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European Stroke Journal

2021, Vol. 6(4) 319–332
Prevalence of fatigue after stroke: © European Stroke Organisation 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
A systematic review and meta-analysis sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/23969873211047681

Ibraheem Alghamdi1 , Cono Ariti2, Adam Williams2 ,

Emma Wood3  and Jonathan Hewitt4

Background and Purpose: Post-stroke fatigue is a debilitating and long-lasting condition. However, there are un-
certainties regarding its prevalence and variability between studies. This review aims to estimate the prevalence of fatigue
and determine the factors responsible for its variation in the literature.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted for all published studies (search to November 2020) using AMED, CINAHL,
EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Papers were included if they recruited participants with
stroke, used a validated scale to measure fatigue and were in English. Two reviewers screened and assessed the relevant
studies for eligibility (n = 96). The included papers were appraised using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) tool for prevalence
studies, and data were extracted by one reviewer. To understand the variation in PSF prevalence between papers, data
were pooled and analysed based on relevant methodological (e.g. time of assessment) or clinical factors (e.g. depression)
using Review Manager 5.4 software.
Results: While 48 studies were included and summarised (N = 9004), only 35 were appropriate for the meta-analysis (N =
6851). The most frequently used tool to measure fatigue was the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) (n = 31). The prevalence was
calculated with a cut-off point of four or more using FSS and resulted in an estimate of 48% (95% CI 42–53%). Time of
assessment (<6 vs ≥6 months), stroke type (ischaemic vs haemorrhagic/subarachnoid haemorrhage) and geographical
location (East Asia vs Europe) could explain the prevalence variation between studies.
Conclusions: Fatigue is prevalent among stroke survivors. This condition varies in terms of occurrence between studies;
however, time of assessment, stroke type and geographical location might explain this variation. As this review estimates
the overall burden of fatigue after stroke, it provides a useful indicator to inform policy, planning and healthcare pro-
fessionals. Further efforts are required to investigate the mechanisms that lead to PSF, particularly in the groups that show
high prevalence, in order to prevent or alleviate it.

fatigue, frequency, review, stroke

Date received: 24 May 2021; accepted: 1 September 2021

Stroke has many complications, one of which is fatigue. A
recent scoping review reported that fatigue is one of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, School of Medicine, King
commonest secondary conditions among stroke survivors.1 Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Centre for Trials Research, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff,
It has also been ranked as one of the top research priorities in
the United Kingdom.2 Although there is no consensus on its 3
School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
definition, a practical one is ‘a sensation of exhaustion 4
Division of Population Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University,
during or after usual activities, or a feeling of inadequate Cardiff, UK
energy to begin these activities’.3,4 Since defining the
Corresponding author:
condition is open to personal interpretations, this has re- Ibraheem Alghamdi, King Saud University, Flat 205, Aby Almaqdisi St,
flected on the methods that are been used to measure it. Tuwaiq 14928, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
These methods are usually subjective and consist of a Email: [email protected]
320 European Stroke Journal 6(4)

self-reported questionnaire. Some of the frequently em- in English. Studies were excluded if they recruited partic-
ployed tools are the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Multi- ipants with other brain injuries (e.g. transient ischaemic
dimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI).5,6 stroke, traumatic brain injury), were non–peer-reviewed
Post-stroke fatigue has a negative impact on patients’ publications (e.g. conference abstracts) or did not use a
quality of life and independence, and the evidence of its structured and validated tool to measure fatigue.
association with high morbidity and mortality rates is well-
established.7–10 This condition has been reported to affect
around 29–68% of stroke survivors.11 However, there is a
Search strategy
noticeable variability in this range. This variation has been An extensive literature search was conducted between
suggested to be due to multiple reasons, broadly the October and November 2020. Search terms were developed
methodological and clinical differences between studies. based on three key words, namely, stroke, fatigue and
One factor that has been claimed to play a role is the se- prevalence. Databases included AMED (inception to Oc-
lection of a scale to measure fatigue, which might be tober 2020), CINAHL (1937 to November 2020), EM-
influenced by the fact that there is neither a clear definition BASE (1947 to October 2020), MEDLINE (1865 to
of PSF nor a standardised tool to assess it.12 Nevertheless, November 2020), PsycINFO (1806 to October 2020),
even in studies that used the same scale and cut-off point, SCOPUS (1960 to November 2020) and Web of Science
there was still a considerable variation between their esti- (1900 to November 2020). The search was also com-
mates. Moreover, it has been proposed that the time of plemented by scrutinising key papers’ reference lists (i.e.
assessment might affect the occurrence, resulting in more snowballing). A full search strategy of one of the databases
patients reporting fatigue in later months as they start re- is in the online supplementary materials.
suming their normal activities. But the evidence around this
factor was conflicting for some cohorts showed an in-
creasing trend in PSF prevalence, while others a downward
or stable one.4 Finally, it has been proposed that other Two authors (IA and AW) conducted the search and initially
methodological factors such as geographical locations or screened results’ titles and abstracts. Once the irrelevant
eligibility criteria, specifically related to depression, dis- papers were excluded, full texts were obtained for the re-
ability or cognitive impairment, are somehow related. maining studies to be assessed for eligibility. Any exclusion
However, there is still a lack of comprehensive, systematic occurred at this stage was recorded and presented on the
evidence to support that.13–16 PRISMA flow chart (Figure 1). Due to time restrictions, the
Post-stroke fatigue has increasingly drawn researchers’ methodological quality of the included studies was ap-
attention, particularly for the last decade, but there is still a praised by one reviewer (IA) using the Joanna Briggs In-
scarcity of extensive evidence to estimate its prevalence and stitute (JBI) checklist which is designed for systematic
determine the factors of its variability. Since this condition reviews of prevalence data.19 This tool has nine anchoring
has multiple implications on stroke survivors and their statements ranging from the appropriateness of the sample
families’ lives, and there is a need for evidence synthesis frame to the validity of the methods used to identify the
regarding its occurrence and the causes of its variation condition. The checklist is explained in depth in the JBI
between studies, we aim to address this gap by conducting a reviewers’ manual.20
systematic review of the literature.
Data extraction
Methods Data were extracted by (IA) using an adapted JBI form
The data that support the findings of this study are available which included descriptive and analytic details such as
from the corresponding author upon reasonable requests. study design; setting and location; eligibility criteria;
This review is complied with the Preferred Reporting Items population demographics; number of participants; number
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) of fatigued participants; fatigue scale and data analysis (e.g.
guidelines, and it is registered with the International Pro- measures of associations). Any further data or clarifications
spective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) needed were requested directly from the authors via emails.
(CRD42020201168).17,18 The extraction form can be found in the online supple-
mentary materials.
Eligibility criteria
Statistical analysis
Studies were eligible if they recruited adults (≥18) with
stroke, used a validated fatigue measurement scale with a Prevalence data were recorded, and standard errors wereffi
cut-off point, were published in a peer-reviewed journal and calculated using the following formula: p∗ð1  pÞ =n,
Alghamdi et al. 321

Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMAs) flow diagram.

where p = proportion and n = sample size. A random Results

effects model using the generic inverse variance method
was applied to estimate the pooled fatigue proportion The initial search produced 5032 results. After excluding
and heterogeneity. This model was used for its flexibility irrelevant studies and duplicates, 96 articles remained, and
as it assumes that different factors affect the data var- their full texts were obtained to be assessed for eligibility.
iability other than a mere error or chance. Studies that Ultimately, 48 studies were included in this review
used the same fatigue assessment scale (FAS) and cut- (Figure 1).
off point were combined, and a common metric was Several tools were used by researchers to measure fa-
calculated using Review Manager 5.4 software. Using tigue, namely, FSS (n = 31), MFI (n = 5), Checklist Indi-
the same approach, pre-specified subgroup analyses vidual Strength (CIS) (n = 3), FAS (n = 2), Chalder Fatigue
were performed to compare fatigue proportions between Scale (n = 2), Emotional State Questionnaire (n = 1), Fatigue
studies based on different factors such as location and Impact Scale (n = 1), Mental Fatigue Scale (n = 1), Profile
stroke type (ischaemic vs haemorrhagic/subarachnoid of Mood States (n = 1) and the 36-Item Short Form Survey
haemorrhage) (for the full list see the protocol). Based (n = 1) (Table 1).5,6,16,22–28
on a post-hoc decision, one study that reported a very Authors who used FSS mostly selected the nine-item
high fatigue proportion (i.e. an outlier) due to its ex- version (n = 29), whereas only two authors preferred the
treme eligibility criteria was excluded from the meta- seven-item scale.29,30 Most studies had a pre-specified aim
analysis.21 A funnel plot was produced to assess the risk to estimate fatigue prevalence except seven papers that
of publication bias and was also included in the sup- focused on assessing the contributing factors of the
plementary materials. condition.21,31–36 In terms of quality, the majority of studies

Table 1. Summary of the included studies.

measurement Fatigue prevalence
Study (Country) N Stroke type Agea Male % tool Time of assessment %

Boerboom et al.48 (Netherland) 48 aSAH 53 (11) 32 FSS Within the first year after stroke 70
Broussy et al.54 (France) 141 Ischaemic (86%) 69 (14) 62 FSS 1 year after stroke 59
Haemorrhagic (14%)
Chen et al.32 (China) 218 Ischaemic 61 (11) 73 FSS 3 months 32
Choi-Kwon et al.60 (South Korea) 220 Ischaemic (90%) 60 (N/R) 72 FSS Within 2 years 57
Haemorrhagic (10%)
Choi-Kwon et al.33 (South Korea) 373 Ischaemic 61 (N/R) 63 FSS 3 months 43
Christensen et al.61 (Denmark) 165 Ischaemic (N/R) 64 (N/R) 56 MFI 10 days 59
3 months
Haemorrhagic (N/R) 1 year 44
2 years 38
Crosby et al.55 (United Kingdom) 64 Ischaemicb (56%) 73 (14) 33 FSS Within 2 years 48
Haemorrhagic (20%)
Damsbo et al.39 (Denmark) 919 Ischaemic Median 68 61 MFI Upon admission 40
1 month 56
6 months 46
Duncanc et al.62 (Scotland) 86 Ischaemic (93%) Median 71 62 FAS 1 month 28
haemorrhagic (7%) 6 months 23
IQR 63– 1 year 21
Egerton et al.30 (Norway) 199 Ischaemic 74 (11) 53 FSS 3 months 34
Elf et al.29 (Sweden) 102 Ischaemic (86%) 62 (14) 56 FSS 6 years 37
haemorrhagic (14%)
Feiginc et al.40 (New Zealand) 613 Ischaemic 69 (13) 53 SF-36 6 months 29
Galliganc et al.63 (Ireland) 98 Ischaemic (93%) 65 (11) 71 FAS Within 2 years 47
haemorrhagic (7%)
Harbison et al.34 (Ireland) 100 N/R 69 (11.3) 49 FSS Within 6 months 42
Hoang et al.56 (France) 32 Ischaemic (≈66%) 64 (11) 66 FSS Within 7 years 66
Haemorrhagic (≈33%)
Holmqvistc et al.64 (Sweden) 33 Ischaemic and aSAH Median 53 67 MFS Within 2 years 51
IQR 21–
Hubacher et al.57 (Germany and 31 Ischaemic (90%) 59 (10) 81 FSS Within 3 months 16
Switzerland Haemorrhagic (10%)

European Stroke Journal 6(4)
Table 1. (continued)

measurement Fatigue prevalence
Study (Country) N Stroke type Agea Male % tool Time of assessment %
Alghamdi et al.

Khajeh et al.44 (Netherland) 84 aSAH 55 (11) 33 FSS Before discharge 76

6 months 50
14 months 60
Lerdal et al.58 (Norway) 115 N/R 68 (13) 59 FSS Within 2 weeks 57
Maaijweec et al.41 (Netherland) 325 Ischaemic 40 (7) 44 CIS Participants who had stroke 41
between 1980 and 2010 were followed up in
Mahon et al.37 (New Zealand) 256 Ischaemic (87%) 73 (13) 54 FSS 4 years 55
aSAH (7%)
haemorrhage (6%)
Michael et al.65 (United States) 48 Ischaemic 66 (N/R) 58 FSS Within (≈13 years) 45
Miller et al.66 (United States) 77 Ischaemic (44%) 64 (N/R) 75 FSS 6 months or more 66
Haemorrhagic (56%)
Morsund et al.45 (Norway) 324 Ischaemic 58 (10) 63 FSS 3 months 25
1 year 29
Muina-Lopez and Guidon67 (Ireland) 55 N/R 68 (9) 63 MFI Within 1–42 years 49
Mutai et al.68 (Japan) 101 Ischaemic (77%) 74 (11) 66 MFI Within 2 weeks 56
haemorrhagic (23%)
Naess et al.59 (Norway) 192 Ischaemic 47 (N/R) 57 FSS Within 1–12 years 51
Naess et al.35 (Norway) 333 Ischaemic (92%) 67 (N/R) 63 FSS Within (≈1 year) 43
Haemorrhagic (8%)
Park et al.69 (South Korea) 40 Ischaemic (62%) 59 (11) 65 FSS Within 6 months to 5 years 30
Haemorrhagic (38%)
Parksc et al.70 (Canada) 228 Ischaemic 68 (13) 53 FIS 1 year 36
Passier et al.47 (Netherlands) 108 aSAH 53 (12) 18 FSS 1 year 71
Pihlajac et al.71 (Finland) 133 Ischaemic 54 (9) 64 POMS 3 months 24
6 months 25
2 years 18
Ponchelc et al.72 (France) 153 Ischaemic 64 (13) 60 CFS 6 months 52
Rahamatali et al.53 (Belgium) 62 Ischaemic (77%) 59 (11) 60 FSS More than 6 months 71
haemorrhagic (23%)
Sarfo et al.38 (Ghana) 60 Ischaemic (77%) 55 (12) 65 FSS Within 1 month 58
haemorrhagic (23%) 9 months 23
Snaphaanc et al.73 (Netherlands) 108 Ischaemic 65 (12) 64 CIS 2 months 35
18 months 33
Stokes et al.74 (Ireland) 100 Haemorrhagic N/R 72 (9) 55 MFI Within 3 years 58

Table 1. (continued)

measurement Fatigue prevalence
Study (Country) N Stroke type Agea Male % tool Time of assessment %

Suh et al.51 (South Korea) 282 Ischaemic 62 (12) 58 FSS Within a week 24
Tang et al.50 (China) 500 Ischaemic 65 (10) 64 FSS 3 months 25
Van de Port et al.36 (France) 223 Ischaemic (72%) 57 (11) 59 FSS 6 months 68
(28%) 12 months 74
36 months 58
Van der Werfc et al.75 (Netherlands) 90 Ischaemicb (64%) 62 (N/R) 72 CIS Within 1–6 years 50
Haemorrhagic (4%)
Van Eijsden et al.43 (Netherlands) 242 Ischaemic (81%) 57 (10) 64 FSS Before discharge 58
Haemorrhagic (19%) 6 months 55
Vetkasc et al.76 (Estonia) 125 aSAH 58 (12) 30 EST-Q Participants who had stroke 45
between 2001 and 2013
were followed up
Wang et al.52 (China) 265 Ischaemic 63 (12) 57 FSS Within 2 weeks 40
Western et al.49 (Norway) 356 aSAH 55 (12) 32 FSS 1–2 years 74
2–3 years 74
3–4 years 61
4–5 years 77
5–6 years 65
6–7 years 60
Winwardc et al.77 (United Kingdom) 73 Ischaemic (91%) Median 74 58 CFS 6 months 56
Haemorrhagic (9%) IQR 64–
Wu et al.31 (China) 312 Ischaemic 66 (11) 56 FSS Within 2 weeks 40
Zedlitzc et al.21 (Netherlands) 88 Ischaemicb (72%) 54 (8) 52 FSS 4 months or more 92
Haemorrhagic (6%)
haemorrhage (10%)
CIS: Checklist Individual Strength; CFS: Chalder Fatigue Scale; EST-Q: Emotional State Questionnaire; FIS: Fatigue Impact Scale; FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale; MFI: Multi-dimensional Fatigue Inventory; MFS:
Mental Fatigue Scale; POMS: Profile of Mood States; SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Survey.
aSAH, aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage; CFS, Chalder Fatigue Scale; CIS, Checklist Individual Strength; EST-Q, Emotional State Questionnaire; FAS, Fatigue Assessment Scale; FIS, Fatigue Impact
Scale; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; MFI, Multi-dimensional Fatigue Inventory; MFS, Mental Fatigue Scale; N, Sample size; N/A, Not Applicable; N/R, Not Reported; POMS, Profile of Mood States; SF-36, 36-Item
Short Form Survey.
Mean age in years (standard deviation) unless otherwise specified.
Missing data reported.
Study was not included in meta-analysis.
European Stroke Journal 6(4)
Alghamdi et al. 325

Figure 2. Critical appraisal of the included studies.

326 European Stroke Journal 6(4)

Figure 3. Random effects meta-analysis of post-stroke fatigue prevalence in studies that used FSS and MFI to measure fatigue. FSS:
Fatigue Severity Scale; MFI: Multi-dimensional Fatigue Inventory.

had a medium to high-quality score of five or above out of with high heterogeneity (I2 = 95%) (Figure 3). A sensitivity
nine (n = 20) (Figure 2). The most failed criterion was analysis was performed based on the quality of included
appropriate sampling as only two papers had a represen- studies where low-quality papers were excluded showed a
tative sample, with either a population-based or randomised similar result 47% (95% CI 40–54) (I2 = 96%).
sample, whereas the majority had a consecutive Five studies employed the general fatigue subscale of
sampling.37,38 All studies reported a cut-off point of four or MFI, with a cut-off point of 12 or more to measure PSF, and
more to identify fatigued participants. There was only one three of which had a medium to high-quality score. All
study that exclusively included participants with severe studies aimed to estimate fatigue prevalence in stroke
fatigue and reported a PSF prevalence of 92%, as a result, it survivors except one that aimed to investigate the deter-
was not included in the final quantitative synthesis.21 Data minants of the condition.39 Furthermore, all papers lacked
were pooled for 30 studies (N = 5511) to estimate PSF an appropriate sampling method and only one report had a
prevalence and resulted in a figure of 48% (95% CI 42–53), detailed description of the setting and participants. The
Alghamdi et al. 327

combined PSF estimate was 52% (95% CI 43–62%) (N =

1199), with high heterogeneity (I2 = 87%) (Figure 3). Other
fatigue scales were not utilised frequently enough to
be included in the meta-analysis. Their PSF proportions
ranged from 18% to 56%. Once more, all reports had an
inappropriate sampling method except one that was a
population-based study.40 Moreover, the majority had an
insufficient description of the data ascertainment procedure
except two studies.40,41 A summary of all the included
studies’ characteristics and their critical appraisal are pre-
sented on Table 1 and Figure 2.
As estimates varied across the studies, stratified analyses
were carried out. Based on the time of assessment, patients
who were interviewed within the first 6 months had a
prevalence of 36% (95% CI 30–42%), whereas those who
were assessed after that had a higher proportion of 56%
(95% CI 50–63%) (p < 0.001). Moreover, while participants
with ischaemic stroke had a prevalence of 36% (95% CI 30–
42%), those who suffered from haemorrhagic stroke had
nearly double that figure 66% (95% CI 59–74%) (p < 0.001).
Additionally, studies that were conducted in Asia had a lower
estimate 37% (95% CI 29–45) than those carried out in
Europe 51% (95% CI 42–59%) (p = 0.02) (Figure 4).
Based on other eligibility criteria and methodological
factors, stratified analyses were performed to further un-
derstand the variation. There was little to no evidence of a
difference between PSF estimate in studies with sample size
of 100 or more 45% (95% CI 38–52%) and those with less
than that number 52% (95% CI 41–64%) (p = 0.30), though
the confidence interval was narrower in the first group.
Moreover, studies that excluded patients with depression had
a lower proportion 41% (95% CI 32–50%) than those that did
not 51% (95% CI 43–58%); however, there was very weak
evidence of difference between them (p = 0.10). Other eli-
gibility criteria, such as disability, cognitive impairment and
cancer, demonstrated no evidence of a difference between
prevalence data in studies that included affected participants
and those that did not with (p = 0.47), (p = 0.42) and (p =
0.69), respectively (see Supplemental material).

This review demonstrates that almost half of adults complain
from fatigue at some point after stroke, though this estimate
should be treated with caution due to high heterogeneity.
Time of assessment, stroke type and geographical location Figure 4. Random effects meta-analysis of post-stroke fatigue
prevalence stratified according to time of assessment, stroke
could explain the prevalence variation between studies. type and location.
Consistent with a previous review, PSF prevalence in this
study ranges between 42 and 53% in studies that used FSS,
whereas 43–62% in those that employed MFI, but in each The first methodological factor investigated was the time
group the heterogeneity is high, with I2 = 95% and 87%, of assessment. Interestingly, this review finds that PSF
respectively.42 Thus, the results should be interpreted with proportion is lower within the first 6 months following a
caution. Because the variation in our estimate was expected, stroke than later on (36% vs 56%). This is in contrast to what
subgroup analyses were planned a priori to explain it. has been stated in the literature that the course of the
328 European Stroke Journal 6(4)

condition is generally persistent over time. However, when (p = 0.30). This could be explained by the fact that the
we individually examine the included longitudinal studies, condition is prevalent unlike other rare illnesses that require
two papers report a decrease of fatigue levels over time,38,43 larger sample size to identify it. Furthermore, although the
while another two show a fluctuation,36,44 and only one proportion is higher in studies that have included participants
study demonstrates an increase.45 Notably, the studies that with depression than those that have not (51% vs 41%), there
demonstrate a decline in fatigue scores followed the same is still very weak evidence of a significant difference between
cohort whereas the others do not report if that is the case. It is the two categories (p = 0.10). This is also evident in another
also worth considering that the two studies that followed the review which concludes that depression is not likely to
same patients one of them has a relatively small sample size explain the variability in PSF proportions between studies as
(N = 60),38 while the other shows that 66% of its cohort has a considerable number of stroke patients without depressive
remained either fatigued or non-fatigued during the follow-up symptoms suffer from weariness.42
period. Factors which influence the time course of fatigue are Although the majority of the included studies have a
complex and can be biological or psycho-social, nonetheless, medium to high quality of evidence, there is no consensus
a few have been proposed, namely, post-stroke depression on one validated tool to assess fatigue after stroke. This area
and stroke severity, though the temporal relationship between requires further research to standardise the method of
the former and fatigue lacks sufficient evidence.13,38 identifying the condition. Despite this variety, PSF is still
One unexpected outcome is the stark difference in PSF common, even if we accept the lower end of its occurrence
proportion between patients with ischaemic stroke and those range among stroke survivors. Therefore, healthcare pro-
with haemorrhagic stroke (36% vs 66%). To our knowledge, fessionals who care for this specific population should be
this area has insufficiently been investigated in the literature. aware of it. As this review concerns a prevalence of a
One review that examines this subject at length discusses a condition, it will be the first step to inform policy and
few determinants that play a role.46 One factor that has been planning for future care services targeting stroke survivors
reported is the female sex. Consistently in this review, the who are at risk or experience fatigue.
studies that exclusively recruited patients with haemorrhagic This review has several limitations on both the review
stroke at least two-thirds of their participants were and included studies levels. Although it was planned a
women.44,47–49 Other determinants reported are mood dis- priori, the search was limited to the published and English
orders that follow ictus; however, there are not sufficient data literature. This, in theory, could have led to missing out on
to firmly conclude the association. Since this phenomenon is relevant articles. However, we scrutinised the key refer-
not fully understood, there is still abundant room for further ences’ lists and this has expanded the comprehensiveness of
studies to better understand the mechanisms behind those this review. In addition, SCOPUS had a limited number of
associations and support the proposed contributing factors. keywords per set which affected the number of synonyms
Consistent with the literature, this review finds that searched per key term. Furthermore, although a validated
studies conducted in Europe have higher PSF proportions tool was used to appraise the included studies, it was
than those in East Asia. In one review, this is attributed to conducted by one reviewer, as a result, this might have
cultural differences in psychosocial factors rather than introduced a subjective assessment and risk of bias during
epidemiological determinants such as stroke type, though the critiquing process. Additionally, due to the insufficient
this review has found it to be a factor.42 This is evident as number of studies or difficulty in retrieving data, some
our results show that most of the included studies in Asia eligibility criteria were not dissected in the subgroup ana-
have participants with only ischaemic stroke (n = lyses, such as age and sampling methods. On the study
6),31–33,50–52 whereas those in the Europe include patients level, fatigue was assessed at separate time points, in dif-
with either both types of stroke (n = 11) or only haemor- ferent geographical locations or settings and with distinct
rhagic stroke (n = 4).34–36,43,44,47–49,53–58 A post-hoc sen- assessment tools and ascertainment methods, which theo-
sitivity analysis supporting this demonstrates that studies in retically might have led to methodological and clinical
Europe that only included patients with ischaemic stroke heterogeneity, though some of these factors were considered
have a similar PSF proportion to the ones conducted in Asia in the stratified analyses.
(37% vs 37%).29,30,45,59 To develop a comprehensive pic-
ture of why PSF is more prevalent in Europe than in East
Asia, and to test our theory, further investigations are
recommended. This review demonstrates that fatigue is prevalent among
We further investigated other methodological factors by stroke survivors. This condition varies in terms of occur-
using some of the eligibility criteria. Despite the narrower rence between studies; however, time of assessment, stroke
range that PSF estimate has in studies with sample size of type and geographical location might explain this variation.
100 or more than those with less than that, there is no As this review estimates the overall burden of fatigue after
evidence of a significant difference between the two groups stroke, it provides a useful indicator to inform policy,
Alghamdi et al. 329

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