Only French Notes
Only French Notes
Only French Notes
A dog is attacking me
rescue = secours (o soku) / o secuor
dog = chien (shhian)
help= aide (ed)
a = un(ann)
attacking me = m’attaque (matack)
4. J’aime cette couverture, parce qu’elle est chaude = I like this blanket bacause it is warm.
8. Ii y a des cerises sur l’arbre = there are some cherries on the tree.i
Cherry = cerise (sehiz)
Zero = zeho
[numeho zeho] = number zero
One = un (ahn)
[un de ceux-la, s’il vous plait] (un du sula, silvu plaigh) = one of that, please.
1 = un [ahn]
2 = deux [du]
3 = trois [tuah]
4 = quatre [kat]
5 = cinq [saingk]
6 = six [cease]
7 = sept [set]
8 =huit [wit]
9 = neuf [nerf]
10 = dix [deez]
The bed = le li
the pillow = lm
Il [eel] = He
▪ Il (eel) [he]_ se vetit (se veti) [dressed]_ d’un (don)[on a]_ costume _ blanc(blonk)[white]
Basket = sneakers
▪ Mes (meh)[my ] _basket_ sont tres (son teh) [are very] _ confortable
2. Cela = That
3. Et voici = Here you are [ee voici], et voila = ee voila [same meaning]
4. comme sa = Like this [cum sa]
5. vouloir, [vuulwa] = To want
6. Oui = Yes [vee]
7. Excusez- moi= excuse me [excuzeh muah]
8. Avez vous= you have? [aveh] [vuah]