Construction of Wills
Construction of Wills
Construction of Wills
. . . s ecif ic ann nals.
and mai nten anc e of one of 11101 e · P '~~
It sometunes becomes necessa-~ry ..
the corn t no
t onl y to det erm ine wh eth er or not the docu
alleged to be a wil l is a valid will, but also nea nin g and effe ct of the words and Ph
what t l1e 1
used by the testator in the will are. Firs
• •
t, 1t must emei ge
• 1 • from the wo rd
s, phr ase s and exn res .·
use d that the document was made in con ----:..i: ;. s1on~
templ ation of death i.e. tha t it is teStame
ntary. 'The rei~
o t1h e cou rt 1·s the__,_ . ·
refore to decide what meanmg s I1ou 1-::.iCt b attr ibu tea to an y di sputed clau se · ,
' e ,,,,, : . 1n..::
will. I ',)
~( D Gu,} C'c:~ ~ 1 · ~ ·1t·,. , aJ · \ r<\e_~ ;,., -5·
- ~ r
r~ a ~ .;"7 ,. . .
~ y~\; .l p~ t~.
'f ~ r;... ~
Issu es rela ting to con stru ctio n of wills
arise out of poo r d~afting. Th e ~na in
obj ~ct ive oft\~~
con stru ct ion of a w ill is to as~erta in the
te~~~- ;,s- intention~ as. ex sed in the
wiJ l. -i n Perrilh1
Jvfo rg an (19 43) AC 399 Lor d Sim on
LC said that 'the que stio n is not, of cou
rse , wh at the lcstatoli
m ean t to do wh en he made his will, but
whc1t the written wo ra s he use s me an
in the 12~11iicular
cas e- wh at are the "ex pre sse d intentio
ns" of the testat01r' . (National Soc iety for
the Prevention of \
Cru elty to Children vs. Scottish Nation
al Society for the Prevention of Cru elty
(1915) AC 207). .
., - ., _, >
. ,: _,,," _,·,.. , :"" "", r ,:<
to .Childre
., n
, :" "" ~ . . ~ .J l ~o,
·i -tt,.- , , ,, "1·~
' "'\ \
' 7 ·.M
l - - \ -. J\
. ,. L
~:. - .. ( '" •
duc e absurd
resul ts and obv iou s inju stic e. In Sca le v.
~ awlings (1892) A.C. 342 a test ato r dev
ised thre e of
his houses to A (his nie ce) for life and
pro vid ed that sho uld A die leav ing no
I • ;.""';
'I! chi ldre n, tho se
,,-,,•1,);-•••:, .J.
'CJ'.zw r"~ .-,c:,-- f ;t:
- - . . Natural Sense. I J
f. Words arf (;onstrue d. •?1 .
their Q~d1na1)'.'. J ~ON~ •,v--
/_ '"j'~ .
1 -. .,;r<' f1Vr \"'I v 0 ~ r , J ~ d,,,..c.-..f rr> . regardl ess of wheth..::r the construction Wi\\
1 1..,.. v '-l)JC,
W d . .
their pnmar
y meaning, - -~~-:-::==~G;:::
or s m a w1·11 are attributed
- . Rashida B eg1 ,n1 V'>· · Administrator en era/ c111d
< produce a capricious meani!lg (see Rule )( .
. B lay N1h1ll P, 11
s·. Newnham Worley VP and Pearson Ag_
er (1951) 18 BACA 102 (Sir arc . . .d that there is a presumption in
. (1907) AC 225, it was sa1 ~
CJ)). In Gorringe vs. Ma/J7.\tedt . of the words' shoul9 be applied. In R.e
-- . . and usual meanmg -
,i"\ - 0 ; dllnstruing a will that the 'o.-<lma,y - - - ---: J) the court was asked to construe
_,<- . ~ - . " , .. , ,f (1972) EA 522 (S11npson .
..--::: .&Jphael Puh!,c 7rmle, '-'· Rap/u ~ - _ , B th testators were found dead in a
. . . h. , 01· of us dvU1g_tQ~er · 0
two wills contammg the P ,ase _ able to detennine who died first. It was
locked room with bullet wounds, the pathologist was un . .
- that the testators did not mean dymg
held . at precise · -
-~- IY-the
- sa·
- 1-11 e 1· nstant. The court concluded that
• · · -- - ·--
the testate,~ died together w1tlµn · 0 f-- the
. . t~ !."e~_EJ_&. nhrase-in• their will.
- "-"-~ ~ ) me wor,
testator intended to add to the provisions of the prior wil I.
, r/
However, if on reading the will as a wh 0 l - - - . . f 112).
e or on mvestigatmg the habits and c1rcumstances 0
the testator, it is evident that he used a a . . - - -: . ~ _____ .
own,- the court may interpret it in this s P. rticul~ ~ 01 d or phrase 1n so1ne special. sense
.. .. of his
- ----~-~--:.:...:.::..:.::- -2._~l 0Esecondary sense provided that the word or phra>C
.. ' .
• ·"' I
'. hi3ll\;~~1-. ~
~ tL ~ i)ui'""" ~ P9 f L-I' I
, - y ,, . ,._,r '
·, ., "- ~ t ~
js c a ~ tl
able of carrymg such
h th
ed from, 1roug e
a meaning. There are t
=- .
app 1ica
tion of the
wa ys
· () ~0
. .
wh ich the gen era l pnn c1p le ma
depart . 'ct· . y be
.111 where the ord ma ry me ani ng does t ICtionary J?rinciple' and the use of a secondary
111 e8J1 g .,, - · · - n2_m,ake sense. - •
meaning, cannot be app lie d. (R e Ev
I ~ (.".'.j"~ _, (\
f · JI tf'u~ 1
W ~~o,..::. o1~'
. mus t be Read as a
The WIii entire w1·11 (Rashida Begum vs. Admi11i,~t,..Cito~ co(
t d from the .. p Sir Newnham Worley Vp anq
. be coUec e . c lay N 1)11 11 ' fol
f onstruct10 -· . - .. -- -- ---:-----,_,: Clt' ~
·ng of clauses is to ACA 102 (Sir Bar . n is to give effect to the testat
The meam 51) 18 E dC(
Genera/and another (19 ount puipos~ - in a will is to be asc! '!•inect f
Since the param~ of any cl~use - . . . . --...; rcini
Pearson Ag. CJ)). • ·11 the mean~ - . ll Walje vs. Alzbhcu Hcyz and <.inoth
din the wt ' l Rehemtu a . er
intenfum as exp~ . . lation (Abdul a ·1 n Ag. CJ and Hayden J). l'h
the entire document and not m~ o Whitley CJ, Mark-WI so e
6 (Sir Nonnan
(1943) 10 EACA din relation toe ach other.
.. fthe will must be constm, : ___ - ---
prov1s10n_s_o ---------~---
- -~ -- : I.a bl e or mutuall -
. . . ·e,_c...ULLWJ. y inconsistent
- to tht
· visions ate J J.'.P · 1 2) (R u
Howeve1,. whe1e. two -clauses or p 10 . ther the last on e prevails (see ru e e 11anz111011d
t tl ~-- h'en otion in the last
I ,'0. exten 1at they cannot possibly stand toge. . . lies. mt ____ that the
- later
· - clause -..
e:.:, · al for this 1u e1 · --
"'~1 ·, 0 938) 3 All ER 308). The ratw~ e . d b Lord Greene MR m Re P .·. ?tter 's Will
~ . l has been describe y ~-- ~
& expression of the testator. The Ille that the courts try not to ap.12)y the ru\,
_., Trust (l 944) Ch 70 as a 'rnle of, desfilllr
. ' . Case law shows __. - - - - ~
~ .~ . ----
at all (Re Alexander 's Will -Trusts {(1948) .2 All ER 111).
(A.JO , -:-1 ~...,____,.f-Cc;,. e., c,,..) • . .
_,,I 1 \!
Cl~ ~developed to tI-~~-~~-c
m t II1at .where ' looking
" at the. will
. as. a-whole, 1\ looks
A arently a rnle has
PP that the .testat_or
like - - intended
- - - the
-- fa]!_~l,tu..s.e to, app 1Y, the presumption
•- · · ·that-- - ✓clause
the latter
·The will must speak forJ.tscl~ qi.~..},;,- ;,, ~ ;\·.c-, , -'._. ·•';, \ i,Z,P f .J., U \ l
w:l 1
; -~< :. ·
As general rule, courts must ascertain the testator's intention from the words of the will itself
. 44 . r ,.,·•~ • · ,.. ~" ,. • ~-.. -
(Colclough vs. Cocker ( 1917) 7 EALR 120 (Hamilton CJ, Murison CJ and Pickering J), Rustonifi
Kersasji Khursedji Sidhwa vs. Dinshwa Ruttonji Mehta and others ( \ 934) \ EACA JS
(Abrahams CJ, Lucie-Smith Ag. CJ and Home J)). This is because the construction of wills is
ab_o_u_t .....
_·n....,g the testator's intention as ex d• h . . '"' (1943)
- ·-- - - · " - presse 1n t e.w.111. In Perrzn vs. 1v1organ
AC 399, ':'.ird Atkin remarked that 'the sole object is ... to ascertain from"'ihe wili'the testator's
intentions' . !Ii - ------- ~ -
- _ _ _ _ .....,._...~◄
,v- (111\.~.' -
"--' °'1'[\'11'.l f~\;\"\
·- • ~
!he IY1// f . . .
<? A1.slw b! n t1 Sha ft,. deceasee,l (19 51) 18 EA CA 86 (Sir Newnham Worley VP,
: , :f
~an-Smith .I A and De Lestan g J) the testatrix, a .
M~sli~ '; , gave a ho~ 1~r w1\l to
t ld tha t ~lt119ugh lslatnic law
It was 1e ~
wh ich -it stood,. t ow ner shi p, the s~ 1c_wa P~t1 .
tjJ$_JwicLon-- . in dif fer c,!1 s inc a . '11~
a mosque .ipo~ ~ -~
~ n to be Jeg ~ h hou se alo ne wa s fou nd to be invar
.._nsl&t y111
ho~ d it stand~ . ion of t e ~\
. The dis pos1t rov . . I{! Qh, tldf l
d Titles Ordinance. - -h ; the express p isio ns of the L_9lld .Titles O cl' ,~
with the~ .
her fot1;nd t a · . ~ r '11a11 \V11(
stacy- re~ Ited · It was furt .
. -:- - the matter_11 ~
had ousted the Islamic · s1t10n on efft
----- --
il{(a) The : :chair ru~
p~- ~ .
f\~ - tes .- .
ut itse lf in th~__ . tat__or'..s po sit ion at the tnn e he or she
_ . . . -·-- - -
In construing the will the co~ llla(!~
f tl e will its elf (Boyes vs. Co
their will, in order to understa~d--
the words o 1 - - - - ok (188CYfr2r ch I) 53)
-- -- -~ - ~ . A
· -- . • ·s so that th~ 9.9 urt • can ma ke its elf ~w ~rc of t~e facts that 'W .
The objective of the exer::1 :: I -· _ . - . f ~ etc 5Lll
. 0 f the execut10n the will.
known to the testator at the tun °
The annchair rule is used mo st to identify the. hen efi cia i:y or
com mo nly the. sub jec t matter of the
. . Ve
gif t.~ t is applied by the com1s . . the wil l withou,t ref ere nc e --
by con stiu mg _to _t~ surroundino
~ ' .
....- . - . . _. ~
. nt
circumstances and applym g the appare effect .of.. the__ wi ll to the SUlTOUndmg cir~m
stances to
_ - nc
ascertain that the w1l. l 1s
. . t d acc ord anc e wi th the cir
bemg cons _!:!.~....1-11 cu ms tan ces wh ich prevailedat
~-- --
- - - -- c ::i
the tirn e when the will was made.
¾ - -r- -
17See also Khatijabai vs. Kassam Sun Ci
der ·i S ..
Newnham Worley VP and Sir Hug .
h Ho?n1et;r and oth ers (1955) 22
EA CA 30 1 (Si r Barclay Ni hill
P, Sir T
,ords ,ire ambiguous on th· · f. ,
1 ere \,\ - ~ - . - · - · - - -- ,. ace of the ·11 .
i;11 -· 1 . h ...,--~- w1 e1tl .
. . ·ble to exp am t e words used W -. ..,_, . ··~-• , ier direct or circu . .
11 ssI _ ... • - - - -· .. · ords are . mstanttal evidence is
11 dJ1 · ·' d d h saic1 to b · · · ...
_,,. the wor s use ave more tha e ambiguous on th f .
vJ1ere __ -- -- -·. -:-· • . _~ one normal . e ace of the will
i ~ -;-where the words used arc ---~-·-- e~ning, as in the terms 'mo , d ,
P~ -tombigui~
(c) I , ~ • ~
----·-·· ~ - - - - ~..,,. , qually applicable t t
1 • - ~ ,; -~;
".J _
ney an my
.l':! \ 1"
~r, items
cannot be soh~ed with .th e nrd of extrinsic evidence the ·1~t ·11 f: ·1 " .
,--- - - - . . , gr w1 at 1.or unccrtamty.
... - ~ • ,-,11 .. ..._,-,.1.i.u;,- ...,,.._. ,.c, • ....:_.._..._.....,"'-..i.___ ,..,,._
Meaningless u royisions
(d) __.
meaning to the~ H"d or phrase (Kell vs. Clzar--,,-zci,~~•-. ,
. - '
:omplctc a blank space in a wi ll. For instance, if a legacy provided 'I give my son Kamau ... '
- ............................. ....., - '-...,.:A
:he ration;Te f·or the rule is that the purpose of admitting extrinsic,, .evidence is to assist in the
t a bla nk sp ac e. Int erp ret
1not int erp re ati on
. d ars ua bly on e cat &1\Q\i\
interpretation of the wi ll,
'111 ~
be of a ph ras e as a whole .
be .
. I t ev ide nc e maY . . led as to the cir cu ms tan ce s in
. rin
( Th e on ly exception to this p ciple 1s tia - -►-- -
lp the co urt to asc-e \Vh iti.1
de a wi ll, so as to he-
. ne . '
the tes tat or was si.1ua ted at the t11
he - =--- · .
ma .
g it .-- :-
"b t dd
.. tta1\'\ ti.
dde (o impute__to..-his_ c 110 sen wo rdi ng e.·n · is ad1ms
me an mg he mten
.- -- -e -o- a uc e evidf'n lit
-- - - 11cc a:
.. . or at his de ath in or de r
th rs"f T - r h~ e ma de the w~ . . . to asc en . ~
to ~ - -·=;rt y at the t11~: 11 · a1n, t
-- --- --7 he ref~-ers--to- th1. . .ho us e.No __G 29 ill-
La n.g at. a-e sta te bu t th ll
what pro pe rty the will refers ~ ..-- -
e.g. I . etc i~ 1
. . ..
- ~ aif eb i--i-s-· nu n1 be r 09 2 m
a cle ar ev ide nc e tha t the. 1 ho us e lJ.e .ha d 111 La ng ata estate , th·
on Y _. p
. . . . -- --f··:·Re Smalley Supra). i~
ev ide nc e 1s adm1ss 1ble - Rr:; · ' ,. \ fi
') r , ~ ,
\\ -5 J>e r;, "· ~ .-1 }'?~r •, ~ ('a .I 5
(I', JJ)
( 3 scertaining the Su ✓
bj!!;.!,Yattcr of Gifts
. 1
Pa rag rap h 3 of the First
Schedu le pro vid es t11a t, as
. regard (i n·~ y, a wi ll sp ea ks from the dat
... _ - ·- - - - - .. e
ot:.d_cath unless a contrary • • • b
I wi ll. A gif t of 'all my sh ar
011 a0~e ~1s . Y tie es ' wo uld be take
... _.- - -- -- -- --
to ref er to afl the sh are s ow. d~b tes tat or at the da te of his . - n
ne Y a .... - de ath , ra th er th an_l~_~mg crmfined to
the sh are s which he o~ ,k
__1!;_e d ate on w I11·c h he .ex ec ute d bis .wjJ l. Pa ra gr an h
_ !t..-.:1
sti tes that with refere ~ce to_ .,..,-.:_;~ 3. however: '
s_?ec~ ~ ~i!~s-~~ -g~_s_i~s, the
pr es um pt io n is th at the wi
the date of its actual executi ll sp~~ as at
on. v.._
- " ----- -- .
In Jn. th e Matter. o f th e
E st at e o. fIva M ur ra
y M urton, Decea
- . e date of
_ .-.-
bo y at the date of th
·)'oungest child o f m y ~t-..· e will. A gift to -the
ni ec e K an in i' . and th ·,.w :.~r _
. . . ... -. _.
e youngest child of K
W as Vvnyua. Ou t W ay an in i alive at the date of th
ua ha d d ied by_'.}ie e will
date of ~ 1e testat ~ (s
;enCrarrule that a will is ; ;~ tr ,.;!;.ath. The conse(\Uen
c.l:S of the
ue d referring to peop
le at the date of the w
ill, is that the gift to
~~ / .f..(F(' . i
l ,C other c Il 01 ~ (!(!,
ildren alive at the tcsta, .,
'fK-Oini 11as --~-•~ --- ►• • - • • ill\,.
·u lapse,
t child WI
eve11 J- .....---
~ ·----- - - - -
Kanini 's younj"es - - h D 446).
_ d (l 88~7) 34 C
(Re Whorwoo . to the
cral rule that, as regards r t
g1.,;I1 _ c cr,11,,
t rary intentto . ,fs ( 1918) 87 LJ Ch 661, R.c,cJr. ~ A
ve a con . (Re Danll ~or, 'v!,
It is, howcve1'. po ssihl,: to. ha the date o f the will. 1
to people, a WI p·11 s eaks tram
7 A
Willis (18 71) Ch App !• . needs to be di sti ngu ished fro 1V
d te of the w1 ._.....,in that
Jfil the description_at the_ a f the will, but by the d~te of the leslato '
Where no person fu I s . . ~ at the date o . . . - .- - -- - r'
- - •-- - fulfils the descnption (Radford vs. Wzllzs). C
where a 1?,_e~ _ ..2...-. . erative to them
. .
death, that descnpt10n MS1 , become mop r
. o 1· a will occui. in
. t·elation to gifts where the relation S1up
A . . truct10n t . R
b of difficulties m cons d
ift JS ma e to children or remo er issue. egarct·
num er .
_ _ --~ ~ -•\lino
. specified. This is particularly so where a g - lly there is a presumption that th~ on)~
s . ·1 grenera ,
. . . .. · the making O1· gi 1s . . · - - - ·· - : -
relatwnslups refe11ed t~ rn . by affinity or mamage. A gift to 'all m
-- -- . ...- 1·elatives, and not relatives . " ~ y
persons to take aie blood . b ti r or sister of his wife. In Rashida Begi/
• ' 3 - . lude an females born to a r<:_lt:___ -
• -- - - . . ~ --..01
mece.,: :.:!,_oes not me _Y 951) -18 EACA 102 (Sir Barclay N1h11l p' Sir Newnh~
vs Administrator General and anothe, (1
Worley - n ..-
VP an d P earso Ag · CJ) the c Iause .'other
- - - -relations'
- was construed . to exclude
. the
testator's adopted daughter. It was s tate d that the ordinary meaning of the word- -'relation'
· • does
•- · -an
not mclude 1 . The ~
- ad-opted ch'ld p~~esumption can_ _ be rebutted by evidence
_ __ __of _a _
· : Tl1e pos1·t·on
1 reo·
u 1·ding relatives
· of half-blood is w1clear. It was, in
Re Reed ( 1888) 57 LJ 790, that there is a presumption that relatives of half- blood are included.
Difficulties often occur over the use of the word 'children' or the tcnn 'issue'. Children includes
children en ventre sa mere (Villar vs. Gilbey (I 907) AC 139), and there is a presumption that the
tenn 'children ' refers tO immediate children. The presumption may be rebutted by evidence that
grandchildren and remoter issue were intended (Loring vs. Thon;as ( 186]) i Drew & Sm 491).
'Issue' technically means children, grandchildren and remoter descendants but in some matters,
the courts have construed the tenn to refer only to the children of the testator (Re Noad (1951)
Ch 553).
gift is a gift to be div ide d
A cJas5.:;; -- - -
1ot1 11 1at eac h ind ivid ual get d
. amongst . .
viduals Wh .
811 ~ f 1/ ~hs ~ 400- bo_ s epend .
ift o ~ o
_o ·- - - - · ··
0 to Mu . . -~.;·on· the n; : -
0 fulfil
b ·- ~~--- . a. gen
Ag ' · .. .."' er eral description, where the
. of ben . .
•thi rece ives d epe n d s on th re1th1 s child . . ... .
efic1anes fall mg- with ·•
in the class
t,4ure1 - - - - -- - ren is a
r e num ber of ch-:-il_d_ __ ___ c_1a_ss_ _?ift ·
0111 l"
- -~ --
. How muc h each child of
... at
•1 ren that
. . - - - - - - - - Mure1.thi has .
~sta tor' cJass gifts could (1f .it wer e not f - -- .. _
s - - --
. f
resentat1ves o an est. ate to 111a--k ~ ?!_...':,ass closin
rep -- -- --- -~--·- _ _ · e an ear-ly .ct·.- - g rules) make it d"ff
. 1 .· . 1 i1cu1t 1orc
Class closing r~ es are rules of con . istu but ion f h the personal
ve~i ~-n~e .._ ·-: ·- ··· .!?....! _~pr?12..e1j:y to
e>nship b~ giv en Jo the class.
distribute the esta te at the · eai·Ii ~st C)
~ __ __ • • , des ign ed to allow personal re2Lesentatives
lrdi ng Ppo rtum ty. Th - --~--~--..- -~- to
circulation or use for a lon g per iod of - ~~
. . e rule frowns on keeping property
....-.......-- .• . tune. The rationale b h. out of
0 niy o the ratwnale fo, the per pet uity .
t .· . e md the clas s-cl osm g rule is sim ilar
p1 mc1ple. It is h
l Illy act aga.inst tl1e inte . .
ntio ns of a tes tato . ' owe ver ofte n
' argue d t h at the rule s freq uen tly
beneficiaries wh om the dec eas ed int I,
d d
as the y hav e the rn .
en e to benefit. e ect of exc lud mg from the clas
the The class clo sin g rul es ozi gin ate fro
m th f
. e cas e o And rew s vs. Partington
Jes The rules onl y app l y to g ifts ma de (1791) 3 Bro CC 401
. by wil l d
1ry an ope rate so tha t the cla ss clo ses ·
which the first me mb er of the cla ss bec at the dat e on
. om es ent itl d p •
IO the nature of the g1 ft. e . rec1sely how the rule s ope rate
dep end s on
In Latif Suleman Mohamed vs.' K..J.. P.andya and others (1963) EA 41 6 (Sir Ronald Sinclair P,
Sir Trevor Gould Ag. VP and Newbold IA)
This would be a gift say 'to the children of Kimathi who attain 21 years'. If Kimathi has a child
who reaches 21 years before the testator's death, the class closes at the testator's dealh and
includes all children of Kimathi alive at that date who subsequently reach 21 years. If Kimathi
has no child who has reached 21 years by the date of the testator's death then the class only
th to
closes when e first child of Kimathi reaches 2 I years and includes all children alive at al
th gc
·nge nt and def err ed cla
~ CoJJ tl .
ss o1ft
' Q
. ~•ft
1)-' . woUld be both a con ting ent and ad
f/11 5 . . e f erre d , ·
lh~ for life w1th rem amd er t 0 h .
ll). tvft1lt1 58 gift. It co li ,
- t e chil dren f u c t<tke the form of a gift; say ' to
has reac hed 21 y O
ilfte r Jiild wbO . ears by the date f M Luv aga w ho attai.
c 1 tth · 0 n 21 years' . lf Luvaga has a
ter, the class c ose s a . is date . The clas s w·11 ulus a' d
Ja . s eath , or the testa tor' s death if thi
s is
·Jd reaches 21 yea rs who sub sequ ent} I then Incl d .
chi u e all children alive at the date the first
. by the date of Mu lusa ' s dea th . Y reac h 21 yea . .
yews . rs. If no child of Luv aga has reached 21
. t}le firs t chil d reac hes 21 yea rs a o1d that of the test ator . ·.
unt11 . if late r, then the clas s remains ope n
n a 1l chil dren ar
l Of years. ive at that date who sub sequ entl y reac h
t ----
Will decla red j nval id or a pat i of1 he
his pruperty~inJ1is o!hc r.wl-sc v~tlid will 01· Pru:
wil l is revoked or a pers~~ acgui!:_~s pro
\ ,)r \l\e
perty subsequent
tothe-~ kin r of th~ wil l (and the wi ll is am
-- -- --------. .,
g:-,\'eme-0 by the intestacy provision s or is sub
bul atory). The pro; erty not cover~d b~_the wil
l is