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Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health

Vol. 11(3); September (2021), pp. 296–301

DOI:; ISSN 2210-6006; eISSN 2210-6014

Research Article
Global Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: A Resurgence
in North America and Europe

Romona D. Govender1, Muhammad Jawad Hashim1,*, , Moien AB Khan1, Halla Mustafa1, Gulfaraz Khan2,
Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Tawam Hospital Campus,
Al Ain 17666, UAE
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University,
Tawam Hospital Campus, Al Ain 17666, UAE


Article History We aimed to assess global trends in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Received 24 December 2020 and evaluate progress toward eradication since the inception of the pandemic. Data were extracted from the Global Burden of
Accepted 21 May 2021 Disease 2019 update and the UNAIDS Data 2019. The datasets included annual figures from 1990 to 2019 for HIV/AIDS in
204 countries and all world regions. We analyzed rates and trends for prevalence, incidence, mortality and disability adjusted
Keywords life years. Analysis of age and gender distribution in different regions was used to assess demographic changes. Forecasting was
HIV used to estimate disease burden up to 2040. Although many countries have witnessed a decrease in the incidence, for Russia,
AIDS Ukraine, Portugal, Brazil, Spain and the United States, the rates of new cases are rising since 2010. This trend is present even
epidemiology in age-standardized analysis, indicating a rise in excess of population growth. Over 0.5% of the world’s population is infected.
disease burden About 5000 new infections occur daily, of which 500 are children. Mortality rates are falling globally; currently at 11 deaths per
prevalence 100,000 population, forecasted to decrease to 8.5 deaths by 2040. Prevalence continues to increase, with South Africa, Nigeria,
Mozambique, India, Kenya and the United States having the highest burden. The total number as well as the rates of new HIV
infections are rising every year in Europe, South America, North America and other regions over the last decade. Maternal-to-
child transmission continues at high rates despite effective preventive regimens. There is an urgent need to develop programs to
curb the rising incidence of HIV.

© 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (

1. INTRODUCTION not materialized due to high prevalence of HIV and limited access
to antiretroviral therapy among key populations [4]. HIV spread
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune proved to be multifactorial with social factors playing an import-
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continue to be a major global health ant role [5,6]. HIV testing had to adhere to the ethical principles
tragedy despite intense efforts in international and local initiatives protecting patient confidentiality and this together with stigma and
to address the pandemic. In 2001, the United Nations held a Special discrimination may have hidden the disease in many societies and
General Assembly where it was accepted that HIV/AIDS was a still continues to do so [7]. Developing countries particularly those
global public health crisis and the decision was made to inten- in Africa were not geared to handle the burden that HIV/AIDS
sify international action and mobilize resources to fight the pan- imposed on their fragile health systems [8]. This was not the only
demic. The millennium development goal six of the Millennium reason for the outbreak to become a pandemic. Preventive measures
Declaration of 2000, initiated a concerted global effort to tackle the such as condom use, prevention of mother-to-child transmission,
growing epidemic of HIV/AIDS [1]. After two decades and US$ voluntary male medical circumcision and community awareness
109.8 billion in donor funding [2], the global community needs to campaigns have been less successful than anticipated perhaps due
re-evaluate progress across world regions. to unaddressed systems issues [9]. Antiretroviral therapy had more
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and thus it was anticipated that
Although antiretroviral treatment (ART) has reduced AIDS-
the incidence and mortality will decrease. Preexposure prophy-
related deaths, access to therapy is not universal, and the prospects
laxis, viral suppression leading to the concept of ‘Undetectable =
of curative treatments and an effective vaccine are still uncertain.
Untransmittable’ (U = U), and antenatal regimens were expected to
It has been argued that prevention and awareness programs may
further reduce the transmission of the virus [10,11]. HIV infections
prove to be more a viable approach [3]. However, these hopes were
vary by regions, even within countries [12,13]. These variations in
HIV prevalence have important implications in the efforts to bring
HIV pandemic under control. In this study, we intend to character-
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Data availability statement: All data relevant to the study are included in the article and ize the epidemiological trends of HIV/AIDS globally from 1990 to
available online at 2019 during a time of changing antiretroviral therapy.
R.D. Govender et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 11(3) 296–301 297


Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency

syndrome epidemiological data were analyzed from Global Burden
of Disease (GBD)-2019 as well as UNAIDS Data 2019. The latter
is a comprehensive and authoritative report released recently [14].
UNAIDS provides country level data from 1990 to 2019, accessible
at It includes data on key populations as
well as for global and regional trends. Based on officially provided
national data from sentinel surveillance and routine HIV testing,
the UNAIDS Data generates prevalence and mortality estimates
using modelling techniques with specific parameters [15].
The GBD data for HIV/AIDS (coded as A.1.1 in GBD) were
obtained from the Institute of Health Metrics Evaluation (IHME),
University of Washington (downloaded from IHME database in B
late 2020). These estimates are part of the GBD study and include
annual estimates from 1990 to 2019 for all countries and regions
[16–18]. GBD provides a systematic quantification of incidence,
prevalence, disability and mortality caused by HIV across different
countries [19]. GBD health metrics are compiled from several pri-
mary sources including research studies, government reports and
hospital registries, as well as UNAIDS Data. Estimates are gener-
ated by sophisticated modeling techniques that take into account
data availability, accuracy and reliability [20]. GBD differs from
UNAIDS Data as it modifies its estimates to fit within the ceiling of
total deaths within each region [21].
We reviewed the incidence, prevalence, Disability Adjusted Life
Years (DALYs) and mortality rates for HIV/AIDS from the most
recent update by GBD. Being based on premature death and dis-
ability, DALYs provide a more accurate picture of human suffer- Figure 1 | Epidemiological trends in HIV/AIDS. (A) Rising rates
ing than prevalence or mortality. The total number of cases as well indicating a resurgence in Western Europe and the US*. (B) Falling
as rates per 100,000 population were used to compare the burden mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa. *Mean of incidence rates for
across different countries. Forecasting was conducted using the Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany and the US. Age-standardized rates were
GBD Foresight analytical tool. Age-adjusted rates were used in used to adjust for changes in population structure over time.
evaluated temporal trends to remove effects of alterations in pop-
ulation age structure due to migration and changes in birth and
indicating an effect above and beyond natural population increase.
death rates.
The incidence rates are forecasted to continue rising for the next
two decades, reaching approximately 25 new cases per 100,000 in
the US (
In contrast, South Africa, Kenya and other African countries have
3.1. Incidence witnessed a steady decrease. After a rapid rise from 1990 to 2000,
the incidence of HIV/AIDS in South Africa decreased dramati-
Human immunodeficiency virus incidence showed a resurgence cally until 2005, later on the rate of decline in incidence was slower.
over the last decade in certain regions, including North America, Substantial fall in incidence rates have also been observed in China
South America, Oceania (Western Pacific) and Europe (Figure 1A). and the Indian Subcontinent (South Asia) over the last two decades.
For instance, countries such as Spain and Portugal have rising rates Despite the falling rates, sub-Saharan African nations still sustain
of newly infected cases since 2010 (Figure 2). In the US, the inci- the world’s highest numbers of new infections by far.
dence rate rose from 15.6 new cases per 100,000 in 2010 to 21.0
cases in 2019. Total number of new infections in the US increased
from 48,175 per year in 2010 to 67,000 persons contracting the 3.2. Mortality
virus in 2019 (in addition to pre-existing cases). This increase
has been consistently rising for more than a decade. The rate of Mortality rates have decreased from a peak in 2005, globally as well
rise is alarmingly high in Russia, Portugal, Ukraine and Brazil. as in sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 1B). This decline started earlier (in
However, there has been a gradual reversal of this trend in Russia the mid-1990s) in countries with more developed health systems,
and Ukraine over the last 5 years. Other countries with rising inci- such as Brazil and the US. The dramatic fall in deaths due to AIDS
dence rates include Kazakhstan, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Australia in Haiti is notable. In terms of total number of deaths, Nigeria,
and Caribbean island nations such as the Bahamas. This rising South Africa and Mozambique sustained the greatest burden, fol-
trend is present even when age-standardized rates were analyzed, lowed by countries such as India, China and the Russian Federation
298 R.D. Govender et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 11(3) 296–301

A B (from 1990 to 2019 respectively). However, this pales in compari-

son to South Africa’s meteoric rise from 354 to 14,251 per 100,000
over the same period. Regional distribution of the burden of HIV/
AIDS is heavily concentrated in central and southern African
countries such as Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe
and Namibia (Figure 3).

3.4. Burden of Suffering (DALY)

The true burden of this pandemic is more accurately reflected by
DALYs (Table 1). Here again, several African countries from the
central and southern regions show the highest burden of disability
and premature deaths from AIDS related complications.

3.5. Age Distribution

Incidence rates of HIV show a bimodal distribution with
peaks in infancy and young adults, corresponding to perina-
tal transmission and sexual/needle-sharing routes, respectively
(Figure 4A). Ages with the highest incidence rate, after infancy,
were the 20–39-year-old group (Figure 4A). According to
UNAIDS Data, about 5000 new infections occur daily, of which
500 are children. Young women (15–24 years old) in sub-Saharan
Africa are particularly susceptible. The ageing of HIV posi-
tive individuals due to improved survival with ART was appar-
ent when comparing prevalence rates from 1990 and 2017
(Figure 4B). The modal age increased from 25–30 to 35–40 years
old age groups, respectively. Globally, females have higher preva-
lence rates while males have greater mortality rates. The incidence
of new cases is similar in both genders. This pattern is present in
countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe. However, in Brazil,
Western Europe and the US, prevalence, incidence and mortality
are all higher amongst males.

Figure 2 | Rising HIV incidence rates (per 100,000 population) over the
last decade in selected countries. (A) Italy. (B) Portugal. (C) Argentina.
(D) Spain. (E) United Kingdom. (F) United States.

due to their large overall populations. Forecasting indicates that the

current rate at 11 deaths per 100,000, will continue to decrease to
8.5 deaths by 2040. However, an upward trend is possible in a worst
case scenario.

3.3. Prevalence
The global burden of HIV/AIDS was 36.9 million cases in 2019,
corresponding to 0.5% of the world’s population, with a prevalence
rate of 476 cases per 100,000. Global HIV prevalence showed a
peak in 2005, decreasing for 5 years and then regaining a rising
trend since 2010 (possibly due to increased survival with ART).
Currently, prevalence is rising globally as well as in countries such
as South Africa, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Germany
and the United States. Both gross and age-standardized rates are
rising in these countries indicating that this is well in excess of
natural increase due to population growth. Portugal stands out Figure 3 | Geographical distribution of HIV/AIDS in Africa, ages 15–49
with a rapidly rising prevalence rate, from 86 to 370 per 100,000 years, 2017. Source: IHME, Local Burden of Disease – HIV, 2017.
R.D. Govender et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 11(3) 296–301 299

Table 1 | Disease burden of HIV/AIDS A

The burden
Prevalence rate of human
Total number
Region (per 100,000 suffering (DALY
of cases
population) per 100,000
Global 476 616 36,848,000
Europe 254 198 2,155,000
Germany 94 27 80,000
France 155 40 103,000
Italy 160 54 96,000
Spain 225 79 103,000
Netherlands 123 22 21,000 B
Switzerland 257 37 23,000
Russia 776 730 1,138,000
United Kingdom 196 30 132,000
Asia 100 157 4,538,000
China 39 98 551,000
India 131 187 1,826,000
Japan 36 7 46,000
South Korea 56 17 30,000
Australia 70 17 17,000
Americas 391 273 3,953,000
United States 531 127 1,743,000
Canada 253 49 92,000
Brazil 411 373 891,000
Africa 1990 2731 26,167,000
South Africa 14,251 13,821 7,922,000
Lesotho 17,883 27,335 374,000 Figure 4 | Age distribution of HIV/AIDS worldwide. (A) Incidence.
Botswana 15,007 12,406 351,000 (B) Prevalence.
Namibia 8546 8472 205,000
Zimbabwe 8175 7824 1,227,000 2010. Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Argentina and Portugal have wit-
Mozambique 7977 13,894 2,355,000 nessed even higher rates. Although, the underlying reasons for this
Zambia 6711 7467 1,224,000 trend are not clear and need further public health research, a study
Kenya 3329 5448 1,672,000
by Murray et al. postulates that a slowing down of the impact of
Uganda 3323 3114 1,367,000
Tanzania 2650 2715 1,503,000 public health HIV intervention programs may explain the increas-
ing trend notably among Men having Sex with Men (MSM) [19].
Notes: Selected countries shown in this table (all countries were included in the analysis).
A study conducted in Portugal investigating the drivers for the
Data source: Global Burden of Disease, 2019.
increased HIV transmission rates, identified MSM and transmis-
sion of drug resistant strains of HIV as important contributors [24].
4. DISCUSSION In 2016, Portugal had one of the highest diagnosis rates of HIV in
Europe [17]. Other studies in Europe, Brazil and the US indicate
The key finding from this study is the rising incidence of HIV in that young MSMs are disproportionately represented in new HIV
certain countries in Europe, North America and South America. transmissions [25]. In the United States, new HIV infections have
This alarming finding indicates a resurgence of the epidemic over been attributed mostly to key populations such as MSM, followed
the last decade. by heterosexual contact, and to a lesser extent to injection-drug use
[26,27]. In Spain, among newly diagnosed persons, the majority
We found global trends that indicate considerable progress in
were aged 25–34-year-old males [28]. Indeed, no region or coun-
curbing the HIV/AIDS pandemic worldwide. AIDS mortality is
try in the world has reached their 2020 target [15]. The hopes of
decreasing in most regions of the world, which is a remarkable
ending the AIDS epidemic in the near future are cast into doubt
achievement. HIV incidence reached a peak in 1998 with a rapid
with this resurgence.
decline until 2005 and thereafter the graph showed a gradual and
steady decline over time. Even countries like South Africa, which Successful treatment regimens of ART are shifting HIV into a
is an epicenter of the pandemic, showed a decline in incidence chronic disease. An increasing number of people receiving ART
rates. Much of this success may be attributed to primary and have near normal life-expectancy, resulting in more PLHIV expe-
secondary prevention programs, condom availability [22], male riencing other chronic diseases. A major public health implication
medical circumcision [23], pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and is that HIV-related healthcare needs will increase, placing a rising
ART particularly for HIV-positive mother-to-child transmission. burden on health systems. Yet, an estimated 17.2 million individu-
These concerted initiatives are funded by local governments as als with HIV are not receiving ART [29]. Of those receiving ART,
well as international donors and charitable foundations [2]. viral suppression is achieved in only 44%.
However, despite the global decline in incidence rates of HIV, Despite these global efforts to scale up prevention and treatment,
countries like the US and Spain show rising incidence rates since the picture in sub-Saharan Africa remains that of an uncontrolled
300 R.D. Govender et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 11(3) 296–301

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