DICOM Conformance Statement
DICOM Conformance Statement
DICOM Conformance Statement
Tokyo, Japan
Copyright © Hitachi Medical Corporation. 1998, 1999, 2001-2006. All rights reserved.
Revision History
1 09/01/98 Preliminary
(1) E1E-BM5440
Table of Contents
1. Introduction················································································································1
1.1 Purpose of this Document ______________________________________________1
1.2 Related Documents____________________________________________________1
1.3 Definitions ___________________________________________________________1
1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations ___________________________________________1
2. Implementation Model·······························································································2
2.1 Image Transfer and Storage Commitment _________________________________2
2.1.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ______________________________________________ 2
2.1.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities ____________________________________ 4
2.1.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities __________________________________________ 4
2.2 Print Management _____________________________________________________5
2.2.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ______________________________________________ 5
2.2.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities ____________________________________ 5
2.2.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities __________________________________________ 5
2.3 Basic Worklist Management_____________________________________________5
2.3.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ______________________________________________ 5
2.3.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities ____________________________________ 6
2.3.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities __________________________________________ 6
2.4 Modality Performed Procedure Step ______________________________________7
2.4.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ______________________________________________ 7
2.4.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities ____________________________________ 7
2.4.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities __________________________________________ 8
2.5 Media Storage ________________________________________________________8
2.5.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ______________________________________________ 8
2.5.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities ____________________________________ 8
2.5.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities __________________________________________ 9
2.5.4 File Meta Information Options________________________________________________ 9
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4.1.2 Number of Associations ___________________________________________________ 24
4.1.3 Asynchronous Nature _____________________________________________________ 24
4.1.4 Implementation Identifying Information________________________________________ 24
4.2 Association Initiation by Real World Activity ______________________________24
4.2.1 Print Request ___________________________________________________________ 24
4.3 Association Acceptance by Real World Activity ___________________________26
9. Extensions/Specialization's/Privatization's ··························································34
9.1 Standard/Extended/Specialized/Private SOPs _____________________________34
9.2 Private Transfer Syntax’s ______________________________________________34
9.3 SOP Class Extension _________________________________________________34
9.3.1 DCserver SOP Class Extension _____________________________________________ 34
9.3.2 HCserver SOP Class Extension _____________________________________________ 34
9.3.3 MWL Component SOP Class Extension ______________________________________ 34
9.3.4 MPPS Component SOP Class Extension______________________________________ 34
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9.3.5 ARserver SOP Class Extension _____________________________________________ 34
Annex A ··························································································································40
A.1 Common Modules ____________________________________________________40
A.2 MR Storage IOD ______________________________________________________42
A.3 SC Storage IOD ______________________________________________________42
Annex B ··························································································································45
B.1 Validity Checks ______________________________________________________45
B.2 Coercions___________________________________________________________45
B.3 Insertion Criteria _____________________________________________________45
Annex C ··························································································································46
Annex D ··························································································································49
Annex E ··························································································································52
(4) E1E-BM5440
1. Introduction
1.3 Definitions
Application Entity - Is the Term used for the software application capable of using DICOM services.
ARserver - The name of the Image Archive and Restore Application Entity running on the Hitachi
MRI system.
DCserver - The name of the Image Transfer Application Entity running on the Hitachi MRI system.
HCserver - The name of the Print Management Application Entity running on the Hitachi MRI
MWL Component - The name of the Modality Worklist Management Application Entity running
on the Hitachi MRI system.
MPPS Component - The name of the Modality Performed Procedure Step Application Entity
running on the Hitachi MRI system.
Daemon - An application that runs in the background without human intervention.
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2. Implementation Model
Search Operation
Local from
Database Remote
Update Operation
Local from
Database Remote
to Remote
DICOM Standard
-2- E1E-BM5440
Client Operation
Query to Remote
Request DICOM AE
Client Operation
Move to Remote
Request DICOM AE
Client Storage
CommitR Commitment
equest Operation to
Update Commitment
Local Response from
Databas Remote
DICOM Standard
Figure 1 Image Transfer Implementation Model (Continued)
-3- E1E-BM5440
Figure 1 illustrates the following scenarios:
1. Process Find requests from a remote DICOM AE; search the local database for matches and
return the requested information.
2. Process Store requests from a remote DICOM AE; update the local database with the object to
be stored and return Store responses.
3. Process Move requests from a remote DICOM AE; initiate Store operations to the destination AE
and return Move responses to the move requestor AE.
4. Initiate Find operations to a DICOM AE in response to a query request from Hitachi MRI system’s
GUI application.
5. Initiate Move operations to a DICOM AE in response to a move request from Hitachi MRI
system’s GUI application. This may result in Store sub-operation from a remote DICOM AE.
6. Initiate Storage Commitment requests to a DICOM AE in response to a commit request from
Hitachi MRI system’s GUI application.
7. Process Storage Commitment replies from a remote DICOM AE; update the local database
8. Process Verification requests from a remote DICOM AE.
The DCserver uses a configuration file that contains information used to validate association
attempts from remote Application Entities. The DCserver then listens on the configured port for
association requests.
An association request for Storage Services from a remote Application Entity causes the DCserver
to validate the request according to the configuration parameters set at execution time. The
remote Application Entity then sends the Information Object Instance. The DCserver stores the
received Information Object Instance in its local database if the data does not already exist. The
data remains in the database until removed by the local user of the Hitachi MRI system.
An association request from a remote Application Entity for Query or Move Services causes the
DCserver to validate the request according to the configuration parameters set at execution time.
The remote Application Entity then sends the Query or Retrieve request. The DCserver searches
the local database for the instance(s) specified. If the request was C-FIND, then a response is
returned for each match. If the request was C-MOVE, then an association is originated to the
destination Application Entity specified in the C-MOVE message. Incremental responses are sent
to the C-MOVE originator to indicate progress of the request.
A request from the Hitachi MRI system’s GUI application causes the DCserver to initiate an
association with a remote Application Entity. The user can then initiate query and retrieve requests
to the DCserver that are sent to the remote Application Entity. The Hitachi MR User Interface
displays the responses from the remote Application Entity.
Associations establish and release requests are logged to the UNIX syslog daemon (syslogd) as
local7.info messages. Various error and warning indications are also logged using syslogd.
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2.2 Print Management
The Hitachi MR DICOM Hardcopy Server (HCserver) is implemented as a single Application Entity.
It only initiates associations with a remote Print SCP for the purposes of transferring hardcopy
related communications.
This HCserver accepts commands from the MR user through a Graphical User Interface. The User
Interface allows the user to prepare and submit print operations to the HCserver.
Print Application Print SCP
Request (Printer)
DICOM Standard
The Hitachi MR user submits a print job to the HCserver via inter-process client/server
communications. The HCserver proceeds to initiate an association to a specific Basic Grayscale
Print Management Meta Service Class Provider. The hardcopy information is then sent to the
printer over this established association using the accepted DICOM protocol.
The HCserver uses a configuration file that contains information used to configure supported
remote Print SCPs.
A request from the Hitachi MRI system’s GUI application causes the HCserver component to
initiate an association with a Remote Application Entity. The Hitachi MR User Interface displays
relevant status and error responses from the Remote Application Entity.
Association and release requests are logged to the UNIX syslog daemon (syslogd) as local7.info
messages. Various error and warning indications are also logged using syslogd.
-5- E1E-BM5440
Modality Modality
Worklist MWL Component Worklist SCP
Retrieval (Modality Worklist SCU) returns
Request Modality
DICOM Standard
Figure 3 Modality Worklist Data Flow Diagram
The Hitachi MR user initiates Modality Worklist retrieval requests by interacting with MWL
Component through the Graphical User Interface. The MWL Component initiates an association
with the remote Application Entity and uses the Basic Modality Worklist Service Class to retrieve
Worklists. The remote Application Entity responds to the request and send Worklists to the MWL
Component. The MWL Component presents the retrieved Worklists to the Hitachi MR user
through the Graphical User Interface.
The Hitachi MRI application automatically initiates the Modality Worklist retrieval request when the
Hitachi MR user starts scheduled procedures. The retrieved Worklists are used to validate the
scheduled procedures.
When the Hitachi MR user issues a request to retrieve a Modality Worklist, the MWL Component
initiates an Association to the Modality Worklist SCP.
When the Association has been established, MWL Component sends a C-FIND request to the
Modality Worklist SCP to retrieve a Modality Worklist.
When the Modality Worklist has been received, the Hitachi MR user is notified about the availability
of the Modality Worklist.
The Hitachi MR user can access all Items of the Modality Worklist. The Hitachi MR user can also
access all attributes of all Items.
After the last C-FIND response is received, the MWL Component releases the association to the
Modality Worklist SCP
2.3.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities
Not applicable.
Cancel is not available to the user, however, the application may cancel a query in some exceptional situations.
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2.4 Modality Performed Procedure Step
The Hitachi MRI system is implemented as a single application entity (MPPS Component) to support
Modality Performed Procedure Step. The MPPS Component implements the Modality Performed
Procedure Step SOP Class, DICOM PS3.4, and Annex F.7.
Creation of
a new
creates or
(MPPS SCU) updates an
Values for
an existing
DICOM Standard
When MPPS Component issues a request to create an MPPS on the SCP, it initiates an
association to the MPPS SCP. If successful, an N-CREATE operation is performed against the
MPPS SCP. After completion of the operation, the assocaition is closed.
When MPPS Component issues a request to set some values for an existing MPPS on the SCP, it
initiates an association to the MPPS SCP. If successful, and N-SET operation is performed against
the MPPS SCP. After completion of the operation, the association is closed.
-7- E1E-BM5440
2.4.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities
MPPS component will first create a MPPS on SCP and then attempt to set/update some values in
Ioagent 1 Storage
Application FSC Medium 1
requests FSR
listing FSU
Ioagent X Storage
FSC Medium X
One ARserver may connect to one or more Ioagent. Each Ioagent connects to a media drive. The
ARserver may have a local/remote storage media that may contain various SOP instances. These
may have been obtained by original creation, network transfer or by removable media using other
application entities. These instances are external to this conformance statement and outside the
scope of this document
The Hitachi MRI system’s GUI application submits media requests to ARserver via internal
client/server mechanism. The ARserver then processes those requests and accesses, via Ioagent,
the media according to Media Storage Service Class defined in PS 3.4 with the interchange option.
The ARserver accesses, via Ioagent, the media acting as one of following roles FSC(File-set
Creator), FSU(File-set Updater) and FSR(File-set Reader), defined in PS 3.10.
-8- E1E-BM5440
A request from the Hitachi MRI application causes the ARserver to interpret the request and act, in
a sequence of operations(driven by request type), as a FSU, FSC and/or FSR to complete the
request received from the Hitachi MRI system’s GUI application. e.g. if an initialize request is
received then ARserver will act as a FSC to generate a basic Directory SOP Class in DICOMDIR
file with all types of Directory Records related to the SOP Classes stored in the File-set.
The set of operations that ARserver can perform are as following:
• initialize a new media, by writing a new DICOM file-set onto the media;
• display a directory listing of a DICOM file-set on the media. The listing is provided to the user in
response to a query.
• copy SOP instances from the media to local storage.
• update the DICOM file-set media with new SOP instances.
Various error and warning indications are logged to the UNIX syslog daemon (syslogd) as
local7.info messages.
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3. Image Transfer Application Entity Specifications
The Hitachi MRI system’s DICOM Image Transfer capability consists of two logical components (SCU
and SCP).
The SCU portion originates associations for Store, Query, Retrieve and Storage Commitment
operations. The SCP portion accepts associations for Store, Query and Retrieve operations. The
SCU portion will also accept associations to negotiate a role selection of SCU for Storage
Commitment responses that are sent on a different association than the request. The two
components are configured with the same Application Entity Title for use in the Hitachi MR
Application. They are treated as a single Application Entity in this description.
The DCserver Application Entity provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP
Classes as an SCP:
Table 1 Image Transfer SOP Class UID for Image Transfer SCP
SOP Class Name SOP Class UID
Verification 1.2.840.10008.1.1
Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model – FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model – MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Query/Retrieve Model – FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Query/Retrieve Model – MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
MR Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
SC Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
The DCserver Application Entity provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP
Classes as an SCU:
The DCserver will respond to association requests from remote AEs, however, it will only accept
associations from those remote AEs on which it has knowledge. And it will only accept those
Presentation Contexts that it is configured to support for the specific requesting AE. The AEs can
be configured to allow or deny any service on a per remote AE basis.
The DCserver Application Entity always accepts the Verification SOP Class.
The maximum length of PDU that the DCserver will receive is 65536.
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3.1.3 Asynchronous Nature
The DCserver does not support multiple outstanding transactions.
Query will also be issued before a move request to verify the existence of images with a Study
or Series. SOP Specific Conformance for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model - FIND
Although this service class is presented in the association request initiated by the DCserver, it
is not actually utilized.
- 11 - E1E-BM5440 SOP Specific Conformance for Study Root Query/Retrieve Model - FIND
The DCserver does not use Extended Negotiation.
The first method is a manual method. The user of the Harmony MR application selects the
source Application Entity and one or more patients, studies, and/or series within studies from
a list presented as a result of a previous Query operation of that source. The destination
Application Entity Title is also selectable on the User Interface. The user then selects the
“Send” operation on the user interface to initiate the move operation.
The second method is an automatic method. This is used to automatically transfer the output
IODs of an operation after the operation has created them. The user selects the destination
Application Entities in advance of running the operation, and then after the operation is
- 12 - E1E-BM5440
completed, the IODs are sent automatically to that destination. If these are image IODs, this
occurs as soon as the images are saved to the local database. If these are GSPS IODs, this
occurs at specific triggers within the application that cause GSPSs to be captured.
The third method is also a manual method, but more similar to the automatic method. It is
used to send the current operation output images and the related GSPSs to the selected
destinations on-demand when the user invokes the transfer.
Note that, in the latter two methods, the source is not selectable by the user since they are, by
definition, push operations from the local database. SOP Specific Conformance for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model - MOVE
This implementation supports transfers against the Patient Query/Retrieve Information Model
described in Section C.6.1.1 of NEMA PS3.4 Annex C using the C-MOVE SCU behavior
described in Section C.4.2.2 of NEMA PS3.4 Annex C. Although this service class is
presented in the association request initiated by the DCserver, it is not actually utilized. SOP Specific Conformance for Study Root Query/Retrieve Model - MOVE
The DCserver supports transfers against the Study Query/Retrieve Information Model
described in Section C.6.2.1 of DICOM PS3.4 Annex C using the C-MOVE SCU behavior
described in Section C.4.2.2 of DICOM PS3.4 Annex C.
- 13 - E1E-BM5440 Proposed Presentation Contexts
The following table describes the Presentation Contexts that may be presented for the Store
The status returned by the accepting Application Entity is used to indicate success or failures
of the C-MOVE sub-operation which initiated the transfer. In no case is the Information Object
deleted from the local database.
The common Information Object Definitions content that are sent with the C-STORE request
are specified in Annex A of this document. In addition to this, the following attributes may also
be included for both image and GSPS IODs, except where noted:
- 14 - E1E-BM5440
Performed Procedure Step Start (0040,0245) If MPPS is used, this information is included.
Performed Procedure Step (0040,0254) If MPPS is used, this information is included.
Performed Protocol Code (0040,0260) If MPPS is used, this information is included.
Sequence Currently this can only be included if the
performed protocols are the same as the
scheduled protocols and the configuration is
set to copy the value from the MWL to the
Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) If MPPS is used, this information is included.
> Code Value (0008,0100)
> Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102)
> Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103)
> Code Meaning (0008,0104)
Referenced Study Component (0008,1111) If MPPS is used, this information is included.
> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)
> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)
- 15 - E1E-BM5440 SOP Specific Conformance for Storage Commitment Push Model
The mechanisms available to get DCserver to transfer SOP Instances are described in Section
3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. Operations
Storage commitment requests are generated under the conditions described in Section
DCserver can request storage commitment for any SOP Instance in the local database.
The Transaction UID is applicable for the duration of the transaction, and there is no specific time
limit imposed on receipt of the storage commitment result. In a case that the result is not received
within a timeout period, the user will be informed and may cancel the request. This will not result in
a cancel request to the Storage Commitment SCP, but will cause the result to be ignored if it is
received in the future. In case the user chooses to retry and the result is not received within a
configured lifetime the request is discarded on next startup of the system and any further response
to this request will be ignored.
DCserver does not perform extended negotiation for these SOP Classes and does not perform any
validation of outgoing DICOM datasets. DCserver does not support the optional Storage Media
File-Set ID and UID attributes in the storage commitment request. Notifications
DCserver does not delete SOP Instances regardless of the storage commitment result. Hitachi MRI
system may not allow a user with normal permissions to delete data sets that have not been
committed (depending on the security features installed on the system and user role).
Messages to the system’s application log file (local7.info) are generated for unsuccessful storage
commitment results.
A single response is generated for the request. If the association is successfully negotiated, a
success status code of 0x0000 is always returned.
- 16 - E1E-BM5440 Presentation Context Acceptance Criterion
The DCserver always accepts the Verification SOP Class. The possible Presentation Contexts
are listed in section SOP Specific Conformance for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model - FIND
The DCserver Application Entity conforms to the DICOM Patient Root Query/Retrieve Service
Class as an SCP for the Abstract Syntax's listed in the table in section It accepts as
search keys all attributes from Patient, Study and Series level, see Patient Root
Query/Retrieve Information Model for the entire set of attributes.
- 17 - E1E-BM5440
Modality (0008,0060) R
Series Number (0020,0011) R
Series Instance UID (0020,000E) U
Acquisition Type (0018,0023) O
Sequence (0018,0020) O
Sequence Name (0018,0024) O
Contrast Agent (0018,0010) O
Private Series Name (0019,1552) O
Private Procedure Type (0019,126B) O
Private Section (0019,1201) O
Private TR (0019,1269) O
Private TE (0019,126A) O
Private Number Of Images (0019,1595) O
Table 16 Image Level Keys for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model
Description Tag Type
SOP Instance UID (0008,0018) U
Note. Due to insertion criteria on Patient Name and Patient ID there could be situations where
duplicates of both Patient ID and Study Instance UID’s provided; for the case where
duplicated Study Instance UID’s are provided duplicated entities contain exactly same
Table 17 Response Status for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model FIND Request
Refused Out of resources A700
Failed Unable to Process C000
Cancel Terminated due to Cancel Request FE00
Success Matching completed 0000
Pending Matches are continuing FF00 SOP Specific Conformance for Study Root Query/Retrieve Model - FIND
The DCserver Application Entity conforms to the DICOM Study Root Query/Retrieve Service
Class as an SCP for the Abstract Syntax's listed in the table in section It accepts as
search keys all attributes from Study and Series level, see Study Root Query/Retrieve
Information Model for the entire set of attributes.
- 18 - E1E-BM5440
Modality (0008,0060) R
Series Number (0020,0011) R
Series Instance UID (0020,000E) U
Acquisition Type (0018,0023) O
Sequence (0018,0020) O
Sequence Name (0018,0024) O
Contrast Agent (0018,0010) O
Private Series Name (0019,1552) O
Private Procedure Type (0019,126B) O
Private Section (0019,1201) O
Private TR (0019,1269) O
Private TE (0019,126A) O
Private Number Of Images (0019,1595) O
Note. Due to insertion criteria on Patient Name and Patient ID there could be situations where
duplicates of both Patient ID and Study Instance UID’s provided; for the case where
duplicated Study Instance UID’s are provided duplicated entities contain exactly same
Table 21 Response Status for Study Root Query/Retrieve Model FIND Request
Refused Out of resources A700
Failed Unable to Process C000
Cancel Terminated due to Cancel Request FE00
Success matching completed 0000
Pending Matches are continuing FF00
- 19 - E1E-BM5440
Table 22 Presentation Context Table for Move Association Request
Presentation Context Table
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Extended
Name UID Name UID Negotiation
Patient Root 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR, 1.2.840.10008.1. SCP None
Query / Retrieve 2 Little Endian 2
Model - MOVE
Study Root 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR, 1.2.840.10008.1. SCP None
Query / Retrieve 2 Little Endian 2
Model - MOVE SOP Specific Conformance for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model - MOVE
The DCserver Application Entity conforms to the DICOM Patient Root Query/Retrieve Service
Class as an SCP for the Abstract Syntax's listed in the table in section
A response is returned for each Information Object sent to the destination Application Entity
Possible response status values are:
Table 23 Response Status for Patient Root Query/Retrieve Model MOVE Request
Refused Out of resources A700
Move Destination Unknown A801
Failed Unable to Process C000
Cancel Terminated due to Cancel Request FE00
Success sub-operations completed 0000
Warning sub-operations completed, 1 or more B000
Pending Matches are continuing FF00
The attribute 0x00000902 contains a descriptive message to explain error returns. SOP Specific Conformance for Study Root Query/Retrieve Model - MOVE
The DCserver Application Entity conforms to the DICOM Study Root Query/Retrieve Service
Class as an SCP for the Abstract Syntax's listed in the table in section
A response is returned for each Information Object sent to the destination Application Entity.
Possible response status values are:
Table 24 Response Status for Study Root Query/Retrieve Model MOVE Request
Refused Out of resources A700
Move Destination Unknown A801
Failed Unable to Process C000
Cancel Terminated due to Cancel Request FE00
Success sub-operations completed 0000
Warning sub-operations completed, 1 or more B000
Pending Matches are continuing FF00
The attribute 0x00000902 contains a descriptive message to explain error returns.
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3.3.4 Storage Association Request Associated Real-World Activity
The DCserver receives an association request for storage service from a remote AE.
The DCserver stores image Information Object Instances received on the accepted
association into the database of the Hitachi MRI system.
The received Information Object Instance is stored in a database until the user of Hitachi MRI
system causes the data to be deleted. The Hitachi MRI system’s GUI application accesses
the stored data for display.
Private attributes which are not recognized as valid Hitachi MRI system’s private attribute sets
are discarded.
A response is returned for each Information Object received from the Storage SCU.
Possible response status values are:
Annex B of this document describes the validations and coercion performed on incoming
Information Objects. Failure of a validation results in the return of status C001 in the C-
STORE response message.
- 21 - E1E-BM5440 Transfer Syntax Selection Policies
The DCserver supports only the default DICOM Little-endian Transfer Syntax.
3.3.5 Storage Commitment Association Request Associated Real-World Activity
The DCserver receives an association request from a Storage Commitment SCP that did not
respond to a Storage Commitment request from the DCserver on the original association. SOP Specific Conformance for SOP Class - Storage Commitment Push as SCU Operations
A single response is returned for the Storage Commitment response from the Storage
Commitment SCP.
Possible response status values are:
In the case where the user of the Hitachi MRI system cancels a Storage Commitment request
due to a long delay in the response or due to lifetime limit, a subsequent response from the
Storage Commitment SCP will not result in the series being marked as committed. Notifications
DCserver generates a storage commitment result once it has updated, successfully or not, the
database records for the SOP Instance(s) that were committed.
In the case where the user of the Hitachi MRI system cancels a Storage Commitment request
due to a long delay in the response or due to lifetime limit, a subsequent response from the
Storage Commitment SCP will not result in a notification to the Hitachi MR system.
DCserver does not support the optional Storage Media File-Set ID and UID attributes nor the
optional Retrieve AETitle attribute in the storage commitment result.
- 22 - E1E-BM5440 Transfer Syntax Selection Policies
The DCserver supports only the default DICOM Little-endian Transfer Syntax.
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4. Print Application Entity Specifications
The Hitachi MRI system’s DICOM Print capability (HCserver) consists of only a SCU component. The
SCU portion originates associations for printing operations.
The HCserver Application Entity provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP
Classes as an SCU:
The HCserver maintains a separate association with each DICOM SCP. It releases the
association with the DICOM SCP if no operation is done on the association in a selected time
- 24 - E1E-BM5440
Table 30 Presentation Context Table for Print Request
Presentation Context Table
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Extended
Name UID Name UID Negotiation
Basic Grayscale 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR, Little 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
Print Endian
Basic Grayscale 1.2.840.10008. Explicit VR, Little 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 SCU None
Print Endian
Basic Grayscale 1.2.840.10008. Explicit VR, Big 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2 SCU None
Print Endian
Meta SOP Specific Conformance for Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta
The HCserver supports the following mandatory SOP classes which are defined under the
Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class:
The HCserver supports the following mandatory and optional SOP class attributes and DIMSE
services for the Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class.
- 25 - E1E-BM5440
Border Density (2010,0100)
Empty Image Density (2010,0110)
Min Density (2010,0120)
Trim (2010,0140)
Illumination (2010,015E)
Reflected Ambient Light (2010,0160)
Basic Grayscale Image Box N-SET Image Position (2020,0010)
SOP Class Polarity (2020,0020)
Magnification type (2010,0060)
Smoothing type (2010,0080)
Requested Image Size (2020,0030)
Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)
>Samples Per Pixel (0028,0002)
>Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004)
>Rows (0028,0010)
>Columns (0028,0011)
>Pixel Aspect Ratio (0028,0034)
>Bits Allocated (0028,0100)
>Bits Stored (0028,0101)
>High Bit (0028,0102)
>Pixel Representation (0028,0103)
>Pixel Data (7FE0,0010)
Printer SOP Class N-EVENT- Printer Status Info (2110,0020)
N-GET Printer Status (2110,0010)
Printer Status Info2 (2110,0020)
Printer Name (2110,0030)
Manufacturer (0008,0070)
Manufacturer Model Name (0008,1090)
Device Serial Number (0018,1000)
Software Versions (0018,1020)
The HCserver supports mapping of these status messages to generic messages to allow a uniform, consistent message
to its clients. The Hitachi MRI’s GUI application then represents these messages uniformly to its users regardless of
printer being supported.
- 26 - E1E-BM5440
5. Modality Worklist Application Entity Specifications
- 27 - E1E-BM5440
Table 35 Presentation Context Table for Establishing Modality Worklist Association
Presentation Context Table
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Extended
Name UID Name UID Negotiation
Modality Worklist Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2
Information Model - Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 SCU None
FIND Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2 SOP Specific Conformance for Modality Worklist Information Model - FIND
The MWL Component supports the following search keys as SCU.
Return keys supported by the MWL Component are listed in Annex C of this document. The
following return keys are copied to MR Image IOD which is generated by the Hitachi MRI
- 28 - E1E-BM5440
6. MPPS Entity Specifications
The MPPS Component of the Hitachi MRI system is capable of providing Standard Conformance to
the following DICOM V3.0 SOP Classes as SCU:
The Hitachi MRI system issues a request automatically in order to create an MPPS when the
user starts scheduled procedures. The Hitachi MRI system also issues a request
automatically in order to update an MPPS when the user finishes the scheduled procedures.
- 29 - E1E-BM5440 Proposed Presentation Context
The following table lists the Presentation Contexts offered to the MPPS SCP at the time the
Association is established. The MPPS Component does not negotiate SCU/SCP Role
Selection and assumes SCU.
- 30 - E1E-BM5440
7. Media Storage Application Entity Specification
The ARserver Application Entity provides Standard Conformance to DICOM Interchange option of
the Media Storage Service Class. The Application Profiles and Roles are listed in the following table:
Table 40 Application Profiles Supported
Application Profiles Supported Real World Activity Role Service
STD-CTMR-MOD23 and STD-CTMR-DVD- Initialize Media FSC Interchange
RAM Update Media FSU Interchange
Display Directory FSR Interchange
Copy to Local FSR Interchange
STD-CTMR-CD Write to CD-R FSC Interchange
The ARserver writes DICOM file-set (single DICOMDIR and zero or more DICOM files) to CD-R
media. The ARserver supports CD-R 640MB and CD-R 700MB.
- 31 - E1E-BM5440
7.1 File Meta Information for the Application Entity
Application AE title is set as following:
HITACHIx – where x is an index that represents device number associated with installed device
- 32 - E1E-BM5440 Application Profiles for the RWA : Write to CD-R
For the list of application profiles that invoke this AE for the Write to CD-R, see the table
named “Application Profiles Supported” in section 7.
- 33 - E1E-BM5440
8. Communication Profiles
9. Extensions/Specialization's/Privatization's
- 34 - E1E-BM5440
10. Security Profiles
As an Association Acceptor, DCserver always asks for the Association Requestor's certificate when
security is enabled, if this is set and a valid certificate is not presented, the TLS connection request
is denied.
If during an exchange of DICOM data, DCserver detects message tampering through an integrity
check failure, the Association is aborted. The provider reason will be REASON-NOT-SPECIFIED as
defined by DICOM in PS3.8; an implementation-specific reason may be used in a future version of
DCserver supports the following features of the Basic TLS Secure Transport Profile:
- support for the profile can be enabled or disabled for each DICOM SCU instantiation
- X.509 certificate in PEM format
- private key in PEM format
- certificates of trusted CAs in PEM format
- 35 - E1E-BM5440
10.4 MPPS security profile
MPPS Component provides conformance to the following Security Profiles defined in PS3.15.
- 36 - E1E-BM5440
11. Configuration
- 37 - E1E-BM5440
• Enable/disable Security Profile
• Cipher suites for the secure communications
- 38 - E1E-BM5440
12. Support of Extended Character Sets
Extended character sets are not supported.
- 39 - E1E-BM5440
Annex A
This annex details the common Information Object Definitions content transmitted and /or stored by
the DCserver Application Entity. They contain Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 attributes for conformance
to Storage Conformance level 2 defined in DICOM Part 3, Information Object Definitions PS3.3.
The table numbers in this annex match those in DICOM Part 3, Information Object Definitions PS3.3.
- 40 - E1E-BM5440
Table A-6 General Equipment Module Attributes
Attribute Name Tag Type
Manufacturer 0008,0070 2
Institution Name 0008,0080 3
Station Name 0008,1010 3
Institutional Department Name 0008,1040 3
Manufacturer's Model Name 0008,1090 3
Device Serial Number 0018,1000 3
Software Versions 0018,1020 3
- 41 - E1E-BM5440
A.2 MR Storage IOD
Table A-11 MR Image Module Attributes
Attribute Name Tag Type
Image Type 0008,0008 1
Samples per Pixel 0028,0002 1
Photometric Interpretation 0028,0004 1
Bits Allocated 0028,0100 1
Scanning Sequence 0018,0020 1
Sequence Variant 0018,0021 1
Scan Options 0018,0022 2
MR Acquisition Type 0018,0023 2
Repetition Time 0018,0080 2C
Echo Time 0018,0081 2
Echo Train Length 0018,0091 2
Inversion Time 0018,0082 2C
Trigger Time 0018,1060 2C
Sequence Name 0018,0024 3
Angio Flag 0018,0025 3
Number of Averages 0018,0083 3
Imaging Frequency 0018,0084 3
Imaged Nucleus 0018,0085 3
Echo Number 0018,0086 3
Magnetic Field Strength 0018,0087 3
Spacing Between Slices 0018,0088 3
Number of Phase Encoding Steps 0018,0089 3
Percent Sampling 0018,0093 3
Percent Phase Field of View 0018,0094 3
Nominal Interval 0018,1062 3
Heart Rate 0018,1088 3
Reconstruction Diameter 0018,1100 3
Receiving Coil 0018,1250 3
Acquisition Matrix 0018,1310 3
Phase Encoding Direction 0018,1312 3
Flip Angle 0018,1314 3
Cardiac Number of Images 0018,1090 3
- 42 - E1E-BM5440
>Series Instance UID 0020,000E 1C
>Referenced Image Sequence 0008,1140 1C
>>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150 1C
>>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155 1C
- 43 - E1E-BM5440
Graphic Layer Sequence 0070,0060 1
>Graphic Layer 0070,0002 1
>Graphic Layer Order 0070,0062 1
>Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value 0070,0067 3
>Graphic Layer Description 0070,0068 3
- 44 - E1E-BM5440
Annex B
This Annex describes the coercions and validity checks performed on Information Objects being
imported via DCserver. It also describes the insertion criteria at each level of the Hitachi MR stored
B.2 Coercions
1. Patient orientation value (0x00200020) is coerced based on the orientation vector value
(0x00200037) for MR Information Objects.
2. Image orientation value (0x00200037) is a set of orthogonal vectors. If their dot product is not
accurate to less than 10-6 and their angle is within one half of one degree of 90 degrees, the
vectors will be modified to make them accurately orthogonal (i.e. to a point where their dot product
is accurate to less than 10-6.)
3. If Pixel Padding Value (0x00280120) is present, the pixel values are adjusted accordingly.
4. Pixel data overlay bits are masked out, i.e. when overlays are embedded in upper bits of allocated
pixel data.
- 45 - E1E-BM5440
Annex C
This annex details the actual Return keys for Modality Worklist Information Model -FIND request.
Table C-1 Return Keys for Modality Worklist Information Model - FIND
Attribute Name Tag Type
Specific Character Set 0008,0005 1C
Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence 0040,0100 1
>Scheduled Station AE Title 0040,0001 1
>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date 0040,0002 1
>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time 0040,0003 1
>Scheduled Procedure Step End Date 0040,0004 3
>Scheduled Procedure Step End Time 0040,0005 3
>Modality 0008,0060 1
>Scheduled Performing Physician Name 0040,0006 2
>Scheduled Procedure Step Description 0040,0007 1C
>Scheduled Station Name 0040,0010 2
>Scheduled Procedure Step Location 0040,0011 2
>Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence 0040,0008 1C
>>Code Value 0008,0100 1C
>>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102 1C
>>Coding Scheme Version 0008,0103 3
>>Code Meaning 0008,0104 3
>Pre-Medication 0040,0012 2C
>Scheduled Procedure Step ID 0040,0009 1
>Requested Contrast Agent 0032,1070 2C
>Scheduled Procedure Step Status 0040,0020 3
>Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step 0040,0400 3
Requested Procedure ID 0040,1001 1
Requested Procedure Description 0032,1060 1C
Requested Procedure Code Sequence 0032,1064 1C
>Code Value 0008,0100 1C
>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102 1C
>Coding Scheme Version 0008,0103 3
>Code Meaning 0008,0104 3
Study Instance UID 0020,000D 1
Referenced Study Sequence 0008,1110 2
>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150 1C
>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155 1C
Requested Procedure Priority 0040,1003 2
Patient Transport Arrangements 0040,1004 2
Reason For Requested Procedure 0040,1002 3
Requested Procedure Comments 0040,1400 3
Requested Procedure Location 0040,1005 3
Confidentiality Code 0040,1008 3
Reporting Priority 0040,1009 3
Names of Intended Recipients of Results 0040,1010 3
Accession Number 0008,0050 2
Requesting Physician 0032,1032 2
Referring Physician's Name 0008,0090 2
Reason for the Imaging Service Request 0040,2001 3
Imaging Service Request Comments 0040,2400 3
Requesting Service 0032,1033 3
Issuing Date of Imaging Service Request 0040,2004 3
Issuing Time of Imaging Service Request 0040,2005 3
Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request 0040,2016 3
Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request 0040,2017 3
- 46 - E1E-BM5440
Attribute Name Tag Type
Order Entered By … 0040,2008 3
Order Enterer's Location 0040,2009 3
Order Callback Phone Number 0040,2010 3
Admission ID 0038,0010 2
Issuer of Admission ID 0038,0011 3
Institution Name 0008,0080 3
Institution Address 0008,0081 3
Institution Code Sequence 0008,0082 3
>Code Value 0008,0100 3
>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102 3
>Coding Scheme Version 0008,0103 3
>Code Meaning 0008,0104 3
Current Patient Location 0038,0300 2
Visit Status ID 0038,0008 3
Patient's Institution Residence 0038,0400 3
Visit Comments 0038,4000 3
Referenced Patient Sequence 0008,1120 2
>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150 2
>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155 2
Referring Physician's Address 0008,0092 3
Referring Physician's Phone Numbers 0008,0094 3
Admitting Diagnosis Description 0008,1080 3
Admitting Diagnosis Code Sequence 0008,1084 3
>Code Value 0008,0100 3
>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102 3
>Coding Scheme Version 0008,0103 3
>Code Meaning 0008,0104 3
Route of Admissions 0038,0016 3
Admitting Date 0038,0020 3
Admitting Time 0038,0021 3
Referenced Visit Sequence 0008,1125 3
>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150 3
>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155 3
Referenced Patient Alias Sequence 0038,0004 3
>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150 3
>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155 3
Patient Name 0010,0010 1
Patient ID 0010,0020 1
Issuer of Patient ID 0010,0021 3
Other Patient Ids 0010,1000 3
Other Patient Names 0010,1001 3
Patient's Birth Name 0010,1005 3
Patient's Mother's Birth Name 0010,1060 3
Medical Record Locator 0010,1090 3
Patient's Birth Date 0010,0030 2
Patient's Sex 0010,0040 2
Patient's Weight 0010,1030 2
Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data 0040,3001 2
Patient's Age 0010,1010 3
Patient's Occupation 0010,2180 3
Patient's Birth Time 0010,0032 3
Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence 0010,0050 3
>Code Value 0008,0100 3
>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102 3
>Coding Scheme Version 0008,0103 3
- 47 - E1E-BM5440
Attribute Name Tag Type
>Code Meaning 0008,0104 3
Patient's Size 0010,1020 3
Patient's Address 0010,1040 3
Military Rank 0010,1080 3
Branch of Service 0010,1081 3
Country of Residence 0010,2150 3
Region of Residence 0010,2152 3
Patient's Telephone Numbers 0010,2154 3
Ethnic Group 0010,2160 3
Patient's Religious Preference 0010,21F0 3
Patient Comments 0010,4000 3
Patient State 0038,0500 2
Pregnancy Status 0010,21C0 2
Medical Alerts 0010,2000 2
Contrast Allergies 0010,2110 2
Special Needs 0038,0050 2
Smoking Status 0010,21A0 3
Additional Patient History 0010,21B0 3
Last Menstrual Date 0010,21D0 3
- 48 - E1E-BM5440
Annex D
This annex details attributes for Modality Performed Procedure Step N-CREATE and N-SET request.
Table D-1 MPPS SOP Class N-CREATE, N-SET and Final State Attributes
Attribute Name Tag Req. Type Req. Type Req. Type
N-CREATE N-SET Final State
Performed Procedure Step Relationship
- 49 - E1E-BM5440
Performed Procedure Step ID (0040,0253) 1/1 Not allowed
Performed Station AE Title (0040,0241) 1/1 Not allowed
Performed Station Name (0040,0242) 2/2 Not allowed
Performed Location (0040,0243) 2/2 Not allowed
Performed Procedure Step (0040,0244) 1/1 Not allowed
Start Date
Performed Procedure Step (0040,0245) 1/1 Not allowed
Start Time
- 50 - E1E-BM5440
Sequence Item is Sequence Item is
present) present)
>Retrieve AE Title (0008,0054) 2C/2 2C/2 2
(Required if (Required if
Sequence Item is Sequence Item is
present) present)
>Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140) 2C/2 2C/2
(Required if (Required if
Sequence Item is Sequence Item is
present) present)
>>Referenced SOP Class (0008,1150) 1C/1 1C/1
UID (Required if (Required if
Sequence Item is Sequence Item is
present) present)
>>Referenced SOP Instance (0008,1155) 1C/1 1C/1
UID (Required if (Required if
Sequence Item is Sequence Item is
present) present)
>Referenced Standalone SOP (0040,0220) 2C/2 2C/2
Instance Sequence (Required if (Required if
Sequence Item is Sequence Item is
present) present)
- 51 - E1E-BM5440
Annex E
The following table specifies Modality Worklist return keys copied to MR Image IOD and/or MPPS
IOD that are generated by the Hitachi MRI system.
Table E-1 MWL Return Keys Copied to MR Image IOD and MPPS IOD
Worklist MR Image IOD MPPS
DICOM Tag Attribute Name DICOM Tag Attribute Name DICOM Tag Attribute Name
(0008,0050) Accession (0008,0050) Accession (0008,0050) Accession
Number Number Number
(0008,0090) Referring (0008,0090) Referring
Physician’s Name Physician’s - -
(0010,0010) Patient Name (0010,0010) Patient Name (0010,0010) Patient Name
(0010,0020) Patient ID (0010,0020) Patient ID (0010,0020) Patient ID
(0010,0030) Patient Birth Date (0010,0030) Patient Birth Date (0010,0030) Patient Birth Date
(0010,0040) Patient Sex (0010,0040) Patient Sex (0010,0040) Patient Sex
(0010,1010) Patient Age (0010,1010) Patient Age - -
(0010,1030) Patient Weight (0010,1030) Patient Weight - -
(0010,4000) Patient Comment (0010,4000) Patient Comment - -
(0020,000D) Study Instance (0020,000D) Study Instance (0020,000D) Study Instance
(0032,1060) Requested (0008,1030) Study Description (0032,1060) Requested
Procedure Procedure
Description Description
(0040,0002) Scheduled (0008,0020) Study Date
Procedure Step - -
Start Date
(0040,0003) Scheduled (0008,0030) Study Time
Procedure Step - -
Start Time
(0040,0006) Scheduled (0008,0015) Performing
Performing Physicians - -
Physician Name
(0008,1110) Referenced Study (0008,1110) Referenced
- -
Sequence Study Sequence
(0040,2016) Placer Order (0040,2016) Placer Order
Number / Imaging Number /
- -
Service Request Imaging Service
(0040,2017) Filler Order (0040,2017) Filler Order
Number / Imaging Number /
- -
Service Request Imaging Service
(0040,1001) Requested (0040,1001) Requested
- -
Procedure ID Procedure ID
(0040,0009) Scheduled (0040,0009) Scheduled
Procedure Step - - Procedure Step
(0040,0007) Scheduled (0040,0007) Scheduled
Procedure Step - - Procedure Step
Description Description
(0040,0008) Scheduled (0040,0008) Scheduled
Protocol Code - - Protocol Code
Sequence Sequence
(0008,1120) Referenced (0008,1120) Referenced
- -
Patient Sequence Patient Sequence
- 52 - 55 E1E-BM5440