Ni Wayan Wini Widarini

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International Journal of Volume 1 Number 2 (2023)

Multidisciplinary Sciences ISSN : 2986-7665 (Media Online)

Implementation of The Profile Strengthening of Pancasila Student

Profile (P5) in Building Student Character in First Middle School

Ni Wayan Wini Widarini1, Ni Ketut Suterji2

SMP Negeri 1 Susut, Bangli, Bali, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Bhatara Guru Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
[email protected]

Technological progress is one of the factors that influence the achievement of
educational goals. The negative side can give rise to ethical and moral crises that hit
society. The government launched the Pancasila Student Profile as one of the efforts to
improve the quality of education in Indonesia which emphasizes character building.
Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile focuses on cultivating character, as well as
instilling abilities in daily life in individual students through school culture, namely intra-
curricular and extra-curricular learning, projects to strengthen Pancasila student profiles.
The purpose of this article is to conceptually describe how the strengthening of the
Pancasila student profile project is implemented in junior high schools with the
independent teaching curriculum implemented at SMP Negeri 1 Susut in the 2022/2023
academic year. The hope of this article is that practitioners in the field of education can
understand more deeply about the implementation of the project to strengthen the profile
of Pancasila students in junior high schools. This study uses a type of qualitative research,
with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews
and literature research. Based on the results of observations made by researchers at SMP
Negeri 1 Susut, the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project is a focus especially
on grade 7 students with a strategy; differentiated learning, learning by project (P5) and
habituation. The Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project was carried out by
taking the theme of entrepreneurship and a sustainable lifestyle.

Keywords: Pancasila Student Profile; Character; Junior High School

Along with the times, many changes have occurred in human life. These changes
occur unnoticed by humans. This is due to the progress of human thought in carrying out
life processes. The human desire to make life better and easier, brings about changes in
every process of life. These changes can occur in accordance with human expectations if
humans understand and improve life processes in a better direction. Of course, this cannot
be separated from education. According to Gemnafle & Batlolona, 2021, one of the
processes of determining the quality of life, society views education as a subject of change
that forms a transformation. In a change, education is one of the determinants in
improving the quality of human life so that changes lead to a better direction. This is in
accordance with the function of national education regulated by Law no. 23 of 2003,
Article 3 concerning the National education system which reads; "National education
aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe in and
obey God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative,
independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens (Suryana, 2020). Education
should be able to direct students to become individuals who have better knowledge,
character and behavior than before. 218
The atmosphere of modern life with various advances in technology and culture has
had a major influence on human life. This progress has had various impacts both from the
positive and negative sides. Viewed from the positive side, many conveniences are
obtained, especially in the world of education. Technological progress is one of the factors
that influence the achievement of educational goals. On the other hand, the negative
impact that gave birth to an ethical and moral crisis that hit society. This reality
encourages the emergence of various perceptions of education, which is seen by the
community as an institution that builds the character of students. Character is a
fundamental thing that every human has, which is also a differentiator between humans
and animals. Character is an identity for each individual that is formed from attitudes,
mindsets, politeness values through interactions between people and their environment.
Character can also influence the way of thinking, speaking and acting for each individual.
Character can be formed through education, the formation of students with character is
one of the successes in achieving educational goals.
Indonesia has gone through various educational development processes through
programs that have been launched by the government. Changes to the education program
were made to provide a higher quality education for students. One of them is curriculum
development. The curriculum in Indonesia has been developed since before independence
and continues to experience changes from time to time to suit the needs of students.
According to Huda (2017), the curriculum itself is the lifeblood of the course of
education. Through curriculum development it is hoped that success will be created in
education. Curriculum changes that continue to occur are unavoidable due to the fact that
true forms of education have not been found in Indonesia. Apart from that, it is also
because of the influence of socio-culture, system, politics, economy, and science and
technology that makes the curriculum strive to meet the demands of the times.
To achieve success in education apart from having a good curriculum, all
components in education must be related to one another (Hamid et al., 2020; Safaruddin,
2020). Educational success will not be achieved optimally if the components in
implementing the curriculum do not work optimally. In implementing the curriculum, the
role of educators, non-educational staff and students has a major influence in determining
the success of implementing the curriculum. These three components must work together,
so that educational success can be achieved.
The curriculum is the guideline for the course of education. From time to time,
education in Indonesia is always changing, one of which is changing the curriculum.
Curriculum changes are certainly unavoidable and unavoidable, but they must always be
lived and adapted to needs and principles (Sadewa, 2022). The national education system
is required to always make updates in a planned, directed and sustainable manner so as to
guarantee equity in education, improve quality as well as the relevance and efficiency of
education management to prepare students to face challenges according to the changing
demands of life both locally, nationally and globally (Faiz et al., 2022). Every curriculum
update will have a big impact on the world of education. Therefore, curriculum changes
are required to make education of higher quality.
The government launched the Pancasila Student Profile as one of the efforts to
improve the quality of education in Indonesia which emphasizes character building. In
the current era of technological advances in globalization, the role of value and character
education is urgently needed in order to provide a balance between technological
development and human development (Faiz & Kurniawaty, 2022). Strengthening the
profile of Pancasila students focuses on cultivating character, as well as instilling abilities
in daily life in individual students through school culture, namely intra-curricular and
extra-curricular learning, projects to strengthen Pancasila student profiles. This is in 219
accordance with the needs of the education system in Indonesia amidst the decline in the
morale and character of students. The Pancasila student profile was created as an answer
to a question about education in Indonesia, about what kind of student competencies the
Indonesian education system wants to produce. These competencies include being
competent, having character as well as behaving according to Pancasila values” (Makarim
& Fauzi, 2022). At present, strengthening the Pancasila student profile project is being
implemented starting in educator units through the driving school program (PSP) at both
the elementary, middle and high school/vocational school levels.
The application of Pancasila student profiles in schools can be carried out through
school culture, co-curricular activities, intra-curricular and extra-curricular learning
which focus on building character and abilities that are built in the daily life of each
individual. School culture is a habit that is carried out in schools, policies, patterns of
interaction and communication and norms that apply in schools. Intracurricular includes
the content of learning activities or learning experiences that students get. The project is
project-based learning that is contextual and interacts with the environment around
students. Extracurricular activities are activities that aim to develop students' interests and
Based on the description of the problem, the researcher will examine how to
implement the strengthening of the Pancasila student profile project in learning in junior
high schools. The purpose of this article is to conceptually describe how the strengthening
of the Pancasila student profile project is implemented in junior high schools with the
independent teaching curriculum implemented at SMP Negeri 1 Susut in the 2022/2023
academic year. The hope of this article is that practitioners in the field of education can
understand more deeply about the implementation of the project to strengthen the profile
of Pancasila students in junior high schools.
There are research results from Susilawati et al. (2021) which have similarities with
this study. The similarity is, in this study conducted research on the profile of Pancasila
students. While the difference is that the research sample is aimed at educators, while in
this study it is aimed at students. Increasing the use of the Merdeka Belajar Platform in
internalizing Pancasila values through the Pancasila Student Profile, support is needed by
efforts to increase the quality and quantity of Pancasila Student Profile content as well as
policy support in the use of PMM and collaborative synergies between schools,
government, communities and stakeholders. Another study that has similarities to this
research, namely, was conducted by Rusnaini et al (2021) concerning the Profile of
Pancasila Students. What differs from this research is that this research examines the
intensification of the Pancasila student profile and its implications for students' personal
resilience, while this research prioritizes the application of the Pancasila Student Profile
in the formation of the character of students at the junior high school level. Character
education is very important because it can develop the knowledge insights possessed by
students and foster students' character values. The application of the Pancasila student
profile is an effort made to achieve an understanding and character that is in accordance
with Pancasila values so that Pancasila remains the ideological basis of the Indonesian
nation. The existence of research on the application of the Pancasila Student Profile in
character building, is expected to be able to find out the strategies implemented by the
teacher in implementing the Pancasila student profile to shape the character of students.

This study uses a type of qualitative research, with a descriptive approach.
Qualitative research describes the results of observations felt by researchers. This method
was chosen because the researcher wanted to obtain data that could describe the 220
application of Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile in the formation of the
character of students. In using this method, researchers collect data by observation,
interviews and literature research. At the observation stage the researcher is directly
involved in the daily activities of the object being observed. Observations were carried
out directly by researchers, both inside and outside the classroom. This research was
conducted by observing the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile
Strengthening Project at SMP Negeri 1 Susut, and reading, taking notes as well as
studying the reading material that was selected and considered appropriate to the subject
matter of the study, then filtering and also theoretically pouring it into the framework
associated with Strengthening Student Profiles Pancasila. This method is used with the
aim of strengthening facts, comparing differences or similarities between both theory and
practice that the author is currently researching. At the library research stage, other than
through books, researchers also access websites (access internet sites) to obtain
information for this research. Information related to research, namely websites regarding
research journals Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles.

Results and Discussion

Based on the results of observations made by researchers at SMP Negeri 1 Susut,
the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students is especially focused on grade
7 students with a strategy; differentiated learning, learning by project (P5) and
habituation. Differentiated learning is an attempt to adjust the learning process in class to
meet the learning needs of each student. Learning in the independent learning curriculum
contains the term KOSP (education unit operational curriculum) which is used as the basis
for learning at school which is then translated into CP (Learning Outcomes), TP (Learning
Objectives) and ATP (Learning Goals Flow). In the learning process in the independent
learning curriculum, it is not adapted to class but to phases, which junior high school is
phase D. Learning in phase D does not have to be forced but is carried out flexibly
according to learning outcomes.
According to Nurullaeli & Astuti (2018), differential learning is a learning model
that is grafted on the importance of movement variability and is rooted in the dynamic
system theory of human movement. In this study, learning activities are carried out
flexibly, adjusting to the needs of students. Differentiated learning is adapted to the
interests and talents of students in one class, so that learning outcomes are fulfilled to the
fullest. In addition, learning in the independent curriculum is adapted to the situation and
conditions of the school. In the learning process students can learn according to their
needs and understanding. So when the learning process, students who have less ability,
can adjust themselves, so that learning can run according to the abilities of students.
Teachers in this learning are required to understand and observe students, as well as assess
students' readiness, interests and talents in each learning process so that students can
achieve knowledge in accordance with predetermined learning outcomes.
The independent curriculum at SMP Negeri 1 Susut is applied to grade 7, while
grades 8 and 9 use the K13 curriculum. Before using the independent curriculum, SMP
Negeri 1 Susut applied the K13 curriculum. So grades 8 and 9 who have already used the
2013 Curriculum from grade 7 do not use the independent curriculum. The independent
curriculum is also a new curriculum, so the teachers who teach are also still in the
adjustment stage. In addition, the reason this school only implements the independent
learning curriculum in grade 7 is because implementing or implementing the independent
learning curriculum requires processes and stages that must be understood by teachers,
and cannot be implemented quickly. So that for other classes the independent curriculum
is used as a companion curriculum. The purpose of this school choosing to implement the 221
curriculum they study is as a guide to strengthen the character of students. Character
education at SMP Negeri 1 Susut had previously been implemented through some
habituation, but the implementation was still not fully successful. For this reason, the
principal and the board of teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Susut apply an independent learning
curriculum as a strengthening of the character of students according to the profile of
Pancasila students.
There are several characters of grade 7 students at SMP Negeri 1 Susut who still
show prominent attitudes in learning activities. For example, there are still students who
in doing school assignments (PR) cannot be responsible for completing the assignments
given by the teacher concerned in a timely manner. Saying greetings every time you meet
a teacher or friend has not become a school culture that should be applied in everyday
life. This shows the importance of strengthening the character of students. In overcoming
this, to build and strengthen the character of these students this school applies the profile
of Pancasila students in the independent learning curriculum. The application of the
Pancasila student profile at this school is carried out through habituation activities,
projects to strengthen the Pancasila student profile, intra-curricular, co-curricular and
extra-curricular learning which focus on building character in each student in their daily
The profile of Pancasila students is carried out in accordance with the vision and
mission of the ministry of education and culture (Ministry of Education, Culture,
Research, Technology) as stipulated in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation
Number 22 of 2020 concerning the Ministry and Culture Strategic Plan for 2020-2024,
that "Pancasila students are the embodiment of Indonesian students as lifelong students
who have global competence and behave in accordance with Pancasila values, with six
main characteristics; Faith, Fear of God Almighty and noble character, Global Diversity,
Mutual Cooperation, Independent, Critical and Creative Reasoning” (Kemendikbud,
2021). The six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile cannot be separated, because
the six components are interrelated and mutually supportive. This shows that in education
it is not enough to just focus on one dimension, but all dimensions must be built to shape
the character of students in accordance with the Pancasila Student Profile.
In connection with the development of the Pancasila character, Uchrowi (2013)
suggests that the character develops like a spiral, which he calls the Character Spiral. The
development of the character begins with a belief which forms the basis for the
development of awareness, then the awareness builds a antitude or outlook on life, and
action or behavior (action). The results of these actions will again affect one's beliefs,
which will then re-develop one's self-awareness, attitudes, and behavior. This
development will continue to occur repeatedly and develop like a spiral. Understanding
the character of education is like a spiral, then education has a very important role in
building and developing the character of students. This is also in line with the function of
education stated in Article 3 of the National Education System Law, that national
education has the function of "developing abilities and forming character", or the
character and competence of students. The following is a faithful explanation of the
dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile.

1. Have faith and fear God Almighty

Indonesian students are students who have faith and are devoted to God Almighty.
Practicing the religious values and beliefs of each individual is a form of implementation
for students who are pious and have faith. Indonesian students who are pious are students
who live and carry out their religious teachings with full confidence. With noble values
that are understood in their religion, students become students who respond to religious 222
diversity and differences wisely and compassionately. The key elements of having faith
and piety to God Almighty are religious morality, personal morality, morality towards
humans, morality towards nature, and national ethics.

2. Global Diversification
Indonesian students understand and are aware of the ethnic, cultural and religious
diversity of the Indonesian nation which is a fact of life that cannot be avoided. Indonesian
students do not see diversity as a threat, but as a cultural wealth that should be preserved,
explored and appreciated. Indonesian students have awareness and view diversity as
cultural wealth that must be preserved, and are able to instill awareness of diversity.
Global diversity encourages Indonesian students to maintain the noble culture and
identity of the Indonesian nation, while maintaining an open mind in interacting with
other cultures globally, as well as opening up the possibility of forming a new culture that
is positive and in line with the noble values of Indonesian culture. Indonesian students
are expected to be able to develop their knowledge, language and social abilities, so that
they can strive to contribute to the progress of the nation. In Arifin et al (2021), there are
key elements of global diversity, namely: knowing and appreciating culture,
communication and interaction between cultures, reflection on and responsibility for
experiencing diversity, and social justice.

3. Worked Together
Indonesian students have the ability to work together, namely the ability to carry
out activities together voluntarily so that the activities carried out can run smoothly, easily
and lightly (Arifin et al, 2021). Indonesian students are expected to have the ability to
work together in order to be able to collaborate with other students in seeking the welfare
of their environment and caring for their environment. Have awareness that cooperation
and mutual assistance in groups or communities are very important in various activities
with the aim of making people happy, and aware that sharing can create a better life.
Indonesian students have an attitude of respecting the work and achievements of others,
so they can maintain good relations with other people or the community. The key
elements of mutual cooperation are collaboration, caring, and sharing.

4. Independent
Indonesian students are independent students. Independent students are students
who are responsible for their learning processes and results. Have the ability to set goals
for self-development and be able to develop plans to achieve these goals. Independent
learners are able to control their thoughts, feelings and actions in order to achieve optimal
self-development goals, both in learning activities carried out alone or with others.
independent learners are also capable of conducting self-assessments in the process of
achieving self-development goals and are able to commit to self-development and adapt
to the various challenges that will be faced. Able to make decisions, set goals, choose
learning methods and understand learning material well. The key elements of an
independent profile are self-awareness and the situation one will face and self-regulation
(Arifin et al, 2021).

5. Critical Reasoning
Indonesian students reason critically in an effort to develop themselves and face
challenges, especially challenges in the 21st century. Indonesian students who reason
critically think fairly so that they can make the right decisions by considering many things
based on supporting data and facts (Arifin et al, 2021). Critical reasoning students are 223
able to process both qualitative and quantitative information, can analyze and conclude
it. This makes Indonesian students able to solve the problems they face armed with the
knowledge they have. Armed with critical reasoning skills, able to see problems and see
things from various perspectives, so that they have an open mind and can respect the
opinions of others, as well as improve their own opinions. In addition, by having critical
reasoning, one can think systematically and draw conclusions according to the facts in
solving problems. This is also done by adding insight and strengthening knowledge in
various disciplines. The key elements of critical reasoning are obtaining and processing
information and ideas, analyzing and evaluating reasoning and reflecting on thoughts and
thinking processes.

6. Creative
Indonesian students are creative students who are able to modify and produce
something original, meaningful, useful and impactful (Arifin et al, 2021). Creative ideas
that are owned are able to produce something in the form of ideas, actions and real work.
Able to realize the ideas and ideas that are owned in the form of real work. The
development of creativity is carried out to express oneself, develop oneself in the face of
various advances and changes in the world. Armed with creative abilities, Indonesian
students are able to respond and respond to new things to develop their abilities and
knowledge. The following are the key elements of being creative: generating original
ideas, and producing original works and actions.
In addition to learning to differentiate the application of the Pancasila student
profile at SMP Negeri 1 Susut, there is learning with a project whose theme refers to
projects in the independent curriculum. This project is aimed at strengthening the
character of students and developing interests and talents according to the abilities of
students. Implementation of the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile project is
adjusted to the situation and conditions of the school. At SMP Negeri 1 Susut, the Project
to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles is carried out every Friday and Saturday which
in this project raises several themes, including; Sustainable Lifestyles, Local Wisdom,
Unity in Diversity, Build Their Soul and Body, Voice of Democracy, Engineering and
Technology to Build the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Entrepreneurship.
The school chooses 3 themes to be implemented for one year. For now, SMP Negeri 1
Susut has the theme Sustainable Lifestyle, Unity in Diversity and Entrepreneurship. The
project that has been running in semester one is with the theme of entrepreneurship and a
sustainable lifestyle. While the current project is Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Implementation
of the first project with the theme of entrepreneurship, taking the title of a woven project
made from natural materials in the surrounding environment. The second project takes
the theme of a sustainable lifestyle with the title my trash project, my responsibility. The
third project with the theme Bhineka Tunggal Ika, carrying this theme at SMP Negeri 1
Susut is running a project on the diversity of dances, traditional houses and traditional
clothing of the archipelago.
The implementation of the project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile was
carried out in several stages. In the first stage, the implementation of this school project
which raised the theme of entrepreneurship, took an activity with the title of a woven
project made from natural materials in the surrounding environment. The purpose of this
project is for students to be able to utilize natural materials in the surrounding
environment to create innovative works that have economic value. The benefit of this
activity is to produce products that have a sale value by utilizing natural materials that
exist around the neighborhood or school. In implementing this project, the product made
is woven from bamboo. The time given for the implementation of this project is 2 months. 224
In the first week the teacher gives an explanation of the art of woven work that will be
made in this project, then shows a video about the technique of making woven. For this
stage, students are expected to be able to understand what work will be made and the
benefits of this work. The second stage, students prepare the materials used in making the
bamboo woven. Next, the teacher guides students to learn the basic techniques of making
plaits. Students make webbing in groups and help each other so that all students can make
webbing well and finish at the allotted time.
The implementation of the project is carried out at school in each class and
supervised by the teacher concerned. Equipment and materials such as bamboo, are
brought by students from home. In practice, students are very enthusiastic and
enthusiastic in making projects. When the project has not been completed during the
allotted time at school, students are not allowed to continue weaving at home, but will do
it again the following week during project lesson time. By carrying out this project,
students are able to shape the character of students according to the profile of Pancasila
students who are creative and independent in completing their project assignments. The
end result of this activity is that students can shape woven bamboo into objects/works
according to their creativity and have economic value. The results made by students are
in the form of sock (woven bamboo used as a place for flowers or offerings in Hinduism
in Bali). Crafts that have been made, some are exhibited and some are used as equipment
when there is a religious ceremony at school.
The implementation of the second project takes the theme of a sustainable lifestyle
with the project title My Garbage, My Responsibility. The aim of this project is for
students to understand the impact of human activities, both short and long term, on the
continuity of life in the world and the surrounding environment, especially how to manage
waste in the surroundings. Through waste management, students are expected to be able
to build awareness to behave and behave environmentally friendly and be able to think
about environmental problems that occur in their surroundings. Thus, students can
promote lifestyles and behaviors that protect a more sustainable environment in their daily
lives. The target to be achieved from the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila
students with the theme of waste management is that students have a caring attitude
towards the natural surroundings and have environmentally friendly behavior. It is also
hoped that through the activities in this project students will be able to ask questions,
identify, clarify, and process information and ideas about waste management. The goal
of waste management is to turn the waste in schools into goods or crafts that have aesthetic
and economic value or turn them into materials that are useful and do not harm the
environment. By carrying out good and correct school waste management, it is hoped that
it can reduce the accumulation of waste in schools.
The implementation of this project activity is divided into 4 stages, namely the
introduction stage, the contextualization stage, the action stage and the reflection and
follow-up stage. At the introduction stage, students are required to know the project that
will be done and know the dangers of waste and waste management. At this stage,
students observe videos of waste problems and discussions related to waste problems, the
teacher also provides material presentation on diseases that arise due to waste. In the final
stage of the waste recognition project, students make simple reports related to waste
grouping, waste management and waste utilization as materials for craft products. This
project was carried out aiming to strengthen the character of students and awareness of
students in protecting the environment in accordance with the theme of a sustainable
lifestyle. At the contextualization stage, students plan actions that can be taken to reduce
the hazard of waste and make plans for waste processing products and posters about
waste. Action stage, making posters about waste and products that are the result of waste 225
management. At this stage, students sort and classify waste, selecting waste that can be
used as material for making products. After selecting the waste, students make handicraft
products that have economic value. The reflection and follow-up stage is to show the
results of the product and or poster that was made. In this stage, the students' work in the
form of products and posters is assessed by the teacher and exhibited at the school, as a
form of appreciation for the creative work of students.
The P5 activity (Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles) which was
carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Susut aims to build the character of students according to the
main characteristics of the Pancasila student profile. The project implemented has a goal
direction by understanding and studying themes that are considered challenging for
students and then realizing them in the form of real action. This project must be designed
and implemented taking into account the characteristics of students so that they are able
to motivate students so that they can carry out investigations, explore and be able to solve
problems, and continue with decision making.
In addition to implementing P5 (Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student
Profiles) as the formation of the character of students, SMP Negeri 1 Susut also applies
habituation to strengthen the character of students according to the profile of Pancasila
students. The habituation applied is a process of forming attitudes and behavior that is
permanent and automatic through repeated and continuous learning processes carried out
during and outside of learning hours. In cultivating these good habits, the teacher is a
strong example in building the character of students. The teacher must be a good example
for his students, because the teacher for students is a model to be imitated. When the
teacher has become an idol for students, then speech behavior will become a role model
for students in building the character of students at SMP Negeri 1 Susut. The teacher must
also be able to carry out the habituation that is applied so that students can imitate and
become accustomed to applying it in everyday life at school, at home and in the
community. As an effort to improve the quality of character education, character
education must be instilled in every aspect of teaching and learning activities starting
from the classroom and outside the classroom, to the living environment must be
sustainable in maintaining the value of character education instilled in students. Apart
from teachers, outside of school, parents, family, and the community also take part in
supervision and serve as examples in building the character of students.
The habituation activities carried out by SMP Negeri 1 Susut include religious
values, environmental care values, responsibility values, honest values, tolerance values
and character values which are applied in class and at school. The character of students
will develop well when in the process of growth and development they get enough space
to express themselves freely and are guided by Pancasila values. The Pancasila student
profile becomes a reference in applying values to build the character of students. These
values cannot develop alone but are related to one another. One of the targets that will be
achieved to realize the profile of Pancasila students is to form students with Pancasila
The activities carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Susut, in building students with Pancasila
character, namely:
1. Habituation Activities at SMP Negeri 1 Susut
a. Routine Habits
Routine habituation is an activity carried out to form the habit of students doing
something well and repeatedly
1) Pray Before Starting Activities
This activity aims to familiarize students with praying every time they carry out
activities both at school and at home. In addition, it is expected that learning can be 226
carried out smoothly. This activity is carried out every morning by all school
members centrally in the field with scheduled officers. Besides that, prayer
activities are also carried out before starting and finishing learning in the classroom.
2) Apple Activities on Monday
This activity is carried out to train discipline, foster a sense of love for the
motherland for both students and teachers. The flag ceremony every Monday is held
in the school field. The ceremonial devices change every week according to the
order of the class assigned to be the ceremonial devices.
3) Prayer Every Religious Holy Day
Accustoming activities to perform prayer together in Padmasana or a place of
prayer at school is carried out by all students, teachers and employees. This is done
to increase the piety and religiosity of students. So that it can realize students who
have the Pancasila character, namely piety and faith in God Almighty.
4) Tri Sandhya
Activity Tri Sandhya is the activity of praying together at 12 noon. This activity is
carried out jointly by teachers and students from each class, and is led by a
scheduled officer. This activity aims to increase the devotion of students to God
5) Class Picket Activities
Picket class is an activity carried out by each student to clean up the class in groups
and scheduled. Every morning students who get picket assignments will come
earlier than their friends and carry out the task of cleaning the classroom and the
classroom environment.
b. Spontaneous Activities
This activity is carried out spontaneously by students in their daily lives at school.
This activity aims to instill good habits for students.
1) Greetings and Greetings
Students are accustomed to greeting and greeting politely to anyone in the school
environment, both principals, teachers, employees and fellow students. This activity
aims to foster an attitude of diversity in students.
2) Speak Polite and Courteous Words
This activity is to train students to respect one another.
3) Disposing of Garbage at the Places Provided
This activity aims to foster a sense of responsibility in living a clean life, and caring
for the surrounding environment.
4) Get in the habit of asking permission
Students are accustomed to asking permission if they want to leave the classroom
and asking permission when borrowing other people's belongings. This activity
aims to foster a sense of responsibility in students.
c. Programmed Activities
Activities are designed to support student habituation.
1) Commemorating the Big Day
This activity is similar to the commemoration of Independence Day, Education
Day, Pancasila Sanctity Day and other holidays, which are commemorated by
carrying out Flag Upacar activities. The purpose of this activity is to grow and
strengthen a sense of love for water in students.
2) Balinese Language Month
This activity is the activity of holding competitions that are adjusted to the theme
that has been scheduled. This Balinese language month activity is held every 227
February, which is attended by all students. The purpose of this activity is to
preserve the local language and increase students' love for the local language.
d. Exemplary Activities
This activity aims to provide a good example from the teacher to students.
1) Dress Well
2) Arrive on time
3) Be honest
4) Mutual respect
5) Helping each other
6) Be Humble

2. Character Values according to the Pancasila Student Profile

The character values applied in SMP Negeri 1 Susut are in accordance with the
Pancasila Student Profile. The main features of the Pancasila Student Profile include;
a. Fear God Almighty
By getting used to praying every time you start carrying out activities, Tri Sandhya on
time and carry out prayers together every religious holy day.
b. Global Diversity
By following the flag ceremony, carrying out scouting, respecting each other, not
discriminating between friends, greeting each other and helping each other.
c. Mutual cooperation
Working together in maintaining the school environment, carrying out class pickets
with picket groups, helping friends who have difficulty making products in projects
without distinguishing between one friend and another.
d. Independent
Have awareness of schoolwork and finish schoolwork on time, complete P5 projects,
dress neatly, arrive on time and ask permission when leaving class.
It is critical reasoning
Identify information received, be active in learning, and participate in literacy and
numeracy activities.
f. Creative
Make tasks as well and as creatively as possible and produce P5 products that are
useful and have aesthetic value.
In implementing the project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile it is still in
the development stage, and of course for teachers this project is something new and must
be learned from understanding to application. This is not an obstacle in implementing the
project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students, but it is a motivation for teachers
to be more enthusiastic and enthusiastic in guiding their students. The curriculum may be
imperfect, flawed, or messy, but a great teacher will be able to turn teaching and learning
activities into good ones to produce reliable outputs. Whatever the curriculum, the teacher
remains a very important determining factor for success (Korthagen, 2017). Therefore,
the teacher's competence in implementing the project plays an important role in achieving
the goal of strengthening the Pancasila student profile. For this reason, teachers are
needed to be creative in designing and implementing learning.
In addition to the role of teachers in schools, the role of parents is also very
important in shaping the character of students. This is because most of the time students
are at home, so parents must also support the formation of student character by
supervising and guiding student behavior. Environmental factors are also influential in
building the character of students. The role of the community is very much needed in
supervising the implementation of the Pancasila student profile at this school, no serious 228
obstacles were found, it just needed processes and adjustments in its implementation. The
profile of Pancasila students has implications for the formation of the character of students
who have the main goal of noble values, morals that are in accordance with Pancasila.
Pancasila values are not only to be understood, but are very important and useful in
practicing them in everyday life in families, communities, educational units (Pan & Chen,
2021; Strom & Viesca, 2021).
The application of differentiated learning strategies is carried out flexibly not based
on class and adheres to phases to achieve learning outcomes. Classroom learning is
adapted to the conditions and situation of the school and its students. Apart from the
differentiation strategy, project learning and habituation at this school have been well
implemented. However, in its implementation, there will definitely be obstacles that
become obstacles in its implementation. The obstacles in implementing the project at
SMP Negeri 1 Susut are in terms of facilities and infrastructure, teachers, and teaching
media. Inadequate facilities and infrastructure, the video showing the project to
strengthen the profile of Pancasila students cannot be carried out in every class because
of the limited number of LCDs. Lack of teacher understanding in implementing the
project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile, because this project is something new.
The obstacle in habituation activities is that students have not been able to make
habituation activities a part of the daily culture of students.
From the results of the interviews the students were very happy with the
differentiated learning, the project on strengthening the Pancasila student profile and the
habituation carried out at school, because with this activity students could learn flexibly
and not be boring. Besides that, students can also develop their interests and talents in
project activities. In carrying out project learning students are very enthusiastic because
in addition to learning students are also given games related to projects at school.
From the results of observations to achieve the profile of Pancasila students carried
out by SMP Negeri 1 Susut to shape the character of students, there are 3 strategies carried
out by the Differentiated Learning teacher for students, Learning with Projects and
Habituation. Character education can be interpreted by instilling good values, morals and
character in students. In Ismail et al (2021), character education can be interpreted as a
system of instilling character values in school members which includes components of
knowledge, awareness or will and action to carry out these values both towards God
Almighty, oneself, others, the environment and the country so that they become good
hosts. Character education in question is not only centered on student knowledge, but also
student awareness and behavior that is in accordance with Pancasila values. The planting
strategy carried out by the principal and teacher has been carried out well, especially in
grade 7 of SMP Negeri 1 Susut. Even though there were several obstacles in its
implementation, these were overcome by the teachers, and they were not obstacles in
building character, but a motivational challenge in implementing the project. Through
various habituation activities carried out by the school, it is hoped that students will have
a character in accordance with the main characteristics of the Pancasila student profile.
With the Pancasila student profile in shaping the character of students, it is hoped that it
can motivate students to make themselves good individuals.

Based on the results of the research, the implementation of the project to strengthen
the Pancasila student profile contained 3 strategies implemented at SMP Negeri 1 Susut.
Differentiated learning, learning with projects and habituation. This strategy was
implemented and implemented to improve the character strengthening of grade 7 students
at SMP Negeri 1 Susut which refers to the profile of Pancasila students. The 229
implementation of this strategy was carried out well and the students were very
enthusiastic and enthusiastic, especially in carrying out the project. But there are still
students who sometimes forget to carry out habituation learning applied by the teacher.
This can be overcome by the teacher by reminding habituation behavior to students as
often as possible. To overcome these problems the teacher implements strategies
continuously, by continuing to innovate so that the strategies implemented run smoothly
and achieve the goals of the Pancasila student profile to strengthen the character of
students. The application of the Pancasila Student Profile is applied to all grade 7 at SMP
Negeri 1 Susut. However, in this study the focus was on students in class 7 I. Students in
class VII I had implemented the P5 (Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project)
activities and habituation activities well. With the three strategies implemented by the
teacher, it is hoped that students will be able to become individuals who fit the profile of
Pancasila students, especially in entrepreneurial activities so that they are able to think
creatively in creating product innovations, protecting the environment and interacting
well in the surrounding environment. This is in accordance with the theme of
entrepreneurship and sustainable living which are the main characteristics of the
Pancasila student profile.

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