1 s2.0 S0306261924005117 Main
1 s2.0 S0306261924005117 Main
1 s2.0 S0306261924005117 Main
Applied Energy
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apenergy
The study investigated the effect of a CO2 tax to encourage the adoption of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
as an alternative to fossil fuels for power generation in the UK. The trade-offs of different SMR placement
policy options with respect to the competing objectives of minimising transmission losses and population risk
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, West Cambridge Site, Philippa Fawcett Drive,
Cambridge CB3 0AS, United Kingdom.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Kraft).
Received 31 August 2023; Received in revised form 15 February 2024; Accepted 27 March 2024
Available online 9 April 2024
0306-2619/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
Dataset link: https://github.com/cambridge-ca were investigated to understand the impact on the optimal placement and usage of SMRs at different carbon
res/TheWorldAvatar, 10.17863/CAM.99921 tax levels. Different assumptions about renewable power availability were explored. The study identified the
most cost-effective number of SMRs per site and optimised the power flow for cost efficiency. Regardless of
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
renewable power availability, a carbon tax in the range of £45–60/t was found to incentivise the full adoption
Carbon tax of SMRs with a levelised cost of electricity of £60/MWh versus £0–20/t at £40/MWh. The SMR placement
Placement policy influenced the performance and cost of the energy system, as well as whether a region acted as a net importer
Clean energy transition or exporter of energy. The most cost-effective solutions were achieved by balancing transmission loss and
Fossil fuel replacement population risk.
Electrical power generation
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
and total emissions, highlighting that the driving factor for nuclear employs the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA2) [34]
power is to reduce carbon emissions by replacing fossil fuels. A team to address two objectives. Objective 1 aims to minimise the capital
from the University of Regina have extensively investigated where to expenditure (CAPEX) and risk costs associated with the placement of
site SMRs in Saskatchewan, Canada. Gao et al. [25] proposed a factorial the SMRs, while objective 2 aims to minimise the demand-weighted
optimisation-based SMR siting (FOSS) method to choose where to site distance between the SMRs and centres of demand. The distance metric
SMRs within a general electricity-system framework. They considered serves as a proxy for minimising transmission losses and ensuring
the competitive relationship between CCS and SMR and showed that balanced grid operations. The demand is represented as a load on
replacing decommissioned coal-fired power plants with SMRs would each bus of the transmission grid model. The transmission distance
contribute to at least 65.6% reduction in emissions by 2045, compared and risk cost metrics chosen as indicators for SMR site selection are
to a 2018 baseline. Gao et al. [26] extended the analysis to encompass based on the criteria outlined in the studies [35–37]. The candidate
all of Canada. The approach was modified by Zhang et al. [27] to locations for the placement of SMRs were the sites of existing fossil-
integrate climate, economic and social factors to reflect the long-term fuel (68), former fossil-fuel (8) and former nuclear (6) power stations.
effects of climate change to support site selection. Liu et al. [28] further The algorithm excludes consideration of the residual value or economic
extended the approach to identify patterns of SMRs and wind farm feasibility for reusing existing site infrastructure. The reason lies in (i)
siting in Saskatchewan. The site selection algorithm was observed to the ageing infrastructure at the chosen sites and (ii) that each SMR
give priority to power stations with large capacities and independent module incorporates all essential infrastructure. The bespoke reuse
transmission grids. infrastructure would run counter to the design intent of the SMRs,
While these studies raise questions about the economic performance which is to provide an economy of scale by producing multiple units
of SMRs, the assessments vary depending on the system specifications of the same design. The optimisation was subject to the constraints
and criteria chosen by researchers including the indicators used and that no more than four SMRs could be placed on a given site and that
the scope of analysis. Clearly, these issues contribute to the debate. SMRs could not be placed on two sites that are in close proximity. The
Notwithstanding this, the ‘Ten-point plan’ [12] specifies a clear target combined capacity of four SMRs is approximately 1.9 GW, similar to the
for the introduction of up to 24 GW of nuclear capacity in the UK, with capacity of the sites considered for replacement by SMRs. The choice
SMRs identified as a key part of the plan. Rolls-Royce is developing to frame the placement problem in this way ensures that the algorithm
a 470 MW ‘UK SMR’, with an estimated capital cost (CAPEX) of £1.8 can only place SMRs in locations that have existing connections to the
billion per SMR and an estimated LCOE of £40–60/MWh over a lifespan transmission grid, and that any newly placed SMRs are commensurate
of 60 years [22]. In March 2022, the UK government begin a three-step with the capacity of the connection. At each iteration, NSGA2 identifies
generic design assessment of the Rolls-Royce SMR. The first step ran a feasible solution expressed in terms of the location of each SMR, and
from April 2022 to March 2023 and agreed on the scope and schedule the corresponding CAPEX and risk cost.
for technical engagements. The second step started in April 2023 and The second step samples the feasible solutions by taking the
will perform a 16-month assessment of the fundamental acceptability weighted sum of the two normalised objectives to give a single weighted
of Rolls-Royce SMR design [29]. So far, Rolls-Royce has identified four objective. The choice of weight allows the exploration of the effect
potential sites for deployment of the SMRs, Trawsfynydd, Sellafield, of different placement policy options. The annualised total cost is
Wylfa, and Oldbury [30]. calculated for each sampled solution
A number of questions regarding the potential deployment of SMRs ∑
𝐶OPEX + 𝐶Emissions
in the UK remain unaddressed. How many would be needed? Where 𝐶CAPEX + 𝐶Risk +
would they be placed? Are the sites suggested above sufficient? Which 𝑙=1 (1 + 𝑑)𝑙
𝐶T = , (1)
fossil fuel plants should be replaced and in what order? 1 − (1 + 𝑑)−𝐿
The purpose of this paper is to investigate what level of carbon tax 𝑑
would be required to incentivise the widespread adoption of SMRs and where 𝐶T represents the annualised total cost as a net present value
to estimate how many SMRs would be required to replace fossil fuels divided by an annuity factor. 𝐶CAPEX and 𝐶Risk denote the CAPEX and
for electrical power generation in the UK. We consider explicit carbon associated risk cost. 𝐶Risk is proportional to the population located
taxation, which directly assigns a monetary value to CO2 emissions. within a given radius of each site selected to host SMRs, where the
The study demonstrates a systematic algorithm for the optimal siting radius is proportional to the capacity of the SMRs on the site. 𝐶OPEX
of SMRs that takes into account the geospatial configuration of the and 𝐶Emissions indicate the annual operating expenditure (OPEX) and
existing transmission grid, and seeks to balance the trade-off between emission cost. The emission cost is proportional to the carbon tax,
siting SMRs away from centres of population but close to areas of which is provided as an input parameter. 𝐿 and 𝑑 are model param-
demand to minimise risk while maximising efficiency. It shows how eters corresponding to the lifespan of the SMRs and discount rate,
different siting criteria impact cost, transmission losses and the energy respectively.
independence of different regions, providing a framework to support The OPEX and emission cost for each sampled solution are deter-
future decisions. mined by an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) analysis using the 29-bus
model. The OPF calculates the optimal output from each generator,
2. Methodology the voltage magnitude at each bus and the transmission loss across
each branch in the network. This provides information to support the
Fig. 1 shows the optimisation algorithm used to assess the cost and evaluation of each sampled solution in terms of the contribution of
placement of the SMRs. For the purpose of this analysis, we consider each generator to the power mix, the stability of the system and the
SMRs with a capacity of 470 MWe at an estimated cost of £1.8 billion efficiency of power transmission. The emissions from each generator
per unit, with scenarios for an LCOE of both £40/MWh and £60/MWh, were estimated using emissions intensities from Staffell [38].
based on the nominal specifications of the Rolls-Royce design [22,31]. The second step repeats the OPF analysis for five scenarios for the
The analysis makes use of a 29-bus model of the UK high-voltage power availability of wind (W) and solar (S) power: WH SH , WH SL , WM SM ,
transmission system [32]. The model consists of 29 buses, 99 branches WL SH , and WL SL . The availabilities are categorised as high (H), medium
and 1129 generators. The results presented in this study were obtained (M), and low (L), and are determined by the maximum (H) and min-
using the 29-bus model, and cross-checked using a 10-bus model [33] imum (L) weekly average outputs, and average (M) annual outputs
to verify that they were insensitive to the choice of model. reported for wind and solar power by the Balancing Mechanism Report-
The algorithm consists of two steps. The first step selects sites for ing Service (BMRS) [2] via the National Grid: Live website [3] for 2022
the placement of SMRs. The number of SMRs is provided as an input. It (wind: 17 GW maximum weekly output, 2.89 GW minimum weekly
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
output, 8.9 GW average annual output; solar: 2.9 GW maximum weekly scenarios with SMRs that have an LCOE of £40/MWh and £60/MWh.
output, 0.25 GW minimum weekly output, 1.4 GW average output). The carbon tax penalises emissions, triggering the adoption of SMRs as
Each scenario is used to define an operational rate as a proportion the level of tax is increased.
of total capacity (wind: 23.6 GW, solar: 4.74 GW) that is applied Fig. 2(a) shows a transition window (indicated by the blue shading)
uniformly to all wind and solar generators respectively. for SMR adoption for a carbon tax in the range £0–20/t for an LCOE of
The OPF analysis allowed the output of the SMRs to vary from 0 to £40/MWh and £45–60/t for £60/MWh. SMRs are adopted gradually
90% (the normal operating point for nuclear power generation [39]) within the transition window, where the precise point of adoption
of capacity. While it must be understood that is not feasible for real depends on the specifics of each site. Beyond the transition window,
SMR operations, it is a deliberate feature of the analysis and is used full adoption of SMRs is cost-effective. The final number of SMRs is
to provide insights about the SMR capacity that is required in each sensitive to the assumptions about the availability of renewables in
location. The analysis allowed the output from generators fuelled by each scenario as should be expected, but insensitive to the cost of the
coal, oil, and natural gas to vary from 0%–90% (their normal operating SMRs. This is because the number of SMRs needed to achieve zero
point [39]) of capacity. This provides insight into the required output emissions is determined by the required generation capacity once all
from each fossil-fuelled generator as the carbon tax increases and SMRs clean energy sources have been fully used, making it sensitive to the
are introduced. Low outputs (i.e, close to 0%) indicate that a generator availability of wind and solar. Conversely, the transition window is
is no longer required (under that scenario), and that it could potentially insensitive to the assumptions about the availability of renewables, but
be considered for decommissioning. The output of the wind and solar sensitive to the cost of the SMRs. The LCOE of the SMRs influences
generators was allowed to vary up to the limit imposed by the scenario. the economic feasibility of replacing fossil-fired generation with SMRs,
However, the OPF analysis always returned solutions in which wind defining the transition window without impacting the final SMR count.
and solar operated at the prevailing upper bound. Setting a distinct The location of the transition window is therefore sensitive to the LCOE,
lower bound broadens the feasible solution space, crucial for algorithm and if the LCOE exceeds the £60/MWh value published by Rolls-Royce,
convergence by allowing output fluctuations during intermediate it- the level of carbon tax required to incentivise the adoption of SMRs will
erations. The output of conventional nuclear, hydro, and bioenergy exceed £60/t.
generators was constrained in the ranges 0%–70%, 0%–25% and 35%– The maximum cost-optimal number of SMRs varies between scenar-
50% of capacity respectively. Again, the OPF analysis always returned ios, ranging from 12–13 SMRs (5.6–6.1 GW), depending on the LCOE in
solutions at the upper bounds of these ranges, where the upper bounds the most renewable-abundant scenario (WH SH ), to 49 SMRs (23 GW)
were selected to match the average output observed in 2022 [2]. This in the least renewable-abundant scenario (WL SL ). This highlights the
treatment was necessary to facilitate the numerical convergence of the significant impact of the assumptions about the availability of renew-
OPF solver. able energy on the required capacity of SMRs. It is noteworthy that the
Full details of the model specification, model parameters, data minimum cost-optimal number of SMRs is greater than zero at a carbon
sources and sites considered by the analysis are given in the Supplemen- tax of £0/t for the combination of £40/MWh LCOE and low availability
tal Information. The analysis was implemented as part of The World of renewables. Under these conditions, SMRs have lower operating
Avatar (TWA) project, which uses a knowledge graph to provide a costs than oil, coal and natural gas generators. Some scenarios show the
principled approach to integrating data from different sources [40]. The introduction of an additional SMR beyond the transition window. This
TWA is designed such that it would be straightforward to repeat the is due to the displacement of small residual amounts of fossil fuel from
analysis elsewhere in the world. the power generation mix. The capacities involved are small relative to
the capacity of an SMR, hence a high level of carbon tax is required
3. Results before this becomes cost-effective.
Fig. 2(b) shows how the CO2 emissions reduce as the number of
3.1. Cost-optimal number of SMRs, overall cost and emissions SMRs increases. The emissions for each scenario reduce to almost
zero across the transition window. There are some residual emissions
Fig. 2 shows how the cost-optimal number of SMRs, and the corre- beyond the transition window due to power generation from biomass
sponding emissions and cost vary as a function of the carbon tax for and waste incineration, which the OPF analysis allows to persist as
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
Fig. 2. Cost-optimal number of SMRs, annualised cost and carbon emissions versus carbon tax for SMRs (weight = 0.5). Left: £40/MWh. Right: £60/MWh. Solid lines show
scenarios corresponding to the operation of an electrical system with SMRs. Dashed lines show data for scenarios corresponding to the operation of the current electrical system
without SMRs.
per the 2022 energy mix. The dashed lines show how the cost-optimal The model calculates emissions of 49.5 MtCO2 from the current
operation of the current energy system (without any SMRs and subject energy system in the WM SM scenario at a carbon tax of £30/t. This
to the same assumptions about the availability of renewables) would serves as a useful point of comparison because it corresponds to an
respond to the carbon tax. The model predicts a transition window energy mix that closely matches the average power mix in 2022 [3],
(indicated by the grey shading) where natural gas displaces coal and so allows an assessment of the model against the real energy system.
oil. Whether the SMR transition window occurs before or after this is The 49.5 MtCO2 estimated by the model is consistent with an esti-
sensitive to the cost of the SMRs. The switch to natural gas reduces mate of 49.7 MtCO2 calculated using the average power mix with the
emissions, but significant residual emissions remain after the transition same emissions intensities as the model, and consistent with officially
in the absence of SMRs. reported emissions of 53.7 MtCO2 [1]. Full details of the emissions
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
Fig. 4. Pareto front formed by competing objectives to minimise site-demand distance and investment and risk cost (WM SM and LCOE of £60/MWh). Left: 33 SMRs. Right: 10–60
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
Fig. 5. Impact of placement policy on SMR locations (WM SM and LCOE of £60/MWh).
is increased. Fig. 5(b) shows designs where SMRs are placed to balance At extreme weights, the designs become problematic. As the weight
proximity to centres of demand versus proximity to population. Fewer approaches 1, the placement of SMRs that would optimally operate
SMRs are now placed in the East Midlands, with more on the coast at low proportions of capacity becomes more prevalent, indicating
that although the designs are feasible in terms of the SMR placement
including the south and west coasts of England. Fig. 5(c) shows designs
algorithm (Step 1 in Fig. 1), they are not acceptable in other respects.
where SMRs are placed away from centres of population to minimise As the weight approaches 0, the designs become increasingly expensive
risk. SMRs are now also placed on the west coast of Scotland, causing as they move to more extreme points on the Pareto front, illustrated by
an increase in the capacity in Scotland from 4.96 to 6.86 GW. the arrow labelled (B) on Fig. 4.
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
Fig. 6. Impact of placement policy on transmission loss and net demand (WM SM and LCOE of £60/MWh).
4. Conclusions
This work shows a carbon tax transition window above which the
adoption of SMRs becomes cost-effective in place of power generation
from oil, coal and gas. The value of the carbon tax in the transition
window was insensitive to the assumptions made about the availability
of renewable wind and solar power, but sensitive to the cost of the
SMRs. A carbon tax in the range £45–60/t was observed to be required
for SMRs with an LCOE of £60/MWh, versus £0–20/t for an LCOE
of £40/MWh. Beyond the transition window, the SMR scenarios were Fig. 7. Frequently selected sites for SMR placement overlaid by population density.
always cheaper than scenarios based on the current generation mix.
Fig. 7 shows the sites and population density data [41] that were
considered by the placement algorithm, together with the sites that
They include Sellafield, Trawsfynydd and Wylfa, which were recom-
were most commonly selected for the introduction of SMRs. The com-
monly selected sites fall into two broad groups: sites in the East mended by Rolls-Royce [30], but not Oldbury. These observations were
Midlands that are close to centres of demand, and sites on the south and insensitive to the assumptions made about the availability of renewable
west coasts of Great Britain that are away from centres of population. wind and solar power and the cost of the SMRs.
W. Xie et al. Applied Energy 364 (2024) 123128
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