranes safety — General design — Part 2: Load actions

EN 13001-2:2014,

EN 13001-3-1:2012+A2:2018, Cranes — General Design — Part 3-1: Limit States and proof competence of
steel structure

EN 13369:2018, Common rules for precast concrete products

EN 13414-1:2003+A2:2008, Steel wire rope slings — Safety — Part 1: Slings for general lifting service

EN 13557:2003+A2:2008, Cranes — Controls and control stations

5817:2014, Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding
EN ISO 5817:2014,
excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2014)

EN ISO 7731:2008,
7731:2008, Ergonomics — Danger signals for public and work areas — Auditory danger signals

(ISO 7731:2003)
EN ISO 9606-1:2017,
9606-1:2017, Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1:
1 : Steels (ISO 9606-1:2012
including Cor 1:2012 and Cor 2:2013)

EN ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk
reduction (ISO 12100:2010)

EN ISO 13849-1:2015, Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General
principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2015)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 12100 and the following
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp


adhesion force
force required to remove the load from
f rom a vacuum lifter

equipment in the form of a ‘C’ used for lifting hollow loads

(see Figure 1)

EXAMPLE Examples of hollow loads are coils and pipes.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Figure 1 — Example of a C-hook

working coefficient
arithmetic ratio between the maximum load which a load lifting attachment is able to hold and the
working load limit marked

equipment used to handle loads by clamping on a specific part of the load

(see Figure 2)
Note 1 to entry:
entry: Clamps are
are also known as tongs. For a definition of plate clamp
clampss see 3.5.

Figure 2 — Example of a clamp

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

plate clamps
non-powered equipment
equipment used to handle plates by clamping them between jaws

(see Figure 3)

Figure 3 — Examples of plate clamps

high risk area
area where the consequences of failure extending beyond the vicinity of the lifting equipment, with high
consequences in terms of loss of human lives or with very serious economic, social and environmental

EXAMPLE Examples of high risk areas are construction and demolition sites and areas where the environmen
is constantly changing.

Note 1 tto
o entry: EN 13135:2013+A1:2018, 5.9.1 deals with high risk applications.

individual verification
verification carried out on every item produced

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

lifting beam
equipment consisting of one or more members loaded in compression and/or bending, and equipped
with attachment points to facilitate the handling of loads which are suspended at several points, this
includes load rotating beams

(see Figure 4a and Figure 4b)

Note 1 to entry:
entry: A lifting
lifting beam loaded only in comp
ression is also known as a spreader
spreader beam

a) Example of a lifting beam loaded in bending

b) Example of a lifting beam loaded in compression

Figure 4 — Examples of a lifting beam

lifting forks

palletized orconsisting of two or more arms fixed to an upright with an upper arm, essentially to lift
similar loads

(see Figure 5)

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Figure 5 — Example of lifting forks

lifting magnet
equipment with a magnetic field which creates sufficient force for gripping, holding and handling loads
with ferro-magnet
f erro-magnetic
ic properties

(see Figure 6)

Figure 6 — Example of a lifting magnet

electric lifting magnet
equipment with a magnetic field generated by an electric current creating sufficient force for gripping,
holding and handling loads with ferro-magnetic properties

permanent lifting magnet
equipment with a permanent magnetic, field controlled by mechanical means, which creates sufficient
force for gripping, holding and handling loads with ferro-magnetic properties

electro-permanent lifting magnet
equipment with a permanent magnetic field, controlled by an electric current which is not required to
sustain the magnetic field, which creates sufficient force for gripping, holding and handling loads with
ferro-magnetic properties

Note 1 to entry: Electro-per

manent lifting magnets can be energized by
by the mains
mains,, or by battery
battery or stand-alone

minimum working load
minimum load that the non-fixed load lifting attachment is designed to lift under the conditions specified
by the manufacturer

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

no-go area
area from which persons are excluded during lifting operations

non-fixed load lifting attachment
lifting attachment which can be fitted directly or indirectly to the hook
h ook or any other coupling device of a

crane, hoist or
crane, hoist or manually
manually controlled
controlled manipulating
manipulating device
device by the user without affecting the integrity of the

normal weight concrete
concrete with a dry density of more than 2 000 kg/m3, not exceeding 2 600 kg/m3

positive holding device
device making a direct mechanical connection to the load and which does not rely on friction, suction or
magnetic adhesion to the load

secondary positive holding device
device to hold loads if the primary holding means fails, and which does not rely on friction, suction or
magnetic adhesion to the load

tear-off force
force applied at a right angle to the plane of the magnet poles which is required to detach the load from
the switched-on magnet

two-action control
control which, in order to be operative, requires the performance of two separate actions with one or two

EXAMPLE Examples of two-action control are:

a) operation of two separate hold-to-run controls;

b) sequential operation of two movement

movementss of a control device;

c) previous unlocking of the control with self-locking in the neutral position.

type verification
verification carried out on one or more samples representative of a particular design and size of product
before it is first placed on the market

vacuum lifter
equipment which includes one or several suction pads operating by vacuum

(see Figure 7)

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

1 vacuum lifter
2 suction pad
3 load

Figure 7 — Examples of vacuum lifters

Self-priming vacuum lifter
vacuum lifter using the load to create the vacuum

(see Figure 8)

Figure 8 — Example of a self-priming vacuum lifter


non self-priming
vacuum lifter usingvacuum lifter
an external source of energy

(see Figure 9)

Figure 9 — Example of a non-self-priming vacuum lifter

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

suction pad
part of the vacuum lifter which connects to the load by vacuum

(see Figure 7)


that the non-fixed load lifting attachment is designed to lift under the conditions specified
by the manufacturer

lifting insert system
equipment for lifting precast concrete elements comprising a lifting insert and a matching lifting key

(see Figure 10)

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

1 crane hook
2 sling
3 angle of inclination
4 precast concrete element
5 lifting key
6 lifting insert
7 lifting insert system

Figure 10 — Example of lifting insert system

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

lifting insert
element cast into a precast concrete element which, together with a matching lifting key, provides a load
lifting attachment

(see Figure 10)

lifting key
detachable element which engages with a matching lifting
lifti ng insert to provide a lifting
lifti ng attachment

(see Figure 10)

precast concrete element
concrete element cast in a mould and cured in a controlled environment including reinforced concrete
and pre-stressed reinforced concrete

4 List of significant hazards

Table 1 to Table 8 give a list of significant hazardous situations and hazardous specified in EN ISO 12100
is based on the consideration of significant hazards basically without any specific reference to the
Essential Requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC. Furthermore it makes reference to the relevant clauses
in this standard that are necessary to reduce or eliminate the risks associated with those hazards.

Table 1 — Plate Clamps – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,,
— by potential energy (falling objects, objects,,
height from the ground, gravity),
Annex B
— by kinetic energy (acceleration,
(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts Not specified
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not reported

1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,

operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
8 Ergonomic hazards

8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing points
2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-
guided machinery
8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not specified
visual displays units machinery
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.4 Operator intervention
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control
1.2.2 Control devices
1.2.5 Selection of control or operating
1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1
1.7 Information Heading

1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1,,

1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.1

drafting of instructions Contents of the instruction
instructionss 7.1, 7.1.1,

8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics

Ergonomics 5.1.4
9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the
th e machine is used

9.1 Lightning 1.5.16 Lightning

9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control
1.1.7 Operating positions
9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control

1.1.7 Operating positions

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

11 Combination of hazards
11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling

temperature 1.1.6 Ergonomics

1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point
1.6.4 Operator intervention

1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not specified

11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,,,,,,, Annex B

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

12 Hazards due to:

— assembly and installation
— setting
— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance Not specified
17 Hazards linked to work position (including driving
dr iving station) on the machine

Supplementary, due to lifting operations

22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6
22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements, 7.1
4.4.1 Lifting accessories
22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,,,
Annex A

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes
lifting and accessories and their and chains
inadequate integration into the machine Lifting accessories and their,

components, 5.1.5,,
Annex B
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing
4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories, 7.1

4.4.2d) Lifting machinery
4.4.2e) Lifting machinery

25 Ergonomic hazards

25.1 Restricted movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not specified

26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the

th e machine is used
26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not specified
26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not specified

Table 2 — Vacuum lifters – List

L ist of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,,

— by potential energy (falling objects, objects,,,,
height from the ground, gravity),,,,
Annex C
— by kinetic energy (acceleration,
(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not specified

1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,

operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6

its handling
1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6

2 Electrical hazards
2.5 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic phenomena 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not specified
8 Ergonomic hazards

8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4,
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4,
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing points
2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-
guided machinery
8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not specified
visual displays units machinery
8.6 Design, location or identification of 1.2.2 Control devices 5.1.3,,
controll devices
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4,
1.6.4 Operator intervention
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4,
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
1.2.2 Control devices 5.1.3

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating

1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1

1.7 Information Heading

1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1,,


1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.1
drafting of instruction
i nstructionss Contents of the instruction
instructionss 7.1, 7.1.1,

8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics

Ergonomics 5.1.4,

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the

th e machine is used
9.1 Lightning 1.5.16 Lightning Not specified
9.2 Moisture 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control Not specified

1.1.7 Operating positions

9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control Not specified

1.1.7 Operating positions

9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control Not specified

1.1.7 Operating positions

10.1 Failure/disorder of the control system 1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control Not specified
and control circuits systems
1.2.3 Starting Not specified

1.2.4 Stopping Not relevant

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating Not specified
1.6.3 Isolation of energy sources Not relevant

10.2 Restoration of energy supply after an 1.2.3 Starting Not specified

1.2.6 Failure of the power supply,,

10.3 Software error 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not reported
10.4 Failure of the power supply 1.2.6 Failure of the power supply,,
11 Combination of hazards

11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point

1.6.4 Operator intervention

1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not specified

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,,,,,,,,,,
Annex C

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

12 Hazards due to:

— assembly and installation
— setting
— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance
Supplementary, due to lifting operations

22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls,

fall s, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6

22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements 7.1
4.4.1 Lifting accessories
22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes,,
lifting and accessories and their and chains, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
inadequate integration into the machine Annex A Lifting accessories and their
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing

4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal
Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1
assembly/use/maintenance 4.4.2d) Lifting machinery
4.4.2e) Lifting machinery
25 Ergonomic hazards

25.1 Restricted movements

movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not specified

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the

th e machine is used
26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not specified
26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not specified

Table 3 — Lifting magnets – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,,
— by potential energy (falling objects, objects,,
height from the ground, gravity),,,,,,,,
Annex D
— by kinetic energy (acceleration,
(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not specified
1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,
operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6

2 Electrical hazards

2.5 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic phenomena 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not specified
8 Ergonomic hazards

8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing points

2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-

guided machinery
8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not specified
visual displays units machinery
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.4 Operator intervention
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
1.2.2 Control devices 5.1.3,,,

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating


1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1

1.7 Information Heading

1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1,,


1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.1
drafting of instruction
i nstructionss Contents of the instructions 7.1, 7.1.1,

8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics

Ergonomics 5.1.4
9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

9.2 Moisture 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified
1.1.7 Operating positions

9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified
1.1.7 Operating positions

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control Not reported

1.1.7 Operating positions


10.1 Failure/disorder of the control system 1.2.1 Safety and reliability

reliability of control Not specified
and control circuits systems
1.2.3 Starting Not specified
1.2.4 Stopping Not relevant

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating Not specified


1.6.3 Isolation of energy sources Not relevant

10.2 Restoration of energy supply after an 1.2.3 Starting Not reported
1.2.6 Failure of the power supply

10.3 Software error 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not specified
10.4 Failure of the power supply 1.2.6 Failure of the power supply
11 Combination of hazards
11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point
1.6.4 Operator intervention
1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not specified

11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,,,,,,,,,,,,
Annex D
1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
12 Hazards due to:
— assembly and installation
— setting

— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance
Supplementary, due to lifting operations
22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6

22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements 7.1
4.4.1 Lifting accessories
22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes
lifting and accessories and their and chains,,,
inadequate integration into the machine, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A Lifting accessories and their
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing
4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal
Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1
4.4.2d) Lifting machinery

4.4.2e) Lifting machinery

25 Ergonomic hazards

25.1 Restricted movements

movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not specified
26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not specified

26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not specified
Supplementary, for machinery presenting particular hazards due to the lifting of persons

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Table 4 — C-Hooks – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,
— by potential energy (falling objects, objects
height from the ground, gravity)
— by kinetic energy (acceleration,
(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not specified
1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,
operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling
1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6
8 Ergonomic hazards

8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing points
2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-
guided machinery
8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not specified
visual displays units machinery
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

1.6.4 Operator intervention

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control

1.2.2 Control devices

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating

1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1
1.7 Information Heading
1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1,,

1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.1

drafting of instruction
i nstructionss Contents of the instruction
instructionss 7.1, 7.1.1,

8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics

Ergonomics 5.1.4
9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
1.1.7 Operating positions
9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
1.1.7 Operating positions
11 Combination of hazards

11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point
1.6.4 Operator intervention
1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not specified
11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
12 Hazards due to:
— assembly and installation
— setting

— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance Not specified
Supplementary, due to lifting operations
22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6

22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements 7.1
4.4.1 Lifting accessories
22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes,,
lifting and accessories and their and chains, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
inadequate integration into the machine Annex A Lifting accessories and their
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing
4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1

4.4.2d) Lifting machinery
4.4.2e) Lifting machinery
23 Hazards linked to driver/operator position

23.1 Insufficient visibility from driver Movements of loads during

position handling
4.4.2c) Lifting machinery
Supplementary, for machinery intended for underground work

25 Ergonomic hazards

25.1 Restricted movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not specified

26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the
th e machine is used
26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not specified
26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not specified

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Table 5 — Lifting hooks – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,,
— by potential energy (falling objects, objects,,
height from the ground, gravity),,
Annex F
— by kinetic energy (acceleration,
(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not specified

1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,

operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6

8 Ergonomic hazards
8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

1.6.2 Access to operating

operating positions
and servicing points

2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-

guided machinery

8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not specified
visual displays units machinery
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.4 Operator intervention

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

1.2.1 Safety and reliability

reliability of control

1.2.2 Control devices

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating

1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1

1.7 Information Heading
1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1,,

1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.1

drafting of instructions Contents of the instructions 7.1, 7.1.1,

8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics

Ergonomics 5.1.4
9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the
t he machine is used

9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability

reliability of control
1.1.7 Operating positions

9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability

reliability of control

1.1.7 Operating positions

11 Combination of hazards

11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point
1.6.4 Operator intervention

1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not specified

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,,,,,
1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
12 Hazards due to:
— assembly and installation
— setting
— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance Not specified
Supplementary, due to lifting operations

22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6

22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements 7.1
4.4.1 Lifting accessories
22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes
lifting and accessories and their and chains
inadequate integration into the machine Lifting accessories and their,,
components, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing

4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal
Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1
4.4.2d) Lifting machinery
4.4.2e) Lifting machinery

25 Ergonomic hazards
25.1 Restricted movements
movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not reported
26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not reported

26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not reported

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Table 6 — Lifting beams – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,,
— by potential energy (falling objects, objects,,
height from the ground, gravity), Annex E

— by kinetic energy (acceleration,

(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not specified
1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,
operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling
1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6
2 Electrical hazards

2.5 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic phenomena 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not specified
8 Ergonomic hazards

8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

1.6.2 Access to operating

operating positions
and servicing points
2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-
guided machinery

8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not specified
visual displays units machinery
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

1.6.4 Operator intervention


BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control

1.2.2 Control devices

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating

1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1

1.7 Information Heading

1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.3

1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.

drafting of instruction
i nstructionss Contents of the instruction
instructionss 7.1, 7.1.1,

8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics

Ergonomics 5.1.4
9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

9.1 Lightning 1.5.16 Lightning Not specified

9.2 Moisture 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control

control Not specified
1.1.7 Operating positions

9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified

1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified
1.1.7 Operating positions
9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified
1.1.7 Operating positions

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

10.1 Failure/disorder of the control system 1.2.1 Safety and reliability

reliability of control Not specified
and control circuits systems
1.2.3 Starting Not specified
1.2.4 Stopping Not relevant
1.2.5 Selection of control or operating Not specified
1.6.3 Isolation of energy sources Not relevant
10.2 Restoration of energy supply after an 1.2.3 Starting Not specified
1.2.6 Failure of the power supply Not specified

10.3 Software error 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not specified
10.4 Failure of the power supply 1.2.6 Failure of the power supply Not specified
11 Combination of hazards
11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point
1.6.4 Operator intervention
1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not reported

11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,,,,,
Annex E

— 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

12 Hazards due to:

— assembly and installation
— setting
— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance Not specified
Supplementary, due to lifting operations

22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6

22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements 7.1
4.4.1 Lifting accessories
22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes
lifting and accessories and their and chains
inadequate integration into the machine Lifting accessories and their,,
components, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing
4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal
Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1
4.4.2d) Lifting machinery

4.4.2e) Lifting machinery

Supplementary, for machinery intended for underground work

25 Ergonomic hazards

25.1 Restricted movements

movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not specified
26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not specified

26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not specified

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Table 7 — Clamps – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected,,
— by potential energy (falling objects, objects,,
height from the ground, gravity),,
Annex G
— by kinetic energy (acceleration,
(acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products Not specified
1.3.2 Risk of break-up during,,
operation, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or Not specified
1.11 Injection 1.3.2 Risk of break-up during
1.12 Slipping, tripping and falling 1.5.15 Risk of slipping, tripping or
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling

1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6

2 Electrical hazards

2.5 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic phenomena 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control Not reported

8 Ergonomic hazards

8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
8.2 Inadequate consideration of anatomy 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing points

2.2 Portable hand-held and/or hand-

guided machinery
8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the Not reported
visual displays units machinery
8.8 Mental overload/underload
overload/underload 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.6.4 Operator intervention

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control

1.2.2 Control devices

1.2.5 Selection of control or operating
1.5.4 Errors of fitting 7.1.1

1.7 Information Heading

1.7.3 Marking of machinery 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.3

1.7.4 Instructions
Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1, General principles for the 7.1.1

drafting of instruction
i nstructionss Contents of the instruction

instructionss 7.1, 7.1.1,
8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4
9 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

9.1 Lightning 1.5.16 Lightning Not specified

9.2 Moisture 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
control Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
1.1.7 Operating positions
9.3 Pollution 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified

1.1.7 Operating positions

9.4 Snow, water, wind, temperature 1.1.3 Material and products Not specified
1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified
1.1.7 Operating positions

10.1 Failure/disorder
Failure/disorder of the control system 1.2.1 Safety and reliability of control
control Not specified
and control circuits systems
1.2.3 Starting Not specified

1.2.4 Stopping
Stopping Not relevant
1.2.5 Selection of control or operating Not specified
1.6.3 Isolation of energy sources Not relevant

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
10.2 Restoration of energy supply after an 1.2.3 Starting Not reported
1.2.6 Failure of the power supply

10.3 Software error 1.2.1 systems

Safety and reliability of control Not reported

10.4 Failure of the power supply 1.2.6 Failure of the power supply
11 Combination of hazards

11.1 — for example, repetitive activity + 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate 5.1.4, 5.1.6
effort + high environmental its handling
1.1.6 Ergonomics
1.6.2 Access to operating
operating positions
and servicing point
1.6.4 Operator intervention
1.5.5 Extreme temperatures Not reported
11.2 — for example, dismantling of heavy 1.3 Protection against mechanical 5.1.6
guards + hazards,,
— painful effort, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A,,,,,,
Annex G

1.1.6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics 5.1.4

12 Hazards due to:

— assembly and installation

— setting
— cleaning
— fault-finding
— maintenance
12.1 Maintenance 1.6.1 Machinery maintenance Not reported
Supplementary, due to lifting operations

22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.1 Lack of stability Risks due to lack of stability 5.1.6

22.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
devices/accessories Control of movements

4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1

22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes
lifting and accessories and their and chains
inadequate integration into the machine Lifting accessories and their,,
components, 5.1.5, 5.1.7,
Annex A
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing

4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.13 Abnormal
Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1
4.4.2d) Lifting machinery

4.4.2e) Lifting machinery

Supplementary, for machinery intended for underground work

25 Ergonomic hazards

25.1 Restricted movements

movements of persons 5.2 Movement Not specified
26 Hazards associated with the environment in which the machine is used

26.1 Fire and explosion 5.5 Fire Not specified

26.2 Emission of dust, gases, etc. 5.6 Exhaust emissions Not specified

Table 8 — Lifting insert systems – List of significant hazards and associated requirements

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

General, for many machines relevant

1 Mechanical hazards

1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to fallin
g or ejected 5.2.8
— height
by potential energy (falling objects,
from the ground, gravity)
— (acceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
by kinetic energy (acceleration,
deceleration, moving/rotating
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products
1.3.2 Risk of break-up during 5.2.8

8 Ergonomic hazards
8.5 Design or location of indicators and 1.7.1 Information and warnings on the 7.1
visual displays units machinery 7.2

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Significant hazard in accordance
Group Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I Clause(s) in this
with EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1

8.9 Human error during operation 1.1.6 Ergonomics

1.2.1 Safety and reliability
reliability of control
1.2.2 Control devices
1.2.5 Selection of control or operating
1.5.4 Errors of fitting
1.7 Information
8.10 Repetitive activity 1.1.6 Ergonomics
Supplementary, due to lifting operations

22 Mechanical hazards caused by load falls, collisions, machine tipping

22.9 Insufficient mechanical strength of parts Mechanical strength 5.2.8

22.10 Inadequate design of pulleys and drums Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes 5.2.8
and chains 7.1
22.11 Inadequate selection of chains, ropes, Pulleys, drums, wheels, ropes
lifting and accessories and their and chains
inadequate integration into the machine Lifting accessories and their 5.2.8, 7.1
4.3.1 Chains, ropes and webbing

4.3.2 Lifting accessories 7.2

22.12 Lowering of the load under the control Control of movements
of friction brake
22.13 Abnormal conditions of 4.4.1 Lifting accessories 7.1
4.4.2d) Lifting machinery

4.4.2e) Lifting machinery

5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 General

The load lifting attachment shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this
In addition, the attachment should be designed in accordance with EN ISO 12100 for hazards relevant
but not significant and which are not dealt with by this standard.
5.1.2 Mechanical load bearing parts

Unless otherwise specified in 5.2, the mechanical load bearing parts shall have a mechanical strength to
fulfil the following requirements:

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E) Load lifting attachments designed for a maximum of 16 000 load cycles

— Elastic condition: the mechanical

mechanical load bearing
bearing parts shall be designed to w
ithstand a static load of
two times the load they are required to sustain under the intended operating conditions without
permanent deformation.

— Yielded condition: the mechanical load bearing parts

parts shall be designed
designed to withstand a static load of
three times the load they are required to sustain under the intended operating conditions without
releasing the load even if permanent deformation occurs.

The coefficients mentioned above cover the uncertainties of the value of the actual load and the impact
factor for hoisting a grounded load (dynamic effect) in general applications. The proof of fatigue strength
is not necessary, it is covered by the global safety of the proof of static strength.
st rength. Load lifting attachments designed for more than 16 000 load cycles

The proof of the static strength and fatigue strength shall be based in accordance with EN 13001-1,
EN 13001-2 and EN°13001-3-1.
For static strength, the value of the risk coefficient (γ n) defined in EN 13001-2,
13001-2, shall be 1,4. Load lifting attachments intended to tilt shall

shall be designed for an angle of at least 6° more than
the maximum working angle. Attachments not intended to tilt shall be designed for an angle of at least 6°.

5.1.3 Controls

The controls of the attachment shall be in accordance with the following subclauses of
EN 13557:2003+A2:2008, where applicable: 5.1.1, 5.1.9, to inclusive and to inclusive.
5.1.4 Handles

An attachment that is intended to be guided manually shall be equipped with handle(s), arranged so that
finger injuries are avoided. Handles are not required if features have been built in to provide natural
5.1.5 Requirements for slings which are integrated

Slings which are an integrated part of the attachment shall be in accordance with the appropriate
following standards:
— EN 818-4;

— EN 818-5;

— EN 1492-1;

— EN 1492-2;

— EN 1492-4;

— EN 1677-1;

— EN 1677-2;

— EN 1677-3;

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

— EN 1677-4;

— EN 1677-5;

— EN 1677-6;

— EN 13414-1.

5.1.6 Stability during storage

When not required for use it shall be possible to set down the attachment so that it is stable during
storage. In order to be regarded as stable it shall not tip over when tilted to an angle of 10° in any
direction. This shall be achieved either by the shape of the attachment or by means of additional
equipment such as a stand.
5.1.7 Quality of welding

It shall be proved that the welding quality is according to EN ISO 5817.

5817. Welders shall be qualified in
accordance with EN ISO 9606-series.
It is not necessary for the examiner or examination body specified in the EN ISO 9606 series to be
5.2 Specific requirements for each category of attachment

5.2.1 Plate clamps Under the conditions specified by the manufacturer, it shall not be possible to unintentionally
release the load, in particular by the following influences:

a) contact of the plate clamp particularly the locking

locking mechanisms
mechanisms with
with an obstacle;

b) weight of the crane hook,

hook, bottom block
block or other connections bearing down
down on the device;

c) intended tipping and/or turning. Plate clamps intended to transport vertically suspended plate shall incorporate a device to
prevent the load from unintentional detachment when it is set down. The safety factor to prevent the load from slipping shall be at least 2. The minimum working

working load of the plate clamp shall be equal
equal to or less tthan
han 10
10 % of the
working load limit. In the case

case of plate
plate clamps where the range of thickness
thickness does not start at 0, a safety range in
which the gripping force does not fall below the value given in is required below the smallest
specified thickness, in order to be able to compensate for the manufacturing tolerances, elastic
deformation, etc.

The following minimum safety ranges are required:

a) for a mini
mum thickness less
less than or equal to 50
50 mm: 10 % of
of the minimum thickness;

b) for a minimum thickness

thickness between 50 mm and 100
100 mm: 5 mm;

c) for a minimum thickness

thickness more than 100
100 mm: 5 % of the minimum thickness.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E) If the lifting attachment is designed to use more than one clamp, the working load limit of
each clamp shall take account of the share of the load which can foreseeably be imposed on it (including
any inequality of share due to the rigidity of the load) and any intermediate equipment between the
clamps and the crane, e.g. a lifting beam. The method of connecting to the crane or intermediate equipment shall ensure that the forces
are transmitted through the plate clamp in the correct alignment. Where this is not possible by design,
the marking and/or operating instructions shall clearly indicate how it should be connected.
5.2.2 Vacuum lifters Vacuum lifters shall be dimensioned to hold at least a load corresponding to two times the
working load limit at the end of the working range and the beginning of the danger range respectively at
all design angles of tilt. The design angles of tilt
ti lt shall exceed the maximum working angles in accordance

The pressure range with which it is possible to work is termed the working range. The danger range
adjoins the working range. In some vacuum lifting systems, in particular self-priming vacuum lifters,
li fters, the
pressure decrease arising depends upon the weight of the load. Non-self-priming vacuum lifters shall be equipped with a pressure measuring device showing
the working range and the danger range of the vacuum. Self-priming vacuum lifters shall be equipped with an indicator showing to the operator that
the end of the working range is reached. The measuring device or the indicator respectively shall be fully visible for the slinger or, if
there is no slinger, for the driver of the crane in his normal working position. Means shall be provided to prevent the load falling due to vacuum losses. This shall be:

a) in the case
case of vacuum
vacuum lifters with a vacuum pump: a reserve vacuum with a non-return valve between
the reserve vacuum and the pump, located as close as possible to the reserve vacuum;

b) in the case of vacuum lifters with venturi

venturi system: a pressure-reserve-tank
pressure-reserve-tank or vacuum-reserve-tank
with a non-return valve between the reserve vacuum and the venturi system, located as close as
possible to the reserve vacuum;

c) in the case
case of turbine vacuum lifters: a supporting battery or an additional
additional flywheel-mass;

d) in the case of
of self-priming vacuum lifters: a reserve-stroke at least equal to 5 % of the total stroke of
the piston.

Vacuum losses can occur for example, due to leaks, or in the ccase
ase of non-self-priming vacuum lifters, due
to a power failure. There shall be a device to warn automatically that the danger range is reached, when vacuum
losses cannot be compensated. The warning signal shall be optical or acoustic, depending upon the
circumstances of use for the vacuum lifter, and in accordance with EN 981,
981, EN 842 and EN ISO 7731. The
warning device shall work even if there is a power failure of the vacuum lifter.

The warning device is not the

th e pressure measuring device of or the indicator of

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E) In the event of power failure, unless the vacuum lifter is intended for use in no-go areas, it
shall comply with the following:

— be provided with a warning

warning device which shall be activated as soon as the power fails; and

— be able to hold the load for five minutes; or

— be provided with steering handles to enable the ope

rator to control the load from outside the danger
zone in case of the load falling; or

— lifting of the top of the load above 1,8 m be prohibited by

by marking and instructions for use and the
load is less than 20 kg; or

— lifting of the top of the load above 1,2 m be prohibited by

by marking and instructions for use and the
load is less than 35 kg. For vacuum lifters intended to be used in a high risk area where it is difficult to leave the
danger zone or difficult to warn persons in the danger zone a secondary positive holding device is
required or there shall be two vacuum reserves each fitted with non-return valves. Each vacuum reserve
shall be connected to a separate set of suction pads. Each set of suction pads shall ffulfil
ulfil the requirement
in The releasing of the load shall be actuated by a two action control, except in cases where the
release of the load is not possible until the load has been put down or in no-go areas. Controls for tilting or turning movements shall be hold-to-run type. The shape of the suction pad pad shall be matched

matched to that of the intended
intended load(s).
load(s). If more than
one suction pad is used in conjunction with a lifting beam, the layout and working load limit of the suction
pads shall be matched to that of the intended load(s). The share of the load which can foreseeably be
imposed on each suction pad shall not exceed its working load limit taking account of the rigidity of both
the load and the vacuum lifter.

5.2.3 Lifting magnets General The releasing of the load

load shall be
be actuated by
by a two action control, except in cases where the
release of the load is not possible until the load has been put down or in no-go areas. The shape of the magnet

magnet shall be matched to that of the intended
intended load(s). If more than one
magnet is used in conjunction with a lifting beam, the layout and working load limit of the magnets shall
be matched to that of the intended load(s). The share of the load which can foreseeably be imposed on
each magnet shall not exceed its working load limit taking
t aking account of the rigidity of both the load and the
lifting beam. Battery-fed electric lifting magnets Battery-fed electric lifting magnets shall provide a tear-off force corresponding
corresponding to at least
two times the working load limit under the conditions specified by the manufacturer. An automatic warning

warning device shall be provided
provided which
which monitors the
the power supply and
provides a warning at least 10 min before the supply reaches the level where the load will be released.
The warning device shall be optical or acoustic.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E) A safety device shall be provided, which, after the low power warning devicedevice has been
activated and the magnet has been switched off, prevents the magnet from being switched on again until
the battery is recharged to the minimum level at which the low power warning device is not activated. An indicator shall be provided to show if the magnet is magnetized (ON/OFF).

The indicator does not necessarily indicate that there

t here is sufficient magnetic field. Mains-fed electric lifting magnets Mains-fed electric

electric lifting magnets shall
shall provide
provide a tear-off force
force corresponding
corresponding to at least two
times the working load limit under
u nder the conditions specified by the manufacturer. In the event

event of that the mains power
power supply fails, unless the lifting magnet is intended for use
in no-go areas it shall comply with the following:

— an automatic optical or acoustic

acoustic warning dev
ice shall be provided to warn that the mains power
supply failed; and

— a stand-by battery capable of pr

oviding the current
current needed to
to hold the working
working load limit for at least
10 min shall be provided; or

— be provided with steering handles to enable the ope

rator to control the load from outside the danger
zone in case of the load falling; or

— lifting of the top of the load above 1,8 m be prohibited by

by marking and instructions for use and the
load is less than 20 kg; or

— lifting of the top of

of the load above 1,2 m is prohibited by
by marking and instructions for use and
and the
load is less than 35 kg. In cases where

where it is difficult
difficult to leave the danger zone (e.g.
(e.g. in a building
building area or in a ship during
loading and unloading), lifting magnet systems shall be equipped with a secondary, positive holding
device; or the lifting magnet system shall be provided in duplicate. Each lifting magnet system shall be
connected to a separate set of lifting magnets (or to lifting magnets each having two sets of coils). Each
load lifting magnet (or each set of coils) shall comply with the requirements of Magnets for lifting loads such as plates,

plates, sheets, or bars from the top of a stack, shall have
controls to reduce the power supply so as to facilitate the shedding of excess load. After the excess load
has been shed the controls shall permit restoration of full power. The magnet

magnet system shall have an indicator to show when the magnet(s) are magnetized.
magnetized. For
magnets with variable power control, the indicator shall distinguish between full and partial

The indicator does not necessarily indicate that there is sufficient magnetic field. Permanent lifting magnets Permanent lifting magnets

magnets shall provide a tear-off force corresponding
corresponding to at least 3 times the
working load limit under the conditions specified by the manufacturer. The control

control shall
shall clearly
clearly indicate whether the magnet is ON or OFF.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E) The control

control for operating the magnet shall be
be in accordance with EN 349 with regard to the
place for the operator’s hands. Electro-permanent lifting magnets Without monitoring system

corresponding to atlifting
least magnets without
3 times the a monitoring
working load limit system shall
under the provide specified
conditions a tear-offbyforce
The magnets shall have an indicator to show when the magnet(s) are magnetized. For magnets with
variable power control, the indicator shall distinguish between full and partial magnetization. With monitoring system

Providing the holding force is continuously monitored during ongoing operation, electro-permanent
lifting magnets with a monitoring system shall provide a tear-off force corresponding to at least 2 times
the working load limit under the conditions specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for use.
The monitoring device shall comply with performance level c, control category 3 of EN ISO 13849-1:2015.
The magnets shall have an indicator to show when the magnet(s) are magnetized. For magnets with
variable power control, the indicator shall distinguish between full and partial magnetization.
5.2.4 C-hooks The unloaded C-hook shall hang with the lower arm within 5° of horizontal to facilitate access
to the load. One of the following means shall be provided to prevent the load from sliding on the lower
arm, or the load or part of the load from falling:

a) the C-hook tilted backwards with an angle

angle greater or equal to 5° in the loaded position;

b) for the C-hook intended for handling single sheet coils the lower arm shall be horizontal
horizontal or titled
backward in the loaded position;

c) a chain, strap or bar to close

close the C-hook
C-hook opening;

d) a clamping system to secure the load;

e) an end stop on the lower arm.

5.2.5 Lifting forks The unloaded lifting fork shall hang with the fork arms within 5° of horizontal to facilitate
access to the load. Within the intended load range and position of the load centre of gravity, the fork arms shall
be tilted backwards with an angle greater or equal to 5° to prevent the load from sliding from the fork
arms. Lifting forks for loose material (e.g. bricks and tiles) to be used in a high
high risk area shall comply
with the following:

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

— have a secondary
secondary positive holding
holding device in which any side and bottom openings are not more than
50 mm × 50 mm;

— the secondary positive

positive holding device
device shall prevent
prevent the release of the complete
complete load or any loose
parts of the load (e.g. net, cage).

It is recommended that the secondary positive holding device is automatically activated. Lifting forks fitted with a secondary positive holding device required in shall be
capable of holding a uniformly distributed load equal to 50 % of the WLL in all four horizontal directions
and 200 % of the WLL in the vertical direction. Lifting forks for unit load (e.g. plastic wrapped palletized load) to be used in high risk areas
shall have a retaining device (e.g. chain, strap or bar) to prevent the unit load sliding off the forks. Lifting forks with a retaining device as required in shall be capable of holding a
uniformly distributed load equal to 100 % of the WLL.

5.2.6 Lifting beams Attaching the lifting beam to the crane Any connection made by moving or removing a lifting beam component shall be such that it
can be locked before lifting so as to prevent any accidental uncoupling of this connection. Means shall shall be provided to prevent

prevent any dangerous movement and
and damage
damage to the suspended
parts of the lifting
lifti ng beam parts during storage, coupling or uncoupling from the crane. Securing the load to the lifting beam

b eam Lifting beams with load attachment points

points which move along
along the beam shall
shall have the means
to prevent them falling off. Load attachment

attachment points which move along the beam shall have the means to lock them in
positions when they are under load If the means

means of locking
locking the load attachment
attachment points is operated manually, the state of locking
shall be visible to the slinger. Structure If the lifting beam beam is intended to tilt, the manufacturer

manufacturer shall indicate
indicate the maximum
permissible angle of tilt from theth e horizontal. If the lifti
ng beam is intended for horizontal use, the design
shall tolerate a tilt of up to 6° from
f rom the horizontal. Moving parts

parts of the structure shall have devices to hold them in position when loaded.
loaded. These
devices shall be effective up to 6° from the
t he maximum tilting angle permitted for the lifting beam. If these
devices operate on a friction basis the safety factor to prevent the load from slipping shall be at least 2. If free movement presents a hazard, lifting beams fitted with a rotation or tilting mechanism
shall be equipped with a device to stop movement and to immobilize
i mmobilize the load in its iintended
ntended position. devices
protection When the
becing between
provided moving
to avoid parts
crushing of shearing
the beamhazards
is controlled
controlled by
by a in
as specified power
ENer source,
349. ,

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

5.2.7 Clamps The holding force of clamps holding by friction to prevent the load
load from slipping shall be at
least two times the working load limit. In the case of clamps holding by friction, wher

wheree the range of thickness does not start at 0, a
safety range in which the holding force does not fall below the value given in is required below the
smallest specified thickness, in order to be able to compensate for the manufacturing tolerances, elastic
deformation, etc.

The following minimum safety ranges are required:

a) for a minimum
minimum thickness less than or equal
equal to 50 mm: 10 % of the minimum thickness;

b) for a minimum
minimum thickness between
between 50 mm
mm and 100 mm: 5 mm of the minimum
minimum thickness; and

c) for a minimum thickness

thickness more than 100 mm: 5 % of the minimum thickness.

Note that due to the wide variety of applications for clamps, it is impossible to specify a safety range
which is suitable for all. The above ranges should therefore be treated with caution and increased as
appropriate to the application. In the case of clamps holding by friction, the clamping mechanism shall be designed to ensure
that the clamping force is maintained in case of deformation of the load (e.g. surface crushing and elastic
and plastic deformation).

This can be achieved by, for example, a scissor mechanism activated by gravity or by a pressure
compensation device (e.g. springs, hydraulic accumulators), etc.
Clamps holding the load hydraulically or pneumatically shall be fitted with a device to compensate for
any pressure drop below working pressure. If it is not possible to maintain the requirement of an
audio or visual warning signal shall be automatically activated. Except for clamps intended for use in no-go areas, the release
release of clamps which are not self-
closing shall be actuated by a two action control unless the release of the load is not possible until the
load has not been put down. Clamps to be used in a high risk area shall comply with the following:

— have a positive holding device or a secondary positive holding

holding device which
which shall prevent
prevent the release
of the complete load or any loose parts of the load (e.g. sslings,
lings, net, cage);

— for handling loose materials

materials (e.g. bricks and
and tiles) the positive holding device or secondary positive
holding device (e.g. nets or cages) shall not have side and bottom openings of more than 50 mm

It is recommended that the secondary positive holding device is automatically activated. For handling loose materials (e.g. bricks and tiles) the positive holding device or secondary
positive holding device (e.g. nets or cages) shall be capable of holding a uniformly distributed load equal
to 50 % of the WLL in all four horizontal directions and 200 % of the WLL in the vertical direction. The requirements of and shall not apply, if the clamp is intended to be used
only to lift the lowest part of the clamp to a height less than 1,8 m and is either:

— for moving single bricks or building components with

with a weight less
less than 50
50 kg; or

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

— for unloading lorries to the ground.

5.2.8 Lifting insert systems Steel failure

For steel failure the following

f ollowing safety factors against characteristic resistance in H.1.3 shall apply:

— ropes: γ = 4,0;

— chains: γ = 3,0;

— solid sections: γ = 3,0.

If a lifting insert system consists of multiple steel parts, the verification shall be performed for each
component with the corresponding safety factor and for the entire system in context shall
s hall be verified that
γ = 3,0 is exceeded. Concrete failure

The design of lifting insert systems

s ystems shall take into account the
t he failure modes of concrete break-out, local
concrete break-out (blow-out), concrete pry-out, pull-out, concrete splitting and failure of the
reinforcement. To determine the admissible resistance for concrete failure modes, the safety-factor:
γ = 2,3

against characteristic resistance (see H.1.3) shall be applied.

The safety factor assumes a factory production control complying with EN 13369 (see H.1.3.6). If these
requirements are not fulfilled, a safety factor of γ = 2,5 shall be used. All relevant failure modes shall be verified.

The different failure modes are specified in Annex H. Lifting insert systems shall be designed to ensure that, before failure, there is plastic
deformation of the lifting inserts, even under influences of, for example, ageing or deep temperatures,
especially below freezing point. A temperature range from −20 °C to +80 °C shall be covered. The tensile strength of the steel used for components except wire ropes is limited to
fuk = 1 000 N/mm2
N/mm2. The ratio from tensile strength to yield-strength respectively 0,2 %-elongation limit
shall not fall below 1,08. The measured elongation at failure Agt shall be at least 5 %. Wire ropes shall comply with EN 12385-4 and EN 13414-1 and the following requirements:

— they shall be dry and un-lubricated;

— the minimum number of wires is 114 for diameters up to 14 mm,

mm, 200 wires for diameters above;

— the rope grade shall be 1770 or 1960.

1960. Lifting insert systems shall be designed to meet the specific performance requirements for
the corresponding application when the strength of the concrete is ≥ 15 N/mm2 (test specimen: cube
with edge length 150 mm). Lifting insert systems shall be designed and marked to ensure an unambiguous assignment
of compatible lifting inserts to lifting keys.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E) Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the product by the
manufacturer on the basis of the following items:

a) the manufacturer shall carry out factory production control in accordance with H.2;

b) the manufacturer or a testing laboratory appointed

appointed by the manufacturer shall carry ou outt
determination of the product-type on the basis of type-testing (based on sampling carried out by the
manufacturer), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product.

6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or protective measures

Conformity to each safety requirement and/or protective measure (given in Clause 5 and Clause 7) shall
be verified by the methods specified in Table 9, and detailed in Annex A to Annex H.
For single unit designed and produced products, type verification and individual verification shall be
For series produced products, type verification shall be done on one or more representative products of
the series. The individual verification shall be done on each product produced or using a sampling regime
provided that the sampling regime is such that deviations from the required specification are detected
and rectified before products are placed on the market.
Table 9 — Methods to be used
use d to verify conformity with the safety requirements
requireme nts and/or
Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Mechanical load bearing parts A.2 A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.2
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4
Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Plate clamps Preventing unintentional release B.1

Preventing unintentional release when B.1
setting down
Friction coefficient B.2 and B.3
Minimum working load B.5
Tolerances on range of thickness B.4
Foreseeable share of the load A.4
Connection to the crane A.4

Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4

Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3

> 16 000 load bearing cycles

Tilting limit C.10 C.9

Controls 5.1.3 A.4

Handles 5.1.4 A.4

Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4

Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Quality of welding 5.1.7 A.4

Adhesion force C.10

Pressure measuring device C.1

Vacuum lifters Leakage indicator C.2

Visibility of measuring device or indicator C.3

Means to prevent risks of vacuum losses C.4 and C.6

Warning device C.5 and C.8 C.5 and C.8

Holding time C.4 C.4

Secondary positive holding device for use A.1 or A.2 A.4
in high risk areas

Secondary vacuum circuit for use in high C.1 – C.8
risk areas

Two action control C.7

Controls for tilting or turning A.4

Design appropriate for the load A.4

Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4

Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Battery fed
Lifting Tilting limit A.2
magnets Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4

Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4

Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Two action controls D.2

Design appropriate for the load D.7

Tear-off forces D.1

Warning devices D.3 and D.4 D.3 and D.4
Safety device preventing the magnet from A.4 A.4
being switched on
Magnetization indicator D.5 D.5
Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4
Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4
Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.2
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4
Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Mains fed Two action controls D.2

Design appropriate for the load D.7
Tear-off forces D.1
Warning devices D.3 and D.4 D.3 and D.4
Discharge time of batteries D.4 D.4

Exception A.4 A.4

Redundancy or back-up devices D.6 D.6
Shedding D.2
Magnetization indicator D.5 D.5
Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4
Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4
Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles
Permanent Mechanical load bearing parts
Lifting A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.2
Controls 5.1.3 A.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Handles 5.1.4 A.4

Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4

Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Two action controls A.4
Design appropriate for the load D.7
Tear-off forces 1 D.1
Position of the controls 2 A.4 A.4
Safety distance 3 A.4 A.4
Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4
Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4
Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3

> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.2
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Permanent Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4
magnets Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4
Two action controls D.2
Design appropriate for the load D.7
Tear-off forces D.1
Magnetization indicator D.5 D.5
Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4
Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4
Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.2
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4

Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Unloaded position A.4 A.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Preventing load slipping or falling A.4 A.4

Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4

Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4

Lifting forks Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Unloaded position A.4 A.4
Preventing load slipping or falling A.4 A.4
Building area A.4 A.4
Strength of secondary holding device F.1
Retaining device for unit load A.4
Strength of the retaining device A.1 or A.2
Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4
Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4
Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or E.2 A.1 or E.1
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts

> 16 000 load bearing cycles A.1 or E.2 A.1 or E.1
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4

Lifting beams Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Connecting to the crane A.4
Damage to suspended parts A.4
Securing the load to the lifting beams A.4
Tilting limit A.1 or E.2 A.1 or E.1
Securing moving parts of the structure E.3 or E.4 E.3 or E.4

Securing tilting and rotation mechanism A.4

Spacing between moving parts A.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4

Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
≤ 16 000 load bearing cycles

Mechanical load bearing parts A.1 and A.3 A.3
> 16 000 load bearing cycles
Tilting limit A.1 or A.2 A.1 or A.3
Controls 5.1.3 A.4
Handles 5.1.4 A.4
Lifting slings 5.1.5 A.4
Stability in storage 5.1.6 A.4

Clamps Safety coefficient G.1 + G.2

Range thickness G.5
Deformation of the load A.4 A.4
Two action control A.4 A.4
Holding devices A.4 A.4
A.1 or (G.3 or
Strength of secondary holding devices
Exception A.4 A.4
Information for use 7.1 A.4 A.4
Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4
Mechanical carrying devices A.1 or A.2 H.2
Embedment into concrete A.2 and H.1

Maximum load angle A.2 and H.1

Controls 5.1.3 A.4
(A.1 or A.2) and
Relevant failure modes

Lifting insert Plastic deformation A.2 and H.1

systems Steel A.1 or A.4 H.2
Steel wire ropes A.1 or A.4 H.2
Minimum concrete strength A.1 and H.1
Compatibility A.4
A.1 or A.2 or
Declaration of performan
A.4 or H.1
User information 7.1 A.4 A.4

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Equipment Requirement Verification method

Clause Type Individual

number verification verification

Marking 7.2 A.4 A.4 and H.2

7 Information for use

7.1 Instruction handbook

7.1.1 General information

To allow users to safely select, install, use and maintain removable lifting equipment during its normal
lifetime, as a minimum the following information and guidance shall be given in an instruction handbook,
specific to the equipment supplied (see EN ISO 12100:2010, 6.4.5):
a) brief description;

b) working load limit;

c) intended use, including

including the design number of load cycles or class U (see EN 13001 series), the
the load
lifting attachment is designed for;

d) characteristics of the load including the performance

performance and the number
number of parts
parts that can be handled at
one time;

e) determination of the operating range;

f) instructions for operation and use;

g) fitting, securing
securing,, coupling/uncoupling
coupling/uncoupling and adjustment
adjustment of
of the equipment on the crane;

h) handling and storage of equipment;

i) stability (where applicable);

j) the rrange
ange of temperature
temperature within which
which the attachment can be operated;

k) restriction for operation in special atmospheres (e.g. high humidity, explosive,

explosive, saline, acid, alkaline);

Chains slings in accordance with EN 818-4 are not recommended for use in pickling baths due to the
danger of hydrogen embrittlement.

l) restriction for handling dangerous goods (e.g. molten masses, radioactive materials);

m) where appropriate,
appropriate, prohibition
prohibition of handling
handling above persons;

n) specific training of operators, if necessary;

necessary; and

o) the working load limit and, if relevant, related number of

of lifting cycles shall be specified e.g.
WLL 10 t/U3.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

7.1.2 Specific information Plate clamps

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information shall be provided on
the following:
a) vertical lifting for one part at a time;

b) turning plates over when on the ground;


c) operation of the safety locking device;

d) surface condition
condition (grease,
(grease, paint or coating)
coating) of the part to be handled;

e) minimum working load to be observed;

f) clamping ranges to be observed;

g) surface hardness of parts to be handled; and

h) measures to prevent
prevent unintentional release of the load due to the weight of
of the crane hook, bottom
block or connections acting on the clamp (e.g. short length of chain). Vacuum lifters

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information shall be provided on
the following:
a) checking of the vacuum level;

b) measures to be taken as
as soon as the warnings are actuated;

c) checking of the condition of the vacuum connections and hoses;

d) checking of the
the condition of the suction pads;

e) holding time in case of power failure;

f) intended ambient maximum noise level up to which

which warning devices are
are effective; and

g) the actual cond

itions used for verification (see
(see C.10) shall be declared
declared (at least pressure
pressure difference,
temperature, material and surface conditions).
c onditions). Battery and mains-fed lifting magnets

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information

i nformation shall be provided on
the following:
a) safety measur
es to be taken
taken as soon as the warnings are activated;

b) checking of the condition of cables;

c) guidance for the maintenance

maintenance and checking of
of the state
state of charge
charge and capacity of battery;

d) holding time in case of

of power
power failure (if applicable);

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

e) intended ambient
ambient maximum
maximum noise level up to which warning devices
devices are effective. C-hooks and lifting forks

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information shall be provided on
the following:
a) checking the suitability of the load;

b) required load range and position of

of the load’s
load’s centre of gravity to prevent the load from sliding;

c) when using lifting forks in high risk areas, a check that the secondary positive holding
holding device is in its
place. Lifting beams

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information shall be provided on:
a) the methods o off attaching the load, to enable the user
user to ensure
ensure that the combined
combined lifting beam
beam and
load will be stable when lifted.

The information shall identify the centre of rotation of the lifting beam to the crane, the centre of
rotation of the suspension points to the load, and the vertical distance between them. This is
illustrated schematically in Figure 11 in one plane only, together with similar illustrations for the
centre of rotation of the suspension points to the load and the vertical distance to the centre of

NOTE An object with a narrow base and a high centre of gravity needs less force to topple it than one with a
wide base and a low centre of gravity. As the height of the centre of gravity increases relative to the width of
the base, a point is reached where the object can fall over unless it is supported by external means. At this point,
the object is regarded as being unstable and the greater the support required the more unstable it is. A similar
situation exists with a suspended load. Forces which try to topple the load will inevitably
i nevitably be present (e.g. wind,
acceleration, braking).
braking). It is important therefore, when slinging a load, to ensure that it is sufficiently stable to
resist these toppling forces. A load is inherently stable if the lifting sling is attached above the centre of gravity
and properly disposed around it.

In Figure 11, Lifting beam 1 has a positive stability height, and Lifting
Lifti ng beam 2 has a negative stability
height. Load 1 has a positive stability height, and Load 2 has a negative stability height. For stability

in the
onecombined lifting
plane only, beamapply
this shall and load, thehorizontal
to each total stability
axisheight shall be
of rotation. positive.
The Although
result of illustrated
each combination
is as follows:

1) Lifting beam
beam 1 + Load 1: will
will always be stable;

2) Lifting beam 1 + Load 2: will be stable if A > D;

3) Lifting beam 2 + Load 1: will be stable if C > B;

4) Lifting beam
beam 2 + Load
Load 2: will always
always be unstable.

The load shall be supported in more than

th an one vertical plane to be sstable
table in both horizontal axes.

b) Maximum tilting angle

angle permitted for the
the lifting beams.

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1 lifting beam 1 2 lifting beam 2
3 load 1 4 load 2
denotes centre of gravity denotes centre of rotation

Figure 11 — Centres of rotation of a load and lifting beam Clamps

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information shall be provided on
the following:
a) surface cond
ition (grease,
(grease, paint or coating) of the part to be handled;

b) clamping ranges to be observed;

c) surface hardness of parts to be handled;

d) measures to prevent
prevent unintentional release of the load due
due to the weight of the crane hook, bottom
block or connections acting on the clamp (e.g. short length of chain). Lifting insert systems

In addition to the general information in accordance with 7.1.1, specific information shall be provided on
the following:
a) specifications an
d marginal
marginal conditions
conditions for selection and use of lifting insert systems:

1) minimum measurements
component surements
thickness, of the
the cover
concrete precast elements,
and distance between lifting inserts, edge
formwork; edge distance,

BS EN 13155:2020
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2) required reinforcement,
reinforcement, material, form,
form, diameter, length,
length, mass and position in the element,
depending on the lifting
lifti ng procedure;

3) permitted direction of load and limitations;

4) the safety factor to be used

used if factory production control does
does not comply
comply to EN 13369;

b) corresponding lifting keys and lifting insert:

1) description;

2) marking;

3) reference of inspection;

4) criterion of deposition maturity;

c) requirements to the personnel according to selection

selection and use of lifting
lifting insert systems;

d) the instruction handbook for lifting insert systems is usually split in an installation handbook
handbook for the
precast plant and a user’s handbook for the lifting application;

e) materials used shall sustain environmental influences

influences or not cause damage on
on the precast
precast element;

f) in particular applications, e.g. concrete

concrete tubes or prestressed
prestressed precast
precast concrete
concrete beams, the concrete
strength at the date of lifting may be used. It shall be determined or being derived conservatively;

g) loads act
ing on lifting insert systems shall be determined
determined considering
considering the following:

1) static system;

2) self-weight of the precast element;

3) adhesion and friction to the formwork;

4) dynamic influences
influences during lifting and handling
handling of the precast element
element or due
due to different lifting

5) geometry of
of the precast
precast element
element considering
considering the centre of gravity;

6) position and number of lifting inserts in the relevant

relevant precast concrete element;

7) direction of load (tension,

(tension, combined
combined tension and shear or shear load).

7.1.3 Guidance for maintenance

Sufficient information to ensure the proper maintenance of the attachment shall be given:
a) instructions for periodic maintenance;

b) instructions for repair;

c) precautions to be taken during repairs;

d) use of original spare parts;

BS EN 13155:2020
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e) maintenance records, if necessary;

f) list of parts requiring particular operation and checking;

g) use of special lubricants.

7.1.4 Verifications and inspections

The manufacturer shall indicate the inspections and verifications that are necessary:
a) before commissioning;

b) after repair or recoupling;

c) during the equipment service life.

The manufacturer shall also include:

1) list of the parts which require
require special
special operation
operation and
and checking;

2) References to defects to look for.

7.2 Marking

7.2.1 Minimum marking

All removable equipment shall bear in a clearly visible place a durable identification with the following
a) the business name and full address
address of the manufacturer
manufacturer and, where
where applicable, an authorized

b) designation of the equipment;

c) serial number;

d) weight of unloaded
unloaded attachment, when it exceeds 5 % of the Working load limit of the equipment or
50 kg, whichever is the less;

e) the year of construction, that is the year in w

hich the manufacturing process is ccompleted.
ompleted. It is
prohibited to pre-date or post-date the machinery when affixing the CE marking;

f) working load limit in tonnes or or kg. When the attachment

attachment is used in several configuration
s, the
resulting working load limits shall also be indicated.

7.2.2 Additional marking In addition to the data in 7.2.1, the following shall be stated, where applicable:

a) on attachment which holds

holds the load
load using clamping forces, the permissible gripping range;

b) on plate clamps and

and self-priming
self-priming vacuum lifters, the minimum working
working load;

c) on C- hook
hook and lifting
lifting forks the limits of the intended position
position of the load centre
centre of gravity;

BS EN 13155:2020
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d) on lifting forks where

where a minimum load is required
required to tilt the fork in accordance with
with, the
minimum load. For turbine vacuum lifters and main fed lifting magnets not fitted with steering handles to
enable the operator to control the load from outside the danger zone in case of the load falling and with
a holding time in case of power failure of less than 5 minutes the following shall be marked in the local

— for loads less than

than 20 kg “Warning – the top of the load must n
ot be lifted abo
ve 1,8 m”;

— for loads less than

than 35 kg “Warning – the top of the load must n
ot be lifted abo
ve 1,2 m”.

NOTE The warning may be given by means of a language neutral sign. 7.2.1 item f) does not apply for load lifting magnets, provided the lifting capacity can be taken
from documents at the place of use.

In the case of magnets, the lifting

lifti ng capacity depends, among
st other things, upon the material of the load,
its thickness and surface, and the air gap between the load and the magnet. It is therefore
th erefore recommended
to state the maximum permissible loading as a function of the various parameters. However, it should be
recognized that the lifting capacity does not depend solely upon the magnetic forces but also can be
limited by the lifting capacity of the suspension. Lifting insert systems shall be marked to ensure an unambiguous assignment of compatible
lifting inserts to lifting keys. Lifting inserts and compatible lifting keys shall be marked permanently and unambiguously.
The minimum marking of lifting inserts and lifting
li fting keys shall be:

— mark of producer;

— type;

— size identification code.

In addition, lifting keys shall be marked with:

— year of production.

7.2.3 Additional safety plates

It is recommended that additional plates or decals are affixed, indicating basic safety instructions such
a) persons are forbidden
forbidden to walk or stand in dangerous
dangerous areas;

b) the nature of loads which can be handled

handled by the equipment should be observed;

c) prohibition to use in a building area

area if the attachment does
does not meet the requirements
requirements for building
area in Clause 5;

d) the operator should read the instruction handbook provided by

by the equipment
equipment manufacturer.

BS EN 13155:2020
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Annex A

General verification methods

A.1 Verification of mechanical strength by calculation

The mechanical strength shall be proven for the specific working load limit in accordance with
EN 13001-3-1.
The maximum permissible tilting angle specified for the attachment shall be taken into account in
The design load used in calculations shall be derived using coefficients as given in 5.1.2 and 5.2 for both
yielded and elastic conditions.
The mechanical strength shall be calculated in accordance with EN 13001-1 and the limit design stress
shall be in accordance with:
— for the elastic
elastic condition,
condition, the allowable stress method;

— for the yielded

yielded condition, the limit state method.
NOTE If buckling and stability are to be considered, additional guidance can be found in the EN 1993-1 series
of standards.

A.2 Verification of mechanical strength on the type by a static test

A.2.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a static force F3 = 3 × working load limit in a manner which
replicates the conditions in which the attachment is intended to be used.
A lower coefficient can be used in accordance with particular requirement given in 5.2.
A.2.2 Procedure

The attachment shall be loaded through its suspension and load attachment points so that the lines of
force through these points are the same as they will be in service. The test force F3 ± 2 % shall be applied
without shock for a minimum period of one minute.
Where the intended use of the attachment permits or requires it to tilt or move in any way such that the
lines of force through the suspension or attachment points vary, the test shall be repeated at several
positions throughout the range of movement. These positions shall be selected to simulate the worst
operational conditions and take account of the tilting
ti lting tolerance required by
After the force has been removed the attachment shall be examined for deformation, cracks and other
A.2.3 Acceptance criteria

An attachment representative of the type shall not release the load even if permanent deformation occurs.

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A.3 Verification of mechanical strength on each individual attachment by a static


A.3.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a static force F2 equivalent to 2 × working load limit in a manner
which replicates the conditions in which the attachment is intended to be used.
A.3.2 Procedure

The attachment shall be loaded through its suspension and load attachment points so that the lines of
force through these points are the same as they will be in service. The ttest
est force F2 ± 2 % shall be applied
without shock for a minimum period of 1 min.
Where the intended use of the attachment permits or requires it to tilt or move in any way such that the
lines of force through the suspension or attachment points vary, the test shall be repeated at several
positions throughout the range of movement. These positions shall be selected to simulate the worst
operational conditions.
After the force has been removed the attachment shall be examined for deformation, cracks and other
A.3.3 Acceptance criteria

Each individual attachment of a series shall withstand a static force F2 without permanent deformation
and after removal of the force, there shall be no visible defects.
A lower coefficient may be used in accordance with particular requirement given in 5.2.

A.4 Verification by inspection

A.4.1 Procedure

The equipment shall be inspected and the feature checked to see

s ee whether it is present and/or functions
in the manner required. In assessing compliance with the requirements, the manufacturer’s instructions
shall be taken into account.
The markings on each sling and the certificates provided with each sling shall be inspected for
conformance with:
— EN 818-4;

— EN 818-5;

— EN 13414-1;

— EN 1492-1;

— EN 1492-2;

— EN 1492-4.

A.4.2 Acceptance criteria

The equipment shall meet the appropriate requiremen

ts according to Clause 5 and C
lause 7.

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Annex B

Verification methods for plate clamps

B.1 No detachment when the load is brought down and in case of impact

B.1.1 Conditions

The equipment shall be suspended from a crane. The test load weight shall be at least equal to the working
load limit.
B.1.2 Procedure

NOTE The tester can be at risk when disconnecting and reconnecting the locking mechanism because, if the
plate clamp does not hold the load it can fall against him.

The load shall be attached to the equipment and the locking mechanisms brought into the closed position.
The load shall be lifted then put down onto the ground for a period of at least 5 s. The load shall be lifted

again without any operator’s intervention on the equipment.

The procedure shall then replicate the impact of the equipment against an obstacle. If the equipment is
fitted with a locking mechanism, the impact shall occur against this device.
With the load lifted from the ground the locking mechanisms shall be moved to the open position and the
plate clamp shall hold the load. The locking mechanisms shall be returned to the locked position and the
load shall be put down on the ground and the connection between the crane hook and the equipment
allowed to go slack. This shall be done under the conditions specified in the instructions handbook (e.g.
length of chain) which prevent the weight of the crane hook acting on the equipment in a way which
releases the load.
B.1.3 Acceptance criteria

The load shall not detach from the equipment at any time during the simulation.

B.2 Determination of the friction coefficient

B.2.1 Conditions

The test apparatus shall include:

a) the load, or a material sample
sample corresponding
corresponding to the load under the maximum conditions
conditions specified
specified in
the instruction handbook (e.g. material hardness);

b) a support covered with the clamp material

material which is in contact with the load;

c) the shape of the coating shall be reproduced

reproduced (e.g. teeth of the clamp jaws).

See Figure B.1.


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1 support
2 clamp coating
3 load sample
F vertical force
T horizontal tensile force

Figure B.1 — Test apparatus and forces applied

The actual environmental conditions which are of importance for friction (e.g. presence of oil or
moisture) shall be reproduced.
B.2.2 Procedure

A vertical force F shall be applied on the support, producing a pressure between 2 and 3 corresponding
to the minimum contact pressure between the clamp and the load when the load is lifted. A horizontal
tensile force T shall be applied between 1 + 2 and 3, until the part 1 + 2 starts moving. The variation of
this tensile force represents a curve usually corresponding to Figure B.2:

BS EN 13155:2020
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1 transitory state
2 steady-state (motion)
3 displacement
T horizontal tensile force
Tr average horizontal tensile force in steady-state

Figure B.2 — Characteristics of tensile force T

B.2.3 Acceptance criteria

The friction coefficient µ used for the calculations is the ratio of Tr (average horizontal tensile force in
steady-state) to the vertical force F.
A minimum of three tests is required, and the friction coefficient shall be taken
t aken as the smallest of the
t he three

B.3 No slipping of the load - clamping by friction or penetration

B.3.1 Procedure

The maximum obtainable force to hold a load is

i s called the holding force. It is determined by:
T = S (μ1 + μ2)

S is the clamping force of the clamp;
μ1 is the friction coefficient between load and one clamping
clamping part;

μ2 is the friction coefficient between load and the other clamping part.

The holding force is determined by calculation. The calculation shall be done for the most unfavourable
gripping range.

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P work piece

Figure B.3 — Clamping forces

B.3.2 Acceptance criteria

The holding force T holding the load shall be 2 times the load to be held.
This requirement shall be verified throughout the lifting operation, regardless of whether the clamping
force S is due to self-actuation (in proportion to the load weight), or to a mechanical actuator.

B.4 Range of thickness of clamps

B.4.1 Conditions
The clamp shall be tested using a sheet sample with a thickness equal to the lower limit of the range of
thicknesses less the safety range.
EXAMPLE Clamp with
with a range of thicknesses
thicknesses of 30 mm to 60 mm, test with a 30 mm sheet – 10 %, i.e. a
thickness of 27 mm.

B.4.2 Procedure

The sheet sample shall be lifted vertically.

B.4.3 Acceptance criteria

The clamp shall not release the sheet sample.

B.5 Minimum working load

B.5.1 Conditions

The clamp shall be tested using a sheet sample weighing not more than 10 % of the clamp’s working load
limit and with a thickness equal to the lower limit of the range.
B.5.2 Procedure

The sheet sample shall be lifted vertically.

B.5.3 Acceptance criteria

The clamp shall not release the sheet sample.


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Annex C

Verification methods for vacuum lifters

C.1 Verification of pressure measuring device

C.1.1 Conditions

The test shall verify the correct functioning of the pressure measuring device. The arrangement
arrangement shall be
such as to avoid risk in event of vacuum drop.
C.1.2 Procedure

A condition for which the device is required shall be simulated by reducing the maximum vacuum level
in the vacuum system.
C.1.3 Acceptance criteria

The pressure measuring device indicates the vacuum level reduction. The working range and the danger
range are clearly shown.

C.2 Verification of leakage indicator

C.2.1 Conditions

Test to verify the correct functioning of the leakage indicator. The arrangement shall be such as to avoid
risk in event of vacuum drop.
C.2.2 Procedure

A condition for which the device is required shall be simulated by creating leakage under the suction
pads. The size of the leakage shall correspond with the agreed minimum hanging time of the load, to be
specified in the instruction
i nstruction handbook.

C.2.3 Acceptance criteria

When the fault or condition is simulated the device shall comply with

C.3 Verification of visibility of measuring device or indicator

C.3.1 Conditions

The test is to verify the visibility of the measuring device or the indicator.
C.3.2 Procedure

Check if the measuring device or the indicator can be seen from the normal position of the operator or
the crane driver. When the position of the crane driver is unknown, the instruction handbook shall
indicate the correct position of the lifting equipment with respect to the crane driver.

C.3.3 Acceptance criteria

The measuring device or the indicator can be seen properly.

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C.4 Verification of devices to compensate for vacuum losses

C.4.1 Conditions

The test is to verify that the devices for compensation for vacuum losses function correctly. The
arrangement shall be such as to avoid risk when the load is dropped.

C.4.2 Procedure
The vacuum lifter shall be loaded with the WLL per suction pad, which shall be indicated in the instruction
handbook. The material and other conditions, (e.g. dirt) shall be comparable with the load which will be
manipulated in practice. In case of self-priming vacuum lifters, and in the case of non-self-priming
vacuum lifters, (the power shall be switched off) the hanging time shall be measured or extrapolated.
C.4.3 Acceptance criteria

This time shall be at least equal to the hanging time specified in the instruction handbook. The time shall
be long enough for all persons to leave the danger area and comply with and

C.5 Verification of warning device

C.5.1 Conditions

The test is to verify the correct functioning of the warning device, indicating that the limit of the safe
working range of the vacuum system hash as been reached.
C.5.2 Procedure

The vacuum lifting device shall be sucked onto a load and a small non-compensated leakage shall be made
in the vacuum system. When the safe working range of the vacuum system has been reached, an
automatically acting warning device shall come into action.
C.5.3 Acceptance criteria

The moment the warning device comes into action shall

sh all correspond with the limit of the working range
of the vacuum.
The warning device is visual and/or audible and easily seen/heard by the operator.

C.6 Verification of the non-return valve

C.6.1 Conditions

The test is to verify the correct functioning of the non-return valve and its position.
C.6.2 Procedure

The vacuum pump shall be energized for sufficient time

t ime to generate vacuum in the vacuum system with
the load. When the vacuum pump is stopped the vacuum level shall be checked visually for any noticeable
C.6.3 Acceptance criteria

The valve shall comply with the requirement specified in If there is no noticeable decrease in the
vacuum level, this indicates
i ndicates an air-tight vacuum system, including the non-return valve.

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C.7 Verification of controls

C.7.1 Conditions

A test load shall be sucked by the vacuum lifter. The arrangement shall be such as to avoid risk in event
of control malfunction.

C.7.2 Procedure
One representative sample of each design and size shall be iinspected
nspected and operated. The controls shall be
inspected and operated in all combinations foreseen by the manufacturer. In addition, a power failure
shall be simulated to check if it alters the condition of the vacuum system.
C.7.3 Acceptance criteria

The vacuum lifting system shall comply with

C.8 Verification of energy source failure warning system

C.8.1 Conditions

The test is to verify that the automatically warning device functions correctly. The test is to be cconducted
in the unloaded condition.
C.8.2 Procedure

A failure in the energy source shall be simulated.

C.8.3 Acceptance criteria

When the failure is simulated the device shall comply with

C.9 Verification of the position of the load

C.9.1 Conditions

A test load equal to the working load limit and representative of the intended loads.
C.9.2 Procedure

The test load shall be lifted and placed at the maximum intended tilting angle plus 6° but not more than
The vacuum level shall be at the end of the
th e working range and the beginning of the danger range.
C.9.3 Acceptance criteria

The test load shall not slip.

C.10 Verification of adhesion force by calculation or testing

C.10.1 General

Verification shall be done by calculation or testing.

t esting.

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C.10.2 Verification by calculation

C.10.2.1 Procedure

The friction coefficient between the suction pads and the material to be handled shall be determined in
accordance with C.11 and the components of the adhesion force at the end of the t he working range shall be
calculated. If the friction coefficient cannot be verified by calculation, it shall be done by testing (C.10.3):
Fa ⊥ = PS

Fa // = μPS


P is the vacuum level in Pa;

S = Σ Si: total interior surface of the suctions pads in m2;
μ is the friction coefficient.
C.10.2.2 Acceptance criteria

Both effective components of the adhesion force shall be greater or equal to two times the corresponding
effective component of the working load limit.
Fa ⊥ = PS ≥ 2 WLL g cos α

Fa // = μPS ≥ 2 WLL g sin α


g is the gravity acceleration in m/s2;

WLL is the Working load limit in kg.
The calculation shall be carried out for the maximum intended tilting angle plus 6° except for vacuum
lifter designed for a vertical position of the vacuum pads.
The above calculations determine the components of the adhesion force. To fully verify the requirement,
the moments arising from the position of the centre of gravity of the load and the geometry of the vacuum
lifter shall also be taken into account.

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Fa ⊥ adhesion force at right angles to the load
Fa // adhesion force resisting sliding
S1 and S2 area of the suction pads
P pressure difference between atmosphere and inside of suction pad
Α angle of tilt of the load measured to the vertical

Figure C.1 — Adhesion force and effective

e ffective component of the working load limit weight

C.10.3 Verification by testing

C.10.3.1 Procedure

The verification of the adhesion force shall be determined following the conditions, procedure of A.2.
The test shall be conducted:
— with the vacuum at the bottom
bottom of the working
working range;

— for the maximum intended tilting angle

angle plus 6° except
except for vacuum lifter
lifter designed for a vertical
position of the vacuum pads.

C.10.3.2 Acceptance criteria

The acceptance criteria shall be that a representative sample of the type shall withstand the static force
F3 = 2 × working load limit without permanent deformation. After removal of the force the attachment
shall be examined to detect visible defects.

C.11 Determination of the friction coefficient

C.11.1 Conditions

The test apparatus shall include:

a) the load, or a material sample
sample corresponding
corresponding to the load under the maximum conditions
conditions specified
specified in
the instruction handbook;

b) the suction pad connected to a system able to create a vacuum

vacuum level corresponding
corresponding to the end of the
working range;

c) a load
load cell to record
record the variation of the tensile force.

BS EN 13155:2020
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1 suction pad with a v
acuum level equal to the end of the working range
2 load material sample
Tr vertical tensile force

Figure C.2 — Test apparatus and forces applied

The actual environmental conditions which are of importance for friction (e.g. presence of oil or
moisture) shall be reproduced.

C.11.2 Procedure
A Pressure level equal to the end of the working range shall be applied to the suction pad. The vertical
tensile force shall be monitored and increased until the suction pad starts to slip. The maximum force at
which a discernible slipping does not yet occur shall be determined.
C.11.3 Acceptance criteria

The friction coefficient µ used for the calculation is the ratio of Tr (maximum tensile force) plus the weight
of the material sample to the
th e adhesion force PS.
µ = (Tr + mg)/PS


m is the mass of material sample in kg;

g is the gravity acceleration in m/s2.
A minimum of 3 tests is required, and the friction coefficient shall be taken as the smallest of the
3 measurements.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Annex D

Verification methods for lifting magnets

D.1 Verification of tear-off force

D.1.1 Verification by pull test

D.1.1.1 Conditions (see Figure D.1):

a) Test piece length and width:

For both rectangular and round magnets, the test piece shall exceed the length, width or diameter of
the magnet by a margin m.

m ≥ 0,1 × l, w or d

b) Test piece thickness tmin at least equal to:

1) half of the middle

middle pole
pole diameter
diameter for round magnets;

2) the width of the middle pole

pole for three-polar magnets;

3) two times the width

width of the po
le for bi-polar magnets;

c) Test piece shape:

shape: flatness
flatness smaller than 0,1 mm/500 mm;

d) Test piece
piece material:
material: low carbon steel: S 355 or equivalent;

e) If more than one magnet is used in conjunction with a lifting beam each
each individual magnet
magnet shall b
verified at an air gap corresponding to the foreseeable surface condition of the load underneath the
magnets contact area. The surface condition of the load is given by the applicable delivery standard

of the loadto
according inEN
10029 (i.e. an rolled
for hot air gapplates,
corresponding to half
or half of the max.offlatness
the max. flatness of
tolerance tolerance of surface
surface according
to EN 10034 for profiles).

If the surface condition of the load is not defined, the magnet shall be rated at minimum air gap of
1/100 of the outer diameter or 1/100 of the width over the poles, i.e. the system width.

For standalone magnets (see,, and, the following air gaps shall be
chosen for the verification of the tear-off force:

1) for round magnets: no gap, 1/300

1/300 and 1/100 of the outer diameter;

2) for rectangular magnets: no gap, 1/300

1/300 and 1/100
1/100 of width over the poles;

The chosen gap shall correspond to the intended use of the magnet in the instructions for use;

f) Magnet supply
supply current shall be as rated under the intended
intended use indicated
indicated in the instruction

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g) Ambient temperature range: +10 °C to +30 °C;

h) the tear off force

force shall be determined both
both at ambient temperature and
and at the maximum
maximum operating
temperature indicated in the instruction handbook.

1 magnet poles
2 test piece
R tear-off force
d diameter over poles of round magnets
l length over poles of rectangular or bi-polar magnets
w width over poles of rectangular or bi-polar magnets
t thickness of the test piece
m margin by which test piece length, width or diameter exceeds that of the magnet
σ air gap

Figure D.1 — Test set up for verification of lifting magnets

D.1.1.2 Procedure

The magnet shall be placed on the test piece as shown in Figure D.1 and then fully energized at the
minimum allowable voltage. The test force F ± 2 % shall be applied without shock through the attachment
point of the magnet and at right angles to the plane between the magnet and the test piece.
D.1.1.3 Acceptance criteria

The test force F reaches the tear-off force specified in,,, or,
as appropriate.
D.1.2 Verification by flux measurement and calculation

D.1.2.1 Conditions

The same
placed conditions
directly apply
upon the as specified
work piece. As in
anD.1.1 except there
alternative, at th
theeshall always be no
manufacturer’s gap. The magnet
discretion, shall be
special purpose
magnets may be tested in conditions which simulate the intended purpose.

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D.1.2.2 Procedure

The flux shall be measured at the surface of contact between magnet and work piece around the middle
pole for round and three-polar magnets and around one pole of bi-polar magnets. The force shall be
calculated from this measured flux.
D.1.2.3 Acceptance criteria

The calculated force F reaches the tear-off force specified in,,, or, as appropriate.

D.2 Verification of controls

D.2.1 Conditions

A nominal load or test piece shall be provided against which the magnet can be operated. The
arrangement shall be such as to avoid risk in the event of a control malfunction.
D.2.2 Procedure

One representative sample of each design and size of controls shall be inspected and operated in all
functions foreseen by the manufacturer.

D.2.3 Acceptance criteria

The magnet complies with and as appropriate.

D.3 Verification of back-up and warning devices

D.3.1 Conditions

The test to verify that the back-up and warning devices function correctly shall be carried out on either
the control circuits and warning devices only, or on the complete magnet.
D.3.2 Procedure

The fault or condition for which the device is required shall be simulated by reducing or cutting the power
supply as appropriate to the requirement.
D.3.3 Acceptance criteria

When the fault or condition is simulated the device shall comply with,, and, as appropriate.

D.4 Verification of the discharge time of batteries

D.4.1 Conditions

The tests to verify the discharge time of batteries shall be carried out using batteries which meet the
magnet manufacturer’s minimum specification in terms of capacity and state of charge.
The magnet shall be tested against the test piece specified in Procedure D.1. As an alternative, at the
manufacturer’s discretion, special purpose magnets may be tested against a test piece which simulates
the intended purpose.

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D.4.2 Procedure

The magnet shall be placed on the test piece so that all the poles are covered and then fully energized.
The test force F, equal to the working load ± 2 %, shall be applied without shock through
th rough the attachment
point of the magnet and at right angles to the plane between the magnet and the test piece. The fault or
condition for which the requirement applies shall then be simulated.

One sample of each design and size of magnet shall be tested.

D.4.3 Acceptance criteria

The magnets sustain the test force F for the minimum time specified in or, as

D.5 Verification of indicating devices

D.5.1 Conditions

The test to verify the

th e indicating devices shall be carried out by applying the rated voltage to the
th e magnet(s).
D.5.2 Procedure

The indicating device shall be tested simultaneously with procedures D.2, D.3 and D.4.
D.5.3 Acceptance criteria

The indicating device shall indicate magnetization. For variable power control the indicator shall
distinguish between full and partial magnetization in accordance with, and, as

D.6 Verification of alternative mechanical back-up devices

D.6.1 Conditions

The magnet or magnets and any associated lifting beam shall be tested with a representative sample load
equal to the maximum capacity of the magnet(s) under conditions where failure of the power supply and
back-up device can be simulated without risk.
D.6.2 Procedure

The magnet(s) shall be placed on the load and fully energized. The load shall be lifted
lif ted a sufficient height
to permit the mechanical back-up device to be put in place. After the back-up device is in place the magnet
shall be switched off.
D.6.3 Acceptance criteria

After release by the magnet(s) the

t he load is retained by the back-up device as specified in

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D.7 Verification that the magnet is matched to the intended load(s)

D.7.1 Procedure

For special purpose magnets where details of the intended load(s) are known to the manufacturer, the
design of the magnet or magnets and any associated lifting beam shall be reviewed to ensure it meets the
requirements in
D.7.2 Acceptance criteria

The design review confirms that the magnet satisfies


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Annex E

Verification methods for lifting beams

E.1 Verification of mechanical strength of each individual lifting beam by static

test or live load test

E.1.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by either:

— applying a static force in a manner which replicates
replicates the conditions in which the atta
chment is
intended to be used; or

— lifting a live test load.

E.1.2 Procedure

The attachment shall be loaded through its suspension and load attachment points so that the lines of
force through these points are the same as they will be in service. The test force or test load ± 2 % shall
be applied without shock for a minimum period of 1 min.
Where the intended use of the attachment permits or requires it to tilt or move in any way such that the
lines of force through the suspension
s uspension or attachment points will vary, the test shall be repeated at several
positions throughout the range of movement. These positions shall be selected to simulate the worst
operational conditions.
After the force has been removed the attachment shall be examined for deformation, cracks and other
E.1.3 Acceptance criteria

Each tested lifting beam of a series shall withstand the static force or live test load without permanent
deformation and after removal of the force or the live test load, there shall be no visible defects.

E.2 Verification of mechanical strength on the type by a static test

E.2.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a static

stati c force 1,5 × Fs in a manner which replicates the conditions
in which the attachment is intended to be used.
E.2.2 Procedure

The attachment shall be loaded through its suspension and load attachment points so that the lines of
force through these points are the same as they
t hey will be in service. The test force (1,5 × Fs) ± 2 % shall be
applied without shock for a minimum period of 1 min.
Where the intended use of the attachment permits or requires it to tilt or move in any way such that the
lines of force through the suspension
s uspension or attachment points will vary, the ttest
est shall be repeated at several
positions throughout the range of movement. These positions shall be selected to simulate the worst
operational conditions and take account of the tilting
ti lting tolerance required by

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After the force has been removed the attachment shall be examined for deformation, cracks and other
E.2.3 Acceptance criteria

An attachment representative of the type shall withstand the test force (1,5 × Fs), even if permanent
deformation occurs.

E.3 Verification of locking or holding devices by testing

E.3.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted either by lifting a live test load or by means of a static force applied by a test

1 and 2 lifting beam at different working angles
3 moving part
4 maximum working angle of the lifting beam plus 6°
5 maximum working angle of the lifting beam
F test force

Figure E.1 — Angles associated with verification of lifting beams

E.3.2 Procedure

The moving part shall be locked in position by means of its locking device and subjected to a force F
without shock for a minimum period of 1 min mi n and equal to 2 × the static force that it is required to sustain
in service at an angle of 6° in excess of that specified by the manufacturer, see Figure E.1. The test shall
be repeated in both directions about each horizontal axis and both horizontal axes in combination for
each available locking position. If the moving part does not have predetermined positions but locks by
friction the test shall be carried out at the two extremes of travel and at one intermediate point.
After the force has been removed the moving part and its locking device shall be examined for
deformation, cracks and other defects.
E.3.3 Acceptance criteria

The moving part and its locking device sustains the test force F without slippage,
s lippage, deformation or failure
and, after release of the load, there are no visible defects and the moving part and its looking device
operate freely.

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E.4 Verification of the locking or holding by calculation

The mechanical parts shall be calculated in accordance with A.1 for the maximum intended tilting angle
plus 6°.
If the moving parts of the structure are held in position by devices operating on a friction basis (e.g.
resulting from brake torque) the calculation shall demonstrate
demonstrate that the friction force is at least twice the
force due to the self-weight of the parts and the working load limit for the maximum intended tilting angl
plus 6°.

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Annex F

Verification methods for lifting forks

F.1Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device

for lifting forks in horizontal direction

F.1.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a uniformly distributed static force equal 1/2 WLL on the 90°
tilted lifting forks.
F.1.2 Procedure

The empty attachment shall be tilted and fixed in a manner such that the secondary positive holding
device is not in contact with anything other than the lifting
lif ting forks and the test load and has enough space
to deform. A force equal to half the WLL shall be applied to the lower part of the secondary positive
holding device. The test shall be carried out for at least the two most unfavourable directions.
F.1.3 Acceptance criteria

The secondary positive holding device shall withstand the force even if permanent deformation occurs.

F.2Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device

for lifting forks in vertical direction

F.2.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a uniformly distributed static force equal to 2 WLL.
F.2.2 Procedure

A uniformly distributed load corresponding to 2 times the WLL

W LL shall be applied to the secondary positive
holding device. The secondary positive holding device shall not be in contact with anything other than
the lifting fork and the test load and shall have enough space to deform.
F.2.3 Acceptance criteria

The secondary positive holding device shall withstand the force even if permanent deformation occurs.

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Annex G

Verification methods for clamps

G.1 Determination of the friction coefficient

G.1.1 Conditions

The test apparatus shall include:

a) the load, or a material sample
sample corresponding
corresponding to the load under the maximum conditions specified
specified in
the instruction handbook (e.g. material hardness);

b) a support covered with the clamp material which

which is in contact with the load;

c) the shape of the coating shall

shall be reproduced (e.g. teeth of the clamp jaws).

1 support

2 clamp coating
3 load sample
F vertical force
T horizontal tensile force

Figure G.1 — Test apparatus and forces applied

The actual environmental conditions which are of importance for friction (e.g. presence of oil or
moisture) shall be reproduced.
G.1.2 Procedure

A vertical force F shall be applied on the support, producing a pressure between 2 and 3 corresponding
to the minimum contact pressure between the clamp and the load when the load is lifted.

A horizontal tensile force T shall be applied between 1 + 2 and 3, until the part 1 + 2 starts moving. The
variation of this tensile
t ensile force represents a curve usually corresponding to the diagram in Figure G.2.

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1 transitory state
2 steady-state (motion)
3 displacement
T horizontal tensile force
T average horizontal tensile force in steady-state
Figure G.2 — Characteristics of tensile force
f orce T

G.1.3 Acceptance criteria

The friction coefficient µ used for the calculations is the ratio of Tr (average horizontal tensile force in
steady-state) to the vertical force F. A minimum of 3 tests is required, and the fri
ction coefficient shall be
taken as the smallest of the 3 measurements.

G.2 No slipping of the load – clamping by friction or penetration

G.2.1 Conditions

The maximum obtainable force to hold a load is

i s called holding force. It is determined by:
T = S (μ1 + μ2)

S is the clamping force of the clamp or the tong;
μ1 is the friction coefficient between load and one clamping
clamping part;

μ2 is the friction coefficient between load and the other clamping part.

The holding force is determined by calculation. The calculation shall be done for the most unfavourable
u nfavourable
gripping range.

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P work piece

Figure G.3 — Clamping forces

G.2.2 Acceptance criteria

The holding force T holding the load shall be 2 times the load to be held.
This requirement shall be verified throughout the lifting operation, regardless of whether the clamping
force S is due to self-actuation (in proportion to the load weight), or to a mechanical actuator.

G.3 Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device

for clamps in horizontal direction

G.3.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a uniformly distributed static force equal 1/2 WLL on the 90°
tilted attachment.
G.3.2 Procedure

The empty attachment shall be tilted and fixed in a manner such that the secondary positive holding
device is not in contact with anything other than the clamp and the test load and has enough space to
deform. A force equal to half the WLL shall be applied to the lower part of the secondary positive holding
device. The test shall be carried out for at least the two most unfavourable directions.
G.3.3 Acceptance criteria

The secondary positive holding device shall withstand the force even if permanent deformation occurs.

G.4 Verification of mechanical strength of the secondary positive holding device

for clamps in vertical direction

G.4.1 Conditions

The test shall be conducted by applying a uniformly distributed static force equal to 2 WLL.
G.4.2 Procedure

A uniformly distributed load corresponding to 2 times the WLL shall be applied to the secondary
s econdary positive
holding device. The clamping mechanism shall be locked open. The secondary positive holding device
shall not be in contact with anything other than the clamp and the test load and shall have enough space
to deform.

G.4.3 Acceptance criteria

The secondary positive holding device shall withstand the force even if permanent deformation occurs.

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G.5 Range of thickness of clamps

G.5.1 Conditions

The clamp shall be tested using a sample with a thickness equal to the lower limit of the range of thickness
less the safety range.

EXAMPLE Clamp with a range of thickness

thickness of 30 mm to with a 30 mm sample − 10 %, i.e. a
to 60 mm, test with
thickness of 27 mm.

G.5.2 Procedure

The sample shall be lifted vertically.

vertic ally.
G.5.3 Acceptance criteria

The clamp shall not release the sample.


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Annex H

Verification methods for lifting insert systems

H.1 Verification of the embedment in concrete

H.1.1 Conditions

Lifting insert systems are used to lift precast elements. For this purpose they shall carry all actions
resulting from transport, lifting operations as well as during installation and transfer of the loads to the
structural component. The use of lifting inserts includes only a one-time-use for lifting of the precast
element. Multiple use within the transport chain from production until assembling of the precast element
applies as one-time-use. Multiple use on different occasions, e.g. lifting of crane weights, long-time fixing,
etc. is not considered in this document. Lifting keys may be reused.
Lifting insert systems shall be tested at a temperature of 20 °C (±5 °C) and at least at the minimum age of
concrete, the minimum concrete strength [generally 15 N/mm2 (test specimen: cube with edge length
150 mm)] and consider foreseeable misuse. At least information about production, curing, storage and
as well as concrete strength at time of testing shall be documented.
H.1.2 Procedure

H.1.2.1 General

In the phase of planning and the production of the test specimen the intended minimum member
thickness, embedment depths, edge distances and spacing of the lifting inserts as well as the
supplementary reinforcement shall be considered.
The test specimen and the fixing of the test specimen, e.g. on a sstrong trong floor shall be arranged so, that the
load-bearing-b ehaviour of the lifting
lifti ng inserts and lifting inserts to be tested is not iinfluenced.
nfluenced. The creation
of concrete breakout bodies may be not hindered in the tests by fixing or support of the testing
equipment. For this reason the clear distance between the support and a lifting insert shall be at least
1,5 ∙ hef (tensile test) or 1,5 ∙ c1 (shear test at the edge with load in direction of the free edge; c1 = edge
distance in load direction), see also Figure H.2 to Figure H.5. Only in the case of shear tests without edge
influence where steel failure is to be expected this distance may be smaller than 1,5 ∙ c1.

Serving as a basis for technical data to be published the test program should be carried out for every size,
every material and every production procedure of a lifting insert and for every load direction that can
occur during the lifting and handling operations. If the failure modes concrete break- and/or pull-out
govern the behaviour the investigations can be carried out with the lifting insert materials of the
minimum strength and most unfavourable production method. Then the determined values may be
applied to other materials and production methods.
For the case, that different lifting insert sizes are similar with regard to geometry and use conditions and
provided that there is a reliable and generally accepted procedure for the interpolation of the resistances,
not all lifting inserts shall be tested in all use conditions. Then it should be proceed as follows:
— In minimum two
two lifting insert sizes shall be tested for the same use condition.

— In the case lifting

lifting insert systems consist of mor
e than two sizes the smallest and
and the largest
largest dimension
shall be tested. Besides, intermediate sizes shall be examined in such increments, that the mean
ultimate load does not exceed a value of 2,5 to 3-times of the mean ultimate load of the corresponding

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checked smaller lifting insert. The smallest and largest lifting insert of a system shall always be
checked. All tests shall be carried out for the same case of application.

— The minimum number of tests per lifting

lifting insert size and use condition is n = 3. Additional tests shall
be reported and also used for the evaluation and assessment.

— Lifting inserts and lifting insert systems of

of the same cross section but different
different embedment depths
shall be tested with each embedment depth. In the special case of steel failure the test program can
be reduced accordingly.

In all tests the load shall be transferred to the insert by the compatible lifting key.
The concrete test specimen for the testing of lifting inserts systems for a wide range of applications shall
be produced of normal weight concrete according to EN 206 without additives and with round aggregate
of natural origin and average hardness.
For the better handling of the test specimens or the distribution of loads introduced by the test setup a
constructive reinforcement is planned, it shall be arranged so, that the load-bearing capacity of the tested
lifting insert system is not influenced. The requirement is met if the reinforcement lies outside of the
concrete breakout cone to be expected with breakout angle of 120°. If this condition is not maintained,
the reinforcement located in the specimen shall be specified in the lifting
lift ing and handling instructions as a
minimum requirement.
Examples of test specimen under tension load and test setups used in the test depending on the field
application of the lifting insert system are presented in Table H.1 and Figure
Fi gure H.1 to Figure H.5.
For lifting inserts under tension load, where concrete failure is not the governing failure mode, the clear
distance between lifting insert and the support of the test setup may be at least half the value of the
embedment length of the lifting insert including the length of the directly connected stirrups.
Table H.1 — Test setups simulating different applications – examples

Load direction
Field of application
Tension Combined tension and shear Shear

Wall Figure H.4 Figure H.4 Figure H.4 or Figure H.5

Slab Figure H.1, Figure H.2 Figure H.1, Figure H.2 Figure H.5
Beam, Column Figure H.4 Figure H.4 Figure H.5
Pipe Figure H.3 — —

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Figure H.1 — Test setup for lifting insert systems under tension load and combined tension and
shear load with and without influence of adjacent edges
edg es – example

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Figure H.2 — Test setup for lifting insert systems under tension load without edge influence –

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Figure H.3 — Test of lifting insert systems under tensile load in pipes – example

a) b)
1 Polystyrene

Figure H.4 — Test setup for a lifting

liftin g insert system un
der tension load in a wall – example

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Figure H.5 — Test setup for a lifting

liftin g insert system un
der shear load in a slab or a wall – example

H.1.2.2 Failure modes

The following failure modes exist.

a) Concrete break-out:
break-out: Failure Mode
Mode characterized
characterized by a wedge or cone shaped concrete
concrete break-out body
which was separated from the anchor ground and is initiated by the lifting insert.

b) Local concrete break-out

break-out (blow-out): Concrete spalling on the face side o off the precast concrete
element serving as anchor ground at the depth of the load introduction into the concrete via
mechanical interlock of the lifting insert
i nsert without concrete breakout at the surface.

c) Concrete pry-out:
pry-out: Failure mode characterized
characterized by concrete break-out
break-out opposite
opposite to the load direction
with shear loaded lifting inserts.

d) Pull-out: Failure mode where the lifting insert under tension load is pulled
pulled out of
of the concrete with
large displacements and a small
s mall concrete break-out.

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e) Concrete splitting: A concrete failure

failure in which the concrete fractures along a plane crack passing
through the axis of the lifting insert.

f) Steel failure of the lifting

lifting insert: Failure mode
mode characterized
characterized by fracture
fracture of steel parts of the lifting

g) Steel failure of the supplementary

supplementary reinforcement:
reinforcement: Steel failure of the supplementary reinforcement
loaded directly or indirectly by the lifting
lifti ng insert.

a) Pull-out b) Steel failure c) Concrete pry-out

d) Blow-out e) Splitting of the component

Figure H.6 — Failure modes of lifting insert systems under tension load

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a) Steel failure b) Steel failure c) Concrete break-out

d) Concrete break-out at a wall caused by a lifting insert loaded under parallel shear in the
direction of the member face

e) Concrete break-out at a wall caused by a f) Concrete break-out at the surface of a

lifting insert shear loaded perpendicular to the concrete slab caused by a lifting insert shear
edge loaded perpendicular to the edge

Figure H.7 — Failure modes of lifting insert systems under shear load

H.1.3 Acceptance criteria

H.1.3.1 General

Within the framework of this standard the required coefficients and working coefficients are interpreted
as global safety factors as defined in structural engineering for the proof against steel failure. In
consequence within the framework of this standard the verification of other failure modes is performed
by means of global safety factors.
The characteristic resistance is defined as 5 %-fractile of the measured ultimate loads with a confidence
level of 75 %. A normal distribution of the test results and an unknown standard deviation of the
population shall be applied.
NOTE The required coefficients and working coefficients are those stated in the Machinery Directive

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H.1.3.2 Normalization of ultimate loads

Results of tests performed, e.g. in different concrete specimen might be different. In these cases the test
results can be normalized.
H.1.3.3 Concrete failure

The normalization is permitted in a range of 30 % below and 30 % beyond the intended concrete
compressive strength. For the normalization in the case of concrete failure is:

f cc
R u,fcc = R ut ⋅ (H.1)
f cc,test

is the ultimate value of the resistance at a concrete compressive strength fcc;

fcc is the concrete compressive strength

strength to be normalized;
is the ultimate value of the resistance at a concrete co
mpressive strength at the time of testing;

fcc,test is the concrete compressive strength at the time of testing.

H.1.3.4 Pull-out

In this case of failure a normalization is not possible.

H.1.3.5 Steel failure

In case of steel failure

fai lure the ultimate loads shall be reduced relative to the ratio of specified to actual
act ual tensile
– for steel wire ropes up to the maximum 1 960 N/mm 2 - strength. An increase is only possible up to a
value of 10 %.
H.1.3.6 Evaluation criteria

The load-displacement curves of all tests shall show a steady increase. In centric tension tests
uncontrolled slip indicated by a horizontal or nearly-horizontal part in the curve (Figure H.6) is not
acceptable up to a load of:
= 0, 8 N u
⋅ (H.2)

Nu is the ultimate value
value of the resistance under tensile loading.

If the requirement of Formula (H.2) is not met the characteristic resistance shall be reduced
proportionally linear.
linear. This reduction may be omitted if, within one individual test of a series alone shows
a load/displacement curve with a short plateau and provided all of the following conditions are met:
— The deviation is not substantial.

— The deviation is justified by crack initiation in the concrete element

element due to activation of the
supplementary reinforcement and the crack width does not exceed a value of 0,3 mm at a load of
0,5 Nu.

— The deviation can be justified

justified as outlier of the lifting
lifting insert behaviour and is due to a defect in the
lifting insert system or a defect in the concrete specimen.

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— On an application
application of these criteria can be also omitted when tests are completed priorprior reaching the
obvious maximum load or when two anchors are being tested in i n pairs at once e.g. in combined shear
and tensile load tests.

Furthermore, independent of the failure mode, in each test series the coefficient of variation of the
ultimate load shall be smaller than V = 20 %.


X displacement
Y load

Figure H.8 — Requirements for the load-displacement curves in case of lifting under tension

The curves 1 and 2 indicate acceptable behaviour, curve 3 is not acceptable.

The least resistance determined from all failure modes is decisive for the application yields the
characteristic resistance Rk, of the anchorage. The admissible resistance Rzul shall be determined from
the least characteristic resistance divided by the appropriate global safety factor γ as followed:
= R
/γ (H.3)

For global safety factor γ see

NOTE The safety factors for lifting insert systems were derived from the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
under the assumption that the working coefficients include a dynamic coefficient of 1,3.

H.2 Individual verifications

H.2.1 Conditions

H.2.1.1 General

Lifting insert systems are manufactured in serial production. Deviating from Clause 6, provided that an
appropriate factory production control (FPC) according to H.2.1.2 is in place during production, the
verification is permitted to be performed by a regular sampling of products.
H.2.1.2 Factory Production Control (FPC)

A permanent, internal production control conducted by a manufacturer. All the elements, requirements
and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a systematic manner in the
th e form of
written records or procedures. The production control system documentation ensures a common

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commitment of quality, a constant level of production as well as a comprehensible review of the

effectiveness of the FPC.
The purpose of the FPC is to guarantee production stability plus to achieve those characteristics
technically specified and the performance declared by the manufacturer. It shall be tailored to the
performance of the product requirements and take the level of production respectively automation into
The FPC system shall define:
a) the responsibility, authorities
authorities and cooperation
cooperation of the personnel,
personnel, which is responsible
responsible for the
compliance of conformity in management, production and inspection of the products;

b) procedures for maintaining a working factory production control

control ensuring the consistency of the
product characteristics at relevant production stages;

c) procedures for of documenting records and inspection;

d) principles of
of training the personnel
personnel whose
whose activities have an effect on the quality;

e) principles of handling complaints;

f) principles of conducting corrective measures, if nonconformity

nonconformity is identified;

g) Materials used for production

production shall comply with material requirements
requirements given in, and

Factory production control documentation should be delegated to a duly designated person holding the
relevant competences and authority. Such documentation shall be kept up-to-date and complete in case
of changes to the production, the product or the FPC. The manufacturer shall keep all specifications of
surveillance documents and records; application documents shall be available at their place of use and
subject to surveillance by a duly designated person holding the relevant competences. Such
documentation shall be kept up-to-date and supplemented in the event of modifications to production
process, product or factory production control system. The manufacturer shall keep specification of
surveillance documents and records. Valid documents
documents shall be available at places of their use.
H.2.2 Procedure

The procedure shall comply with H.2.1.2.

H.2.3 Acceptance criteria

The acceptance shall comply with 5.2.8 (where steel properties are defined).

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Annex I

Selection of a suitable set of crane standards for a given application

Is there a product standard in the following list that suits the application?

EN 13000 Cranes — Mobile cranes

EN 14439 Cranes — Safety — Tower cranes

EN 14985 Cranes — Slewing jib cranes
EN 15011 Cranes — Bridge and gantry cranes

EN 13852-1 Cranes — Offshore cranes — Part 1: General purpose offshore cranes

EN 13852-2 Cranes — Offshore cranes — Part 2: Floating cranes
prEN 13852-3 Cranes — Offshore cranes — Part 3: Light offshore cranes

EN 14492-1 Cranes — Power driven winches and hoists — Part 1: Power driven winches
EN 14492-2 Cranes — Power driven winches and hoists — Part 2: Power driven hoists
EN 12999 Cranes — Loader cranes

EN 13157 Cranes — Safety — Hand powered cranes

EN 13155 Cranes — Safety — Non-fixed load lifting attachments
EN 14238 Cranes — Manually controlled load manipulating devices

EN 15056 Cranes — Requirements for container handling spreaders


Use it directly, plus the

standards that are referred to

Use the following:

EN 13001-1 Cranes— General design — Part 1: General principles and requirements

EN 13001-2 Cranes Safety — General design — Part 2: Load actions

Cranes — General design — Part 3–1: Limit states and proof of competence of steel
EN 13001-3-1

Cranes — General design — Part 3–2: Limit states and proof of competence of wire
EN 13001-3-2
ropes in reeving systems
Cranes — General design — Part 3–3: Limit states and proof of competence of wheel /
EN 13001-3-3
rail contacts

Cranes — General design — Part 3–5: Limit states and proof of competence of forged
EN 13001-3-5
hooks and cast hooks

EN 13001-3-6 Cranes — General design — Part 3-6: Limit states and proof of competence of
machinery — Hydraulic cylinders

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

prEN 13001-3-7 Cranes — General design — Part 3-7: Limit states and proof of competence of
machinery — Gears and gear boxes

prEN 13001-3-8 Cranes — General design — Part 3-8: Limit states and proof competence of
machinery — Shafts
EN 13135 Cranes — Safety — Design — Requirements for equipment

EN 13557 Cranes — Controls and control stations

Cranes safety — Requirements for health and safety — Part 2: Limiting and indicating
EN 12077-2

EN 13586 Cranes — Access

EN 14502-1 Cranes — Equipment for the lifting of persons — Part 1: Suspended baskets

EN 14502-2 Cranes — Equipment for the lifting of persons — Part 2: Elevating control stations
EN 12644-1 Cranes — Information for use and testing — Part 1: Instructions

EN 12644-2 Cranes — Information for use and testing — Part 2: Marking


BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC aimed to be covered

This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request “M/396
Mandate to CEN and CENELEC for Standardisation in the field of machinery” to provide one voluntary
means of conforming to essential requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast).
Once this standard is cited in the Official
Off icial Journal of the European Union under that Directive, compliance
with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of the scope of
this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding essential requirements of that
Directive, and associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Annex I of Directive

The relevant Essential Clause(s)/subclause(s) of this

Requirements of Directive Remarks/Notes

1.1.3. Materials and products Not covered

1.1.4. Lighting Not covered
1.1.5. Design of machinery to 5.1.4, 5.1.6
facilitate its handling
1.1.6. Ergonomics 5.1.4
1.1.7. Operating positions Not covered
1.1.8. Seating Not covered
1.2.1. Safety and reliability of,,,,
control systems,,,,,,,,

1.2.2. Control devices 5.1.3,,,

1.2.3. Starting Not covered Normal stop Not covered Operational stop Not covered Emergency stop Not covered Assembly of machinery Not covered

1.2.5. Selection
control or Not covered

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

The relevant Essential

Clause(s)/subclause(s) of this
Requirements of Directive Remarks/Notes
1.2.6. Failure of the power,,,,

1.3.1. Risk of loss of stability 5.1.6

1.3.2. Risk of break-up during,,, 5.1.5,
operation 5.1.7,,, Annex A
1.3.3. Risks due to falling or,,,,
ejected objects,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Annex B, Annex C, Annex D,
Annex E, Annex F, Annex G
1.3.4. Risks due to surfaces, Not covered
edges or angles
1.3.5. Risks related to combined Not covered
1.3.6. Risks related to variations Not covered
in operating conditions
1.3.7. Risks related to moving

1.3.8. Choice of protection
against risks arising from
moving parts Moving transmission Not covered

parts Moving parts involved in

the process

1.3.9. Risks of uncontrolled

movements Not covered

1.4.1. General requirements Not covered


BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

The relevant Essential

Clause(s)/subclause(s) of this
Requirements of Directive Remarks/Notes
2006/42/EC Fixed guards Not covered Interlocking movable Not covered

guards Adjustable guards Not covered
restricting access
1.4.3. Special requirements for Not covered
protective devices
1.5.1. Electricity supply Not covered
1.5.2. Static electricity Not covered
1.5.3. Energy supply other than Not covered
1.5.4. Errors of fitting, 7.1.1,, 7.2
1.5.5. Extreme temperatures Not covered
1.5.6. Fire Not covered
1.5.7. Explosion Not covered
1.5.8. Noise Not covered
1.5.9. Vibrations Not covered
1.5.10. Radiation Not covered
1.5.11. External radiation Not covered
1.5.12. Laser radiation Not covered
1.5.13. Emissions of hazardous Not covered
materials and substances

1.5.14. Risk of being trapped in a Not covered

1.5.15. Risk of slipping, tripping Not covered
or falling
1.5.16. Lightning Not covered
1.6.1. Machinery maintenance
1.6.2. Access to operating Not covered
positions and servicing
1.6.3. Isolation of energy sources Not covered
1.6.4. Operator intervention Not covered

1.6.5. Cleaning of internal parts Not covered


BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

The relevant Essential

Clause(s)/subclause(s) of this
Requirements of Directive Remarks/Notes
1.7.1. Information and warnings Not covered
on the machinery Information and Not covered

information devices Warning devices,,,,,,,
C.5, C.8, D.3
1.7.2. Warning of residual risks Not covered

1.7.3. Marking of machinery, 7.2, 7.2.1,,,,,, 7.2.3

1.7.4. Instructions 7.1, 7.1.1,,,,,,,,

7.1.3, 7.1.4 General principles for 7.1.1
the drafting of
instructions Contents of the 7.1, 7.1.1,,,,
7.1.3, 7.1.4 Sales literature Not covered Risks due to lack of 5.1.6
stability Machinery running on Not covered
guide rails and rail tracks Mechanical strength,,, 5.1.5,
5.1.7,,, 5.2.8,
Annex A Pulleys, drums, wheels, Not covered
ropes and chains Lifting accessories and,,, 5.1.5,
their components 5.1.7,,, 5.2.8,
Annex A Control of movements Not covered Movements of loads Not covered
during handling Movements of the Not covered

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)

The relevant Essential

Clause(s)/subclause(s) of this
Requirements of Directive Remarks/Notes
2006/42/EC Access to the carrier Not covered Risks due to contact Not covered
with the moving carrier Risk due to the load Not covered
falling off the carrier Landings Not covered
4.1.3. Fitness for purpose 6, Annexes A to H
4.2.1. Control of movements Not covered
4.2.2. Loading control Not covered
4.2.3. Installations guided by Not covered
4.3.1. Chains, ropes and webbing Not covered
4.3.2. Lifting accessories, 7.2
4.3.3. Lifting machinery Not covered
4.4.1. Lifting accessories, 7.1
4.4.2. Lifting machinery Not covered

WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the
t he Official Journal of the European Union.

WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of
this standard.

BS EN 13155:2020
EN 13155:2020 (E)


[1] EN 1993-1 (series), Design of steel structures

[2] EN ISO 9606 (series), Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding

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