San Pedro Final

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San Pedro

Obtained from the Trichocereus pachanoi cactus

The San Pedro cactus, with specific preparation, can produce powerful psychedelic experiences in those who choose to ingest it (1). Historically, this
empathogen was used in the Andes Mountains of South America for ceremonial healing practices and its use is common still today in South America but also
in other places all over the world where it has been newly adopted (1,2).


• Mescaline is a S9 drug in Australia. • MAOIs • Changes in perception of body and mind
• It can only be used for research with a permit. • Amphetamines • Mood enhancement and increased empathy
• There is no approved use in Australia. • Increased heart rate, vomiting, seizures
• Ornamental use is allowed but intent for criminal use • Hallucinations and visual illusions
would be determined by law enforcement/in court (3, 4). • Anxiety and agitation (1, 9).


Mescaline works on the brain similarly to other well-known Studies have shown that prolonged use of any form of
psychedelics like LSD and it has structural similarities with mescaline, including San Pedro, have very little
dopamine and noradrenaline. How mescaline causes altered Some people may choose to potential for abuse. Although these studies are
psychedelic states is not fully understood at this point in time consume multiple different preliminary, as they were conducted within
(5). types of drugs together to communities indigenous to San Pedro and were
produce different effects, anecdotal (10).
• The San Pedro cactus is faster growing decrease unwanted side
• and more widespread than Peyote effects. MAOIs (like anti- Although San Pedro is widely considered a low-risk
• San Pedro may be a less harmful choice depressants) stop processes in psychedelic within the scientific community, there are
• on the native users and the environment. your body from metabolizing still risks for those with pre-existing conditions,
mescaline and therefore including hypertension or heart disease as it accelerates
Many types of cacti contain sources of mescaline including dangerous levels of this heart rate among other effects. There are also some
Lophophora Williamsii, more commonly known as Peyote, substance can build up in the concerns about San Pedro’s effect on the liver, although
Trichocereus Peruvianis, Echinopsis zamnesiana and more. body and interact with other this is only supported by preliminary studies. At high
Peyote is a slow growing cacti that is listed as vulnerable on neurotransmitters leading to doses these potential effects on the heart and liver are
the IUCN red list. This popular western source of mescaline is serotonin syndrome. Mescaline amplified, as well as a significant drop in blood sugar
becoming more threatened in its natural habitat and more is also chemically related to levels which can lead to loss of consciousness, seizures
scarce for the native users of this plant due to its increasing amphetamine so using it with and death. For those with a history of mental health
popularity. Other sources of mescaline like in the San Pedro other amphetamines and issues there may be an increased risk of psychosis
cactus which is fast growing and more widespread could be stimulants can have dangerous (5,8).
better alternatives. Despite its fast growing nature, if over effects on the body as these
harvested, San Pedro could meet a similar fate. Knowing substances can both increase
where you are sourcing your mescaline from and who is heart rate and blood pressure
profiting from it is a way that you can reduce negative impacts too much leading to problems
on the plant, the local environment in which it grows and the with the heart (8).
local peoples who use it (6, 7).


As San Pedro has no approved indications, there are also no approved dosing
There is a wide range of dosages one can consume for the active rubrics. There is however a thriving and historical ceremonial context which
component mescaline, around 150mg to 700 mg. To estimate how has its own dosing guidelines and procedures. Within ceremonial contexts, San
much mescaline you are consuming there are different suggestions Pedro is calculated based on 3.75mg/kg of weight and a standard dose is
made for the different forms of the cactus. The San Pedro cactus estimated to be 200-300mg, for a person that weighs 70kg the calculated dose
and other forms of mescaline can be found in dried or fresh whole is 262mg. Due to the inability to calculate the exact concentration from fresh or
cacti segments and in milled powders in capsules. Doses will vary dried cacti some ceremonial spaces often recommend using a piece of cactus
in potency, concentration and volume as they are not regulated which roughly measures the length and width of your forearm and hand when
like over the counter drugs. These elements can affect duration, balled into a fist. It is essential as well to be aware that there is no way to
intensity and side effects of the trip. A trip can last from as little as ascertain how much mescaline is present in a cactus, making dosing in this
4 to as long as 12+ hours depending on the person's individual way difficult (11).
body chemistry and these previously mentioned factors (5, 11).

*San Pedro, as a mescaline-containing cacti, while often legal to grow are widely banned from human consumption. We do not encourage or condone the use of this plant where it is against the law.
However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe.

epidemiology of mescaline use: Pattern of use, motivations for consumption, and perceived consequences, benefits, and acute and enduring
subjective effects. J Psychopharmacol, 36, 309-320.
2.DE FEO, V. 2003. Ethnomedical field study in northern Peruvian Andes with particular reference to divination practices. J Ethnopharmacol,
85, 243-56.
San Pedro is often used in shamanistic ceremonies for personal 3.Care, H. and A. (n.d.). Poisons Standard October 2022 . [online] Available at:
growth and to help the journeyer dissolve any negative 4.Entheogenesis Australis. (2022). What’s with psychedelic cacti? [online] Available at:
preconceptions about life and build new perspectives around their psychedelic-cacti.
5.KOVACIC, P. & SOMANATHAN, R. 2009. Novel, unifying mechanism for mescaline in the central nervous system: electrochemistry, catechol
reality. The plant has also been used anecdotally to strengthen redox metabolite, receptor, cell signaling and structure activity relationships. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2, 181-90.
6.Ferriss, T. (2021). An Urgent Plea to Users of Psychedelics: Let’s Consider a More Ethical Menu of Plants and Compounds. [online] The Blog
interpersonal bonds, particularly familial ones. San Pedro is also of Author Tim Ferriss. Available at:
7.LEKHTMAN, A. (2022). National Indigenous Church Urges Congress to Protect Peyote Habitat. [online] Filter. Available at:
commonly used by folk healers to treat common illnesses, this is
often done with a boiled San Pedro tea (2, 10). (n.d.). Mescaline (hallucinogen) Uses, Effects & Hazards. [online] Available at:
9.VAMVAKOPOULOU, I. A., NARINE, K. A. D., CAMPBELL, I., DYCK, J. R. B. & NUTT, D. J. 2023. Mescaline: The forgotten psychedelic.
Neuropharmacology, 222, 109294.
10.AGIN-LIEBES, G., HAAS, T. F., LANCELOTTA, R., UTHAUG, M. V., RAMAEKERS, J. G. & DAVIS, A. K. 2021. Naturalistic Use of Mescaline Is
Associated with Self-Reported Psychiatric Improvements and Enduring Positive Life Changes. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci, 4, 543-552.
ICEERS. (2019). San Pedro: Basic Info | Echynopsis pachanoi | Psycheplants. [online] Available at:
info/ [Accessed 12 Jan. 2023].

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