COMM2789 A2 Semester1 2022
COMM2789 A2 Semester1 2022
COMM2789 A2 Semester1 2022
Have you ever looked into the mirror to see if you are green?
Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Who can live a green lifestyle of themall?
Is that you? Or me? I prefer, us!
From today, let's start a green lifestyle! But first, do you understand the meaning
of 'Green Life'?
A green lifestyle is a worldwide trend that citizens are following to protect the Earth from climate change and global warming.
Many people adopt this lifestyle in their everyday activities, particularly in Vietnam, to help conserve the environment and keep the
planet green.
As technology advances, a "green lifestyle" is increasingly becoming the trend of the future. Environmental preservation is more
crucial than ever. People desire to defend their own "lungs" in this manner.
> > > Read more about Green Lifestyle
RMIT Classification: Trusted
Due to their convenience, the use of plastic products has become a habit that is
difficult to break, yet few people are concerned about the negative consequences.
Plastic wastes have detrimental impacts on the environment in addition to depleting
soil nutrients, degrading ecosystems, generating flooding in metropolitan areas, and
destroying marine and lake ecology. Furthermore, they can create diseases that all
have a negative impact on humanhealth.
4R principle: Refuse-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.
Refuse: Refuse to take nylon, plastic bags, and bottles that can be used only once
from the sellers. You should bring your tote bags, and water bottles to carry them.
Reduce: Avoid using single-use plastic products. When purchasing, you should look
for environmentally friendly packaging.
Reuse: Clean and keep plastic items such as bottles, boxes, shopping bags, etc., for
continued use.
Recycle: Turn plastic waste into new objects with new usages. Eg: turning a water
bottle into a flowerpot. What will you do when you see plastic
bottles are disposed at the wrong place?
Switch to using environmentally friendly items
Many people have developed a lot of plastic
eco-friendly homemade goods that are incredibly
useful in life, such as pens, vases, cosmetic shelves,
and so on, instead of throwing away items made
of plastic or other materials, which create a lot of
trash. Environmentally friendly products are
currently more expensive than plastic products.
However, due to consumer sharing and
companionship, these plastic replacement
products are becoming increasingly popular.
This sounds hilarious while you can save more money with
liquid bags but you still do not save the environment. Refilling liquid plastic bag v/s refilled plasticcontainers:
Which one is better?
Go to Refill
What is Refill?
Refill Vietnam?
Refill is a retail brand providing green lifestyles by refill-product delivery and refill stations. As Refill
Vietnam partners with popular and reliable brands, we offer convenient, cost-effective sustainable
products to reduce single-use plastics with the model of refilling into reused bottles as well as other
possible containers.
Why to Refill?
Cost Savings Genuine Products
Definitely, Refill VN offers lower prices as We partner with Unilever to bring to consumers
we reduce the cost of packaging for high-quality products but still sustainable logistics
each product. Thus, customers get 15% & supply chain. With the same goods, customers
cheaper!!! get newer ways to use them.
Door-To-Door Delivery
Tired to go to our Refill station after a long and productive day? Noworry! We have delivery
service with a reasonable shipping fee!
Sustainable Development
No more plastic bags, bottles and containers will be wasted, and no more harm to our Earth
and the environment. Refill Vietnam supports the 'Green dream' for everyone on this planet to
live a sustainable lifestyle.
Go to Refill
RMIT Classification: Trusted
In conclusion, those are the top 3 ways to start a green lifestyle. Remember to follow a green lifestyle to protect our environment
and become greener and greener every day!
Let's refill bottles to refeel your sexy!
Contact details:
Hotline: (+84) 896 162789
Address: 11.04 Block D, Himlam Building, 14 Bình Hưng, Bình Chánh, HCMC.
Diep Phan Anh Tai 16 June 2022 refill, green lifestyle, single-use plastic, environmentally friendly
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Phuong Tu (she)
The information is so useful. I have more motivation to start my sustainable lifestyle immediately!
On-page Refill
SEO: Informational
Title Tag: <title>Top 3 ways to start a green lifestyle</title>
Meta Description: <meta name ="It is so easy to talk about living a sustainablelife
but not many people start it. Let's find out top 3 ways to start a green lifestyle.">
Heading tags: <h1>What is 'Green Lifestyle'?</h1>
<h1>3 ways to start a sustainable lifestyle</h1>
<h2>No more sing-use plastic products</h2>
<h2>Switch to using environmentally friendly items</h2>
<h2>Refill containers with Refill services </h2>
<h1>What is Refill?</h1>
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