Ledership Traning Class
Ledership Traning Class
Ledership Traning Class
January 23, 2022
Jeanellie Avelino and Ojobo S.
In this article, you’ll find 15 leadership training topics that can
help new, existing, and aspiring leaders in your business develop
competencies and improve their leadership skills, qualities, and
This way, they can become the kind of great leaders that their
team truly respects and genuinely wants to follow.
Read on to learn more about leadership development examples
and effective leadership topics that can help your organization’s
management flourish in their leadership roles.
1. Communication skills
The ability to communicate effectively is a key skill and one of
the competencies that marks a good leader, which is why this
leadership training topic should be a priority for your leadership
training or workshop. Playing the role of someone who is
followed by others, leaders must know how to present their
ideas with clarity, share new knowledge with a broad set of
audience, and give direction to their team. To be a good
communicator, it is also integral for them to master the art of
listening. Whether it’s about the problem-solving for team
members’ concerns, feedback, or new ideas, effectively listening
to them can help leaders open their minds and fully understand
their perspectives. Leaders who can communicate and listen
well to their followers show effective sports leadership and
breed relationships of trust and loyalty, which is a critical
component of any business’s success.
EdApp has a range of free microlearning courses that can help
leaders in your organization strengthen their communication
skills. Their course on Effective Communication taps into
different strategies to improve communication skills when
speaking with someone directly, whether in public or virtually.
They also offer this course about Speaking with Confidence,
which highlights the communication skills needed by leaders in
order to speak as fluently and confidently as possible. As a key
hallmark of all EdApp courses, all lessons are delivered in bite
sizes, which makes them easier to comprehend and follow. Plus,
it will only take leaders a few minutes to complete them, which
is perfect for their busy schedules.
2. Leading under pressure
Leaders have a lot of responsibilities resting on their shoulders.
From problem-solving, making decisions, and motivating their
team, they face a great amount of stress and pressure. Before
they break down and fall into a panic mess, it would be highly
beneficial that you teach them the ropes on how to lead
effectively under pressure. Help them develop the mental and
emotional strength they’ll need to overcome crises and any other
high-pressure situations that may come their way.
3. Time management
Another essential leadership training topic that training
managers should focus on is time management. Leaders,
whether we like it or not, usually have too many things to deal
with or worry about. By initiating this training topic, you can
encourage them to work smarter, and not harder. The idea is to
help them work on their management skills to produce more
sustainable and high-quality work in less time for maximum
effectiveness. After all, overworking is not and should never be
a standard of good work. Bear in mind that great leaders who
know how to effectively manage their time, both personally and
professionally, are more likely to make better decisions, perform
consistently, and positively impact their team members.
EdApp’s The Ultimate Guide to Personal Productivity can be
used by leaders to learn how to manage their overcrowded
schedules and get more things done on time. This training
course contains a combination of bite-sized lessons and gamified
quizzes, which makes it more fun and motivating to take than
leaving them with a thick pile of modules to read.
Online learning platform Coursera also offers a great time
management course on Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time
Management for Personal & Professional Productivity. This
online course aims to help professionals, such as team leaders,
overcome hindrances to effective time management and
influence them to maintain a balance between their work and life
schedules. This course will take learners about 10 hours to
finish, which is not exactly ideal for those with short attention
4. Conflict resolution
Workplace conflict is something that even great leaders can
never escape from. When handling a team with varying
perspectives, beliefs, and priorities, there will always be days of
disagreement and opposition of interests or ideas, and some
might even lead to some heated arguments. But rather than
fearing them, learning how to resolve conflicts can transform
such catastrophic situations into growth opportunities and even
foster stronger relationships among team members. These
interpersonal skills don’t come easily to others, but they can be
learned and mastered through consistent training and learning.
5. Employee engagement
Needless to say, discussing employee engagement must also be
prioritized in your leadership training programs. Leaders are
responsible to ensure that their teams remain passionate and
committed to their jobs so that they can give their very best all
the time. Other than that, keeping their team members engaged
can also lead to work satisfaction and increased interpersonal
skills. As we all know, employees who are genuinely happy and
well pleased in their team tend to stay longer and actively
participate in advancing organizational goals.
However, ensuring consistent employee engagement is easier
said than done. Lend your team leaders a helping hand by
introducing them to different strategies they can adapt to
stimulate engagement with their employees. Apart from
discussing this training topic with them, it is also a good idea to
recommend employee engagement tools that they can use to
engage their teams. Like EdApp’s gamification tools, which can
transform their team assessments in the form of smartphone
games, like jeopardy game, elevator game, letter jumble,
memory game, and more.
6. Motivating and influencing your teams
Hiring the best talent in the industry is only the tip of the
iceberg. To get the best results for your organization, teams need
guidance and support from good leaders who can motivate and
influence them to give their best performance on a daily basis.
With this in mind, you might want to consider sharing manager
soft skills with your company’s team leaders and managers on
how they can better play the role of motivating and influencing
their team.
7. Effective feedback
Effective feedback is an essential part of competent leadership.
While it’s not an easy thing to do, giving feedback shines a light
on the company’s significant performance issues and directs
employees in the right direction. Without it, everyone will be
left guessing about their performance, which can stall the
success of the entire organization. Feedback is also a
cornerstone of a healthy team relationship. If done correctly, it
can motivate employees to follow their leaders and improve
their performance without a hint of doubt.
Although it is impossible to control how others respond to
feedback, leaders can raise the likelihood that their critiques will
be heard and followed rather than ignored and rejected. This
skill can be learned and perfected over time through training.
EdApp has put together a microlearning course on Giving
Effective Feedback, designed to help leaders grow and improve
their feedback abilities and grow trusting relationships with their
team members. In this module, your learners will discover the
what, why, and how of giving effective and impactful feedback,
backed by some examples that they can use as a guide when
talking with their underperforming employees.
8. Delegation
Delegation is another core function of leadership and a
management skill to have, which is why it is also integral to
include this leadership training topic in your training or
workshop. Leaders, in particular, should know how to properly
assign tasks to the right people and then trust them to deliver
quality results. The effectiveness of this skill is significantly
linked to proper time management, as it will allow them to
accomplish more things in less time. It also fosters engagement,
effectively influencing the rest of their team members to put
more effort and commitment into their work. As per John C.
Maxwell in his book Developing the Leaders Around You, “If
you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you
want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to