Course Syllabus I

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Course syllabus

B3C & B3CE

Reinforced Cement Concrete Design I
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering
University of Aden

Course Goals: This course provides civil engineering students with knowledge required
to understand the basic concepts and steps for reinforced concrete design
elements mainly according to limit state design method

Office Hours: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Monday at Room B6213

Class Schedule: 10:20 am 12:45 pm Monday & 9:35 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday.

Text Book: - Reinforced Concrete Design, 5th edition, By W. H. Mosley, J. H.

Bungey and R. Hulse (2008).
-Reinforced Concrete Design theory and examples, 3rd edition, By P.
Bhatt, T. J. MacGinley and B. S. Choo (2009).

References: - Reynolds’s Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 11th edition ,

By C. E. Reynolds, J. C. Steedman and A. J. Threlfall (2008)
-Structural Use of Concrete, Code of practice for Design and
Construction BS8110 – 1, 2 & 3- 1997
-Loading for Buildings, Code of practice for dead and imposed loads
BS6399 – 1, 2 & 3 -2002

Grading: Attendance 5%
Homework 5%
Test I 7.5%
Test II 7.5 % -
Teaching Asist. 5% -
Final Exam. 70%

The instructor reserves the right to adjust letter grades based on individual
attendance and class participation.

Note: Students are responsible for their attendance during scheduled tests and
other graded exercises. No makeup work will be assigned for unexcused
absence unless that absence is due documents, extraordinary
circumstances beyond the student’s control. Students are encouraged to
discuss any problem issue regarding this course with instructor.

R. C. C. Design I

B3C & B3CE Even semester (2015 – 2016)

Date Course Description Homework due

Week 1 Concrete Materials and Properties

Week 2 Limit State Design & Structural Analysis

Week 3 Analysis of the section

Week 4 Singly and Doubly Reinforced rectangular Homework 1


Week 5 Flanged beams+ Test I

Week 6 Shear, bond and Torsion
Weak 7 Serviceability limit States
Homework 2
Week 8 Design of Simply Supported Beams
Week 9 Design of Continues Beams
Homework 3
Week 10 Design of Cantilever beams and corbles +
Test II
Week 11
Design for Torsion Homework 4

Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Aidroos Zain

Email: [email protected] or
Phone # 733820737 (cell),

University of Aden
Faculty of Engineering
Department: Civil Engineering Department
Program title: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering

Course Plan (Syllabus)

I. - Information about Faculty Member Responsible for the Course:

Name of Office Hours
Dr. Mohammed
Aidroos Zain
Location& Room B6213 SA SU TU TH
Telephone No. Tel. No. 7338209737 T N E U
[email protected] From
m m
E-mail To
[email protected] 12:00p
m 12:45

II. Course Identification and General Information:

1 Course Title: Reinforced Concrete Design I
2 Course Number & Code: CE
Th. Semina Pr. Tr. Total
3 Credit hours: r
3 2 1 4
Study level/year at which this course is - Third year / 2nd semester
Pre –requisite (if any): - Building Materials
5 - Statics & Strength of Materials,
- Structural Analysis I & II
6 Co –requisite (if any):
7 Program (s) in which the course is offered - Civil Engineering Department
8 Language of teaching the course: - English Language
System of Study: -
Mode of delivery: -
9 Location of teaching the course: - Faculty of Engineering campus

III. Course Description:

This course provides civil engineering students with knowledge required to understand
the basic concepts and steps for reinforced concrete design elements mainly according
to limit state design method

IV. Intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the course:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the materials and properties.
2. Analyze and design concrete sections using limit state design method
3. Design different types of beam sections for moments
4. Design different types of beam sections for shear and torsion
5. Check the serviceability (deflection and cracks) for the designed section
6. Design simply supported, continuous and cantilever beams
7. Use codes and specifications and charts

V. Course Content:
A – Theoretical Aspect:
Week Contact
Order Topics List
Due Hours
1 Concrete Materials and Properties 1 4

2 Limit State Design & Structural Analysis 1 4

3 Analysis of the section 1 4

4 Singly and Doubly Reinforced rectangular beam 1 4

5 Flanged beams 1 4
Shear, bond and Torsion and Serviceability limit
6 2 8
Design of Simply Supported, Continues &
7 4 16
Cantilever beams
Number of Weeks /and Units Per Semester 11 44

VI. Teaching strategies:

- Lectures

- Solving examples on board
- Showing 3D pictures using Data show
- Discussing practical problems in class


No Assignments Aligned CILOs(symbols) Week Due Mark

1 properties and C1, C2, 3 5
limit State
Section Analysis
2 C3, C4, C5 6 5
and design
Shear and
3 Torsion design of C1, C2, C3, C4 8 5
Beam design and
4 serviceability C3, C4, C5, C6 9 5
Design different
5 C1 – C7 11 5
types of beams

VIII. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the

Proportion of
Assessmen Method of
Week Due Mark Final
Assessment Assessment
1 Attendance 5 5%
2 Homework 4,5,8,9,10 5 5%
3 Test I 5 7.5 7.5%
4 Test II 10 7.5 7.5%
5 In class Short tests 4,5,8,9,10 5 5%
6 Final Exam 70 70%
IX. Learning Resources:
1- Required Textbook(s) ( maximum two ).
1 - Reinforced Concrete Design, 5th edition, By W. H. Mosley, J. H. Bungey and
R. Hulse (2008).
2- Reinforced Concrete Design theory and examples, 3rd edition, By P. Bhatt, T.
J. MacGinley and B. S. Choo (2009).

2- Essential References.
1- Structural Use of Concrete, Code of practice for Design and Construction
BS8110 – 1, 2 & 3- 1997
2 -Loading for Buildings, Code of practice for dead and imposed loads
BS6399 – 1, 2 & 3 -2002

3- Recommended Books and Reference Materials.

1- Reynolds’s Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 11th edition , By
C. E. Reynolds, J. C. Steedman and A. J. Threlfall (2008)

1- Course Policies:
Unless otherwise stated, the normal course administration policies and rules of the
Faculty of Engineering apply. For the policy, see: ------------------------------------
The University Regulations on academic misconduct will be strictly enforced. Please refer to
1 Class Attendance:
Student should attend at least 75% of the total contact hours of the course; otherwise
he/she will be notified to study the entire course again.
2 Tardy:
- Student is allowed to enter the class anytime saliently without disturbing
the class
- Late student will get half mark of the attendance grades
- Attendance grade will be given after the class ending.
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
- Students are responsible for their attendance during scheduled tests and other
graded exercises. No makeup work will be assigned for unexcused absence unless
that absence is due documents, extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s
4 Assignments:
- In general, one assignment is given after each chapter of the course; the student
should submit one week after the assignment is given.
- Student should submit the assigned course project one week before the end of
the semester.
5 Cheating:
- Student found cheating in the tests or copied the assignments or the course
project of his/her classmate; both of them will get Zero in the specific work.
- Student found cheating in the final exam will be considered fail in the
6 Other policies:
- The mobile is not allowed to be used during the lecture. It must turn off.

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