Busn 170
Busn 170
Busn 170
(A Chartered University)
School of Management
Course Objectives
Course Grading
Course Policies
Primary Reading
• Robbins, Stepehen. P. & Coulter, M., 2010. Management. 11th ed. s.l.:Prentice Hall.
Secondary Reading
• Bateman, Thomas. S. & Snell, Scott. A., 2014. Management: Leading and
Collaborating in a Competitive World. 11th ed. New Delhi: McGraw-Hill.
Course Plan
Introduction to Management
Week 1
Management & Organization
Constraints & Challenges in Management
Week 2 The External & Internal Environment
Management in Global Environment
Managing Diversity
Week 3 Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainability
Managing Change and Innovation
Week 4
Decision Making – Assignment (Due in 6th Week)
Foundation of Planning
Week 5
Strategic Planning
Organizational Design
Week 6
Adaptive Organizational Design
Week 8 Midterm
Week 13 Presentation
Strategic Management
Week 14 Managing the Whole Firm
Introduction to Advanced Management Topics