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Leadership Evolution - The 7 Greatest Challenges for Leaders in the Next 15 Years 3
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A successful leader is not all about having a
brilliant mind; rather, it is about being able to
connect with your team members in an
emotional level. Train and develop your EQ
instead of focusing on your IQ. What are the
best ways you can do to better connect and
Leadership is an incredible responsibility, calling and opportunity. Develop the right skills and
attributes to be more prepared than ever when facing and overcoming the challenges that come
your way.
I will share with you a little more of each of these 7 challenges so that you can reflect on your
current performance and how to prepare for the future.
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As a leader, we have to find ways to create a collaborative culture in our teams in
order to innovate and improve operations. Collaboration is vital to lead a successful
path forward. Issues and internal constrains within an individual and the organization
occur when there’s no proper collaboration with processes, habits and regulations.
Therefore, the key component to innovation is through creating and developing
collaborative culture.
So, how can a leader do this? With a diverse group within an organization, how can we
maximize diversity and use it to foster development in the company? Here are some
important tips to achieve this endeavor:
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We cannot survive in the organizational arena if we, as leaders, do not promote an
environment among our team with innovation and creativity. In today’s highly
competitive market, you either innovate or fail. Processes and procedures that have
been successful in the past may be different today. Thing go obsolete very quickly. A
stubborn refusal or the inability to do something new, although signs indicate that the
old way does not work anymore, is a surefire way to fail.
A good leader possesses the ability to adapt with the changing times. This is a type of
leader in a thriving organization with cultures that foster innovation and creativity, from
team development to executive leadership. We set the tone of the culture, as leaders
and our team execute the vision.
Now, the challenge is finding the right ways and doing the appropriate approach to
foster an innovative environment in an organization. We know how important it is and
what it can do for our organization and team’s success, especially in the next years or
decade. However, we often struggle to identify a perfect strategy that works.
If you ever find yourself in the middle of this difficult situation, don’t fret. You are not
alone. For this reason, we have highlighted some of the best ways to evolve as a
leader and foster innovation in your organization.
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Nowadays, it is impossible not to be affected by all technological changes in the
organizational structure. As a leader, we should be in front of these changes and still
be in control.
Now, the challenge for leaders is to could keep up with these drastic changes and
continuous developments in technology. There’s no room for resistance. The key is to
adapt in order to effectively deal with such changes.
Allow us to present to you some ideas to maximize technological changes and use
these for your overall success.
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Today, I would like to draw your attention to a form of leadership that is increasingly
common in many organizations. This is about leading virtual teams, which have
become a fact of professional and business life. Thanks to impressive technological
advancements today, building and leading a virtual team has become possible and
more effective than ever.
However, success in leading virtual teams doesn’t come without challenges. And as a
leader, you are often faced with a number of concerns when it comes to dealing a
virtual team. These challenges and solutions will be discovered here, so read on.
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The social media, e-mail and the Internet in general help us, as leaders, to manage our
day-to-day business. However, these could also become a nightmare if we not
control how to deal with it.
Everyone is now trying to improve online presence every single day. If your company
or organization does not have at least one active social media account or doesn’t use
any online marketing tool, you’re surely behind. In today’s highly technological world,
it is very easy to connect. But how can you maximize these tools and optimize usage
of connectivity?
This digital industry requires more digital leaders who can take advantage of the
modern advances available today. Collaboration tools and social media open doors to
more extensive and faster sharing of knowledge. They also allow organizations
become more flexible and efficient. Organizations should adapt or they risk loss of
However, not all leaders are able to keep up with these massive changes and though
efforts are made to optimize usage of connectivity tools, they are not enough. This is
the real challenge. While leaders are maybe trying to learn one tool, other new
advances come in. But the process does not have to be too complicated if you have
the right guide. This is why you should definitely keep the following tips in mind:
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Managing digital native people is one of the biggest challenges for leaders in the
coming years. Technology has already permeated all aspects of their lives, instilling a
need to stay connected 24/7. Email, social media and phones established a fusion of
the social and business spheres, making the boundaries between work and life a bit
The advanced technological skills of the digital natives support them when it comes
to dealing with a plethora of information placed before them. With their mobile
working mindset and the need for more flexibility, Digital native people no longer want
to be tied to an office. Instead, they expect to work from different locations to do their
This becomes a real challenge to leaders today, and will continue to be a huge
problem in the future. Today, the workforce still has a mixture of the millennials and
the traditionalists, but things will change in the future when the business and
professional world will be filled with Digital Natives.
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Emotional intelligence is a true mark of being a good leader. The reason why other
leaders perform better than others has something to do with emotional intelligence. It
is very common to hear about the significance of a leader to have emotional
intelligence, but do you know the impact of this on our team or organization? Find out
the response to that question through reading this article up to the end.
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