4.1 ERP - Manual - SRKF-U-2
4.1 ERP - Manual - SRKF-U-2
4.1 ERP - Manual - SRKF-U-2
Environment Safety
Mr. Seetharaman - MD
Any event, initiated internally or from external sources which may have negative affect towards the safety,
health and environment within or out of SRKF Integrated Management or nearby communities and
requires immediate response by the SRKF integrated management system
Response team
A nominated group of personnel within SRKF IMS which will oversee all arrangements related to an
emergency situation and organise an appropriate response to deal with those emergency situations.
The SAFE MOVEMENT of person(s) from an area of danger to an area of safety.
Fire Fighting ANNEXURE-I 1) Emergency team will be formed by the SC at the time of
Team emergency if needed.
2) Upon hearing the alarm assemble at the assembly point
3) As per the situation, reach the emergency spot.
4) Follow the instructions given by Incident controller and
carry out fire fighting operations.
Fire fighting 5) Inform Incident Controller and Site Controller in case of any
external support for fire fighting
Team 6) Assist the firefighting team
First aid 1) Report to incident controller
Team 2) Reach the spot
3) Get the first aid box ready
4) Get the medicine box, splints, stretcher etc.
5) Render first aid for the victim along with rescue team
6) Take the victim to the emergency vehicle.
7) Take care and provide first aid for the victim till he reaches
the medical attention by a qualified medical practitioner.
1) Rescue team will be formed by the SC at the time of
emergency if needed.
2) Render assistance if any victim got affected.
Evacuation 3) Move the victim with wheel chair / stretcher
Search & 4) Render assistance for first aides and transportation to
Rescue Team hospital.
1) Emergency team for this will be formed by the SC at the
Waste time of emergency if needed.
2) Use the spill kit
handling / 3) Carry the neutralizing agents like lime sand etc...
mitigation 4) Take appropriate steps to contain any acid leaks. Assist to
take shower incase of acid spill over any body.
5) Ensure / confirm the area is free from the hazardous
6) Do house keeping works and make the area ready for plant
Integrated Management System Doc.Ref: ERPM/006
Doc.Ref: ERPM/007
Integrated Management System
Emergency flow chart (SC-Site Controller/IC-Incident Controller)
First observer- Employee
All Clear
Signal Incident
investigation /
reporting to
Classification of Emergency:
Local Emergency
A Local emergency occurring at the works is one that may affect one person or one work
station which may cause a minor injury, the damage of which is short lived and in expensive to
treat. Single person can handle it.
In case of Fire-Use the correct fire extinguisher to put off the fire.
In case of small injury to humans, give First aid.
Report the incident to Shift supervisor.
Supervisor / team leader takes corrective action
A Minor emergency occurring at the works is one that may affect few persons and / or may
cause minor injuries, the damage of which is short lived and in expensive to treat. It can be
handled by 2-3 persons. No outside need required for eliminating.
Actions to be taken:
Whenever worker spots fire, he reacts to the emergency to control the fire. He takes
the following action: -
Shout “FIRE,FIRE,FIRE”!/Emergency Siren will get actuated based on Fire
Put off the Machine/Electrical Power Supply.
Inform the Shift supervisor
Reach for appropriate type of fire extinguisher!
In case of Human injury, give First aid.
Department Head carries out investigation for the cause of the Incident.
Rectify the fault.
Inform the ERT Leader/Security officer for supportive help.
Re-organize the section for commencement of normal work.
Ask the other workers to remove the flammable items and other important items from
the site.
Make sure the sand is removed and disposed off as per laid down mitigation procedure.
A Major emergency occurring at the works is one that may affect several departments within
it and / or may cause serious injuries, loss of life, extensive damage to property or serious
disruptions outside the works. This requires outside agencies help to thwart the effect.
Emergency Control Center (ECC)
The Security room will be the control room for all emergencies. The Control Room is utilized for
receiving and assessing information regarding the situation, directing the resources to incident
controllers on demand .The Control room shall be equipped with –
A security officer, well trained in emergency handling
Exclusive telephone for emergency communication.
Fire fighting equipment.
Fire extinguishers.
Internal and external telephone numbers.
Sufficient First Aid materials.
Map of emergency exits.
List of ERT Members with contact numbers
List of Nearest Fire Station / Hospital / Police Station / Blood Bank / ambulance /
Keys of all the Departments.
Personal protective gears.
Actions to be followed in case of each type of aforementioned Emergency are described below.
Aim at
Method of identifying the fire: the base
1. By Visual indication. of the
Response to Fire Alarm:
Whenever fire has occurred, inform to
Security / ERT member / shout fire, fire.
Concerned ERT should take initiative to
switch on alarm wherever there are no
sensors (smoke detectors).
1. When the fire alarm sounds, start
Evacuation by ERT Members.
2. Switch off electrical equipment (Leave Lights) and leave the room, closing the door
behind you.
3. Walk quickly along the escape route to the open air.
4. Assemble at the “Safe/Emergency Assembly point” on the Lawn.
5. Form lines of 10 Members in each line for easy count.
6. Security in charge to summon fire brigade/Hospital ambulance immediately
7. Remove all flammable materials away from the fire area
8. Reduce the concentration of oxygen near the fire where possible.
1. Inform the Incharge - Maintenance
2. Don’t operate electrical units without any instructions
3. Try to manually close the valve
4. Don’t approach to the chemicals leak area without PPE
Incharge - Maintenance
1. Rush to the spot immediately
2. Special instructions for clearing the spillage should be given
3. Appoint members (two or three) to clear the spillage
4. Inform the site controller in case of plant shutdown or complete evacuation
5. Monitor the mitigation
6. Record the incident and action taken
Preventive measures
1. While storing and handling chemicals such as having toxic, flammable & corrosive prop-
erties, various safe guards are introduced in the engineering stage itself etc., still the
chances for leaks and spills do exist. Such leaks pose risk if left unattended.
2. Chemicals depending upon the nature of hazard require different procedures to control
the emergency.
3. MSDS display at chemical storage area
Site controller
1. Inform security to press the alarm
Follow the general emergency procedure
Fire Fighting
First Aid
Get ready with all available first aid materials.
Identify the injuries and wounds suffered by the members and do proper first aid
In case of serious injuries, rush them to nearest hospital at the earliest.
Constantly be in touch with control room for better communication.
Assess the seriousness of the situation.
If the fire is identified, immediately contact nearest fire station and call for assistance.
If the expected damage to humans is beyond First Aid, immediately call for Ambulance
Alert nearest hospitals to get the hospital staff ready with necessary medicines.
Contact nearest blood banks for necessary groups of Blood.
Intimate nearest police station and seek their assistance if necessary.
Intimate press people in case of necessity.
ERT Discipline:
If a member in charge of a specific activity (as given in the list) is unavailable at the time of the
By default, the member from the next level will take charge of the activity.
The senior most members will assign the responsibilities to members down the next
level depending upon the situation.
Under no circumstances the responsibility is diluted from the ERT.
The instructions and commands of the ERT members are to be followed without fail.
ERT members hold absolute responsibility for each of the activity entrusted to them.
ERT members will reach the site of incident immediately, in case, they are deputed to
any other locations.
F. Burn Injury.:
Give first aid for the injured personnel.
Rush the affected members to the nearest Hospital for Treatment.
Inform Assistant Manager HR.
H. Food poisoning:
Give first aid for inducing Vomiting.
Rush the affected members to the nearest Hospital for Treatment.
Inform Assistant Manager HR.
I. Snake Bite.:
Assure the victim repeatedly not to worry & keep him/her calm.
Seek medical attention for anti –venom injections immediately. Call up hospital & check
if you are taking victim to a medical center that has anti venom injection.
Do not make the victim walk as this pushes the poison faster through the veins.
Apply a constructive bandage on the “Heart Side” of bite, in case of bite on limbs. This
can be done using a cloth. However make sure the bandage is firm enough to stop &
obstruct the flow of venom towards the heart.
Release bandage slightly every 10 minutes & tighten it once again to prevent complete
cut off of the blood supply to peripheral parts of limbs.
Do not cut the wound as this pushes venom deeper into the tissues. You may end up
cutting up a vein or arteryl.
Do not suck the wound as your mouth may have ulser /cuts that you have not noticed.
which will harm you. If it enters the blood, wash & flush wound with soap & water. Do
Not Scrub. If breathing stops. Start artificial breathing.
Natural Disaster
1.0 Lightning
In case of Lightning:
a) Stay wherever you are
b) Stop operating the electronic goods
c) Switch off your mobile phones
Stay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually
foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a
nearby safe place and stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is
If indoors
DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of fur-
niture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you,
cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
Protect yourself by staying under the lintel of an inner door, in the corner of a room, un-
der a table or even under a bed.
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall,
such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head
with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case,
move to the nearest safe place.
Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a
strongly supported, loadbearing doorway.
Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that
most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location
inside the building or try to leave.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn
DO NOT use the elevators.
If outdoors
Stay there.
Move away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and utility wires.
Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly
outside buildings, at exits, and alongside exterior walls. Most earthquake-related casual-
ties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.
If in a moving vehicle
Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under
buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps
that might have been damaged by the earthquake.
After an earthquake
a) All Spills.
b) Potential discharge to storm water drains.
c) Unusual emission.
Any SRKF employee or a contractor employee working on site shall notify Security
Officer by dialing 41 immediately, when a spill or unusual emission any potential
discharge to storm water drain, is seen anywhere in the site.
Security officer inform the safety officer of the plant and safety officer inform Firefighting team
and to waste handlers
If the emergency is related only to spill, Waste handlers to carry out the following spill response
plan and Security to assist.
All response not involved in the spill clean up operation will be excluded. The 8 point check list
below shall be completed by the spill response team so that the spill will be controlled,
contained and cleaned up.
a) Determine if it will effect the Health and Safety of your self and people in the vicinity
of the spill. If there is a danger to people in the vicinity of the spill, clear the immedi-
ate area and notify others working nearby. Locate and get the nearest Spill Control
b) Determine its effect on the environment (e.g. if there is risk of surface water
Get the necessary personal equipment (Gum boots, Gloves, Goggles and Mask is required)
available to deal with the spill.
Take Immediate Action
If there is an immediate risk to the health and safety or the environment and only if it is safe to
do so, take any actions possible to stop the spill if it is still occurring (e.g. close valves, turn off
equipment etc.) and contain the spill.
If the spill presents a hazard to other personal, seal off the contaminated area by means of
Identify the spillage (e.g by identifying the nature of the material). If there is doubt on how to
deal with the material, collect information from the users (by referring MSDS) / Maintenance
Manager(by referring MSDS), to enable the effective control and clean -up of the spill.
Using the booms and pillows, as applicable, to contain the spill and if
possible attempt to reduce the area. If the spill is near a drain, pit or
sewer, use booms or socks to cover the drain to prevent entry of the spill
into it. If booms, socks, pad and pillows are not available, use sandbags
to contain the spill.
Using the absorbents or sand, soak up the spill and place used products into suitable bins or
containers for disposal. Select the suitable absorbent material for use (e.g. acid, solvent or oil).
This includes, at the end, any used personal protective equipment. Ensure the cleanup is
complete. Liquids are mobile and can migrate the smallest cracks and holes in unseen locations.
Spills of acids and flammable liquids can be dangerous in these situations due to fire and
reactivity hazards they may represent.
Clean out the area surrounding the spill while still protected by personal protective equipment,
to ensure that all spilled liquids have been absorbed.
For hydraulic oil, Diesel oil, Lubricating oil, Mineral oil and coolant.
Yellow absorbent (Chemicals): for Acids, alkalis, thinner, varnish, Paint and solvents.
Seal the container and hand over the collected spilled material to waste handlers. Waste
handlers to mark the contents using hazardous waste label and move the contents to the
hazardous waste storage area.
Security who handle, this situation should respond as per the above spill response plan. They
need to report the incident with all information to Manager HR / Directorand Maintenance
If any emission related to Helium or any welding gases, shut off the valve as applicable and try
and ventilate the area by opening doors/windows/operating ventilation fan.
If any emission related to unidentified nature, Security to inform the Maintenance Manager
by dialing (refer page 5), HR Manager by dialing (refer page 5) , & Safety officer by dialing
(refer page 5) During evenings and nights shift, the Security in charge/ Night Shift Manager will
address the issue.
Maintenance Manager, HR Manager & Safety Officer will investigate the reasons for the Spill
/emission or any environmental emergency and take Corrective and Preventive action(s)
(Emergency Preparedness and response plan) and if required amend this environmental
emergency response plan as appropriate.
Approved Material Safety Data Sheets are available in the following locations
Maintenance, Stores and Quality In charges
The following transport arrangement provided for the employees to travel from their residence
to the plant and return home.
1. Buses & Vans for employees
Injured requires First Aid only or no treatment First aid shall be provided by co-employee or driver who
(OHC In charge should check the availability of First is trained for this purpose or in the nearby clinic and move
aids and ensure that the drivers are trained on First to their residence; First Aid box is available with driver.
Aid once in 2 months.)
Injured requires Out patient treatment at hospital Injured will be taken to the referral hospital and after
providing OP treatment they will be dropped at their
residence by alternate transport arrangement The list of
referral hospitals to be updated by OHC In charge once in
a month
Injured requires hospitalization Injured will be admitted in the nearest referral hospital
The list of Network hospitals should be available with
OHC and HR. The employee’s Insurance No should be
available with Main gate Security/OHC/HR for immediate
tracing and should be updated once in a month and the
nearest kin will be informed.
No Injuries Will be moved through alternate transport arrangement
Traveling route ahead affected due to They will be guided to travel in an alternate safe route
i) Collapse of any structure
ii) Processions took place by organizations
iii) Failure of Level Crossing
iv) Mob violence is taking place ahead
v) Bomb threat received
vi) Heavy rains & flooding ahead
General instructions
1. The procedure should be followed for any kind of natural disaster such as cyclone, flood, and
2. Contact with meteorological department for any warning
3. Preventive measures for servicing any emergency lights, phone connections etc.,
Site controller
4. Instruct production department to put off the Machines.
5. Turn of the power supply.
6. Move all workers to a SAFE AREA.
7. Take head count if required
8. Any one found missing, search for and bring him to SAFE AREA.
9. Close all windows and doors
10. Wait for the Cyclone passes away.
11. If any one injured, remove him for first aid
12. Check the materials and record the damages.
13. Take the account of damages
Incident controller
14. Inform maintenance for power shutdown.
15. Co-ordinate with Manager- Maintenance
Manager - Maintenance
16. Check the Electrical supply from section to section and restore the same slowly from one end.
17. Fault if any, rectify the same.
18. Major fault, inform the TNEB and with their help restore the same.
19. Make sure all emergency lights, phones are in serviceable condition.
20. Shout FIRE, FIRE, FIRE in English / Tamil
21. Switch off the power supply.
22. Inform security
23. Inform site controller / incident controller immediately
24. Inform the site controller / incident controller immediately
25. Take instructions from site controller / incident controller
26. Press the "FIRE ALARM" Button to sound the "SIREN"
27. Lock the gates of the Site and prevent the entry of outsider
28. Arrange for barricades and cover the incident area immediately
Site controller
29. Rush to the spot immediately
30. Inform security to press the fire alarm
31. Inform the fire fighting team and first aid team
32. Assess the situation of fire, if required take the external help by calling 108
33. Will report at Security Office and assume charge.
34. Appoint a runner and advise the runner, and
35. Provide necessary resource to the emergency response team.
36. Assess the nature of emergency and initiate suitable actions to control the emergency suitably
and declare onsite / off site emergency if the situation warrants.
37. Co-ordinate actions for resources required, rescue, head count, first aid, hospitalization, evacua-
tion etc.,
38. Ensure for proper dissemination of information to assembly point personnel, relatives media etc.,
39. Inform the neighboring industries if required.
40. On anticipated escalation inform off-site emergency co-coordinators
41. Seek help from outside experts if needed
42. Arrange for any mutual aid
43. Decide upon site evacuation and if decided to evacuate, ensure evacuation is complete and
44. Get the information that mitigation of emergency is completed.
45. Get the head count confirmation.
46. Ensure that the decontamination works are complete in the affected area.
47. Instruct for sounding ‘all clear’
48. Preserve evidence for further investigation
49. Comply with all statutory requirements.
50. Hold a meeting after the emergency mitigation was over to investigate and advise remedial mea-
51. Ensure all emergencies are documented and CA/PA is in place to avoid recurrence
Incident controller
52. Reach emergency spot and assess the situation
53. Communicating to SC through the runner.
54. Give appropriate instructions to the responders of the emergency.
55. Arrange shut down of plant if needed
56. Communicate requirement of additional resources to SC
57. Incase of after office hours and holidays hold charge till the site main controller (SC) or responsi-
ble person arrives at site.
58. Arrange for evacuation of persons based on the type of emergency.
59. Arrange for transporting the victims to render first aid.
60. Get the advice form SC and act accordingly.
61. Inform SC about the progress of the site control activities through runner. Arrange for safe shut
down of plant & ensure safety of people and electrical isolation of the plant.
62. Arrange for removal of ignition sources near by.
63. Depending on the site conditions, advise the fire fighting actions & precautions.
64. Advise and arrange for containment measures.
65. Ensure availability of PPE, tools and appliances.
66. Co-ordinate action on evacuation of persons.
67. Overseas activities concerning maintenance - rescue, first aid & transportation.
68. Advise appropriately in case of large spill.
69. Bring the situations under control
70. Arrange for decontamination of the affected area.
71. After mitigation of emergency inform SC to give all clear signals.
72. Preserve evidence for further investigations.
73. Attend the SC’s meeting and give the inputs to avoid such recurrences.
74. Record the recommendations and implement the same.
Incident investigation
101. Security will be assisting site controller / incident controller for incident investigation
102. Covering the incident area with Barricades
103. Obtain camera from HRD
104. Take video shoot / photo graphs of the area
105. Consult site controller and incident controller and conduct interviews
1. If it is falling, give artificial respiration – Mouth – Mouth or Mouth to Nose
1. Arrest the bleeding and protect the wound. Apply direct or indirect pressure. Cover with dressing,
apply a pad and firm bandage. Elevate. Keep at rest.
1. IMMOBILISE it with well-padded stiff support reaching the joints on either side. Apply bandages on ei-
ther side of the site and at the joints on either side support.
1. Lay him down and loosen the clothing around chest and waist. Turn head to one side. The legs
may be raised a little. DO NOT attempt to give any solids or liquids. On recovery a small quantity
of a drink may be given and allowed to sit up and move after rest.
1. If you are in doubt about the treatment DO NOT DO anything. You may do more harm.
Integrated Management System Doc.Ref: ERPM/011
(a) Loss of finger / body part
1. Inform the security
2. Inform the HR Assistant Manager /Safety Officer
3. Wait for instructions from HR Assistant Manager /Safety Officer move to respective places
Incident reporting
18. Photographs should be taken
19. Investigate the incident
20. Making incident report
Incident reporting
36. Take photographs
37. Record the investigation details
38. Record the incident in incident report
Incident reporting
56. Take photographs
57. Record the investigation details
58. Record the incident in incident report
The Safety Officer shall conduct mock drills at periodic intervals for potential
emergency incidents/situations and observe the response such as, following the
correct procedures, effectiveness of internal communication on emergency,
response time, effectiveness of the response measures and the adequacy of the
skill training of the ERT. The same will be recorded in the mock drill report form
and maintained in the mock drill register
The Safety Officer shall ensure that adequate and appropriate emergency response
equipments including PPE are available at appropriate places. All the emergency
equipments are to be maintained in good working condition and in easily accessible
M o c k Drills:
Mock drills are practical training drills conducted with imaginary and probable
scenarios that can arise within the factory premises.
Mock drills should be conducted at regular intervals in order to familiarize
i. Major spillage
ii. Pipeline leak and major fire
iii. Chemical resulting in a fire
iv. Minor electrical breakdown and resulting in fire, etc.
Extinguishers due for recharging should be used for such drills and sent for
refilling immediately. Fire alarms should be sounded and checked to alert the
people within the terminal premises and the neighbors.(Neighbors should be
intimated and warned in advance. Local fire authorities can be encouraged to
participate in these drills once in a way to make them understand the facilities
available in our factory and to train our staff the correct operating.
In case of a fire:
In the normal condition, the control panels should be maintained in “Auto Mode”
and the ring main maintained in changed condition at the stipulated pressure. In case
of fire, the nearest Hose box should be opened, hoses unwound, branch pipe
attached to the female end of the hose and the male end connected to the through the
hose. The pressure in the ring main drops to a preset value , the pressure switch
senses it and actuate the relay in the control panel and actuate the control circuit of
the starter and the fire main pump stats automatically pumping water to the ring
The Hose stream operator will direct this water jet to the core of the till the fire is
the completely put out. As soon as fire is completely put that information will be
communicated to the pump room operator and he will put the mode selector switch in
the manual mode and press the pump.
After the pumping is stopped the hydrant hoses will disconnected on the valves
will be completely closed. The ring will be recharged by the jockey pump to set the
operating pressure and once again. After that all the pumps selector switches will be
put in “Auto Mode”. This is called as a system resetting in auto mode. After the system
is reset the wet hoses will be dried and put back in their places.
In case of a panel failure or power failure the diesel engine driven pump can be
started with the help of the control panel attached to the engine.
Operators training:
On completion of the system the team of the operators will be
selected from the factory areas for operating and the maintaining of
the systems. Other member’s will be trained periodically in the form of
mock drill in a continuous basis.
Employees Two wheeler Policy:
Employee who come to the Factory using two wheeler should follow the
Rules Below
1. Max Two persons allowed to travel In Two wheeler.
2. ISI Certified Helmet mandatory for Driver and billon seater.
3. Two wheeler should have Valid RC Book and Insurance.
4. Valid Driving License is Mandatory
5. PUC Certificate is Mandatory for Petrol Operated two-wheelers.
The above said criteria is mandatory for parking in the company parking
Employees Car Policy:
Employee who come to the Factory using Car should follow the Rules
1. Max allowed person to travel in car is as per in the RC Book.
2. Seat belt mandatory for Driver and Traveler.
3. Car should have Valid RC Book and Insurance.
4. Valid Driving License is Mandatory
5. PUC Certificate is Mandatory for Petrol/Diesel Operated Cars.
The list of key persons and their contact information during and after Office
hours are given as a part of this manual.
All the emergency Information are displayed in the ECC for ready reckoning
during an emergency.
Mock drill calendar for the year of 2023-24. Refer SRKF-HSE-F-034-Mockrill
Doc. No SRKF-HSE-F-034
Mock Drill Annual Plan Rev. No 00
Rev. Date 01.04.2022
S. No Mock drill Description Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Remarks
Plant Layout
Integrated Management System Doc.Ref: ERPM/019
Sl. No Location
1 Security cabin -Main gate Pl -1 & 2
2 EB Room Pl1 & Pl.2
3 Forge shop Trimming .Pl-2
4 Shop floor-Pl.1
5 Admin office - Pl.1 & Pl. 2
Sl. No Location
1 Main gate security
Doc.Ref: ERPM/020
Integrated Management System
Annexure – I
Unit 2
Unit 1
Annexure – II
Annexure – IV
Sl. No Name Department
1 S.Mugilarasu Stores
2 M.Jai Shankar HR
3 S.Karthi Accounts
4 A.Kavitha QA
5 Upendra Sharma Maintenance
Sl. No Name Department
1 Upendra Sharma Maintenance
2 S.Karthi Accounts
3 M.Jai Shankar HR
4 A.Kavitha QA
5 S.Mugilarasu Stores
Doc.Ref: ERPM/021
Integrated Management System