A New Conservative Treatment of Osgood Schlatter.19
A New Conservative Treatment of Osgood Schlatter.19
A New Conservative Treatment of Osgood Schlatter.19
Schlatter Disease
wCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdtwnfKZBYtws= on 07/05/2024
FIGS. IA-1C. The infrapatella strap as worn by a patient; the patella and joint line are outlined:
(A) front view; (B) rear view; (C) side view.
during which time he obtained relief by us- We found the infrapatella strap accept-
ing the strap to enable continued normal able among school children who are usually
activities. reluctant to wear cylinder casts or posterior
splints. It was particularly welcome as a
DISCUSSION form of treatment in bilateral cases.
The exact mechanism whereby the infra- While it is true that successful treatment
patella strap relieves the pain of chondro- has been reported using steroid injection,
malacia and other patellofemoral distur- this procedure is not without risks and should
bances is not yet understood. The most likely be avoided wherever p o ~ s i b l e .We
~ believe
explanation is that it works by lifting the that our infrapatella strap provides a very
patella slightly forward and slightly proxi- satisfactory alternative.
mally, thus relieving pressure against the
~ . ~the case of Osgood-Schlatter
f e m ~ r . In SUMMARY
disease, however, it appears to work by di-
minishing the pull of the quadriceps mech- Osgood-Schlatter disease, a disorder in-
anism against the inflamed insertion of the volving the growing tibial tuberosity, is a
patella tendon into the tibial tubercle. In this condition that causes pain, swelling and ten-
situation the strap appears to act as a derness. The pull of the ligamentum patella
damper, absorbing some of the pull of the on the tibial tuberosity may account for the
quadriceps mechanism. This is somewhat symptoms. An infrapatella strap that had
analogous to the effect of the forearm band been effective in treating patellofernoral dis-
advocated by Froimson3 for treatment of orders was found to benefit this condition as
tennis elbow, except in that case the tension well. A success rate of 79.1% was achieved
is diminished on the inflamed origin of the in treating 24 knees in 17 patients. The de-
common extensor muscles rather than on vice has a high level of patient acceptance,
insertion. particularly in bilateral cases where the
Number 158
July-August 1981 The lnfrapatella S t r a p 128
X-ray evidence
Knee of Osgood-
Patient Sex Age involved Schlatter disease Treatment Duration of trealment Results
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