Design of Electric Vehicle Drive Motor ECU Control
Design of Electric Vehicle Drive Motor ECU Control
Design of Electric Vehicle Drive Motor ECU Control
Keywords: PMSM; ECU; AUTOSAR; Software Components; Runnable Entities; VFB/RTE; BSW.
Abstract. In view of the problem of the Electric vehicle, which is in difficulty and reusability in the
development with the permanent magnet motor (PMSM) ECU control system, this paper presented a
ECU motor control system development method based on automotive open system architecture
(AUTOSAR). It mainly to complete the design of the application layer software components,
runnable entities, VFB/RTE layer and basic software layer according to AUTOSAR hierarchical,
modularization idea. Bench experiment results showed that the motor ECU control system based on
the standard of AUTOSAR, implemented the basic control function of the motor started, accelerated
and decelerated in medium and low speed conditions. It will lay a good foundation for the
development, transplantation and function expansion on different platforms for auto ECU control
In recent years, as the booming of automotive electronic system, the major automobile manufacturers
and parts suppliers launched their own ECU control system development platform, which leads to the
motor control software reusability, difficult to maintain. In order to solve these problems, the
big automobile manufacturers, auto parts suppliers and semiconductor both with software
development companies of the world launched the automotive open system architecture (AUTOSAR)
[1], whose purpose is to provide standardized, modular software architecture for automotive
electronics software development. ECU motor control software research and design based on the
software development method of AUTOSAR standard will become the future of motor driven
software development trend of electric vehicle drive.
This paper ,based on the electric vehicle permanent magnet synchronous motor as control
object, control method is the magnetic field vector oriented control[2], using Infineon TC1767
processor[3]as the ECU software development platform, has designed of the motor control ECU
control system based on AUTOSAR standard. The bench test results show that, when the motor
starting, accelerating controls and the decelerating, the motor ECU control system design can realize
the control of permanent magnet synchronous motor well.
controller of current loop, Park transform, Clarke transform in torque control SWC. Design torque
control of PI controller is shown in figure3.
This paper, to design ECU motor control system adopted the modularization idea, including ECU
application layer, RTE layer and basic software layer. The experimental bench showed that based on
AUTOSAR completed implemented the basic control function of the motor started, accelerated and
decelerated. From the measured curve can see that the system has good speed regulation ability. The
Method based on the standard of AUTOSAR improves the flexibility, configurability and reusability
of the code of the system, which were used to improved the driving motor control system
development efficiency on electric vehicle.
Fig5. The measured cure with rotate speed 1000r/min increasing to 1500 r/min
This research was financially supported by the key technology of pure EV motor control and drive
system research and design (cstc2014yykfA4004).
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