Cloning, Stem Cells and Selective Breeding

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Cloning, Stem Cells

and Selective
By Krisha, Shivansh and Neel
Table of contents

Cloning Selective Breeding

01 Definition, Advantages and 03 Definition, Advantages,
Implications Disadvantages and Implications

Stem Cells
02 Definition, Types, Implications
What is Cloning?
Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of
an organism or individual.

In biology, cloning can refer to various techniques used

to produce genetically identical copies of a biological

This can include cloning at the cellular level, cloning of

genes, or even cloning of entire organisms.
Advantages of Cloning
Reproduction Organ transplantation
Cloning can be used for preserving Cloning could potentially be used to
endangered species or helping grow organs for transplantation,
infertile couples have children. reducing the need for organ donors.

Livestock Improvement Medical research

Cloning can help in producing Cloning can aid in medical research by
animals with desirable traits such as creating genetically identical animals
high milk production or disease for studying diseases and developing
resistance. treatments.
Ethical Impacts of cloning
1. Animal Welfare: Cloning involves the creation and
manipulation of animals for research purposes,
raising concerns about the welfare of the cloned
animals and their quality of life.

2. Human Dignity: Cloning raises questions about

the dignity of human life, especially if the
technology is eventually applied to human cloning.
Stem cells
What are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are cells that can develop into many
different types of cells.

● They can renew themselves through Cell

● The can also fix damaged tissues
Types of Stem Cells
There are 4 main types of Stem Cells

Totipotent Pluripotent
- Most versatile type of stem cell - Can develop into almost any cell type
, excluding the Placenta and
- Has the potential to develop a new extraembryonic tissue
- These are important in the early
- Only exist during the earliest stage stages of embryo development
of development, shortly after
fertilization - Capable of forming all 3 germ layers
(a group of cells in an embryo that
- Example: The Zygote and the first interact with one another) which are
few cells that result from cell Endoderm, Mesoderm and Ectoderm
Types of Stem Cells

Multipotent Unipotent
- Can develop into multiple, but limited - Can only differentiate into one
cell types type of cell

- Typically specific to a particular tissue - They have the ability to

or organ self-renew, that means they
can produce more stem cells
- Can help repair the tissue wherein of the same type
they are found
- Example: Skin stem cells,
- Example: Mesenchymal stem cells are which can only generate skin
which can differentiate into different cells
bone, cartilage and fat cells
The implications of these various stem cells are important and
vast, significantly in medical, research and biotechnological

- Research on Totipotent cells can improve the success

rates of procedures such as In-vitro and fertilization

- In Pluripotent cells , iPSC (Induced pluripotent cells) can

be derived from form patients cells leading to
personalized treatment for them

- Multipotent stem cells, such as Hematopoietic stem

cells, are already used in some clinical settings. For
example, bone marrow transplants

- For Unipotent cells, understanding and harnessing these

can improve treatments for diseases that affect specific
Selective Breeding
What is selective breeding?
•Selective breeding is the process by which humans
choose which organisms will reproduce to produce
offspring with desired traits.

•It is a form of artificial selection, different from natural

selection as it is driven by human intervention rather than
environmental pressures.

How is selective breeding done?

•Breeders select individuals with desired traits and
breed them together.

•The offspring are then raised to see if they have

inherited the desired traits.
Punnett Square
- Used to represent all of the possible
combinations of genes that could be inherited
by the offspring
Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
•Can produce organisms that are more •Can lead to a decrease in genetic
productive, more resistant to disease, or diversity, making organisms more
better suited to a particular environment. susceptible to disease.

•Can create organisms with desired •Can create organisms that are not
aesthetic qualities, such as flowers with well-suited to their natural
particular colors or petal shapes. environment.
Ethical Implications

Concerns Benefits
•Unintended consequences and •Potential benefits like increased
health impacts productivity and disease resistance

•Prioritizing human preferences •Helps with food security and

over organism welfare conservation efforts

•Animal welfare issues in breeding

"Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPS Cell)." Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

"Answers to Your Questions About Stem Cell Research." Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 16
May 2024,

"What Are Stem Cells?" University of Rochester Medical Center,

"Animal Breeding." Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

"Selective Breeding via Controlled Mating." Climate Technology Centre & Network,

"What Is Selective Breeding?" yourgenome,

"Selective Breeding." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,

"Selective Breeding: How Farmers Make Food Better." Climate Science,
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