VA Disability Benifits - 20230307 - 0001
VA Disability Benifits - 20230307 - 0001
VA Disability Benifits - 20230307 - 0001
What is Happening
On August 10,2022, President Biden signed the Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robinson Honoring
our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, also known as the PACT Act, into law.
This law increases eligibility to benefits by expanding lists of locations, timeframes, and presumptive
conditions related to herbicide exposure.
If you have already filed a disability compensation claim based on the PACT Act, please disregard
this letter.
Additionally, two new presumptive conditions associated with herbicide exposure have been added:
o Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
. Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure)
Fraud Prevention and Reporting Resources
o Be cautious of companies claiming to be contacting you on behalf of VA. Contact VA directly at 1-
800-827-1000 if you are unsure about the authenticity of a message you've received.
o No individual or organization may charge you a fee for filing an initial VA claim. Only VA-
accredited agents and attorneys may charge a fee to assist you with additional claims or appeals once
VA has made a decision on your initial claim.
o Use the Office of General Counsel Accreditation tool to confirm and validate accredited
representatives at a Veteran Service Organization, agent, or attorney credentials at gov/ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp.
To report suspected fraudulent activity, please contact VA's Office of Inspector General at o tli ne.
gov-.,bi g/h
Beth Murphy
Executive Director, Compensation Service
Veterans Benefits Administration
What We Need from You
o If you have nol previously submitted a disability compensation claim for your herbicide exposure-
related disability and would like to do so, please submit VA Form 2l-526E,2, Application for
D i s ab il ity C o mp e n s at ion and Re lat e d C omp e ns at i on B enefi t s.
o If yo:u have previously submitted a claim for disability compensation for your herbicide exposure-
related disability, but were not found eligible, please submit VA Form 20-0995, Deciston Review
Reqttest : S upplemental Claim.
o If you wish, you may submit additional evidence, such as medical records or a biopsy report, with
your application. For more information on herbicide exposure, please see VA's page on herbicide
exposure at Also, VA can assist you in
gathering new and relevant evidence to support your claim.
o You may have your provider complete a Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) based on your
current condition. For more information and for access to the DBQs, see
https ://
VA provides several tools to assist in electronic submission. To learn more about how to submit
documents and claims electronically, visit You
can also go directly to to digitally upload
any correspondence using QuickSubmit.
By visiting you can also check your claim status and learn about other VA benefits
If you prefer to mail your correspondence, please use the mailing address below
Compensation Benefits
Department of Veterans Affairs
Compensation Intake Center
Janesville, WI53547
Toll Free Fax: (844) 531-7818
This address serves all United States and foreign locations